Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Discovering Roots: A Journey Through Family and Time
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Story Transcript:
Zh: 阳光透过图书馆的大窗户,洒在刘伟的脸上。
En: Sunlight streamed through the large windows of the library, casting its glow on Liu Wei's face.
Zh: 他坐在窗边,看着外面的樱花树,心里满是忧伤。
En: Sitting by the window, he looked at the cherry blossom tree outside, his heart filled with sadness.
Zh: 他的新家就在附近,因为父母离婚,他搬到了奶奶家。
En: His new home was nearby, as he had moved to his grandmother's place after his parents' divorce.
Zh: 这个春天,他特别想念过去的生活和朋友。
En: This spring, he particularly missed his past life and friends.
Zh: 刘伟是个内向的少年,但他也很有思想。
En: Liu Wei was an introverted teenager, but he was also very thoughtful.
Zh: 他知道清明节快到了,这是个祭拜祖先的日子。
En: He knew that the Qingming Festival was approaching, a day to honor one's ancestors.
Zh: 他很好奇自己的家族历史,却不敢问奶奶。
En: He was curious about his own family history, yet didn't dare to ask his grandmother, fearing that it might bring up painful memories for her.
Zh: 他怕奶奶会想起伤心的往事。
En: In search of answers, he decided to start at the public library.
Zh: 为了寻找答案,他决定先从公共图书馆开始。
En: In this quiet room, ancient scrolls coexisted with modern books, as if to tell him that the past and present could coexist.
Zh: 在这个安静的房间里,古老的卷轴与现代的书籍相依,仿佛在告诉他,过去与现在是可以共存的。
En: There were many books about family history on the shelves.
Zh: 书架上有很多关于家族历史的书籍。
En: Liu Wei flipped through one and then another.
Zh: 刘伟翻翻这本,看看那本。
En: He was deeply drawn to one of them, which talked about a family sharing the same surname, Liu.
Zh: 他被其中的一本深深吸引,书中讲的是一个同姓刘的家族。
En: He discovered that his ancestor had once been a highly learned Confucian scholar, a finding that surprised and excited him.
Zh: 他发现,自己的先祖竟然曾是个学识渊博的大儒,这让他感到意外又兴奋。
En: With this discovery, Liu Wei gathered his courage.
Zh: 带着这个发现,刘伟鼓起勇气。
En: He decided to participate in the ancestral rites and go with his grandmother to visit the gravesite.
Zh: 他决定参加祭祖活动,和奶奶一起去扫墓。
En: On the day of the Qingming Festival, they arrived at their ancestors' burial ground.
Zh: 清明节那天,他们来到祖先的墓地。
En: As his grandmother gently cleaned the tombstone, she softly recounted stories of the past.
Zh: 奶奶一边擦拭墓碑,一边轻声讲述过去的故事。
En: Listening intently, Liu Wei felt his heart gradually calm down.
Zh: 刘伟认真聆听,心里渐渐平静下来。
En: After the ancestral rites were completed, his grandmother held Liu Wei's hand, her eyes full of affection.
Zh: 祭拜完毕,奶奶握住刘伟的手,眼中满是慈爱。
En: Liu Wei smiled slightly, feeling a long-lost sense of connection.
Zh: 刘伟微微一笑,心中感到了一种久违的联系感。
En: He realized that behind him lay a long and rich family history, and he was no longer alone.
Zh: 他知道,自己的身后有一个悠久而丰富的家族,他不再是孤单的。
En: On the way home, a gentle breeze blew, and cherry blossom petals fell like rain.
Zh: 在回家的路上,微风轻拂,樱花瓣如雨般飘落,刘伟感到一种从未有过的平和。
En: Liu Wei felt a new sense of peace he had never experienced before.
Zh: 他的生活虽然有了改变,但他对这一切更加开放。
En: Although his life had changed, he was more open to all of it.
Zh: 他与奶奶之间的纽带也更为紧密,家族的历史像是给了他一个坚实的依靠。
En: The bond with his grandmother also grew stronger, and the history of his family offered him a solid support.
Zh: 这个春天,他找到了属于自己的地方和故事。
En: This spring, he found his place and his story.
Vocabulary Words:
- streamed: 透过
- casting: 洒
- introverted: 内向的
- thoughtful: 有思想的
- approaching: 快到了
- honor: 祭拜
- ancestors: 祖先
- curious: 好奇
- ascertained: 发现
- participate: 参加
- ancestral: 祖先的
- rites: 活动
- gravesite: 墓地
- recounted: 讲述
- listening intently: 认真聆听
- gradually: 渐渐
- calm: 平静
- affection: 慈爱
- connection: 联系感
- long-lost: 久违的
- breeze: 微风
- solid support: 坚实的依靠
- scholar: 大儒
- curiosity: 好奇心
- coexist: 共存
- scrolls: 卷轴
- past life: 过去的生活
- divorce: 离婚
- rich: 丰富
- solid: 坚实
- Show
- Channel
- FrequencyUpdated Weekly
- PublishedMarch 18, 2025 at 10:46 PM UTC
- Length13 min
- RatingClean