71 episodes

A map for helping you and those around you to be a zenith during chaotic times.


The Official Substack Of Brandon Richey Podcast Brandon Richey

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A map for helping you and those around you to be a zenith during chaotic times.


    The Crucible For Change

    The Crucible For Change

    The Official Substack Of Brandon Richey is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

    If history is a guide, then, presidential greatness only occurs in the crucible of major crises. If Islamic terrorists detonated a nuclear bomb in New York or Washington, or if an American attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities generated a widespread war in the Middle East, then the conditions would exist for the display of presidential greatness.
    --Joseph J. Ellis
    This is a story of strength and muscle from both the perspective of an individual body’s anatomical structure, as well as how this functioning model of strength and muscle parallels the function and existence of a civilized society. You see if you didn’t already know my background comes from being a self-employed fitness professional serving as a strength and fitness coach now for over twenty years. 
    During this span of two decades I’ve worked with and trained everyone from the novice to professional athletes such as football, baseball, and fighters competing in the combat sport of MMA. 
    I only wanted to clarify this about my background upfront to give you some context as to why I’m able to offer this insight in regards to the function of your body’s muscular system and from there demonstrate how to make the connection of how your body’s function is similar to that of the function of society at large.  
    In fact, the two are so similar that they basically mirror one another in both scope and result. 
    So what exactly am I talking about? 
    Well I’m going to come back to that, but first did you realize that quote that I led this episode off with was published in an article by CNN back in 2012, yet how chilling is it that we’re faced with a similar scenario it describes minus the nuclear bomb being detonated in New York or Washington. Thank God for that at least for now.  
    However, that nuclear bomb is being pursued by the very terrorists he describes in the quote with Iran being right on the verge of cracking the code to achieve nuclear power status. The even crazier reality is that the current regime in the White House now (Biden) along with the one that occupied the White House back in 2012 (Obama) at the time this article was published helped to finance this very pursuit of the nuclear bomb by Iran. 
    The war itself has already kicked off and the world is completely destabilized due to the apparent mass infection of evil Global Communists that have infiltrated the governments of every major super power throughout Western Civilization. 
    This current disastrous dilemma would be the most shockingly horrible news imaginable to receive if you had suddenly awakened today from a cryogenic sleep from 1985 which was a time here in the U.S., and the world at large, where we lived in a completely opposite world than the one we find ourselves living in now. 
    The only good news described in that quote is the potential for presidential greatness to occur in the crucible of a major crisis and thankfully we already have a great President in Donald J. Trump…as long as we don’t allow the election to be stolen come November. 
    We are living in a Fourth Turning and the thing that many people are realizing more and more is that the election coming here in November is no longer a normal political election. No, this election coming in November is civilizational in terms of its significance. 
    This is the environment both of us find ourselves in and this is the Crucible that will send the country on one path or the other with one path leading towards totalitarian destruction and the other towards a pro-American 1985 model on steroids. Of these two outcomes I personally prefer the latter. 
    The Official Substack Of Brandon Richey is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

    Sherrington’s Law of Irradiation
    When examin

    • 26 min
    The Disciplined Zenith

    The Disciplined Zenith

    The Official Substack Of Brandon Richey is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

    “Do what you can, with what you got, where you are.”--Theodore Roosevelt
    In the midst of a world that is falling apart if you’re like me then you have seen this train wreck coming for the past three years. However, if you’re new to this party then you’re probably shell- shocked with the pace at which the fabric of society can disintegrate. 
    Granted things haven’t gotten as bad as they can get yet, but you’d have to be a complete moron lacking in all ability to observe reality in order not to see it. I want to interject to say I know that last statement was pretty direct, but that’s just how I can be sometimes. With that being said I know if you’re reading this you’re more than likely able to recognize the reality of what’s going on in the world otherwise you wouldn’t be here for this episode in the first place. Regardless, it’s an incredible thing to witness people that look directly at a train wreck, yet see only those who speak up about the train wreck as being the problem. 
    Therefore, if you’re part of the crowd that can see the train wreck then you’re faced with two problems as society continues to decline. On one hand, you’re faced with the problem of taking up the fight with those who caused the diaster (the enemy). This is a big enough problem, but if that isn’t big enough the other part of this problematic equation is the fact that you have to also deal with those people that refuse to recognize those who caused the train wreck probably because they are also contributing to the perpetuation of these ongoing societal disasters themselves. 
    So regarding the latter, what exactly do I mean about the group of people who contribute to the perpetuation of train wrecks throughout our society? 
    To clarify what I’m talking about here I’m referring to people who may agree with you that our society has a communism and nazi pandemic, but are apathetic to it. This also includes people that say they’re too busy to deal with the political and cultural fight, or people who always use the excuse that nothing they can do can change the outcome of anything in regards to the communism and nazism that’s spreading like a virus throughout our society.  
    This is a two pronged problem that is going to require you and myself to utilize, grow, and advocate for the use of free speech and a freedom first message. The first group I mentioned (the enemy) is actually easier to deal with in a way because communists and nazis are easy to identify. This is simple enough to see as they simply advocate for Republic ending issues such as open borders, the censoring of speech, and the cheering on of terrorist organizations like Hamas on college campuses across the country at large. 
    However, the second group is a different kind of animal. These people are used to living comfortable lives here in the United States. They probably make decent money and have a job that they really enjoy along with a good family life. Many may even be close to retirement if they aren’t already retired. 
    You see this comfort I’m talking about is the trap. The trap of comfort is the same thing that lulls the mouse towards the comfort and ease of getting a meal with a block of cheese right before the trap slaps down on it to break its neck. The thought of a comforting meal, a comfortable environment, or a comfortable retirement is the thing that keeps many of these people from getting ahead of a problem until it’s too late. This is the issue with this second group of people.
    Therefore it’s both yours and my own responsibility to hammer away at the information and narrative to this second group of people. We must do this in a way that they must understand that the reality of dealing with a little discomfort now is magnitudes better than them sitting around wit

    • 26 min
    Hubris and The Wartime Consigliere

    Hubris and The Wartime Consigliere

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    The Official Substack Of Brandon Richey is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.
    “You’re not a good wartime consigliere”--Michael Corleone 
    That quote came from the iconic movie The Godfather regarding the family consigliere Tom Hagen. 
    With that quote Michael Corleone had recognized that the time had come when other organized crime factions were about to go into a violent war with his family. Although Tom (the family consigliere) had been a smart legal advisor and consultant to the family for normal day to day business he was not equipped to deal in the aspects of war involving deception and espionage in a time when the family needed to be on a war footing. 
    It was because of this that Michael Corleone taking over the leadership of the family business had decided that Tom was no longer able to serve the family’s needs given the shifting environment from a time of peace into a time of war.  
    The Godfather movie can teach us all a lot about the positions of leadership and how certain traits such as loyalty and dedication, though important traits, aren’t always solely the necessary fit for the circumstances depending on what is needed from people during certain situations. In dangerous times, such as in the time of war, other traits are better suited to get the job done which is exactly what Michael realized he wasn’t going to get from Tom when he knew his family was at war. 
    With that being said I often feel the way Michael Corleone felt with his frustration towards Tom when he knew the family was in a war while Tom was still trying to view the world and operate with a business as usual mentality. Given this I often have to shake my head and bury my frustration deep down, preventing myself from exploding with anger, with people who have vacuous minds when it comes to the current political atmosphere and the events that are plaguing our country these days. 
    I mean many Americans still walk around acting like our country is still stuck in a business as usual political cycle where the pendulum of right wing and left wing politics continues to swing one way and will inevitably swing back the other by pure chance. They view the current circumstances of the world as if to suggest that this is happening in that way right now in the least as I literally write and record this podcast knowing full well that world no longer exists. 
    People that walk around with that frame of mind are no different than a blind man walking through a minefield. Chances are if you are aware of the high stakes that are at play with your life then you understand that your life’s future is literally teetering on a razor thin line with total freedom on one side and a complete dystopian totalitarian nightmare on the other. If you understand this then I’m obviously not talking about you. However, to be specific, I’m literally talking about everyone else except you. 
    The Inimicus is literally inside the gates and there is still this contingent of Americans wandering around apathetic and completely clueless as to what is about to show up in their living rooms, at their work, and when they attempt to go out into public. 
    The world of peace that you have come to know has already come to an end and the fallout from that is going to continue to feed a more turbulent environment that is going to hit those with vacuous minds right between the eyes moving forward unless we

    • 11 min
    The Vacuous American Mind

    The Vacuous American Mind

    The Official Substack Of Brandon Richey is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

    “It is not that I'm so smart. But I stay with the questions much longer.”― Albert Einstein
    You know, for years I can remember several different situations when I’d be talking with a friend or family member about certain cars and the discussion might transition to them telling me about what car they owned back in the 1960’s or 1970’s. 
    From there they would always talk about what they spent in order to buy a brand new car at the time and it was always mind blowing to hear the prices when compared to the price of a new car today, or even a used car today. 
    I mean in 1970 the average cost of a new car was about $3500. Compare that to the average cost of a new vehicle today which is going to run you over $47,000 according to Fortune. On that note, if someone in the room would ask why the prices are so much higher today of course the usual explanation would be that we can all chalk it up to inflation and that would usually be the point at which no further questions were asked. Surprisingly this would seemingly always be the point at which the discussion would hit a deadend. 
    I mean once that word inflation was uttered that always seemed to be the reason that would satisfy everyone in the room and there would be no further comment on the tremendous price difference of cars, and everything else, in the 1970’s compared to today. 
    So why do we have inflation? 
    What is the actual root cause of inflation? 
    Well according to the Dean of Liberty University and head of the business school Dr. Dave Brat the cause is very simple. Inflation is caused by the printing and spending of too much money by the federal government and the Federal Reserve banks. When you have too many dollars chasing too few goods the prices of those goods go up. 
    In a nutshell, the money supply that you and I are dependent on for using in order to buy goods, services, and trying to save for some level of retirement is a system that neither you or myself have any control over, at least not directly. 
    I mean politically speaking we can force change if we are smart enough to organize as a society and to get the right people into office in Washington D.C. Not beating around the bush, but for such change and needed transformation to occur it will require individuals that are willing to take the fight to the political system at every front without relenting, or backing down one single inch. 
    Additionally if you examine every single political personality across the spectrum of candidates that has been in the game of politics since the 1980’s the ONLY such individual that exists to do such a thing, at least as president, is  Donald J. Trump and those who share his grit, his views, and perspective on the issues that are plaguing our government and country. 
    However, the point to all of this is that there’s a reason cars cost what they cost today and why so many more dollars are required to purchase the baseline equivalent for a vehicle now compared to what it cost to purchase one in 1970, or at any time before 1970 for that matter. 
    Yes, it’s certainly due to inflation, but the reason that inflation exists is because there’s no tether, or safeguard, on holding back the Federal Reserve, and Congress for that matter, for the time being. 
    After all, Nixon took us off the gold standard back in 1971 and that was the tether that at least kept the Federal Reserve in check, but now there’s absolutely nothing holding them back. This dog is completely off the leash and running wild. 
    It’s officially obvious and to the point that we can declare that this and our other institutions are full of rot and spineless greedy politicians. If they weren’t then I wouldn’t be investing the time to write these kinds of articles and record the podcasts about all of this stuff. It’s that simpl

    • 22 min
    Winning The West Again

    Winning The West Again

    Thank you for reading The Official Substack Of Brandon Richey . This post is public so feel free to share it.

    “Fast is fine, but accuracy is final.”― Wyatt Earp
    From a very young age, like many Americans, I’ve always been fascinated with the stories of the Wild West and the legends of cowboys, indians, and outlaws. From Wyatt Earp to Billy The Kid to Sitting Bull to me this is exactly what America is all about. 
    These stories of the west not only exemplify everything that the United States represents with the vast differences of culture and people, but these stories also represent the rugged nature of individuals that were willing to live by their own rules and blaze their own trails in life even if that meant engaging in a dangerous journey, or even a fight that meant the difference between life and death. 
    As the great actor Robert Duvall said in his speech at the National Cowboy Western Heritage Museum for his lifetime achievement reward “The English have Shakespeare, the French have Voltaire, and the Russians have Dostoyevsky. What do we own? What do we have?” DuVall replied “The western!”
    Even though the current communist movement we’re experiencing across the country has tried to usher in a culture of rot to eliminate and revise the history of our country, these stories and the lessons we can learn from the era of our past are still what makes the United States so special. 
    In fact, it’s my belief that those who are filled with envy and jealousy have always hated the United States for this very reason, which is exactly why they work so hard to silence, revise, and flat out lie about the history of the nation. 
    The thing about the Wild West that I really love and frequently think about is the courage it took for men and women to take the long journey out west to the non-annexed territory enduring harsh weather, injury, sickness, and violent attacks from other cowboys, indians, and outlaws for the purpose of freedom and the opportunity to build a meaningful life. 
    At that time the conditions on the western frontier were wild, unpredictable, and dangerous, but none of that slowed down their desire to lay claim to their own territory and to build life on the foundation of freedom no matter the risks that might have come along in order to try and derail them. 
    With all of the chaos and violence that took place in the west one would have to ask if there was a way to overcome all of that chaos and it is said that the violent western frontier was indeed tamed and brought to heel. 
    For the purpose of today’s discussion I’m going to refer to the instrument that was involved with taming the west and ultimately winning it. 
    The Official Substack Of Brandon Richey is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

    Enter The Guns That Won The West
    I want to give you a little insight on a key instrument, or more specifically a few key instruments, that were necessary in calming down all of the chaos that the Wild Western frontier was so infamous for within the fabric of our history and culture. 
    Over the years there have been many firearms manufacturers who claimed the title for making the gun that won the West. 
    Though I’m no firearm manufacturer I’m certain that as long as there are Old West devotees such as myself that there will always be debates about which gun deserves the coveted title of having been the one that won the West. In fact, you may have an opinion on that yourself. 
    However, I recently came across this interesting piece from Widener's blog that points to the reality that there were actually multiple guns that were deserving of the title of having won the West. 
    Although many people may take it upon themselves to name any single one of these guns as the one that brought the violent and chaotic Western frontier to heel, I'm still going to share with you a few very interesting facts about each one of th

    • 33 min
    The Three Fights

    The Three Fights

    The Official Substack Of Brandon Richey is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

    “In the face of impossible odds, people who love this country can change it.”
    ― Barack Hussein Obama
    So what are the three fights? 
    Well I’m going to break all of that down for you, but I first want to lay the predicate here to give you some context. 
    Whenever I read that quote from Barack Hussein Obama I’m immediately reminded of just how much he hates the United States of America. 
    After all, whenever you love someone, or something, then why would you want to change it? To offer up the word change alongside something that you’re declaring that you love doesn’t make any sense at all. 
    Furthermore, his so-called wife Michelle Obama said the following during her husband’s presidential campaign back in 2008 stating “For the first time in my adult life, I am proud of my country.” (Source: The Hill)
    To be clear I have no judgment towards anyone other than the judgment that they offer with their own words and actions. With that being said in both Michelle and Barack Hussein Obama’s own words it’s clear that they hated the United States of America at the time that both of them made these statements regarding change and pride. 
    I mean in most circumstances when people tell me who they are I typically believe them. Granted these statements were uttered by both of these individuals several years ago when they were both just really kicking off their destructive reign in the arena of politics. However, as I sit here in 2024 looking back at everything that has occurred in the cultural, political, economic, medical, and national security landscape since these two came on the scene it’s obvious that they did (and still do) hate the United States of America. 
    You’re probably thinking Brandon, how can you be so sure? 
    I’d answer that by saying that since Barack Hussein Obama came on the scene as the President, along with his current successor being the dementia ridden corrupt politician that currently occupies the White House, it’s pretty obvious the country has considerably changed and not for the better. 
    Politicians, like Barack Hussein Obama, Joe Biden, George Bush #1, George Bush  #2, the Clintons, Johnson, and Carter have all shared a common theme that most people fail to recognize. Those that fail to recognize this common denominator usually fail to recognize it because they don’t really produce anything in their own lives, therefore they lack immediate skin in the game to understand and recognize any immediate risks to them, or their well-being. However, for the rest of us it’s glaringly obvious. 
    You see the thing that all of these past presidents share is that they have all managed to add tremendous burdens onto the backs of the American people through their bureaucracy and tax policies. They continue to layer one burdensome and detrimental policy on top of another over and over and over again. 
    As they continue to sell out the country to foreign enemies (like the CCP) they gaslight the public, lie, deflect, and project their own feelings onto everyone else telling you that if you have a problem with what they offer that YOU are the problem. 
    Of course, this sort of psychopathy has really accelerated under the current regime that occupies the White House in a way that I haven’t seen in my lifetime being 47 years on this planet. 
    Everytime Biden’s press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre steps in front of a camera the lies and dishonesty she relays to the American public are staggering. From her comments on the pandemic to her comments on Biden’s sharp mental capacity, as he’s caught daily shaking hands with invisible people, the whole thing reminds me of some of the most toxic abusive relationships you probably either personally experienced, or heard from a friend at one time or another.  
    You know the scenario I’

    • 29 min

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