295 episodes

Turn off the chatter and tune into what matters. Space just for you to connect to the deeper wisdom and truth with you. Christine Arylo, MBA, marries timeless wisdom teachings with modern leadership, success and human consciousness application to expand your perspective, wake up your awareness, and give you practical ways to make choices that empower you to create a design for your life, work, organizations, families and relationships rooted in wholeness, sustainability and wellbeing.

Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo Christine Arylo

    • Education
    • 4.9 • 137 Ratings

Turn off the chatter and tune into what matters. Space just for you to connect to the deeper wisdom and truth with you. Christine Arylo, MBA, marries timeless wisdom teachings with modern leadership, success and human consciousness application to expand your perspective, wake up your awareness, and give you practical ways to make choices that empower you to create a design for your life, work, organizations, families and relationships rooted in wholeness, sustainability and wellbeing.

    248: Feminine Wisdom for Intense & Changing Times

    248: Feminine Wisdom for Intense & Changing Times

    We’re all feeling the intensity – so how can Feminine Wisdom support us to navigate through it? Well, it starts with taking a pause, putting on our “wise being glasses,” and then taking a deeper look at what is going on in the Field (the bigger collective world) and in our personal field (our own inner experiences, relationships and reality). This pause allows us to see what is real, what is needed, what the patterns are, and to find the wisdom to navigate the now and the next.
    In this episode, Christine and Jennifer explore how Feminine Wisdom can support us in intense times, to elevate and expand our consciousness, so that we can liberate ourselves from the stuff we just don’t want to carry with us or create from anymore. The intention of our exploration is to give you perspectives and practices to prepare you for the now, and the next.
    Some of the wisdom models, practices and tools we'll work with in this episode are:
    Triangle of Transformation Sovereignty in the Swirl This is not that Co-Create from Momentum and Intention Be aware of the now and what's needed, AND keep the long game in mind. Put energy into both. Focus on your part and your design. If you are not clear, create space to get clear this year. EOE: Evidence of Elevation EOM: Evidence of Momentum Between now and the next episode, Christine and Jennifer invite you to contemplate the inquiry: What EOEs and EOMs am I seeing? Bonus invitation: SHARE this podcast with a friend, and invite them to play the EOE / EOM Game with you – share one EOE or EOM with each other every day. It’s how we can all Stay Light together, in community – join us!
    Resources & Links:
    Morning Practice Guide Overwhelmed & Over It book - Read Section 2: Liberate Your Life Force  Triangle of Transformation - video and model posted on the Feminine Wisdom Cafe  What’s next?
    Tune in to the 9-part Season of Light series, running now through the end of August - and invite a friend to join you! Remember to SHARE this podcast episode with at least one friend or colleague. Then invite them to play the EOE / EOM Game – find and share one EOE or EOM daily with each other. Notice how this simple act supports you in Staying Light! Ways to Connect:
    Join us in the Feminine Wisdom Cafe, a private online community Subscribe to Christine's Monthly Wisdom Letters Connect with Christine and Jennifer on LinkedIn Watch on YouTube

    • 1 hr 6 min
    247: Staying Sane in an Insane World

    247: Staying Sane in an Insane World

    The word “sane” at its root means “free from mental disturbance.” So how can we free ourselves from mental disturbance in the midst of a world that is swirling with it? While we cannot stop the insanity we see happening in our world and the people within it, there are things we can do to stay sane, sustained, centered and focused on what matters. 
    In this episode, Christine and Jennifer share four practices for Staying Sane in an Insane World. These are practices to put into place proactively, in how we design our lives, the way we work, think, and operate. They are simple yet mighty structures that will hold us and keep us centered no matter what is happening around us. Here they are:
    Create Conversate & Council Center & Connect to Your Core Clear Your Field Our practices give us the space to have our human emotions and release them out of our system so that we can respond from an elevated, higher-frequency, more humane consciousness that opens up people and possibility vs. creating more polarity and unhelpful chaos. Our practices give us wisdom, so that we can use our life force to create the world we desire for ourselves, each other, and those we love, lead, and influence.
    Between now and the next episode, Christine and Jennifer invite you to contemplate the inquiry: What practices am I playing with to stay centered, and how do I feel as a result of playing with these practices? Bonus invitation: choose one of the four practices to experiment with, SHARE this podcast with a friend, and invite them to play with the practice, too. It’s how we can all Stay Light together, in community – join us! 
    Resources & Links:
    Morning Practice Guide
    What’s next?
    Tune in to the 9-part Season of Light series, running now through the end of August - and invite a friend to join you! Remember to SHARE this podcast episode with at least one friend or colleague. Then conversate on what practices you’re playing with to stay centered, and how you feel as a result.  Ways to Connect:
    Subscribe to Christine's Monthly Wisdom Letters Connect with Christine and Jennifer on LinkedIn Join us in the Feminine Wisdom Cafe, a private online community Watch on YouTube

    • 54 min
    246: Sacred Rage. Holy Grief.

    246: Sacred Rage. Holy Grief.

    Anger and grief are good human emotions. They have the potential to open up so much for us – individually and collectively – which can lead to healing, breaking down barriers, and breaking through to better realities.
    The problem is that most humans weren't taught how to express anger or grief in healthy ways, so it comes out sideways in distorted ways, or it gets stuffed down until we blow up or get sick. Sometimes we are the receiver of that big emotional eruption and other times we are the "unleasher" or "erupter" on someone else.
    In this episode, Christine and Jennifer explore perspectives and practices around dealing with the kind of rage and grief that comes from our wounds or the wounds of others, and how to do it differently in ways that lead to wholeness. Together we’ll explore how we can:
    Discharge anger and grief so that it doesn't build up inside us and leak out, or erupt in distorted ways Have big emotions like rage and grief about the world, about our reality, about other people's actions or choices, without them consuming us Use our big emotions to heal ourselves and ignite creative action that inspires Deal with other people’s misdirected rage and grief Respond to the things that enrage us, in powerful ways that make the world better vs. adding to the chaos Between now and the next episode, Christine and Jennifer invite you to contemplate the two-part inquiry: What anger or grief am I holding on to? Where do I feel it in my body? Bonus invitation: amplify your awareness and capacity to shift by SHARING this podcast with a friend and conversating on the inquiry together. Let’s Stay Light in community with fellow Wise Beings – join us!
    Resources & Links:
    Osho Dynamic Meditation 
    Kundalini yoga: Kriya for Releasing Anger
    "Wheels of Life" by Anodea Judith (book on chakras)
    “Returning” by Jennifer Berezan 
    What’s next?
    Tune in to the 9-part Season of Light series, running June through August - and invite a friend to join you! Remember to SHARE this podcast episode with at least one friend or colleague. Then conversate on what to do when you get gooped. Ways to Connect:
    Subscribe to Christine's Monthly Wisdom Letters  Connect with Christine and Jennifer on LinkedIn Join us in the Feminine Wisdom Cafe, our Mighty Networks community  Watch on YouTube

    • 1 hr 7 min
    245: What To Do When You Get Gooped?

    245: What To Do When You Get Gooped?

    Are you clearing your emotional and energetic fields? What do you do when you get "gooped" by the world, a person, the news, the physical and virtual environments you find yourself in, or even by your own emotional triggers?
    In this episode, Christine, Jennifer, and special guest Noah Martin explore what it means to be “gooped”, how to know when you are gooped up, how does it happen, and what do you do in the moment or as prevention to keep the external forces from knocking you off kilter?
    Clearing your emotional and energetic fields is a must in our world today; just like you brush your teeth and get in your daily steps. On today’s podcast, we’ll explore how to care for your emotional and energetic bodies by looking at:
    Wisdom About Energy - what we need to know about our energetic connections and energy fields, and how they interact with other people and situations. 5 Kinds of Boundaries - Emotional, Mental, Energetic, Physical and Environment. How to work with yours, know when your boundaries have been breached and how to re-center and clear your field. Goop Prevention - what you can do proactively to not get gooped. Emergency Care & Cultivating Your Energetic Support Team and Structure - practices & modalities that can support you to clear your being, strengthen your internal system, and clear out energetic and emotional interference. Get your practitioners, practices, and people in place that will keep you at a high frequency and keep your being light. Build these into your daily, weekly, and monthly rhythm to support your radiance.
    Between now and the next episode, Christine, Jennifer, and Noah invite you to contemplate the inquiry: What To Do When I Get Gooped? Awareness is the first step to making a shift, and by the end of this episode you will have the tools to bring awareness to what tends to goop you up. You’ll also receive practices and resources to support you in clearing your emotional and energetic fields so that you can Stay Light. Join us!
    Resources & Links:
    Meditations by Noah - UnGoop Meditation 
    Stay Harmonized Practice
    Overwhelmed and Over It Book - Section 2 Liberate Your Life Force 
    Daily Morning Flow Kit - Morning Receiving Practice book + video  
    Energy Clearing Sessions with Noah
    Noah’s 10 Before 10 - take 10 deep breaths daily before 10:00 a.m.
    Saltwater bath or saltwater in a bowl on your nightstand
    Plus…other modalities for De-Gooping and Staying Light to check out: EMDR - Seemorg Matrix - Family Constellations - Chi Gong - Tai Chi - Kundalini Yoga - Kriya Yoga - Pranayama - Earthing 
    What’s next?
    Tune in to the 9-part Season of Light series, running now through August - and invite a friend to join you! Remember to SHARE this podcast episode with at least one friend or colleague. Then conversate on what to do when you get gooped. Ways to Connect:
    Subscribe to Christine's Monthly Wisdom Letters  Connect with Christine and Jennifer on LinkedIn Join us in the Feminine Wisdom Cafe, a private online community  Watch on YouTube

    • 1 hr 10 min
    Mid-Year Power Pause: Take the Space for What Matters Most to You These Next 3 Months

    Mid-Year Power Pause: Take the Space for What Matters Most to You These Next 3 Months

    Every year the wise one pause at the mid point of the year to reflect back and receive (acknowledge and honor) all of the progress made (so we can feel it, believe it, and savor it)... and to reset, restore and reset our pace for the next 3 months.    
    In this episode, Christine Arylo will walk you through a series of inquiries that will help you slow down, and tune in and
    Recognize the progress and growth you've made in this last cycle Honor what it's taken to become the person you are today  Find the keys to how to create space this season so you start the next radiant and ready Focus on what you want to give your energy to this season in ways that build on the momentum of the devotion, committment and energy you've already given.   Between now and the next episode, we invite you to contemplate of these inquiries, as it relates to how you choose to spend your time, give your energy, focus your attention these next 3 months including:
    What Would I Love to Experiment With? What Do I Love Space for... this would be so replenishing and rewarding? What Already Has Momentum that I Want to Keep Loving on?   

    Tune in for the full mini-power pause. And then consider joining us for the full Mid Year Power Pause, enrollment open through June. www.FlowPowerPause.com  What’s next?
    Tune in to the 9-part Season of Light series, running now through August - and invite a friend to join you! Participate in the Mid Year Power Pause retreat that begins the week of June Solstice. Remember to SHARE this podcast episode with at least one friend or colleague. Then conversate on the inquiries provided to support each other in staying true to yourself.  
    Ways to Connect:
    Subscribe to Christine's Monthly Wisdom Letters Connect with Christine and Jennifer on LinkedIn Join us in the Feminine Wisdom Cafe, a private online community Watch on YouTube  
    0000036B 0000036C 0000473E 0000473E 00210473 00210473 00007E86 00007E85 00210459 00210459

    • 38 min
    243: What Drains & Dims Your Radiance?

    243: What Drains & Dims Your Radiance?

    The brightness and strength of your radiance affects every aspect of your wellbeing – from your physical health, to your access to your intuition and power, to your ability to share your gifts and genius with the world.
    In this episode, Christine and Jennifer share inquiries and practices to illuminate what's draining or dimming your radiance, so that you can see it, name it, and be at choice with how to work with the forces that diminish radiance. All in order to stay light and bright, even during this challenging time in the world.
    Beginning where you have the power within you to make shifts, regardless of what’s going on externally, they explore the 6 Ways We Drain, Dim, or Distort Our Radiance:
    Forcing Forgetting Feeling Like... Frustation at Feeling Stuck Fragmenting Your Focus Frequency  
    Between now and the next episode, Christine and Jennifer invite you to contemplate the inquiry: What Drains My Radiance? Awareness is the first step to making a shift, and by the end of this episode you will have the tools to bring awareness to what’s diminishing your radiance. You’ll also receive practices to support you in making shifts to restore your radiance. Join us!
    Resources & Links:
    Light of My Soul by Ajeet Kaur 4 Rs Morning Meditation - Root Down. Rise Up. Relax Back. Receive.  
    What’s next?
    Tune in to the 9-part Season of Light series, running now through August - and invite a friend to join you! Participate in the Mid Year Power Pause retreat that begins the week of June Solstice. Remember to SHARE this podcast episode with at least one friend or colleague. Then conversate on what sustains your radiance.  
    Ways to Connect:
    Subscribe to Christine's Monthly Wisdom Letters Connect with Christine and Jennifer on LinkedIn Join us in the Feminine Wisdom Cafe, a private online community Watch on YouTube

    • 1 hr 8 min

Customer Reviews

4.9 out of 5
137 Ratings

137 Ratings

cranberry33 ,

Always amazing - we are so lucky to have her!

We are so lucky that Christine is so giving and generous with her time to share her knowledge with us.

Chatoissa ,

So wonderful

A breath of fresh air in my week. So grounding and nourishing to listen! And really a unique perspective. Thank you Christine!

PNW listener hs ,

A guide for our times

Christine’s clear, grounded, wise, grace-led voice first of all stands out because she walks the talk and embodies the teachings, always weaving in examples from her own life, sharing deeply from her own heart. This alone would be enough but there’s more- her humor and lightness perfuse what she shares. There is an underlying deep joy in it all-which to me is a sign of a great spiritual teacher. Tune in and listen. It’s like sitting with a wise elder or soul friend…you don’t want to miss it.

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