187 episodes

Are you ready to supercharge your Indonesian listening comprehension?

Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Indonesian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Indonesian and English.

This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Bali, Yogyakarta, or Raja Ampat? Maybe you want to speak Indonesian with your grandparents from Jakarta?

Our podcast will enrich you with the cultural and linguistic knowledge needed to fully immerse yourself in the regions of Indonesia, where the Indonesian language is predominantly spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Indonesian listening comprehension.

Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Tingkatkan pemahaman mendengarkan Anda dengan cerita-cerita bahasa Indonesia kami hari ini!

FluentFiction - Indonesian FluentFiction.org

    • Education

Are you ready to supercharge your Indonesian listening comprehension?

Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Indonesian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Indonesian and English.

This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Bali, Yogyakarta, or Raja Ampat? Maybe you want to speak Indonesian with your grandparents from Jakarta?

Our podcast will enrich you with the cultural and linguistic knowledge needed to fully immerse yourself in the regions of Indonesia, where the Indonesian language is predominantly spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Indonesian listening comprehension.

Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Tingkatkan pemahaman mendengarkan Anda dengan cerita-cerita bahasa Indonesia kami hari ini!

    Magical Moments: Celebrating Vesak Day at Borobudur Temple

    Magical Moments: Celebrating Vesak Day at Borobudur Temple

    Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Magical Moments: Celebrating Vesak Day at Borobudur Temple
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Id: Matahari terbit di balik puncak Borobudur.
    En: The sun rises behind the peak of Borobudur.

    Id: Cahayanya hangat.
    En: Its light is warm.

    Id: Adi dan Putri sudah berada di sana sejak pagi.
    En: Adi and Putri have been there since morning.

    Id: Mereka sedang menyiapkan perayaan Hari Waisak.
    En: They are preparing for the Vesak Day celebration.

    Id: "Putri, apakah bunga teratai sudah siap?
    En: "Putri, are the lotus flowers ready?"

    Id: " tanya Adi.
    En: Adi asked.

    Id: "Sudah, Kak Adi.
    En: "Yes, Brother Adi.

    Id: Aku juga sudah menyiapkan lilin," jawab Putri sambil tersenyum.
    En: I’ve also prepared the candles," Putri answered with a smile.

    Id: Hari Waisak sangat penting bagi umat Buddha.
    En: Vesak Day is very important for Buddhists.

    Id: Mereka merayakan kelahiran, penerangan sempurna, dan wafat Sang Buddha.
    En: They celebrate the birth, enlightenment, and passing of the Buddha.

    Id: Adi dan Putri sangat antusias membantu persiapan ini.
    En: Adi and Putri are very enthusiastic about helping with these preparations.

    Id: "Putri, kita harus memastikan candi bersih," kata Adi.
    En: "Putri, we need to ensure the temple is clean," Adi said.

    Id: Mereka mulai membersihkan halaman candi.
    En: They started cleaning the temple grounds.

    Id: Putri menyapu daun-daun kering.
    En: Putri swept the dry leaves.

    Id: Adi membersihkan patung-patung Buddha.
    En: Adi cleaned the Buddha statues.

    Id: Menjelang siang, umat mulai berdatangan.
    En: Towards noon, people began to arrive.

    Id: Semua orang mengenakan pakaian putih.
    En: Everyone wore white clothing.

    Id: Mereka membawa bunga dan dupa.
    En: They brought flowers and incense.

    Id: Adi dan Putri masih sibuk memastikan semua berjalan lancar.
    En: Adi and Putri were still busy ensuring everything ran smoothly.

    Id: "Saya harap semuanya berjalan sempurna," kata Adi sambil mengelap keringatnya.
    En: "I hope everything goes perfectly," Adi said while wiping his sweat.

    Id: Tak lama kemudian, suara gong mulai terdengar.
    En: Soon, the sound of a gong began to echo.

    Id: Para biksu dan umat berkumpul di satu titik.
    En: The monks and devotees gathered at one point.

    Id: Mereka berdoa dengan khusyuk.
    En: They prayed solemnly.

    Id: Putri memandang kagum.
    En: Putri looked on in awe.

    Id: "Indah sekali, Kak.
    En: "It's so beautiful, Brother.

    Id: Semua orang bahagia," katanya.
    En: Everyone is happy," she said.

    Id: Adi tersenyum puas.
    En: Adi smiled in satisfaction.

    Id: "Ini semua berkat kerja keras kita, Putri.
    En: "This is all thanks to our hard work, Putri."

    Id: "Setelah doa, langit mulai gelap.
    En: After the prayers, the sky began to darken.

    Id: Mereka menyalakan lilin.
    En: They lit the candles.

    Id: Cahayanya menerangi Borobudur.
    En: Their light illuminated Borobudur.

    Id: Suara doa dan nyanyian mengisi udara.
    En: The sound of prayers and chants filled the air.

    Id: Putri dan Adi merasa bangga bisa menjadi bagian dari momen ini.
    En: Putri and Adi felt proud to be part of this moment.

    Id: Akhirnya, prosesi melarung lampion ke langit dimulai.
    En: Finally, the procession of releasing...

    • 17 min
    Lost in Time: Budi's Journey Through Borobudur Temple

    Lost in Time: Budi's Journey Through Borobudur Temple

    Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Lost in Time: Budi's Journey Through Borobudur Temple
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Id: Budi berdiri di depan Candi Borobudur, kagum.
    En: Budi stood in front of Borobudur Temple, amazed.

    Id: Udara pagi terasa segar.
    En: The morning air felt fresh.

    Id: Matahari baru terbit.
    En: The sun had just risen.

    Id: Budi mengikuti turis lain, mendengarkan pemandu menceritakan sejarah.
    En: Budi followed the other tourists, listening to the guide recounting the history.

    Id: Dia sangat ingin tahu tentang candi ini.
    En: He was very curious about this temple.

    Id: Setelah beberapa saat, turis boleh berkeliling sendiri.
    En: After a while, tourists were allowed to explore on their own.

    Id: Budi melihat relief di dinding.
    En: Budi looked at the reliefs on the walls.

    Id: Setiap gambar bercerita.
    En: Every image told a story.

    Id: Dia begitu fokus, hingga tidak sadar terpisah dari rombongan.
    En: He was so focused that he didn't realize he had separated from the group.

    Id: Budi berjalan sendiri.
    En: Budi walked alone.

    Id: Lorong candi terasa seperti labirin.
    En: The temple’s corridors felt like a labyrinth.

    Id: Suasana sunyi.
    En: The atmosphere was quiet.

    Id: Hanya suara langkah kakinya dan burung-burung.
    En: Only the sound of his footsteps and the birds could be heard.

    Id: Budi mencoba mencari jalan keluar, tetapi semua tampak sama.
    En: Budi tried to find his way out, but everything looked the same.

    Id: Dia mulai cemas.
    En: He started to get anxious.

    Id: "Di mana rombonganku?
    En: "Where is my group?"

    Id: " pikirnya.
    En: he thought.

    Id: Dia ingat pemandu mengatakan ada tanda-tanda kecil di dinding.
    En: He remembered the guide mentioning there were small signs on the walls.

    Id: Tanda itu bisa membantu pengunjung menemukan jalan.
    En: Those signs could help visitors find their way.

    Id: Budi melihat sekeliling.
    En: Budi looked around.

    Id: Benar, ada tanda kecil berbentuk panah.
    En: Indeed, there was a small arrow-shaped sign.

    Id: Dia mengikuti tanda itu.
    En: He followed the sign.

    Id: Namun, setelah beberapa tikungan, dia masih belum menemukan rombongannya.
    En: However, after several turns, he still hadn’t found his group.

    Id: Budi berhenti sejenak, menarik napas dalam-dalam.
    En: Budi paused for a moment, taking a deep breath.

    Id: Dia harus tetap tenang.
    En: He had to stay calm.

    Id: Dia mendengar suara gemericik air.
    En: He heard the sound of trickling water.

    Id: "Mungkin ada kolam di dekat sini," pikirnya.
    En: "Maybe there’s a pool nearby," he thought.

    Id: Dia mengikuti suara itu.
    En: He followed the sound.

    Id: Ternyata benar, ada kolam kecil di tengah candi.
    En: Sure enough, there was a small pool in the middle of the temple.

    Id: Di seberang kolam, dia melihat seorang petugas candi.
    En: Across the pool, he saw a temple guard.

    Id: Budi segera menghampiri petugas itu.
    En: Budi immediately approached the guard.

    Id: "Pak, saya tersesat.
    En: "Sir, I'm lost.

    Id: Di mana rombongan tur saya?
    En: Where is my tour group?"

    Id: " tanyanya.
    En: he asked.

    Id: Petugas itu tersenyum ramah.
    En: The guard smiled kindly.

    Id: "Mari, saya antar," katanya.
    En: "Come, I’ll take you," he...

    • 16 min
    Sweet Success: Budi and Siti's Journey at Pasar Baru

    Sweet Success: Budi and Siti's Journey at Pasar Baru

    Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Sweet Success: Budi and Siti's Journey at Pasar Baru
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Id: Pasar Baru selalu ramai setiap pagi.
    En: Pasar Baru is always bustling every morning.

    Id: Pedagang dan pembeli datang silih berganti mencari rejeki.
    En: Merchants and buyers come and go, seeking fortune.

    Id: Di sudut pasar, ada tempat baru yang menarik perhatian.
    En: In one corner of the market, a new spot has caught the eye.

    Id: Di situ, Budi dan Siti sedang menyiapkan warung baru mereka.
    En: There, Budi and Siti are preparing their new stall.

    Id: Budi berkata, "Siti, ayo kita tata meja ini. Semua kue harus terlihat menarik."
    En: Budi said, “Siti, let’s arrange this table. All the cakes must look appealing.”

    Id: Siti mengangguk. "Tentu, Budi. Aku akan tata klepon di sini dan lemper di sana."
    En: Siti nodded. “Of course, Budi. I’ll arrange the klepon here and the lemper there.”

    Id: Siti meletakkan kue-kue tradisional Indonesia dengan hati-hati.
    En: Siti carefully placed the traditional Indonesian cakes.

    Id: Ada klepon, lemper, dan onde-onde yang menggugah selera.
    En: There were klepon, lemper, and onde-onde that looked delicious.

    Id: Budi sedang memasang spanduk warna-warni di atas warung.
    En: Budi was putting up colorful banners above the stall.

    Id: Tulisan di spanduk itu besar dan jelas: "Kue Tradisional Budi dan Siti".
    En: The writing on the banner was big and clear: “Budi and Siti’s Traditional Cakes.”

    Id: Budi tersenyum puas, "Siti, spanduk ini pasti akan menarik perhatian."
    En: Budi smiled contentedly, “Siti, this banner will surely attract attention.”

    Id: Siti tersenyum kembali, "Benar, Budi. Tapi kita juga harus ramah pada pembeli. Senyum dan sapa mereka."
    En: Siti smiled back, “True, Budi. But we also have to be friendly to the customers. Smile and greet them.”

    Id: Pasar mulai lebih ramai.
    En: The market began to get busier.

    Id: Beberapa orang datang mendekat.
    En: Some people approached.

    Id: "Selamat pagi, Budi dan Siti! Apa yang kalian jual di sini?" tanya seorang ibu-ibu.
    En: “Good morning, Budi and Siti! What are you selling here?” asked a lady.

    Id: "Kue tradisional, Bu! Ada klepon, lemper, dan onde-onde. Mau coba?" jawab Siti dengan senyum.
    En: “Traditional cakes, Ma’am! There are klepon, lemper, and onde-onde. Want to try?” Siti replied with a smile.

    Id: Ibu-ibu itu mencicipi satu klepon.
    En: The lady tasted a klepon.

    Id: Dia tersenyum lebar, "Enak sekali! Saya beli sepuluh, ya?"
    En: She smiled broadly, “Very delicious! I’ll buy ten, please?”

    Id: Budi segera membungkus klepon untuk ibu itu.
    En: Budi quickly wrapped the klepon for the lady.

    Id: "Terima kasih, Bu! Semoga suka."
    En: “Thank you, Ma’am! Hope you like it.”

    Id: Setelah ibu itu pergi, beberapa orang lain datang.
    En: After the lady left, more people came.

    Id: Mereka tertarik melihat spanduk dan kue yang tertata rapi.
    En: They were intrigued by the banner and the neatly arranged cakes.

    Id: Seorang bapak-bapak mencoba onde-onde.
    En: An elderly man tried an onde-onde.

    Id: "Luar biasa! Onde-ondenya lembut dan manis. Saya akan beli juga."
    En: “Amazing! The onde-onde is soft and sweet. I’ll buy some too.”

    Id: "Hari pertama kita berjalan baik, Siti!" seru Budi dengan gembira.
    En: “Our first day is going well, Siti!” Budi exclaimed happily.

    Id: Siti...

    • 18 min
    A Goat for Veggies: Misadventures in a Small Town Market

    A Goat for Veggies: Misadventures in a Small Town Market

    Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: A Goat for Veggies: Misadventures in a Small Town Market
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Id: Di pagi yang cerah, sinar matahari menyinari Kota Kecil.
    En: On a bright morning, the sunlight illuminated the Small Town.

    Id: Rina dan Budi berjalan menuju Pasar Tradisional.
    En: Rina and Budi walked towards the Traditional Market.

    Id: Pasar itu ramai dengan penjual dan pembeli.
    En: The market was bustling with vendors and buyers.

    Id: Suasana penuh warna dan aroma segar.
    En: The atmosphere was full of vibrant colors and fresh aromas.

    Id: Rina adalah seorang pedagang pemula.
    En: Rina was a novice trader.

    Id: Dia ingin membeli sayuran segar untuk warungnya.
    En: She wanted to buy fresh vegetables for her food stall.

    Id: Tapi, Rina belum pandai menawar harga.
    En: However, Rina was not yet skilled at bargaining.

    Id: Oleh karena itu, dia meminta bantuan Budi, sahabatnya sejak kecil.
    En: Therefore, she asked for the help of Budi, her childhood friend.

    Id: Mereka sampai di pasar.
    En: They arrived at the market.

    Id: "Budi, tolong bantu aku menawar harga sayuran," pinta Rina.
    En: "Budi, please help me bargain for the vegetable prices," Rina asked.

    Id: "Tentu, Rina. Saya akan bantu," jawab Budi dengan penuh semangat.
    En: "Of course, Rina, I will help," Budi replied enthusiastically.

    Id: Mereka masuk ke lorong pasar.
    En: They entered the market aisles.

    Id: Ada banyak kios di sana.
    En: There were many stalls there.

    Id: Sementara Rina melihat-lihat sayuran, Budi berjalan lebih jauh.
    En: While Rina was looking at the vegetables, Budi walked further.

    Id: Tanpa sengaja, dia sampai di kios hewan peliharaan.
    En: Unintentionally, he ended up at a pet stall.

    Id: Pemilik kios, Pak Ujang, menawarkan berbagai hewan.
    En: The stall owner, Mr. Ujang, offered various animals.

    Id: Ada ayam, kelinci, burung, bahkan kambing kecil.
    En: There were chickens, rabbits, birds, and even a small goat.

    Id: "Harga kambing ini Rp500.000," kata Pak Ujang.
    En: "This goat is priced at Rp500,000," said Mr. Ujang.

    Id: Budi ingat permintaan Rina.
    En: Budi remembered Rina's request.

    Id: Dia berpikir ini kesempatan untuk membantu.
    En: He thought this was an opportunity to help.

    Id: "Bisa kurang nggak, pak?" tanya Budi.
    En: "Can you reduce the price, sir?" Budi asked.

    Id: "Kambing ini terlalu mahal."
    En: "This goat is too expensive."

    Id: Pak Ujang tersenyum.
    En: Mr. Ujang smiled.

    Id: "Bisa, Rp450.000 untuk kamu, anak muda," jawabnya.
    En: "Sure, Rp450,000 for you, young man," he replied.

    Id: Budi merasa senang dan setuju.
    En: Budi felt happy and agreed.

    Id: Sementara itu, Rina terkejut saat melihat Budi kembali tanpa sayuran tapi dengan kambing kecil.
    En: Meanwhile, Rina was surprised when she saw Budi returning not with vegetables but with a small goat.

    Id: "Budi! Apa ini?" tanya Rina dengan mata yang terbelalak.
    En: "Budi! What is this?" Rina asked with wide eyes.

    Id: "Saya menawar harga seperti yang kamu minta," jawab Budi dengan bangga.
    En: "I bargained the price as you asked," Budi replied proudly.

    Id: Rina tertawa melihat kekeliruan Budi.
    En: Rina laughed at Budi's mistake.

    Id: Dia menjelaskan bahwa dia ingin menawar sayuran, bukan kambing.
    En: She explained that she wanted to...

    • 17 min
    Heart of Friendship: The Day Agus Saved Siti at Taman Mini

    Heart of Friendship: The Day Agus Saved Siti at Taman Mini

    Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Heart of Friendship: The Day Agus Saved Siti at Taman Mini
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Id: Matahari bersinar cerah di atas Taman Mini Indonesia Indah.
    En: The sun shone brightly above the Taman Mini Indonesia Indah.

    Id: Agus dan Siti berjalan-jalan, menikmati pemandangan.
    En: Agus and Siti were strolling, enjoying the scenery.

    Id: Taman itu penuh dengan bunga yang indah, pohon yang rindang, dan suara burung berkicau.
    En: The park was full of beautiful flowers, lush trees, and the sound of chirping birds.

    Id: Siti tiba-tiba merasa sesak napas.
    En: Suddenly, Siti felt short of breath.

    Id: Wajahnya pucat dan ia memegang dadanya.
    En: Her face turned pale, and she clutched her chest.

    Id: Agus terkejut melihat Siti dalam kondisi seperti itu.
    En: Agus was shocked to see Siti in such a condition.

    Id: "Siti, kamu baik-baik saja?
    En: "Siti, are you okay?"

    Id: " tanya Agus dengan khawatir.
    En: Agus asked worriedly.

    Id: Siti menggelengkan kepala.
    En: Siti shook her head.

    Id: Ia berusaha bicara, tapi suaranya terputus-putus.
    En: She tried to speak, but her voice was intermittent.

    Id: Agus tahu mereka butuh bantuan segera.
    En: Agus knew they needed help immediately.

    Id: Ia melihat sekeliling dan menemukan bangku di dekat mereka.
    En: He looked around and found a bench nearby.

    Id: Ia dengan cepat membawa Siti ke bangku tersebut.
    En: He quickly led Siti to the bench.

    Id: "Kamu duduk di sini.
    En: "You sit here.

    Id: Aku akan panggil bantuan," kata Agus dengan tegas.
    En: I'll get help," Agus said firmly.

    Id: Ia berlari menuju pos keamanan yang tidak jauh dari tempat mereka.
    En: He ran towards the security post not far from where they were.

    Id: Hatinya berdegup kencang.
    En: His heart was pounding.

    Id: "Siti butuh bantuan!
    En: "Siti needs help!

    Id: Teman saya sesak napas!
    En: My friend is having trouble breathing!"

    Id: " kata Agus ketika sampai di pos keamanan.
    En: Agus said as he reached the security post.

    Id: Petugas keamanan segera menjemput tim medis.
    En: The security officer immediately called for the medical team.

    Id: Agus kembali ke tempat Siti, berharap tim medis segera datang.
    En: Agus returned to where Siti was, hoping the medical team would arrive soon.

    Id: Dalam beberapa menit, tim medis tiba dengan sebuah tas bantuan.
    En: Within a few minutes, the medical team arrived with a first aid kit.

    Id: Mereka segera memeriksa Siti dan memberikan oksigen.
    En: They quickly examined Siti and provided oxygen.

    Id: Perlahan, Siti mulai bisa bernapas lebih baik.
    En: Gradually, Siti began to breathe more easily.

    Id: Warna di wajahnya kembali.
    En: The color returned to her face.

    Id: Agus merasa lega.
    En: Agus felt relieved.

    Id: "Terima kasih banyak," katanya kepada tim medis.
    En: "Thank you very much," he said to the medical team.

    Id: Mereka mengangguk sambil tersenyum.
    En: They nodded and smiled.

    Id: Siti menatap Agus dan tersenyum lemah.
    En: Siti looked at Agus and gave a weak smile.

    Id: "Terima kasih, Agus.
    En: "Thank you, Agus.

    Id: Kamu pahlawan saya hari ini," kata Siti dengan suara lembut.
    En: You are my hero today," Siti said softly.

    Id: Agus tersenyum dan mengangguk.
    En: Agus smiled and...

    • 16 min
    Exploring the Wonders of Borobudur Temple: A Family Adventure

    Exploring the Wonders of Borobudur Temple: A Family Adventure

    Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Exploring the Wonders of Borobudur Temple: A Family Adventure
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Id: Pagi itu, udara di Magelang begitu segar.
    En: That morning, the air in Magelang was so fresh.

    Id: Langit biru tanpa awan.
    En: The sky was blue without a cloud.

    Id: Ayu, Budi, dan Putri bersiap-siap untuk mengunjungi Candi Borobudur.
    En: Ayu, Budi, and Putri were getting ready to visit Borobudur Temple.

    Id: Mereka belum pernah ke sana sebelumnya.
    En: They had never been there before.

    Id: Ayu dan Budi adalah kakak-adik, sementara Putri adalah sepupu mereka.
    En: Ayu and Budi were siblings, while Putri was their cousin.

    Id: Mereka berangkat dari rumah dengan penuh semangat.
    En: They set off from home with great enthusiasm.

    Id: Di perjalanan, mereka saling bercerita tentang apa yang mereka ketahui tentang Candi Borobudur.
    En: On the way, they shared stories about what they knew about Borobudur Temple.

    Id: Ayu bercerita, "Candi Borobudur adalah candi Buddha terbesar di dunia.
    En: Ayu said, "Borobudur Temple is the largest Buddhist temple in the world."

    Id: " Budi menjawab, "Wah, aku ingin melihat patung Buddha yang besar itu!
    En: Budi replied, "Wow, I want to see the big Buddha statue!"

    Id: "Sesampainya di Candi Borobudur, mereka kagum.
    En: Upon arriving at Borobudur Temple, they were amazed.

    Id: Bangunan candi begitu besar dan megah.
    En: The temple structure was so large and magnificent.

    Id: Ayu, Budi, dan Putri berjalan mendekati candi.
    En: Ayu, Budi, and Putri walked closer to the temple.

    Id: Mereka melihat relief di dinding candi.
    En: They saw the reliefs on the temple walls.

    Id: Ayu berkata, "Ini menggambarkan cerita-cerita dari kehidupan Buddha.
    En: Ayu said, "These depict stories from the life of Buddha."

    Id: "Putri menambahkan, "Kita bisa belajar banyak tentang sejarah dari sini.
    En: Putri added, "We can learn a lot about history from here."

    Id: "Mereka mulai berjalan menaiki candi.
    En: They began to climb the temple.

    Id: Setiap tingkat memiliki cerita sendiri.
    En: Each level had its own story.

    Id: Mereka berhenti sejenak di setiap lantai, membahas relief yang mereka lihat.
    En: They stopped for a moment on each floor, discussing the reliefs they saw.

    Id: Budi bersemangat, "Lihat!
    En: Budi excitedly said, "Look!

    Id: Ini patung Buddha yang besar!
    En: This is the big Buddha statue!"

    Id: "Ayu tersenyum, "Ya, ini dia.
    En: Ayu smiled, "Yes, here it is.

    Id: Sangat indah.
    En: Very beautiful."

    Id: "Mereka duduk di salah satu tingkat candi, menikmati pemandangan.
    En: They sat on one of the temple's levels, enjoying the view.

    Id: Putri merasakan angin sepoi-sepoi, "Di sini sangat tenang.
    En: Putri felt the gentle breeze, "It's very peaceful here.

    Id: Aku senang kita bisa datang ke sini bersama.
    En: I'm glad we could come here together."

    Id: "Ayu setuju, "Ini waktu yang berharga bersama keluarga.
    En: Ayu agreed, "This is precious family time."

    Id: "Setelah puas berjalan-jalan, mereka duduk bersama di bawah pohon rindang.
    En: After enjoying their walk, they sat together under a shady tree.

    Id: Mereka saling menceritakan gambar-gambar yang mereka lihat.
    En: They shared stories about the pictures they had seen.

    Id: Budi merasa lebih dekat dengan budaya...

    • 15 min

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