Good Enough! 你很好:轻熟女幸福指南 【Ladies’ Wellness Chat】

【每周四更新 欢迎订阅!】如果你喜欢我们的节目,欢迎把Good Enough!分享给更多和你一样有品味的朋友~ 一起来社交媒体找我们玩~~~ 【小红书】: @Good Enough! 你很好 @Sherry菲菲菲 【Ins】: @sherryfayej @maggieatsfood 【欢迎收听 Good Enough! 你很好:轻熟女幸福指南】 在这里,一对太平洋两岸的好朋友之间每周和各位听众一起亲密的闲聊。我们的分享内容不止健康饮食与健身,还有一切你感兴趣的女性(&两性)话题! 欢迎大家在喜马拉雅,小宇宙APP和苹果Podcast订阅收听🎧 【About Us】 Maggie, 北京出生,加州长大,中西文化结合的产物。性格开朗,自主独立,贫。目前在加州从事全职营养师,兼职健身教练,专门教高强度有氧训练(cycling,HIIT这类)。对吃有着崇高追求和热情的吃货一枚! Sherry,常驻北京的外媒记者,仙女,健身十级业余爱好者(常年把自己当活体小白鼠的那种)。北大学渣,年轻时在纽约联合国总部混过。 欢迎评论告诉我们你感兴趣的话题,或者报名成为我们的节目嘉宾! 【Where to Find Us】 - 欢迎在评论区留言或者发邮件来信跟我们说说你的想法喔 日常夸夸我们、提点意见或者想跟我们聊聊天都很欢迎~~ Powered by Firstory Hosting
Easy listening with great healthy, fitness and other fun info!
Maggie and Sherry shares great information on fitness, health, relationships and other very relatable topics, through their casual chats. It really feels like having friends with you while you listen! My favorite is that they never “tell you what to do” or “what is right”, but share their experiences and have you decide for yourself. They promote everyone is different, and that You Are Good Enough!
Easy listening toward a healthier & happier life~
I love the information shared between the two conversationalists, feels like a friend talking to you and giving you honest opinions & advices~ this is exactly what I’d like to listen to during down time - good information & fun conversation!
Love This Podcast that Promotes Wellness and Positivity
I love learning about health and fitness, and I also enjoy the topic of life/love/relationship.
- CreatorGood Enough! 你很好
- Years Active2020 - 2022
- Episodes58
- RatingClean
- Copyright© Good Enough! 你很好
- Show Website