100 episodes

Live your best life right up to your last breath. And all the messy bits in between cradle to grave journey.

We grieve much in life, anticipation, our letting go of life, loss of someone we love, a divorce, changing careers, friendships lost.

Grief is complicated and unpredictable. I know know that we can not think our way out of grief, trauma or emotional pain. They say it is not an intellectual healing, so what then?

The fact is, we can't often change the fact of why we hurt, we can only change the way we feel. Grief, trauma and emotional pain can be overwhelming, because they often contain many emotions.

And because these emotions are often negatively charged, we could have much difficulty finding a cognitive solution. With the death of my husband, I struggled. Even with all the tools and years of helping others overcome their pain.

Through healing myself, I now help others heal from their loss too. Private and group session as well as retreat options.

So if life feels dark and you are struggling to find happiness, this podcast is meant to light a path to relief, ease and healing.

Tune into my personal journey and many more courageous souls, who share their stories of loss and recovery.

Experience meditations and visualization, tips, tools and processes to allow you to take a deep breath.

Remember, the hardest climbs often offer us the most beautiful views. The journey begins with one step.

And you can pick from a combination of Neuroscience and spirituality, The Good grief Relief podcast offers mind body and soul freedom and can be an ultimate guide to a new you.

Explore a variety of programs, retreats and gatherings to further assist your feeling whole again.

Good Grief Relief Adele Anderson

    • Health & Fitness
    • 5.0 • 3 Ratings

Live your best life right up to your last breath. And all the messy bits in between cradle to grave journey.

We grieve much in life, anticipation, our letting go of life, loss of someone we love, a divorce, changing careers, friendships lost.

Grief is complicated and unpredictable. I know know that we can not think our way out of grief, trauma or emotional pain. They say it is not an intellectual healing, so what then?

The fact is, we can't often change the fact of why we hurt, we can only change the way we feel. Grief, trauma and emotional pain can be overwhelming, because they often contain many emotions.

And because these emotions are often negatively charged, we could have much difficulty finding a cognitive solution. With the death of my husband, I struggled. Even with all the tools and years of helping others overcome their pain.

Through healing myself, I now help others heal from their loss too. Private and group session as well as retreat options.

So if life feels dark and you are struggling to find happiness, this podcast is meant to light a path to relief, ease and healing.

Tune into my personal journey and many more courageous souls, who share their stories of loss and recovery.

Experience meditations and visualization, tips, tools and processes to allow you to take a deep breath.

Remember, the hardest climbs often offer us the most beautiful views. The journey begins with one step.

And you can pick from a combination of Neuroscience and spirituality, The Good grief Relief podcast offers mind body and soul freedom and can be an ultimate guide to a new you.

Explore a variety of programs, retreats and gatherings to further assist your feeling whole again.

    nightingale to the phoenix

    nightingale to the phoenix

    • 12 min
    90% Of Our Success Can be Limited By Trauma

    90% Of Our Success Can be Limited By Trauma

    3 R’s of Processing grief Robert A Neimeyer
    Retelling, Rebuilding, Reinventing
    Retelling: What happened, Who was your loved one, what was lost present and future, what extends beyond
    Rebuilding: rather than relinquishing, acknowledge the finality as a full body emotional acknowledgement. But also a sustainable way of continuing the bond
    Reinventing: our lives and ourselves in the context of what we need to change : as a opportunity of both sadness and hope
    - Imagine bitter sweet: from deeper despair, to carrying emotions more gently: nostalgia and remembrance
    Change the deceased representation to their very present absence
    Coming to find peace with that and how they are with us now
    **Adele Anderson: Empowerment Speaker and Grief Resilience Expert**
    Adele Anderson, an NLP Trainer, Homeopath, and Life and Death Coach, is a captivating speaker and grief resilience expert with a unique perspective on navigating profound loss. At the age of 27, Adele survived a plane crash, an experience she often describes as easier than facing the challenges of becoming a widow.
    Drawing from her personal journey, Adele explores the transformative impact of loss on one's ideals, emphasizing five key changes that individuals often undergo. She delves into the re-evaluation of success, the cultivation of empathy and compassion, the newfound appreciation for the present moment, the reassessment of life's priorities, and the discovery of resilience and strength in grief.
    Having navigated the complex emotions of loss, Adele shares her holistic approach to healing. As an advocate for optimizing physical, emotional and spiritual well-being, she integrates high-quality supplements, NLP techniques for empowered decision-making, and ancient spiritual practices to deepen soul connection.
    Adele's story is one of resilience, inner peace, and purpose. She believes that even in the depths of grief, life offers opportunities for growth and transformation. Join Adele on her journey as she inspires others to harness the strength within, turning grief into a catalyst for personal empowerment, compassion, and gratitude.
    #griefrelief #griefrecovery #griefsupport #griefandtraumaretreats #deathdoula #findingyourpurposeaftergrief #superpowersofresilience #lifecoachadele #believeinyourpowertosurvive #survivinggrief #resilience #empowerment
    Complimentary Meet-up: https://live.vcita.com/site/pj6nd2nw1oky5ogs/online-scheduling?service=drkxsgl8va1u4yv9
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/adele.anderson.1238/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lifecoachadele/
    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lifecoachadeleanderson/

    • 16 min
    90% Of Our Success Can be Limited By Trauma

    90% Of Our Success Can be Limited By Trauma

    Trauma, often lurking in the depths of our subconscious mind, acts as a formidable barrier to our success and well-being. It erects a screen saver, a shield of sorts, that tells us we are no longer safe to take risks or protect ourselves. Despite the integral role of risk in personal growth, we find ourselves paralyzed by resistance, trapped in a cycle of fear and helplessness.
    This inner turmoil manifests in various ways. We may fear appearing weak or vulnerable, so we resort to procrastination, self-sabotage, or negative coping mechanisms aimed at numbing the discomfort that accompanies our pain. These behaviors, though seemingly protective, only serve to perpetuate the magnetic energy of trauma within us, keeping us bound in its grip.
    But there is hope. By implementing therapeutic principles, we can begin to dismantle the barriers that trauma has erected and pave the way for healing and transformation.
    Rule #1: Calm Yourself Through Breath
    The breath, a powerful tool for regulating our nervous system, holds the key to calming the storm within. Long, slow breaths signal to our fear-driven brain to relax, lowering heart rate, respiration, body temperature, and anxiety levels. Through conscious breathing, we can anchor ourselves in the present moment, cultivating a sense of peace and stability amidst the chaos.
    Rule #2: Ground Yourself Through Sensory Awareness
    Grounding techniques, rooted in mindfulness and sensory awareness, enable us to reconnect with the present moment and anchor ourselves in reality. By paying attention to the sensations in our body—what we see, hear, smell, taste, and feel—we shift our focus away from the tumult of our emotions and into the realm of the here and now. This shift activates our neocortex, the seat of rational thought and problem-solving, allowing us to gain perspective and distance from our overwhelming feelings.
    The Science Behind It:
    The process of identification, or naming our emotions, is a function of the neocortex. When we find ourselves caught up in the throes of intense emotions, we are operating from the middle brain, where instinct and survival mechanisms reign supreme. By learning to shift our attention to the frontal brain, we create a cognitive separation from our emotional experiences, empowering us to navigate them with greater clarity and resilience.
    Rule #3: Acknowledge and Explore Your Feelings
    Acknowledging our feelings is the first step towards understanding and healing them. Take note of when and where certain emotions arise in your life, and explore the underlying meaning and significance behind them. By shining a light on our emotional landscape, we gain insight into the patterns and triggers that perpetuate our trauma, paving the way for deeper healing and self-discovery.
    In conclusion, while trauma may cast a long shadow over our lives, it need not define our destiny. Through intentional practice, self-awareness, and compassion, we can begin to dismantle the barriers that hold us back and reclaim our innate capacity for growth, resilience, and inner peace.
    **Adele Anderson: Empowerment Speaker and Grief Resilience Expert**
    Adele Anderson, an NLP Trainer, Homeopath, and Life and Death Coach, is a captivating speaker and grief resilience expert with a unique perspective on navigating profound loss. At the age of 27, Adele survived a plane crash, an experience she often describes as easier than facing the challenges of becoming a widow.
    Drawing from her personal journey, Adele explores the transformative impact of loss on one's ideals, emphasizing five key changes that individuals often undergo. She delves into the re-evaluation of success, the cultivation of empathy and compassion, the newfound appreciation for the present moment, the reassessment of life's priorities, and the discovery of resilience and strength in grief.
    Having navigated the complex emotions of loss, Adele shares her holistic approach to

    • 10 min
    Embracing Brokenness: The Journey Of Recovery And Resilience With Adele Anderson

    Embracing Brokenness: The Journey Of Recovery And Resilience With Adele Anderson

    In the tapestry of life, threads of brokenness often weave through the fabric of our existence. We encounter moments of vulnerability, moments where the weight of despair threatens to shroud us in darkness. Yet, within these fractures, lies an undeniable beauty waiting to be discovered—a beauty that emerges from the depths of our struggles, illuminating the path toward healing and hope.
    Recovery, in its essence, is a journey of resilience—a testament to the remarkable capacity of the human spirit to mend and grow, even amidst the shattered fragments of our lives. It is a journey marked by grace, kindness, and compassion, where each step forward is a triumph of the soul over adversity.
    At times, the road to recovery may seem daunting, veiled in uncertainty and fear. We may find ourselves grappling with wounds that run deep, wounds that threaten to define us. Yet, it is precisely in these moments of brokenness that we unearth our true strength—the strength to confront our vulnerabilities with courage and resilience.
    For it is in our vulnerabilities that we find the raw essence of our humanity—the tender whispers of our hearts, longing to be heard and understood. It is in our brokenness that we discover the power of vulnerability—the power to connect deeply with ourselves and with others, forging bonds of empathy and understanding that transcend the barriers of pain and suffering.
    In the depths of despair, hope flickers like a gentle flame, illuminating the darkness that surrounds us. It is a beacon of light, guiding us toward the promise of a brighter tomorrow—a tomorrow filled with possibility, resilience, and renewed purpose.
    Each day, as we take small steps forward on the path of recovery, we bear witness to the transformative power of grace and compassion. We extend kindness to ourselves and to others, embracing our imperfections with a sense of acceptance and understanding. We recognize that healing is not a linear journey, but rather a meandering path filled with twists and turns, ebbs and flows.
    In the embrace of community and connection, we find solace and strength—a reminder that we are not alone in our struggles, that our stories are woven together in a tapestry of shared humanity. It is through our collective resilience that we find the courage to confront our demons, to embrace our vulnerabilities, and to emerge from the depths of despair, stronger and more resilient than before.
    As we journey onward, may we hold onto the beauty of our brokenness—the beauty that lies in our capacity to heal, to grow, and to flourish in the face of adversity. May we find strength in vulnerability, courage in compassion, and hope in the boundless possibilities that await us on the horizon.
    For in the tapestry of life, it is often the threads of brokenness that shine the brightest, illuminating the path toward wholeness, healing, and grace.
    **Adele Anderson: Empowerment Speaker and Grief Resilience Expert**
    Adele Anderson, an NLP Trainer, Homeopath, and Life and Death Coach, is a captivating speaker and grief resilience expert with a unique perspective on navigating profound loss. At the age of 27, Adele survived a plane crash, an experience she often describes as easier than facing the challenges of becoming a widow.
    Drawing from her personal journey, Adele explores the transformative impact of loss on one's ideals, emphasizing five key changes that individuals often undergo. She delves into the re-evaluation of success, the cultivation of empathy and compassion, the newfound appreciation for the present moment, the reassessment of life's priorities, and the discovery of resilience and strength in grief.
    Having navigated the complex emotions of loss, Adele shares her holistic approach to healing. As an advocate for optimizing physical, emotional and spiritual well-being, she integrates high-quality supplements, NLP techniques for empowered decision-making, and a

    • 8 min
    Navigating Emotions: Finding Light in Grief and Overwhelm With Adele Anderson

    Navigating Emotions: Finding Light in Grief and Overwhelm With Adele Anderson

    In this enlightening episode of "Navigating Emotions: Finding Light in Grief and Overwhelm," we delve deep into the intricate landscape of human emotions and the art of coping with life's challenges. Through a comprehensive exploration of grief, overwhelm, and worry, we uncover invaluable insights into the human experience and discover powerful coping mechanisms to navigate through difficult times.
    Grief, characterized by feelings of profound sadness, loss, and longing, is a universal emotion that touches us all at some point in our lives. From the depths of emotional pain to the numbness of detachment, we explore the myriad facets of grief and the ways in which it manifests in our lives. Through heartfelt discussions and personal anecdotes, we shed light on positive coping mechanisms such as seeking support, allowing ourselves to feel and express emotions, and finding solace in rituals and creative expression.
    But grief is not the only emotion we encounter on our journey. Overwhelm, with its sense of emotional and mental overload, presents its own set of challenges. From difficulty concentrating to physical symptoms of tension and fatigue, overwhelm can leave us feeling out of control and anxious. Yet, within the chaos, there lies the potential for growth and resilience. By breaking tasks into manageable steps, setting boundaries, and practicing self-care, we can find our way back to a place of balance and calm.
    And then there is worry, the relentless companion to overwhelm. As a thinking mechanism rooted in anticipation and fear, worry can hijack our thoughts and lead to increased anxiety and stress. Yet, by practicing mindfulness, challenging negative thoughts, and engaging in problem-solving strategies, we can learn to quiet the noise and find peace in the present moment.
    Join us on this transformative journey as we uncover the power of emotional resilience, the beauty of human connection, and the light that shines even in the darkest of times. Together, let us navigate the complexities of our emotions and discover the strength and resilience that lie within each of us.
    About the host:
    Adele Anderson, an NLP Trainer, Homeopath, and Life and Death Coach, is a captivating speaker and grief resilience expert with a unique perspective on navigating profound loss. At the age of 27, Adele survived a plane crash, an experience she often describes as easier than facing the challenges of becoming a widow.
     Drawing from her personal journey, Adele explores the transformative impact of loss on one's ideals, emphasizing five key changes that individuals often undergo. She delves into the re-evaluation of success, the cultivation of empathy and compassion, the newfound appreciation for the present moment, the reassessment of life's priorities, and the discovery of resilience and strength in grief.
     Having navigated the complex emotions of loss, Adele shares her holistic approach to healing. As an advocate for optimizing physical, emotional and spiritual well-being, she integrates high-quality supplements, NLP techniques for empowered decision-making, and ancient spiritual practices to deepen soul connection.
     Adele's story is one of resilience, inner peace, and purpose. She believes that even in the depths of grief, life offers opportunities for growth and transformation. Join Adele on her journey as she inspires others to harness the strength within, turning grief into a catalyst for personal empowerment, compassion, and gratitude.
    Core value worksheet
    Complimentary Meet-up: https://live.vcita.com/site/pj6nd2nw1oky5ogs/online-scheduling?service=drkxsgl8va1u4yv9
    #griefrelief #griefrecovery #griefsupport #griefandtraumaretreats #deathdoula #navigatinggrief #findingyourpurposeaftergrief #superpowersofresilience #lifecoachadele #believeinyourpowertosurvive #survivinggrief #resilience #empowerment
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/adele.anders

    • 25 min
    How Can A Aviator Acronym A.N.C. Help You Heal Your Grief And Better Understand how To Help A Loved-one That Is grieving

    How Can A Aviator Acronym A.N.C. Help You Heal Your Grief And Better Understand how To Help A Loved-one That Is grieving

    How can an acronym guide us on our healing journey?
    Aviate - Acknowledge the Emptiness:**
       Just as a pilot must maintain control of the aircraft despite turbulence, in grief recovery, In the early days of grief, the weight of loss can feel suffocating, as if the very air we breathe has abandoned us.
    It's as though our emotional landscape has been stripped bare, leaving us suspended in an empty void where even drawing a breath feels like an impossible task.
    Maybe we feel unsteady, as if our feet see now ground below.
    In acknowledging this profound emptiness, we find ourselves confronting the raw reality of our sorrow.
    Much like a pilot steadying an aircraft amidst turbulence, stabilizing our emotional plane becomes a crucial act of self-compassion.
    It means recognizing that amidst the vast expanse of grief, it's okay to feel lost and adrift.
    By acknowledging the emptiness, we grant ourselves permission to navigate the depths of our emotions with gentleness and patience.
    It's in this acknowledgment that we begin to lay the foundation for healing, finding solace in the understanding that our pain, though immense, is a testament to the depth of our love.
     Just as a pilot trust in the stability of their aircraft, we can learn to trust in our own resilience, knowing that even in the emptiness, there lies the potential for renewal and growth.
    Recognize the void left by loss as a space where memories can eventually serve as fuel for healing.
    Understand that healing is not a linear path but a series of adjustments. Allow yourself the grace to rise above despair and find solace in the journey.
    2. **Navigate - Find Your Compass in Memories:**
       Navigating grief is a journey unlike any other, akin to charting a course through uncharted waters.
     In these early days of loss, memories can feel like waves crashing against the fragile vessel of our hearts, threatening to engulf us in fresh waves of sadness. I truly felt as if I might drown in my pain.
    Yet, amidst the tumult, it's essential to recognize that these memories also hold the power to be our guiding lights, our compasses through the storms of sorrow.
    One memory I recall and leaned into was a promise I made
    Willis. He said “I know you will be side, but lean on the side of joy” and I took that memory to heart.
    Memories are not just reminders of what we've lost but also reflections of the love and connection we shared.
    Know that your grief is individual to you, your loss feels like you are the only person that could feel such pain, because you relationship with your loved one was completely unique and there is beauty In all that you shared together
    I understand that In the darkness of grief, it's easy to feel adrift, lost in a sea of pain and longing.
    But if we allow ourselves to lean into these memories, to let them be our North Star, they can illuminate the path forward, even in the darkest of times.
    Each memory can eventually become a beacon of hope, a reminder that though the pain may be overwhelming today, we are not alone in our journey.
    As we navigate the complexities of grief, may we find solace in the beauty of these memories, allowing them to guide us towards healing and eventual peace.
    Communicate - Share the Sky of Sorrow:
    In the vast expanse of grief, having a support system can truly be a lifeline.
    It's like having a beacon of hope illuminating the darkest corners of our sorrow. I found talking/ blogging about my pain, journal my sorrow to be soo cathartic. Putting my pain on paper, was healing and there is science to support that
    Much like pilots rely on communication with air traffic control to navigate safely through the skies, sharing our grief with trusted companions allows them to fly alongside us, guiding us through the turbulence.
    In these moments, being a "wingman" means more than just offering a listening ear; it's about standing in solidarity, offering strength, coping and resilience strategies for us when our

    • 14 min

Customer Reviews

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3 Ratings

3 Ratings

Angellady1111 ,

Wonderful Soul

You’ll love this podcast!

KevinBurciaga ,

Perfect for Anyone Who Values Health

Adele's podcast is for anybody who is interested in health and wellness. Adele has done an excellent job producing content to improve our health during the COVID-19 pandemic. I enjoyed her interview with Mike Collins about his love affair with sugar (March 2020). I think you will enjoy her gentle tone and practical advice.

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