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A resource to give daily guidance for successful sexuality, regardless of how you like it. We tap into the expertise and insights from a wide variety of masters, who want to share their discoveries, and innovations.

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A resource to give daily guidance for successful sexuality, regardless of how you like it. We tap into the expertise and insights from a wide variety of masters, who want to share their discoveries, and innovations.

    Polyamory History

    Polyamory History

    An essay on the history of Polyamory.By darkgoddess2478. Listen to the Podcast at How To Sex. What is Polyamory?Polyamory means "loving more than one". This love may be sexual, emotional, spiritual, or a combination thereof, according to the desires and agreement of the individuals involved. "Polyamorous" is also used as descriptive term by people who are open to more than one relationship even if they are not currently involved in more than one. It is behaving in ways which are honest, and which make you, and the people you care about, and the people they care about happy and fulfilled. Polyamory is about building new configurations of relationships, being open to the opportunity if it comes along, not refusing commitments because something better might come loping down the path. This is an interesting question. What is Polyamory? The definition above states it just simply as "loving more than one". Kathy Labriola defines Polyamory as an intense loving relationship between two or more people. Polyamory literally means many loves. Good enough for the simple definitions that tell you absolutely nothing important. Let's start with where the poly movement began.Polyamory in the United States began as polygamy with Joseph Smith, the founder of the Mormon religion, or The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Through a series of visions, Smith announced polygamy to his followers as a part of Mormon spirituality in 1843 and Brigham Young publicly announced this practice in 1852. Polygamy allowed men to marry more than one wife as long as he could provide for everyone in his family. The Mormons were sexually conservative and rejected the ideals of romantic love, intense courtship and contraception. Sex was seen merely as a device for procreation. Extramarital affairs, premarital sex, and all sexual acts that would not directly lead to conception were strictly forbidden and enforced at a cost of death or emasculation. The reasoning stands that polygamy was not for the purpose of sex, but as a way to have as many children as possible.Since the Christian doctrine did not allow for polygamy, the Mormons were the subject of hate from many sources, mainly Protestant missionaries and women writers who "attempted to emancipate plural wives from their alleged sexual slavery." (D'Emilio and Freedman 117) Even though our country preached freedom of religion, from the 1860's to the 1880's the federal government prosecuted Mormons who practiced polygamy. Given this opposition, the Mormons withdrew their approval for polygamy in 1890.Most polyamorous families are not all married to one another. There is usually a primary couple who are married and the others who consider themselves married, but do not have an actual marriage certificate. Some of the families live together and others have separate living quarters where the father and husband visit frequently. In the families that live together, the child rearing and household responsibilities are shared. In all ethical cases, all the wives know about each other and support the decision of their husband taking on the new partner. Kathy Labriola, a counselor and nurse, defines Polyamory as "an intense loving relationship between members of the same sex or those of the opposite sex". Some polyamorous people are married, others are single: Polyamorous people may be heterosexual, homosexual or bisexual. The Polyamorous system does not have to be a sexual system, but it can be.Most of the cynicism given to Polyamory is due to people thinking Polyamory is for sexual practices. Kilbride in "Plural Marriage for our Times: A Reinvented Option?" states, In linking sexuality to marriage we generally view having multiple marital partners, as resulting predominately from sex drive.  Of the various reasons why plural marriage occurs, a sexual outlet is minimized within a wider, more general body of needs and functions considered important for both individuals and the wider society.  This statem

    Swinging vs Naturism

    Swinging vs Naturism

    Do you seek to be comfortable in your body, or be just a piece of meat?By Zahra Barnes & Dr Nikki Goldstein. Listen to the podcast at How To Sex. Getting naked with a mixed social group might be a tantalizing item on your bucket list, but the options can be radically different, and lead to disappointment, even betrayal and abandonment. To the person who’s never seriously considered getting naked in a large mixed group, perhaps all the options seem the same. But where some groups, like swingers clubs; gather with the intent of openly sexual interactions; Naturist and nudist clubs specifically ban public sexuality. Even an innocent erection might be frowned upon and the guy might be asked to step apart from the women while he’s turgid. Some naturists clubs have an unspoken bias against any male arousal. They even tend to blame an erect man for proliferating a ‘rape culture’.But at the swingers club, the turgid male; especially if heavily endowed; is almost revered. A man or woman whose physique is rather ‘unremarkable’ may end the event feeling disappointed and inferior. It’s perhaps that ‘meat-market’ culture which diverts many people to the non-sexual naturist clubs. A man with a considerably small cock, hidden in a thick pubic bush, has little to fear at a Naturist club.You might see more women than men at a naturist club, but you’ll definitely see way more men at a swinger club. That’s what leads a modestly-endowed man to give up on the swingers club, unless he’s there with his devoted female life partner.But let’s hear from a young woman who has created a naturist society for younger adults. Zahra Barnes shares her report on the club that Felicity Jones started.Naturism Liberated MeThis Is What It's Like To Live Most of Your Life NakedI firmly believe that if you want to experience euphoria sans drugs, all you have to do is take off your bra after a long workday. And post-shower, you can often find me wrestling my freshly-lotioned legs into a pair of jeans, muttering questions like, "Why can't I just live my life naked?" The thing is, I can. And some people do. Nudists and naturists participate in plenty of normal activities like swimming, camping, and karaoke without clothes. The degrees of nudity vary; some people are naked pretty much all the time, while others reserve it for social events every so often. But to hear them tell it, life is much better in the nude.While you may have heard of nudists, chances are you're a little less familiar with naturists. Although the terms are often used interchangeably, some people believe certain nuances classify them as two different bodies. "We define nudism as being more about the actual nudity, while naturism has more of a philosophy behind it," Felicity Jones, 27, a resident of Long Island City, N.Y. and co-founder of Young Naturists America, YNA, tells SELF. "It’s about accepting people as they are, and also promoting the values of respecting other people and the environment." Of course, most naturists can't be naked all the time, because laws exist and being naked in jail doesn't sound particularly comfortable. But when they can, they do, and they enjoy the hell out of it.Let's clear one thing up: Naturism's not about sex.Sometimes it's easiest to define naturism by describing what it's not. "A lot of people imagine that it’s this amped up sexual environment, like people are having sex in the open or having orgies," says Felicity. "It’s not like that at all. There’s a time and place for everything," she says, while noting that YNA has "very rarely" had to kick people out of events because they're acting inappropriately.Stateside nudism and naturism have their roots in the American Association for Nude Recreation, which was founded in 1931. With an spotlight on "wholesome nude family recreation," the organization's mission is "to advocate nudity and nude recreation in appropriate settings while educating and informing society of

    Sex Therapies For Your Relationship

    Sex Therapies For Your Relationship

     Don’t give up on what used to be a good thingBy Ashley Welch & Kara Leigh Smythe, MD. Listen to the Podcast at How To Sex. There was once a time when your relationship had magic. That spark of romance, anticipation, and bonding. You’ve invested so much, until things somehow went south. It might have been a major incident, or a slow drifting away from each other.It might be a personal health issue, or a forced new environment for the two of you.We’ll look at home treatments and try to reverse bad habits, But we’ll also discuss your options with a caring and competent professional therapist who specializes in identifying and reversing obstacles in your lives, in a gentle manner.Let’s first look at the easier solutions you can do in the privacy of your home. 9 Natural Libido TherapiesWant more excitement? Stimulation? Satisfaction? There are several drug-free ways to spice up your sex life.By Ashley Welch & Kara Leigh Smythe, MDExercise, say experts, is one of many natural tools you can use to improve sex.If fooling around with your partner isn't all you'd like it to be, it might be time to think up new ways to make your sex life sizzle.Having a date night with your partner — to remind yourself of all the reasons you adore each other — can be a great way to stimulate your libido, says Anita Sadaty, MD, a holistic gynecologist in Roslyn, New York.This is one of many natural ways that experts say you can improve your sex life.1. Make Getting in the Mood for Sex a PrioritySometimes, having more and better sex simply requires clearing your schedule. “It's hard to be in the mood when you have a million things on your to-do list and not much time to do it,” Dr. Sadaty says.Scheduling sex might sound unromantic, but you put most of your important plans in your calendar, so why not sex? It’s best to schedule enough time to do something relaxing first rather than hopping straight into bed, since women, especially, need to be relaxed before their libido kicks in, Sadaty says.2. Avoid Negative Thoughts If your brain is running a feedback loop of reasons you’ve picked up along the way — about how you should feel guilty about sex or maybe that your body is too fat or ugly or, well, whatever — it’s time to stop it in its tracks. Recognize the thought when it appears and change it to a more helpful one.Practicing sex positivity — the idea that all consensual sexual activities are healthy and positive — can lead to improvements in sexual enjoyment, researchers say. This means accepting that sex is an essential part of overall health and that you have the right to enjoy sexual activity free from judgment. Examples can include telling your partner what excites you, setting healthy sexual boundaries, and exploring sexual fantasies, which has been shown to improve sexual function and satisfaction.3. Don’t Forget to Use LubricantsVaginal dryness can be common among women, affecting as many as 17 percent of females 18 to 50, according to the Cleveland Clinic.A number of factors can contribute to vaginal dryness, including a drop in hormone levels due to menopause, breastfeeding, and certain medications. Sex can be more pleasurable if you add a lubricant, which cuts down on friction and irritation and, therefore, discomfort, gynecologists say. You can buy lubricant from the drugstore or use a household oil like coconut oil. (Be sure to use a non-latex condom if you DIY, because these oils can damage latex.)Don’t try to hide your need for a lubricant from your partner. Make it part of your sexual routine and have fun with it.4. Move Your Body You may not think that the exercise you do for your heart and muscles is important for sex, but remember that blood flows to your genitals as much as to your heart.Men with erectile dysfunction, for example, can often see improvements in this condition with healthy lifestyle changes such as exercise. A review of 10 studies concluded that 40 minutes of aero

    Reasons Men Are Choosing To Stay Single

    Reasons Men Are Choosing To Stay Single

     The dating world’s been flipping on its head.With input by Blonde&Balanced and Dinsmore. Listen to the Podcast at How To sex. Clearly, western culture has started failing to secure our survival. We saw it in western Europe, late in the last century. Plus, totalitarian Asian governments dictated it. We quit having enough babies to replace ourselves. We quit teaching our younger generations that a big part of existence is, creating more existence.We delegated out so much of parenthood, that we quit associating with our roles in life.Then we quit finding our identity in marriage. That ancient blending of the two halves of humanity. Boys increasingly started pleasuring other boys, and girls started preferring a romp with another girl. Hell, with internet porn and sex toys, even gay relationships started taking the hit.People are increasingly alone, and getting lonely. But for many of our fellow humans, that’s more acceptable than all the potential disasters of trying to find a soulmate and life partner.Here’s a report by Blonde&Balanced, about 28 of the possible reasons that men, in particular; are choosing to stay single. The dating world’s been flipping on its head, with more men choosing to hit pause on the whole dating game. It’s not just a single problem causing this shift, but a variety of new challenges prompting guys to retreat. Let’s delve into 28 reasons highlighting why some men are opting out of dating.1: High Cost of Love.The bill for playing the dating game can make some guys hit the brakes, especially when it’s on them to foot the bill for everything from fancy dinners to fun dates, all while balancing their budget.2: Clash with Modern Women.A rift between modern independence and traditional dating expectations has led to a disconnect, with men feeling sidelined by women’s dual demands for autonomy and special treatment. 3: Situationships.This modern take on non-committal relationships allows for emotional and physical connection without the need to label or define the bond, making it a popular choice for many.4: The Lost "Getting to Know You" Phase.Ian Breslow, a 28-year-old high school teacher who lives in Astoria, shared his own personal experience that underscores a shift from casual dating to immediate, intense relationship probing, making casual encounters and light-hearted dating seem a thing of the past. 5: Impact of Pandemic.Andrew Bruno’s account highlights how the pandemic has altered social behaviors, making in-person interactions less frequent and more guarded. 6: Goals over Dates.Many men are putting love on the back burner to chase their career or academic dreams, driven by a mix of personal ambition, societal pressure, or the quest for financial security before settling down.7: Past Pain.Some guys are keeping their hearts off the market thanks to rough rides in past relationships, from betrayals to breakups, leaving them wary of round two.8: High Expectations.Feeling overwhelmed by the mountain of expectations in the dating world, some men think it’s just too much—whether it’s pressure from society, a string of bad dates, or those fairy-tale romances in movies.9: Fear of Exploitation.Past experiences of feeling used, whether for money, handyman services, or emotional support, have some men wary of dating again, fearing another round of exploitation.10: The Age Gap.For some, dating seems to cater exclusively to the young, leaving older individuals feeling out of place and questioning the worth of seeking love later in life.11: Digital Dating.The digital dating scene, with its endless swiping and focus on fleeting connections, has some dudes questioning if it’s all just a bit too shallow and overwhelming to bother with.12: New Rules.As the ground shifts beneath the traditional gender roles, a lot of men find themselves lost in the new norms of dating and relationships, unsure of their role.13: Happy with Being Single.With over half of single Americans

    The Real Nymphomaniacs

    The Real Nymphomaniacs

    What should a man know before he dates a nymphomaniac? With  Clint Jahn & Olivia Bury. Listen to the podcast at How To Sex. Most people do not understand nymphomania. It’s real, but it’s not a mythological magic power. Nor is a Satyriasis.  There is a vast difference between a woman who enjoys sex and has a high sex drive and a nymphomaniac. When referring to a man with the same obsessive sexual compulsion, the correct term is: satyriasis. Nymphomania is reserved for females.The overarching behavioral term is hyper-sexuality. Let’s look at what Wikipedia has to say;Hypersexuality is extremely frequent or suddenly-increased sexual urges or sexual activity. Hyper-sexuality is typically associated with lowered sexual inhibitions. Hyper-sexuality can be caused by some medical conditions or medications. Medical conditions such as bipolar disorders can give rise to hyper-sexuality, and alcohol and some drugs can affect social and sexual inhibitions in some people. A number of theoretical models have been used to explain or treat hyper-sexuality. The most common one, especially in the popular media, is the sexual addiction approach, but sexologists have not reached any consensus. Alternative explanations for the condition include compulsive and impulsive behavioral models. The International Classification of Diseases of the World Health Organization includes Excessive Sexual Drive, which is divided into satyriasis for males and nymphomania for females, and Excessive Masturbation.But perhaps those mythological characters are tools of fantasy by people who’ve become obsessed and driven by inner psychiatric conditions.The American Psychiatric Association (APA) considered and rejected a proposal to add sexual addiction to its list of psychiatric disorders, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). A proposal to include a diagnosis called hypersexual disorder, simply describing the symptom without implying any specific theory, is under consideration for inclusion in the appendix of the DSM, but not in the main list of official diagnoses. This means that the descriptives are not the illness, but manifested traits of the illness.Some people call nymphomania ‘sex addiction’, because it can manifest as a destructive compulsion. These people will make unhealthy choices and engage in high risk behaviors to fulfill their desires, which are barely under control. In many ways it is similar to alcoholism, with the recklessness and shame and damage that goes along with that.Okay, enough of the medical and psychological talk. Let’s talk about how to respond to a person whom you’re suspecting has a compulsive behavior.C. R. Jahn was in a relationship with a college classmate.It starts out absolutely thrilling. It can meet & surpass all of a virile 22 year old man’s fantasies; for a short while.It is theoretically possible to have a healthy monogamous relationship with a nymphomaniac, as long as you engage in open honest communication about your mutual needs and expectations. You will be expected to have sexual relations with her at least three times a day and your cunnilingus skills need to be top tier, otherwise just forget about monogamy because that probably isn’t going to happen. Sorry.I was engaged to a nymphomaniac for about a year and a half once. Everything was great for the first six month. but as soon as I started working over 40 hours a week, things went toxic and rapidly spiraled downhill. Like an alcoholic, they will lie and sneak and place blame on you for their mistakes.I dated a few other nymphomaniacs. One was 100% loyal until I needed to leave the state for a few months. I do not blame her one bit. I expected it. It wasn’t her. It was her illness. She was the primary victim of a hideous and psychotic mental crisis.Nymphomania is often the result of any of the following;·         long-term child sexual abuse and is frequently comorbid with·         bor

    A F*****g Bucket List

    A F*****g Bucket List

    How Many Positions Have You Tried?By silk stockings lover. Listen to the Podcast at How To Sex.  Several classic books detail the dozens of positions for fucking. In the 70’s, The Joy of Sex was a big hit. It inspired great f*****g, and some occasional trips to the emergency room, with some embarrassing admissions, especially at the Catholic hospitals where nuns circulated and prayed for injured patients.But most couples fell deeper in love with each other, and late night tv ratings dropped, as couples turned in earlier.Today we’re inviting silk stockings lover to talk to us about sexual variety, particularly sex positions. Her many presentations have helped many couples turn boredom and monotony into exciting new adventures in coupling. Her she is.Sex PositionsMost couples end up using one, two or three positions over and over.Which, by the way, makes sense.They work.But sticking to the variety is the spice of life concept of this essay; the best way to do that is to explore the hundreds of positions you can try.Some new ones you will love.Some new ones you will not.Some will be like how the f**k would that even work.But just trying something new together is fun.Don't take it seriously.Have fun.Laugh.Communicate.Know when to give up if a position isn't working or isn't comfortable for one of you. Don't keep doing it if you are uncomfortable; sex should be enjoyable for both parties.Acknowledge that this will be a lengthier encounter likely and if all goes to hell in a handbasket you can always go back to three go-to positions or do oral.No reason you both shouldn't get off regardless of how well or how bad a new position goes.While you can buy entire books on positions (I have a position per day book which has some great positions, you can find positions online and even on apps, I will offer you ten that I think are great ones to both enjoy and mixed it up a little without getting too wild.A. The CorkscrewThis is one of our now go to positions. For one, he likes standing up during sex for some reason; I don't really.But I do like being on my side for sex; so this one is a great compromise for what we both like.I position myself at the edge the bed. I bend my ass so my cunt is easily accessible while I usually grab a pillow for my head. He stands on the side of the bed and slides into me.For some reason, he tells me I feel tighter this way.Also, I should note, he comes faster this way.Fun variation: I will put my vibrator pressing against my c**t during this position to really experience intense pleasure inside and out.B. The PiledriverNow I'm not sure if there is a better name for it; or an official name; but this is without a doubt my husband's favourite position and can be done pretty easily in a variety of places. Like the corkscrew he is usually standing, although not always, and I am usually at the edge of the bed.He grabs me by the ankles, pulls my legs and feet together and then simply penetrates from this position. Because my legs are together sliding inside can be more challenging so I recommend either penetrating the vagina first or having some lube generously lathered on the penis.Once in, he can control the depth and angle and I am his submissive fuck toy. The stimulation in this position is great for me as well.A major bonus is he can rest his body against my nylon-clad legs, caress them and even kiss, lick and smell my stocking-clad toes.Fun variation: he can continue to hold my ankles, spread me wide and pile drive me that way.C. The DragonI love this position. For one, it is a very submissive position. I used to call it the pile driver part two; although they are very different positions and stimulations.In this position, I lay on my stomach on a bed (this position you definitely need to be on a bed), and he lies on top of me and penetrates me from the top. (Obviously, this would be a great position for anal as well, but we are discussing vaginal penetration here).My man will start slow, actual

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