614 episodes

The Hustle & Flowchart Podcast with Joe Fier is all about how to build a business so it gives you the freedom and fuel for your life.

We discuss systems, mindset tweaks, reframes, and strategies for entrepreneurs (and really anyone) to enjoy the process of being in business and having fun.

This isn't for the entrepreneur looking to build a billion dollar business, rather someone who is looking to build systems that work for you, so you can make more money than you need just by working part-time.

I was a chronic hustle-mode kinda guy and I want to share my experiences and mentors I've met along the way to help you reframe things so you can be the most effective as an entrepreneur.

Join in conversations with Joe Fier and various mentors sharing principles and strategies to put this into action for yourself.

Please enjoy and share with your friends!

Listen Notes

Hustle & Flowchart: Mastering Business & Enjoying the Journey Joe Fier, host of Hustle & Flowchart

    • Business
    • 4.9 • 156 Ratings

The Hustle & Flowchart Podcast with Joe Fier is all about how to build a business so it gives you the freedom and fuel for your life.

We discuss systems, mindset tweaks, reframes, and strategies for entrepreneurs (and really anyone) to enjoy the process of being in business and having fun.

This isn't for the entrepreneur looking to build a billion dollar business, rather someone who is looking to build systems that work for you, so you can make more money than you need just by working part-time.

I was a chronic hustle-mode kinda guy and I want to share my experiences and mentors I've met along the way to help you reframe things so you can be the most effective as an entrepreneur.

Join in conversations with Joe Fier and various mentors sharing principles and strategies to put this into action for yourself.

Please enjoy and share with your friends!

Listen Notes

    Smart Author Media: A Unique Way to Help Authors Scale with Chris Benetti

    Smart Author Media: A Unique Way to Help Authors Scale with Chris Benetti

    I’m excited to share this fantastic conversation I had with Chris Benetti. Chris is not just a great friend but an amazing business mind who focuses on providing real value without the hard sell. We talked about everything from business strategies to personal life updates, including his new role as a father and his foray into real estate. Let’s dive into the key takeaways from our conversation.
    Easy Wins in Business Chris Benetti believes that providing value without hard selling is essential. He shared his experience of helping people with step-by-step guides and tools that can make a difference in their business. According to Chris, “The goal is to help people achieve results by directing them to resources where they can implement what they've learned.” This approach has helped him build trust and long-lasting relationships with his clients. It’s all about focusing on the value you can bring rather than pushing for a sale.
    Personal Updates and Family Life In between all the business talk, Chris shared some exciting personal updates. He recently became a father of two and moved into a new home that he built. He emphasized how important it is to balance family life with work. "Building a new home and focusing on family life has given me a fresh perspective on what’s truly important," Chris said. This balance is crucial for maintaining both personal well-being and professional success.
    Business Strategies and Investments Chris and I talked extensively about making your business profitable to invest in tangible assets outside of the business. Chris mentioned property and real estate investments as a key area where he’s focusing his resources. We agreed that growing your business to generate profits for investments is a smart move. Chris also emphasized the importance of diversifying income to avoid financial instability. "You can’t rely on a single source of income; you have to think ahead and safeguard yourself," he explained.
    Smart Author Media Chris’s current focus is on Smart Author Media, where he helps authors scale their businesses using effective marketing strategies. Despite new challenges like having a child, Chris has designed a scalable business model targeting underserved niches. He validated this model through beta testing and networking. Chris has also used his podcast to establish himself as an expert and validate his models with input from guest experts.
    The Power of Giving Away Books One of the most interesting parts of our conversation was Chris’s strategy of giving away free books to generate leads. Chris mentioned that “Giving away free books can still result in clients, with a conversion rate of 1-5%.” They’ve given away around 2,000 books, with 10% of those people starting a trial membership. Chris also cited an example of a client who gave away fewer than 5,000 books but still made a significant amount of money from it.
    Effective Marketing Techniques Chris uses book funnels and employs an affiliate model to promote them. He suggested using affiliates to promote book funnels and offering 100% commissions on digital offers to acquire customers at minimal cost. Chris's business model centers around selling books with advertising and using email follow-ups and retargeting ads to guide readers to the next step. This approach helps to increase the average cart value, offsetting advertising spend. The ultimate goal is to convert readers into long-term clients.
    Chris's Resources Smart Author Media Chat with Chris Conclusion Wrapping up, Chris Benetti shared some amazing insights into balancing personal life and business, the importance of providing genuine value, and the effectiveness of innovative marketing strategies like book giveaways. The key takeaway is that providing immediate value to potential clients and having a diversified income strategy are essential for long-term stability and success. Chris and I look forward to reconnecting and having more enlightening conver

    • 50 min
    Building a Media Empire with AI: Insights from Matt Wolfe

    Building a Media Empire with AI: Insights from Matt Wolfe

    Hey friends, welcome to another episode of Hustle and Flowchart. Matt Wolfe joins me today to discuss some of his key strategies and experiences in the world of digital marketing and content creation. We explore topics like music licensing, consistent content production, dealing with trolls, and the future potential of AI tools. Matt shares his journey, the importance of thumbnails on videos, and how he juggles managing teams, optimizing old content, and transitioning from direct response to brand marketing.
    Challenges in Consistent Content Creation Creating content consistently while handling sponsorship obligations poses a significant challenge. Matt uses systems and teams to help manage this workload. He notes the struggle of meeting old sponsorship agreements as his audience grows, often facing backlash and negativity from viewers who dislike too many ads. Balancing quality content and sponsor requirements remains a critical focus.
    Managing and Optimizing Content Matt shares that when it comes to managing content, it’s crucial to have strong systems in place. Assigning team members specific roles helps in maintaining a smooth workflow. He notes the importance of continuously optimizing old videos. For example, he adjusted a video’s thumbnail and title, which led to a massive boost in views. Click-through rates (CTR) are important, and Matt emphasizes testing different thumbnails and titles for better results.
    Dealing with Trolls and Negativity Handling trolls and negative comments is part of being a content creator. Matt talks about developing a thicker skin and understanding that not every viewer will appreciate the content. He explains that he now focuses more on engagement through Discord and X, where more constructive feedback happens. However, he still has team members review YouTube comments for useful feedback.
    Transitioning Email Marketing Strategies Matt’s transition from direct response marketing to brand marketing in emails reflects the changing landscape of digital marketing. He prioritizes providing valuable content directly within emails to achieve high open rates. He targets about 35-40% open rates, with the most important news at the top followed by sponsor content. This strategy helps ensure higher engagement and a more loyal audience.
    The Value of Data and AI Tools Discussing the value of data, Matt mentions that his website, Future Tools, receives almost a million visitors monthly through effective SEO. This has led to acquisition offers because of the valuable database of tools and related data. AI tools also play a significant role in his workflow. Matt uses tools like Claude, which can code and create video games, and looks forward to the release of Sora for one-minute videos.
    Building and Maintaining Community Community building remains a core part of Matt's strategy. Engaging with his audience on social media and in person helps build a more loyal community. Active participation and approachability are key. While he focuses less on YouTube comments due to negativity, other platforms like Discord and X help maintain valuable feedback and engagement.
    Alternative Music Licensing Approach Matt Wolfe suggests an alternative approach to music licensing, similar to Grimes' method, where artists grant broad permissions for using their music but maintain some control to ensure it’s not linked to harmful content. This makes licensing easier and could transform how music is used in various media.
    Future Trends in AI and Integration AI is evolving fast, and Matt is most excited about AI integrations in wearable tech, such as AI glasses that assist in social interactions. He also highlights the potential of agentic AI tools that can perform tasks on behalf of users. Connecting AI tools like ChatGPT and Claude shows potential, with companies like Mind Studio already working on building these systems.
    Matt's Resources  Future Tools Matt's YouTube Channel Matt's Twitter Grimes' music licensing

    • 1 hr 18 min
    From Zero to 3 Million Subscribers: Sean Cannell’s YouTube Blueprint

    From Zero to 3 Million Subscribers: Sean Cannell’s YouTube Blueprint

    Today, I had the privilege of chatting with Sean Cannell, a seasoned expert who's been in the game for 17 years. Sean shared a treasure trove of insights and experiences that can help anyone looking to grow their business and personal brand.
    In this episode, we dive into YouTube strategies, business success stories, the balance between quality and quantity, and some advanced tips for content creation. Sean also discussed the importance of planning and analyzing data to achieve success. It's a conversation rich with valuable information that can inspire and guide you on your journey.
    YouTube Video Challenges Sean Cannell opened up about an issue he's facing with one of his recent videos. Despite having 3 million subscribers, a 2-minute and 19-second video isn't reaching its full potential. The main factors affecting this are the click-through rate, watch time, and the topic itself. He also touches on critics' misunderstandings about YouTube mechanics and how he's shifted from a creator role to focusing more on his duties as a CEO.
    Transitioning from Creator to CEO Sean elaborated on the challenge of shifting from being a full-time content creator to a CEO role. This transition was necessary for him to focus on producing high-quality content. He believes in investing time in producing better videos rather than churning out content for the sake of it. It's a move that helps in scaling back the operational requirements of the business while focusing on content creation.
    Business Success Stories Sean shared an interesting story about a friend who built an eight-figure roofing business and is now transitioning into YouTube and coaching. I found this fascinating and we talked about the ability for successful entrepreneurs to buy back their time to focus their attention on sharing their knowledge through content creation.
    Balancing Business and Personal Life We discussed the difficulties of balancing business responsibilities with personal life and family commitments. Sean pointed out that the trade-offs and sacrifices can be challenging but necessary for growth. The key is finding the right balance and focusing on what truly matters.
    YouTube’s New Features Youtube's new feature allows for split testing up to three thumbnails right from the start. This is useful for optimizing your visual elements and improving the performance of your videos. Sean emphasized the importance of constantly reviewing comments and video performance but cautioned against getting too caught up in analytics, especially for the first video.
    YouTube Success Framework Sean shared his framework for YouTube success, which involves four key actions: reviewing, repeating, reflecting, and repurposing. This holistic approach ensures you consistently improve and strategically plan for future content. Repurposing content for other platforms and creating highlights can amplify the reach and impact of your work.
    Importance of Strategic Planning Strategic planning and research before creating and releasing videos are crucial for success. Sean highlighted the need to evaluate competition and identify unique advantages. The recording phase requires careful preparation, including outlining the video and setting up necessary gear. Optimization of titles, thumbnails, descriptions, and metadata ensures better searchability and relevance. The goal is to have your video "rocket" by initially gaining momentum, potentially supported by external traffic.
    Quality vs. Quantity Debate Sean and I dove deep into the quality versus quantity debate. Initially, focusing on quantity helps build skills and experience. Eventually, the focus should shift to improving the quality of videos as creators become more experienced. Successful examples include creators like Meet Kevin, who produce raw, high-quantity content, versus Graham Stephan, who spends more time on fewer polished videos. The goal is to balance both as you grow, depending on your hustle and team support.
    The 7 R’s

    • 58 min
    Equity Crowdfunding: Building Community Driven Investing with Sarah Hardwick

    Equity Crowdfunding: Building Community Driven Investing with Sarah Hardwick

    We have an incredible guest on today's episode! Sarah Hardwick, is on and sharing some truly eye-opening insights about the world of equity crowdfunding. In our conversation, Sarah covered the benefits of exit strategies for early-stage investors, the difference between rewards-based and equity crowdfunding, and the importance of community and communication for successful campaigns. She shared case studies, such as Aptera Motors, which successfully raised over 100 million dollars through crowdfunding, as well as other companies she's worked with that aim to change the world.
    Exit Strategies for Early-Stage Investors Sarah discussed how early-stage investors can potentially benefit from strategies like going public (IPO) or getting acquired. She explained that having a clear exit strategy can make a huge difference for investors, providing them with rewards for their risks and investments.
    Rewards-Based vs Equity Crowdfunding Crowdfunding isn't a one-size-fits-all approach. Sarah explained the difference between rewards-based and equity crowdfunding. Rewards-based crowdfunding offers backers a tangible product or service in return, while equity crowdfunding allows the public to invest money in exchange for shares in the company. She emphasized that equity crowdfunding involves a lot more regulations but offers startups more control and power.
    Case Study: Aptera Motors We dove deep into the success story of Aptera Motors. Aptera, a company that focuses on solar electric vehicles, raised over 100 million dollars through equity crowdfunding. They transitioned from a regulation CF to a regulation A+ campaign to achieve this feat. Sarah highlighted the importance of their well-produced video, which garnered 1.6 million views and widespread interest by being compared to the Batmobile.
    Community Building and Investor Communication Sarah emphasized the importance of transparency and regular communication with investors. She explained that there's often an overlap between customers and investors, and keeping open lines of communication can lead to additional investments and upsells. A robust community can be a game-changer in your equity crowdfunding campaign's success.
    The Role of Emotional Connection and Values We talked about the significance of values marketing and connecting with customers on an emotional level. Sarah said, "Understanding why people invest and aligning a company’s purpose with a community creates more than transactions—it builds movements." She shared how tapping into emotions can drive successful crowdfunding campaigns.
    Sarah’s Work with Geoship and Doroni Aerospace Sarah works with other incredible companies like Geoship and Doroni Aerospace. Geoship focuses on regenerative communities and innovative homes made from bio-ceramic materials, while Daroni aims to revolutionize transportation with flying cars. Both companies embody the futuristic and world-changing themes that resonate well with early adopters and disruptors.
    Engaging Ambassadors and Community Members We discussed how Sarah effectively mobilized a core group of supporters. These ambassadors feel special thanks to rewards and exclusive information, similar to street teams for bands. This approach generated incredible growth, leading to over 45,000 followers and 16,000 investors.
    The Importance of Maintaining Personal Values In the end, we talked about staying true to personal values. Sarah highlighted the importance of not getting distracted by money and hustle. She believes in making a positive impact and doing meaningful work, which keeps her excited and motivated.
    Conclusion Our conversation with Sarah Hardwick was chock-full of valuable insights on equity crowdfunding, community building, and values marketing. Sarah's focus on aligning a company's mission with its community and maintaining transparency and emotional connections with investors offers a blueprint for success. Make sure to connect with Sarah on LinkedIn if you're int

    • 49 min
    The Power of Being Useful: Strategies and Tools for Content Creation Success with Jacob Gooden

    The Power of Being Useful: Strategies and Tools for Content Creation Success with Jacob Gooden

    Hi everyone, Joe Fier here! I'm excited to have Jacob Gooden guesting with me today. It's been an episode 5 years in the making! Together, we dive into everything from content creation tips to navigating the world of podcasting with the right tools and mindset. We've packed this episode with valuable insights that any content creator, whether newbie or experienced, can benefit from.
    Benefits of Social Platforms Finding the core thing and using social platforms like Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter helps you reach more people. Social platforms are not just for fun; they can be powerful tools to get your message out. They let you connect with your audience more personally and share your content widely.
    Manageable Content Creation Jacob advises not to bite off more than you can chew. Start with a level of content creation that feels manageable and scale up as you see returns. Focus on creating consistent, valuable content even if it's not perfect at first. Doing this helps you avoid burnout while allowing you to grow your content steadily.
    Making Content Your Own Both Jacob and I agree on the importance of making your content your own. It's crucial to have fun with it and connect with your audience on a deeper level. Start with what you have, even if it's messy. Authenticity resonates with people far more than overly polished content.
    Redefining a Podcast Redefining a podcast involves making it fun and engaging. You don't need expensive equipment to start. Jacob suggests using tools like continuity cameras and basic editing software to get started. The goal is to create engaging content right from the get-go.
    Editor vs. Producer Jacob discusses the roles of an editor and a producer. An editor focuses on refining the content, but a producer enhances the overall experience by exploring industry trends and making the show better. Knowing the difference helps set proper expectations when hiring someone for your podcast.
    Client Expectations and Training Jacob talks about the challenges of working with clients, especially those unsure about their vision. He recommends doing a test episode at a discounted rate for new clients. This helps gauge compatibility before committing to a longer-term arrangement. Open communication and two-way feedback are crucial in this process.
    Useful Tools for Content Creation We mentioned several tools like Oasis.com and Otter, which help capture and organize thoughts for content creation. Speaking thoughts into existence with these tools eases the daily juggle of tasks. Descript stands out for its AI capabilities in video and audio editing, serving as a foundational tool in our workflow.
    Accessibility of Creating Content Creating content is more accessible than ever. You can start with readily available tools like smartphones and laptops. It's not necessary to invest in expensive equipment right away. Gain some experience first, and then consider upgrading as you see fit.
    Importance of Focused Content Creation Trying to be everywhere can be overwhelming. Instead, hone in on what works best for your content. For instance, focusing on LinkedIn and Instagram can be more effective if that's where your audience is. Strategic experimentation and testing with different platforms help determine where your content is most valuable.
    Resources from Jacob Reach out to Jacob at thejacobgooden@gmail.com Connect with Jacob on any social platform @thejacobgooden Check out this helpful YouTube Video from Nolan Molt Descript Riverside Fathom The Oasis Otter Castmagic Concluding Thoughts This episode with Jacob Gooden offers a treasure trove of insights into content creation and podcasting. From understanding the importance of social platforms and managing content volume to differentiating between editors and producers, we cover it all. We encourage you to start where you are, experiment, and most importantly, have fun with your content. Reach out to us with your thoughts, and let's make content creation an en

    • 53 min
    Crowdfunding Secrets Revealed by LaunchBoom’s Will Ford

    Crowdfunding Secrets Revealed by LaunchBoom’s Will Ford

    Hey folks, Joe Fier here from the Hustle and Flowchart podcast! I'm excited to have Will Ford join us today. Will shares crowdfunding secrets from his business LaunchBoom, to help entrepreneurs to successfully launch their products on Kickstarter and Indiegogo. We're diving deep into how Will successfully pivoted his business from an agency model to a coaching and consulting powerhouse. Let’s get started and break down what we talked about.
    LaunchBoom’s Success Story LaunchBoom started with 15 launches in its first year, and these generated over six figures each. Their success caught the eye of Kickstarter and Indiegogo, leading to valuable partnerships that brought in more business directly from these platforms. In 2021, Will realized the limits of the agency model and transitioned to coaching, which proved successful by January 2023. Last year was LaunchBoom's best under the new model.
    The Power of Prelaunch Systems A cornerstone of LaunchBoom's strategy is its robust prelaunch system. This system helps clients fail fast and cheap, saving both time and money. They onboard about 100 new products each month, continually improving their prelaunch strategies. Campaigns average a funding time of under 14 minutes, frequently exceeding their goals.
    Strategic Use of Crowdfunding Platforms Will emphasized how crucial early success is on platforms like Kickstarter and Indiegogo. Successful campaigns gain top placement and drive more traffic. His strategy is to create enticing options for backers to maximize revenue per contributor. LaunchBoom's reservoir of 10 million backer emails and AI tech has also reduced ad costs, building larger prelaunch audiences.
    Engaging Backer Communities Will highlighted the importance of integrating with backer communities on crowdfunding platforms. This engagement has vastly increased the number of deals, from 15 in 2015 to 100 in 2016. They run Facebook and Instagram ads before the campaign to build up a list and achieve a 4% average conversion rate. Their reservation funnel model, inspired by Tesla, has significantly increased engagement and conversion rates.
    Lessons from Scaling Scaling LaunchBoom came with its challenges, from dealing with countless samples and prototypes to keeping morale high through camaraderie and focus. Will shared stories like delivering products to campaign managers for testing and experiencing space issues at home due to the influx of boxes, which his wife was not thrilled about!
    Upgrading Technology and AI Plugins Will explained how he upgraded the tech stack at LaunchBoom, adding AI plugins to speed up Kickstarter and Indiegogo launches. This update significantly reduced the time and cost associated with campaign launches. By leveraging AI, they managed to expedite processes and improve the overall client experience.
    One-to-Many Coaching Model The one-to-many coaching model allows clients to benefit from each other's questions and support. This setup is not only cost-effective but provides a platform where everyone learns more collectively. Will's programs are affordable, priced under $10,000, without any commission. He emphasized that this model helps in fostering a supportive community of like-minded creators.
    Crowdfunding as a Validation Tool Will discussed the importance of using crowdfunding to validate and test consumer product ideas. LaunchBoom specializes in helping tangible hardware and consumer products succeed on platforms like Kickstarter and Indiegogo. Crowdfunding allows entrepreneurs to presell products, minimizing risk and gauging demand early on. Will called it a "no-brainer" for anyone looking to launch a new product.
    Future Prospects and Concluding Thoughts Will Ford's motivation comes from his passion for helping people and his excitement for building a global enterprise. Despite initial fears about the pandemic's impact on crowdfunding, LaunchBoom saw substantial growth. Will's openness to learning and inno

    • 57 min

Customer Reviews

4.9 out of 5
156 Ratings

156 Ratings

Brandon9835 ,


Joe and his team keep it real and authentic! They’re constantly bringing in credible guests with great information and experience!

Tuna 1975 ,

Master of his Craft

Joe is an excellent podcast host and has been in the podcast space a long time, and has professionally, and with transparency, navigated significant changes in his biz and podcast, now a solo host, and no longer co-hosting with his friend & biz partner Matt Wolfe. Many of us are not able to rebound & pivot when this happens, especially with the visibility of the Hustle & Flowchart Podcast. Joe has again demonstrated the commitment to his craft, and masterfully shows up each week, interviewing strong & relevant guests, resulting in a rich & relevant experience for the listener, and time well spent. Treat yourself to listen & learn.

randos23 ,

Super cool fellas!

I’ve been watching online on YouTube as I accomplish other tasks. These guys are down to earth and are willing to share the good, the bad and the ugly...cue a western theme song....so, sub up and listen now!

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