205 episodes

The Thinking Elixir podcast is a weekly show where we talk about the Elixir programming language and the community around it. We cover news and interview guests to learn more about projects and developments in the community.
Whether you are already experienced with Elixir or just exploring the language, this show is created with you in mind. We discuss community news, Functional Programming, transitioning from OOP, coding conventions, and more.
Guests visit the show to help challenge our assumptions, learn about new developments and grow in the process.
Subscribe to join us on this journey!

Thinking Elixir Podcast ThinkingElixir.com

    • Education
    • 5.0 • 29 Ratings

The Thinking Elixir podcast is a weekly show where we talk about the Elixir programming language and the community around it. We cover news and interview guests to learn more about projects and developments in the community.
Whether you are already experienced with Elixir or just exploring the language, this show is created with you in mind. We discuss community news, Functional Programming, transitioning from OOP, coding conventions, and more.
Guests visit the show to help challenge our assumptions, learn about new developments and grow in the process.
Subscribe to join us on this journey!

    205: Elixir 1.17 RC and Other News

    205: Elixir 1.17 RC and Other News

    In this episode, we delve into the latest developments including the release of Elixir 1.17-rc0, featuring significant type system improvements and new functions like DateTime.shift. We also discuss some unexpected compiler and JIT advancements in OTP 27, which are already showing performance boosts. Elixir celebrated its 12th birthday and the Erlang docs completed their migration to ExDoc, enhancing accessibility and integration. Tune in for these insightful updates and more!

    Show Notes online - http://podcast.thinkingelixir.com/205

    Elixir Community News

    https://stackoverflow.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6rJVT6XXsfTo1JI?site=stackoverflow.com – StackOverflow Developer Survey link.
    https://github.com/elixir-lang/elixir/releases/tag/v1.17.0-rc.0 – Release tag for Elixir 1.17-rc0.
    https://github.com/elixir-lang/elixir/blob/v1.17.0-rc.0/CHANGELOG.md – Changelog for Elixir 1.17-rc0.
    https://x.com/marpo60/status/1793993127939969361 – Marcelo Dominguez highlights advantages of the new type system in Elixir 1.17.
    https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/main/DateTime.html#shift/3 – Documentation for the DateTime.shift function in Elixir.
    https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/1.17.0-rc.0/Kernel.html#to_timeout/1 – Documentation to convert durations to milliseconds in Elixir 1.17-rc0.
    https://www.erlang.org/news/170#compiler-and-jit-improvements – News about OTP 27 compiler and JIT improvements.
    https://x.com/sorentwo/status/1795044358850298343 – Discussion about a 12.5% speed improvement in the Oban test suite.
    https://github.com/erlang/otp/issues/8469 – Regression of :ets.select in OTP 27 mentioned.
    https://www.erlang.org/doc/readme.html – New home for Erlang documentation.
    Get clear on old Elixir Mix episodes being released as new.
    https://www.imdb.com/title/tt29816472/ – The Thinking Elixir Podcast on IMDB??
    https://dashbit.co/blog/req-v0.5 – Announcement of Req v0.5 with improved testing support and error handling.
    https://gleam.run/news/fault-tolerant-gleam/ – Release notes for Gleam v1.2.0, focusing on fault-tolerant compilation.
    https://x.com/jacob_luetzow/status/1794075125202956353 – José Valim celebrating Elixir's 12th Birthday.
    https://www.youtube.com/live/epKeT8-hafE – Video of José Valim discussing Elixir on its 12th Birthday.

    Do you have some Elixir news to share? Tell us at @ThinkingElixir or email at show@thinkingelixir.com

    Find us online

    Message the show - @ThinkingElixir
    Message the show on Fediverse - @ThinkingElixir@genserver.social
    Email the show - show@thinkingelixir.com
    Mark Ericksen - @brainlid
    Mark Ericksen on Fediverse - @brainlid@genserver.social
    David Bernheisel - @bernheisel
    David Bernheisel on Fediverse - @dbern@genserver.social
    Tyler Young - @TylerAYoung
    Tyler Young on Fediverse - @tylerayoung@fosstodon.org
    Sponsored By:
    Fly.io: Fly.io is a great place to deploy your next Phoenix application! Check them out!

    • 27 min
    204: OTP 27 and Blend for Lib Maintainers

    204: OTP 27 and Blend for Lib Maintainers

    In this episode of the Thinking Elixir podcast, we sit down with Marcelo Dominguez, the driver behind the new "Blend" library, which assists Elixir library developers in testing their projects against multiple versions of dependencies. Marcelo explains the genesis of Blend and the inspiration from the Rubygem "appraisal." He discusses how Blend tackles the common headache of dependency version clashes and integrates smoothly with CI systems to isolate and report specific compatibility issues. We learn how it works under-the-hood and helps library maintainers more easily keep their promises of supporting a library used in diverse environments. We cover the motivations, complexities, and real-world applications of Blend and more!

    Show Notes online - http://podcast.thinkingelixir.com/204

    Elixir Community News

    https://www.erlang.org/blog/highlights-otp-27/ – OTP 27 release highlights
    https://www.erlang.org/news/170 – OTP 27 release news
    https://github.com/erlang/otp/releases/tag/OTP-27.0 – OTP 27 release on GitHub
    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OCSP_stapling – OCSP stapling explained
    https://x.com/chris_mccord/status/1791176778989424850 – Chris McCord shares upcoming Cockroach DB support in Phoenix 1.7
    https://www.cockroachlabs.com/ – Cockroach Labs business solutions
    https://github.com/cockroachdb/cockroach – CockroachDB GitHub project
    https://www.cockroachlabs.com/docs/stable/licensing-faqs.html – Cockroach licensing FAQs
    https://x.com/josevalim/status/1792642875454259243 – José Valim's tweet on Elixir's 12th birthday celebration
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epKeT8-hafE – YouTube livestream celebrating Elixir's 12th birthday
    José teased that an Elixir v1.17 RC might be ready.
    https://ew.com/pirates-of-the-caribbean-reboot-margot-robbie-movie-exclusive-8651023 – Pirates of the Caribbean reboot discussion... are we that old?
    https://elixirforum.com/t/ash-framework-3-0/63488 – Ash Framework 3.0 release
    https://www.reddit.com/r/elixir/s/HMUeyk8Ot3 – LiveToast discussion on Reddit
    https://github.com/srcrip/live_toast – LiveToast GitHub project
    https://toast.src.rip – LiveToast demo website
    Nerves is an open-source platform for building and deploying production embedded systems using Elixir.
    https://nerves-project.org/ – Nerves project website
    https://fly.io/phoenix-files/my-favorite-new-liveview-feature/ – Explanation of the useful new LiveView feature JS.toggle_class.
    ExDoc light mode possibly getting revamped.
    https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/main/protocols.html – Example of current dark mode on ExDoc even in light mode.
    https://erick.navarro.io/blog/simple-obs-client-in-elixir/ – Erick Navarro's post on controlling OBS using Elixir and websockets.
    https://obsproject.com/ – OBS - Open Broadcaster Software

    Do you have some Elixir news to share? Tell us at @ThinkingElixir or email at show@thinkingelixir.com

    Discussion Resources

    https://rubygems.org/gems/appraisal – Blend was inspired by the Rubygem Appraisal
    https://github.com/mimiquate/blend?tab=readme-ov-file#Motivation – Motivation for creating the Blend library
    https://github.com/elixir-plug/plug/blob/main/mix.exs#L54-L58 – Example of how multiple lockfiles are solved in Plug
    https://github.com/surface-ui/surface/blob/main/.github/workflows/ci.yml#L54-L56 – Example of how multiple lockfiles are solved in Surface
    https://github.com/sorentwo/oban/issues/1041 – Example of Oban issue from underlying dep version change
    https://github.com/sorentwo/oban/commit/f8d3478c27aea56ab01fcc42f13668f4a3516564 – Example where Oban's Ecto version needed to lock to Ecto v3.10 to support materialized cte

    Guest Information


    • 56 min
    203: Thinking Elixir News

    203: Thinking Elixir News

    News includes Phoenix LiveView hitting 1.0 soon, with thoughtful comparisons to the broader web development industry and detailed changelog insights. Theo reacts positively to the release from a React and JS perspective, highlighting its significance. José Valim's keynote at ElixirConf EU 2024 revisits the famous "Gang of Four" design patterns and their relevance to Elixir today. Chris McCord introduces the innovative World Page Speed Test using FLAME, illustrating its ease of use and benefits over traditional solutions. Ash 3.0 is officially released after 46 RC releases. Additionally, Oban support is moving to ElixirForum to improve searchability, and more!

    Show Notes online - http://podcast.thinkingelixir.com/203

    Elixir Community News

    https://phoenixframework.org/blog/phoenix-liveview-1.0-released – Phoenix LiveView is hitting 1.0 soon with thoughtful comparisons to the broader web development industry.
    https://hexdocs.pm/phoenix_live_view/1.0.0-rc.0/changelog.html – Backward incompatible changes for Phoenix LiveView 1.0 along with bug fixes.
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aOk67eT3fpg – Theo reacts positively to the Phoenix LiveView release, discussing it from the React and JS perspective.
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=agkXUp0hCW8 – Keynote by José Valim on design patterns in Elixir at ElixirConf EU 2024.
    https://twitter.com/josevalim/status/1790354042243203283 – José Valim discusses design patterns in Elixir revisiting the "Gang of Four" patterns.
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GICJ42OyBGg – Chris McCord’s ElixirConf EU keynote on FLAME and its applications.
    https://worldpagespeed.fly.dev/ – Chris McCord’s "World Page Speed Test" tool using FLAME.
    https://fly.io/phoenix-files/world-page-speed-test-elastic-scale-with-flame/ – Chris McCord’s blog post on World Page Speed Test and FLAME on Fly.io.
    https://twitter.com/ZachSDaniel1/status/1775516026551099852 – Announcement of Ash 3.0 release after 46 RC releases.
    https://hex.pm/packages/ash – Ash Framework version 3.0 final release details.
    https://twitter.com/sorentwo/status/1790007674077073474 – Oban support is moving to ElixirForum for better searchability and visibility, away from Slack.
    https://twitter.com/sorentwo/status/1788181209530466518 – Oban hot tip on managing exception messages for better exception reporting.
    https://www.elixir-tools.dev/news/the-elixir-tools-update-vol-6/ – NextLS 0.21.0 released with new features like alias-refactor workspace command, completions, snippets, and more.
    Followup from a comment last week on the difference between pattern-matching empty keyword lists and empty maps, including speed improvements in OTP 26 and 27.
    https://erlangforums.com/t/matching-empty-map-performance-of-map-size/3572 – Discussion on matching empty map performance.
    https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/1.14/naming-conventions.html#length-and-size – Naming conventions in Elixir related to length and size.
    https://github.com/mimiquate/blend – New Elixir library "Blend" helps library maintainers test against different versions of dependencies.
    https://rubygems.org/gems/appraisal – Blend library appears to be inspired by the Ruby gem “appraisal”.
    https://twitter.com/jeffbarr/status/1790072050855588265 – Amazon AWS S3 will stop charging for unauthorized requests, being deployed to regions currently.

    Do you have some Elixir news to share? Tell us at @ThinkingElixir or email at show@thinkingelixir.com

    Find us online

    Message the show - @ThinkingElixir
    Message the show on Fediverse - @ThinkingElixir@genserver.social
    Email the show - show@thinkingelixir.com
    Mark Ericksen - @brainlid
    Mark Ericksen on Fediverse - @brainlid@genserver.social
    David Bernheisel - @bernheisel
    David Bernheisel on Fediverse - @dbern@genserver.social
    Sponsored By:
    Fly.io: Fly.io is a great place to deploy your next Phoenix application! Check them out!

    • 27 min
    202: Thinking Elixir News

    202: Thinking Elixir News

    In this week's edition, we dive into the exciting release of ElixirLS 0.21.0, enhancing the developer experience with new code actions and more efficient dialyzing on the latest OTP. We also discuss José Valim's insightful commentary on Elixir's upcoming type system, addressing bug-prone comparison operations, and additional advancements in exception handling. Don't miss the unveiling of "Bloom," an opinionated extension to Phoenix core components, alongside Chris McCord's demo of lightning-fast hot code deploys across a global Fly.io cluster. We round off with the legal tussle over the FTC's ruling on non-compete clauses and AWS's S3 billing adjustments that provide relief from unauthorized access charges, and more!

    Show Notes online - http://podcast.thinkingelixir.com/202

    Elixir Community News

    https://elixirforum.com/t/elixirls-the-elixir-language-server/5857/213 – Announcing the release of ElixirLS 0.21.0 with improvements and features like incremental dialyzer and experimental support for code actions.
    https://github.com/elixir-lsp/elixir-ls/pull/1057 – A pull request related to the experimental support for code actions in ElixirLS 0.21.0.
    https://pragtob.wordpress.com/2024/05/01/10-elixir-gotchas/ – A blog post by Tobias Pfeiffer discussing "10 Elixir gotchas" to help new Elixir developers.
    https://twitter.com/PragTob/status/1785681200322924666 – Tobias Pfeiffer's tweet about his blog post on "10 Elixir gotchas."
    https://twitter.com/PragTob/status/1785681200322924666 – José Valim's response to Tobias Pfeiffer's post, providing insights on Elixir's upcoming type system.
    https://twitter.com/josevalim/status/1785989792141890015 – José Valim details how the Elixir v1.17 will perform type-checking with the comparison operators to catch potential bugs.
    https://github.com/elixir-lang/elixir/pull/13527 – A merged Elixir PR for "Perform type checking across comparison operators."
    https://twitter.com/josevalim/status/1785990361418006768?t=ZvCKMAXrZFtDX8pfjW14Lw – A tweet by José Valim discussing the power of set-theoretic types in Elixir.
    https://twitter.com/josevalim/status/1787543767341486181 – José Valim sharing updates about Elixir's type system checking exceptions fields and warning on undefined exceptions.
    https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/main/gradual-set-theoretic-types.html – The Elixir documentation for the gradual set-theoretic types.
    https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/main/changelog.html#warnings-from-gradual-set-theoretic-types – The Elixir 1.17.0 changelog on "Warnings from gradual set-theoretic types."
    https://github.com/elixir-lang/elixir/pull/13534 – A Github pull request for a new is_non_struct_map guard in Elixir 1.17.
    https://twitter.com/codestirring/status/1785769316304228590 – Chris Gregori announces "Bloom," a new LiveView component library project.
    https://bloom-ui.fly.dev/ – The "Bloom" UI component library site showcasing its features and usage.
    https://github.com/chrisgreg/bloom – The Github repository for the "Bloom" LiveView component library.
    https://twitter.com/chris_mccord/status/1785678249424461897 – A teaser from Chris McCord about hot deploys on Fly.io to a planet-wide cluster in seconds.
    https://hexdocs.pm/mix/1.16.2/Mix.Tasks.Release.html#module-hot-code-upgrades – Mix documentation discussing how to perform hot code upgrades.
    https://twitter.com/bcardarella/status/1785419505134456895 – A tweet from Brian Cardarella showing a LiveView Native tvOS simulator demo.
    https://www.youtube.com/@CodeSync/videos – Videos uploaded by CodeSync from ElixirConf EU 2024, including keynotes.
    https://medium.com/@maciej.pocwierz/how-an-empty-s3-bucket-can-make-your-aws-bill-explode-934a383cb8b1 – An article highlighting how unauthorized requests to S3 buckets can inflate AWS bills and AWS's billing policy update to address this.
    https://twitter.com/jeffbarr/status/1787844682216792163 – AWS's Jeff Barr's tweet about the adjustment of billing policy for S3.

    • 26 min
    201: Thinking Elixir News

    201: Thinking Elixir News

    This week's podcast dives into the latest tech updates, including the release of Lexical 0.6.0 with its impressive performance upgrades and new features for Phoenix controller completions. We'll also talk about building smarter Slack bots with Elixir, and the LiveView support enhancements that bolster security against spam connections. Plus, we celebrate the 5-year milestone of Saša Jurić's influential “Soul of Erlang and Elixir” talk. Of course we have to touch on the FTC's impactful ruling that bans non-compete employment clauses, a significant shift that will likely shake up the tech industry and innovation landscape. Stay tuned for this and more!

    Show Notes online - http://podcast.thinkingelixir.com/201

    Elixir Community News

    https://github.com/lexical-lsp/lexical/releases/tag/v0.6.0 – Lexical 0.6.0 release includes document and workspace symbols, improved Phoenix controller completions, and enhanced indexing performance.
    https://benreinhart.com/blog/verifying-slack-requests-elixir-phoenix/ – Ben Reinhart's blog post details the process for cryptographically verifying event notifications from Slack in Phoenix apps for Slack bots.
    https://twitter.com/PJUllrich/status/1784707877157970387 – Peter Ulrich has launched a LiveView-oriented course on building forms as announced on his Twitter account.
    https://indiecourses.com/catalog/building-forms-with-phoenix-liveview-2OPYIqaekkZwrpgLUZOyZV – The course covers building forms with Phoenix LiveView including various types of schema and dynamic fields.
    https://paraxial.io/blog/live-view-support – Michael Lubas outlines security-focused support for LiveView on Paraxial.io, including protection against initial connection and websocket spam.
    https://github.com/nccgroup/sobelow/pull/123 – There was work on adding support for HEEx to Sobelow.XSS.Raw, as a part of Sobelow's security-focused static analysis for the Phoenix Framework.
    https://twitter.com/sasajuric/status/1784958371998601526 – It's the 5 Year Anniversary of Saša Jurić's “Soul of Erlang and Elixir” talk, recommended for its lasting relevance in the development community.
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JvBT4XBdoUE – Saša Jurić's influential “Soul of Erlang and Elixir” talk is still very relevant and worth watching, even five years later.
    https://www.elixirconf.eu/ – ElixirConf EU 2025 dates and location have been announced, with a waitlist available for those interested in attending.
    https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/news/press-releases/2024/04/ftc-announces-rule-banning-noncompetes – The FTC ruling banning non-compete clauses aims to increase wages, entrepreneurship, and overall economic dynamism in the US technology sector.
    While bans on non-compete clauses for technology workers are in effect, trade secret laws and NDAs continue to provide employers with protection against information leaks.

    Do you have some Elixir news to share? Tell us at @ThinkingElixir or email at show@thinkingelixir.com

    Find us online

    Message the show - @ThinkingElixir
    Message the show on Fediverse - @ThinkingElixir@genserver.social
    Email the show - show@thinkingelixir.com
    Mark Ericksen - @brainlid
    Mark Ericksen on Fediverse - @brainlid@genserver.social
    David Bernheisel - @bernheisel
    David Bernheisel on Fediverse - @dbern@genserver.social
    Sponsored By:
    Fly.io: Fly.io is a great place to deploy your next Phoenix application! Check them out!

    • 18 min
    200: Ready for a new frontier?

    200: Ready for a new frontier?

    In this landmark 200th episode of the Thinking Elixir podcast, we dive into the revolutionary world of LiveView Native with Brian Cardarella and Carson Katri. Discover how this emerging technology is expanding Elixir's reach onto mobile devices and beyond, shaking up traditional development with server-side state management and opening a new frontier for native applications. Our experts share insights on its performance, live reload features, and strategic advantages that promise to speed up prototyping and cut down on dev time. Plus, hear about our latest news on EEF voting, new testing libraries for Phoenix, the future of the Elixir Protobuf library with a call for new maintainers, and Livebook's integrations for data sources. And if that wasn't enough, we cover additional tech stories, including the shutdown of the Women Who Code foundation, a study linking mentally stimulating work to a reduced risk of dementia, and more!

    Show Notes online - http://podcast.thinkingelixir.com/200

    Elixir Community News

    https://twitter.com/TheErlef/status/1782560017633202578 – Tweet about the start of EEF voting.
    https://erlef.org/blog/eef/election-2024 – Blog post detailing the EEF 2024 election process.
    https://members.erlef.org/Sys/Poll/52537 – The actual voting page for the EEF election.
    https://members.erlef.org/join-us – Information on how to join the EEF and become a voting member.
    https://twitter.com/royalicing/status/1782534107807007046 – Tweet introducing a new library for testing Phoenix templates with ARIA roles.
    https://hexdocs.pm/ensemble/Ensemble.html – Documentation for the Ensemble library mentioned in the tweet.
    https://playwright.dev/docs/locators#quick-guide – PlayWright locators quick guide, reminiscent of the Ensemble library's functionality.
    https://twitter.com/whatyouhide/status/1782434830057107660 – Andrea Leopardi's announcement about seeking a new maintainer for the Elixir Protobuf library.
    https://github.com/elixir-protobuf/protobuf – GitHub repository for the Elixir Protobuf library mentioned by Andrea Leopardi.
    https://twitter.com/josevalim/status/1782391223036039247 – José Valim's tweet on Livebook's data integration support, seeking community feedback on other necessary integrations.
    https://livebook.dev/integrations/?type=database – Livebook's database integrations webpage that José Valim referred to for feedback.
    https://gleam.run/news/gleam-v1.1/ – Announcement of the release of Gleam v1.1, a statically typed language for the BEAM.
    https://github.com/eigr/spawn?tab=readme-ov-file – GitHub page for Spawn, an open-source serverless library designed for cloud and on-premises environments.
    https://fly.io/blog/rethinking-serverless-with-flame/ – Article discussing the rethinking of serverless architecture with the FLAME framework.
    https://womenwhocode.com/blog/the-end-of-an-era-women-who-code-closing – Blog post about the shutdown of the Women Who Code foundation due to funding issues.
    https://www.theguardian.com/science/2024/apr/17/mentally-stimulating-work-plays-key-role-in-staving-off-dementia-study-finds – The Guardian article reporting on a study that finds mentally stimulating work is key in staving off dementia.
    https://www.neurology.org/doi/10.1212/WNL.0000000000209353 – Research paper on Neurology.org about the link between mentally stimulating work and the risks of dementia and cognitive problems in later life.

    Do you have some Elixir news to share? Tell us at @ThinkingElixir or email at show@thinkingelixir.com

    Discussion Resources

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBi2Hj22qUU – ElixirConf US 2023 presentation
    Brian's ElixirConf EU 2024 presentation is not published at this time.

    Guest Information

    https://twitter.com/bcardarella – Brian C

    • 1 hr 8 min

Customer Reviews

5.0 out of 5
29 Ratings

29 Ratings

critter1485 ,

New Elixirian

Recently started learning functional programming and subsequently elixir. I found this podcast and love the blend of general tech discussion and more focused elixir talking points. Favorite episode so far is “End of local host development.”

thehamberdler ,

Thinking About Thinking Elixir

This may be the best podcast about Elixir. The episodes are released at a regular cadence, the audio and conversion quality is great, and the topics don’t feel repetitive. The weekly news summaries are super handy.

And, the intro music can’t be beat. 😁

Cadicles ,

Excited for more!

Excited to hear more from this podcast!

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