The Marie Manuchehri Podcast

Marie Manuchehri

New episodes of The Marie Manuchehri Podcast post every Thursday. Record a question for Marie that will be answered in the podcast at Receive a free gift - a self hypnosis meditation about your spirit guides - as a thank you for providing your email address when you record a question.

  1. 3D AGO

    March 13, 2025

    Marie talks about what's happening in the cosmos right now. During Q&A, she answers questions about an empath’s intense connection to a past client, the best way to send energetic love to someone, self-compassion, one’s professional future, ongoing digestive issues, and healing a mother’s COPD. Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.  💖 📣 UPCOMING ONLINE CLASSES: 📣 💖 - Discover Multisensory Mediumship (free online event Mar 13th) - Mediumship Coaching - Psychic Coaching - Spring Workshop: The Immersion into Reiki Retreat - A Deep Dive into the Essence of Self Love - Intuitive Translation Video Timecodes: 00:00 - Welcome and Intro 00:49 - What's happening in the cosmos right now 08:25 - Q&A begins - Maria’s ? about intense connection to past client 10:47 - Marie's answer for Maria 14:07 - Charlotte’s ? about best way to send energetic love to someone 14:35 - Marie's answer for Charlotte 17:31 - Marilyn’s ? about professional future 18:27 - Marie's answer for Marilyn 22:39 - Veda’s ? about ongoing digestive issues 23:50 - Marie's answer for Veda 26:08 - Bryah’s ? about mother’s COPD 27:25 - Marie's answer for Bryah 31:06 - Sign off and Goodbye #intuitiveenergyhealing #energymedicine #energyhealing #spirituality #intuition #mariemanuchehri #empath #intenseconnectionwithsomeone #sendinglove #selfcompassion #whatsnext #digestiveissues #selflove #COPD #ChronicObstructivePulmonaryDisease #redlighttherapy #nearinfraredlighttherapy

    33 min
  2. 6D AGO

    March 10, 2025

    Marie continues her discussion on reincarnation and addresses misperceptions about death. She also answers listener’s questions about living with a depressed spouse, unlocking kundalini energy, the pull to change careers, son’s autism, eczema and food allergies, next steps for healing, and getting back to child-like energy. Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.  💖 📣 UPCOMING ONLINE CLASSES: 📣 💖 - Discover Multisensory Mediumship (free online event Mar 13th) - Mediumship Coaching - Psychic Coaching - Spring Workshop: The Immersion into Reiki Retreat - A Deep Dive into the Essence of Self Love - Intuitive Translation Video Timecodes: 00:00 - Welcome and Intro 00:39 - Reincarnation and Death 11:10 - Q&A begins - Theresa’s ? about depressed spouse 12:36 - Marie's answer for Theresa 18:18 - Carrie’s ? about unlocking kundalini energy 18:36 - Marie's answer for Carrie 22:08 - Katie’s ? about pull to change career 24:39 - Marie's answer for Katie 28:42 - Danae’s ? about son’s autism, eczema and food allergies 30:04 - Marie's answer for Danae 31:19 - Sandy’s ? about next steps for healing 33:20 - Marie's answer for Sandy 35:38 - Priyanka’s request for an energy reading 37:07 - Marie's answer for Priyanka 39:10 - Melissa’s ? about getting back to child-like energy 41:05 - Marie's answer for Melissa 44:13 - Sign off and Goodbye #intuitiveenergyhealing #energymedicine #energyhealing #spirituality #intuition #mariemanuchehri #reincarnation #death #depressedspouse #kundalini #unlockingkundalini #changecareers #sonsautism #eczema #foodallergies #nextsteps #healing #childlikeenergy

    45 min
  3. MAR 6

    March 6, 2025

    Marie talks about reincarnation. Then during Q&A she talks about a son’s anxiety & depression, Reiki training, ending a relationship, healing from childhood trauma with father, recent multisensory perceptions, and reconnecting with an estranged daughter. Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.  💖 📣 UPCOMING ONLINE CLASSES: 📣 💖 - Advanced Healing Methods Using Light & Intuition (Shift Network 20-wk course) - Mediumship Coaching - Psychic Coaching - Spring Workshop: The Immersion into Reiki Retreat - A Deep Dive into the Essence of Self Love - Intuitive Translation Video Timecodes: 00:00 - Welcome and Intro 00:58 - Why we choose to reincarnate 15:17 - Q&A begins - Rebecca’s ? about her son’s anxiety & depression 17:27 - Marie's answer for Rebecca 21:42 - Nancy’s ? about Reiki training 22:38 - Marie's answer for Nancy 25:58 - Stephanie’s ? about staying in a relationship or moving on 26:26 - Marie's answer for Stephanie 28:37 - Caller’s ? about healing from childhood sexual trauma with father 31:34 - Marie's answer for Caller 34:42 - Lacey’s ? about recent multisensory perceptions 36:47 - Marie's answer for Lacey 40:56 - Joanne’s ? about reconnecting with estranged daughter 43:04 - Marie's answer for Joanne 46:58 - Sign off and Goodbye #intuitiveenergyhealing #energymedicine #energyhealing #spirituality #intuition #mariemanuchehri #reincarnation #anxiety #depression #Reiki #reikitraining #endingrelationship #childhoodtrauma #sexualtrauma #estrangeddaughter

    47 min
  4. MAR 3

    March 3, 2025

    Marie talks about answers from the logical mind vs intuitive answers. During the Q&A, she answers questions about distinguishing intuition from judgment, irregular heart rhythms, difficult relationship with mother & sister, finding and staying in joy, cramping in calves and feet, next step professionally, and finding one’s true self. Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.  💖 📣 UPCOMING ONLINE CLASSES: 📣 💖 - Advanced Healing Methods Using Light & Intuition (Shift Network 20-wk course) - Mediumship Coaching - Psychic Coaching - Spring Workshop: The Immersion into Reiki Retreat - A Deep Dive into the Essence of Self Love - Intuitive Translation Video Timecodes: 00:00 - Welcome and Intro 00:40 - Everything has two answers 08:51 - Q&A begins - Stephanie’s ? about distinguishing intuition from judgment 10:22 - Marie's answer for Stephanie 14:13 - Erin’s ? about irregular heart rhythms 14:48 - Marie's answer for Erin 18:25 - Carla’s request for a mediumship reading with her father 20:46 - Marie's answer for Carla 24:58 - Kirsten’s ? about difficult relationship with mother & sister 25:44 - Marie's answer for Kirsten 29:19 - Erica’s ? about finding and staying in joy 30:17 - Marie's answer for Erica 31:19 - Michael’s ? about cramping in calves and feet and next step professionally 33:31 - Marie's answer for Michael 35:47 - Meredith’s ? about finding true self 37:16 - Marie's answer for Meredith 40:18 - Sign off and Goodbye #intuitiveenergyhealing #energymedicine #energyhealing #spirituality #intuition #mariemanuchehri #findinganswers #intuitionvsjudgment #irregularheartrhythm #difficultfamilyrelationships #findingjoy #crampingincalves #footcramps #nextsteps #findingtrueself #nodes #nodesinthroat #speakyourtruth

    41 min
  5. FEB 27

    February 27, 2025

    Marie revisits tips for manifesting as Neptune brings forth the potential for growth and change. She also answer listener’s questions about dating and how to meet someone, Parkinson’s Disease, connecting with deceased son, Atrial Fibrillation, and reason for miscarriages. Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.  💖 📣 UPCOMING ONLINE CLASSES: 📣 💖 - Advanced Healing Methods Using Light & Intuition (Shift Network 20-wk course) - Mediumship Coaching - Psychic Coaching - Spring Workshop: The Immersion into Reiki Retreat - A Deep Dive into the Essence of Self Love Video Timecodes: 00:00 - Welcome and Intro 00:40 - Tips for manifesting as Neptune brings forth the potential for change 11:28 - Q&A begins - Erica’s ? about dating and how to meet someone 13:02 - Marie's answer for Erica 17:21 - Cheryl’s ? about Parkinson’s 19:20 - Marie's answer for Cheryl 23:04 - Caller’s ? about connecting with deceased son 23:49 - Marie's answer for Caller 27:18 - Lynn’s ? about AFib 28:34 - Marie's answer for Lynn 31:59 - Olya’s ? about two miscarriages 33:54 - Marie's answer for Olya 38:20 - Sign off and Goodbye #intuitiveenergyhealing #energymedicine #energyhealing #spirituality #intuition #mariemanuchehri #Neptune #manifesting #manifestation #dating #howtomeetsomeone #Parkinsons #connectingwithdeceasedson #AtrialFibrillation #AFib #miscarriages

    39 min
  6. FEB 24

    February 24, 2025

    Marie talks about why it can be so difficult to get out our brains in order to connect with our real emotions and intuition. During Q&A, she answers questions about kidney function issues, recurring UTIs, Raynaud’s Syndrome, a leg wound that won’t heal, a granddaughter’s issues with sleeping & urinary incontinence, feeling lost and blocked, which clairs one has and connecting to a mother’s spirit after a rocky relationship in life. Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.  💖 📣 UPCOMING ONLINE CLASSES: 📣 💖 - Advanced Healing Methods Using Light & Intuition (Shift Network 20-wk course) - Mediumship Coaching - Psychic Coaching - Spring Workshop: The Immersion into Reiki Retreat - A Deep Dive into the Essence of Self Love Video Timecodes: 00:00 - Welcome and Intro 00:37 - Getting out of your brain to connect with intuition 12:47 - Q&A begins - Chris’s ? about kidney function issues, recurring UTIs & Raynaud’s Syndrome 13:42 - Marie's answer for Chris 16:26 - Laura’s ? about wound on left leg that won’t heal 18:41 - Marie's answer for Laura 22:10 - Julie’s ? about granddaughter’s issues sleeping & urinary incontinence 24:05 - Marie's answer for Julie 28:22 - Fran’s ? about feeling lost and blocked 30:45 - Marie's answer for Frances 34:00 - Julie’s ? about which clairs she has 34:58 - Marie's answer for Julie 36:55 - Samantha’s ? about mother’s spirit & relationship 40:05 - Marie's answer for Samantha 45:46 - Sign off and Goodbye #intuitiveenergyhealing #energymedicine #energyhealing #spirituality #intuition #mariemanuchehri #overactivebrain #kidneyissues #recurringUTIs #RaynaudsSyndrome #legwoundnothealing #redlighttherapy #platinumledlights #granddaughter #insomnia #urinaryincontinence #feelinglost #blocked #latebloomer #clairs #clairsentience #clairvoyance #clairaudience #claircognizance #clairalience #mothersspirit #narcissism #narcissisticmother #addiction

    46 min
  7. FEB 20

    February 20, 2025

    Marie talks about the vibration of lack and apprehension around financial assistance. She also answers questions about myofascial trigger points, voice problems & spasmodic dysphonia, healing 2nd chakra and finding joy, and a double tarsal coalition. Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.  💖 📣 UPCOMING ONLINE CLASSES: 📣 💖 - Advanced Healing Methods Using Light & Intuition (Shift Network 20-wk course) - Mediumship Coaching - Psychic Coaching - Spring Workshop: The Immersion into Reiki Retreat - A Deep Dive into the Essence of Self Love Video Timecodes: 00:00 - Welcome and Intro 00:45 - Astrological updates 02:43 - The vibration of lack and financial assistance 14:30 - Q&A begins - Leila’s ? about myofascial trigger points 16:12 - Marie's answer for Leila 20:09 - Arisa’s ? about voice problems & spasmodic dysphonia 20:56 - Marie's answer for Arisa 28:21 - Maxine’s ? about healing 2nd chakra and finding joy 30:21 - Marie's answer for Maxine 34:35 - Stephanie’s ? about double tarsal coalition 36:36 - Marie's answer for Stephanie 41:56 - Sign off and Goodbye #intuitiveenergyhealing #energymedicine #energyhealing #spirituality #intuition #mariemanuchehri #vibrationoflack #financialassistance #wealth #abundance #ego #myofascialtriggerpoints #voiceproblems #spasmodicdysphonia #5thchakra #throatchakra #Vishuddha #truth #healingchakras #2ndchakra #sacralchakra #Svadhisthana #findingjoy #tarsalcoalition

    42 min
  8. FEB 17

    February 17, 2025

    Marie talks about the heart chakra and its functions as well as how to distinguish between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system so we can stay out of fight or flight. During Q&A, she answers questions about toning on the podcast, bone spurs, low heart rate, finding one’s joy, and what’s next in terms of work. Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.  💖 📣 UPCOMING ONLINE CLASSES: 📣 💖 - Advanced Healing Methods Using Light & Intuition (Shift Network 20-wk course) - Mediumship Coaching - Psychic Coaching - Spring Workshop: The Immersion into Reiki Retreat - A Deep Dive into the Essence of Self Love Video Timecodes: 00:00 - Welcome and Intro 00:38 - The heart chakra and its functions 02:49 - Sympathetic vs parasympathetic autonomic nervous system 09:00 - Q&A begins - Laura’s ? about toning on the podcast 11:40 - Marie's answer for Laura 14:07 - Sharon’s ? about bone spur, low heart rate & what brings her joy 16:32 - Marie's answer for Sharon 19:31 - Tamara’s ? about what’s next for work 20:59 - Marie's answer for Tamara 26:06 - Sign off and Goodbye #intuitiveenergyhealing #energymedicine #energyhealing #spirituality #intuition #mariemanuchehri #heartchakra #Anahata #detachment #sympatheticnervoussystem #parasympatheticnervoussystem #autonomicsystem #fightorflight #fear #toning #bonespur #lowheartrate #joy #whatsnext #Reiki #wealth

    27 min
    out of 5
    188 Ratings


    New episodes of The Marie Manuchehri Podcast post every Thursday. Record a question for Marie that will be answered in the podcast at Receive a free gift - a self hypnosis meditation about your spirit guides - as a thank you for providing your email address when you record a question.

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