What does a conversion optimization professional need to know? Talia Wolf, Founder and Chief Optimizer at GetUplift discusses thank you pages, AB testing, persona mapping, and how to understand what makes our customers take the next step in the buying journey. Talia Wolf, Founder and Chief Optimizer at GetUpliftThe OMCP Podcast is where top authors and industry leaders share authoritative practices in online marketing which are covered by the OMCP standard, competencies, and exams. This is an OMCP pilot program that may continue based on member interest and support. Stay subscribed to the OMCP newsletter to get new episodes.Michael Stebbins:All right. Welcome back to the OMCP Podcast and with us today is Talia Wolf, founder and chief optimizer at GetUplift, author, speaker, and thought leader in conversion optimization. Talia, welcome to the OMCP Best Practices Podcast.Talia Wolf:Hello, hello. Thank you for having me.Michael Stebbins:Now, Talia, We know your agency is GetUplift. We know you speak on and teach conversion optimization in some of the most prestigious stages in the world. We know you’re a skydiver with over 1000 jumps, for those of you who haven’t read your blog, followed you on Twitter, or heard you speak, tell our audience something we don’t know about you, and what it is you’ve been working on lately.Talia Wolf:Oh, my God, there’s nothing no one knows about me. I’m like an open book. What don’t people know about me? I love Harry Potter, but I think people know that. And other than that, I have two kids under three, which I was just confessing to that I’m basically sleep deprived. And what am I working on right now? I’m actually working on some super cool client work and opening enrollment for my new course, The Income Engine.Michael Stebbins:Yes. And we’re going to include a link for that here in the podcast and make sure listeners have a chance to get training from you. Talia, I mean, obviously it’s impressive that you’ve jumped out of perfectly good planes for awhile. A few other questions for you just to find out more about you, dogs or cats?Talia Wolf:Dogs, a hundred percent.Michael Stebbins:SEO or paid?Talia Wolf:Hmm, SEO.Michael Stebbins:Bitcoin or Ethereum?Talia Wolf:I actually have a terrible story about that, about Bitcoin. So about, I think it was six years ago. My husband said that, “we should buy one of the mining machines and we should do it. And it was like nothing. And we should spend like $5,000 and buy this whole thing.” And I said, “Are you crazy? $5000, we’re not doing that.” So, here we are.Michael Stebbins:What you want to know is how they do the work itself and that it actually has depth to it.–Talia WolfAnd now Elon is an endorser, we’re seeing it go through the ceiling, but who knows people listening to this podcast a year from now may be laughing and saying, “You did the right thing.” So who knows, right? All right. So, Talia you’ve helped some of the world’s largest businesses improve their landing pages, their funnels, their e-commerce. You’re considered an authority on conversion optimization, we certainly follow you. It makes sense that in this conversation, we’re going to cover how marketers can understand the essentials in developing that skill in conversion and apply it to a project.So, our first question for you, let’s say that you are hiring a conversion optimization specialist for your agency GetUplift, or for a project. What are some interview questions that you would use to determine their skills in conversion?What do you ask before hiring a conversion specialist?