Pretty Messed Up
AJ McLean & Cheryl Burke are...PRETTY MESSED UP. Like everyone right now, AJ and Cheryl became friends on a zoom during the Summer of 2020.What happened next, you may call it fate...they may call it serendipity...we call it a disaster waiting to happen when they became partners on ABC's Dancing with the Stars. Whether they like it or not they are stuck together now and have quickly realized they are...PRETTY MESSED UP! They will share more than just their dancing journey...they are going to share EVERYTHING...and we mean EVERYTHING with you. And, aren't we all at pretty messed up?!?!? Under the guidance, mentorship and watchful eye of their friend Rene Elizondo it's time for AJ AND CHERYL to talk. Sit back, listen and enjoy this hot mess as they sort through life, love, ups, downs, friends, frenemies, and the Rumba. It'll be like free therapy for you. Join AJ, Cheryl, and Rene each week because it's ok to be Pretty Messed Up.
Hosts & Guests
Love love love
My favorite podcast Three incredible people Love all the dance and sober talk Honest and real My seven year is the May 3rd. Just wanted to share and I love how you all relate to each other Side note. AJ and C were the by the best on DWTS 😘💃🕺
I never write a review
This format has changed drastically. I wish you would have been very upfront with your listeners.
Is AJ and Rene ever coming back? If not maybe change the name of the podcast and the thumbnail. AJ isn’t and hasn’t been on it sooo why is he still in the picture? Waiting and hoping they come back and this goes back to the way it was. And if not it would be nice to know… if there is no chance then I’m out
UPDATED May 2022
I CANNOT STAND HOW THE CHANGE OF HOST WAS NEVER ADDRESSED!!! Please have the boys on for a goodbye episode and if things ended sour or that’s just not possible then don’t. But please, please address it without enough of an explanation for crazy people like me that it just kills me to not know. Lol. That being said I might have updated my rating to 3stars before this last episode, but I didn’t want to dock Cheryl so I just stayed quiet. I’ve tried to listen to episodes, and did, but I did not really think I was going to be an avid listener but the two girls that came on with her last episode flowed so well with her. I enjoyed, really enjoyed it. And I’m so glad I did because I’m rooting for Cheryl especially during this change in her life. I’m rooting for all of the original host to do well in whatever endeavors they take on because they seem like that genuinely care about others. CHERYL please consider working something out with the ladies as cohost or at least regularly scheduled guess, bi-weekly, monthly or otherwise. ________________________________________ Ok Rene! I see you. Coming out of your shell this episode! 🤗Hmm is someone shy in from of CherBear? Lol great podcast AJ and Rene’s bromance is sweet and funny. 👏 Cheryl is amazing too! She connects well with their guest and they all work really well together. This trio just works 👏 P.S. Noticed comments about AJs “You may have heard of us..” bit. Sheesh people let him have that. He seems a lot more down to earth and appreciative of his fans than most other celebs seem. I don’t imagine Justin Timberlake (or any other celeb that has reached the heights that either band did) would be half as cool when interacting with fans
Subscribed for sobriety content BUT
I cannot stand DWTS. So if you’re not obsessed with Dancing with the Stars, pass on this podcast. Recaps of a dancing show no one watches in this decade, consume over a half hour of air time, and even entire episodes. If you love DWTS and also love the Cheryl Burke talking over guests, this is for you.
Hey love all 3 of you guys TOGETHER There is more flow, and it helps to hear everyone in a grounded state, lately CB love you, but you are interrupting the guests, and making this feel like more of banter in a rehearsal studio than a podcast that allows to actually get to know the people you brought on. Really wanted to hear Sasha and Emma, because they have had such interesting experiences and positive outlooks on life we can learn from. I mean Sasha helped choreographed Simone Biles olympic floor routine. Please just take this as feedback. Would be great to know an updates on whether AJ or Rene will come back?
I love listening to you guys, I really do, and I was so excited to listen to Sasha and Emma, but on Dancing Threesome there was SO much talking over each other with Cheryl- I love Cheryl, and I barely heard Sasha. But I had to stop listening because it was too much :/. Please don't take this as trashing, just some listener feedback!
Great for DWTS fans!
I have been a huge fan of DWTS for years so I am so happy I have found this podcast. Gives you so much more insight into the pros! I am loving it!!
Stop interrupting
Cheryl, stop interrupting your guests. Why even have guests on if you’re not going to let them talk and then interrupt to talk about yourself. Had to stop listening to the one with Sasha and Emma bc all we heard was Cheryl.
Stop interrupting CB
I heard about this podcast while listening to the dopey podcast when AJ was on. I listened to a bunch of episodes, but I had a really hard time because of Cheryl Burke. She interrupts way too much. It’s so annoying. And when she interrupts, it’s all about her. It doesn’t seem that she really cares about the conversation that’s already going on she just wants to brag about herself. Had to give it one star and stop downloading the episodes.
- Channel
- CreatoriHeartPodcasts
- Years Active2020 - 2022
- Episodes99
- RatingClean
- Copyright2025 iHeartMedia, Inc. © Any use of this intellectual property for text and data mining or computational analysis including as training material for artificial intelligence systems is strictly prohibited without express written consent from iHeartMedia
- Show Website
- ProvideriHeartMedia + Entertainment, Inc
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