98 episodes

This podcast aims to fill in the critical gaps left after a traditional education has been completed.

Listen in on how to find out ‘where to look’ to ask the right questions. Discovering, as you grow and gain life experience, that success and fulfilment are far from being the same thing. Begin to question everything: you are a powerful, multi-dimensional being and you are living in a time of significant awakening.

As your increasing interest in personal development leads you to explore new concepts and theories, examining how science and spirituality are combining to reinforce ancient wisdom and redefine human possibility.
Why listen? because this information from me, your host, is easily absorbed, possibly not well known, and when applied, it improves lives dramatically!

How to listen?- By subscribing to the show to get solo talks and interviews with likeminded guests full of wisdoms and tips on how everyone has the ability to take control and live a better life than they had thought possible.



Anne originally trained as a maths and science teacher and later chose to qualify as an accountant. She worked in practice for nearly 10 years, then in business for another 10. At length, recognising that there was more to life than having a successful career – and specifically that working long hours to make money for other people was at the expense of her own health – she quit the rat race and returned to her first love: teaching. This time it was on a part time basis, initially coaching schoolchildren but later coaching and mentoring adults.  Fascinated by psychology, philosophy and theology, she is now a successful trainer, speaker and author, who enjoys sharing her passion, purpose and knowledge with a growing audience.


Contact Details

Schedule a call:  calendly.com/mbsconnect
email: hello@themind-body-spiritconnection.com

Quantum Growth & Connection Anne Corbin

    • Health & Fitness
    • 5.0 • 2 Ratings

This podcast aims to fill in the critical gaps left after a traditional education has been completed.

Listen in on how to find out ‘where to look’ to ask the right questions. Discovering, as you grow and gain life experience, that success and fulfilment are far from being the same thing. Begin to question everything: you are a powerful, multi-dimensional being and you are living in a time of significant awakening.

As your increasing interest in personal development leads you to explore new concepts and theories, examining how science and spirituality are combining to reinforce ancient wisdom and redefine human possibility.
Why listen? because this information from me, your host, is easily absorbed, possibly not well known, and when applied, it improves lives dramatically!

How to listen?- By subscribing to the show to get solo talks and interviews with likeminded guests full of wisdoms and tips on how everyone has the ability to take control and live a better life than they had thought possible.



Anne originally trained as a maths and science teacher and later chose to qualify as an accountant. She worked in practice for nearly 10 years, then in business for another 10. At length, recognising that there was more to life than having a successful career – and specifically that working long hours to make money for other people was at the expense of her own health – she quit the rat race and returned to her first love: teaching. This time it was on a part time basis, initially coaching schoolchildren but later coaching and mentoring adults.  Fascinated by psychology, philosophy and theology, she is now a successful trainer, speaker and author, who enjoys sharing her passion, purpose and knowledge with a growing audience.


Contact Details

Schedule a call:  calendly.com/mbsconnect
email: hello@themind-body-spiritconnection.com

    Setting Goals From a Better Place

    Setting Goals From a Better Place

    In this episode, Anne delves into the concept of success and what sets successful individuals apart from the rest. She explores the idea of balance in life, focusing on health, wealth, and happiness as the three pillars that contribute to overall fulfillment. Anne emphasizes the importance of setting goals and the potential pitfalls of traditional goal-setting methods. She introduces an alternative approach, referred to as the "woo-woo way," which emphasizes clarity, intention, and unity of heart and mind. 
    Personal growth leads to fulfillment, which is achieved by recognizing and appreciating abundance in a balanced life.
    Success is not solely defined by wealth but also by health, wealth, and happiness, which are interconnected like a Venn diagram.
    Achievers set goals, continuously strive for improvement, and focus on becoming the person needed to attain their goals.
    The pursuit of happiness and success can lead to burnout if not approached with clarity, intention, and unity of heart and mind.
    Instead of chasing success or happiness, seek fulfillment by recognizing the abundance already present in life and embracing growth outside the comfort zone.
    "Being successful is having a balanced life and being in a position to recognize and appreciate abundance."
    "The largest class by far, I feel, is the aspirational class, which is in the middle of the spectrum, and it's a very large middle."
    "Achievers set goals. And achievers are never satisfied."
    "Power moves to those in direct proportion to their willingness to serve."
    "We are the dogs. We wear ourselves out chasing success or happiness, but those things can't be caught."
    AYC Linktree: https://linktr.ee/growthandconnection
    To access the Mind Body Spirit Mentor Book go to:
    Annes YouTube Channel.
    Email anne@themind-body-spiritmentor.comLinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/anne-corbin/
    Anne originally trained as a maths and science teacher but then chose to qualify as an accountant and worked in business for 12 years. Having recognised that there was more to life than a successful career – specifically working long hours to make money for other people at the expense of her own health – she quit the rat race and returned to her first love: teaching, but on a part-time basis. Fascinated by psychology, philosophy and theology, she is now a successful trainer, speaker and author, who enjoys sharing her passion, purpose and knowledge with a growing audience.
    , Journey, Growth, Awakening, Transition, Personal to Spiritual, Self expression, mastery, Meditation, guide, Spirit guide, Energy, Balance, Healing, confidence, self, oneness, stillness: https://linktr.ee/mindbodyspiritconnection

    • 17 min
    There's More To Communication Than Just Words

    There's More To Communication Than Just Words

    In this episode, Anne speaks to Maria Garotanandia, a specialist in global leadership and development training. Maria shares her unique journey into cross-cultural training, influenced by her upbringing as an expatriate child. They discuss the challenges of adapting to new cultures, the importance of effective communication, and the impact of cultural differences on interpersonal interactions. Maria highlights the significance of stress management, conflict resolution, and feedback in fostering harmonious relationships. The episode also touches on the societal implications of communication breakdowns and the need for improved rapport-building skills in today's world. 
    Personal growth leads to fulfilment, and understanding cross-cultural differences can help in personal and professional development.
    Children adapt to new cultures faster than adults, highlighting the importance of learning cultural norms and communication styles.
    Effective communication, conflict management, and stress management are essential skills for navigating cross-cultural interactions.
    Building rapport, connecting, communicating, and collaborating can make interactions with others more harmonious and productive.
    The ability to communicate with and understand people from different backgrounds can simplify life and reduce unnecessary drama.
    "It's much harder to control boys without a little bit of physical persuasion."
    "I prefer to be able to connect and communicate and collaborate with people in a very simple way."
    "I think humans all over the world understand what respect means, And we probably all think it's important, but it just differs so much between one culture and another."
    "You need to connect so that you can communicate and collaborate."
    Phone: +1-786-838-5269
    AYC Linktree: https://linktr.ee/growthandconnection
    To access the Mind Body Spirit Mentor Book go to:
    Annes YouTube Channel.
    Email anne@themind-body-spiritmentor.comLinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/anne-corbin/
    Anne originally trained as a maths and science teacher but then chose to qualify as an accountant and worked in business for 12 years. Having recognised that there was more to life than a successful career – specifically working long hours to make money for other people at the expense of her own health – she quit the rat race and returned to her first love: teaching, but on a part-time basis. Fascinated by psychology, philosophy and theology, she is now a successful trainer, speaker and author, who enjoys sharing her passion, purpose and knowledge with a growing audience.
    , Journey, Growth, Awakening, Transition, Personal to Spiritual, Self expression, mastery, Meditation, guide, Spirit guide, Energy, Balance, Healing, confidence, self, oneness, stillness: https://linktr.ee/mindbodyspiritconnection

    • 28 min
    How Can I Get a Good Night's Sleep?

    How Can I Get a Good Night's Sleep?

    In this episode, Anne discusses the importance of quality sleep for overall well-being and productivity. While not claiming expertise as a sleep coach, Anne shares valuable insights and practical tips to help listeners improve their sleep habits. Drawing on personal growth principles and holistic health practices, she covers topics such as setting a consistent sleep schedule, creating a conducive sleep environment, avoiding screens before bedtime, and natural sleep aids. Anne emphasizes the power of the subconscious mind in influencing sleep patterns and highlights the significance of aligning with the body's natural rhythms. 
    Prioritize getting around 7 hours of sleep without interruptions by setting a specific wake-up time for your subconscious mind to follow.
    Create a sleep-conducive environment by sleeping in a dark room to support the natural release of melatonin, the sleep hormone.
    Avoid using screens, especially before bed, to prevent disruption of melatonin production and circadian rhythms.
    Develop healthy sleep habits like going to bed at the same time each night and avoiding the snooze button to improve sleep quality.
    Consider natural sleep aids like valerian root, passionflower, and chamomile to support better sleep without the use of sleeping pills.
    "Much of that is down to getting your subconscious mind on side and ignoring comments which are actually a form of programming or conditioning."
    "A small cup of warm milk before bed can be helpful. This is an Ayurvedic remedy for insomnia and you can add a little raw honey, saffron, nutmeg or poppy seeds to the warm milk."
    "The big problem with alcohol is that it's both a stimulant and a relaxant. So, whilst you might well drop off quickly, you're that much more likely to wake up at 3.30 or 4.30am and need the bathroom."
    "You can't fake this stuff. Their eyesight and hearing improved, their grip tested stronger and some of them were even playing a sort of a knocking around with a football with the psychologist who had set up the experiment."
    "You truly will find yourself massively more productive, less prone to overwhelm, panic attacks and even brain fog if you just get a handle on facilitating a great night's sleep for yourself and simply expecting it to happen each night."
    Annes YouTube Channel.
    To access the Mind Body Spirit Mentor Book go to:
    Email anne@themind-body-spiritmentor.comLinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/anne-corbin/
    Anne originally trained as a maths and science teacher but then chose to qualify as an accountant and worked in business for 12 years. Having recognised that there was more to life than a successful career – specifically working long hours to make money for other people at the expense of her own health – she quit the rat race and returned to her first love: teaching, but on a part-time basis. Fascinated by psychology, philosophy and theology, she is now a successful trainer, speaker and author, who enjoys sharing her passion, purpose and knowledge with a growing audience.
    , Journey, Growth, Awakening, Transition, Personal to Spiritual, Self expression, mastery, Meditation, guide, Spirit guide, Energy, Balance, Healing, confidence, self, oneness, stillness: https://linktr.ee/mindbodyspiritconnection

    • 23 min
    Why Is It So Difficult To Change a Habit?

    Why Is It So Difficult To Change a Habit?

    In today's episode, Anne delves into the topic of change and habits, exploring why change is often perceived as difficult and how habits play a significant role in our daily lives. She touches on the three levels of commitment involved in breaking or installing habits: cognitive, emotional, and identity levels. Anne emphasizes the importance of identity hacking to maintain lasting change, drawing examples from smoking cessation, exercise routines, and alcohol recovery. 
    Personal growth leads to fulfilment, and embracing change is essential for growth.
    Habits, whether good or bad, play a significant role in our daily lives and can be challenging to change.
    Understanding the three levels of commitment (cognitive, emotional, and identity) can make breaking or installing habits easier.
    Transformation differs from change in that it involves lasting change, unlike short-term solutions like diet programs.
    Utilizing the identity hack can be a powerful tool in maintaining new habits and achieving long-term success in personal growth.
    "Change always seemed to be a bad thing, a nuisance, something that required extra work. That was until we became accustomed to it and it became a new habit."
    "Many entrepreneurs start the day at 5am with a power hour, which could be, for example, 20 minutes of exercise, followed by 20 minutes of meditation, and then 20 minutes of reading or journaling."
    "Significantly fewer people smoke now than in the past. That was because the governments stepped in to stop it happening."
    "AA, Alcoholics Anonymous, has been enormously successful in helping alcoholics to quit their habit by applying a very famous 12-step system."
    "Weight Watchers have an enormous but short-term success rate with their clients. They can't, and don't, promise lasting change. Maybe they don't know about the identity hack."
    Annes YouTube Channel.
    To access the Mind Body Spirit Mentor Book go to:
    Email anne@themind-body-spiritmentor.comLinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/anne-corbin/
    Anne originally trained as a maths and science teacher but then chose to qualify as an accountant and worked in business for 12 years. Having recognised that there was more to life than a successful career – specifically working long hours to make money for other people at the expense of her own health – she quit the rat race and returned to her first love: teaching, but on a part-time basis. Fascinated by psychology, philosophy and theology, she is now a successful trainer, speaker and author, who enjoys sharing her passion, purpose and knowledge with a growing audience.
    , Journey, Growth, Awakening, Transition, Personal to Spiritual, Self expression, mastery, Meditation, guide, Spirit guide, Energy, Balance, Healing, confidence, self, oneness, stillness: https://linktr.ee/mindbodyspiritconnection

    • 15 min
    What is the Value of Having a Mentor?

    What is the Value of Having a Mentor?

    In this episode, Anne introduces Moneke Fields, a certified business coach, speaker, and mentor. Moneke shares her journey from being a school teacher to transitioning into coaching and mentoring entrepreneurs and leaders. She discusses the importance of personal growth and finding balance in professional and personal life. Moneke's own podcast, "Remarkably Simple," focuses on achieving success in various aspects of life through simplified strategies. She emphasizes the value of mentorship and group coaching in helping individuals reach their goals. 
    Personal growth can lead to fulfillment in various aspects of life, including professional and financial goals.
    Transitioning from teaching to coaching and mentoring was prompted by the desire to have a bigger impact and address personal challenges.
    Group coaching can be more beneficial for entrepreneurs and leaders as it allows for shared experiences and feedback.
    Applying strategies from coaching can lead to significant improvements in business within 90 days.
    High Yield Coaching offers free strategy sessions for both business and personal goals, showcasing generosity and expertise.
    "I was an educator for a total of 24 years... I moved into administration... I encountered some challenges and was missing some competencies."
    "I decided to transition into helping other leaders balance this need to accomplish their professional aspirations with the success of their personal and financial lives."
    "It's usually not something that we can work out for ourselves... the whole point of a mentor, to take you down a path that the mentor has already followed."
    "I think there is a difference between knowing and doing... one of the very best ways to learn yourself is to teach it to other people."
    "I do have one-on-one clients... my preference is to work with individuals in groups... it benefits us to be in proximity to someone who is at a particular transition point."
    Moneke Fields offers FREE business and podcast strategy sessions for business owners and leaders. It’s simple to book a FREE SESSION with her at https://highyieldcoaching.podcastlaunch.ai/highyield448590 
    You can also reach her on https://www.highyieldcoaching.com
    Moneke would love to connect and discuss how she can help you amplify your reach, revenue, and/or results!
    Annes YouTube Channel.
    To access the Mind Body Spirit Mentor Book go to:
    Email anne@themind-body-spiritmentor.comLinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/anne-corbin/
    Anne originally trained as a maths and science teacher but then chose to qualify as an accountant and worked in business for 12 years. Having recognised that there was more to life than a successful career – specifically working long hours to make money for other people at the expense of her own health – she quit the rat race and returned to her first love: teaching, but on a part-time basis. Fascinated by psychology, philosophy and theology, she is now a successful trainer, speaker and author, who enjoys sharing her passion, purpose and knowledge with a growing audience.
    , Journey, Growth, Awakening, Transition, Personal to Spiritual, Self expression, mastery, Meditation, guide, Spirit guide, Energy, Balance, Healing, confidence, self, oneness, stillness: https://linktr.ee/mindbodyspiritconnection

    • 21 min
    An Equine Growth Opportunity

    An Equine Growth Opportunity

    In this episode, Anne shares a transformative experience from a two-day retreat in the Netherlands focused on personal development and consciousness. The retreat involved working with horses to improve life skills and relationships. Anne delves into the concept of "passive" in the context of herd dynamics and leadership, contrasting its meaning in the horse world versus the management world. 
    Personal growth leads to fulfillment
    Language use and interpretation can vary based on context
    Effective leadership involves clear communication beyond just words
    Being passive in herd dynamics can be beneficial for preserving energy
    Understanding audience and choosing words wisely can lead to successful communication
    "When you are not understood by this patient and willing partner in the exercise, the horse will not respond, and that lets you know that you are not being clear with your body language, your intention, and the whole package."
    "One of our group, who teaches leadership, challenged very strongly this use of the word 'passive', saying that in the management world, being seen as passive is being the opposite of active, and this causes people to walk over you and take advantage."
    "Learning how to handle and lead a horse is an ideal way of practicing people skills because your breathing, your posture, focus and intention all communicate silently with the horse, who reacts."
    Annes YouTube Channel.
    To access the Mind Body Spirit Mentor Book go to:
    Email anne@themind-body-spiritmentor.comLinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/anne-corbin/
    Anne originally trained as a maths and science teacher but then chose to qualify as an accountant and worked in business for 12 years. Having recognised that there was more to life than a successful career – specifically working long hours to make money for other people at the expense of her own health – she quit the rat race and returned to her first love: teaching, but on a part-time basis. Fascinated by psychology, philosophy and theology, she is now a successful trainer, speaker and author, who enjoys sharing her passion, purpose and knowledge with a growing audience.
    , Journey, Growth, Awakening, Transition, Personal to Spiritual, Self expression, mastery, Meditation, guide, Spirit guide, Energy, Balance, Healing, confidence, self, oneness, stillness: https://linktr.ee/mindbodyspiritconnection

    • 16 min

Customer Reviews

5.0 out of 5
2 Ratings

2 Ratings

Moneke Fields ,

Quantum made simple!

Anne has knack for science and life. This podcast gives access to complex ideas her simple explanations. It’s definitely one to follow!

Globalstance ,

Take care of you!

Excellent content on how you can take better care of you.

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