34 episodes

Compelling, vulnerable conversations devoted to the nuanced realms of grief, pleasure and the sometimes messy, always beautiful paradox that exists between the two.

Join Kate Leiper, founder of SensuAlchemy School as she asks the question: within a culture that perceives emotional, intuitive and creative intelligence as inferior and avoids pain at all costs, what might change if grief were our compass and pleasure, our medicine?

SensuAlchemy School Podcast with Kate Leiper Kate Leiper

    • Health & Fitness
    • 4.5 • 4 Ratings

Compelling, vulnerable conversations devoted to the nuanced realms of grief, pleasure and the sometimes messy, always beautiful paradox that exists between the two.

Join Kate Leiper, founder of SensuAlchemy School as she asks the question: within a culture that perceives emotional, intuitive and creative intelligence as inferior and avoids pain at all costs, what might change if grief were our compass and pleasure, our medicine?

    33. 5 powerful shifts to revolutionize your Creative Feminine Leadership

    33. 5 powerful shifts to revolutionize your Creative Feminine Leadership

    In today’s solo episode, I’m going to share with you 5 powerful ways you can buck the system and revolutionize your approach to showing up and being of service as a woman leader. If you feel like your work, creativity, and leadership has its own distinct flavour and it doesn’t fit into the typical box our society would prefer it to, then let this episode reassure you that your uniqueness and willingness to lean into leadership differently is absolutely what our world needs right now.

    This episode dives into:

    + What happens when we step down as expert (even if we have valid expertise)

    + The mask we’re taught to wear in positions of leadership and influence and why taking it off is essential to dismantling damaging power structures

    + The reminder that brings me endless relief (and that you’ll want to put on a sticky note) because it will change your approaching to teaching, coaching and leadership forever

    + The unconscious relational patterns we’re caught in that are actually self dishonouring

    + The key unlearning we need to take our personal power back as feminine leaders 

    + The best way to open channels of connection and collaboration with other likeminded women

    + My invitation to you to check out my Luminess Creative Leadership Mastermind (enrolling now!) 


    Resources mentioned in this podcast:

    Learn more about Luminess - The Embodied Pleasure Pilgrimage
    SensuAlchemy School of Embodied Grief & Pleasure (The school)
    Leave a podcast review on iTunes here
    Thought or reflection to share? Leave a comment on Instagram here


    Find Kate on the following platforms:

    Website: http://kateleiper.com

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kate.leiper

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thekateleiper 


    We hope you enjoyed today’s podcast. Please subscribe so you’ll be updated when new episodes drop! Also, if you have a few moments to leave some feedback, we’d be so grateful. Simply click on “ratings and reviews” then “write a review” on iTunes to get started. Your reviews are so helpful in ensuring this podcast hits the spot in just the right way. We’d also love it if you could share the podcast with anyone you think might enjoy these episodes. SensuAlchemy School podcast can also be found on Spotify.

    • 22 min
    32. Remembering yourself through play, sensuality and Burlesque with Laura Jane Foley

    32. Remembering yourself through play, sensuality and Burlesque with Laura Jane Foley

    When was the last time you let yourself play, dress up, and express your full sensual self freely and without judgment? I believe that many of us are so hungry for these kinds of experiences… particularly if we’ve become disconnected from parts of ourselves that along the way, we decided were frivolous, silly, too much or over indulgent.

    Today on the podcast, I have such a joyful conversation to share with you. I sat down with the gorgeously sensual and creative Laura Jane Foley and she was every bit as captivating as she is on Instagram!

    Laura Jane is founder of Belle Empire Boutique & Events in Tunbridge Wells, England. She is a Feminine Embodiment and Sensuality guide using the modalities of Glamour Magick and Dance immersions to help heal the disconnect within Women. Her varied work and offerings assist women to rebirth into a state of empowerment, embodied pleasure and authentic expression so that they can infuse their life with self acceptance, love and magic.

    Laura and I delve into:

    + How in really feeling the disappointment and sadness that her intimate partnerships haven’t brought her the pleasure and fulfillment she’s craved, Laura has become committed to “feeding” herself these things instead

    + Laura’s belief that we’re completely responsible for our own pleasure in life, and that the “work” is maintaining our own joy without expecting others to fill that space

    + Laura’s personal experience of disconnecting to her body in new motherhood and the ways and practices that she devoted to in order to maintain her own unique sense of self

    + How sensuality and glamour featured in Laura’s life (even in early motherhood) and how her self-expression in this time challenged other mothers around her

    + The difference between putting energy into your appearance for “the benefit of others” under the patriarchal gaze as opposed to expressing yourself in ways that feel sensual and alive purely for yourself

    + How the art of burlesque challenges all the cultural expectations we hold about women and celebrates the fullness of every woman exactly as she is

    + How Laura teaches women to unlock the parts of themselves that have been oppressed and suppressed and embody their “Burlesque Persona”

    + Why Laura created her brick and mortar store “Belle Empire” in Tunbridge Wells, UK and how she revels in seeing women learn, play and grow into themselves in this gorgeously evocative space


    Resources mentioned in this podcast:

    Follow Laura Jane
    Learn more about Laura Jane's work at www.theartofwoman.co.uk 
    Register for the EMBOLDEN 2-day onlive event
    SensuAlchemy School of Embodied Grief & Pleasure (The school)
    Leave a podcast review on iTunes here
    Thought or reflection to share? Leave a comment on Instagram here


    Find Kate on the following platforms:

    Website: http://kateleiper.com

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kate.leiper

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thekateleiper


    We hope you enjoyed today’s podcast. Please subscribe so you’ll be updated when new episodes drop! Also, if you have a few moments to leave some feedback, we’d be so grateful. Simply click on “ratings and reviews” then “write a review” on iTunes to get started. Your reviews are so helpful in ensuring this podcast hits the spot in just the right way. We’d also love it if you could share the podcast with anyone you think might enjoy these episodes. SensuAlchemy School podcast can also be found on Spotify.

    • 48 min
    31. Breaking Free from Taboo & Finding Self-Worth through Pleasure with Amy Towle

    31. Breaking Free from Taboo & Finding Self-Worth through Pleasure with Amy Towle

    When our world as we know it crumbles, the last thing most of us would ever consider is that such a catastrophe might lead us to exactly the life we’re meant to be living.

    Today’s guest on the SensuAlchemy School podcast has one epic story to tell. From surviving a devastating career tragedy, to awakening to her full powerful expression and helping countless women take back their pleasure and by consequence their self-worth, Amy Towle is beyond inspiring.

    Amy Towle is the founder of Temple Of She, a space for the Willing. As a Yoni Massage Practitioner and trainer, Certified Intuitive Guide and Registered Midwife, Amy has over a decade of experience working with women in powerful, yet vulnerable self-exploration.

    Amy loves to push the envelope, get deep and dirty into the taboos of our world. She holds your hand as you push through the edge of your comfort zone.

    Today Amy and explore:

    The heavy acknowledgement of losses that often have to come before the lightness of freedom and beauty
    How to peel back the beliefs and value stories that we carry that keep us from getting our needs met - particularly around pleasure and sensuality
    The push/pull of shame and embracing that can happen during the process of liberating ourselves from social taboo 
    Coming to grips with how we contribute to our own disembodiment - and the payoff we receive from staying numb and unhappy
    Amy’s incredible story of major loss when she was involved in a modern day witch hunt as a midwife, and the amazing redirection her life took when she surrendered to her own personal evolution
    Amy’s sexual awakening in the midst of it all, that lead to an entirely new relationship to her body, her pleasure and her contribution to the world
    Amy’s exceptional Yoni Massage Practitioner training and why it’s the Gold Standard of trainings out there
    What it looks like when a woman deeply embodies her own self-worth and what it means for both Amy and Kate to demonstrating leading in incongruence and with integrity


    Resources mentioned in this podcast:

    Follow Amy Towle on Instagram
    Learn more about The Temple of She
    Register for Kate’s EMBOLDEN 2-day onlive event
    SensuAlchemy School of Embodied Grief & Pleasure (The school)
    Leave a podcast review on iTunes here
    Thought or reflection to share? Leave a comment on Instagram here


    Find Kate on the following platforms:

    Website: http://kateleiper.com

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kate.leiper

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thekateleiper


    We hope you enjoyed today’s podcast. Please subscribe so you’ll be updated when new episodes drop! Also, if you have a few moments to leave some feedback, we’d be so grateful. Simply click on “ratings and reviews” then “write a review” on iTunes to get started. Your reviews are so helpful in ensuring this podcast hits the spot in just the right way. We’d also love it if you could share the podcast with anyone you think might enjoy these episodes. SensuAlchemy School podcast can also be found on Spotify.

    • 50 min
    30. Satiating desire and the creative ache with Jenna Ward

    30. Satiating desire and the creative ache with Jenna Ward

    Do you crave more wonder, creativity, radiance and sensuality in your life? 

    If your whole body answered a resounding yes in longing to this question, then you’re not alone.

    For most of us, the obligations and expectations long upheld by the modern over-culture make it really challenging to prioritise and devote to a more embodied life, connected to our truest knowing and deepest desires.

    My guest today and her incredible body of work, opened my heart and mind to an entirely new way of being 6 years ago. Jenna Ward is a leading Feminine Embodiment Coach & Embodiment Teacher living between Australia & Holland. She works with hundreds of coaches and women to deepen their feminine gifts, inhabit their bodies more fully & coach in embodied ways.

    Jenna and I dive into:

    + How Jenna is currently navigating her hunger for aliveness amidst the fast pace of life and a second pregnancy

    + What it means for Jenna to live in devotion to creativity and aliveness and why this is a muscle we can learn to continually flex in small ways each day

    + Confronting the void of confusion and longing when we find ourselves at the top of our game with everything we “thought’ we wanted

    + Jenna’s thoughts around our culture’s preoccupation with healing and how it won’t ever lead us to feeling the way we truly desire

    + How we can’t genuinely access our sensuality or creativity unless we’re willing to meet with the discomfort that stands in the way

    + When we stamp out our creative passions in favour of “making lots of money” and how this can really mess our overall sense of fulfillment in life

    + Why Jenna’s always willing to put everything she values on the table and consider whether it stays or goes if she’s not feeling in alignment with her deepest desires

    + The essential phases of making important decisions to ensure it’s a fully embodied yes or no before any action is taken

    + And SO much more!


    Resources mentioned in this podcast:

    Follow Jenna Ward on Instagram
    Learn more about The School of Embodied Arts
    Register for the EMBOLDEN 2-day onlive event
    SensuAlchemy School of Embodied Grief & Pleasure (The school)
    Leave a podcast review on iTunes here
    Thought or reflection to share? Leave a comment on Instagram here


    Find Kate on the following platforms:

    Website: http://kateleiper.com

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kate.leiper

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thekateleiper 


    We hope you enjoyed today’s podcast. Please subscribe so you’ll be updated when new episodes drop! Also, if you have a few moments to leave some feedback, we’d be so grateful. Simply click on “ratings and reviews” then “write a review” on iTunes to get started. Your reviews are so helpful in ensuring this podcast hits the spot in just the right way. We’d also love it if you could share the podcast with anyone you think might enjoy these episodes. SensuAlchemy School podcast can also be found on Spotify.

    • 49 min
    29: What it means to live fully: Confronting the costs of avoiding grief

    29: What it means to live fully: Confronting the costs of avoiding grief

    Somebody posed the question to me recently, they asked - if I just go on, pushing my grief aside like I always have, will that actually hurt me? If I know it’s there, but I don’t choose to “work on it”, will there be a difference in my life? They said - Because I’m not about to feel all that pain for fun. I need to know there’s a reason to do it.

    Today, I’m going to shed some light on what the real costs are when it comes to our willingness to acknowledge, process and make space for the impact of our losses. I’ll also speak to some of the costs of moving towards your grief and heartache - because there is a price you might pay for taking that route as well.

    If this episode speaks to you, then maybe GriefWeavers - my 4 week course for women - is the perfect experience for you to begin to come home to yourself after loss. You can check it out below.


    Resources mentioned in this podcast:

    GriefWeavers - 4 week sacred circle
    SensuAlchemy School of Embodied Grief & Pleasure (The school)
    Leave a podcast review on iTunes here
    Thought or reflection to share? Leave a comment on Instagram here


    Find Kate on the following platforms:

    Website: http://kateleiper.com

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kate.leiper

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thekateleiper 


    We hope you enjoyed today’s podcast. Please subscribe so you’ll be updated when new episodes drop! Also, if you have a few moments to leave some feedback, we’d be so grateful. Simply click on “ratings and reviews” then “write a review” on iTunes to get started. Your reviews are so helpful in ensuring this podcast hits the spot in just the right way. We’d also love it if you could share the podcast with anyone you think might enjoy these episodes. SensuAlchemy School podcast can also be found on Spotify.

    • 30 min
    28. Birth trauma recovery & learning to love your postnatal body with Prudence Todd

    28. Birth trauma recovery & learning to love your postnatal body with Prudence Todd

    So much of what we believe to be normal as women, particularly in relation to pregnancy, birth and postpartum - and particularly when it comes to the capability of our body and the pain and challenges that arise after babies, is pretty darn concerning. 

    We’re often so accustomed to hiding our physical or emotional challenges to do with our female anatomy and reproductive system, because of how much shame we might carry or because of cultural stigma we’ve internalised about how women’s bodies should be and should function, so today’s conversation is going to bring this to light.


    My wonderful guest today, Prudence Todd is the Founder of Your Womanhood and is deeply passionate about women’s experience of womanhood, birth and beyond.


    As a previous Midwife and now Holistic Pelvic Care Practitioner and Restorative Pilates Instructor, Prudence helps women heal their heart and body after birth trauma with her online and in person healing sessions. She specialises in guiding women to reconnect with their bodies, access their intuitive wisdom and medicine within and in turn heal pelvic floor trauma and dysfunction.


    We cover so much terrain in today’s conversation. From Prue’s take on sexual wellness and the fact we’ve both lost siblings, I have no doubt that there’ll be something for you today. So sit back and enjoy my chat with Prudence Todd.


    Today, Kate and Prudence explore:

    + Prue’s experience of leaving mainstream midwifery behind and carving out her dream work helping women heal their hearts, bodies and minds in motherhood

    + Prue’s own history of antenatal and postnatal depression

    + The grief women contend with when their childbirth experience doesn’t go the way they hoped

    + The ways the systems meant to support women in pregnancy, birth and postpartum fail us and how we can advocate for ourselves with knowledge and compassion

    + How we’ve been cultured to feel ashamed when our bodies don’t work the way we want or expect them to (and why keeping our injuries or conditions secret can do major harm as we age)

    + The body as medicine - how Prue supports her client’s holistically to regain pelvic health and wellness

    + My own process of forging a healing connection with her cervix after surgery (and a terrible unintended pun to listen out for!)

    + We also find common ground with their stories of sibling loss, and how this heartbreak has changed the way we interact with life.


    This conversation with Prue was so nourishing for me. Even if you’re not a biological mother, if you inhabit a body you’ll be comforted by the humanity of her personal journey and messages of deep self-compassion. 


    Resources mentioned in this podcast:

    Follow Prudence on Instagram
    Join the Your Womanhood Facebook Group
    Register for Kate’s next round of GriefWeavers (start date August 15)
    SensuAlchemy School of Embodied Grief & Pleasure (The school)
    Leave a podcast review on iTunes here
    Thought or reflection to share? Leave a comment on Instagram here


    Find Kate on the following platforms:

    Website: http://kateleiper.com

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kate.leiper

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thekateleiper


    We hope you enjoyed today’s podcast. Please subscribe so you’ll be updated when new episodes drop! Also, if you have a few moments to leave some feedback, we’d be so grateful. Simply click on “ratings and reviews” then “write a review” on iTunes to get started. Your reviews are so helpful in ensuring this podcast hits the spot in just the right way. We’d also love it if you could share the podcast with anyone you think might enjoy these episodes. SensuAlchemy School podcast can also be found on Spotify.

    • 55 min

Customer Reviews

4.5 out of 5
4 Ratings

4 Ratings

Embodied_wisdom_ ,

So many gems of wisdom

Every episode holds so many gems of wisdom. Kate’s knowledge, heart and experience continually helps me to navigate my personal journey with grief, embodiment and pleasure.
So grateful for her and her sharing on this platform.

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