Spencer Kobren's The Bald Truth

Broadcasting live from TBT Studios in Los Angeles, Spencer Kobren’s The Bald Truth is the Nation’s longest running, critically acclaimed broadcast focusing the psychological and emotional aspects of living life with the silent epidemic of male pattern hair loss. Kobren’s weekly on-air support group was nationally syndicated from WestwoodOne Radio Networks for well over a decade and in 2009 chose to break away from conventional broadcasting in order to provide listeners with a more interactive online experience. Spencer Kobren is the Founder of The American Hair Loss Association and is considered the country’s most prominent and effective consumer/patient advocate. He’s the author of the groundbreaking International Best Seller, The Bald Truth; The First Complete Guide to Preventing and Treating Hair Loss (Pocket Books/Simon & Schuster) and The Truth About Women’s Hair Loss; What Really Works for Treating and Preventing Thinning Hair (Contemporary Books/McGraw-Hill) The Washington Post proclaims that The Bald Truth is Kobren’s “Pulpit of the airwaves,” and the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review declares “Spencer Kobren’s nationally syndicated show “The Bald Truth” has a dedicated listenership that would have Rush Limbaugh pulling his hair out in envy.” For more than two decades Kobren, has been helping hair loss sufferers safely navigate the treacherous, multibillion dollar hair loss industry all while advising his listeners and viewers that there is life after hair loss.
The Norwood 8s
I want to start a band called the Norwood 8s
Mixed Feelings
I've been listening since the beginning of 2012. Sometimes the show is very good and informative with exciting and promising industry updates. Other half of the time the show seems like a really bad public access channel show by teenagers who can't stop stroking their ego and bashing their "detractors". Potential for so much more, too bad the same negative and eccentric callers pollute the quality and Spencer keeps talking about how awesome he is.
- CreatorThe Bald Truth
- Years Active2011 - 2022
- Episodes15
- RatingExplicit
- Copyright© Copyright 2020 All rights reserved.
- Show Website
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