31 episodes

It's time for the coaching industry to focus on what really matters: client results.

On Systems Famous, we’re committed to raising the standard of group programs and revolutionizing the coaching industry by putting client results first.

If you’ve mastered sales & marketing, but aren’t focusing on client results, you’re selling on a shaky foundation. Focusing on your client results solves every problem in your business, from marketing to sales to customer service and more.

In each episode, your host, Ashley Pendergraft the go-to expert for Airtable and Automation solutions for online group programs shares the best systems, software & strategies for tracking, improving & celebrating your clients’ results.

She’ll be talking with your favorite coaches and group program founders about how they have created the most iconic programs in the industry. We’ll go behind-the-scenes and hear how they started, how they became the best in the business, and all the lessons they’ve learned and mistakes they made along the way.

Whether you’re a self-identified systems nerd or not, you’re going to love this show. If you’re committed to getting your clients’ results and creating the go-to coaching program in your industry, this show is for you.

As a neurodivergent business owner, Ashley knows that reliable systems is essential for success whether you're neurodivergent or not. As the founder of Systems Over Stress, she’s helped hundreds of coaches transition from spreadsheets to streamlined Airtable systems, empowering them to grow their businesses and reclaim their time.

You can learn more about her done-for-you services and programs at https://systemsoverstress.co/

Systems Famous: Create Better Client Results in Your Coaching Business Using Airtable & Automations Ashley Rose

    • Business
    • 4.9 • 9 Ratings

It's time for the coaching industry to focus on what really matters: client results.

On Systems Famous, we’re committed to raising the standard of group programs and revolutionizing the coaching industry by putting client results first.

If you’ve mastered sales & marketing, but aren’t focusing on client results, you’re selling on a shaky foundation. Focusing on your client results solves every problem in your business, from marketing to sales to customer service and more.

In each episode, your host, Ashley Pendergraft the go-to expert for Airtable and Automation solutions for online group programs shares the best systems, software & strategies for tracking, improving & celebrating your clients’ results.

She’ll be talking with your favorite coaches and group program founders about how they have created the most iconic programs in the industry. We’ll go behind-the-scenes and hear how they started, how they became the best in the business, and all the lessons they’ve learned and mistakes they made along the way.

Whether you’re a self-identified systems nerd or not, you’re going to love this show. If you’re committed to getting your clients’ results and creating the go-to coaching program in your industry, this show is for you.

As a neurodivergent business owner, Ashley knows that reliable systems is essential for success whether you're neurodivergent or not. As the founder of Systems Over Stress, she’s helped hundreds of coaches transition from spreadsheets to streamlined Airtable systems, empowering them to grow their businesses and reclaim their time.

You can learn more about her done-for-you services and programs at https://systemsoverstress.co/

    28: Client Results Cleanup: Ashley Helps Financial Advisor Ashley Refine Her Program Promise

    28: Client Results Cleanup: Ashley Helps Financial Advisor Ashley Refine Her Program Promise



    In our 12 month group program, you'll automate the onboarding, offboarding & resign process of your signature group coaching or 1:1 offer in just 30 days and add student support features that will help get your clients better results, faster. Doors are OPEN until May 3, 2024.
    Learn More & Join Here: https://systemsoverstress.co/sos

    Join Our Systems Speed Dial Retainer & we'll take over the management of your group program operations. With our retainer, you always have me & my team in your back pocket and can feel confident that you're focusing on building your systems the right way, using Airtable to its fullest potential & that you're never working harder than you should.
    Learn more & book a sales call: https://systemsoverstress.co/systems-speed-dial

    • 34 min
    27: How to Make Sure Your Clients Achieve Your Program Promise ... without Completely Re-Working Your Curriculum or Changing Your Offer

    27: How to Make Sure Your Clients Achieve Your Program Promise ... without Completely Re-Working Your Curriculum or Changing Your Offer

    In this episode, I'm sharing the secret to having triple the amount of success stories, testimonials, and client results on your sales pages without having to revamp your curriculum or constantly chase clients for testimonials. Let's dive into how you can effortlessly showcase the results your clients are achieving.
    Key Points:
    The Importance of Tracking Client Results:
    My clients are experts at getting results, but they often struggle with tracking those results.Without a tracking system, it's easy to doubt your program's effectiveness and miss out on showcasing client successes.Most clients won’t voluntarily share their wins unless prompted and incentivized.
    Mindset Shift:
    Believe that your clients are getting results, even if they aren't vocal about it.The lack of testimonials often stems from not having a system to collect them, not from the program's ineffectiveness.
    Steps to Setting Up a Client Results Tracking System:
    A. Have a Measurable Program Promise:
    Ensure your program promise is specific and measurable.For example, a dating program could promise "helping clients find a relationship" or "getting a boyfriend in 90 days."
    B. Reverse Engineer Your Onboarding Form:
    Collect baseline data to measure progress accurately.Ask specific questions to capture clients’ starting points, such as their current rates or recent achievements.
    C. Create an Engaging Tracking System:
    Develop a tracking form that clients are motivated to fill out.Use Airtable to automate data collection and provide immediate feedback to clients.For instance, when a client books a wedding package, they receive an automated email summarizing their progress and celebrating their achievements.
    The Benefits of a Client Results Tracking System:
    It helps you gather more success stories for your sales pages.Clients feel seen and appreciated, enhancing their experience.You can identify and celebrate your star students, even the quiet ones.
    Actionable Steps for You:
    If you don’t have a client results tracking system, set it up before considering any curriculum overhaul.Track data to see how clients are progressing through your program.Use the collected data to validate your program's effectiveness and showcase it on your sales pages.
    How We Can Help:
    In my group program, Systems Over Stress, we help you set up effective client results tracking systems.We also offer a done-for-you service to set up these systems tailored to your needs.Learn more about working with us here: https://systemsoverstress.co/work-with-us
    You need a client results tracking system to gather success stories and validate your program's impact. Before making any changes to your curriculum, focus on setting up a system to track and celebrate your clients' progress. If you have any questions or need support, feel free to DM me at @systemsoverstress on Instagram. See you in the next episode!

    • 12 min
    26: Client Results Cleanup: Ashley Helps Email Strategist Shannon Vondy Improve Her Membership's Promise!

    26: Client Results Cleanup: Ashley Helps Email Strategist Shannon Vondy Improve Her Membership's Promise!


    In our 12 month group program, you'll automate the onboarding, offboarding & resign process of your signature group coaching or 1:1 offer in just 30 days and add student support features that will help get your clients better results, faster. Doors are OPEN until May 3, 2024.
    Learn More & Join Here: https://systemsoverstress.co/sos

    Join Our Systems Speed Dial Retainer & we'll take over the management of your group program operations. With our retainer, you always have me & my team in your back pocket and can feel confident that you're focusing on building your systems the right way, using Airtable to its fullest potential & that you're never working harder than you should.
    Learn more & book a sales call: https://systemsoverstress.co/systems-speed-dial

    Website: https://systemsoverstress.co/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/systemsoverstress/ 
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJJ01c-NTjI8eZzp2wwO7GA

    • 36 min
    25: How Airtable Saved My Business as a Neurodivergent Business Owner (& 3 Ways It Can Help You)

    25: How Airtable Saved My Business as a Neurodivergent Business Owner (& 3 Ways It Can Help You)

    In this episode, I'm excited to share how Airtable saved my business as a neurodivergent business owner and how it can help you, whether you identify as neurodivergent or not. As an Airtable expert, I'm passionate about this tool because it truly saved my life and my business. Let's dive into how Airtable can transform your business too.
    Key Points:
    My Neurodivergent Journey:
    I have ADHD and depression. Diagnosed with depression at 16 and ADHD in mid-2020, a few months after starting my business.Understanding my ADHD made me realize that systems and automations were essential for my success, even as a solo entrepreneur.
    Challenges of Neurodivergent Business Ownership:
    Forgetting to send follow-up emails after sales calls, leading to lost leads and guilt.Struggling with consistency in managing money and recurring tasks like "Money Mondays."Fear of growing my business due to concerns about maintaining high standards of client experience.
    Airtable as a Lifesaver:
    Airtable helped me create centralized and automated systems tailored to my neurodivergent brain.Created a call hub in Airtable for automatic call population, call notes, and follow-up emails, without needing to use Gmail.Automated sales tracking and created a group program hub for student and client data, onboarding, offboarding, and engagement.
    Benefits of Airtable Systems:
    These systems allowed me to scale my business without sacrificing client experience or burning out.Airtable systems ensured no tasks slipped through the cracks, even as my business and client roster grew.
    Practical Steps to Get Started with Airtable:
    Create an Airtable Account: Start by exploring Airtable and setting up your account.Create a Business Hub: Make a base called "Business Hub" and start with a "Quick Links" table for all important links (Canva, Acuity, Google Drive, etc.).Manage Clients: Set up a separate base for clients with fields for first name, last name, email, start date, and end date.Move Spreadsheets to Airtable: Transfer your existing spreadsheets or Google Forms to Airtable to centralize and streamline your processes.
    Homework and Invitation:
    Create a Quick Links table, a Client table, and move one spreadsheet to Airtable.DM me at @systemsoverstress with your Airtable setup, and let's celebrate your progress together.If you're at a breaking point with your systems and think Airtable might be the right fit, let's work together. Book a sales call to discuss your current systems, stress points, and how Airtable can help automate and streamline your business. Learn more about working with me here: https://systemsoverstress.co/work-with-us
    I hope this episode was helpful, especially if you identify as someone with ADHD, depression, or any other neurodivergence. Airtable is a powerful tool for creating structure and flexibility in your business. Can't wait to see how you implement it and transform your business. See you in the next episode!

    • 14 min
    24: Client Results Cleanup UPDATE with YouTube Expert Jamar Diggs (IG Live Replay)

    24: Client Results Cleanup UPDATE with YouTube Expert Jamar Diggs (IG Live Replay)

    ✨ Replay with @jamardiggs ... Client Results Cleanup! ✨
    I'll be going LIVE every Friday with a new guest and we'll be live workshopping the current results they promise their clients in their 1:1 or group coaching offers. We’ll talk about how they’re currently tracking their results (if at all) and I’ll make specific recommendations on updates to make to make their offer promise easier to measure and track.
    We bring it onto the podcast so you can 2X speed it. You're welcome!
    Our first guest is @JamarDiggs. Jamar is a YouTube expert. A few weeks back Jamar was our first brave volunteer on the podcast and we workshopped his membership’s existing promise and what results he tracked and how he could make the membership promise even stronger & more measurable.

    It’s time to make content marketing only 10% of your focus with YouTube Marketing Expert, Jamar Diggs.

    Launch Or Revive Your YouTube Channel and Have a Consistent Posting Schedule For the 3 Months


    Well, we brought Jamar back on so he can tell us about how getting clear on his membership’s promised result has changed his offer for the better.

    Listen in as we talk about all of the updates he’s made to his membership (and the AMAZING results he’s been getting his clients) since laser-focusing on his new promised result.

    • 42 min
    23: 3 Things That A Causing Me Stress In My Business (And How I'm Solving Them with Systems)

    23: 3 Things That A Causing Me Stress In My Business (And How I'm Solving Them with Systems)

    In this episode, I wanted to share some behind-the-scenes updates about my business and admit something—I am stressed. Yes, even the person behind Systems Over Stress gets stressed about her own business. It's that lingering stress that keeps me up at night thinking about all the extra work I need to do. I've had those moments of crying to my business coaches and even wondering if I should burn it all down. But don't worry, I am fine, the business isn't going anywhere, and I'm not actually burning anything down.
    Here's what I've been up to:
    1. Recognizing Stress as a Signal:
    If you're feeling stressed about your business, it's a crucial time to pause and evaluate what's going on. For me, stress is a key indicator that something is off—whether it's in my business operations, boundaries, or team communication. Whenever I pause and really try to problem-solve, I always come back to the same solution: better systems.
    2. Content Systems Overhaul:
    This past week, I revamped our content system. I've always used Airtable to map out our content, but I've never found a perfect system. This month, I tried something new. I mapped out my content on paper first, marking out-of-office dates and scheduling bulk content creation days. Mondays and Fridays are now dedicated to writing emails, making reels, recording podcast episodes, and creating YouTube videos. This new system has been working well so far, and I'm excited to see how it evolves.
    3. Client Results Tracking Systems:
    As someone who teaches client results tracking systems, it's ironic that our own system has taken a backseat. We've been busy helping clients set up their systems, but it's time to focus on our own. We've rolled out our Systems Over Stress Stamp of Approval, where clients submit their systems for review. This helps us ensure their systems meet our standards and gives them visibility in our directory. It feels great to finally have this system in place.

    4. Agency Delivery Systems:
    Our done-for-you Airtable agency is at capacity, which is amazing. But with any done-for-you offer, systems are always evolving. We're improving our delivery and operating systems based on feedback from our first cohort of clients. We're setting up support ticketing systems and tracks for agency clients to streamline their onboarding and ensure they get the most impactful systems set up first. I'm excited about these updates and the improved client experience they'll bring.

    Final Thoughts:
    - Addressing the systems issues in your business is the quickest way to get out of overwhelm and stress. If you're feeling stressed, it's a sign that something needs to change. Let me and my team help you identify the systems that will alleviate that stress. We're always taking sales calls to slot you into our next available month.
    - On a sales call, you'll tell me what's not working in your business, and I'll recommend simple system solutions we can build in Airtable to alleviate stress immediately. We'll look at your onboarding, offboarding, launching, spreadsheets, and current Airtable bases to automate your team's admin hours, make you more money, and improve your client results.

    - I'm comfortable admitting that I sometimes get overwhelmed, but I know how to build the systems to get out of it. If you're feeling the same way and don't know where to start, let me help you. I hope this behind-the-scenes update was helpful. We'll see you in the next episode!


    Thread Accountability Post for writing 15 emailsa href="https://systemsoverstress.co/systems-speed-dial" rel="noopener noreferrer"...

    • 17 min

Customer Reviews

4.9 out of 5
9 Ratings

9 Ratings

shaniqueallen ,

The central source of truth!

The concept of systems in your biz didn’t really CLICK for me until Ashley broke it down in her YT videos and now on the Systems Famous podcast. Love all the practical tips she provides in helping fellow ND biz owners like myself lean more into systems, in particular having one central source of truth, to not only manage my group program but create repeatable client results. Setting up your systems like how Ashley recommends is going to keep you focused on the facts that are the figures (cause they do not lie) and NOT your feelings. 🙂

helloarw ,

Ashley is the airtable queen🤚🏽

I was in her program SOS and let me tell you, in just 3 months my group program went from manual to 89% automated. I can’t thank her enough for helping us & teaching all the tech she does in her show 👩🏽‍💻

lulay22 ,

Adhd biz girlie loves this pod

I love the perspective of leaning on systems for my adhd brain as a business owner. Also love that the focus of client results to get better at delivering and selling!

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