44 episodes

Purpose can be a wildly polarizing topic because, for many, it can feel ever-elusive and impossible to pin down. Simply put, purpose is stepping into who we're here to be and doing the work we're here to do.

The Tales from the Journey™ Podcast profiles the stories of incredible, purpose-driven individuals who uncovered or deepened their sense of purpose after experiences that turned them upside down. Your host Stephenie Zamora—author, speaker, and coach—interviews entrepreneurs, artists, stay-at-home parents, families living alternative lifestyles, and everything in-between about the highs and lows of rising up and coming back in the aftermath of challenging chapters and big life transitions. All with the hope of inspiring others to begin their own process of living their legacy and contributing in the way that only they can.

Learn more at www.TalesFromTheJourney.tv!

Tales from the Journey Stephenie Zamora

    • Health & Fitness
    • 5.0 • 30 Ratings

Purpose can be a wildly polarizing topic because, for many, it can feel ever-elusive and impossible to pin down. Simply put, purpose is stepping into who we're here to be and doing the work we're here to do.

The Tales from the Journey™ Podcast profiles the stories of incredible, purpose-driven individuals who uncovered or deepened their sense of purpose after experiences that turned them upside down. Your host Stephenie Zamora—author, speaker, and coach—interviews entrepreneurs, artists, stay-at-home parents, families living alternative lifestyles, and everything in-between about the highs and lows of rising up and coming back in the aftermath of challenging chapters and big life transitions. All with the hope of inspiring others to begin their own process of living their legacy and contributing in the way that only they can.

Learn more at www.TalesFromTheJourney.tv!

    Practicing Presence, Facing Forward, and Writing an Aligned Ending

    Practicing Presence, Facing Forward, and Writing an Aligned Ending

    In this episode, I’m closing out season two with an important conversation about practicing presence, facing forward, and writing ourselves into an aligned storyline. This conversation is about seemingly simple topics, but I promise they’re incredibly potent, no matter where you are inside your present journey. In fact, nearly two decades into my own healing and growth work, I recently had to remember the power of presence for myself, and it became such a transformational experience in so many ways. Plus, you can’t face forward into what’s supposed to come next if you’re not here now. I know you’re going to gain so much from this conversation, and I’m also sharing some exciting announcements about our upcoming second podcast launch!

    What to listen for:

    Launching our newest podcast and other goodies

    Where to follow me and my updates in the meantime

    The importance of presence and my own reminder to practice it

    Feeling silly after doing so much growth work

    “It has been so healing and has produced such incredible shifts so rapidly. The pace at which I have been getting clarity, getting downloads, feeling more like myself, feeling happier and more aligned and fulfilled and creative and healthy and all these things has just been so accelerated.”

    Navigating the times when presence is most difficult

    Grief and trauma are full body experiences

    This isn’t about bypassing the more challenging emotions

    Holding our vision for the future while engaging with this moment

    The best ways to practice presence and how it assists our healing

    Facing forward into what’s next and why presence is essential

    “Facing forward, facing into what it is that we want, this involves presence. This involves being here now and orienting ourselves towards things that we say that we want.”

    Idealizing the past even when we want change

    Orienting to ourselves in time and space

    Don’t beat yourself up when you’re hooked into the past

    The visual metaphors that guided my healing

    “I would close my eyes in this little movie would play. And after I had clawed my way out of the depths of grief and trauma, clawed my way out of this deep dark well, I remember turning away from the well and facing in a different direction. And so we're doing that energetically. We are reorienting ourselves, our whole selves towards the things that we want, even if they're small.”

    Identifying what you want and orienting towards it

    What it means to write yourself into a storyline that feels aligned

    Using our meaning making skills productively

    How to look at what happened in a way that frees you to move forward

    The truth about “everything happens for a reason”

    Deciding how you want to be shaped and how the story will unfold


    Grab a copy of, What Really Happened? Break Free from Interpretation and Make the Impossible Happen, along with other products and books in the online shop.

    Access our free workbook for how to make the impossible happen, and our powerful 8-part Journey Mapping™ sampler program and begin uncovering the purpose of your path at www.TalesFromTheJourney.tv/Free/.

    Read my memoir, Unravel: Rising Up and Coming Back from a Season of Living that Damn Near Killed Me at www.TheUnravelBook.com.

    Tales from the Journey™ is a Stephenie Zamora Media Production.

    • 28 min
    Stepping Out of the Darkness and into Suicide Prevention with Lark Galley

    Stepping Out of the Darkness and into Suicide Prevention with Lark Galley

    Content warning: mental illness and suicide loss.

    Today I’m talking to Lark Dean Galley about stepping out of the darkness and into suicide prevention. After working in the corporate world for 25 years, she left to run her father’s trucking company when he passed away unexpectedly from suicide after struggling with mental illness for most of his life. Realizing there were many entrepreneurs who could benefit from her experience, Lark started her own consulting business. Then, in March of 2019, her 19 year old son committed suicide and sent her deeper on a healing journey that further cemented her purpose in this life. Her goal is to help 100,000 people choose to stay on this planet and step into their greatness. She has done this in a variety of capacities, but in each she has used the tools and lessons learned from her own struggles.

    What to listen for:

    How everything changed when her son committed suicide

    Her background as a driven woman in the corporate world

    Slowing down and finding more compassion as a parent after loss

    Her struggles taking over her father’s business after his death

    “If you're used to accomplishing big goals, you tell yourself, ‘just do it.’ And you're totally questioning your motivation. What will motivate me to move forward? Or how can I even get out of bed? How can I even comprehend all of these emotions and this loss and just the unanswered questions, especially around a suicide, right?”

    The signs of her son’s impending suicide and her biggest regret

    Starting to go into the black hole and not wanting to do anything

    Talking to other families about suicide concerns with their children

    Questioning herself as a parent and if she’d done enough

    Starting to talk about mental health and suicide

    “If I didn't speak up and these kids ended up taking their lives, just like that copycat suicide in the high school, I couldn't have lived with myself. And that's what catapulted me into saying, I have got to talk about this. This is critical. It is an epidemic. And I started talking about it and I became very vocal. Like it was a passion.”

    Dealing with the stigma of suicide

    Navigating other people not knowing what to say

    Starting to speak on podcasts and getting the nudge to write a book

    Feeling the urgency to get the book out and choosing self-publishing

    Having strength some days and feeling weak others

    Allowing her family to be where they are in their grief

    How loss and grief have changed her

    “What's interesting is that I react differently. You know, if things in my businesses come up that in the past might have upset me, I'm like, ‘no, we'll work it out. It's okay.’ And it's not the end of the world. Whatever happens, happens. It's not the end of the world because I've seen the end of the world.”

    Perspective shifts and new ways of being

    Learning to navigate the “what ifs” after suicide loss

    Choosing to do hard at the beginning

    Feeling closer to her son now than before his death

    Her support system while healing

    What she wished she knew at the start of this journey

    About Lark Dean Galley:

    Lark has recently felt called to help and serve those who struggle with their value and purpose. Having overcome immense personal challenges in her 55+ years of life, she has continued to grow in her empathy and compassion towards others.

    After working in the corporate world for 25 years, she left to run her father’s trucking company when he passed away unexpectedly from suicide after struggling with mental illness for most of his life. Realizing there were many entrepreneurs who could benefit from her experience, Lark started her own consulting business.

    • 36 min
    Learning to Live Not Loathe Despite Challenging Chapters with Jevon Wooden

    Learning to Live Not Loathe Despite Challenging Chapters with Jevon Wooden

    *Content warning: depression and suicidal ideation.

    Today I’m talking to Jevon Wooden, an Army Veteran, certified mindset in perception coach, author, speaker, about learning to live not loathe despite challenging chapters. Jevon faced many challenges while growing up, eventually finding himself facing prison time for assault and robbery charges at just 17 years old. When he was released after praying to God for another chance, he did his best to turn life around and find his way, but depression and suicidal ideation led him to nearly give up completely. Thankfully for the world, Jevon was able to find his way through that darkness and into his purpose work, which is all about empowering others to increase their self-confidence, improve their perception of their worth, and design their lives through a mindset shift from scarcity to abundance. He does this through transformational group and one-on-one coaching sessions, on-demand courses and training, seminars, and workshops.

    What to listen for:

    Starting out with a rough childhood in a polyamorous household

    Getting arrested for assault and robbery at 17

    Not caring about facing 7 years in prison until he saw the effect on his family

    Praying to God in his cell and promising to make a change

    “When I was sitting there, speaking with my mom and my sister, something came to me. Like, I woke up that day. I was sleepwalking through life the whole time. I was just numb to it. I didn't care. Until I had to look at the people I loved face to face, and I had never seen that look.”

    Getting an answer to his prayers and avoiding jail

    Working multiple jobs, signing up for the military, and keeping his word to God

    Realizing the power of collaboration while in the military

    Learning to work on his mindset and release negative thoughts

    Feeling suicidal after trying his best at life and how family redirected him again

    “I was having PTSD episodes where I was having the same nightmare over and over and over and over and over again. And I was just like, I'm ready to end it. I'm ready to call it, God. You know, I did my best. You know, now I just feel like I want to come home to you, you know, I'm ready.”

    Realizing that he needed help and entering therapy for the first time

    Learning how to lean on others and stop feeling like a burden

    The power of good friends and having a support system

    His awakening and how it led to his purpose work

    Having a relationship with God and faith

    Understanding that adversity is always a part of life

    “Adversity is a part of life, right? Failure is a part of life that really is put in place, I believe, as the counterbalance to joy and the counterbalance to ease because that helps you to be humble. That helps you be grateful for what you have. I think that you need that, right?”

    Learning the power of positive thinking

    The essential questions he asks himself to stay motivated

    Understanding that pain is temporary

    How trauma and emotions are stored in the body

    Starting his business as a motivational speaker

    The advice he’d give to anyone who’s struggling like he did

    About Jevon Wooden

    Jevon Wooden is an Army Veteran, certified mindset in perception coach, author, speaker, and the founder of Live Not Loathe, LLC. He has overcome adversity, depression, and PTSD to earn multiple certifications recognized throughout the coaching community and an MBA from the University of Maryland Robert H. Smith Business School and an M.S. in Cybersecurity from Fordham University. His mission is to empower others to increase their self-confidence, improve their perception of their worth, and design their lives through a mindset shift from scarcity to abundance.

    • 47 min
    Finding Purpose in Mental Health After Suicide Loss with Michelle Anhang

    Finding Purpose in Mental Health After Suicide Loss with Michelle Anhang

    *Content warning: grief and suicide loss.

    Today I'm talking with Michelle Anhang, a Certified Life Coach who specializes in supporting individuals and families living with mental health challenges as well as those moving forward after loss. In this episode, she shares what it was like growing up in a household that was very shame-driven, building a life with her husband and losing him to suicide after his struggles with bipolar disorder. She holds nothing back as she talks of the aftermath of his death, the story they told instead, and the feelings that were constantly threatening to bubble up no matter how hard she pushed them down. You won’t want to miss this story of how finding and living her truth and healing past traumas has put her on this path to help others do the same.

    What to Listen For:

    Her life before loss

    "It all seemed okay until it didn't."

    Not knowing the signs of her husband’s mental illness until later

    Watching her husband decline after diagnosis

    How he hid his symptoms

    All the ways the whole family covered for his illness while he was alive

    His final phone call to her before he took his life

    The decision the family made after his death

    "They suggested, ‘why don't we say it was an accident?’ It was like, okay, yeah, let's do that. And so, we just went forward with that story.”

    Not being able to grieve the way she needed to grieve

    Feeling anger and abandonment

    Internalizing all of it due to shame

    Stopping herself from feeling and halting her healing

    How repressed grief leaked out

    Being afraid of what would happen if she opened the box

    Stepping into a very toxic way of living and what pulled her out of this way of life

    "I just had this moment of like, ‘oh, my God, I am the common denominator in everything that's wrong in my life. And you know, that aha moment was like totally devastating. And at the same time, completely liberating because I knew, okay, if it's me, I can change me."

    The realization she had on her 45th birthday

    Deep diving into her trauma

    Finding a new community of people and adopting new ways of thinking

    The process of processing

    “It was honestly eight months of crying all day, every day. And I went to work and it was just like, okay, finish work, sit at my desk like, oh, I'm feeling the tears rising, running to the bathroom, bawling my eyes out, touching up my makeup, going back, and keep going until the next burst.”

    Feeling like she was grieving for three

    Getting ready to share her truth

    Starting with telling her kids even though she was terrified

    “All of my fears were completely wrong. I always say like, fear is a liar.”

    The realization of how she needed to show up and help people

    Putting the truth out into the world via a Facebook post

    The flow of support and love she received after telling the truth

    Understanding there’s no such thing as perfect and allowing things to be messy

    Learning to lean into trusting herself and her intuition

    Making a commitment to doing this work

    What motivates her to keep going on this path

    The things that dropped into alignment once she shared her truth

    The role support plays in moving through grief

    What she wishes she knew about shame when she was younger

    About Michelle Anhang:

    Michelle Anhang, BA, PCC, CPCC, is a Certified Life Coach who specializes in supporting individuals and families living with mental health challenges as well as those moving forward after loss. In addition to coaching, Michelle is a motivational speaker who shares her story of becoming widowed at the age of 34 when her husband died by suic...

    • 54 min
    Context, What Really Happened, and the Art of Not Taking Things Personally

    Context, What Really Happened, and the Art of Not Taking Things Personally

    In today’s episode, I’m talking about context, what really happened, and the art of not taking things personally—all things that lead to greater leverage and freedom! These are especially important as we navigate challenging chapters and big life transitions, or when we’re comparing our journey to someone else’s (which we shouldn’t be doing in the first place, because we all have our own process and pacing). I’m giving some examples for what each of these mean and how understanding them can help you move through your growth and healing far more rapidly.

    What to listen for:

    What is context and why is it important

    Internalizing things that are interpreted out of context

    Being clear on your context and how to make discerning decisions

    Why you shouldn’t compare yourself to anyone else

    “Even if your situation is very similar to someone who's been on the show, remember that the context is completely different—inherently—because we’re different people. We’re living different lives. The circumstances are different. The situation is different. Our internal worldview, our internal ecology is different.”

    Discerning what’s right for you on your journey

    Look for the framework and how it’s being modeled

    Asking ourselves, “what really happened?”

    Separating stories from reality to keep moving forward

    “Story pulls us away from what it is that we want, and it keeps us stuck. It keeps us small. It keeps us stalled out. Story is the thing that we are trying to separate out by asking this question, not invalidating our experience and making it wrong. Not gaslighting ourselves or others.”

    Breaking this powerful question down

    Grab a copy of my book, What Really Happened?

    Where our stories come from and why they’re not true

    The art of not taking things personally and how it empowers us

    Why this isn’t a pass or an “out” from taking responsibility

    The flip side of “it's not personal” that we don’t acknowledge

    “We love this concept in relation to the negative. We feel better. We can say, ‘it's not personal,’ when they're mean or don't treat us well. We don't like the idea that it's not personal when they're praising us and appreciating us and celebrating who we are.”

    How non-attachment creates freedom to live our purpose

    When to reflect on other people’s responses to us

    Noticing where these play out in our lives and next steps you can take


    Grab a copy of, What Really Happened? Break Free from Interpretation and Make the Impossible Happen, along with other products and books in the online shop.

    Access our free workbook for how to make the impossible happen, and our powerful 8-part Journey Mapping™ sampler program and begin uncovering the purpose of your path at www.TalesFromTheJourney.tv/Free/.

    Read my memoir, Unravel: Rising Up and Coming Back from a Season of Living that Damn Near Killed Me at www.TheUnravelBook.com.

    Tales from the Journey™ is a Stephenie Zamora Media Production.

    • 25 min
    Finding Faith, Focus, and Purpose After Abuse with Dominion Ezechibueze

    Finding Faith, Focus, and Purpose After Abuse with Dominion Ezechibueze

    Today I'm talking with Dominion Ezechibueze, founder of Minion Training and a Division I Football player, about finding faith, focus, and purpose after abuse. Dominion is a Nigerian immigrant who wasn't breathing when he was born and experienced physical abuse throughout his childhood, both in school and at home. Finding football in high school was a pivotal moment that changed the trajectory of his life, giving him the skills, support, and purpose he lacked. He's now a personal trainer and host of the Minion Motivation podcast with a mission to spread faith lessons through his journey of overcoming struggles and helping others become their healthiest selves—mentally and physically.

    What to listen for:

    Born in Nigeria, not breathing

    Arriving in America when he was six years old

    Being bullied in school and abused at home

    Discovering football and how it changed his life

    Leaning on the power of fitness

    "I just started working hard. And that's why I got into fitness. That process helped me find myself. You have to talk to yourself; you have to push past a lot of things internally so you can see the physical attribute of it. I wanted to get better for my football team."

    Growing up with faith and building a relationship with God

    The importance of knowing your purpose in life

    Feeling messed up and navigating life getting harder

    Experiencing adjustments in football and the effects of it

    Building trust to navigate life's storms

    "I'm a very emotional person. So when I'm going through something, I'm not looking at logic. I'm not looking at the word as much as I should be. You have to trust, right? It's hard. It's super crazy hard."

    Having his faith and commitment tested

    Leaving a legacy and what we're remembered for

    Following your dreams and not settling in life

    "Everybody has a dream. For some people, they take that other route and settle. And you know, I feel bad cause I feel like everybody dreams. You have to keep pushing, keep working. I'm still on that path."

    Starting his personal training business in high school

    His dream of playing for the NFL

    Launching his podcast and motivating others

    About Dominion Ezechibueze:

    Dominion Ezechibueze is a young entrepreneur growing his business and chasing his dreams. His purpose is to spread the word of a God through overcoming struggles in his life.

    Website and social media links:





    Access our free 8-part Journey Mapping™ sampler program and begin uncovering the purpose of your path at www.TalesFromTheJourney.tv/Free/.

    Read my memoir, Unravel: Rising Up and Coming Back from a Season of Living that Damn Near Killed Me at www.TheUnravelBook.com.

    Tales from the Journey™ is a Stephenie Zamora Media Production.

    • 46 min

Customer Reviews

5.0 out of 5
30 Ratings

30 Ratings

Kay-fan ,

Beautiful stories of overcoming

Grateful to hear stories from those who continue to find meaning in their life despite overwhelming setbacks.

TenitaBestseller ,

One of a kind!

A transformational podcast like no other, these true to life stories and tales will leave you on the edge of your seat wanting more!

USNA 1985 ,

Excellent Podcast!

I am motivated by hearing others’ stories of overcoming adversity. These stories help me and others realize that we too can overcome life’s challenges. Often times these challenges help us discover and live into our purpose! Listen to this podcast and see for yourself!

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