259 episodes

Blake Schofield is the founder and host of The Bridge to Fulfillment® podcast, mom to three kids, & former corporate executive who got tired of sacrificing her life for a comfortable paycheck.

This podcast is designed to change your perspective on what is really possible and help you build a fulfilling career & life on your terms without taking a pay cut or starting over.

Have questions or topics you'd love to see covered on the podcast? Email us at hello@thebridgetofulfillment.com !

The Bridge to Fulfillment Blake Schofield

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    • 5.0 • 102 Ratings

Blake Schofield is the founder and host of The Bridge to Fulfillment® podcast, mom to three kids, & former corporate executive who got tired of sacrificing her life for a comfortable paycheck.

This podcast is designed to change your perspective on what is really possible and help you build a fulfilling career & life on your terms without taking a pay cut or starting over.

Have questions or topics you'd love to see covered on the podcast? Email us at hello@thebridgetofulfillment.com !

    When It's Not Your Fault

    When It's Not Your Fault

    When was the last time you were wronged, disappointed by someone, or taken advantage of?
    It’s natural when something bad happens to us to want to lay blame. We want to pin the fault on someone else to make sense of the injustice. 
    But we often forget that we are the co-creators of our experiences. And taking on that responsibility can be empowering.
    Today on The Bridge to FulfillmentⓇ, Blake shares a lesson in taking responsibility for your role in the things that happen in life. The empowerment of understanding co-creation and accepting responsibility can become the momentum you need to move forward. 
    In this episode, you’ll learn how to keep an open loop to leave space for the unknown to enter your life. You’ll hear stories about people who took responsibility for difficult situations, recognizing that rather than happening to them, opportunities were actually happening for them. You’ll also learn how we actively co-create our life experiences, and how you can transform misfortune into forward momentum. 
    “It might not be your fault, but it is your responsibility.”
    What You’ll Learn:
    How to keep an open loop (2:40)
    The empowering act of taking responsibility (4:20)
    Accepting your role as a co-creator (6:29)
    How to create forward momentum (8:42)
    Learning life’s lessons and releasing yourself from blame (10:37)
    Favorite Quotes:
    “The kindest thing I can do is help you see reality. Help you recognize the places where maybe you're keeping yourself stuck or small or suffering when you don't have to.”
    “In every relationship and every interaction, we are co-creators. Nothing happens in isolation.”
    “Understanding co-creation and understanding responsibility enables you to take negative circumstances and create positive outcomes.”
    “Where can you take responsibility to create forward momentum?”
    Additional Resources: 
    Get clarity on where you are on your journey to career fulfillment, where you’re headed, optional paths to get there, and the right next step to take.
    Start your complimentary, Personalized Career Fulfillment Plan by going to www.thebridgetofulfillment.com/pcfp
    For programs and opportunities to work with Blake, go to www.BlakeSchofield.com

    • 13 min
    A Practical Approach to Navigating Life’s Challenges with Guest Expert Andrea DeWitt

    A Practical Approach to Navigating Life’s Challenges with Guest Expert Andrea DeWitt

    How often do you feel triggered by the words or actions of someone else?
    When we are emotionally triggered by something, we are usually reacting to a situation instead of responding to it. 
    And when we are reacting instead of responding, we show up as our wounded selves instead of our best selves.
    That’s when it’s time to pause, ask yourself where this is really coming from, and take a moment to gain clarity so that you can reframe the situation and navigate it from a place of truth and integrity. 
    Today on The Bridge to FulfillmentⓇ, Blake welcomes Andrea Mein DeWitt, author of “Name, Claim & Reframe: Your Path to a Well-Lived Life”, a practical approach to navigating life’s challenges. Her guide teaches you how to name and balance your emotional triggers, claim core value lead actions, and reframe challenges as opportunities so you can live your best life.
    In this episode, you’ll learn how to listen to your inner compass and allow it to guide you, rather than continue to push it and its message to the background.  You’ll hear practical tips for gaining attuned awareness so you can begin to heal yourself from the inside out. You’ll also learn how to lead more intelligently and with more self-compassion so that you can start to rebuild your idea of success on a foundation of truth and authenticity.
    Until we navigate our inner problems, the changes we make on the outside won’t help us make the fundamental life changes we seek on the inside. 
    What You’ll Learn:
    Why it’s never too late in life for big changes (3:16)
    The bold move Andrea made to shift her path in a new direction (11:57)
    How to be a better, more integrated leader (21:55)
    Dissecting feedback to uncover the truth (35:58)
    Cultivating intelligent leadership (43:43)
    Favorite Quotes:
    “I think that the battled and bruised healers are the best healers, because they know the pathway and it's okay to make mistakes, because mistakes are where the magic happens.” –Andrea Mein DeWitt
    “In order to become who you're meant to be, you need to release who you were and trust. My favorite saying is, ‘Leap and the net will appear.’”–Andrea Mein DeWitt
    “We often don't think about the identities that we give ourselves and how much holding on to those things is destroying our lives.” –Blake
    “We often talk about leadership in terms of very tactical things, not understanding that the biggest and most powerful way to show up as a leader is to have a level of self-awareness and authenticity. And then being able to create that safe space and authenticity for those around you.” –Blake
    Additional Resources: 
    Connect with Andrea:

    For programs and opportunities to work with Blake, go to www.BlakeSchofield.com

    • 51 min
    The Power of Vulnerability & Building Better Connections with Guest Expert Ryan Kopyar

    The Power of Vulnerability & Building Better Connections with Guest Expert Ryan Kopyar

    We’ve all experienced pain and tragedy in our lives. Those experiences often become setbacks that hinder our growth, changing how we view ourselves and experience the world around us. 
    The truth is that pain is simply a part of the human experience. Ultimately, it’s how we deal with that pain that defines the resilience of our character. 
    If you’re able to turn your pain into purpose, you can transform it into power.
    Today on The Bridge to Fulfillment Ⓡ, Blake welcomes Ryan Kopyar, an internationally licensed counselor. His book, Big Boys Do Cry, focuses on men’s ability to navigate emotions and show vulnerability. His breadth of experience combines communication, psychology, and personal development regarding the power of vulnerability, building better connections, and bolstering emotional intelligence. 
    In this episode, you’ll hear how Ryan’s experience with personal tragedy and addiction eventually led him on the path to healing through vulnerability. You’ll learn the role that certain events play throughout our lives, and how opening up to face them is the key to real personal growth. You’ll also hear how toxic masculinity affects the lives of men and women, and Ryan share’s his best piece of advice for young people about understanding boundaries. 
    What You’ll Learn:
    His path from tragedy to transformation (4:27)
    Connecting the dots of the losses we experience (10:33)
    Why he wrote a book about vulnerability for men (17:33)
    Breaking down toxic masculinity (27:12)
    The importance of setting boundaries (40:39)
    Favorite Quotes:
    “Even if we've experienced a tremendous level of pain in our life, we can transmute it, we can shift it, we can give it a new meaning.” –Ryan Kopyar
    “We don't talk enough about our belief systems and our experiences and how those are the drivers of all of our decisions, until we get to a place where we come to understand that we have a choice and we can change those. We can see them differently. We can give ourselves the things that we didn't have.” –Blake
    “When I can get in touch with my emotions, now I'm operating from both sides of my brain. Now I'm really powerful. Not powerful in exerting control over others, but powerful in my own sense of self.” –Ryan Kopyar
    “To truly be successful in where we need to go as a society, it's about getting comfortable with uncertainty. It's about emotional intelligence, it's about being able to relate to and work with people. It's about being able to see problems from new solutions or new angles. All of those things require a level of introspection and a self-awareness that we haven't really been taught previously.” –Blake
    “I think that one of the biggest lessons that we can teach the youth of today is truly love yourself, and self love very often comes with studying boundaries.”  –Ryan Kopyar
    “It took me a long time to see that taking care of myself first was actually the most selfless thing I could do. That choosing me and choosing boundaries and choosing to put my time, energy, and effort in alignment with how I authentically am and what I believe in, was the most powerful thing I could do.”
    Additional Resources: 
    Website: https://ryankopyarholistichealing.com/buy-my-book/
    On socials: @RyanKopyar

    For programs and opportunities to work with Blake, go to www.BlakeSchofield.com

    • 52 min
    The Illusions Keeping You from Your Dreams

    The Illusions Keeping You from Your Dreams

    Do you wake up most mornings feeling like you’re just going through the motions, as though you don’t have control over the life you’re living?
    You need to make money to have security, so you spend a huge chunk of your life at a job you don’t enjoy. 
    You fear what might happen to your bank account or lifestyle if you take a step back to learn what truly makes you happy. 
    You feel like life presents you with more obstacles than opportunities. 
    But what if those obstacles were the opportunities, and you’ve just been viewing them through the wrong lens? 
    Today on The Bridge to FulfillmentⓇ, Blake shares how the fears we hold onto reveal the true nature of our beliefs. When you dare to seek out the reality that hides behind your beliefs, the possibilities for joy and happiness are all around you.   
    In this episode, you’ll learn why the beliefs you hold onto are keeping you stuck in a life that lacks joy and fulfillment. You’ll hear how fears around money, stability, and security affect our choices, and how to reframe challenges to create space for big opportunities. You’ll learn how to take back control of your circumstances and see clearly that life isn’t something that’s happening to you, it’s happening for you. 
    What You’ll Learn:
    The truth about reality and your beliefs (2:25)
    How money affects the way we live our lives (4:14)
    Why hard times equal big opportunities (5:26)
    The first step toward creating a life of joy and peace (7:19)
    Experiencing life as an adventure where you’re in control (9:26)
    Favorite Quotes:
    “If you believe that you are unworthy, you will create outcomes that make you feel that way. If you believe that life is unfair or that it has to be hard or painful. If you believe that you have to work a lot of hours in order to make money, if you believe that you have no power to change the things that you want to change in your life, you will create those outcomes.”
    “I was so stuck in not understanding how to protect money as a resource and therefore that security is a resource, that I couldn't see anything else. I couldn't see that there was abundant opportunity for me, I couldn't see that. I had tremendous skills that could be used in different ways. I could only see the obstacles.”
    “Life is always teaching us lessons. The question is, are we listening and are we learning them.”
    “Life really is a beautiful, endearing adventure, and the places in your life that don't feel like what you want, those aren't the obstacles. They're not the things happening to you. They are the possibilities and the opportunities. They're the place to grow.”
    Additional Resources: 

    For programs and opportunities to work with Blake, go to www.BlakeSchofield.com

    • 13 min
    Which Wolf Are You Feeding?

    Which Wolf Are You Feeding?

    How much time each day do you spend thinking about your feelings?
    Not thinking about what you’re feeling…but thinking about what lessons might be waiting underneath to be unwrapped? 
    Every emotion we experience is a gift, and it deserves acknowledgment. 
    The challenge is to know when we’re ruminating on negativity, permit ourselves to feel it, and then…surrender and let it go.
    Today on The Bridge to FulfillmentⓇ, Blake explains why feeding the negative allows the darkness to outweigh the light. In order to transform emotions into lessons, we have to make sure we don’t get stuck in a cycle of rumination. 
    In this episode, you’ll hear a parable that will help you learn to identify which emotional wolf you’re feeding through the thoughts you’re giving space to. You’ll learn how to shift your perspective by acknowledging the challenges you’re experiencing, but instead of focusing on them, choosing to feed the things that give you life. 
    What You’ll Learn:
    A Cherokee parable about life (0:47)
    What to know about the thoughts you let in (2:48)
    The truth about pushing away negative thoughts (4:08)
    Allowing space to acknowledge your emotions (5:48)
    What to do when you’re feeling discontent (8:36)
    Favorite Quotes:
    What you think about and what you focus on are perhaps the most important things on a day-to-day basis.
    When we deny the dark wolf or the negative, we actually create more [negativity].
    We can't avoid pain, anger, sorrow, or grief. But we can choose how we deal with it. We can choose to acknowledge how we feel and acknowledge our humanity.
    Why do I feel this way? What is it teaching me? How can I be grateful for the feeling of discontent and the lesson and then surrender that and move back into a place of empowerment, ownership, and movement in the right direction?
    Additional Resources: 

    For programs and opportunities to work with Blake, go to www.BlakeSchofield.com

    • 11 min
    Break Free from Perfectionism with Guest Expert Dr. Greg Chasson

    Break Free from Perfectionism with Guest Expert Dr. Greg Chasson

    Raise your hand if you consider yourself a perfectionist.
    This prompt likely pushes a lot of hands into the air, and it’s even more likely that this “perfectionism” has been touted as a badge of honor.
    The truth is that perfectionism isn’t doing you any favors. In fact, it’s probably holding you back. 
    Today on The Bridge to FulfillmentⓇ, Blake welcomes Dr. Gregory Chasson, PhD, ABPP, an esteemed psychologist, board-certified cognitive-behavioral therapist, researcher, and educator.  As an international speaker, he helps organizations, communities, and individuals address mental health challenges, such as perfectionism, using practical and feasible strategies. 
    In this episode, you’ll learn how perfectionism permeates corporate America, and why that’s not actually a good thing for workplace culture. You’ll discover the connection between perfectionist tendencies and the need for control. You’ll also understand how to overcome perfectionism by first identifying the five primary problems, and then working towards actionable solutions that will help you finally break free. 
    What You’ll Learn:
    What studying OCD taught him about how he was living his own life (4:59)
    Why perfectionism is the ultimate irony (11:33)
    How the technology feedback loop is affecting our mental health (21:00)
    The five primary perfectionism problems (31:20)
    Why you should ditch list-making (36:08)
    Favorite Quotes:
    How I was approaching the world was not sustainable. It was very difficult to try to please everyone to not try to live your life by your values but by other people's values. –Gregory S. Chasson
    I had this lightning aha moment of like, ‘Oh, these cycles of burnout, some of the problems I had actually weren’t other people. The only factor here is me. –Blake
    People are trying to control everything, and they can't, they just can't. They have this illusion or fantasy that these things are all controllable. But they just have all these variables, you end up getting burnt out, and you can't control it all. And it ends up controlling you. –Gregory S. Chasson
    Mess up quick, move on, and learn from it. –Gregory S. Chasson
    I call perfectionism the ultimate irony in this a self-fulfilling prophecy of epic proportions. Because you will try to do something so perfectly that you actually undermine yourself to the point where it makes it highly imperfect. –Gregory S. Chasson
    You will be far more successful when you trust that you don't have to figure it out. When you approach things with flexibility, when you don't feel like you have to plan everything out, but can really focus on the next one to two things that matter. –Blake
    Additional Resources: 
    Connect with Dr. Gregory S. Chasson:
    Website: https://www.gregchasson.com
    Flawed book website: https://www.flawedbook.com
    Get a sneak peek of the first two chapters of Flawed by going here:  https://flawed.gregchasson.com/
    Resources from the book: https://www.gregchasson.com/flawedresources

    For programs and opportunities to work with Blake, go to www.BlakeSchofield.com

    • 49 min

Customer Reviews

5.0 out of 5
102 Ratings

102 Ratings

Nik in NYC ,

Everyone should hear these life lessons

This podcast is like having a health coach on your phone. Personal development lessons and guests help heal you from the in side out. Great for moms, entrepreneurs, people you stove to have more peace and joy in your busy life.

GelatoIsGreat ,

An inspiring show!

A wonderful way to learn from and get inspired by people sharing their stories!

kwllymjurabci ,

Inspiring and Empowering!

Blake has such a relaxed and intimate feel to her podcast I appreciate so much. It’s authentic and uplifting! As an ambitious woman leader she gives great insights and guests to help you create your most fulfilled life.

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