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The Dental A Team Podcast Kiera Dent

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The Dental A Team podcast is to here to give all team members, in EVERY position, TACTICAL and PRACTICAL TIPS to be:

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Improve doctor and team communications
Eliminate frustration
And make your life easier!

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New episodes every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

    DAT Book Club: Clear Your Limiting Beliefs

    DAT Book Club: Clear Your Limiting Beliefs

    Britt reviews the July book club selection, You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay, by touching on the principles that most stood out to her: clearing out your limiting beliefs, knowing the power of the present moment, applying a positive narrative to your life, and more.
    Find the full book club rundown here!
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    Britt (00:00.436)
    Hello Dental A Team listeners, this is Britt and you're here for Britt taking over the book club podcast today. I'm super excited to be with you, privileged to get a chance to talk about our book for this month, spend a little time together, talk about it and hopefully learn a little bit from each other. So I'm a big book club fan. I love that it's just a chance for us to come together, talk about ideas, talk about things that are discussed in the book. And I love even hearing your feedback on the podcast on how it goes.
    Welcome to Book Club Podcasts. Let's get into it. This month, the book for Book Club is You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay. Now, this is a book, she wrote it back in like mid 80s. So back around the time that self -help was kind of getting started, she was one of the first that kind of gained some popularity in the self -help realm. And this is one of her books that she started that out with.
    I love digging into these books. When it comes to self -help, I'm a big fan. One thing I love about it though is kind of reading through it. And when we read through these books, it's kind of like challenging ideas of what are they saying? Do I agree with it? And ultimately kind of like picking out what are the pieces that are helpful to you and like taking those pieces along the journey with you. So with this book, Louise talks about some good concepts in here.
    really a lot of it comes back to like we manifest what we think, right? So our brains are extremely powerful and they have a big impact on our life in a lot of different ways. And so throughout the book, she's kind of talking about how our minds can impact one, our health on some things, right? And it can also impact just kind of our happiness and our mental health. And I think there's some things that have been learned since she originally wrote this book, but I think some of the
    core principles within it stand true, even to this day. We know, right, in this day and age, we know stress can definitely impact our health, right? So the better we are at managing stress, the stronger we get mentally more resilient, then it's gonna help us to be healthier than if we let that stress ultimately impact us. So really a lot of those principles do ring true. Some of them might be a little extreme on her end, in my opinion.
    Britt (02:16.656)
    But there's a lot of good things to take away. Like I said, I love reading these types of books and kind of picking out the pieces that I agree with that I'm like, yep, that's something that I definitely, you know, can implement within my life or like something really good to think about. So let's hop through some of the really kind of big main points that I found super useful. You guys, if you've read the book, awesome, great job. Good job on reading it. If you haven't, that's okay. We'll give you a recap. You can decide if it's something you want to go and spend the time to read.
    I'm a big audiobook fan, so for those out there who love the audiobook, I'm with you. I like to listen to it. You can get a lot in and crank up that speed and listen to it pretty quickly. But we'll give you a little recap. We'll talk about some of the ideas, and then you can go dig in from there. One of the big principles from the beginning that she hops into is that really we're responsible for how we feel, right? Things happen in life. Things are gonna happen in life, but we get to choose how we respond to it.

    • 17 min
    Identify (+ Implement) the Best CE Opportunities

    Identify (+ Implement) the Best CE Opportunities

    As DAT visits with practices, the consultants are hearing more about CE options: doctors and team members who feel like they’re consuming too much or spending too much money for not enough or not the right kind of education. This episode is all about finding the right CE for your practice right now. Tiff and Dana talk about taking inventory of what you want to do as a doctor/team member, what you want to do better, and how to get the best bang for your buck.
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    Tiffanie (00:14.535)
    Hello everyone. We are so excited to be here with you today. I have with me my fave.
    Dana, Dana, you celebrated your birthday recently. I know we already talked about it on the podcast, but I thought about you all weekend and how was it? How loved and special did you feel? You have this incredible family and these kids that just like pour so much love into you and a husband who loves you to pieces. Like how was it? I know you didn't do anything super crazy special yet for your birthday. That's in the works. And I know you had a ton of sports, but how, how was your birthday weekend?
    Dana (00:49.276)
    It was awesome and you're right, like my celebrations are coming this weekend, but I just got extra quality time with family, which I always love. And when your birthday falls, near Father's Day, right? Just sharing that extra time. So just lots of family love, lots of quality time, and it was a great weekend.
    Tiffanie (01:07.079)
    I love that. Yes, you're right before Father's Day typically, right? And I'm right before Mother's Day, so I totally get it. And then we get like everything gets smashed together. And I think on Father's Day too, like you're like, I don't want to take away from you and your day. But you know, I'm a big birthday person. So thankfully, it's Mother's Day for me and not Father's Day because that would be a hard decision for me to make.
    Dana (01:23.196)
    Dana (01:34.78)
    I love the honesty tip.
    Tiffanie (01:37.799)
    Yes, yes, and you know, my boyfriend knows that. He's very well -prepped and he does really well. I spent a lot of time when we first started dating, ensuring that he understood how important the birthday time period was. And that's everybody's birthdays. I like to celebrate everybody's, but specifically my own is like a holiday for me. Dana, I wanted to, before we really dive in, I really wanted to chat with you and really see how things are going in your world of consulting.
    You have so many practices that you work with constantly. Doctors that you do one on one with. I know you do a lot of virtual within our company and you do travel. You have quite a few travel clients this year that got put on your schedule that you're just, I mean, I'm like you're on the road all the time and I love it personally. I love seeing somebody else on the road as well. How are things going for you? And then also I know we have our newest virtual product and kind of coaching that,
    you've helped lead a lot of those coaching sessions for and really jumped in and helped to answer a lot of the doctor community questions and things like that. So from your standpoint, how are things going this year? We're about mid -year. How are things looking for a lot of the practices that you're working with one -on -one?
    Dana (02:53.372)
    Good, I love, I just love the opportunity to be in office with teams. It brings a different dynamic that I'm used to. Of course, I love my virtual clients equally, right? But I do love the in office visit, so I'm excited for that. I think this year has been a little bit different. I think that, you know, there's economy concerns, there are hiring concerns, there are short staffing concerns that we've been dealing with for about the

    • 26 min
    It’s Time to Modernize Payment Processing!

    It’s Time to Modernize Payment Processing!

    Mark Rasmussen of Moolah is on the podcast with Kiera! Moolah is all about modernization of payment in dental practices. Mark and Kiera talk about Moolah and its full suite of payment tools, what modernized payments look like in dentistry, software/devices to use, honest processing fees, and more.
    Bonus: Dental A-Team listeners get a pricing discount: www.moolah.cc/thedentalateam 
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    Kiera Dent (00:00.622)
    Hello, Dental A Team listeners. This is Kiera and I am super jazz. I have a new guest to the podcast, new to the Dental A Team family. I have been watching this company for the last several years. I've had my eyes on them. I recommended them several times, but I'm super excited because I want to help you guys modernize how you guys are taking payments in the dental world. I feel like dentistry is a little old school. So I'm super jazzed to have the CEO and founder of Moolah, Mark Rasmussen on today. Mark, how you doing over there in beautiful Mexico today?
    Mark Rasmussen (00:00.76)
    Thank you.
    Mark Rasmussen (00:30.552)
    I am doing fantastic here. Thank you for allowing us to be part of the podcast. Excited to join you. And as you mentioned, yes, in down here in sunny Mexico, a little family vacation, happy to take a little break and talk with your community.
    Kiera Dent (00:35.598)
    Thank you.
    Kiera Dent (00:45.934)
    Amazing. Well, I was like, that's pure dedication. I offered to have you rescheduled because I'm like, you're in Mexico, go with the family. But I also know sometimes work is kind of fun on vacation. It's like, you know, you guys sit at the pool, I'll go have some alone time. But hopefully.
    Mark Rasmussen (00:50.072)
    Mark Rasmussen (00:59.608)
    Listen, you're winning in life if you feel that your work is worthwhile. Taking a break from a little vacation, that's how you know you're winning. So yeah, glad to do it, excited to do it.
    Kiera Dent (01:08.079)
     Awesome. Well, I do love Moolah a ton. So I just want, Mark, let's kind of give the listeners, you're new to the podcast. Like I said, I've watched you guys for years. So can you kind of walk the listeners through Moolah, Mark, how did you get into dental payment processing? Walk us through kind of like the history of you and Moolah.
    Mark Rasmussen (01:24.888)
    Sure, awesome. Okay, so I have been around electronic payments, just non -dental for about 27, 28 years. My God, I'm dating myself, but yeah, about 28 years. And...
    Kiera Dent (01:38.446)
    Hey, it's fine. I'm sure you're probably like 29. You probably started this business when you were one. That's my assumption, right? Or like you got into it. Yeah, of course. You're fine. 30. Never looking younger than 30 over there. You're looking good.
    Mark Rasmussen (01:43.064)
    Yeah, exactly. Exactly. Let's go with that. Yep. Exactly. I've actually, this is not gray. I actually make this gray. This is normally dark, but I just tried to distinguish myself and try and go gray.
    Kiera Dent (01:57.07)
    I thought you were trying to like match your like mullah swag, right? Like, you know, like beard and mullah, like same thing so that we look covered head to toe. You got the black glasses, you know, the white beard. It's not gray. It's just white. You're trying to go on brand. Yeah, you're welcome.
    Mark Rasmussen (02:00.632)
    yeah, there we go. Mm -hmm. I like it.
    Mark Rasmussen (02:06.936)
    I like it. I like it. Exactly. Exactly. So, so been around payments forever. About four years ago, we got invited into the dental community from our friends at Dental Success Network. And so we started going to their events. And, you know, they loved our mod

    • 40 min
    Stop Being Afraid of Your PnL

    Stop Being Afraid of Your PnL

    As a follow-up to episode 858 (Deciphering Your True Overhead), Tiff and Dana circle back to focus on managing your practice’s debt by knowing your PnL. They touch on how to interpret your numbers, considering whether the debt is worth it, healthy money ranges, and a ton more.
    Episode resources:
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    The Dental A Team (00:00.238)
    I've got Dana with me and today we are chatting a little bit more about money and I think this is this is a space where I've worked really hard over the last few years as a consultant to just get really good at because I feel like I knew money but not as well as I do today and I think it's a space that we all can always get better at and Dana I love collabing with you and learning.
    more from you as well because you have done a ton in the financial world yourself, family -wise, work -wise, all those pieces. So Dana, thanks for being here with me today and for always being my like, yep, I can podcast with you today. I, we say it every time we love podcasting together, but I truly love how flexible and easy you make it for me to get these in the schedule. So thank you. How are you today? I'm doing pretty good. It is
    sunshiny and hot here in Arizona. And I think we're so alike and are just like love of the sunshine. So it's a fantastic day today. I agree. I agree. I every day this week, this this week has been I keep saying it's like a Monday every day this week has been a Monday for me. Where I'm on my fifth Monday right now. So every day this week, I have made a point to make my little mushroom latte, scorching hot.
    take it outside and sit on my back porch in the sun next to the water and just sit there. I've sat there for as long as I could. Today I only got to 10 minutes because it was a little toasty. It was 6 .45 and it was so hot. I was like getting sweaty. I'm like it's 6 .45 a and I'm sweating outside. I must be in Phoenix. So it was toasty and then I looked at like the little thermometer. I came back inside, I looked at the little thermometer thing and it's like 82 degrees or something. I was like, that'll do it. Welcome to Phoenix.
    Yeah, we do. We thrive on being outdoors, being in the sun, whatever it looks like. I think I love and hate the question, mountains or beach. Yeah. I truly don't care. I truly don't care. You want to, yeah. I'm like, both. Just put me, put me in the sun. Give me the outside inside question. Yeah, exactly. I love that. I love that. I'm actually going to change your question to outdoors indoors because it's going to be outdoors no matter what that looks like. Yeah.
    The Dental A Team (02:21.134)
    I love that. I always say, I don't know, maybe Tahoe, because I get water and I get mountains. Yeah. I can paddleboard in the mountains, but I love my desert. And I think you do too. I think we love where we live. Yeah. Okay. So it's hot. It's my fifth Monday, but it's been a really good week though. It's been a really great week. I think the whole team's back. A lot of us were on the road or on vacation. Dana, you got to take vacation. I'm so happy for you.
    Feel so like re -energized this week. Plug to my teams to remember my doctors to remember that time off is essential. Just make sure that it works with the whole team. But definitely make sure you're doing that. So Dana, first week back, it's been crazy. You've had a million calls. I was looking at your schedule and I'm like, holy million calls this week. I thought it was just me, but it was all of us. And you decided to podcast with us today. So thank you. The Dental A Team listeners appreciate you being here. You get a ton of great feedback on all of your stuff.
    We've talked a little bit recently about P &Ls and budgeting. And

    • 29 min
    #864: Earn More & Work Less

    #864: Earn More & Work Less

    Re-releasing one of DAT’s most popular episodes!
    Dr. Jesse Green is back on the podcast to share more real-life experiences of a dentist. In this episode, Dr. Green shares with Kiera how to move your practice from being profitable to scalable. He shares specific insight about:
    How to become a training institution
    How to best back away from the business
    And how to overcome the fear of giving over your practice
    It may be a hard pill to swallow, stepping back into a role where you’re no longer the primary profit generator, but Dr. Green shares how other doctors of all shapes and mindsets have managed to do so.
    About Dr. Green: Author, speaker, and entrepreneur, Dr. Jesse Green is a leading dental business coach. He established Savvy Dentist to support dentists to develop financial intelligence, have more time and work less, create high performance teams, and master the art of patient flow.
    Episode resources:
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    The Dental A Team (00:05.806)
    Hey everyone, welcome to the Dental & Team podcast. I'm your host, Keira Dunt, and I had this crazy idea that maybe I could combine a doctor and a team member's perspective, because let's face it, dentistry can be a challenging profession with those two perspectives. I've been a dental assistant, treatment coordinator, scheduler, filler, office manager, regional manager, practice owner, and I have a team of traveling consultants where we have traveled to over 165 different offices coaching teams. Yep, we don't just understand you, we are you.
    Our mission is to positively impact the world of dental. And I believe that this podcast is the greatest way I can help elevate teams, grow VIP experiences, reduce stress, and create A -Teams. Welcome to the Dental A -Team Podcast.
    The Dental A Team (00:52.866)
    Hello, Dental A Team listeners. This is Kira and you guys, I have a very special guest that I am excited to bring to the show today. I was on his podcast just recently and obviously we want to have him back on our podcast, share a wealth of knowledge and believe it or not, he is actually from Australia. So it is early tomorrow and his time. he said Australia just opened up. So I think his highlight of his day was being able to get a haircut. think all of us here in the States can remember that day.
    but I'm so, so excited to welcome Dr. Jesse Green to the show. How are you today? I'm really well, Kira. Thank you so much for having me on the program. I'm really, really, really, really happy to be here to talk to you today. absolutely. I'm so glad. And your haircut does look good. I see you on zoom. It does look nice. It good. It felt fantastic. Honestly, as well as things you appreciate the little things in life and you think how good is a haircut? It's
    It's like this luxury that we used to take for granted. Now it feels very luxurious. I absolutely, remember luckily I had just come back from Antarctica when the pandemic hit and I had, so coming back from Antarctica, I got my hair done. got my eyelashes done. got my nails done. Cause I had been gone for three weeks anyway. And so I felt very lucky, but Ooh, towards the end of that shutdown, I was like, man, I was having to learn how to cut my husband's hair again. man. Took me back to pharmacy school days.
    I agree. I remember a meme and they said, next time there's a pandemic, can we say that barbers and beauticians and cosmetologists can be considered essential business? And it's got this guy with hair cleared out into his nose. I felt it was very fitting. So, hundred percent. So Jesse, I just wanted to kind of talk to us about how you even got to where you are. I know the topic today that we want to go into is how to earn more while working less. You also tal

    • 46 min
    3 Tips for Upping Your Internal Referral Game

    3 Tips for Upping Your Internal Referral Game

    Tiff and Dana are wrapping up their series of marketing-focused episodes. This week, they discuss internal referrals. They talk about three things to ramp up success with these referrals:
    Identify your why
    Know your patient avatar
    Bring a competitive spirit
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    The Dental A Team (00:07.85)
    Let's go. Hello, Dental A team. I am so excited to be here with my girl, Dana, again today. We are wrapping up some marketing conversations that we've been having with you guys. And today, we thought it would be really fun to talk about internal referrals. Dana, I know you chat with your practices a lot about this. And you train teams constantly from a virtual aspect and in-person aspect on how to really get those referrals from your.
    your patients and how to build the business and new patients based on internal referral styles as far as asking for referrals, asking for Google reviews, you come up with, I know you come up with fun contests and different things that the team can do to get involved and caveat for my doctors, it doesn't always have to be a financial gain for everyone participating. Dana, you have a ton of ideas that you come up with that are actually not.
    bonus related at all. They're just fun. And I think anytime we can gamify stuff, anytime we can get people really working as a team against each other to just kind of bring that sports mentality in there, we see really cool results. So Dana, thank you for being here with me today. How are you? Doing good. You know, I'm always excited that you let me hop on these with you. Because it's always a good time. I agree. I agree. And thank you for saying, letting me I feel like sometimes I force it into your schedule. And I'm like, I hope this works.
    So thank you for always being open to it. I think internal referrals are actually something that can be really, really fun, but I think that there's something that's daunting for teams. Do you agree, Dana? Yeah, yeah, I do. And I think you can make it fun, like you said, and I think the daunting part is they feel like they're asking something of their patients, and it can sometimes just feel unnatural, right? Or, you know, I'm asking,
    And to me, it's patients don't know it's important to us unless we ask, right? Of course, if somebody is in the grocery store and they're like, hey, do you have a good dentist? I'm sure they would recommend you, right? But knowing that you want them to be intentional, that's what comes from the ask. Oh, for sure, I totally agree, totally agree. And I feel like it sometimes feels like we're asking for something without giving something back, right? So it's like asking for $5 from a friend knowing you're never gonna pay it back, right?
    The Dental A Team (02:24.962)
    So I think the mentality around it, I 100% agree. It's very easy when it's organic and someone asks you for it. Like, hey, do you have a recommendation for it? But when you're saying, hey, do you have friends or family that you could send to us, that feels different, right? It doesn't feel quite as organic. So I think one of those spaces that I like to help jump over that hurdle is for team members and doctors to really work on remembering what it is that you are giving.
    to your patients and to the community and the reason and purpose on why we're here. Because when we're asking for it, we're asking for those referrals, it feels like help me. So like, if we wrap it around the reason that we're here, we're here to positively impact the dental community and your physical community where you guys are in a very positive way, right? We're here to bring them dentistry that they might not be able to get down the road. If you truly believe in where you

    • 22 min

Customer Reviews

4.9 out of 5
260 Ratings

260 Ratings

jaminhdds ,

Thank you!!

Thanks for sharing your knowledge and wisdom of all things dental. It’s is a pleasure to listen to your tips and tricks! There is almost always something that I hear you say that makes my office a better place and me a better person!

Shelbey A ,

Great for Dental Offices

This is a GREAT resource for dental offices and someone like myself that aspires to be a better dental consultant. Thanks for all your wisdom! ❤️

Dr. Jointer ,

Genuine and Helpful

This is a non-filtered straight to the point podcast for Dentists and teams. I appreciate the openness and transparency into the gritty details that go behind the scenes of dental offices that nobody else can speak to.

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