39 episodes

Hello Visionary Pioneers and Trailblazers - Are you ready to step into the next level of human possibilities? Join me, Dr. Edith Ubuntu Chan, as we explore the frontiers of our human potential. Learn from cutting-edge experts in areas like Health and Wellness, Science and Spirituality, Quantum Biology, and Conscious Living. Together, let's awaken the best of ourselves, and create our most joyful and fulfilling lives.
About your host: Dr. Edith Ubuntu Chan is a globally recognized Holistic Chinese Medicine Doctor, high-performance coach, and the #1 bestselling author of "SuperWellness(tm)." She has devoted her life to unlocking the secrets of our human potential. A graduate of Harvard University, Dr. Edith has been featured on CNN, Yoga Journal, "The Goddess Project" documentary, and more. Through her seminars and programs, Dr. Edith helps visionary pioneers become masters of their Energy, Alignment, and Joy, so that they can lead and serve at the highest levels. Connect with her global community at www.DrEdithUbuntu.com .

The Dr. E Show Dr. Edith Ubuntu Chan

    • Health & Fitness
    • 4.8 • 37 Ratings

Hello Visionary Pioneers and Trailblazers - Are you ready to step into the next level of human possibilities? Join me, Dr. Edith Ubuntu Chan, as we explore the frontiers of our human potential. Learn from cutting-edge experts in areas like Health and Wellness, Science and Spirituality, Quantum Biology, and Conscious Living. Together, let's awaken the best of ourselves, and create our most joyful and fulfilling lives.
About your host: Dr. Edith Ubuntu Chan is a globally recognized Holistic Chinese Medicine Doctor, high-performance coach, and the #1 bestselling author of "SuperWellness(tm)." She has devoted her life to unlocking the secrets of our human potential. A graduate of Harvard University, Dr. Edith has been featured on CNN, Yoga Journal, "The Goddess Project" documentary, and more. Through her seminars and programs, Dr. Edith helps visionary pioneers become masters of their Energy, Alignment, and Joy, so that they can lead and serve at the highest levels. Connect with her global community at www.DrEdithUbuntu.com .

    Ep36 - Truth, Peace, Sacred Activism & Natural Law w Henna Maria

    Ep36 - Truth, Peace, Sacred Activism & Natural Law w Henna Maria

    [Guest: Henna Maria] Join Dr. Edith and peace activist Henna Maria on a powerful journey of discovery. We explore Truth, Peace, Sacred Activism, Natural Law, and a beautiful vision for the future. Henna Maria is an internationally renowned Peace Activist, sacred healing arts practitioner, and the founder of Dawn of Peace and Summer of Light.

    #HennaMaria #DawnofPeace #Activism

    Topics explored:
    * Henna’s journey into becoming an international Peace Activist.
    * Why we sometimes unintentionally create more conflict when we’re trying to create peace?
    * How to listen? Honoring one another’s background, culture, and context.
    * What plant medicine & dreams teach Henna about the nature of life and reality, and how to listen and observe life?
    * Re-educating ourselves to become more effective as Peace Activists.
    * What is Natural Law?
    * The Law of Cause & Effect
    * The Law of Correspondence.
    * Stepping fully into Creator Consciousness and Sovereignty
    * “Freedom is the ultimate responsibility.”
    * The importance of humility as we step into creator consciousness.
    * Healing our past, our inner child, with pure unconditional love.
    * Reprogramming false beliefs and thoughtforms born from trauma.
    * What will governments, society, legal system, etc. look if we live in alignment with Natural Law.
    * Truth with capital T. - vs - moral relativism and confusing battle of narratives.
    * “Govern-ment” vs. A Council of Elders.
    * A nurturing and healing support system for those who are psychologically wounded.
    * Why a blanket “one-size-fits-all” rule is insanity.
    * The gift of learning about Terrain theory (vs. Germ theory).
    * What will the world look like if we all take full Personal Responsibility
    * When will we evolve past “the less of two evils”?
    * Learning about the lawful process of Sovereignty.
    * Exiting the system based on false hierarchy into human Sovereignty
    * Considerations re: Nuremberg code. Respect for Free Will and Body Autonomy.
    * “It’s not a stroke of bad luck. Life is not cruel like that!” ~Henna
    * Authentic self-care.
    * Have you walked a mile in their shoes?
    * Creating a safe space, and sharing questions and beautiful dialogues.
    * “It’s so easy to get blinded by numbers. But every life is sacred.”
    * Bringing back our humanity. Learning what it means to create Peace.
    * Q: 20 years from now, if you looked back to this time, would you regret not having done something?
    * The Essene Gospel of Peace
    * Mark Passio - whatonearthishappening.com
    * Henna’s #1 advice for us to step into our highest level of human possibilities?


    Connect w Henna Maria - http://www.DawnofPeace.org / www.SummerofLight.com
    (and @HennaMaria22 on all social media)

    Connect w Dr. Edith - www.DrEdithUbuntu.com / SuperWellness.com
    Pick up your copy of SuperWellness on Amazon.com


    • 1 hr 23 min
    Ep35 - Our Great Initiation into "The More Beautiful World" w Charles Eisenstein

    Ep35 - Our Great Initiation into "The More Beautiful World" w Charles Eisenstein

    [Guest: Charles Eisenstein] Join Dr. Edith and Charles Eisenstein on a beautiful, elegant, and layered exploration of our current times of intense and rapid change. Q: How will our descendants in the year 3000 feel about this period of time when they look back on history?

    “We nolonger want to separate the world into right vs. wrong. Good vs. evil.”

    #CharlesEisenstein #Interbeing #GreatInitiation
    Topics explored:
    * What are the greatest challenges and opportunities of these times?
    * What causes the intense polarization we find online?
    * Do we still want to organize the world into Good-guys vs. Bad-guys? Right vs. Wrong?
    * Dissecting the “conspiratorial mindset”
    * The evolution of our consciousness - beyond good vs. evil.
    * The new explanatory mythology also becomes unsatisfying. Being a persecuted minority leads to despair & burnout.
    * Growing into the emerging understanding - “Inter-being.”
    * For many of us, the story of “separation” is nolonger so compelling.
    * When to build bridges between the old and new, vs. abandoning the old world.
    * The realization that there’s a “wrongness” in every institution of our culture.
    * Being a “welcoming committee” into the new story, vs. forcing change.
    * It’s OK to be in the space between stories. The dissolving of what’s real. You don’t know who you are.
    * The fear of “rejection by the tribe” and ostracism.
    * Pros and cons of censorship of dissenting voices.
    * Allowing important truths that are being excluded from the dominant narratives.
    * E.g. the “MeToo” movement - truths bubbling up to the surface.
    * How to create space and openness to seek truth.
    Humility - the truth is more important than being right. Giving space for new information to come in.
    * Once you let go of being right, being smart, then you “natural truth recognizing system” can operate. We can hear the ring of truth.
    * When facts are so mixed, how do you choose which world-view to inhabit? How DO we actually choose? And how MAY we choose?
    * What will the world look like 10 years from now?
    * Charle’s invocation and prophecy for the next 10 years.
    * Opportunities for learning and growth right now?
    * “Re-localizing” our society - moving towards greater intimacy.
    * The importance of CLARIFYING what we want - then RECLAIMING it.
    * What are the open-questions that we’re invited into, when things fall apart?
    * What is Charle’s definition of “Health” - and how might that influence Public Health decisions?
    * Looking at lockdown from a sociological/economic lens, broadening our consciousness to include the things that we’ve been blind to.
    * To be effective as change agents, we need to get those we’ve “othered” onto our side. See them as full, sacred human beings. They are not separate from us.
    * “We are rapidly growing towards this level of maturity - of Interbeing.”
    * Why Charles’ offerings are all made in the spirit of Gifts.
    * “The mysteries of this universe are profound.” The Gratitude and Awe for the mystery of life.
    * What is Charles’ #1 advice for us to step into our highest level of human possibilities?

    Connect w Charles Eisenstein - http://www.CharlesEisenstein.org

    Connect w Dr. Edith - http://www.SuperWellness.com / http://www.DrEdithUbuntu.com
    Pick up your copy of SuperWellness on Amazon.com

    • 1 hr 21 min
    Ep34 - Radical Unschooling and Peaceful Parenting, w Dayna Martin

    Ep34 - Radical Unschooling and Peaceful Parenting, w Dayna Martin

    [Guest: Dayna Martin] Join Dr. Edith and Dayna Martin, the world-renowned pioneer of Radical Unschooling (also known as Peaceful Parenting) as we explore the history of education, new perspectives on children’s rights, and the new Partnership-Based Paradigm with our children.

    “You know when you hear truth.” ~ Dayna.

    Topics explored:
    * Backstory - how Dayna came to live this life of Unschooling and Radical Unschooling
    * Listening to your inner guidance and inner truth. Healing from the need to seek approval from outside “experts”.
    * How to be an effective bringer of change.
    * Going past judgement, embracing one another via kindness, peace, and love
    * As an empath - shifting the energies. Vs. letting “default energy” happen
    * Definition of “Unschooling” - learning outside of the paradigm of school.
    * “We’ve been conditioned to see only certain things of value.”
    * Study John Holt’s work - forced learning is not true learning, it’s training in obedience.
    * Learning is supposed to feel good! When kids say “I hate learning” - they don’t - they hate “forced learning.”
    * The Prussian model of school - intention to make good factory workers.
    * History of mandatory schooling - in late 1800s, Boston massachusetts - 85% of parents unwilling to put kids in school, but were forced at gun-point.
    * How teaching kids all the same things can lead to dumbing kids down. Undermining connection between parent and child - up until now. Now everything is changing.
    * Definition of “Radical Unschooling” - extending this into every aspect of life.
    * All humans are born into this world deciding freedom. When we are controlling, it warps the relationship with things that are being controlled and limited.
    * Our desire for freedom comes before finding moderation and balance.
    * How to manage “Screen time” - how to find balance through freedom.
    * Kids want to make healthy good choices. When you’re not controlling kids, they tap into the understanding that you want what’s best for them.
    * Why the term “screen time” is disrespectful to kids.
    * Kids see all their interests and passions as an extension of themselves.
    * When you’re afraid of something, you want control.
    * Books, magazines, mentorships, technology, museums, etc. are all equally valued.
    * Parenting is supposed to feel good. Controlling kids all day is not pleasant. It’s hellish.
    * How do children not group up to be “spoiled brats?”
    * What is a “spoiled” kids - are not from a partnership-based paradigm.
    * Balancing raising children, unschooling, and our dreams, projects, careers, etc. Mantra - “Everything I want to do, will get done.”
    * Control is the biggest time suck and energy suck.
    * “Parents - you know when you hear truth.” ~ Dayna.
    * The rights and respect of children - the evolution of consciousness.
    * Story of bullying, power struggles.
    * When we model peace in home, kids will model world-peace in everything they do.
    * What are Dayna’s kids up to these days?
    * “Happiness leads to success.” Vs. “you’ll be happy when you’re successful.”
    * What is Dayna’s #1 most important advice for stepping into our highest human potential?

    Connect w Dayna - http://www.DaynaMartin.com

    Connect with Dr. Edith - www.SuperWellness.com / www.DrEdithUbuntu.com
    Pick up your copy of SuperWellness on Amazon.com

    Join us for the upcoming Six Week SuperWellness class - starting July 14!

    • 1 hr 25 min
    Ep32 - (repost) Peace, Integrity, Future Dreaming, David Martin and Matt Belair

    Ep32 - (repost) Peace, Integrity, Future Dreaming, David Martin and Matt Belair

    [Guests Dr. David Martin & Matt Belair] (original interview May 2020 - reposted with permission)
    Recently I came across a beautiful and thought-provoking documentary called “Future Dreaming” featuring a pioneer, inventor, entrepreneur, and thought leader named Dr. David Martin.

    Our friend Matt Belair interviewed him on his podcast “Master Mind Body and Spirit" in May 2020, and it was a deeply clarifying and educational conversation. I’m grateful to them for the permission to re-share that conversation with you.

    #TeamEarth #Integrity #PathtoPeace

    Topics explored:
    * When there’s a ripple in the pond, a “perturbation”, who threw the stone?
    * Linguistic Genomics technology for studying this perturbation.
    * The courage to question the mainstream narrative
    * Learning from the fascinating story of Anthrax outbreak
    * Story of prince of Lichtenstein’s attempt to patent basmati rice
    * The cover story vs. the true underlying story
    * C19 - unprecedented designation by WHO to name a set of symptoms as a disease.
    * Why did they break their normal protocol?
    * David Martin’s ted talk - on solving the unsolvable problems.
    * The power of Gratitude.
    * The issue of "reflexive processing" - We have not been trained to deeply think.
    * “We are all responsible for our own reflexive ignorance.”
    * We are unaware of the level of questions we can ask.
    * We have convinced ourselves that authority figures 1) have our best interest, or 2) too big to question.
    * “There is no one and no topic too big to question.”
    * Stories of fighting white collar crime.
    * “If your defense is - shoot the messenger - then you know the message is right. That is the hallmark of every scandal.” That’s when you know it’s worth pursuing.
    * The issue of focusing on prosecuting the one bad guy vs. overlooking system-level issues. The individual is representative of a system-level problem.
    * Importance of doing the ALL-IN Consequence Analysis.
    * Matt - “There’s a danger to the savior story. Spiritual bypass.”
    * David - “The illusion of hoarded wealth - It’s an illusion.”
    * We’ve been trapped in this story. It’s up to us to take off the shackles.
    * David - “You can accomplish more with integrity than you can with money... because Integrity is in short supply.”
    * What is the awakening? As a collective, we’ve had our butts kicked.
    * We’ve been caught asleep. Let’s stay awake.
    * Matt - “Fear limits your pattern recognition.”
    * Opportunity to work together as one humanity - vs - the old story of “dominion.”
    * Nature does not do things in separate parts. It does things entangled.
    * The whole process of “can we get to peace” - we can only do that when we stop telling a dominion story. How things distract us from reality.
    * Building a web of connections. Be a neighbor.
    * We are stewards of what we have. We’re not owners and hoarders of what we have.

    David Martin’s website - https://www.davidmartin.world/
    Matt Belair’s website - http://www.mattbelair.com

    • 1 hr 19 min
    Ep33 - Mass Meditation for Global Peace (SuperWellness + AlfaVedic communities)

    Ep33 - Mass Meditation for Global Peace (SuperWellness + AlfaVedic communities)

    Special 1-Hour Guided Meditation for Global Peace - w AlfaVedic & SuperWellness communities. *** READ DISCLAIMER BELOW.***
    DISCLAIMER - By choosing to practice w us, you must take 100% full responsibility for your own health & safety. We do not recommend this practice for complete beginners. Please use caution, be gentle, when in doubt, stay seated during the Breathwork. Please consult with your health practitioners before engaging in any new activity.


    This show and our community is all about making smart healthy choices, taking personal responsibility, and creating well-being on all levels. So please, ALWAYS SAFETY FIRST.

    With all that said, please enjoy!


    Join us for the upcoming Six Week SuperWellness class - starting July 14! http://www.SuperWellness.com/6WEEK

    Connect with Dr. Edith - www.SuperWellness.com / www.DrEdithUbuntu.com
    Pick up your copy of SuperWellness on Amazon.com

    Our friends at AlfaVedic - https://www.AlfaVedic.com

    • 56 min
    EP31p2 - A New Paradigm in Medicine: Bioterrain & Waveform Physics w Dr. Barre Lando

    EP31p2 - A New Paradigm in Medicine: Bioterrain & Waveform Physics w Dr. Barre Lando

    [Guest: Dr. Barre Lando] [Part 2 of 2] Join Dr. Edith & Dr. Barre Lando for a fascinating journey exploring health, medicine, and healing - from the perspectives of Bioterrain Medicine and Waveform Physics.

    * Walter Russell - how waveform physics brings us into the "Age of Transmutation."
    * Nature works in a cyclic pattern. If we mimic nature's forces, we would have a life of joy & peace.
    * Waveform physics - taking diagnostic process to find line of resistance. Rx chemistry to manipulate electrical properties.
    * DNA is also a Dual Impedance Antenna - this is why it's not a great idea to have non-human DNA in our blood.
    * Broadcast a frequency that brings back symmetry.
    * Focusing work at the Upstream level of creation.
    * Walter Russell "you're better off quitting school at 4th grade."
    * "If (what we learn in school) is the whole ball of wax, why do we have famine, war, epidemics, etc?"
    * Waveform Physics - understanding of electrical forces and how every thought creates a precise vector of force, which plays out in physical reality.
    * Human body is a composite of countless electrical vectors that create every cell and every process in the cell.
    * Electrical forces "mate" with each other via Yin-Yang back and forth hydraulic system to create atoms
    * DNA changes - when we change of belief systems and release old entrainments of emotions.
    * The 3 "Miasms" in homeopathy.
    * How to break free from old habits and beliefs?
    * If Dr. Barre Lando were “Head of CDC” or “King of his own island” what would the healthcare look like?
    * "You wouldn't be king if you told people what to do. Interfere with their freewill."
    * "If you over police your children, and micromanage their lives, it's not the best way to create confidence and sovereignty."
    * The police-state makes people act like children.
    * Hippocrates - medicine as a sacred science. Following universal law. Reconnect people to their creative source.
    * Teaching hygiene - clean body, clean mind. "We live in a benevolent universe. Nature is self-maintaining and self-healing."
    * Medicine on knowledge, and allow people freedom to apply this knowledge freely.
    * Physician = Teacher.
    * What would our education system looks like?
    * Finding our purpose in life, serve the community, complete soul mission.
    * Look up Antoine Bechamp vs. Pasteur, the fraudulant history of germ theory.
    * Guther Endelein, Gaston Naessens' somatoscope, Royal Rife universal microscope, Walter Russell, Rudolf Steiner
    * The Age of Transmutation - every element is a resonant fields based on waveform. Create a waveform in a medium.
    * We don't need to mine things - just create via next generation of 3D printer.
    * Protection from EMF field - taking ourselves up to highest level of consciousness is best protection.
    * Shungite rocks, 90.10 technologies, and peacefully as a collective not use certain technologies.
    * How do we balance knowing all these truths - living in this world with so many challenging scenarios.
    * Life as a simulation. We were born for these times.
    * About Alfa Vedic community work, permaculture co-operative, podcast.
    * What's Dr. Lando's #1 recommendation for tapping into our highest possibilities?

    Dr. Barre Lando’s website - https://alfavedic.com/
    About his farm - https://alfavedic.com/alfa-vedic-botanical-gardens/
    Alfacast podcast - https://alfavedic.com/videos/

    Connect with Dr. Edith - www.DrEdithUbuntu.com
    Pick up your copy of SuperWellness on Amazon.com
    Dr. E on insta - https://www.instagram.com/dredithubuntu/
    Dr. E on facebook - https://www.facebook.com/edith.chan.338

    • 57 min

Customer Reviews

4.8 out of 5
37 Ratings

37 Ratings

j finicky ,


Consciousness and metta expansion galore.

Noah Sterba ,

mind stretching, heart filling, & soul quenching

Just started listening but am definitely going to check out every episode! Dr. E has the perfect balance, in my opinion, of going far "out there" (or "in there" ☺️) while still staying grounded. the guided mediatation/breathwork was very beautiful & powerful.

Stevejordan29 ,

Super Duper

Dr Edith Chan is a “Super Duper” insightful person and health practitioner. I had her on my podcast I AM Healthy & Fit Ep/46 and just fell in love with her. If you listen to her podcast or attend one of her seminars, you’ll know what I’m talking about. She’s the real deal!

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