100 episodes

A feel good podcast on creating joy in life, work, and love. Join me every week for Motivational Mondays (MM) - a quick soulful shot to start your week off with a smile and Transformational Thursdays (TT) - giving you the best tips to create more alignment in life, work, and love. Episodes cover relationships and love, health and wellbeing, finding fulfillment in work, and following your dreams with purpose and intention. Online entrepreneurship may appear as well all geared to help you create a life you love!

The Enoughness Revolution: Life, Work, + Love Megan Hale

    • Health & Fitness
    • 5.0 • 12 Ratings

A feel good podcast on creating joy in life, work, and love. Join me every week for Motivational Mondays (MM) - a quick soulful shot to start your week off with a smile and Transformational Thursdays (TT) - giving you the best tips to create more alignment in life, work, and love. Episodes cover relationships and love, health and wellbeing, finding fulfillment in work, and following your dreams with purpose and intention. Online entrepreneurship may appear as well all geared to help you create a life you love!

    Ep 151: Where We Go From Here

    Ep 151: Where We Go From Here

    I'm baaaaaa-aaaaackkk!  Well, not really!  But I am LIVE on iTunes today with our next conversation, Wild & Holy Radio!   Not only is it is my 34th birthday today, but I'm also ushering in this new podcast, which is UNLIKE anything you've ever heard! Wild & Holy Radio picks up right where we left off on The Enoughness Revolution and goes one layer deeper exploring worthiness through the lens of Divinity and already I'm getting some RAVE reviews.  (Make sure you check out Ep. 3 for some of the best stuff yet 3)  I wanted to make sure I personally invited you to join me in this new conversation because our time together is far from done!  In fact, we're just getting started!! Here's how you can help!   First of all, join me on Wild and Holy Radio right here.  We're live on iTunes TODAY and I could think of no better way to celebrate my next year of life than starting this new journey at the same time! Second, download the episodes and leave a quick review.  It'll take all of 5 seconds, but is SO helpful in helping me reach other spiritual seekers who are passionate about living their truth and creating a life that honors their soul.  I walk you through this super duper simple process here: http://megan-hale.com/whlive/  And after that, I thank YOU!  Your support in this is the BEST birthday present EVER!  I thank you for being with me on this journey, for supporting Wild & Holy Radio and this new conversation, and for being a soul seeker who is just as passionate as I am about being their fullest expression.  I'll see you over there!   With Love,  Megan

    • 4 min
    Ep 150: The Finale + 3 Non-Negotiables for Cultivating More Enoughness

    Ep 150: The Finale + 3 Non-Negotiables for Cultivating More Enoughness

    It's here, you guys!  The finale episode of The Enoughness Revolution and I'm ready.  The past two weeks have been somewhat of a whirlwind while I've been processing the end of this chapter and the beginning of the next.  There's been grief and excitement, anticipation and anxiety, and whole host of other emotions happening as several life events have lined up around the same time.  As if life, right?  I had no idea I'd be celebrating my first year of motherhood while getting ready to birth a new podcast baby into the world just a few weeks later, but cycles line up like that sometimes.   We celebrate one milestone of achievement while starting new quests that have no milestones yet.
    In this way, maybe we're always beginners at something and I think thats a good thing.  To always be evolving and growing and shifting and stretching.   I could take this episode's air time to talk all about Wild and Holy Radio and how great it's going to be and why you should absolutely, positively make sure you're a part of the Launch Team (which you totally should and you can join right here!), but I'd rather take this time to share 3 Non-Negotiables for Cultivating Enoughness.
    I've gained so much wisdom from hosting this conversation for the past two years, so much so, I should probably write a book, which I'm sure my book coach Amy Brooks is over there like "duh"!!!  I'm getting to the book writing, Amy, I promise!  But truly, reflecting back on all the stories I've heard, journeys I've walked, work I've done personally and with clients - there's been a lot gained on what it means to cultivate that feeling of being enough.
    And let's be real... underneath it all, this is what we crave most.  To know that we're enough on a cognitive level, an emotional level, on a physical level, on a spiritual level.  In fact, the fear that we're not enough is the biggest deterrent for us being who we know we're capable of being and pursuing the things that our soul really wants, but will require us to be brave.
    Enoughness is the foundation for so many other things.  There's this quote by Brené Brown that I go back to over and over again and it goes... "The most dangerous stories we make up are the narratives that diminish our inherent worthiness.  We must reclaim the truth about our lovability, divinity, and creativity/ability."
    Woah!  I did a whole email series last year teasing these three concepts apart and what these really look like in action when we doubt ourselves in any of these areas.  I went even further into how we actually reclaim these pieces for ourselves.
    Why?  Because when we talk about enoughness, we're talking about worthiness and the places where we doubt ourselves the most are here.  We wonder if we're truly lovable, especially if we've had a history of broken relationships, relationship issues, or haven't yet found "the one".
    We wonder if we're worthy of divine intervention if we haven't lived up to the dogma or rules some other person or group of persons have announced/proclaimed is the way you achieve your goodness.
    And we surely wonder if we're capable and creative and unique and have something worthy of offering the world.  Just ask any entrepreneur as they're launching something new into the world.
    All of these come back to believing you're enough, yet there's a distance difference between knowing something on an intellectual level and knowing it on a spiritual level and knowing something spiritually will always trump what you rationalize or justify or reason away in your head.  Fear lives in the head.  Truth lives in the heart, which is why doing the spiritual work of healing your stories is so paramount to creating a new baseline of enoughness, confidence, courage, and conviction, which brings me to my first non-negotiable.
    1.  Cultivating Enoughness means rewriting the story on what it

    • 23 min
    Ep 149 MM: The Truth of Enoughness

    Ep 149 MM: The Truth of Enoughness

    Happy Monday, Friends!  It's our last Motivational Monday of The Enoughness Revolution, which makes me feel so excited for what's to come with Wild and Holy Radio launching July 31st, but also a little sad.
    The Enoughness Revolution was a conversation I started in October of 2015 out of a pure passion to understand enoughness and the voices of "not enough" and dispel the myth that it doesn't matter how much we make, how much we become, how much we achieve, or how much we do, the experience of not enough is part of the human experience.
    For the past almost 2 years, I've interviewed over a hundred people on their personal journeys to finding worthiness, revolutionizing what they believe they deserve, and cultivating the courage to actually pursue it.  Each of these conversations has left an imprint on my heart.  Each one has given me a piece of wisdom I've carried with me on my journey and hopefully have also passed onto you.
    So, as we meet for our last Monday together until Wild and Holy Radio launches July 31st (p.s. don't forget to join the launch team here!), I want to take some time to sum up some of the biggest lessons I've learned the past 2 years of running this podcast.
    1.  Enoughness is deeply spiritual. I've done all kinds of work to heal the voices of "not enough".  Before beginning my path of personal development, I tried to numb them any way I could.  I'd hide myself in other people and relationships to feel wanted and desired.  I'd hide myself under substances and alcohol to offer a short relief of my feelings of unworthiness.  I ran from God as far as I could go until I literally couldn't go any further.  I hardened my heart and put up walls so I'd never have to feel pain again.  I self-abandoned my own ideas and opinions because I didn't want to "rock the boat" or risk disapproval.  I stayed in relationships that weren't right for me because I was terrified of being alone.  All because I needed the approval of others.  I needed their validation because I hadn't learned to give myself my own.  Which, of course, was a catch 22.  I desperately needed my own validation and self-belief, but didn't think my opinion of myself held any weight.
    Then 2006 happened, the year I lost everything.  My best friend died.  I lost a whole group of friends.  I lost myself in drugs and alcohol.  I left everything I knew behind to travel Europe on my own and by the grace of God, I had no other choice but to rely on myself to recover from some of the deepest grief I've ever known.  That was the turning point.  Sometimes rock bottom is the best place to rebuild your life.  I know that's been true for me.
    For the past 11 years now, I've been on a personal development journey to learn how to honor my soul, release shame and guilt, and heal the holes I felt I had in my heart.  Year after year, I've challenged myself to become more and more whole.  The last place I'd ever expect to arrive is to this deeply spiritual place of knowing I'm enough, I always have been, and I always will be even if I do nothing more in my life. Enoughness isn't attached to anything outside of ourselves. It's attached to our Divinity.
    2. We all experience the voices of "not enough". I used to think I could out run fear and I wasn't done with my personal development until I got to this place where fear didn't exist.  Then I realized, that was completely absurd.  Fear is part of the human experience.  Fast forward 5 years and again, I found myself in the same trap - wanting to get to this place where the voices of "not enough" didn't exist.  I hadn't truly done my enoughness work until I got to this place where I knew I was enough and was no longer plagued by the voices of "not enough".  About six months in, I realized I was in the...

    • 18 min
    Ep 148 TT: The Spark Lounge with Alex Beadon

    Ep 148 TT: The Spark Lounge with Alex Beadon

    It's Transformational Thursday, y'all and I'm so pumped for our guest today!  Not only is it the last guest interview of the season AND of The Enoughness Revolution, but I'm getting to talk to an amazing entrepreneur who has been so inspiring for me on my journey!   But before I introduce you to her, I want to make sure you heard my announcement on Monday!  The Enoughness Revolution is coming to an end with episode 150 debuting next week and there's a whole new conversation starting July 31st called Wild and Holy Radio!   You guys, if you've loved The Enoughness Revolution and the conversation on worthiness, you're going to love Wild and Holy Radio because we're going WAY deeper into living our truth, becoming whole, knowing we're holy, and being our wildest and fullest expression in the world.  Seriously.... you do NOT want to miss this! I've already put together a free FB group for us called the Wild and Holy Radio Launch Team where I'll be giving you a behind the scenes look as I reach out to guests,, secure sponsorship from some amazing product based businesses who are supporting spiritual living, plus giveaways, and all kinds of excitement as we launch this new conversation in the world and I would REALLY LOVE if you were a part of all that.   You can join me right here!   So, to say I'm excited about our guest today is an understatement.  I've been following her for several years now and not only does she create killer content, but I love the way she connects with people and I so knew we would have an amazing conversation.  And an amazing conversation we had! Today, I'm speaking to the lovely Alex Beadon.  
    With over 1.6 million views on YouTube, Alex Beadon is a business coach who helps people learn how to sell their digital products and services online in a way that feels good *and* makes money. She’s the founder of "The Spark Lounge" and is on a mission to help business owners blend energy and mindset work with proven business strategy, so that they can make a full-time income creating work in the world that matters to them the most. 
    Alex is such the real deal and I couldn't help but fall in love with her top 3 tips for creating joy in life work and love, which are: 
    1. Clarify what joy looks like and feels like for you 2. Own it before it arrives 3. Take inspired action
    We go into all kinds of juicy details on all three of these plus what staying in alignment really looks like while riding the emotional rollercoaster that is entrepreneurship!  Such a good conversation!  
    Connect with her on social!  She has one of the most engaged audiences I've ever seen and she's always doing something fun for her community. 
    Youtube Channel: youtube.com/user/alexbeadon Instagram instagram.com/alexbeadon/ Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/thealexbeadon Facebook Personal Page https://www.facebook.com/abeadon Twitter twitter.com/alexbeadon Website alexbeadon.com
    I'll see you in a few days for our last Motivational Monday before we take a short summer break and come back with a whole new conversation that is Wild and Holy Radio! Don't miss out.  Join the launch team here for a backstage pass 3  Have an awesome weekend!

    • 40 min
    Ep 147 MM: Something New is Coming + Why Following the Breadcrumbs is Always the Best Strategy for Truth, Alignment, and Joy

    Ep 147 MM: Something New is Coming + Why Following the Breadcrumbs is Always the Best Strategy for Truth, Alignment, and Joy

    Happy Memorial Day, everyone!  Especially if you're in the US.  Before we get into today's episode, I want to bring our focus to why we celebrate today and what we're honoring.
    There are hundreds of families today who are missing a loved one, a loved one who paid the ultimate price for our freedom and safety.  Yet, it wasn't just them that paid this price.  It's also the spouses and children growing up without their parent.  There is no greater sacrifice than that.
    As a military spouse, I feel this intimately.  My husband has been the pilot on four angel flights where he's brought fallen soldiers home to their families.  On one hand there's been honor to be able to bring these soldiers home.  And on the other, there's been grief as it's a somber reminder of the cost of war.
    So as you celebrate today, please don't forget what we're honoring and please send some intentional love and light to those who have paid the ultimate price.
    Thank you!
    So, this weekend was my son’s first birthday and with that came a wave of emotion. I noticed how fast the year went by and yet how long some of those days have been in between.
    This past year has been quite the journey of deepening into motherhood and watching this part of me ascend. It’s made me acutely aware of my strengths, but also acutely aware of my shortcomings. Being a mom has made me want to be a better a person, a braver person, and teach my child the magic and miracles of life that surround him and are in him as he pursues his own path.
    I didn’t always used to look for magic or miracles or signs or breadcrumbs. For a long while, it seemed I spent the majority of my time creating plans – my plans. There was no room for magic or miracles or signs or breadcrumbs.
    And because of that, there was a lot of anxiety. Anxiety happens when we need to be in control. We have a vision and stress ourselves to death to make sure it all works out. And there are plenty of things we can focus on to control – our partners- the way they talk, the way they act, the way they help us with chores. Our children – what they eat, what they wear, how they present themselves, what grades they get, what schools they get into. Our lives- we can spend an awful lot of energy trying to ensure certain things happen while preventing others. It took me a long time to realize there’s very little in my control. This awareness increased my anxiety the first time I realized it, but then a peace came over me as I realized control was all a fallacy.
    The times things did go well weren’t all my doing. The times bad things could have happened, but didn’t were also not all my doing. There was some other hand in all of this. Coming face to face with the limits of my power was infuriating at first. I’d still fall into the same old trap of trying to change my partner. I still fall into the same old trap of trying to make my child nap when I want him to. And every now and then, I still fall into the deep dark hole of trying to force my way in the world instead of allowing, instead of inviting, instead of having a preference instead of a goal.
    It’s funny…. the more I sought control over things outside of myself, the more out of control I felt.   And the more I let go of control, the more in control of my life I became.
    This has shown up over and over again for me. Especially in relationships wanting people to feel a certain way about me, but not being able to force it. Or trying to force a certain career path when it was never meant for me in the first place. Or trying to meet a goal that my ego had set for me to feel enough only to feel as though I horribly missed the mark.
    The more and more I tried to get my way, the more powerless I felt. And looking back, I was so attached to “MY WAY”, I didn’t see all the signs. I didn’t see all the breadcrumbs leading me in a different direction.
    I didn’t see those relationships were never my...

    • 26 min
    Ep 146 TT: Steena Marie on Sexuality and Spirituality

    Ep 146 TT: Steena Marie on Sexuality and Spirituality

    It's Transformational Thursday, friends and today's episode is actually part of a full Pleasure Series I'm putting together this summer, but this interview shook so much loose for me that I wanted to go ahead and release it NOW and give it a re-release this summer when the full series is ready.
    Today's conversation may bring a lot to the surface for you. It surely did for me! I was blown away by the aha's and connections that were made into today's interview and I hope it has just as powerful effect for you.
    Today's guest is the lovely Steena Marie, Spiritual Channel and High Priestess Healer, who is a mystical woman on a mission to unleash women from the overwhelm of religious dogma, sexual shame, and past emotional baggage to resurrect their divine pelvic power and connection to Spirit so they can harness the full potential of their orgasmic, divine feminine power and healing gifts in their lives, relationships, and work. Her unique blend of emotional alchemy, energy healing, embodiment, psychic channeling, and soul work create a sacred space for her clients to shift out of victimhood, TURN ON their inner High Priestess and reign in their glory.
    Steena's journey from good-little-girl to embodied, pleasure-filled High Priestess required a deep release of fear, shame, perfectionism, and self-sabotage patterns that allowed her to radically own her power and truth. She was done begging external authorities and religious institutions to validate her healing gifts and purpose when she decided to go all in and rise into her calling as a deeply intuitive, Jesus-loving, mystical leader. On her healing path through motherhood, marriage, and entrepreneurship Steena has learned the art of sacred, aligned, sexy success on her own terms which she now teaches in her own work.
    I am so excited to dive even deeper into this intersection between spirituality and sexuality and find more freedom here! More on that to come!
    If you're ready to get a taste of Steena's work, check out her free 5 Day Divine Program onfiremanifestation.com Shift out of self-sabotage and doubting your divine gifts to fully owning your ability to manifest everything from magical clients to a mind blowing night with your lover. This is a full immersion, no fluff, practical walk through the exact tools I’ve used in my life and teach my clients to release the baggage holding them back so they can wield their creative feminine power - guilt free!
    Additionally, you can connect with Steena on social here:
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/steenamariebiz/ FB Group: highpriestessunleashed.com IG: instagram.com/steenamariei Until then, have an amazing weekend and I'll see you in a few days for another Motivational Monday!

    • 57 min

Customer Reviews

5.0 out of 5
12 Ratings

12 Ratings

StudentK ,


This show is the bomb. There is so much wisdom in each episode that I often have to relisten or pause to think things through. My husband and I, and my mother and I, have listened together to talk through complex situations and look for common ground. Just love it!

ErikBison ,

Highly recommend!

I love the inspiring lessons that Megan and her guests share on The Enoughness Revolution! Highly recommend listening if you want to hear actionable advice on how to improve your life!

Christine McAlister ,

Love the mix here!

Such a great approach with interviews and mantras each week! Love what you're doing!

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