The Life After Leaving Podcast: An Ex-Christadelphian Podcast

The Life After Leaving Podcast: An Ex-Christadelphian Podcast

A podcast for Ex-Christadelphians (and for anyone who has never heard of them and wants to join in our fun!)

  1. 3 DAYS AGO

    Ep. 20 Bible Prophecy with Rob and Steve

    Today we’re chatting about Bible Prophecy! In this episode I’m joined by Rob, a Professor of Statistics & Statistical Forecasting, and Steve, a Professor of Biblical Studies to explore the prophecies they learned (and even taught!) from their time as Christadelphians. Now as ex-Christadelphians, we discuss what they’ve learned about history, statistics, and biblical literature to explore non-Christadelphian perspectives on some common prophecies related to the Bible and Christadelphian culture. We explore prophecies that were supported by a selective view of history, unfulfilled prophecies, and even prophecies that were wrong in the Bible! In this episode we also learn about Rob’s attempt to have his fortune told in India, Steve’s thoughts on satire in the Bible, and learn about the relationship between the Bible and Tarot Cards!  Please enjoy another week of fellowship among the heathens! Listener discretion is advised.    Resources and References:   Unbelievable: A Journey from Faith Via Evidence. Why A University Professor Gave up Religion and Became an Unbeliever by Rob Hyndman Excerpt from Rob’s Book: Chapter 8- The biblical crystal ball:   Eureka by John Thomas   Revelation: A Biblical Approach by Harry Whittaker 1976   The first book of Enoch   Fourth Book of Esdra/ 4 Ezra   The Second Book of Baruch   The Bible, Ezekiel 26 A Prophecy Against Tyre   National Treasure (2004)   The Anchor Bible Series:   The Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary:   The Anchor Bible Commentary:   International Standard Bible Encyclopedia:

    1h 15m
  2. FEB 23

    Ep. 19 Religious Trauma with Brian

    Today we’re chatting with Brian about religious trauma! After hearing so many guests discuss traumatizing events that they experienced within the Christadelphian community, we decided to bring in a licensed religious trauma therapist to explore what religious trauma is and what we can do about it. We started with discussing some key definitions and concepts to understand, exploring what modalities Brian uses with clients, and talking about some things to consider when trying to find a therapist to work with, including knowing the difference between searching for a therapist with a specialty in “spirituality” compared to “religious trauma”. We also ask some thought provoking questions such as, is pressuring minors to be baptized truly consensual? Why doesn’t the group have an exit plan for members and why is that important to have? And is holding Christadelphian beliefs a cure for mental health struggles? Let’s talk about it!   Please enjoy another week of fellowship among the heathens! If you enjoy this episode and would like us to have another episode on religious trauma, please submit your comments and questions to   Listener discretion is advised.    Resources and References: Marlene Winell's website who coined "Religious Trauma Syndrome"   Reclamation Collective (religious trauma directory/support groups/trainings) -   Spiritual Power Inventory Tool -   Secular Therapy Project (directory) -   Religious Trauma Institute (research/trainings, mostly for therapists) -   IFS Institute (Internal Family Systems directory) -   "No Bad Parts" by Richard Schwarz (Client-friendly intro book to IFS) -   Terror, Love, and Brainwashing: Attachment in Cults and Totalitarian Systems by Alexandra Stein   Alexandra Stein Talking About Cults -     Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents   Ex-christian subreddit (discussion, support, and tons of extra resources) -   Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE’s) Test:   ACE Aware:   EFT Tapping: What Is EFT Tapping? 5-Step Technique for Anxiety Relief   “How to Start Deconstructing your Christian Faith” with Kristi Burke   “When a Relationship with God Turns Unhealthy” with Kristi Burke   Take Back Your Life: Recovering from Cults and Abusive Relationships by Janja Lalich   What My Bones Know: A Memoir of Healing From Complex Trauma by Stephanie Foo   Escaping Twin Flames, Netflix   The 25 Signs you’re in a High-Control Group or Cult by Anastasia Somerville-Wong   What is a High Control Group?   How to Recognize a High-Control Church

    2h 9m
  3. FEB 16

    Ep. 18 Fellowship with Kelli

    Today we’re chatting with Kelli! In this episode, Kelli shares her experience preparing for what she thought would be the hardest test in her life (the baptismal exam!), learning that playing hymns on guitars would qualify as “stumbling blocks” for some sisters in Christ, and sharing her experience as a woman who was able to have more of a role when growing up associated with the COGAF group. She also shares some funny stories of sleeping in a pool floaty at a Bible weekend, an unexpected insect encounter during a church service, and shares the joke that ended her involvement in her church newsletter! Zinnia and Kelli also reminisce on long denim skirts, reading Harry Potter as religious children (scandalous!), and on how gross the term “seed” is! (Bleh!)   Please join us for another episode of fellowship among those who have left the fold!   Listener discretion is advised.    Resources and References:    Cultish: The Language of Fanaticism by Amanda Montell   The Joke That Got Taylor Tomlinson Fired From a Church Comedy Gig Youtube: The Late Show with Stephen Colbert   The Golden Compass by Phillip Pullman   Reading the Bible Again for the First Time by Marcus Borg   Shattered Dreams: My Life as a Polygamist’s Wife by Irene Spencer   Deconversion Therapy podcast (last episode aired 7/2024)   Misquoting Jesus by Bart Ehrman   The Gnostic Gospels by Elaine Pagels   The United Nations: Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 18: Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.   The Book: On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are by Alan Watts

    1h 31m
  4. FEB 9

    Ep. 17 Fellowship with Vanessa

    Today we’re chatting with Vanessa! Vanessa shares her experience of growing up feeling supported as a neurodivergent child in the Christadelphian community with her family. Over time though, she had a feminist awakening and found that her views on women's roles within the ecclesia didn’t quite fit. Eventually she began studying psychology and realized that she was in a high control religion! After pressure to bring her children in for instruction and hearing explicitly that they wanted to brainwash the children, she decided she wanted better for her family and left the group. Since leaving, Vanessa’s found a sense of purpose that she hadn’t experienced as a Christadelphian and she has finally embraced her authentic self.    Please join us for another episode of fellowship among those who have left the fold!     Listener discretion advised. Resources and References   What So Amazing About Grace by Philip Yancey   The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins   Religious Harm Recovery Newsletter:   Cultish: The Language of Fanaticism by Amanda Montell   Podcast: It’s A Little Bit Culty Podcast with Sarah and Nippy   Podcast: Trust Me: Cults, Extreme Belief, and Manipulation hosted by Lola and Meagan   Clementine Morgan on Instagram and host of the F*****g Cancelled Podcast   The Little Book of Attachment: Theory to Practice in Child Mental Health with Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy by Daniel Hughes and Ben Gurney-Smith   Raising a Secure Child: How Circle of Security Parenting Can Help You Nurture Your Child's Attachment, Emotional Resilience, and Freedom to Explore by Kent Hoffman, Glenn Cooper, and Bert Powell

    2h 26m
  5. JAN 26

    Ep. 15 Fellowship with Brian

    Today we’re chatting with Brian! Brian is our first guest to come on the podcast from the Church of God of the Abrahamic Faith (COGAF). While they technically have a different name than Christadelphians, the groups were founded by former associates at about the same time. Members of COGAF hold the same beliefs as Christadelphians, fellowship with them, and even attend Christadelphian activities, camps, and bible schools! In today’s episode, we hear about Brian’s former ecclesia using pancakes to convince people to attend services, about that time he was brought to Jamaica for a school project to learn about the life of Christadelphian missionaries as a teenager, and about the “wave theory” of doubt and faith that eventually washed him ashore to solid ground without faith in God. We also chat about surprise ambushes by Christadelphians who create confrontations about faith and church attendance in the most unexpected times and places. Please join us for another episode of fellowship among those who have left the fold!   If you have any questions that you would like addressed in the upcoming episode on religious trauma, please email ⁠⁠ Listener discretion advised.   Resources and References:   Church of God of the Abrahamic Faith (COGAF)/Church of the Blessed Hope:  ⁠⁠   Church of the Blessed Hope Beliefs: ⁠⁠   John Thomas: His Friends and His Faith by Peter Hemingray Page 132, 153-154, 189, pages 197-207 “Chapter 21: Dr. Thomas, Marsh, and Wilson- Founders of COGAF”   Netflix: Keep Sweet: Pray and Obey   Terror, Love, and Brainwashing: Attachment in Cults and Totalitarian Systems by Alexandra Stein  ⁠⁠

    2h 17m
  6. 12/22/2024

    Ep. 14 Fellowship with Zinnia

    Today we’re flipping the script and Heather is chatting with Zinnia! Zinnia shares her story of growing up as an undiagnosed neurodivergent child and being bullied during her childhood inside and outside of the ecclesia. The first half of this episode is a bit heavy as Zinnia discusses how her environment contributed to severe depression and how growing up in a high control environment among other factors may have groomed her for domestic violence in her relationships. However, things took a turn for the better when Zinnia chose to leave the group, shut down their harassment, reported perpetrators to the police. She also reclaimed her life and her voice by changing her name, moving out on her own, creating a new environment where she could thrive in secular friendships and relationships, and connecting with other ex-Christadelphians in the Facebook community. She also shares her story of living in a haunted apartment, explains why she is skeptical of Christadelphians claiming that they’ll report the criminal activity of other Christadelphians, and about the circumstances that led her to create this podcast.  This episode was also released alongside Episode 13 on Spiritualism due to some overlapping themes and topics. We hope you enjoy this podcast double feature! See you in 2025! Thank you to Heather for editing this episode! Listener Discretion Advised. Resources: Vibe Music:  If I die young Pt 2 by Kimberly Perry And The Wolves by Madeline Edwards   On Leaving Cults & High Control Groups: Take Back Your Life: Recovering from Cults and Abusive Relationships by Janja Lalich Unfollow: A Memoir of Loving and Leaving the Westboro Baptist Church by Megan Phelps-Roper The Sound of Gravel: A Memoir by Ruth Wariner Educated by Tara Westover Pure: Inside the Evangelical Movement That Shamed a Generation of Women and How I Broke Free by Linda Kay Klein Chocolat by Joanne Harris (Okay, this one is more of a role model for living outside religious influence & not bending to that pressure) Quarter Life Crisis Netflix special, Taylor Tomlinson  The Holy Bible: The Best Damned Version by Steve Ebling  Instagram: religious.harm.recovery    On Sexual Assault: Know My Name by Chanel Miller On Childhood Trauma & Relationships: Recovering from Emotionally Immature Parents by Lindsay Gibson (And Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents) Running on Empty: Overcome your Childhood Emotional Neglect by Jonice Webb (Sequel: Running on Empty No More) The Journey from Abandonment to Healing by Susan Anderson Healing Your Aloneness: Finding Love and Wholeness Through Your Inner Child by Erika Chopich and Margaret Paul Attached by Amir Levine and Rachel Heller The Emotionally Absent Mother: A Guide to Self-Healing and Getting the Love You Missed by Jasmin Lee Cori  Mothers Who Can’t Love: A Healing Guide for Daughters by Susan Forward When the Body Says No by Gabor Mate   On Embracing Neurodivergence, Masking, and Susceptibility to Abuse: Hayley Honeyman Ted Talk “Unmasking ADHD” ⁠⁠ On the impact of growing up undiagnosed Neurodivergent: ⁠⁠ And  ⁠⁠   Feminism & Politics:  Rage becomes her: The Power of Women's Anger by Soraya Chemaly   On Healing through Humor: ⁠⁠   On the Paranormal: Life with the Afterlife: 13 Truths I Learned About Ghosts by Amy Bruni  Do Dead People Watch You Shower? By Concetta Bertoldi   “Ecclesia Safe” Initiative: ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠

    4h 22m
  7. 12/22/2024

    Ep. 13 Hypnosis, Telepathy, and Ghosts: The History of Spiritualism and the Christadelphians

    Today we’re chatting about ghosts! More specifically, about how the Christadelphians have historically tried to disprove the existence of ghosts and the beliefs of Spiritualists to their followers! It’s time for science class with John Thomas as he explains the (now considered pseudoscience) "science" of odology, explains how Jesus Christ (electric medium) used hypnosis on his disciples, speculates on whether followers will be able to be invisible and teleport when they’re resurrected (sorry, you can only hold eyeballs), and how God’s Holy Spirit is actually… electricity. We discover the story of a Christadelphian with psychic abilities and end the episode with the most legendary ghost story to ever be told in Christadelphia! It’s going to get spoooooooky! This episode was also released alongside Episode 14, Fellowship with Zinnia, due to some overlapping themes and topics. We hope you enjoy this podcast double feature! See you in 2025! Resources and References  “Other Powers: The Age of Suffrage, Spiritualism, and the Scandalous Victoria Woodhull” by Barbara Goldsmith, Page 78 Some background information on Spiritualism in the Britannica: ⁠⁠ Dr. Thomas: His Life and His Work by Robert Roberts Popular Figures who were Spiritualists: ⁠⁠ The First Woman to Run for President in the US, Victoria Woodhull: ⁠⁠ Talking to the Dead: Kate and Maggie Fox and the Rise of Spiritualism by Barbara Weisberg The Birmingham Amended Statement of Faith: ⁠⁠ The Oprah Winfrey Show Herald of the Kingdom and Age to Come, July 1852 ⁠⁠ 2023 Pew Research: ⁠⁠ 2024 Article: ⁠⁠ Last Week Tonight: Psychics ⁠⁠ Harry Houdini: ⁠⁠ The Ambassador of the Coming Age: July 1868, Aug1868 and Sept 1868 The Herald of the Kingdom and Age to Come by John Thomas, July and August 1852 A Demon’s Guide to Wooing a Witch by Sarah Hawley Twilight by Stephenie Meyer The Princess Bride Movie, 1987 Prosopagnosia, medical condition Jim Jones Healings ⁠⁠ Rapidash Pokemon ⁠⁠ The Bible: 1 Kings 19 2 Corinthians 12 Habakkuk 2:2-3 Joel 2:28 Job 33  Acts 10 Revelation 1 Matthew 22 1 Samuel 28 Odology: ⁠⁠ Louis Cahagnet’s “Celestial Telegraph, or Secrets of the Life to Come revealed through Magnestism”  Robert Roberts: A Study of Life And Character by Islip Collyer The Christadelphian:  April 1869 February 1895 February 1888 May 1887 June 1876 January 1877 May 1955 November 1919 August 1913 November 1926 Spiritualists’ Association Bookstore: ⁠⁠ The Girl with Silver Eyes by Willo Davis Roberts The Wizard of Oz (movie), 1939 Spiritualism by Michael Ashton Read Online at: ⁠⁠ The Christadelphian, Nov1871 The Christadelphian, January 1872 Medium and Daybreak, Nov 24 1871 edition Full article provided from the University of Oxford Bodleian Library and from the Hamilton College. The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster Lily Dale: The True Story of the Town That Talks to the Dead by Christine Wicker Life with the Afterlife: 13 Truths I learned about Ghosts by Amy Bruni Other Resources: If you want to learn more about Spiritualism, check out the Dig Podcast:

    2h 43m

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A podcast for Ex-Christadelphians (and for anyone who has never heard of them and wants to join in our fun!)

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