100 episodes

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The Peace Revolution Podcast (Archive Stream 2006-Present‪)‬ Richard Grove, editor-in-chief of Tragedy and Hope Magazine

    • Education
    • 4.8 • 113 Ratings

Welcome to the Peace Revolution, a multivitamin for your mind providing you with the tools to think critically so you can organize the vast amount of information in today's world.

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    Liberty and Economics | Part 1: Philosophy

    Liberty and Economics | Part 1: Philosophy

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    (Episodes 001-023 + Bonus Video) The Deep End: Dive Into Consciousness | Now available on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/TragedyandHope
    To Purchase the HISTORY BLUEPRINT (Richard’s Brain Model Organizing History in Context): https://www.tragedyandhope.com/the-brain/
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    Reference Map to Peace Revolution episode 093: Liberty and Economics | Part 1: Philosophy To download these notes in a handy PDF, CLICK HERE.

    (0-5mins) Rep Alan Grayson: "Which Foreigners Got the Fed's $500,000,000,000?" Bernanke: "I Don't Know." on 1/2 Trillion Missing (5m-10m) Ron Paul, Voluntaryist (10m-10m30s) Ayn Rand | The Final Struggle between Capitalism and Socialism (10m30s-14m) Welfare State in Social Democracy (14m-16m) Bernie Sanders Healthcare (16m-17m) Milton Friedman response to Sanders (17m-21m) Benefits Cap is forcing me to Work – UK (21m-22m) Murray Rothbard | The Libertarian Solution to Welfare (22m-23m) What is Laissez Faire Economics? (23m-26m) Why Work? Welfare Addiction in Handout-Hungry UK (26m-37m) Milton Friedman| The Roots of the Welfare State (37m-42m) 9 Trillion Missing from Federal Reserve Bank says the Fed Inspector General (42m-43m) Murray Rothbard | The Death of Keynesian Economics (43m-51m) A Libertarian View of Welfare | John Stossel & Friends on Fox News (51m-54m) Black Budget US govt clueless about missing Pentagon Trillions (54m-56m) Donald Rumsfeld says Govt not smart enough to regulate (56m-1h18m) Defining Libertarianism and Austrian Economics with Walter Block (1h18m-1h20m) Murray Rothbard on the Global Central Govt and Global Central Bank (During Q&A at the end) (1h20m-1h23m) Rep Alan Grayson - $12 Trillion Gone – and No One Punished (1h23m-1h26m) Every American owes $60,000.00 | Rand Paul on the National Debt (1h26m-1h29m) Ron Paul describing Murray Rothbard (1h29m-1h31m) Murray Rothbard | On the history of Tax Rebellions (1h31m-1h36m) Free Market Masters: Ludwig von Mises (1h36m-1h39m) Voluntaryism (1h39m-1h48m) Murray Rothbard | The Identity of the State (1h48m-1h48m30s) Ayn Rand explains the Non-Aggression Principle (1h48m30s-1h49m) Ron Paul | Is the Role of Government to Police the World? (1h49m-1h50m) Murray Rothbard | Isolationism and Jefferson’s desire to disband Military (1h50m-1h52m) Black Budget (sample 2) (1h52m-1h53m) Ron Paul “I Like Voluntaryism” (1h53m-1h56m) Corbett Report episode 309 “Solutions: Agorism” (1h56m-2h04m) Mike Wallace, Milton Friedman, Donald Rumsfeld discussing the Free Market and Laissez Faire trade Policy (2h04m-2h10m) Schools of Thought in Classical Liberalism | Anarcho-Capitalism (2h10m-2h13m) Joe Rogan Experience episode 1000 “Nobody Should be Big Daddy” (2h13m-2h18m) U.S. Debt Crisis Explained (2h18m-2h21m) Ayn Rand educates Phil Donohue on Free Market Economics (2h21m-2h23m) Murray Rothbard on Ayn Rand (2h23m-2h28m) Jordan Peterson | Ideology and Democide (2h28m-2h30m) Bill Buppert | Stoicism (Sample) (2h30m-2h31m) Corbett Report episode 309 “Solutions: Agorism” (Counter-Economics sample) (2h31m-2h32m) Mark Dice – Safe Spaces (2h32m-2h34m) Joe Rogan Experience episode 998 (Sample) (2h34m-2h37m) InternetAristocrat’s Guide to SJW’s (Social Justice Warriors) (2h37m-2h38m) Occupy Richmond – Intro to the Progressive Stack (2h38m-2h49m) The Pr

    Peace Revolution episode 092: The National Security Coup / From Barry Seal to 9-11

    Peace Revolution episode 092: The National Security Coup / From Barry Seal to 9-11

    Peace Revolution episode 092: The National Security Coup / From Barry Seal to 9-11
    T&H Liberty Threads: Weave Your Conversations Around Freedom
    Available in a variety of sizes, colors, and styles


    (New Video Series) The Deep End: Dive Into Consciousness / Now available on Patreon
    To Purchase the HISTORY BLUEPRINT (Richard’s Brain Model Organizing History):
    To Donate or Subscribe to the Tragedy and Hope online learning community:
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    Follow Richard on Twitter (@TragedyandHope)

    Reference Map to episode 092: THE NATIONAL SECURITY COUP / From Barry Seal to 9-11
    (0min-1min) Reagan asks someone special to join him (1m-2m) Behind Iran Contra- man on the street (1m-2m) CIA deals Drugs – Secret Heartbeat of America (2m-3m) CIA are Drug Smugglers – DEA Director (3m-4m) Drug smuggling started in Vietnam – Peter Dale Scott from Behind Iran Contra (4m-5m) Drugs coming in at alarming rates – Reagan (5m-6m) Clinton, Mena, Barry Seal – Mena (6m-7m) “fall to communism” argument for Vietnam, et al (7m-9m) Inside the DEA Drug Sting that blew the lid off of CIA drug trafficking –Mike Levine 10.  (9m-10m) Accomplished with your help - Reagan
    11.  (10m-11m) Behind Iran Contra - Coup
    12.  (10m-11m) Nancy Reagan – Just Say No
    13.  (11m-12m) Congressmen get Canned – Behind Iran Contra
    14.  (11m-12m) Fired Covert Operators yield Bush/Reagan
    15.  (12m-14m) Iran Contra October Surprise with Barbara Honegger
    16.  (14m-15m)  Bush Clinton Mena – Secret Heartbeat of America
    17.  (15m-19m) Is the CIA involved in Drug Tafficking? – Ron Paul
    18.  (19m-24m) CIA Guns and Iran Contra – Marshall Thomas
    19.  (24m-25m) Fawn Hall and Why Iran
    20.  (25m-26m) Reagan Lies – Behind Iran Contra
    21.  (26m-28m) Barry Seal – In Search of American Drug Lords
    22.  (28m-30m) Barry Seal setup by Govt – Dave Emory 1987
    23.  (30m-31m) Clinton Questioned – Mena Connection
    24.  (31m-33m) Time Magazine Cover up – Mena Connection
    25.  (33m-34m) Arkansas parts for Contra Weapons – Mena Connection
    26.  (34m-36m) Seal Photographic Memory – Dave Emory 1987
    27.  (36m-37m) Drugs for Arms via DEA w/ John Kerry – Mena Connection
    28.  (36m-37m)Pirates – Behind Iran Contra
    29.  (37m-38m) TAI PAN OPIUM WARS and HONG KONG
    30.  (38m-40m) SEAL OSWALD DRUGS ARMS – Emory 503b
    31.  (40m-42m) CIA Opium Cold War – McCoy
    32.  (42m-43m) Doing something about drugs – Reagan
    33.  (43m-44m) Barry Flew Plane out of Dallas 11-22-63 – Dave Emory 503a
    34.  (43m-44m) Barry Seal’s plane N-Numbers changed – similar to 9-11 Venice Airport – Mena
    35.  (44m-45m) SEAL MENA
    36.  (45m-46m) Crack Cocaine
    37.  (46m-47m) Aircraft Modifications – Mena
    38.  (47m-48m) Seal MLK airstrip building – Dave Emory 503b
    39.  (47m-48m) Secret Airstrip training – Mena
    40.  (48m-50m) Oliver North Barry Seal – Dave Emory 2005
    41.  (50m-52m) continuity of Govt. Oliver North
    42.  (52m-52m) SEAL WORKED FOR BUSH – WHISTLEBLOWER DEAD- Emory 2005 f503a
    43.  (52m-53m) Nancy Reagan – No Moral Middle Ground
    44.  (53m-55m)Immortal Technique Peruvian Cocaine / Scarface
    45.  (55m-56m) Behind Iran Contra – Deny Covert Operation
    46.  (56m-59m) Peter Brewton – Origins of Iran Contra in S&L
    47.  (59m-1h) Abuse of Power Montage – Behind Iran Contra
    48.  (1h-1h2m) man on the street thinks it will continue

    Peace Revolution episode 091: Pax Americana / Manufacturing Terrorism from Operation Cyclone to ISIS

    Peace Revolution episode 091: Pax Americana / Manufacturing Terrorism from Operation Cyclone to ISIS

    Peace Revolution episode 091: Pax Americana / Manufacturing Terrorism from Operation Cyclone to ISIS


    T&H Liberty Threads: Weave Your Conversations Around Freedom

    Available in a variety of sizes, colors, and styles




    (New Video Series) The Deep End: Dive Into Consciousness / Now available on Patreon



    To Purchase the HISTORY BLUEPRINT (Richard’s Brain Model Organizing History):




    To Donate or Subscribe to the Tragedy and Hope online learning community:



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    Follow Richard on Twitter (@TragedyandHope)


    Reference Map to episode 091

    Tony Benn 1992 speech on the 1991 Iraq War
    RT – U.S. is top exporter (with the UK) of world’s weapons
    Charlie Rose with Assad – why America really hates him
    Hillary admits the CIA funded Al Qaeda
    Nancy Reagan “just say no.” propaganda campaign
    Sample_Afghan Heroin pays for military occupation
    Sample_intro to BCCI scandal
    CIA operation cyclone in Afghanistan
    Sample BCCI NBC News
    U.S. Marines guard Afghan Poppy Fields w/ Geraldo Rivera
    Sample BCCI bank of England from the BCCI investigation (featured later)
    Operation Cyclone featuring Brzezinski by James Corbett (orig. from “Meet Zbigniew Brzezinski, Conspiracy Theorist)
    Sample 1 Charlie Rose, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Henry Kissinger, & Brent Scowcroft
    Afghanistan unravels as Obama bombs hospital / corruption at the top
    Hillary vs GOP (all the same line of rhetoric) via Aaron and Melissa Dykes at TruthStreamMedia
    Hillary “What difference does it make?”
    Hillary exposed via infowars
    Study shows Conspiracy theory losing insult power via the New World Next Week (Corbett/Pilato)
    FBI Agent John Anticev speaking with Emad Salem re: WTC 1993 bombing
    David Ray Griffin describing PNAC, courtesy of Joe Plummer’s research at TragedyandHope.info
    Sample_Saddam and Empire PNAC
    Reality Check / U.S. and Britain created Al Qaeda by Ben Swann
    (1h20m-1h40m) RG Introductory Monologue

    John Murray Forbes in the History Blueprint
    Brent Scowcroft in the History Blueprint
    Dope, Inc. in the History Blueprint

    (1h45-2h15m) Mark Lombardi described by Patricia Goldstone in her book “Interlocked”
    (2h15m-2h45m) Professor Paul Zarembka interview
    (2h45m-3h45m) Professor Paul Zarembka’s presentation on 9-11 incongruences 
    (3h45m-4h55m) CIA 9-11 papertrail with Peter Dale Scott
    (4h55m-5h50m) Political Assassinations Revealed /Church Committee presentation
    (5h50m-6h35m) Greatest Mysteries of Soviet War documentary
    (6h35m-7h30m) CIA operative John Stockwell describes Operation Cyclone
    (7h30m-10h30m) BCCI bank fraud investigation led by John Forbes Kerry
    (10h30m-11h15m) Tower Committee irregularities by Dave Emory and Nip Tuck
    (11h15m-12h15m) 9-11 trillions by James Corbett
    (12h15m-13h40m) Firefighters AE 9-11
    (13h40m-15h) Rebekah Roth 9-11
    (15h-15h45m) Charlie Rose, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Henry Kissinger, & Brent Scowcroft
    (15h45m-17h30m) Brzezinski CSIS Q&A


    Would You Like to Know More?

    Peace Revolution episode 089: The Art of Freedom / Keep Calm & Start Thinking

    Peace Revolution episode 088: The U.N.-American Agenda / World Federalism & the United Nations Gambit

    Peace Revolution episode 087: Privacy & Surveillance / The Future of Freedom vs. The Architecture of Oppression

    Peace Revolution episode 083: America and the Great Game / A Strategy of Tension

    Peace Revolution episode 082: The British Elephant in the American Living

    Peace Revolution episode 090: Habits of Freedom / Personal Protection & Defense Primer

    Peace Revolution episode 090: Habits of Freedom / Personal Protection & Defense Primer

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    Peace Revolution episode 090: Habits of Freedom / Personal Protection & Defense

     To Donate or Subscribe to the Tragedy and Hope online learning community:


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     Follow Richard on Twitter (@TragedyandHope)

    Reference Map & Links to Episode 090

     1. (0m-1m) Disclaimer

    2. (1m-2m) Bruce Lee 1971 Interview it hits all by itself

    3. (2m-2m30s) Joe Rogan Experience /Bullying with Bryan Callen

    4. (2m30s-3m) Bruce Lee 1971 Interview Keep on Flowing

    5. (3m-6m) Joe Rogan on childhood bullies

    6. (6m-7m) Bruce Lee 1971 Interview be like water

    7. (7m-21m) The Divine Right of Self Defense – Mike Adams Documentary

    8. (21m-25m) Joe Rogan speaks on untrained people vs martial artists inspirational

    9. (25m-27m) Bruce Lee 1971 Interview defining martial arts

    10.  (27m-30m) Joe Rogan on Tae Kwon Do

    11.  (30m-32m) Lee Morrison Interview

    12.  (32m-41m) Intro to Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (Philosophy) by Rener Gracie

    13.  (41m-48m) The Opposite of Courage is conformity Rickson Gracie with Joe Rogan

    14.  (48m-52m) Tips for your first street fight

    15.  (52m-1h) Bas Rutten Rogan fake martial arts with Joe Rogan

    16.  (1h-1h4m) Fightstoppers: Lee Morrison’s go-to technique

    17.  (1h4m-1h10m) How to Defeat multiple opponents with Rener Gracie

    18.  (1h10m-1h14m) Lee Morrison Interview

    19.  (1h14m-1h19m) Kelly McCann Interview

    20.  (1h19m-1h22m) Bas Rutten Rogan fake martial arts with Joe Rogan

    21.  (1h22m-1h25m) James DeMile on his teacher, Bruce Lee’s Fighting Ability

    22.  (1h25m-1h28m) Kelly McCann Interview

    23.  (1h28m-1h34m) Joe Rogan on self-defense and fake martial arts techniques (w/ Rupert Sheldrake)

    24.  (1h34m-1h38m) Counter-Grappling with Lee Morrison

    25.  (1h38m-1h44m) De-Escalation and Boundary Setting Techniques

    26.  (1h44m-1h48m) The Universal Misunderstanding with Ryon Gracie

    27.  (1h48m-1h54m) Joe Rogan tells Tait Fletcher story to Bert Kreisher

    Clint Eastwood Gran Torino Quote

    28.  (1h54m-1h58m)The Universal Misunderstanding with Ryon Gracie

    29.  (1h58m-1h59m) About Combat with Kelly McCann

    30.  (2h-2h49m) INTRODUCTORY MONOLOGUE

    Teespring “FREEDOM IS LEARNED” T-Shirts
    Future of Freedom documentary interview playlist
    Combatives playlist (Physical Self-Protection & Defense)

    31.  (2h49m-4h45m) Ben Johnson Discussion on Self-Reliance and Personal Protection

    32.  (4h45m-6h15m) Eddie Bravo on Joe Rogan Experience #478

    33.  (6h15m-6h47m) Rickson Gracie Interview (30min)

    34.  (6h47m-7h17m) Tait Fletcher on Joe Rogan Experience #361

    35.  (7h17m-7h55m) How to Defeat multiple opponents with Rener Gracie  (Gracie Breakdown)

    36.  (7h55m-8h11m) The Universal Misunderstanding with Ryon Gracie  (Gracie Philosophy)

    37.  (8h11m-9h) Overcoming the Ego (Richard Grannon)

    38.  (9h-9h42m) Street Fight Tutorial (Richard Grannon)

    39.  (9h42m-10h36m) Kevin Secours Combat Systema interview on Pramek Radio Podcast

    40.  (10h36m-11h33m) About Combat with Kelly McCann

    41.  (11h33m-11h51m) Kelly McCann Interview

    42.  (11h51m-12h24m) Lee Morrison Interview

    43.  (12h24m-13h01m) Lee Morrison / Urban Combatives in Russia


    Would You Like to Know More?

    Peace Revolution episode 089: The Art of Freedom / Keep Calm & Start Thinking

    Peace Revolution episode 088: The U.N.-American Agenda /

    Peace Revolution episode 089: The Art of Freedom / Keep Calm & Start Thinking

    Peace Revolution episode 089: The Art of Freedom / Keep Calm & Start Thinking

    Peace Revolution episode 089: The Art of Freedom / Keep Calm & Start Thinking

    To Purchase the HISTORY BLUEPRINT (Richard’s Brain Model Organizing History):


    To Donate or Subscribe to the Tragedy and Hope online learning community:


    To Subscribe to Peace Revolution on iTunes:


    The Peace Revolution Page (all feeds, formats, and episodes):


    The Tragedy and Hope Official YouTube Page:


    Follow Richard on Twitter (@TragedyandHope)


    Reference Map to Episode 089

    Sample from Frederic Bastiat  / The Law
    Twilight Zone / Obsolete Man
    Magna Carta / Sky News
    Princeton Study: Corruption is legal in America
    Bastiat sample 2 plunder by law
    Robert Reich on TPP
    Rand Paul 1984
    Magna Carta / Infowars
    Rand Paul / Warrants for NSA
    White House restricts military gear
    NATO Jade Helm 15
    Stockholm Syndrome
    1984 sample explaining the purpose of war
    Rand Paul v. Patriot Act
    Corbett 9/11 a conspiracy theory
    Onion news 9-11 conspiracy theories
    Corbett ISIS furious
    Jade Helm decoded by Infowars
    Freedom is an Emerging Market
    1h23m Monologue
    1h41m School Sucks Podcast #353: Our Places in the Emerging Market for Freedom with Richard Grove and Ernest Hanock
    4h8m Interview with Ernest Hancock
    5h22 Adam Kokesh Campfire Freedom Tour Speech, Tampa FL
    5h56 The Law by Frederic Bastiat
    7h50m Rand Paul Filibuster 2015
    18h22m Conscientious Objectors by Tom Woods
    18h47m Sir no sir
    19h35m Five Bogus Reasons for Opposing Freedom by Larken Rose


    Would You Like to Know More?

    See also:

    Peace Revolution episode 027: DIAMONDS / The Jewel of Denial / Outgrowing Stockholm Syndrome

    Peace Revolution episode 023: How to Free Your Mind / The Occulted (Hidden) Keys of Wisdom

    Peace Revolution episode 046: Liberty is Life / Practical Applications of Rationality

    Peace Revolution episode 047: Slavery is Death / Practical Applications of Irrationality

    Peace Revolution episode 048: The Philosophy of Life / This is John Galt Speaking

    Peace Revolution episode 088: The U.N.-American Agenda / World Federalism and the United Nations Gambit

    Peace Revolution episode 088: The U.N.-American Agenda / World Federalism and the United Nations Gambit

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    Peace Revolution episode 088: The U.N.-American Agenda / World Federalism and the United Nations Gambit


    To Purchase the HISTORY BLUEPRINT (Richard’s Brain Model Organizing History):




    To Donate or Subscribe to the Tragedy and Hope online learning community:




    To Subscribe to Peace Revolution on iTunes:




    The Peace Revolution Page (all feeds, formats, and episodes):




    The Tragedy and Hope Official YouTube Page:




    Follow Richard on Twitter (@TragedyandHope)


    Reference Map to Episode 088


    Introductory Montage

    1.       Warren Buffett / AI will decide who lives and dies

    2.       McLuhan / Medium is the Message

    3.       Barney Miller / Tambor + theme song

    4.       Rosa Koire / Brzezinski

    5.       UN 1972

    6.       Rockefeller U.N. founding

    7.       Cronkite / Pay your UN dues

    8.       Dacy UNIDIR

    9.       1972 pollution

    10.   Rosa Koire / Agenda 21

    11.   McLuhan 1 global village

    12.   UN conf 3 population control

    13.   David Rockefeller population control

    14.   Koire / Population Control

    15.   Dacy / U.N. wants to collect and destroy small arms

    16.   Napolitano 1 individual rights

    17.   Dacy / U.N. 29a

    18.   Cronkite anarchy

    19.   McLuhan 2 global village

    20.   Dick Gregory / Rodney King

    21.   Koire / Defining the NWO

    22.   Lee Camp MOC

    23.   Dick Gregory / Wire tapping

    24.   Napolitano 1a

    25.   Veon PPP 2

    26.   McLuhan 3 / Collectivism

    27.   Hillary PPP dept state aspen cocacola

    28.   Koire / PPP = Fascism

    29.   Veon / World Fed

    30.   Cronkite world federalism

    31.   Adam Curtis / F**k You Buddy

    32.   Koire / Delphi Technique

    33.   Hillary Cronkite

    34.   Rosa Koire / Why would anyone do that?

    35.   On government land

    36.   Veon PPP sample

    37.   Koire / community vs individual

    38.   Rachel Maddow / 9-11 comic book

    39.   Hillary Al Qaeda

    40.   Dick Gregory / Hillary + Mena

    41.   “they are the ones you should be arresting” Barney Miller Trilateral Commission

    42.   Rachel Maddow / Infowars Conspiracy Theory

    43.   Koire / Sophisticated warfare

    44.   Veon 2 U.N. great Britain

    45.   Dacy / UN summary cockroaches

    46.   Barney Miller Destroys David Rockefeller

    47.   Barney Miller “world government” quote

    48.   Napolitano 2 presidents

    49.   Ben Swann Militarization of Police

    50.   Adam Curtis / Bing Crosby Freedom

    51.   Dacy 2 / 2nd amendme

Customer Reviews

4.8 out of 5
113 Ratings

113 Ratings

TheLastBlessing ,

Grand Theft World

this old series actually DOES mention jews, zionism, and touches on how israel illegally and religiously-heretically started (israel is supposed be given by the god and wait for holy events & signs).

its cringey that "derr joos" is the one thing that means "controlled opposition" to that guy, and even MORE embarrassing that he made a claim about a topic repeatedly mentioned.

i'm on e21 and he's talking about jews AGAIN. i bet that guy doesnt even know about the Mystery Religion this branch is based on - which is another topic Grove repeatedly talks about.

ohhh but he's so *based* talking about the jewish carrot being dangled in front of him.

Big EbD ,

Controlled opposition

These clowns manage to talk about economics, JFK, 9-11-01 terrorist attacks, etc.

Without saying the words Menachim Begin, israel, jews, Skull and Bones, Bankers or Ashkenazim. This is total hogwash focused on obfuscation and misdirection, using anti-white Jordan Peterson and many other communist mouth pieces, don’t go down this former Wall Street IT workers limited hangouts.

JohnnyAviator ,

Everyone should listen

It amazes me that today, with information still at our fingertips, people still don’t question more. We are fed the same garbage over and over, and people fall for it and look that way, while our “peaceful and loving” government destroys everything good in this world.
Why people still believe that two planes can make three buildings fall in free-fall fashion is beyond me. Thanks for helping out, and opening peoples eyes and minds.

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