The Torch Report

Luke Throop
The Torch Report

Discussing the Threats. Exposing the Lies. Destroying the Narrative. Each episode of The Torch Report delivers a concentrated dose of wit, wisdom, and incisive political analysis that eclipses what you'll find in a week of mainstream media. The Torch Report shines light on the dark corners of humanity's future, exploring the dangers of weaponized AI, biological warfare, propaganda, and the captivating drama of global politics. Don't miss out on crucial insights. Tune in to The Torch Report five days a week and stay ahead of the game as we dissect the maneuvers of malevolent forces, unravel the chaos they sow, and expose their mechanisms of power and control. Each episode is meticulously researched, equipping you with the necessary links to craft your own well-informed perspective. Subscribers will not only challenge the status quo but also gain a comprehensive understanding of the larger narrative at play. Join us, and let's dismantle the narrative together!

  1. 1 DAY AGO

    TR 638 - Strange Deep State Shenanigans and the Spooky October Surprise

    What comes next? That is the pressing question on my mind right now: what’s next? What’s next in this crazy election? What’s the next bombshell news story? What’s the next narrative? On this relentless march toward global socialism, when will the next shoe drop? There is no doubt that, if elected, Donald Trump will throw a wrench in globalists’ plans, right? Him winning would be a severe interruption to all things “sustainable development”—aka Agenda 2030—and they’ve already made that clear . But what if there’s something else going on here? Earlier this week, I mentioned the eerie calm before the storm. Things are quiet… a little too quiet. We know that while no one is looking the globalists are still scheming for total control, but what is the political establishment up to these days? What is the Deep State doing? What’s Soros up to? What is the puppet master’s next move? As I’ve let that question simmer, in the back of mind there is something that keeps coming up. It’s along the lines of my previous speculation that the enemies of freedom, the enemies of America as founded, actually want Donald Trump to win. I understand that seems at odds with the reality being portrayed in the media. Indeed, the assertion seems preposterous, ludicrous, and absurd—but here’s the thing: if they know they can’t beat him, if they have realized they cannot subdue the populist uprising he represents, then they would have to pivot their plans and strategies accordingly, right? Never forget that the global elites plan their moves far in advance, and they typically take into account almost every conceivable contingency. It’s true that nobody can predict every potential outcome, but the global cabal are master planners. There is no doubt in my mind that they are more than prepared to roll out Plan B, C, D, E, F, or G as needed. They’re up to something, I can feel it. It is difficult to articulate the many factors at play regarding the cabal’s master planning, but for starters, one must consider the power of weaponized AI, the globalists’ EARS (their Early AI-supported Response with Social listening tool), their Sentinel Surveillance, the advanced uses of the Delphi Method, and even their strange fascination with esoteric phenomenon such as Remote Viewing—all of this comes to bear. Just for fun, to emphasize the cabal’s heavy advantage in planning ahead, get this: * Unconventional Human Intelligence Support: Transcendent and Asymmetric Warfare Implications of Remote Viewing (USMC War College) * Stargate: A SUGGESTED REMOTE VIEWING TRAINING PROCEDURE (CIA) * An Evaluation of Remote Viewing: Research and Applications (CIA) To put to rest any speculation that this is some kind of disproven quackery, one need only to consider that according to CIA’s own meticulous documentation, “A considerable variety of material was presented with photographic backing in support of the validity of the perceptual method.” Thus: “The evidence shown to us is too impressive to dismiss as mere coincidence.” And, for the record, briefings on this research “strong emphasized” the ability for remote viewers to train others on their techniques, and dozens were in fact trained, with “various levels of claimed competence.” If you’re inclined to chase this rabbit further down the hole, check out this more recent research, published in the journal Brain and Behavior in May 2023: Follow-up on the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency's (CIA) remote viewing experiments. But never mind all of that. The point is, even though there is an eerie calm before the election, it’s sure as hell not because the scheming global cabal doesn’t have a plan up their sleeves. They do have a plan, and that plan is well-informed, well beyond our wildest imaginations. Which brings me back to speculation that they actually want Trump to win—or, from a slightly different angle, that they’ve read the tea leaves and know they

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  2. 3 DAYS AGO

    TR 637 - The Eerie Calm, Election Fraud, and Rise of the Digital Stasi

    It’s weird. Friends, last week was consumed with end of summer, get ready for winter, fall time projects around the homestead. As such, I didn’t do any serious research or writing. I did, however, keep a wary eye on the political circus, the escalation in the Middle East, and the relentlessly scheming global cabal (they had a very busy week). It intrigues me that even as millions of Americans brace themselves for the next unexpected October Surprise, even with the potential that we will have a “hung election” and a civil war, the ruling class continues about their business, gathering and discussing the details of how they intend to lord over our future. Last week, when essentially no one was looking, the World Economic Forum held their annual Global Futures Council to discuss, among other things, how to integrate more “neurodivergents” into the workforce. They were pushing global policies that demand business leaders do more to foster greater “psychological safety” in the workplace, to protect all the snowflakes who are afraid of other people’s opinions. Of note, along with predictably squawking about the so-called “climate crisis,” these self-entitled elites also claim that the world is suffering from an “accelerating infodemic,” one that is fueling a “decline of trust in international systems.” Their solution is to infiltrate the workplace and steer the working class toward “streamlined, consistent and verified sources of information”—their words, not mine. Make no mistake, this “accelerating infodemic” does factor into the 2024 election. Also while no one is looking, this week the globalists are holding their “People’s COP” — the 16th meeting of the Conference of Parties to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity, known by the shorthand CBD COP16, to cite the socialist website. As I’m sure you can deduce, that gathering is where the indoctrinated environmental cult is getting their marching orders for the next two years of radical action to save the planet. This too has implications on the upcoming election. Typically, I’d take a deep dive into these agendas and expose them for what they are, but in light of the election, now just 14 days away, I’m going to turn attention to center stage and provide a humble peasant’s perspective on what’s going on. In my mind, there is an eerie calm right now. Given the lack of earth-shattering, mind-gripping headlines, I suspect we have yet to see the real October surprise. That’s my suspicion. Instead, people on the Left and Right are getting treated to a steady stream of spoon-fed drivel, as each echo chamber reinforces all their current assumptions. Most pundits are dutifully lapping at the trough, and few seem even slightly interested in the bigger picture. The result is a glaring lack of substance in the headline news. No surprise there. The big news today—if one were to succumb to the humdrum droning of subpar reporting—is that Donald J. Trump flipped some burgers at a Pennsylvania McDonalds. Both sides are spinning it in predictable fashion: So, should we be thrilled that liberals are “melting down” over the “dumbest reason” ever? Or should we be fried that they are accusing Trump of being “one fry short of a happy meal”? Perhaps we should just dismiss this as prime time political theater? Personally, I give a rip. What I want to emphasize today is how diametrically opposed the perspectives on both sides are. Right now, low-information voters are enthralled by the theater, and as such, their emotions are getting played like a sardonic symphony. CNN is ginning up leftist rage with headlines like this: Meanwhile, the weaponized federal government is screeching about foreign interference and “misinformation” that might sway the election—which ties directly into the globalists ongoing agenda—while simultaneously deploying “district elections officers” across the country to

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  3. OCT 11

    TR 636 - Are Defense Agencies Deploying "Dark Arts" to Defeat the Human Spirit?

    There’s something there. There has been a pattern cropping up in conversations lately, indicating a deeper level of manipulation that I’ve sensed beneath the surface, but not fully articulated. It has to do with the interaction between matter, energy, and consciousness, which in the simplest terms, manifests one’s emotional reality in the physical world. I know it sounds all woo-woo, but there is a hard science backing up this phenomenon — known as “psychotronics” — and, if you’ve been with me on this learning journey, you may recall that it has been heavily researched by the Deep State. I’ll offer these links from the website to make the point: * CIA WORLD FACTBOOK - THE PSYCHOTRONIC UNIVERSE * 21ST CENTURY: THE ERA OF NEW SCIENCE AND NEW TECHNOLOGY, BEYOND MODERN PHYSICS THE EMERGENCE OF PSYCHOTRONICS * CIA FOIA | PSYCHIC WARFARE: EXPLORING THE MIND FRONTIER * DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY: PARAPSYCHOLOGY RESEARCH * PSYCHOTRONICS RESEARCH ON ATTRACTION AND GRAVITATION Psychotronics is a fascinating field of study that has massive implications. There is a ton of information in those declassified documents, showing that this science has been thoroughly researched and developed over the last fifty years or so. In those documents, you will find a great deal of physics and mathematics, being presented by some very brilliant people, that grounds all of this in natural reality. You will also find some very intriguing diagrams that flesh out the relationship between energy, matter, and consciousness, like this one: As well as this more esoteric Psychotronic Model of Man: Taking a look at the symbols above, I couldn’t help but think of the “all seeing eye” and the symbolism that is associated with certain secret societies. For example: Please keep in mind that there are mathematical principles beneath these symbols, and these principles fully substantiate the science of psychotronics. The symbolism implies these principles have been understood much longer than the science of it, which is why I’d like to frame the rest of the conversation with this quote from declassified document #3 above: “The brass hats are indeed dabbling in the dark arts.” Whether you believe it or not, whether you interpret that statement literally or take it more metaphorically, it seems prudent to accept that there’s something there. Someone understands how to manipulate energy, matter, and consciousness in a way that very, very few people would ever conceive possible. Could this knowledge be the big “secret” behind secret societies? Could this have anything to do with the historic capacity of rulers to control the masses? More importantly, could any of this secret knowledge be impacting current geopolitical events, up to and including the 2024 election? Let’s zoom out. Today, we awaken to the devastating aftermath of Hurricane Milton, inflation coming in hotter than expected, another whistle-blower mysteriously dropping dead, another CNN panelist calling Trump Hitler and suggesting he would “engage in a eugenics program” targeting blacks and gays, another university professor calling for the execution of political opposition (claiming men who don’t vote for Kamala Harris should be lined up and shot), fresh assurance that even more chaos is coming, and of course, another “conspiracy theory” that’s been proven true. Side note: It turns out putting fluoride in the water — which is a well-known neurotoxin — really does make people dumber. Gosh, after all these years, who knew. I’m sure decades of the government forcing fluoridation was just an accident, because the government is our benevolent protector, right? I mean, come on man, the government would never do anything to damage or deceive its citizenry, right? You know as well as I do that such sentiment is absurdly naive. But, oddly enough, many people have a hard time accepting the possibility that the government would ever do anything to

    23 min
  4. OCT 8

    TR 635 - Bird Flu, Bread Crumbs, & More Bizarre Coincidence

    Like I was saying… Front and center at this morning, was the suggestion that Hurricane Milton might be the October Surprise in the presidential race: If you’ve been with me, you know I made that same suggestion yesterday, in TR 634 - On the Weaponization of Weather and Geoengineering Elections: Could weaponized weather, engineered emergencies, and mass evacuations be the unexpected October surprise? Perhaps. At this point, anything seems possible. Another pandemic might be too obvious. Nuclear war might be too destructive. Rigging the election with millions of illegal voters and third-party controlled, vote-flipping machines might not be enough. But the weaponization of weather? Surely they’d never see it coming—and surely no one would be crazy enough to suggest it, let alone believe that it was even possible. Of course, there is exactly zero chance that anyone at The Hill would ever suspect or dare to suggest that this hurricane could potentially be intensified and intentionally steered for the explicit purpose of election interference. Who would? That would be beyond the pale, right? That said, this morning it was nice to see some of the big wig pundits coming around to the fact that the government is controlling the weather—which apparently is still shocking news to many, as this headline from the Gateway Pundit makes clear: Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Weather Manipulation Claims Backed by Science — Must Read Deep Dive into History of Weather Manipulation — Shocking Facts Revealed! …the facts are shocking indeed… BUT, we’ve already covered that. So, in the spirit of staying one step ahead, I’d like to turn attention to some additionally known facts that may well play into the election. The disruptive destruction that a hurricane leaves in its wake might interfere with an election in myriad ways, but there’s one vector that seems almost tailor-made for the overarching narratives currently being circulated. You may recall the recent spate of headlines about the exceedingly lethal Marburg Virus, and the theoretically unrelated panic buying of toilet paper, both of which were discussed last week. Keep these storylines in mind moving forward. I say “theoretically unrelated” because the panic buying of toilet paper was allegedly related to the dock strikes, not related to the virus. However, I still believe that all the hype about “panic buying toilet paper” trigger memories of the pandemic in people’s minds. October started off with headlines suggesting another deadly virus and panic buying toilet paper, and I highly doubt that’s a coincidence. Now, one week later, while the public’s attention is affixed on the next catastrophic storm, there are more rumors of a different virus outbreak, this time of Bird Flu: * Poultry industry braces for economic hit from avian flu * Bird flu outbreak impacts dairy farms in California's Central Valley * As bird flu outbreak expands, dairy farms report it's worse than they expected * Two California dairy workers were infected with bird flu, latest human cases Just as a matter of semantics, I find it fascinating that dairy farms are suffering worse than expected from the bird flu. I find it even more fascinating that the transmission of bird flu into human beings has come from cows, but never mind all that. Follow this timeline: * (7/19) Bird flu is widening its reach. Maps show US counties affected by outbreak. * (7/24) With the U.S. bird flu outbreak uncontained, scientists see growing risks * (8/1) Scientific America: Bird Flu Cases in People Are Being Undercounted * (8/2) Bird flu cases are going undetected, new study suggests. * (8/15) Cats in the U.S. Are Contracting Bird Flu * (8/19) Crossing the Species Barrier: Bird Flu's Surprising Spread to Humans * (8/20) Bird flu now infecting domestic pet cats (and dogs) across US And then: * (9/6) CDC Confirms Human H5 Bird Flu Case in Missouri “Missouri DHSS reports that the patient, who wa

    22 min
  5. OCT 7

    TR 634 - On the Weaponization of Weather and Geoengineering Elections

    Let’s do this. As long time readers and listener of The Torch Report know, I am not one to entertain many of the more wild-eyed, tinfoil hat conspiracies that circulate through certain patriot circles. In fact, when confronted with such crap, I call it out and debunk it, or simply ignore it and cast into the bin of rubbish, psyop narratives. The first example that comes to mind is the Brunson v. Adams psyop—one that still crops it’s ugly head up from time to time, even now. Like so many of the other BS stories out there, this one is all about instilling false hope. Hopium abounds. Over the last four years, I’ve encountered various perspectives that are so outrageous, I’m often left scratching my head and wondering how in the hell anyone could possibly believe them. All the talk of Trump being the one who’s really in charge of the military, how the White Hats are working stealthily behind the scenes in a shadow government, the QAnon nonsense, and so on—none of it has ever rung true to me. There were always direct questions that could easily dismantle these narratives, but people who had bought into them always had an excuse to justify the absurdity of it all. In my mind, this is essentially no different than believing if you strap a bomb on your body and blow up a bunch of innocent people, then you’ll get 40 virgins in heaven. It just goes to show that people will believe anything. This is all part of the human condition, and we’d all be wise to keep that in mind. Any one of us can convince ourselves, or be convinced, of damn near anything. Unfortunately, it’s easy to identify when other people have been duped into believing in fairytales, but it’s much more difficult to confront the possibility that we ourselves are suffering from delusions. All that to say, as I’m sure you are aware, there are plenty of “conspiracies” that have proven to be true (i.e. the sham plan-demic), and even in some of the more absurd stories, there are often a few legitimate facts sprinkled throughout just to give it an air of legitimacy. Through the lens of psychological warfare, such tactics are intended to stir up confusion and uncertainty, turn people against each other, divide and delegitimize any opposition to tyranny, and keep people mentally off balance. It also serves to heighten suggestibility, as the inherent urge to make sense of the madness and seek answers drives people down carefully fabricated rabbit holes, on an endless quest for truth. Put differently, human nature is being exploited to hijack our curiosity and lead our minds into the maze of our own mental mirage. AND YET, there are many things happening in the world today, many inconvenient and obscure truths, that even though they may seem utterly outrageous, are nonetheless rooted in objective, verifiable reality. This is why I’ve previously written about the need for believing in impossible things. If, for example, we reject the notion that there is a “secret cabal” working to undermine the United States, depopulate the planet, and institute a techno-dystopian hell they call Future Earth—all of which sounds so fantastically impossible, the average person cannot be blamed for rejecting it outright—then we cannot confront this evil and organize against it. Does that make sense? Thus, we must navigate a difficult juxtaposition. On the one hand, we must remain exceptionally skeptical of the various narratives encountered in the ethos of the online world, and be ready and willing to reject deceptive falsehoods, even if they appear to align with our own predilections. On the other hand, we must remain intentionally curious, vigilantly verify the veracity of these narratives, and be prepared to accept that sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction, even when the mind would prefer to dismiss the uncomfortable truth. For example, this is a truth that many would find difficult to accept: * According to the congressional record, the U.S. go

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  6. OCT 3

    TR 633 - The Marburg Virus, Solar Flares, & Panic Buying Toilet Paper

    Where should we start? I’m going to skip a rock off the headlines this morning, before sharing some perspective from the political fray on the local front. There’s a lot happening in the world, no doubt about it, but cumulatively, all I see is the “the slow roll of insanity”—as in, it’s just another day of theatrical madness, another day of edge-of-your-seat headlines that impart no real substance or understanding. Of course, if you were to take all the theater at face value, you’d probably be expecting the world as we know it to come to end, sometime sooner than later. With all that’s happening between Israel and Iran, World War III appears to be officially underway. Now there’s a class X9 solar flare set to strike Earth sometime in the next 24-48hrs, which strangely echos a solar storm that almost sparked nuclear war back in 1967. The coincidence is so striking, it’s worth sharing this short excerpt from Newsweek: “In May 1967, a solar storm brought the world to the brink of what could have been a nuclear war. …The world was in the grips of the Cold War in 1967 when the sun belched out one of the largest solar storms ever observed at the time, releasing a colossal radio burst that interfered with communication services here on Earth. The United States military was immediately troubled by this radio interference on its radar system, which it interpreted as a deliberate jamming attempt by a foreign adversary. Such a move could have been considered a potential act of war, with the US operating a radar-based early-warning missile detection system to defend against the Soviet Union.” Framed through the lens of excuses, how convenient would it be to use this solar flare as an excuse to accuse Russian, Iran, or China for an attack on the grid? Just yesterday there was a massive Bank of America outage that left customers with a $0 balance—a frightening occurrence that’s happened before—so how much of a stretch would it be if either the solar flare or the cyberattack crippled American’s ability to access their money? There are already numerous reports of people “panic buying toilet paper” because of the dock strikes that have shutdown every shipping port on the eastern seaboard, all the way down into Texas—imagine the panic if their bank accounts were suddenly wiped out! * People are panic-buying toilet paper because of the port strike * Port strike raising fear of toilet paper shortages and panic buying * Port Strike Update: Videos of People Panic Buying Toilet Paper Go Viral Having some 47,000 union members refusing to work and shutting down all these ports has been called the “Biggest Wild Card In The Presidential Election”—because even a two-week strike would cripple the supply chain well into 2025. Is this the October surprise? Well, again, we know that panic buying is spreading, and taking a quick look at the map of shutdowns, it’s not hard to see why. Imagine if all these ports remained shutdown until the workers got the 77% pay increase they demand: That said, I honestly do not believe this is the October surprise. There’s too much at stake here, and so there needs to be something bigger and more shocking to bring about the proper state of mind and circumstances necessary to institute martial law—that is my suspicion. I hope I’m wrong. I probably am. I can’t help but feel like all of this is somehow just meant to keep people glued to the tube, eyes peeled back as we stare at the chaos coming through our screens, the level of uncertainty and free floating anxiety sufficiently primed to make our minds more pliable. Something will happen, but what? When? What are we going to do?! So disturbing is the mental tension, it is nearly impossible to pull away, even for a day, because any day now the big surprise is going to shock us all. It’s going to be CRAZY. Will it be another, perhaps successful, assassination attempt? Today we learn that prosecutors have indefinitel

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  7. OCT 2

    TR 632 - The Strange, Intriguing, Weird Game That's Being Played

    Got drones? I have friends who have drones. They’re pretty cool gadgets, and obviously they’ve proven to have nearly endless uses. Matter of fact, I know a guy who helps build drones, and he once gave me a tour of the facility. It was neat and generally unassuming, but the state-of-the-art, cutting-edge capabilities were truly impressive. Over the last decade there has been a meteoric rise in drone warfare. Nowadays, we think nothing of drone attacks ending lives in far off lands—when not that long ago, October 14, 2011, Americans were shocked to learn President Barack Hussein Obama had authorized the use of a drone strike to kill an American citizen on foreign soil. Remember that story? * Obama's legal argument for droning an American citizen without trial, explained * President Barack Obama was responsible for "the assassination of at least four American citizens" in drone strikes. * U.S. airstrike that killed American teen in Yemen raises legal, ethical questions There were righteous howls of protest from liberals for a few news cycles, as you might imagine, but strangely enough they continued to hail Obama as a hero. Overall, according to the Council of Foreign Relations, Obama authorized 542 drone strikes that killed an estimated 3,797 people, including 324 civilians—at least four of which were American citizens who had been radicalized by Islamic terrorists. It’s a pretty fascinating part of recent history, and look how far we’ve come. Today we are being told that the Pentagon is preparing for drone-on-drone battles to defend American military bases, as the entire Middle East erupts into chaos: Drone-on-drone battles seem like something straight out of a sci-fi thriller, and yet it’s happening. It’s been just over a year, but you may recall we’ve covered the threat of “AI-powered killer robots” before. From TR 447 - How to Defeat AI-powered Killer Robots, September 8, 2023: Are you aware of the AI-powered killer robots that are about to shape our future? Evidently “human-machine teams” are about to unleash Hell on Earth, like something straight out of Hollywood. What’s unbelievable to me, is that anyone would promote this sort of remote killing—where a kid is playing a video game, directing swarms of AI-driven weaponized drones, and killing real people on their digitized battlefield. I mean, what could possibly go wrong?! Interestingly enough, that report unearthed an article from, with this headline: “Pentagon’s counter-drone office to demo swarm destruction in 2024.” If one were to read between the lines, it might be inferred that since the Pentagon was planning to “demo swarm destruction in 2024,” what we are witnessing right now was in fact plotted out long ago. Are we about to watch the Military Industrial Complex give a little flex? What might this demonstration of “swarm destruction” actually look like? No doubt it would look awesome, like a real life video game. If you think about it, it would probably even be fun to be wielding this awesome power, right? I mean, gosh, with swarms of killer drones coordinating their attacks via artificial intelligence, it seems like we should be able to hunt down and kill all of the terrorists pretty quickly, right? And come on, if that’s not for the greater good, then what is? Do you see where I’m going with this? What happens when these chickens come home to roost? Rand Paul was quick to make this point over ten years ago, when he pressed the CIA Director John Brennan to confess there were no geographical limitations on the use of drone strikes. Thus, at least theoretically, since Obama justified the use of killing American civilians with drones and Brennan admitted that there are no geographical restrictions, the U.S. government could use drones to target American citizens on American soil—but I’m sure that will never happen. To flesh this out, I’d like to throw a little excerpt from TR 447 into the

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  8. SEP 30

    TR 631 - How the Radical Left Uses Censorship to Restructure Your Brain

    In the beginning… “In the beginning was the Word… and the Word was GOD.”John 1:1 Given that I’m opening this report with a powerful passage from the Bible, I’d like to frame this scriptural reference in a secular slant—and I’ll tell you why. Never has there been a greater need for people of all different religious and spiritual persuasions to stand together in defense of human freedom. There are a great many people in this audience who are proud Christian conservatives, and you stand in good company. There are also many people, perhaps slightly fewer, who feel somewhat put out with religious piety, or who perhaps reject religious dogma altogether—and you stand in good company too. From the Christian standpoint, one must realize there is an opportunity to be a light on the hill in these dark times. It is good to share your testimony and faith, because there are a lot of people who are lost and seeking truth during these turbulent times—so pray for people, invite them to your fellowship, and be a good witness to the blessings of God that still abound, regardless of the chaos all around. Now, from the agnostic or atheistic perspective, one must realize that people of faith outnumber the faithless by a wide margin. This includes not just the various conflicting denominations under the Judeo-Christian umbrella, but also all the rest of the major and lesser known religions around the world. This pervasive tendency toward spiritual expression, alone, is a testament to the human need and desire for divine guidance and connection. The point that must be kept front and center, when seeking practical solutions to real-world problems, is that there are people across the spectrum, in both camps, who share many of the same values and principles. This is true, despite deriving support for these principles from entirely different approaches. Some arrive at supporting free speech, property rights, and equal justice under the law, through a faith based extrapolation of Biblical principles (i.e. Judeo-Christian values), others through raw logic and observation of the natural world. Regardless of one’s approach, regardless of one’s affection for, or rejection of, religious scripture, those who are fighting against the oppression of these basic human rights are all on the same team. We face a common enemy, and if we fail to stand together on these common principles, we will surely succumb to tyranny. Fair enough? There is currently an all out assault on free speech, as power hungry politicians and their brain-dead minions clamor to silence opposition. As you know, they love to label any dissenting opinions, facts, and perspectives as misinformation, pointing to the harms of letting people speak freely in the public square. This is all rooted in the “Responsibility to Protect,” by the way, which is an ill-conceived, infectious idea riddled throughout the gray matter of so-called Enlightened Leaders. What’s more, with the ongoing “whole-of-government” approach to reprogram the peasants to trust their masters (i.e. “rebuilding trust” in the government), at this point we should expect that an increasing percentage of the population will be persuaded to shun all the alleged dangers of free speech, and thus passively accept one of the more ludicrous tenets of this so-called “cosmopolitan” perspective. In short order, good global citizens will be demanding heavy-handed government censorship to protect them from the seductive wiles of free-thinking wordsmiths and out-spoken peasants. Of course, as you well know, the Enlightened Leaders have been suggesting this all along. Censorship is nothing new, but the boldness of their current efforts indicates that we may have reach an alarming tipping point. Politicians can now declare their intent to censor free speech, and rather than getting booed and laughed off the stage, the useful idiots are actually applauding. Case in point, the globalist wind-bag and co

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Discussing the Threats. Exposing the Lies. Destroying the Narrative. Each episode of The Torch Report delivers a concentrated dose of wit, wisdom, and incisive political analysis that eclipses what you'll find in a week of mainstream media. The Torch Report shines light on the dark corners of humanity's future, exploring the dangers of weaponized AI, biological warfare, propaganda, and the captivating drama of global politics. Don't miss out on crucial insights. Tune in to The Torch Report five days a week and stay ahead of the game as we dissect the maneuvers of malevolent forces, unravel the chaos they sow, and expose their mechanisms of power and control. Each episode is meticulously researched, equipping you with the necessary links to craft your own well-informed perspective. Subscribers will not only challenge the status quo but also gain a comprehensive understanding of the larger narrative at play. Join us, and let's dismantle the narrative together!

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