If you only get your information from social media or the usual suspect media outlets, you probably believe there are a significant number of Americans who oppose Elon Musk’s efforts at exposing the spendthrift practices of our bought-and-paid-for, corrupt, Deep-State-monopolized federal government. Don’t believe it. Not for a New York minute. For those who genuinely seek accurate and truthful information, it may surprise you to learn that the mainstream media complex and its toady polling organizations—you know, the ones that had Kamala Harris winning over Donald Trump in the 2024 General Election—want you to believe a significant portion of the Republic doesn’t want waste, fraud, and corruption exposed and eliminated. Further, they want you to think that everyone hates Elon Musk. Ten of the most “prestigeous,” and for those listening to the podcast I am using the word facetiously, polling institutions report a mixed but often negative view of Elon Musk and his leadership of the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE): * AP-NORC Poll (January 9-13, 2025): This poll found that 52% of US adults have an unfavorable opinion of Musk, compared to 36% with a favorable view. Regarding DOGE, only 29% approved of its creation with 60% of respondents viewing it as a "bad thing." * YouGov/The Economist Poll (February 9-11, 2025): This survey reported that 52% of Americans view Musk unfavorably, compared to 42%. For DOGE, 42% viewed it favorably, but 38% were unfavorable, and notably, it was less popular than many federal programs it aims to cut. * Morning Consult Poll (Published February 5, 2025): Among 2,000 registered voters, 46% disapproved of Musk's involvement in the government, compared to 41% who approved. * Reuters/Ipsos Poll (Completed February 18, 2025): This poll revealed that 58% of Americans were concerned that Musk’s efforts to slash government spending could delay critical services like Social Security and student aid. * Groundwork Collaborative/Public Citizen Poll (Hart Research, Published February 5, 2025): This survey showed 54% of voters with an unfavorable view of Musk, rising to 63% by the end after respondents learned more about DOGE’s operations and Musk’s “potential” conflicts of interest. Additionally, 57% felt Musk has too much influence, with 61% less favorable toward him due to unregulated access to government systems and his business interests. * Quinnipiac University Poll (Published February 19, 2025): A majority, 54%, disapproved of Musk’s role in the Trump administration, with 42% approving, placing him 12 points underwater in public opinion. * Pew Research Center Poll (January, 2025): This poll found 54% of respondents with an unfavorable view of Musk, compared to 42% favorable. * CBS/YouGov Poll (Published February 5, 2025): Nearly half of respondents (49%) wanted Musk to have less or no influence over government spending and operations, with 31% saying he should have none at all. The results of these polls are being trumpeted in the usual suspect Left-wing alphabet media, and special interest publications including: Politico, Axios, Newsweek, MotherJones.com, GroundWorkCollaborative.org, Reuters, The New Republic, NBC News, and others. Incidentally, two of the most accurate polls in the 2024 General Election—Rasmussen Reports and the Trafalgar Group—both reported a majority support for Musk and DOGE. So, what is it that the Deep State masters of the propaganda polling outlets hate so much about Elon Musk and his activities with DOGE? Within 30 days of its inception, DOGE found $55 billion in fraud, waste, redundancy, and corruption in federal spending, and that’s just in 30 days. At the center of the Deep State grift—the US Agency for International Development (USAID), until recently headed by Samantha Power, DOGE exposed that a significant portion of USAID funds—up to 82%—never reaches intended recipients. Instead, it is pocketed by prime contractors and NGOs, turning aid into a “personal slush fund” for Washington, DC insiders. Some of those USAID-funded projects include: * Funding for a $20 Million "Sesame Street" project in Iraq * $1.5 Million for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) projects in Serbia * Millions of taxpayer dollars to nonprofits linked to terrorist organizations ($9 million in aid diverted to groups like the Al-Nusrah Front in Syria and millions for food aid reaching al Qaeda-affiliated fighters, also in Syria) * Millions to EcoHealth Alliance for Wuhan lab gan-of-function research * $70,000 for a "DEI Musical" in Ireland * Printing "Personalized" Contraceptives in Developing Countries And this is just a sampling of the list of abuses the American taxpayer has had to endure under the grotesque campaign of grift perpetrated by the Deep State uniparty. Most recently, White House Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt has asserted that DOGE, targeting three main areas for acts of fraud at the Social Security Administration (duplicate payments, payments to deceased individuals, and broader systemic integrity issues), has found data inconsistencies that raise concerns about payments to people listed as 150, 200, or even 360 years old. The Social Security Administration database shows millions of people over 100 years old with the "death field" set to "FALSE," implying they might still be receiving benefits despite being dead. The Social Security Administration’s own Inspector General reported in July 2024 that improper payments—including some to deceased individuals—totaled $71.8 billion from fiscal years 2015 to 2022 alone. Additionally, a 2021 audit specifically identified $298 million paid to about 24,000 deceased individuals through December 2019. It should be noted here that DOGE hasn’t even come close to concluding their audits of any of these agencies. It’s all in the beginning stages. I am fortunate to connect with a great many people, both domestically and internationally, during the course of my days and I can make this statement with absolute certainty. I have yet to come across anyone who, once informed about the facts and figures of the matter—the actual data—and who genuinely wants the United States to thrive—I have yet to come across anyone who supports the continuation of the Deep State’s diabolical campaign of grift. My larger point here is this. The mainstream media, along with those aforementioned polling organization toadies, routinely manufacture polls to fit the preferred narrative of the Deep State uniparty. Their history of push polling is not a secret, and today, the overwhelming number of polling organizations only execute push polls. To that end, ask yourself this question: If the mainstream public opinion polls were on the up-and-up, why would political campaigns need “internal polling”? So, as you scroll through the posts about fuzzy baby animals and which celebrity turned down $7 trillion to star in a movie with Oprah and Robert DeNiro, keep in mind that the onslaught of anti-DOGE and anti-Musk memes and posts are as credible as a daycare center run by P Diddy and Jeffrey Epstein. They aren’t. They are propaganda pieces sanctioned by the Deep State uniparty to discredit an initiative that means to return sanity to government spending and the government itself to the service of the American people. Then, when we return, our segment on America’s Third Watch, broadcast nationally from our flagship station WGUL AM930 & FM93.7 in Tampa, Florida. Underground USA is reader-supported. Please consider becoming a paid subscriber. No Joy for MSNBC’s Reid Before I go, I wanted to celebrate a move—made by MSNBC, of all places—to recognize their responsibility (at least in this instance) to truth in our public square. Benjamin Mullin of The New York Times reports: “Joy Reid’s evening news show on MSNBC is being canceled, part of a far-reaching programming overhaul orchestrated by Rebecca Kutler, the network’s new president, two people familiar with the changes said. “The final episode of Ms. Reid’s 7 p.m. show, ‘The ReidOut,’ is planned for sometime this week, according to the people, who were not authorized to speak publicly.” Reid comes in a close second to Rachel Maddow as one of the most caustically partisan “personalities” in the media today, with Mika and Joe coming in a distant third. The false narratives, conspiracy theories, and politically uneducated drivel advanced by Reid and her ilk are not only racist, they are allodoxaphobic (the fear of opinions differing from one’s own). Her race-based, exploitative rants were consistently counter-productive to the discussion of truth and fact and, in fact, damaging to society. That Joy Reid is losing her $3 million a year paycheck (who the fuck thought she was worth $3 million a year?!) along with having her corporate media megaphone shut off should be celebrated, not because it is canceling a caustic, hateful voice, but because it is forcing Reid to face the harsh reality that her positions about politics and society aren’t selling in the public square and, thus, don’t warrant any spotlight. I am sure Reid will exist tone-deaf to this truth: That she is so out of tune with society (and even the overwhelming majorities of the Democrat Party and the Black community) that she can’t even get a gig on the hyper-partisan MSNBC. But I am equally certain that she will refuse to fade from the roach-infested corners of the spotlight, those rounded corners where the fraudulent conspiracy theorists, has-been partisan hacks, and Hitlarian haters dwell in obscurity. I am sure she will launch a podcast, and places like YouTube, Spotify, and Apple will again ignore her unmistakeable racism and intrinsic hatred to spotlight her claptrap over fact-based and honest podcasts…all because some political hack in an editor’s suite once saw the possibility of ratings through the exploitation of identity politics. Ta-ta, J