26 episodes

A look into what REINSTALL is.
Reinstall is an opportunity for teenagers to attain true education, be full of wisdom and start THE correct path for their lives.

Why Academics Has Failed the Teenagers REEINSTALL - The New You

    • Education

A look into what REINSTALL is.
Reinstall is an opportunity for teenagers to attain true education, be full of wisdom and start THE correct path for their lives.

    What Eating Habits Weaken You Over Time | ReeInstall | with Amarrenndra | Lifestyle & Health

    What Eating Habits Weaken You Over Time | ReeInstall | with Amarrenndra | Lifestyle & Health

    Have you ever wondered how the food that you eat, gets digested? or how did that recipe you love so much even came into existence? How is it that the people in the past discovered what to eat? And since food is what keeps us alive with the nutrition, what is so special about carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, fats and minerals that our body can actually break them down from whatever we eat?!
    Is it not just mind blowing that the mango fruit we so love has the nutrition we need and more so, our bodies know how to make use of it. Food and water keeps us alive and yet there is such a huge variety of food.
    And so are the diet plans and diet tips. Because there is so much, and since we mix a huge variety of foods and spices to cook, there is a varied amount of nutrition we get. We all know any excess has its ill effects.
    If you think about it, there are 2 prime aspects that affect our life; The food we eat & our lifestyle.
    But today we talk about food & why you cannot eat just about anything & however you want.

    The food we love is because of the taste we get from it. But in the quest for taste, the recipes that we make are often unhealthy.. no matter how "healthy" they seem.

    Often the food we eat is filled with excess fat or there is a food combination that has ingredients that are opposite in nature.
    So the question is,
    Is there a right way to eat food?
    And what did our ancestors ate, was the food any different back then and how did they come up with recipes.

    There is a good news, we have the answer to these questions and it is in Ayurveda.
    Ayurveda, the ancient Indian science has given us the correct method to eat.
    And today I share an aspect which none of the schools or colleges or even nutritionists or doctors share.
    Food & the energy it gives, is not just limited to the aspect of mere eating. HOW?
    Eating food is a transfer of energy and it is not just limited to the nutrition. It includes the whole cosmic energy that food absorbs. The energy of the sun, water, air and the life force given by the almighty.
    You being a life force, have to be responsible in intaking this energy so you can get the most out of it.
    Another aspect is that diseases or even deficiencies happen due to an imbalance in your body.
    This imbalance is because of the fact that your body requires some type of food more than others in order to function at it's best. You might have heard of the terms Vata, Pita, Kapha.
    And certain food carries with it their own properties, both cosmic and basic.
    And once you eat, digestion has to be complete in order for you to stay away from diseases.
    Ayurvedic diet involves the full plan of what to eat based on your body type, your body's base need, how to eat and when to eat.
    Once you change your eating habits you will start noticing the change in your body and mind.
    Food affects mind in ways more than we know.
    So, to sum it up; in this video you will learn about;
    what to eat,
    what NOT to eat,
    how to eat,
    how to improve digestion,
    how to gain the cosmic energy from food,
    what eating habits weaken you over time,
    annamaya kosh & pranmaya kosh aspect of life,
    alkaline food & acidic food,
    healthy eating habits,
    how to sit while eating,
    does food & drinks go together,
    jathragni - the digestive fire
    and more.

    So I share this knowledge I have gained over years of study of our ancient Indian culture.
    And I intend to share this with teens for them to benefit from it. Why teens? because they can adopt the healthy habits from an early age so that they stay away from diseases in the future.
    It gives them a comfortable life.
    It's time to ReeInstall the new you,

    About ReeInstall;
    Learn about the one aspect that can turn your life around, your mind. Learn to take not just control but to extract the cosmic energy it holds inside.
    Essential life education from ancient Indian wisdom for teens to start young and live grand.

    • 8 min
    Manifest Your Dream life

    Manifest Your Dream life

    How can you be successful? and moreover how to manifest your dream life. In this part 4 of the manifestation-for-teens series I will talk about the very aspect of law of manifestation that our ancient wisdom has left for us. We will be talking about Sankalp se Siddhi. In the last video I spoke about how to create your destiny from your thoughts and today you will find the very secret of how to attain siddha from your thoughts.

    Is it actually possible to attain mastery over your mind? your thoughts? and in a greater sense.. your life?
    Are the events that happen in your life really random or are they a result of your own manifestation that you did not pay attention to.
    Maybe you manifested unconsciously and now you are reaping the result of those karmas.
    So it is important to understand how exactly manifestation works.
    What are thoughts?
    Since they precede any action, any karma and also there is a thought that births the second; which births the third and the process goes on and on.
    Your mind is a speeding vehicle and a storm of thoughts which needs to be paused.
    Only a calm and thoughtless mind can lead to proper positive manifestation.
    And only when you manifest, you can create your destiny and only then can you attain siddha. Sankalp se siddhi is an important aspect of anyone's life.
    But many overlook it.
    Everyone teaches about everything but never about the depths of mind and human potential.
    You can start learning this from today and it is important for teens to start this as early as they can.
    Teens have big dreams and usually by the time they attain adulthood, they end up compromising on them.
    This is one of the worst thing anyone can do to themselves.
    And I know it is not done consciously but I do know this, those teens were never taught the correct method of working for their goals and achieving success.
    So I share how thoughts actually work and what they lead to.
    Thoughts work like a chain reaction and they need to be controlled.
    And thoughts can create reality so it is important to understand how do thoughts create reality.
    So to sum it up, it is important to know how mind works, how to control the thoughts, how to really manifest and how to achieve success.

    Once you learn how to take charge of your mind, how to calm your thoughts and manifest success as a teen, nothing can ever stop you in life.
    You can then manifest your dream life.
    Why do I say start this in your teens?
    Because this is when your mind is open to knowledge and this is when you can solidify a great foundation for future success.
    You can ensure a great career, one that matches your dreams and ensure you give back to the society.
    You would ensure a great circle of people, family, friends and network.
    You would ensure a great and comfortable life for your parents and spouse and your children.
    On an all, you would lead a peaceful, calm and a satisfied life.
    So it's time to ReeInstall The New you,

    • 11 min
    This is What Forever Blesses Your Life

    This is What Forever Blesses Your Life

    Let's say you are told about the time of your death or are aware of exactly when you will die, what will you do with your life...?
    better yet if you know that you will die in exactly 10 hours, what will you do then?

    Have you ever thought about your existence coming to an end?
    Have you ever thought that are there any signs you can identify when you will die?
    Have you ever wondered why certain things happen to you, what is destiny or even what is law of karma which is also known as law of cause and effect?
    And if you do talk about this, you would wonder do you really control over your life or not?
    Now if you are indeed looking for deeper questions of life or the secret of life, it needs some introspection.
    You should be aware of how to practice introspection.
    Why is it that there are different stages in life, childhood, teenage, adulthood, parenthood, old-age and then death.
    Even in Hinduism you will find the concept laid down by great Rishi Munis, about the how a soul goes through different stages in life and what needs to be done then.
    Why is it so?
    Why should you have a purpose in life?
    or even why should you work?
    The short answer is that you are going to die.
    And you don't know when.
    You can plan just about anything in life but you can never know when you will die.
    You can even plan what your family will get after your death but you can NEVER know when you will die.
    So you need to have a purpose in life.
    To make your existence worthwhile you should have an aim.
    And to accomplish anything in life you must have a purpose

    The purpose comes only when you realise how short your life is and you can die any moment.
    Who knows if you will even see your next birthday or not...

    So as I said, if you know you will die in 10 hours, there are certain things you would do.
    Now why do i say these specific things is because these are planned by people over years preparing for the eventuality but even then they fall short.
    Because they never introspected about life, death and their karmas.

    So there are namely 3 things you will do;
    1. sort your relations and forgive people because you know there is no time left. You will mend your relations so that you leave good memories behind.
    2. you will fix your finances and learn of any debts.
    3. you will pray and think about God because you know your fate rests in God's hand.

    But in doing all this you forget one crucial thing... you cleared your relations and financial records but missed out on this one thing that actually holds your fate in the balance.
    It decides what you will be born in the next life.
    And those are your KARMAS... for they hold the true power to write your fate.

    The very acts of mending your relations, finances and remembering God are part of good karmas, but how much can those good karmas you do in those last 10 hours negate the effect of a lifetime of ignorance and bad karmas?
    In that sense your fate is sealed.

    The secret here is that you are not even aware of death 10 seconds prior, so how will you even do all these things?

    good karmas bring good results and good fortune. Only good karmas have the power to bring you back as a human in the next birth.
    I have explained about rebirth in one of my earlier videos.
    So since you don't know when you will die, it's better to act as if you only have minutes to die and spend your life doing good karmas. Karmas mentioned in the shaastras are the guide to a good life.
    One where you fulfil the ultimate purpose of attaining enlightenment.
    So spend every second of your life doing good karmas, serving the society, doing mantra jap. For all this adds up in your balance sheet of life which is checked when you die and which decides your next life.

    Learn the ultimate skill that will ensure a great life. The one skill that makes learning every other thing easy and brings success to you. The Mind Management Skills with ReeInstall, The New You.
    - Amarrenndra

    • 12 min
    Traffic Control System for your Mind ReeInstall with Amarrenndra #3

    Traffic Control System for your Mind ReeInstall with Amarrenndra #3

    Have you ever tried to control your mind? or even tried to calm your thoughts? Have you ever paid attention to your thoughts that they jump from one to another so quickly that it creates a mess in your mind?
    For example, you may have found out that you create fake arguments in your mind and you end up feeling a sense of aversion for the other person.. but you remain puzzled as to how did that even happened in the first place.. well it's all because of that initial thought or fake argument which was triggered by some event in your life and that mental fight manifested this distance between you and that person.
    Your mind is the busiest place on earth and it can easily wreck havoc.
    So you need to control it or else it will lead to a great mishap..
    And what I mean by mishap is stress, anxiety, brain fog, mental fatigue, aversion from things you love, distance from friends and family, not achieving your goals, not even liking your hobbies anymore and slowly.. just loosing your identity into a never ending abyss of depression.
    And surprisingly it all starts in YOUR MIND with YOUR THOUGHTS due to YOUR ACTIONS..
    That sounds pretty accusing but that is the truth.
    Because it's up to you to respond to situations and your own thoughts.
    But even more so than accusing, it is reassuring that you have the full charge over your life and no one else.

    You don't need to wonder "How to be successful"
    or "how to manifest" or "how to control your mind"

    Once you know this aspect of mindset, call it a trick or technique,
    you can easily take control of your life because YOUR LIFE comes from YOUR MIND. And that is where your success story lays dormant, waiting for you to take charge of your mind.

    Once you learn how to take charge of your mind, how to calm your thoughts and manifest success as a teen, nothing can ever stop you in life.
    Why do I say start this in your teens?
    Because this is when your mind is open to knowledge and this is when you can solidify a great foundation for future success.
    You can ensure a great career, one that matches your dreams and ensure you give back to the society.
    You would ensure a great circle of people, family, friends and network.
    You would ensure a great and comfortable life for your parents and spouse and your children.
    On an all, you would lead a peaceful, calm and a satisfied life.
    So it's time to ReeInstall The New you,

    • 12 min
    How to Manifest Success for Teens ReeInstall with Amarrenndra

    How to Manifest Success for Teens ReeInstall with Amarrenndra

    So here's the part-2 of a recent video where I explained how manifestation works and why is it really important for teens. And now I explain what to do right after you manifest a positive thought in your life, what you should do about your thoughts and how can you take it further, what are the things to keep in mind that cause manifestation to fail and what is it that many are mistaken about it. How even personalities like Shah Rukh Khan, God of cricket, Sachin Tendulkar faced their challenges while having a strict and unwavering belief and mindset. When people say, think your goals, manifest your dreams, have good thoughts, have a strong mindset and this will make your dreams come true, you will achieve success... does it really happen?
    From childhood we are told to dream big, aim for the sky, aim for the moon.. but the very people that say that also end up pushing us down with negative comments. So is it really true or is it just something that sounds good and is told to students and teens.

    Well, in my 20+ year understanding of student and teen behaviour, I can say there is a definite correlation and causation between thoughts and success.
    Although this motivation about manifestation is true, but it ends up aiding the procrastination of the listener.
    Because anyone who is looking for motivation is already struggling with some bad habits or behaviour or just simply stuck in life. They are feeling low and down.. Looking closely you will find that their subconscious is broken and hurt. Look closely at whatever the winners of life say and you will find one thing common, "Never give up"
    All of the successful people say it, be it business owners like Ambani, Elon Musk etc.
    artists like famous musicians Lady Gaga,
    Spiritual people like Swami Vivekananda...these are just a few examples but all say this one thing.
    What it means is that they are telling their subconscious to stay strong and it helped them take action to achieve their dreams.
    So, a broken subconscious is a result of some negative thoughts or words they said which manifested into this low self esteem of theirs.
    Manifestation is not merely physical as people think.
    it is not like if I start thinking, "I want a Rolls Royce" and I will get it.
    NO! it is more related to do with the opportunities life gives you when you change your thinking.
    Life will also see if it's just a wishful thinking or something you actually want for which you are ready to do the hard work for.
    Life, Shrishti, Bhramaand is a system which we cannot see until we develop our third eye, but it is there, working its cogs and seeing everything we do.
    It is a justice system like no other.
    So it is vital for students to understand this realm and then start with student manifestation techniques and even prior to this, they must know what is manifestation, how to manifest and how not to manifest.
    They should be aware enough because this talk of manifestation for success ends up becoming an escape because it sounds like an easy to do task, like I explained with the Rolls Royce example.
    There is one key think motivators miss out on and that is action and work.

    So it is important to understand who is the correct motivator and who has really achieved the cosmic knowledge because their word is the word of what runs the world.
    Read about Swami Vivekananda, India's Rishi Munis, they may seem uncool to the modern teen but read about what they say and implement it. For their word is the real truth.
    So to sum it up, I talk about manifestation, how to manifest, the law of attraction and what makes it work.
    Watch and comment your thoughts.
    Improve your mindset because that is the MOST IMPORTANT SKILL out there.
    ReeInstall, The New You,
    with Amarrenndra

    • 13 min
    What 16 Year Olds Should Know About Karma ReeInstall with Amarrenndra

    What 16 Year Olds Should Know About Karma ReeInstall with Amarrenndra

    What is karma? Why do people say what goes around comes around? What is even law of cause and effect? Who made it? and should teens and students know about it? Is it anyhow related to destiny or luck?
    There are so many people that believe in karma and the fact that there is a cosmic justice system which gives you what you sow.
    You may have heard people saying about someone that they are so lucky,
    or even that when you take birth, everything about your life is already written and you do exactly that.
    On the other hand you also hear that "you create your own destiny" or about law of attraction. These end up making one think because they are 2 contradictory statements.
    One says that you have no control over life but the other says you have every control of your life, that you create your own destiny.
    Luck becomes a probability of events but destiny is something you create, work hard and manifest good.

    But the question is, is it really so?
    From a spiritual standpoint, the law of Karma or how it's known in the western world, law of cause and effect, is very well true.
    Our vedas have elaborated upon the law of karma, types of karma, destiny, luck and what exactly is under your control in life.
    As per the vedas, there are 3 types of karmas.
    before proceeding further, the question is why should teens or even anyone be aware of this law?

    Well because this law states based on your action there will a result to it.
    And that result solely is borne by you and you only.
    So a good deed will give good results but a bad deed will bring bad results to you.
    Now it is not always instant as people think, every action and every thought goes into the universe and the cosmic power brings it back to you based on your action.
    eg: a criminal may lead a life filled with money and not get caught due to their connections but, they always are in the fear of getting caught.
    Law of karma is even explained in Bhagwad Gita.

    The teens today do actions without giving it much or any thought, so they just end up reaping whatever they sow. Their life becomes a random and stressing mess of events.
    Due to their mindless action they end up having a tough life which they say as bad luck or destiny.

    So it is imperative for teens to know about the law of karma, the types of karma and how the result is given so that they start taking mindful actions.
    Mindful actions lead to a well planned life because you are aware what to do and what not to do, so you end up taking charge of your life.
    This leads to the universe noting your mindful actions and it in turn rewards you with good results.
    What do these results look like?
    Maybe good fortune, good fame, good family, good friends or good opportunities.
    So luck, destiny are all the part of Karma and Karma alone.
    Call it karma or cause and effect but it happens.
    So be mindful of your actions and take charge of your life.
    ReeInstall The New You,

    • 10 min

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