148 episodes

Are you ready to supercharge your Afrikaans listening comprehension?

Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Afrikaans, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Afrikaans and English.

This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Cape Town, Stellenbosch, or Franschhoek? Maybe you want to speak Afrikaans with your grandparents from Pretoria?

Our podcast will equip you with the cultural and linguistic background needed to fully immerse yourself in regions where Afrikaans is primarily spoken, such as South Africa and Namibia. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Afrikaans listening comprehension.

Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Verbeter jou luistervaardigheid vandag met ons Afrikaanse stories!

FluentFiction - Afrikaans FluentFiction.org

    • Education

Are you ready to supercharge your Afrikaans listening comprehension?

Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Afrikaans, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Afrikaans and English.

This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Cape Town, Stellenbosch, or Franschhoek? Maybe you want to speak Afrikaans with your grandparents from Pretoria?

Our podcast will equip you with the cultural and linguistic background needed to fully immerse yourself in regions where Afrikaans is primarily spoken, such as South Africa and Namibia. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Afrikaans listening comprehension.

Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Verbeter jou luistervaardigheid vandag met ons Afrikaanse stories!

    Grill Laughs: A Campsite Tale of Mistaken Tools

    Grill Laughs: A Campsite Tale of Mistaken Tools

    Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Grill Laughs: A Campsite Tale of Mistaken Tools
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Af: In die hartjie van 'n gesellige kampterrein, waar die lug geurig met die aroma van braaivleis is, daar het Pieter en Anika saam met hul vriende gekuier.
    En: In the heart of a cozy campsite, where the air was fragrant with the aroma of grilled meat, Pieter and Anika spent time with their friends.

    Af: Die son het stadig agter die bome weggesak, en oranjerooi strale het die hemel in 'n vuurwerk van kleure verander.
    En: The sun slowly sank behind the trees, and orange-red rays turned the sky into a fireworks display of colors.

    Af: Anika, bekend vir haar braaivaardighede, het die vleis sorgvuldig omgedraai met haar nuwe, blink braaitange.
    En: Anika, known for her grilling skills, carefully flipped the meat with her new shiny tongs.

    Af: Sy het gepraat en gelag, die warmte van die vuur op haar wange gevoel.
    En: She chatted and laughed, feeling the warmth of the fire on her cheeks.

    Af: Almal het rondom die braaivuur gestaan, met koue drankies in die hand en groot verwagting vir die smaaklike ete wat kom.
    En: Everyone stood around the grill, holding cold drinks and eagerly anticipating the delicious meal to come.

    Af: Pieter, 'n lang man met 'n hart van goud, het 'n bietjie verlangend gevoel.
    En: Pieter, a tall man with a heart of gold, felt a little longing.

    Af: Dit was 'n vermorsende dag gewees en sy rug het hom gepla.
    En: It had been a tiring day, and his back bothered him.

    Af: Hy was egter nie die tipe om kla te maak nie en wou nie die geselligheid bederf nie.
    En: However, he wasn't the type to complain and didn't want to spoil the fun.

    Af: Terwyl Anika 'n oomblik wegstap om 'n spesery of twee te gaan haal, laat val sy haar kosbare braaitange langs die vuur.
    En: While Anika briefly stepped away to fetch a spice or two, she accidentally dropped her precious tongs next to the fire.

    Af: Pieter, wat net dan opstaan om sy ongemak te verlig, sien glimlaggend die tange.
    En: Pieter, who had just gotten up to relieve his discomfort, smiled as he saw the tongs.

    Af: Met 'n onskuldige gedagte en 'n behoefte aan verligting, gryp hy die tange en begin sy rug daarmee krap.
    En: With an innocent thought and a need for relief, he grabbed the tongs and began scratching his back with them.

    Af: 'n Giggel waai deur die groep toe hulle Pieter sien.
    En: A giggle swept through the group as they watched Pieter.

    Af: "Pieter, my vriend," roep een van die vriende uit, "dis nie 'n rugkrapper nie, dis Anika se braaitange!
    En: "Pieter, my friend," one of the friends called out, "that's not a back scratcher, it's Anika's grilling tongs!"

    Af: "Pieter se gesig bloos tot dieselfde kleur as die laaste strale van die son.
    En: Pieter's face blushed the color of the setting sun.

    Af: Hy het vinnig die tange neergesit, maar te laat – Anika het teruggekeer net betyds om haar kosbare kombuisgereedskap in Pieter se hande te sien.
    En: He quickly put the tongs down, but it was too late – Anika returned just in time to see her precious kitchen tool in Pieter's hands.

    Af: "'n Rugkrapper?
    En: "A back scratcher?"

    Af: " vra sy met 'n opgetrekte wenkbrou, en 'n glint van pret in haar oë.
    En: she asked with a raised eyebrow and a glint of amusement in her eyes.

    Af: "'n Interessante keuse vir 'n kombuisgereedskap, Pieter!
    En: "An interesting choice for a kitchen tool, Pieter!"

    Af: "Die kampterrein het...

    • 15 min
    Misadventures of Man & Meerkat

    Misadventures of Man & Meerkat

    Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Misadventures of Man & Meerkat
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Af: Eendag, in die hartjie van die Karoo Nasionale Park, waar die son sy goue strale oor die uitgestrekte veld stuur en die lug skoon is, daar het Johan en Anika se paaie op 'n snaakse wyse gekruis.
    En: One day, in the heart of the Karoo National Park, where the sun sends its golden rays over the vast plains and the air is clean, Johan and Anika's paths crossed in a peculiar way.

    Af: Johan was 'n nuuskierige jong man met 'n hart vir avontuur.
    En: Johan was a curious young man with a heart for adventure.

    Af: Hy het altyd gedroom van 'n ontmoeting met die wildlewe wat die Karoo sy tuiste noem.
    En: He had always dreamed of encountering the wildlife that calls the Karoo its home.

    Af: Anika, aan die ander kant, was 'n plaaslike meisie wat die park en sy inwoners geken het soos die palm van haar hand.
    En: Anika, on the other hand, was a local girl who knew the park and its inhabitants like the back of her hand.

    Af: Sy het 'n besondere metgesel gehad - 'n skelm klein meerkat genaamd Gertie, wat sy van kleins af grootgemaak het.
    En: She had a special companion - a mischievous little meerkat named Gertie, whom she had raised since she was young.

    Af: Die dag toe alles gebeur het, was besonder warm en die park was vol besoekers.
    En: The day everything happened, it was exceptionally hot and the park was full of visitors.

    Af: Johan, gewapen met 'n kamera en 'n groot dosis entoesiasme, het besluit om 'n wandeling te neem om die plaaslike fauna af te neem.
    En: Johan, armed with a camera and a great deal of enthusiasm, decided to take a walk to capture the local fauna.

    Af: Anika was besig om Gertie te voer onder 'n groot kameeldoringboom toe sy sien hoe Johan, met 'n breë glimlag, hulle kant toe stap.
    En: Anika was busy feeding Gertie under a large camel thorn tree when she saw Johan, with a broad smile, walking in their direction.

    Af: Ten onregte het Johan gedink dat Gertie een van die park se wilde inwoners is toe hy haar sien rondsnuffel.
    En: Unbeknownst to Johan, when he saw Gertie sniffing around, he mistakenly thought she was one of the park's wild inhabitants.

    Af: In 'n poging om haar weg te jaag, het hy 'n besem gegryp wat teen die boom gestaan het en het begin waai na die verbaasde meerkat.
    En: In an attempt to shoo her away, he grabbed a broom leaning against the tree and began to wave it at the surprised meerkat.

    Af: Gertie het onmiddellik regop op haar agterpote gestaan en 'n snaakse geluid gemaak wat die aandag van almal rondom getrek het.
    En: Gertie immediately stood upright on her hind legs and made a peculiar sound that drew the attention of everyone around.

    Af: Anika kon nie help om te lag nie.
    En: Anika couldn't help but laugh.

    Af: "Moenie, moenie!
    En: "Stop, stop!"

    Af: " roep sy uit, maar die wind het haar woorde weggewaai voordat dit by Johan se ore uitgekom het.
    En: she called out, but the wind carried away her words before they reached Johan's ears.

    Af: Hy het die besem hoog in die lug geswaai terwyl Gertie vinnige klein kringetjies om sy voete gedraf het.
    En: He waved the broom high in the air while Gertie darted around his feet in quick little circles.

    Af: Die omliggende besoekers het begin skaterlag toe Johan, die man met die besem, 'n spektakel gemaak het in sy poging om die "wilde" meerkat weg te jaag.
    En: The surrounding visitors began to burst into laughter as Johan, the man with the broom, made a spectacle in his attempt...

    • 16 min
    Biltong Blunder: A Bushveld Picnic Mix-Up

    Biltong Blunder: A Bushveld Picnic Mix-Up

    Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Biltong Blunder: A Bushveld Picnic Mix-Up
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Af: In die hartjie van die Bosveld Wildtuin, onder 'n groot maroela boom, het Lize haar piekniekkombers uitgesprei.
    En: In the heart of the Bushveld Game Reserve, beneath a large marula tree, Lize spread out her picnic blanket.

    Af: Die geluid van die natuur het in harmonie met die rustigheid van die omgewing gespeel.
    En: The sounds of nature played in harmony with the tranquility of the surroundings.

    Af: Lize, 'n vrou met 'n sonskyn glimlag, het sopas die heerlikste middagete gepak met vars vrugte, sappige worsies, en natuurlik, haar man Johan se gunsteling - biltong.
    En: Lize, a woman with a sunny smile, had just packed a delightful afternoon meal with fresh fruits, juicy sausages, and, of course, her husband Johan's favorite - biltong.

    Af: Johan, vrygewig met sy grappe maar suinig met sy kos, was besig om die vuur aan te steek.
    En: Johan, generous with his jokes but stingy with his food, was busy lighting the fire.

    Af: Sy suster Helena het met groot entoesiasme deur die veld gespring, op soek na 'n pragtige blom om die piekniektafel mee te versier.
    En: His sister Helena was enthusiastically leaping through the field, searching for a beautiful flower to decorate the picnic table.

    Af: Die son het soos 'n gulde bal hang en 'n warmte oor die land uitgestort.
    En: The sun hung like a golden ball and poured warmth over the land.

    Af: Skielik, terwyl Johan en Helena na besige miervolkies op die grond kyk, sien Lize iets wat haar oog vang.
    En: Suddenly, while Johan and Helena were observing busy ant colonies on the ground, Lize spotted something that caught her eye.

    Af: Dit lyk amper soos een van die stukke droë wors wat sy in haar piekniekpakket gesit het, maar dit was eintlik Johan se kosbare stuk biltong.
    En: It looked almost like one of the pieces of dried sausage she had packed in her picnic basket, but it was actually Johan's precious piece of biltong.

    Af: Lize, onbewus van die enige verskil tussen die twee (want albei is immers droë vleis, of nie?), gryp vinnig die stuk en neem 'n groot hap.
    En: Unaware of any difference between the two (after all, both are dry meats, right?), Lize quickly grabbed the piece and took a big bite.

    Af: Dit was heerlik, en met 'n tevrede sug het sy neergesit om 'n bietjie te ontspan.
    En: It was delicious, and with a satisfied sigh, she sat down to relax.

    Af: Die middag het voortgegaan en die familie het hulle piekniek geniet.
    En: The afternoon continued, and the family enjoyed their picnic.

    Af: Helena het met 'n groot, sonnige daisy teruggekom wat sy trots in die middel van die kombers geplant het.
    En: Helena returned with a big, sunny daisy which she proudly planted in the middle of the blanket.

    Af: Die geure van die bosveld het gemeng met die geur van gekruide vleis.
    En: The scents of the bushveld mixed with the aroma of spiced meat.

    Af: Maar toe Johan uiteindelik sy eie peuselhappie wou hê, kon hy die spesifieke stuk biltong nerens vind nie.
    En: But when Johan finally wanted his own snack, he couldn't find the specific piece of biltong anywhere.

    Af: Sy wenkbroue het bymekaargekom, sy oë het die kombers afgespeur. "Het een van jou vriende dalk my biltong gevat?" vra hy half hardop.
    En: His eyebrows furrowed, he scanned the blanket. "Did one of your friends perhaps take my biltong?" he asked, almost aloud.

    Af: Lize het opgekyk, haar oë groot en onskuldig. "O, jy bedoel die droë...

    • 15 min
    Desert Dash: A Man's Ostrich Rodeo

    Desert Dash: A Man's Ostrich Rodeo

    Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Desert Dash: A Man's Ostrich Rodeo
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Af: Op 'n dag, onder die brandende son van die Karoo-woestyn, stap Johan met 'n dapper hart en 'n hoed om homself teen die son te beskerm.
    En: One day, under the scorching sun of the Karoo desert, Johan walked with a brave heart and a hat to protect himself from the sun.

    Af: Hy was vol moed en wou die ongelooflike avontuur van struisvoëlry aanpak, iets wat min mense ooit probeer het.
    En: He was full of courage and wanted to take on the incredible adventure of riding an ostrich, something few people had ever tried.

    Af: In die verte het hy 'n groep struisvogels sien staan, hulle lang nekke soos periskoop wat oor die warm woestyngrond uitsteek.
    En: In the distance, he saw a group of ostriches standing, their long necks sticking out of the hot desert ground like periscopes.

    Af: Johan het sy lippe ferm saamgepers en op een van hulle afgestap.
    En: Johan firmly pressed his lips together and approached one of them.

    Af: Hierdie spesifieke struisvoël was groter as die res, met vere wat soos 'n keiser se mantel in die son geblink het.
    En: This particular ostrich was larger than the rest, with feathers that shimmered like an emperor's mantle in the sun.

    Af: Dit was die een, het Johan gedink, 'n perfekte ryer se perd.
    En: This was the one, Johan thought, a perfect rider's steed.

    Af: Hy het ongemerk nader gesluip en met 'n vinnige beweging probeer om op die struisvoël se rug te spring.
    En: He stealthily approached and with a quick movement tried to jump on the ostrich's back.

    Af: Maar die voël het nie Johan se planne gedeel nie.
    En: But the bird did not share Johan's plans.

    Af: Met 'n verraste snuut en vlerke wat woedend klap, het die struisvogel weggeneem met Johan wat klou vir lewe en dood.
    En: With a surprised snort and wings flapping angrily, the ostrich took off with Johan clutching for dear life.

    Af: Maar toe gebeur wat Johan nie verwag het nie.
    En: But then something unexpected happened.

    Af: Die struisvogel het skielik gedraai en Johan afgegooi.
    En: The ostrich suddenly turned and threw Johan off.

    Af: Met 'n stofwolk wat rondom hom dans, het Johan op die grond beland, besef dat sy plan dalk nie so goed deurdink was nie.
    En: Landing on the ground in a cloud of dust, Johan realized that his plan may not have been so well thought out.

    Af: Die struisvogel het ophou hardloop en saggies nader gestap, so asof hy Johan uitdaag.
    En: The ostrich stopped running and cautiously approached, as if challenging Johan.

    Af: Met 'n nukkerige snaf en koddige huppel, het die voël begin om Johan te jaag.
    En: With a sly snort and a silly hop, the bird began to chase Johan.

    Af: Johan het opgestaan en begin hardloop, die hoed van sy kop waai, sy arms mallemeule in die lug.
    En: He got up and started running, his hat flying off his head, arms flailing in the air.

    Af: Dit het 'n wild komiese agtervolging geword, met wolke van stof wat hul danse gemerk het.
    En: It turned into a wildly comical chase, with clouds of dust marking their dance.

    Af: Terwyl hy gehardloop het, het Johan begin lag.
    En: As he ran, Johan began to laugh.

    Af: Die absurditeit van die situasie het hom oorweldig.
    En: The absurdity of the situation overwhelmed him.

    Af: Hy het besef dat selfs in sy nederlaag, het hy 'n verstommende storie gekry om te vertel.
    En: He realized that even in his defeat, he had gotten an astonishing story to tell.

    • 14 min
    Picnic Pandemonium: Monkeys Hijack Feast!

    Picnic Pandemonium: Monkeys Hijack Feast!

    Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Picnic Pandemonium: Monkeys Hijack Feast!
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Af: In die hartjie van die Knysna-bos was daar 'n klein oase, omring deur groen bome en 'n liedjie wat deur die blare gefluister word.
    En: In the heart of the Knysna forest, there was a small oasis, surrounded by green trees and a song whispered through the leaves.

    Af: Dit was hier waar Lerato, Jan en Elizma besluit het om hulle Sondagmiddag deur te bring – met 'n piekniek kombers uitgesprei onder die wolklose blouviolet hemel.
    En: It was here that Lerato, Jan, and Elizma decided to spend their Sunday afternoon – with a picnic blanket spread out under the cloudless blue-violet sky.

    Af: Lerato het haar mandjie vol lekkernye afgesit.
    En: Lerato set down her basket full of treats.

    Af: "Kyk hoe mooi is dit hier!
    En: "Look how beautiful it is here!"

    Af: " het sy uitgeroep.
    En: she exclaimed.

    Af: Jan het sy hoed afgehaal en die koel lug ingeasem.
    En: Jan took off his hat and breathed in the cool air.

    Af: "Perfek vir ons piekniek," het hy met 'n breë glimlag gesê.
    En: "Perfect for our picnic," he said with a broad smile.

    Af: Elizma, wat altyd na die kleinste besonderhede omgegee het, het die rooi-en-wit geblokte kombers reg getrek sodat elke hoek perfek gespasieer was.
    En: Elizma, who always cared about the smallest details, straightened out the red-and-white checkered blanket so that every corner was perfectly spaced.

    Af: Terwyl hulle hul kos uitgepak het – vars gebakte brood, kaas, en 'n verskeidenheid vrugte – het 'n vreedsame stilte oor hulle neergedaal.
    En: As they unpacked their food – fresh baked bread, cheese, and a variety of fruits – a peaceful silence descended upon them.

    Af: Maar die stilte was van korte duur.
    En: But the silence was short-lived.

    Af: Uit die een ooghoek het Lerato 'n vinnige beweging opgemerk.
    En: Lerato noticed a quick movement out of the corner of her eye.

    Af: "Wat was dit?
    En: "What was that?"

    Af: " fluister sy.
    En: she whispered.

    Af: Voor iemand kon antwoord, was die rustige piekniek toneel in chaos gedompel.
    En: Before anyone could answer, the tranquil scene of the picnic was plunged into chaos.

    Af: 'n Groep vervet-apies het uit die boomtoppe afgespring en begin om alles in sig te gryp.
    En: A group of vervet monkeys leaped from the treetops and began grabbing everything in sight.

    Af: Met vinnige, klein hande het die ape 'n appel hier, 'n broodjie daar gegryp.
    En: With quick, small hands, the monkeys snatched an apple here, a little bread roll there.

    Af: Een brutaal klein aap het selfs 'n heel tros druiwe voor Jan se verstomde oë weggeruk.
    En: One cheeky little monkey even grabbed a whole bunch of grapes in front of Jan's astonished eyes.

    Af: Hulle het bokant hulle koppe geswaai, met stukke kos wat soos kleurvolle reën deur die lug gestrooi is.
    En: They swung above their heads, with pieces of food scattered through the air like colorful rain.

    Af: Elizma, normalweg so georganiseerd en kalm, het haar hande in die lug gegooi.
    En: Elizma, normally so organized and calm, threw her hands in the air.

    Af: "Ag nee!
    En: "Oh no!

    Af: Ons kos!
    En: Our food!"

    Af: " het sy uitgeroep.
    En: she exclaimed.

    Af: Lerato het probeer om 'n blik vrugtekonfyt te red, maar dit was te laat – 'n geslepe apie het dit gegryp en het al in die boom gesit, die deksel oopgeforseer.
    En: Lerato tried to save...

    • 18 min
    Goat Rodeo at the Farmer's Market!

    Goat Rodeo at the Farmer's Market!

    Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Goat Rodeo at the Farmer's Market!
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Af: Een sonskyn Saterdagoggend het Lukas besluit om die Boeremark te besoek.
    En: On a sunny Saturday morning, Lukas decided to visit the Farmer's Market.

    Af: Die geure van vars gebakte brood en soet vrugte het in die lug gehang.
    En: The scents of freshly baked bread and sweet fruits hung in the air.

    Af: Dit was 'n plek van lewe en lag, waar mense van alle oorde bymekaargekom het om die beste plaasprodukte te koop.
    En: It was a place of life and laughter, where people from all walks of life came together to buy the best farm products.

    Af: Terwyl hy tussen die stalletjies deurloop, sien Lukas sy vriendin Anika, wat besig was om met 'n dier te praat.
    En: As he walked through the stalls, Lukas saw his friend Anika, who was busy talking to an animal.

    Af: Sy rug was gedraai en hy kon net die bruin hare sien wat in die sonlig skitter.
    En: Her back was turned, and he could only see the brown hair glistening in the sunlight.

    Af: "Sjoe, sy het vir haar 'n nuwe troeteldier gekry," het Lukas gedink, "en dis 'n hond!
    En: "Wow, she got herself a new pet," Lukas thought, "and it's a dog!"

    Af: "Vol vreugde stap Lukas nader, gereed om Anika te verras en haar nuwe viervoetige vriend te ontmoet.
    En: With joy, Lukas approached, ready to surprise Anika and meet her new four-legged friend.

    Af: Maar toe hy sy hand uitstrek om die "hond" te aai, spring die dier op en begin hardloop – dit was nie 'n hond nie, dit was 'n bok!
    En: But as he reached out to pet the "dog," the animal jumped up and started running – it wasn't a dog, it was a goat!

    Af: Lukas was verstom, maar voordat hy kon reageer, het die bok deur die menigte begin storm.
    En: Lukas was astonished, but before he could react, the goat began to dart through the crowd.

    Af: Met 'n rooi gesig roep Anika uit, "Dis nie my hond nie, dit's Rudy, die bok!
    En: With a red face, Anika exclaimed, "That's not my dog, it's Rudy, the goat!"

    Af: " maar Lukas het reeds begin om die ontvlugte dier te jaag.
    En: but Lukas had already started chasing the escaped animal.

    Af: Die bok het met sy hoorntjies tussen die stalletjies deur gevleg, appelkose laat val en 'n chaos veroorsaak.
    En: The goat weaved through the stalls, knocking down apricots and causing chaos.

    Af: Mense het geskree en aan die kant gespring terwyl Lukas desperaat probeer het om Rudy in te haal.
    En: People shouted and jumped aside as Lukas desperately tried to catch Rudy.

    Af: Uiteindelik, ná 'n wilde jaagtog, het Lukas in 'n oomblik van geniale ingewing besluit om 'n groot tros druiwe te gebruik as aas.
    En: Finally, after a wild chase, Lukas had a moment of brilliant inspiration and decided to use a large bunch of grapes as bait.

    Af: Hy het dit laag gehou, reg in Rudy se siglyn.
    En: He held it low, right in Rudy's line of sight.

    Af: Aangespoor deur die vooruitsig van 'n lekkerny, het Rudy verstadig en uiteindelik tot stilstand gekom.
    En: Spurred on by the prospect of a treat, Rudy slowed down and finally came to a stop.

    Af: Met 'n paar giggelende omstanders het Lukas die druiwe gebruik om Rudy sagkens terug te lei na sy regte eienaar by 'n nabygeleë stalletjie.
    En: Amidst a few chuckling onlookers, Lukas used the grapes to gently lead Rudy back to his rightful owner at a nearby stall.

    Af: Anika het haar gesig in haar hande verberg om haar glimlag te versteek.
    En: Anika hid her face in her hands to conceal her...

    • 12 min

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