Quirky Cooking Chats

Jo Whitton
Quirky Cooking Chats

Welcome to Quirky Cooking Chats (Season 2), with Jo Whitton - founder of the popular health and recipe platform, Quirky Cooking. Jo loves sharing her down-to-earth approach to healthy eating and living with stories and practical examples to demonstrate how to apply principles of good health in simple, practical ways. - Listen in as Jo chats with friends and guests about everything from culinary medicine and nutrition to family food stories, healthy homes, regenerative farming, reducing stress, balancing work-family-life, running a thriving online business, saving time and money while eating well, and much more! - Absorb Jo’s knowledge of “food as medicine”, watch her informative cooking videos (via the Quirky Cooking YouTube channel) and develop a healthy mindset towards nourishing your family with real food. - Be inspired to make simple changes that will maximise your health and wellbeing without the stress and overwhelm. Watch and listen to Season 1 of this podcast on the Quirky Cooking YouTube channel: https://bit.ly/QuirkyYouTube Visit the Quirky Cooking website for recipes and resources: quirkycooking.com.au

  1. Red Light Therapy & Infrared Saunas - with Johannes Kettelhodt of Clearlight Saunas & Helsi Life

    24 JAN

    Red Light Therapy & Infrared Saunas - with Johannes Kettelhodt of Clearlight Saunas & Helsi Life

    In this episode, Jo Whitton chats with Johannes Kettelhodt, engineer and co-founder of Clearlight and Helsi Life saunas, about the science behind red light therapy and infrared saunas, and they benefits they can have on our health. Johannes, explains how these technologies support overall well-being by enhancing mitochondrial function, boosting ATP production, reducing inflammation and promoting detoxification, cardiovascular health, and stress relief. Johannes answers listener questions about the differences, benefits, and potential risks of red light therapy and infrared saunas, including concerns about EMFs and how Clearlight and Helsi saunas ensure ultra-low EMF exposure. The conversation covers practical tips for choosing safe and effective devices, combining therapies, and understanding their impact on pain relief, sleep, energy, beauty, and muscle recovery. With personal insights and expert guidance, this episode provides a well-rounded introduction to these cutting-edge health tools. Learn more about Clearlight Saunas here: https://clearlightsaunas.com.au/ Learn more about Helsi Life saunas, red light therapy devices and ice baths here: https://au.helsi.life/?ref=QUIRKYCOOKING (affiliate link) Use the code QUIRKYCOOKING for 7% off all Helsi Life products! Visit the Quirky Cooking website here, for recipes, videos, podcasts, cooking classes, coaching and more: https://quirkycooking.com.au/ Join The Quirky Cooking Gut Health Program here: https://quirkycooking.com.au/gut-health-programs/

    1h 6m
  2. Biological Dentistry & Nutrition Diagnostics: Detoxing from Metals, Amalgams & Root Canals


    Biological Dentistry & Nutrition Diagnostics: Detoxing from Metals, Amalgams & Root Canals

    Episode 42 of Quirky Cooking Chats (Season 2): Biological Dentistry & Nutrition Diagnostics... and Detoxing from Metals, Amalgams and Root Canals. [Learn about my gut-healing retreat in the Italian Alps, June 2024] A year or so ago, I realised that two root canals I'd had done years ago were both infected. I knew they were affecting my health and needed to be removed. However, after one removal, a bone graft, and a bad experience in the dentist's chair which resulted in my face and right side of my body being paralysed for hours, I decided to fly 2000 kms to the nearest biological dentist for help... From June to October 2023, I worked with Eric Davis Dental and Nutrition Diagnostics in Brisbane and had a 'total dental revision'. My dental health and body chemistry were reviewed in great detail (blood tests, mouth swabs, urine tests, energetic testing and more) and the links between the whole mouth and the health of my overall system were examined and explained. It has been fascinating and I've learned so much! After months of working to detox metals (old amalgams, environmental toxins), reduce inflammation from the infection under the root canal-filled teeth, improve sleep and insulin resistance, and balance my overall body chemistry, I was able to have the surgeries needed and continued with the protocol to heal. In this podcast you will get to sit in on my last appointment with Nutritionist Owen Davis BHSc (NutMed) as he goes through the results of my 'before and after' blood tests. He explains for my listeners the how and why of the healing protocol I've been doing for the past months, talks about the mouth-body connection, and explains the importance of balancing body chemistry to detox and heal. Takeaways from this episode... Don't underestimate the importance of dentistry in respect to your immune system! Read "Disease Starts in the Mouth" It doesn’t matter what the disease or the symptom we’re working with, when the chemistry is out of balance, we’re susceptible to disease and the first thing that goes wrong is tooth decay and gum disease. When body chemistry is in balance, you have resistance to disease. A large part of balancing body chemistry and healing dental disease depends on diet. Read "Reverse Tooth Decay by Changing Your Diet" Animal protein and good fats are vital for dental health, for a healthy immune system, and to help the body to heal and detox. Read "Why a High Fat, High Protein Diet is Best for Your Teeth" A food-based, natural Vitamin C is also very important - read this article for details plus the recipe for Nutrition Diagnostic's Vit C Energy Drink Root canals are never a good idea. Read "Root Canal Treatment: The Hidden Dangers" Learn more here... Eric Davis Biological Dentistry and Nutrition Diagnostics Visit the Quirky Cooking website for gut-healing recipes, retreats and more!

    1h 21m
  3. Addictive Doing Patterns, Stress, Body Burnout & Gut Health - with Filipa Belette


    Addictive Doing Patterns, Stress, Body Burnout & Gut Health - with Filipa Belette

    Episode 41 of Quirky Cooking Chats (Season 2): Addictive Doing Patterns, Stress, Body Burnout & Gut Health - with Filipa Belette (Clinical Nutritionist & Functional Medicine Practitioner) Join me in this thought-provoking episode as I interview Filipe Belette about her inspiring journey of self-discovery and healing. Filly's story is a journey through addictive doing patterns, perfectionism, and high-achieving tendencies which led to many stress-related health issues. From her early struggles with regulating blood pressure during stress-induced episodes, to her late blooming and hormonal challenges, Filly's path was marked by unique challenges. She navigated a difficult childbirth, constant exhaustion, chronic pain, and immune deficiencies, leading her on a quest to rejuvenate her health. Discover how her encounter with the philosophy of "Deep Nutrition" based on the principles of Weston A. Price ignited her health awakening. With the birth of her second child came new opportunities, but old doing patterns crept in and overexertion and burnout resulted, leading her to explore functional medicine. Filly's journey took an unexpected turn as she realised the profound link between low dopamine levels and addictive patterns. We learn about the relationship between overexertion, stress and perfectionism, and the depletion of joy, creativity and motivation. Her battle with heartburn, histamine intolerance, parasites, and more led her to unveil the intricate connections between physical ailments and metaphysical triggers. We also discuss sleep, cortisol, and melatonin, the profound impact of sleep on health and well-being, the complexities of stress-induced burnout, as well as practical insights on breaking the cycle and restoring balance. Tune in to this episode and hear the remarkable journey of a woman who found her way back to vitality by addressing not only the physical but also the metaphysical aspects of health. Filly has generously offered a free mini course to help my listeners “Break Free from Body Burnout”! Request access here: https://www.chrisandfilly.fm/minicourse-page/ Learn more: - The Body Burnout Show with Filipa and her husband Chris: https://www.chrisandfilly.fm/podcasts/ending-body-burnout-show  - Chris and Filly’s Website: https://www.chrisandfilly.fm/  - Listen in to a podcast with Jo & Filly about Jo’s story of body burnout and healing: https://www.chrisandfilly.fm/podcasts/ending-body-burnout-show/episodes/2147931009

    54 min
  4. Softening Your Approach to Healing - The Gut Health Formula Interview #3


    Softening Your Approach to Healing - The Gut Health Formula Interview #3

    Welcome to Episode 40 of Quirky Cooking Chats (Season 2) Softening Your Approach to Healing - The Gut Health Formula Interview #3 Once more, Jo and Elyse interview a member of their online program, The Gut Health Formula, to share a beautiful and hope-filled story of healing. Jo and Elyse have been running their gut health program for the past five years and have seen the program impact positively on thousands of people's lives. Find out more about The Gut Health Formula here: https://quirkycooking.com.au/gut-health-programs-cooking-classes/ In this episode, Briony shares her story of learning to approach health and healing with a softer, gentler mindset. Adding in healing foods, reducing the stress load, and changing her focus from an 'all or nothing' approach to a 'step by step' approach made all the difference in her healing journey. Briony struggled with chronic diarrohea, digestive issues, exhaustion and confusion over which direction to turn. She felt embarrassed about her health struggles - as a natural health coach, she felt she should know what to do! Learning to lean into what her body was trying to teach her, letting go of the need to do everything perfectly, being kind to herself and enjoying a softer, gentler journey of healing has been life-changing for Briony. Listen in as Briony shares her story in this wonderfully inspiring interview. I f you need encouragement, guidance and support to heal and nourish yourself and your family, we invite you to join us for The Gut Health Formula - the 8 week program that made such a huge difference for Caitlin and thousands of others. THE GUT HEALTH FORMULA STARTS THIS WEEK. Find out more here: https://quirkycooking.com.au/gut-health-programs/ (We accept new members for the first week of the program as we believe in a soft start and allow members to work at their own pace.)

    59 min
  5. Clearing Up the Confusion: Hormones, Candida, Constipation, Bloating... Learning How to Be Healthy!


    Clearing Up the Confusion: Hormones, Candida, Constipation, Bloating... Learning How to Be Healthy!

    Welcome to Episode 39 of Quirky Cooking Chats (Season 2) Clearing Up the Confusion: Hormones, Candida, Constipation, Bloating... Learning to be Healthy! Over the next few weeks Jo will be joined by Elyse Comerford, Integrative Nutritionist, GAPS Practitioner, and owner of Well Belly Clinic, and they will be interviewing past members of their online program, The Gut Health Formula. Jo and Elyse have been running this program for the past five years, three or four times a year, and have seen the program impact positively on thousands of people's lives. They started to think they really should share some of the stories of the people who have worked through the program, because they know how powerful it can be to hear of someone else's healing experience. Hearing the story of someone who has healed health issues similar to yours can give you the hope and encouragement you need to begin changing your life. And Jo and Elyse are passionate about providing the practical 'how-tos' and support for those who are ready to make a change. Listen in as Jo and Elyse chat to Caitlin about her health journey. Caitlin struggled with infertility and period problems, hormonal issues, digestive disorders, food intolerances, struggles to gain weight, and confusion over how to eat a nourishing diet that would help her to heal. After 11 years of having no period, Caitlin learnt to heal with food and it has changed her life. The bloating is gone for the first time in 20 years, she has energy and feels like she has a new lease on life. Learn about the changes Caitlin made in 7 months that completely turned her health around!! If you need encouragement, guidance and support to heal and nourish yourself and your family, we invite you to join us for The Gut Health Formula - the 8 week program that made such a huge difference for Caitlin and thousands of others. Find out more here: https://quirkycooking.com.au/gut-health-programs/

    37 min
  6. Healing JIA (Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis): The Gut Health Formula Interview #1


    Healing JIA (Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis): The Gut Health Formula Interview #1

    Welcome to Episode 38 of Quirky Cooking Chats (Season 2): Healing JIA (Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis). Over the next few weeks Jo will be joined by Elyse Comerford, Integrative Nutritionist, GAPS Practitioner, and owner of Well Belly Clinic, and they will be interviewing past members of their online program, The Gut Health Formula. Jo and Elyse have been running this program for the past five years, three or four times a year, and have seen the program impact positively on thousands of people's lives. They started to think they really should share some of the stories of the people who have worked through the program, because they know how powerful it can be to hear of someone else's healing experience. Hearing the story of someone who has healed health issues similar to yours can give you the hope and encouragement you need to begin changing your life. And Jo and Elyse are passionate about providing the practical 'how-tos' and support for those who are ready to make a change. Listen in as Jo and Elyse chat to Steph about her three-year-old daughter's story of healing from juvenile idiopathic arthritis. It's not the end of the story, but the beginning is already so beautiful and hopeful, it will bring tears to your eyes. If you know someone with an autoimmune disease, or autoimmune arthritis, we hope you will share this video with them and help them to find hope also. You can find out more about The Gut Health Formula 8 week program here: https://bit.ly/theguthealthformulaQC Visit Jo's Quirky Cooking website here: https://quirkycooking.com.au/

    31 min

Ratings & Reviews

out of 5
10 Ratings


Welcome to Quirky Cooking Chats (Season 2), with Jo Whitton - founder of the popular health and recipe platform, Quirky Cooking. Jo loves sharing her down-to-earth approach to healthy eating and living with stories and practical examples to demonstrate how to apply principles of good health in simple, practical ways. - Listen in as Jo chats with friends and guests about everything from culinary medicine and nutrition to family food stories, healthy homes, regenerative farming, reducing stress, balancing work-family-life, running a thriving online business, saving time and money while eating well, and much more! - Absorb Jo’s knowledge of “food as medicine”, watch her informative cooking videos (via the Quirky Cooking YouTube channel) and develop a healthy mindset towards nourishing your family with real food. - Be inspired to make simple changes that will maximise your health and wellbeing without the stress and overwhelm. Watch and listen to Season 1 of this podcast on the Quirky Cooking YouTube channel: https://bit.ly/QuirkyYouTube Visit the Quirky Cooking website for recipes and resources: quirkycooking.com.au

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