736 episodes

The Breakfast Leadership Show with Michael Levitt is a podcast that focuses on helping individuals, teams, and organizations to achieve peak performance by providing insights and strategies on how to lead effectively. The show features interviews with thought leaders, authors, and experts from various fields such as business, health, and personal development.

The Breakfast Leadership Show is recognized as a top 20 global podcast on Thought Leadership by Thinkers360.

Throughout the show, Michael Levitt shares his expertise and knowledge on leadership and personal development, drawing on his extensive experience as a business consultant, coach, and speaker. He also provides practical tips and actionable advice on how to navigate the challenges of leadership and overcome obstacles that may hinder personal and organizational growth.

Some of the key topics discussed on the show include effective communication, building resilience, managing stress, fostering innovation, and developing a growth mindset. The show also explores the latest trends and best practices in leadership, including the role of technology in shaping the future of work.

Listeners of the Breakfast Leadership Show can expect to gain valuable insights and practical strategies that they can apply to their own lives and organizations. Whether you’re a business leader, entrepreneur, or simply someone who wants to improve their personal and professional performance, this podcast offers a wealth of information and inspiration to help you achieve your goals.

Breakfast Leadership Show Michael D. Levitt

    • Business
    • 5.0 • 5 Ratings

The Breakfast Leadership Show with Michael Levitt is a podcast that focuses on helping individuals, teams, and organizations to achieve peak performance by providing insights and strategies on how to lead effectively. The show features interviews with thought leaders, authors, and experts from various fields such as business, health, and personal development.

The Breakfast Leadership Show is recognized as a top 20 global podcast on Thought Leadership by Thinkers360.

Throughout the show, Michael Levitt shares his expertise and knowledge on leadership and personal development, drawing on his extensive experience as a business consultant, coach, and speaker. He also provides practical tips and actionable advice on how to navigate the challenges of leadership and overcome obstacles that may hinder personal and organizational growth.

Some of the key topics discussed on the show include effective communication, building resilience, managing stress, fostering innovation, and developing a growth mindset. The show also explores the latest trends and best practices in leadership, including the role of technology in shaping the future of work.

Listeners of the Breakfast Leadership Show can expect to gain valuable insights and practical strategies that they can apply to their own lives and organizations. Whether you’re a business leader, entrepreneur, or simply someone who wants to improve their personal and professional performance, this podcast offers a wealth of information and inspiration to help you achieve your goals.

    Founder Fridays: Thriving in Change: Ryan Kugler's Journey of Diversification and Adaptation in Business

    Founder Fridays: Thriving in Change: Ryan Kugler's Journey of Diversification and Adaptation in Business


    Introductions and business overview @ 0:00
    Ryan introduced his layered business model of running three companies with shared staff and discussed how it allows for diversification and flexibility. He described his event production, marketing materials, and wholesale liquidation businesses.
    Pivoting businesses during the pandemic @ 3:51
    Ryan discussed pausing his event business during the pandemic but pivoting his wholesale business to supply essential goods like PPE. He commended businesses' rapid adaptations to unprecedented challenges.
    Importance of diversification and exit strategies @ 17:51
    Ryan emphasized maintaining multiple revenue streams, as one business's fortunes may change. He looks to acquire passive businesses and plans selling his event business in 5-10 years. Exits must be planned to avoid surprises and headaches.
    Future plans and expansion of existing businesses @ 18:16
    Ryan seeks new acquisition opportunities in different industries. He'll grow his marketing and events businesses but diversify by finding replacement verticals as industries evolve past certain products. Continual adaptation is needed to avoid obsolescence.
    Importance of recognizing industry changes @ 21:12
    Half of 2000's Fortune 500 companies no longer exist. Industries constantly change, requiring anticipating new opportunities and exits. Businesses must evolve or risk becoming obsolete like buggy whip makers. Continual evaluation and flexibility are key to long-term survival.
    Finding inspiration through varied interests and helping others @ 24:32
    Both men find inspiration and networking through diverse interests like volunteering. Variety prevents burnout while helping others. Business success need not be sole focus; life should be enjoyed through meaningful pursuits.

    • 23 min
    Thoughtful Thursdays: Julie Cropp Gareleck’s Journey from Corner Booth to Corner Office | ‘Dare to Become’ Book Insights & Entrepreneurial Success

    Thoughtful Thursdays: Julie Cropp Gareleck’s Journey from Corner Booth to Corner Office | ‘Dare to Become’ Book Insights & Entrepreneurial Success

    Julie is a CEO, Author, and entrepreneur. Julie is a respected and trusted leader in business communities that extend from the Northeast (Philadelphia, New York City, and D.C.) to the Southeast (including the Greater Atlanta region and Charleston, South Carolina.), and that includes CEOs and entrepreneurs of small to midsize businesses as well as the Fortune 1000. In her 25-year career, she has consulted with more than 1000 companies to build sustainable, revenue-generating strategies. Her first book, Dare to Become, From the Corner Booth to the Corner Office, hit shelves worldwide on September 3 and details her journey from working for her parent’s restaurant to building a successful agency.For millions, a significant component of the American dream is to start one’s own company and, ultimately, to become one’s boss. The question is, how exactly does one do that? Every successful entrepreneur has a unique story to tell. Julie Cropp Gareleck, CEO, Entrepreneur, and now Author, brings a fresh perspective on confidently navigating the journey from startup to success. Whether you are a new business owner, entrepreneur, or an employee, the insights shared in this book will prove valuable on your journey.
    Links:Website: www.juliecroppgareleck.comFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/juliecgareleckIG: https://www.instagram.com/juliecgareleck/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@juliecgareleck/featuredLinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/juliecroppgareleck/Amazon: https://amzn.to/4f79dBf
    Quick recap

    Michael and Julie discussed the importance of self-realization, resilience, and adaptability in the face of challenges, particularly during the Great Recession and the Covid-19 pandemic. They also highlighted the value of early work experiences, problem-solving skills, continuous learning, and journaling in personal and professional development. Lastly, they discussed the promotion and availability of Julie's upcoming book, "Dare to Become," and the importance of networking and social media in book promotion.

    Discussing 'Dare to Become' and Potential

    Michael and Julie discussed the fast pace of the year and Julie's upcoming book, "Dare to Become," which aims to inspire people to reach their full potential. Michael expressed his excitement about the book's title and its message, emphasizing the importance of individuals realizing their unlimited potential to positively impact society. They agreed to keep the conversation organic and to include a summary of the interview in the show notes for those who might want to learn more about the discussion.


    Launching a Business Amid Economic Challenges

    Michael and Julie discussed the challenges and successes of launching a business during the Great Recession and the subsequent years of significant change and transformation. Michael praised Julie's boldness in starting a business during a difficult economic period and highlighted how both personal and working life have been significantly impacted by recent events such as wars, pandemics, and technological advancements. Julie shared his experience of launching a business during the recession and how his company managed to adapt and do well during the Covid-19 pandemic, despite the shift to remote work being a significant challenge for his sales team.


    Overcoming Fear With Zoom and Sharing Journeys

    Michael suggested that salespeople, who were initially uncomfortable using Zoom, should familiarize themselves with the platform by using it with their grandchildren. This approach helped them overcome their fear and gain confidence in using the app. Julie then shared his motivation for writing a book about his journey from working at his parents' restaurant to starting his own business. He found inspiration in his past journals and wanted to share the lessons he learned, as well as the ups and downs of his journey.


    HVAC Industry Contributions and Family Businesses

    Michael shared his conversation with Gene Slade, who

    • 28 min
    Thoughtful Thursdays: Harmonizing Family and Business: Insights from Avadhi Dhruv, the Family Business Guru and Bestselling Author

    Thoughtful Thursdays: Harmonizing Family and Business: Insights from Avadhi Dhruv, the Family Business Guru and Bestselling Author

    Avadhi is an International Bestselling Author, Youtuber, and a Business Guru. She helps leaders of family legacy businesses run their companies in a way that fosters healthy family relationships.Avadhi is also the Chief Transformation Officer at Prabhat Industries, their three-generational family business involved in rubber products manufacturing and distribution. Founded in 1966, the global brand is a leading supplier of sealing solutions for multiple industries across North America with revenues in the multi-seven figures.Avadhi’s upcoming book, The Family Business Guru: A Secret Guide to Alchemize Conflict into Harmony, Lead with Confidence, and Generate Profits, offers practical strategies to navigate the intricate dance of running a family business while maintaining strong relationships with your loved ones. their first bestseller, Inner Genius Outer Guru: A Heart-Centered Entrepreneur’s Guide to Unlimited Potential for Growth in Income and Freedom in Lifestyle without Burnout, was a huge success amongst entrepreneurs ready to create real income-generating businesses they love.
    Family-Owned Businesses: Advantages and Challenges
    Michael and Avadhi discussed the complexities and advantages of family-owned businesses. Michael shared their experience working at a family-owned grocery store chain, highlighting how family involvement can bring both success and challenges. Avadhi, who grew up in a family business empire, added that generational differences, personalities, and relationships can greatly impact the business. They both noted that leaving a family-owned business can be more complicated than leaving a regular business due to personal connections and feelings of loyalty. Avadhi emphasized the benefits of such businesses, pointing out that the shared values and culture of family members can positively impact the business, its employees, and customers.
    Overcoming Fears and Nurturing Relationships in Family-Owned Businesses
    Avadhi shared their insights on the challenges and fears family-owned businesses often face, particularly concerning money and relationships. She detailed their own journey of overcoming limiting beliefs and emphasized the importance of becoming aware of and addressing unconscious fears to foster healthy relationships and contribute fully to the business. Michael then contributed with a personal story about their family restaurant, highlighting the unique dynamics and connections that can exist within family-owned businesses. He stressed the importance of maintaining human connections, even in challenging situations, and avoiding actions that could damage relationships at the workplace.
    Harmony in Relationships for Business Success
    Michael and Avadhi discussed the importance of creating harmony in relationships for the success of a business. Avadhi emphasized that a harmonious environment boosts confidence and encourages a long-term approach to success, rattheir than a quick profit. Michael agreed, highlighting that constant work and refinement are crucial for a business to meet the growing demands of customers and employees. Both stressed the significance of self-improvement and hard work in achieving harmony, which then overflows into the business world, leading to revenue growth and profit.
    Avadhi's Work and Upcoming Launch
    Avadhi and Michael discussed Avadhi's work and how people could learn more about it. Avadhi encouraged viewers to visit their website, https://www.avadhi.guru/, and subscribe to their YouTube channel for their videos and healing meditations.

    • 24 min
    Wisdom Wednesdays: Develop Multiple Streams of Passive Income: A conversation with Allen Lomax

    Wisdom Wednesdays: Develop Multiple Streams of Passive Income: A conversation with Allen Lomax

    I inspire professionals to escape the tyranny of exchanging time, energy, expertise, and talent for money by empowering them to develop multiple streams of passive income. Time and economic freedom are core liberating forces that allow us to passionately engage in our calling and significantly impact humanity and the planet.My Story: I'm a seventh grader, and an unexpected TV special on homosexuality comes on. This is the first I've heard of homosexuality. Like a ton of rainbow bricks, I'm hit with the reality that I'm gay. This revelation, combined with undiagnosed dyslexia and schoolyard bullying, led to two decades of persistent depressive disorder. Despite feeling directionless, I graduate college, marry, and struggle with dead-end job after job.After divorce and therapy, I earn a master's in counseling, become a university counselor, attain a PhD, and excell in higher education leadership and real estate investment.The 2008 financial crisis cost me everything, forcing deep introspection. I realize I'm still that 7th-grade gay boy consumed with homophobic self-hatred with an intellectual inferiority complex.Two decades after my first therapy, I confront the core issues. Step out of a closet bigger than a Kardashian's, label the intellectual challenge for the dyslexia it is, and embrace both my dyslexia and fabulous gayness. Worthy of self-acceptance and wealth, I build passive income, lead in education, and help others flourish.Those schoolyard bullies can call me Suzie—As I live abundantly and flourish, I get the last laugh.Possible Topics;Five drivers that propel financial well-being to live abundantly while passionately engaged in the work of our calling.How do multiple streams of income remove the tyranny of exchanging time for money?Transformational growth from the inside out.Contact Info and Social Media Links:allen@steedtalker.comwww.steedtalker.comwww.linkedin.com/in/allenlomax/www.facebook.com/allen.lomax/
    Quick recap
    Michael and Allen discussed the importance of diversifying income sources for financial stability, with Allen sharing his personal journey of overcoming challenges to build a successful career. They also emphasized the significance of authentic leadership, self-discovery, and addressing core issues for personal growth. Lastly, they explored the advantages of investing in multi-family housing units and offered guidance for professionals seeking to create multiple sources of income.
    Next steps
    • Professionals to explore passive income opportunities like real estate investing, starting an online business, or investing in stocks to create multiple income streams and achieve financial independence.
    • Professionals to schedule a complimentary strategic consultation with Allen at steedtalker.com/strategy to clarify their vision, solve challenges, and get a blueprint for moving from exchanging time for money to financial freedom.
    • Listeners to consider investing in apartment complexes or commercial real estate due to high demand, stability, and potentially higher returns compared to other asset classes according to a Federal Reserve Bank study.
    Diversifying Income Sources and Conversation
    Michael and Allen had a discussion about the importance of diversifying income sources, especially in times of economic uncertainty. Michael emphasized how having multiple revenue streams can alleviate stress and provide a cushion, which Allen agreed to. The pair decided to continue an organic, unscripted discussion with Allen sharing his personal story about a special on homosexuality that exposed him to new concepts. They planned to continue the conversation for around 20 minutes.
    Allen's Journey to Self-Acceptance and Success
    Allen shared a candid and personal account of his struggles with dyslexia, internalized homophobia, and intellectual inferiority. He described his journey from feeling like a misfit and outcast in his school years to eventually embracing his dyslexia and sexuality, and

    • 33 min
    Tuesday Tips: Bruce Piasecki: Unveiling the Intersection of Climate Change and Conflict, and the Rise of Social Response Capitalism

    Tuesday Tips: Bruce Piasecki: Unveiling the Intersection of Climate Change and Conflict, and the Rise of Social Response Capitalism


    Intersection of war and climate change @ 1:51
    Bruce Piasecki discusses research showing that the top two global concerns are now war/conflict and climate change. He believes these issues are deeply interconnected, with climate change contributing to resource scarcity and instability that can lead to military conflicts. He emphasizes the need for leaders to recognize and address this relationship.
    Bridging business and social interests @ 12:14
    Bruce outlines six ways that the interests of business and society are converging in a "sweet spot": cutting costs, growing revenue, improving relationships, attracting talent, strengthening brands, and reducing risk. He believes this alignment creates a virtuous cycle of innovation, wealth creation, and social impact.
    Shift towards social response capitalism @ 19:16
    Bruce shares his view that capitalism can become a force for positive social change if companies realign their focus on money, people, and rules. He sees a growing trend of "invisible Robins Hoods" in the investment community who are redirecting capital towards more sustainable and socially responsible companies.
    Empowering the next generation @ 19:56
    Drawing on his observations of his daughter and her medical school peers, Bruce sees the next generation as naturally attuned to the intersection of business and social needs. He believes this osmotic learning will be a key driver of progress in addressing global challenges like climate change.
    Recap and next steps @ 33:04
    Michael and Bruce wrap up the discussion, with Michael expressing interest in continuing the conversation and receiving some of Bruce's books to further explore the ideas covered. They emphasize the importance of celebrating organizations and individuals who are driving positive change.
    Click below for photo, global podcasts, and books
    For new generation cartoon on Piasecki’s competitive principles, visit, and smile with Dr. Piasecki, a Ben Franklin all over again….

    • 24 min
    Tuesday Tips: The Fit CEO Mindset: Boundaries, Balance and Peak Performance with Rebecca Macieira-Kaufmann

    Tuesday Tips: The Fit CEO Mindset: Boundaries, Balance and Peak Performance with Rebecca Macieira-Kaufmann

    Quick recap
    CEO Fit Book and Boundaries Discussion
    Michael and Rebecca discussed the importance of the CEO Fit book, with a particular focus on the concept of boundaries. Rebecca shared her extensive career experience in financial services and her recent shift to advising startup CEOs. She also highlighted her passion for small businesses. Michael emphasized the significance of self-care and rest, noting that many people struggle with these aspects due to their busy and often stressful lives. Both expressed their enthusiasm for the ongoing journey of learning and growing in their respective fields.
    Flexibility, Adaptability, and Productivity in Workplaces
    Michael and Rebecca discussed the importance of flexibility and adaptability in developing and utilizing skills across different workplaces. They both highlighted the value of experience, with Rebecca sharing her insights from managing large and small companies. They emphasized the similarity in the fundamental challenges of motivating and retaining teams, regardless of company size. Michael pointed out that productivity often increases when focusing on the essential tasks, noting that remote work during the pandemic had eliminated many distractions and allowed for more straightforward work processes. Rebecca agreed, noting the importance of focus in maintaining productivity.
    Multitasking and Psychological Safety in the Workplace
    Rebecca argued that multitasking, such as responding to emails or texting while in a meeting, is not efficient as it distracts the brain's ability to focus on one task at a time. She suggested that this lack of distraction was a contributing factor to improved productivity. Michael emphasized the importance of creating a psychologically safe work environment where employees feel comfortable being open and transparent about personal issues. He argued that such an environment not only benefits employee well-being but also enhances retention and overall job satisfaction.
    Psychological Safety, Transparency, and Communication
    Michael and Rebecca discussed the importance of creating a psychologically safe and transparent work environment. Rebecca emphasized that clear communication about the company's vision and goals, and how employees' work contributes to these, is crucial for employee motivation and retention. Michael agreed, noting that clarity attracts while confusion repels. They then moved to discuss Rebecca's book, which was inspired by questions she received after speaking engagements. She shared how these questions led her to reflect on her own life and work experiences, and eventually led her to write the book.
    Collaborative Book Writing and Boundary Setting
    Rebecca shared the story of how she and her personal trainer, Lillian, collaborated to write a book about fitness and wellness. The book, which was completed in 10 months, was designed to be a quick reference guide, with short chapters and Lillian's input interspersed throughout. Michael then discussed the importance of setting and respecting boundaries, emphasizing that it's not selfish but necessary to maintain one's own well-being. He highlighted the common problem of overcommitment, especially among executives and startup founders. Both Rebecca and Michael underscored the importance of establishing boundaries and the need to approach it as a partnership.
    Work-Life Boundaries and Self-Care Strategies
    Michael and Rebecca discussed the importance of work-life boundaries and self-care in the workplace. Michael emphasized the need to keep track of delegated tasks to avoid overworking employees. Rebecca suggested renaming the term "selfish" to "self-care" and introduced the concept of "pay yourself first," likening it to building wealth. They also discussed the "parking lot" strategy, where non-urgent tasks are listed and prioritized later. This strategy was praised by Michael, who shared his own experience of using a similar method to reprioritize his workload with his man

    • 29 min

Customer Reviews

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Bball man24577 ,

Amazing Show!

Michael’s Podcast The Breakfast Leadership Show is super informative, upbeat, and shows people from all walks of life how to take your life and business/career to the next level.

You will encounter a variety of thoughtful, mindful, and proactive leaders that share their experience and wisdom and show you that you too can live a happy, fulfilling life.

A must subscribe!



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