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Through inadequate treatment as children a hole inside ourselves stays where deep trust into life could have developed. So we look for love in external things: shopping, work, food, social media. The only way to supply 8 billion addicts with the next fix is the exploitation of nature. We treat all other beings as raw material out of which the temporary remedies to our inner emptiness are manufactured.
But what if we see ourselves as the custodians Gaia, our loving Mother Earth, asks us to be? Only by embracing who we are meant to be are we able to create paradise. For us & every living being.

Gaia's Custodians Robert Gladitz

    • Gesellschaft und Kultur
    • 4,4 • 275 Bewertungen

Through inadequate treatment as children a hole inside ourselves stays where deep trust into life could have developed. So we look for love in external things: shopping, work, food, social media. The only way to supply 8 billion addicts with the next fix is the exploitation of nature. We treat all other beings as raw material out of which the temporary remedies to our inner emptiness are manufactured.
But what if we see ourselves as the custodians Gaia, our loving Mother Earth, asks us to be? Only by embracing who we are meant to be are we able to create paradise. For us & every living being.

    GERMAN AUDIOBOOK | Die Hüter der Erde - Eine neue Menschheit entsteht

    GERMAN AUDIOBOOK | Die Hüter der Erde - Eine neue Menschheit entsteht

    Wir leben in einem persönlichen und kollektiven Chaos. Durch unzureichende Behandlung als Kinder bleibt ein Loch in uns zurück, an der Stelle, wo sich ein tiefes Vertrauen ins Leben hätte entwickeln können. Also suchen wir nach Liebe in äußeren Dingen: Shopping, Arbeit, Essen, soziale Medien, Drogen diverser Art. Und der einzige Weg, 8 Milliarden Süchtige mit ihrem nächsten Kick zu versorgen, ist die Ausbeutung der Natur. Aber die Tragfähigkeit der Erde ist fast erschöpft. Und unsere auch. Das Leben kann so nicht weitergehen.

    Aber was, wenn es gerade vor der Morgendämmerung am dunkelsten ist? Was, wenn die notwendige Veränderung bereits im Gange ist? Was, wenn diese turbulenten Zeiten eine neue Art von Mensch hervorbringen? Eine weisere und liebevollere Version. Körperlich stark und spirituell verbunden. Tief besorgt um jedes Lebewesen, das die Oberfläche der Erde bewohnt. Mit offenem Herzen und scharfem Verstand.

    Ich nenne sie Custodians. Hüter, Bewahrer, Beschützer von Gaia, dem gesamten Ökosystem auf diesem wunderschönen Planeten. Sie treffen Entscheidungen, die sich ihrer Konsequenzen bewusst sind, anstatt blind ihren eigenen kurzsichtigen Wünschen und Ego-Spielen zu folgen. Sie arbeiten gewissenhaft an Antworten auf die Meta-Krise, die wir gerade erleben. Sie betrachten jede einzelne Sekunde ihres Lebens als Gelegenheit, die eigene Verkörperung dessen zu vertiefen, was sie in der Welt sehen wollen. Mit vollem Herzen, energisch und weise.

    Lade die E-Book-Version von "Die Hüter der Erde - Eine neue Menschheit entsteht" herunter: http://robertgladitz.de/gaiascustodians/

    Wenn du das Bedürfnis verspürst, zu meiner Arbeit beizutragen, findest du hier meine Bankverbindungen:
    Für den Versand von EUR:
    Robert Gladitz
    IBAN: BE18 9673 0768 4265
    Verwendungszweck: Geschenk
    Für den Versand von USD:
    Robert Gladitz
    Routing-Nummer: 026073150
    Kontonummer: 8311716411
    Verwendungszweck: Geschenk
    Wenn du eine andere Währung senden möchtest, kontaktiere mich bitte über Telegram: http://t.me/robertgladitz

    Tritt unserer englischsprachigen "Gaia's Custodians" Telegram Community bei: https://t.me/+M4coj9IO-8UyY2I9


    • 4 Std 9 Min.
    FULL AUDIOBOOK | Gaia's Custodians - The emergence of a novel kind of human

    FULL AUDIOBOOK | Gaia's Custodians - The emergence of a novel kind of human

    We are living in a personal and collective mess.
    Through inadequate treatment as children a hole inside ourselves stays where deep trust into life could have developed. So we look for love in external things: shopping, work, food, sex, social media, all kinds of drugs. And the only way to supply 8 billion addicts with their next fix is the exploitation of nature. But Earth’s carrying capacity is almost exhausted. And ours, too. Life cannot continue this way.

    But what if it’s the darkest right before dawn?
    What if the change that’s necessary is already unfolding? What if these turbulent times call forth a novel kind of human?
    A wiser and more loving version. Physically strong and spiritually connected. Deeply caring about each and every living being walking the surface of Earth. With an open heart and a sharp mind.

    I call them Custodians.
    Caretakers, stewards, protectors of Gaia, the whole ecosystem on this beautiful planet. They are making decisions aware of their consequences instead of blindly following their own short-sighted desires and ego-games. Diligently working on responses to the meta-crisis we’re experiencing right now. They approach every single second of their lives as an opportunity to deepen their own embodiment of what they want to see in the world. Wholehearted, vigorous, and wise.

    Download the ebook version of “Gaia’s Custodians - The emergence of a novel kind of human”:

    If you feel an urge to contribute to my work, you can find my bank details here:
    For sending EUR:
    Robert Gladitz
    IBAN: BE18 9673 0768 4265
    Reference: Gift
    For sending USD:
    Robert Gladitz
    Routing number: 026073150
    Account number: 8311716411
    Reference: Gift
    If you would like to send any other form of currency please contact me via Telegram:

    Join our Gaia’s Custodians Telegram Community:

    0:00 This audiobook is a gift
    7:48 Prologue
    14:08 The beginning of existence - Whv our children lose their most basic trust in life
    26:12 The meta-crisis - How we are trapped exploiting the planet and each other
    1:02.59 The evolution of humankind - Why the mess we're living in right now was inevitable
    1:52:41 The custodial species - Embracing the role Mother Earth gave us as caretakers of the whole
    2:37:34 The emergence of the polymath - How to become capable of creating systemic approaches to the meta-crisis
    2:54:08 The ideal home - Designing alternative living systems in alignment with Gaia
    3:04:35 The community - How living in small community villages can make us better humans
    3:10:51 The place - Discovering living conditions where our thriving aligns with the whole
    3:18:08 The physical and the spiritual - Dancing between the realms of earth and heaven
    3:27:18 The masculine and the feminine - Restoring harmonv on our planet by balancing the polarities
    3:34:00 The young and the old - Why multigenerational living might solve everybody's problems
    3:41:42 The practice - Inviting in profound healing through leaning into unconditional love
    3:51:11 The vision - A glimpse into the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible
    3:56:19 The coming of age of humanity - Growing into the mature humans we are meant to be
    4:13:18 Our Telegram community

    • 4 Std 20 Min.
    Embodying the 4 essential archetypes & becoming truly effective change agents | Gaia’s Custodians 05

    Embodying the 4 essential archetypes & becoming truly effective change agents | Gaia’s Custodians 05

    Download my new book “Gaia’s Custodians - The emergence of a novel kind of human”. It’s a gift. http://robertgladitz.de/gaiascustodians

    CUSTODIA - The incubator for birthing the more beautiful world: http://bit.ly/CUSTODIA-deck

    Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth - Buckminster Fuller: https://amzn.to/3UBqj1X

    Tao Te Ching - Lao Tzu: https://amzn.to/3UBOb5y

    Gaia’s Custodians Podcast about our broken coaching industry & a possible gift economy: https://youtu.be/r86KnGLHGGo

    Most humans are too one-dimensional. Out there, you see the fitness freaks, the artists, the spiritual seekers, the entrepreneurs. Each one of them has found "their thing," their holy grail. As a result, they get really good at this one-dimensional game but lack essential qualities that are found in other areas, areas that they don't even look at.

    But in order to become truly effective agents of change and contribute to the birthing of the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible in a substantial way, we need to cultivate multiple important parts inside ourselves. In this episode we will explore the 4 archetypes of a true custodian. Any new paradigm leaders must embody all of them. It's a tremendous task, since all of the archetypes contradict each other and require very different approaches. But this is the direction we need to aim for. Only when The Romantic, The Guardian, The Genius, and The Mystic join forces can a true paradise be birthed.

    • 1 Std. 14 Min.
    Our broken coaching industry & how we might fix it for clients and coaches | Gaia’s Custodians 04

    Our broken coaching industry & how we might fix it for clients and coaches | Gaia’s Custodians 04

    Coaches bragging on Instagram about the millions they are making and clients who are getting more and more disillusioned about the value they are receiving for the high ticket investments they made. But the 5-figure and 6-figure months don’t come without a toll: Endless hours spent making stories, building funnels, writing newsletters, hiring marketing agencies, doing sales calls, etc. And for all coaches just starting out things often look even more dire: they carry the burden of these endless tasks that hopefully someday will bring them to the point where they are able to actually start their real job - working with clients and creating value.
    The current state of the coaching industry is working for no one. Let’s bring it back to order. With two simple measurements that I explored in the newest episode of my Gaia’s Custodians Podcast. Enjoy!
    And yes, I’ve been in both scenarios. None of them were really fun - compared to how I’m serving my clients now.
    Apply for CUSTODIA: bit.ly/CUSTODIA-deck
    Download my book “Gaia’s Custodians - The emergence of a novel kind of human”: http://robertgladitz.de/gaiascustodians/
    “The more beautiful world our hearts know is possible” - Charles Eisenstein: https://amzn.to/3WaHVCX
    “Sacred Economics” - Charles Eisenstein: https://amzn.to/3W9pnTG
    Gaia’s Custodians Podcast Episode 02 about the Gift Economy: https://youtu.be/rzi5W0j8Dy0
    At One Ventures: https://www.atoneventures.com/
    AWESOME PEOPLE Talentschmiede: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLw-88I4o7sDIY2WIH7FmaCIy860yYJ8k8

    • 1 Std. 19 Min.
    The end of history as we know it, navigating emotions, the new humans arising | Gaia’s Custodians 03

    The end of history as we know it, navigating emotions, the new humans arising | Gaia’s Custodians 03

    Download my book „Gaia’s Custodians - The emergence of a novel kind of human“. It's a gift. http://robertgladitz.de/gaiascustodians

    We are living in a personal and collective mess.Through inadequate treatment as children a hole inside ourselves stays where deep trust into life could have developed. So we look for love in external things: shopping, work, food, sex, social media, all kinds of drugs. And the only way to supply 8 billion addicts with their next fix is the exploitation of nature. But Earth’s carrying capacity is almost exhausted. And ours, too. Life cannot continue this way.

    But what if it’s the darkest right before dawn? What if the change that’s necessary is already unfolding? What if these turbulent times call forth a novel kind of human?

    A wiser and more loving version. Physically strong and spiritually connected. Deeply caring about each and every living being walking the surface of Earth. With an open heart and a sharp mind.

    I call them Custodians. Caretakers, stewards, protectors of Gaia, the whole ecosystem on this beautiful planet. They are making decisions aware of their consequences instead of blindly following their own short-sighted desires and ego-games. Diligently working on responses to the meta-crisis we’re experiencing right now. They approach every single second of their lives as an opportunity to deepen their own embodiment of what they want to see in the world. Wholehearted, vigorous, and wise.

    Still a very rare species but one that is growing by the day. Let’s get to know them…

    Daniel Schmachtenberger & Nate Hagens about Hyper Agents: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nkv5mpBA8o4

    Gaia’s Custodians Podcast Episode 01 about Spiral Dynamics: https://youtu.be/3BP2yAy_J9M

    Fairphone: https://www.fairphone.com/

    Nora Bateson: https://batesoninstitute.org/nora-bateson/

    The untethered soul - Michael Singer: https://amzn.to/4cZHvpe

    Gaia’s Custodians Podcast Episode 02 about Living in the gift: https://youtu.be/rzi5W0j8Dy0

    • 1 Std. 12 Min.
    Living in the gift, quitting business, stepping into service & being free | Gaia’s Custodians 02

    Living in the gift, quitting business, stepping into service & being free | Gaia’s Custodians 02

    Download my book „Gaia’s Custodians - The emergence of a novel kind of human“. It's a gift.

    It’s time for a radical step. A step that my heart asks me to make since I stumbled over the idea of the gift economy four years ago. The possibility of being able to share my gifts freely with the world and receive a constant inflow of gifts in return, given out of deepest gratitude for the valuable work I’m doing, touched me deeply.
    A quantum leap from the traditional business world as we know it. Where manipulative sales tactics, cold harsh transactions and a replaceability of the individual reign. An approach that created the mess we’re living in collectively in the first place.
    That’s why I made the decision to not do business anymore. Instead everything I put out there will be a gift to the world. Without fixed price tags and crazy paywalls. Stepping into service fully. Releasing the desire of control and surrendering to the infinite wisdom of life. A step that scares me deeply while simultaneously setting my heart on fire tremendously. It just feels right.
    What that concretely means, how the gift economy might work in practices and which implications that has for our lives, I’d love to share with you in the second episode of the Gaia’s Custodians Podcast. Including a detailed overview of my current financial situation. Let’s dive in…

    Workshop “Living in the Gift” May 12, 2024 + recording: https://form.typeform.com/to/MLvnzjZT 

    Interbeing - Thich Nhat Hanh: https://amzn.to/3vFWEem

    My Daily Vlogs in 2015 and 2016: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLw-88I4o7sDIUu5BpQri9TVRaH9El4aXz

    Sacred Economics - Charles Eisenstein: https://amzn.to/3vFWFiq

    The Evolutionary Path - Online Workshop: https://form.typeform.com/to/bQGyPO9M

    Follow me on Instagram: http://instagram.com/robertgladitz/

    • 1 Std. 37 Min.


4,4 von 5
275 Bewertungen

275 Bewertungen

ViPa2013 ,

Das ist wirklich „Next Level“

Ich habe generell schon viele Podcasts gehört, aber die Art und Weise wie Rob und sein Team diesen Podcast aufbauen ist nahezu einmalig! Es ist nicht einfach ein Vortrag oder ein Dialog, es ist wuasi ein Hörspiel mit limitless Content der besser wirkt als jeder Energydrink oder Espresso! Diese Inspiration und Energie, die vermittelt wird ist gigantisch! Natürlich gedeihen gesähte Samen nur auf fruchbarem Boden, aber wer öffen ist für Neues, der kommt an ROBERT GLADITZ einfach nicht vorbei!

bellalala123 ,

Vorsicht Abzocker

Seit der Zdf Doku weiß hoffentlich jeder was für dubiose Machenschaften von diesem „Coach“ betrieben werden. Furchtbar, wie er die Menschen abzockt!!

Matze2305 ,


Was Gladitz und Miller für Abzocker sind, konnte man ja unlängst im ZDF (Sendung „Die Spur“) sehen. Auch die SZ hat unlängst über die dubiosen Machenschaften berichtet. Gute Berichte von Opfern gibt es auch, wenn man bei reddit „Elina Miller“ sucht. Man kann nur jedem raten, die Finger von diesen Menschen zu lassen.

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