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Interviews from the best and brightest minds in the real estate industry. We cover topics like Investing, listings, buyers, brokerage, technology, entrepreneurship and so much more. Brought to you by KevinandFred.com

Next Level Agents: The Kevin & Fred Show - Interviews with the best and brightest minds in the real estate industry Kevin Kauffman and Fred Weaver

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Interviews from the best and brightest minds in the real estate industry. We cover topics like Investing, listings, buyers, brokerage, technology, entrepreneurship and so much more. Brought to you by KevinandFred.com

    The High EQ Agent: How to Use the Most Underestimated Skill in Real Estate w/ Nina Patel

    The High EQ Agent: How to Use the Most Underestimated Skill in Real Estate w/ Nina Patel

    A real estate transaction isn’t just a financial process, it’s an emotional one too. And we’re not just talking about the emotions of the seller and the buyer on the other side. From loan officers and appraisers to inspectors and other agents, there can be up to 35 people involved in every real estate sale, and all of them have their own emotions. 

    That’s why emotional intelligence has to be part of the skillset we bring to the table as agents. Our success is directly connected to our ability to manage our emotions and the emotions of everyone involved. It eliminates issues before they arise, allows you to be a better problem solver, and ultimately makes for a smoother (even enjoyable) path to the close. 

    How do we increase our emotional intelligence and how can we apply it to the transaction more effectively? Today, Houston top producer, Nina Patel shares the power of adding a high EQ to your toolbox as a real estate professional. 

    Key Points  

    EQ starts with you
    Before you can begin to manage the emotions of the people around you, you have to get good at managing your own. There are many ways to heighten our own EQ, but self-reflection and self-awareness are non-negotiable. The better we get at those two, the more intune we become with the emotions of others.

    EQ gives you foresight
    Emotional intelligence elevates the client’s experience and makes it way more enjoyable because you can anticipate issues and deal with them in advance. It empowers you with foresight on what could go wrong so that you are proactive instead of reactive. 

    Become an active listener 
    When we meet people, it’s easy to talk about ourselves in an effort to convey our expertise and credibility and accolades. The problem is, the more we talk, the less we’re actually listening for what our clients need. Allow people to speak and listen actively, not just to what they are saying, but what they aren’t saying. This allows you to create the right solution for them, instead of throwing out your value proposition to see what will stick. 

    Use silence to your advantage
    Many people believe silence is awkward, but it can actually be advantageous. It allows people to process what’s being said mentally and emotionally, so they respond instead of react. In a negotiation, silence shows confidence and strength in the position you’ve taken, which can be huge in setting your client up for success. 

    Emotional intelligence makes you a better problem solver
    As agents, we’re constantly solving problems, no matter how many deals we’ve done. With EQ, you can look at things objectively, and see them from a higher perspective which allows us to see all the available options. Instead of being myopic in your decision making, you instantly open up more avenues of solutions. A key part of EQ is the ability to step away so that you can get that higher perspective. When you offer clients options, they feel more in control of the decision they are about to make which boosts their experience. 

    Guest Info

    As a top-producing agent, Nina Patel has earned accolades for her outstanding performance, including the prestigious Icon Award and Top 250 Teams at eXp in just 7 months of joining eXp. But Nina’s expertise goes beyond selling homes. She’s also a certified yoga and meditation teacher, incorporating mindfulness into her daily life and professional practice. This unique blend has honed her emotional intelligence, enabling her to connect deeply with buyers and sellers, understand their needs, and guide them through the real estate journey with empathy and grace. Her approach with real estate has always been to connect authentically and create a joyful memorable real estate experience for her clients. Follow @ninaandneel on Instagram or call or 281-773-5372


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    • 19 min
    Self-Work and Massive Business Growth Go Hand in Hand w/ Lindsay Fricks

    Self-Work and Massive Business Growth Go Hand in Hand w/ Lindsay Fricks

    There are two sides to growth, achievement and success - strategies and tactics as well as mindset and self-work. You can know what to do, but not be emotionally, mentally and spiritually prepared for it. This is why the real conduit to business growth is knowing yourself and what makes you tick. 

    The problem is: people tend to camp out on one or the other, overly focusing on the tactics or overly focusing on mindset. In order to really take off, we have to marry the two sides and work on them simultaneously. It’s often easier to focus on the strategy side of things, because the term “inner work” can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. Ultimately, we all have things that get in the way of how we show up in the world. Becoming aware of these areas and working on them is what will drive growth in every corner of our lives. 

    That’s why Lindsay Fricks created Legacy Agents - a container that combines the tactical strategies with the inner work piece. She discovered that growth, setting boundaries with clients and getting the right opportunities was easy once she worked on herself. Today she shares her journey and how she’s paying it forward with her new book. 


    Setting boundaries and learning yourself and what makes you tick is the best thing you can do for growing your business. -Lindsay Fricks

    You can wire your brain for the success you’re looking for, but it’s the beliefs that drive the thoughts which then drive the action which drives the results. -Lindsay Fricks
    Key Points  

    The truth about this business 
    Coming into real estate with a nest egg is one key factor that set Lindsay up for early success. A lot of people come in without the stability of a good runway and that’s why they struggle. They have a lack of financial finesse because they got into this thinking it’s just about selling houses. You are, in fact, a small business owner and a CEO, being a Realtor is just a job within the business. 

    Friends with professional benefits 
    When Angela came into this industry, she had no database to speak of. So she did 100 open houses in a year! That allowed her to build a ton of relationships, but she still has a standard of who she’s going to work with. Because she talks to so many people, she’s able to be more selective about clients, and create friendships that happen to have a business component. 

    Self-work and business growth go hand-in-hand 
    You can only grow your business to the extent that you’re physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually prepared for it. It’s not enough to be around the right people or do the right strategies. Until you figure out who you are, what makes you tick, and why you do things, you’ll never be able to grow your business because you’re trying to do what someone else is doing.  

    The ultimate power of self-work 
    You can wire your brain for the success that you’re looking for, but the beliefs drive the thoughts which then drive the action, which drives the results. It’s about closing the gap between who you are inside and who you show up as to the world. Once you do that, you radiate at a magnetic level where you just end up calling in the right people and opportunities. 

    Guest Info

    Lindsay Fricks is an Arizona Realtor, Agent Success Coach, founder of Legacy Agents and author of Becoming a Legacy Agent.  Legacy Agents provides hands-on, practical guidance on navigating the complex world of entrepreneurship and real estate investment. Whether you have been in the industry since you stepped out of the womb, or you’re just starting, their mastermind and workshops are tailored to meet you at your unique stage, providing you with the tools and strategies to reach new levels of success. For more information follow @lindsay.fricks and @legacy.agents on Instagram. 



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    • 35 min
    “Industry Orphans”: No One Builds Things for Solo Agents…Until Now w/Nikki Miller

    “Industry Orphans”: No One Builds Things for Solo Agents…Until Now w/Nikki Miller

    The real estate industry has always given people the ability to build a business on their own terms…unless you’re a solo agent who wants to remain that way. 

    Individual agents who want to grow without starting a team or joining a team have always been left out in the cold. There have never been models, structures and supports that allow them to scale without getting away from what they’re good at. 

    Their only other option is to stay where they are, stagnate and remain in the shadow of the business models that are hyped up from the stage. Nikki Miller found herself at this crossroads. She was a solo agent who wanted to scale or earn more without taking on all the overhead of starting a team. She also didn't want to give up her own brand for someone else’s. After being told there was no solution, she decided to build it herself, and The LEAD Syndicate was born. After being told it wouldn’t work, the platform quickly grew to 160 locations and recently got acquired by OJO Labs (now Movoto).  

    It goes to show that not fitting into any industry boxes, can actually be an advantage. A new idea based on your own pain point is worth chasing down because often, you’re not the only one with that problem. Yes, you’ll get resistance  and even pushback, but that doesn’t mean it won’t work. In this episode, Nikki shares the story behind LEAD Syndicate, and why serving individual agents should matter to the entire industry. 


    If you build well and show up correctly day-to-day, the success will show up. -Nikki Miller  

    When you’re coming up with something new, you’re probably on the right track if people don’t think it’s going to work. -Nikki Miller  

    We’re never solving problems in a vacuum, if we have a problem, someone else does. -Nikki Miller  

    Key Points  

    The truth about intentionally solo agents 
    Solo agents who want to stay solo are every brokerage’s biggest pain point. They are the biggest revolving door, the biggest time suck, and also a growing group. The challenge is they’ve always been underserved in this industry. 

    Why solo agents are often left in the cold
    There are many solo agents who want to remain solo, but also want to have systems, leverage and economies of scale. They just want to focus on what they are good at and nothing more. The LEAD Syndicate was created as a plug-and-play solution for this group of agents. It provides them with consistent support in coaching and training, database management, marketing, transaction management and supplemental lead generation. The agents don’t have to figure anything out, the platform takes that off their plates so they can focus on what they do best. 

    Focus on what stays the same
    When it comes to innovating, most people think about what will change and what will be new in the near and distant future. But sometimes the most innovative things come from focusing on what’s never going to change about the consumer - that’s exactly what Jeff Bezos did. 

    Your “weakness” is an advantage 
    If you think there's something wrong with you because you aren’t behaving the way everyone else is or you don’t have the strengths everyone else does, think differently. That thing you’re resisting is actually your strength so lean into it and figure out how to use that in order to achieve what you want.

    Guest Info

    Nikki Miller is the founder of The LEAD Syndicate and the VP of Lever and Agent Programs at OJO Labs. Lever is a first-of-its-kind platform specifically optimized for individual agents. It gives all the support, economies of scale, infrastructure, accountability, and training of a team without having to give up your personal brand.
    Follow @the_nikki_miller on Instagram and go to https://lever.movoto.com/ for more information. 


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    • 32 min
    4 Business Killers You Have to Cut Out Before It's Too Late

    4 Business Killers You Have to Cut Out Before It's Too Late

    Most of us got into real estate and running our own businesses because we craved freedom and autonomy. The problem is that freedom can be the very thing that leads to us losing our businesses. 

    In order to have both the freedom and the sustained great results, we need to build constraints around ourselves. If we don’t, at any given moment, our businesses are under the threat of four killers. 

    No matter how long you’ve been in the game, you can still fall prey to these problems and find yourself going backwards or completely derailed. Our businesses aren’t just in danger when the market is hard, they are in fact most prone when everything is going well and you get complacent. 

    Today, we’re going to discuss the 4 business killers, how they manifest and how to prevent and address them. 


    When things are good, it’s easier to spend money, to say yes and to not hold standards.  We lose discipline in the things that got us to where we were. -Kevin Kauffman 

    A lack of discipline shows up in not us not repeating the same activity day in and day out. -Fred Weaver 

    People are assigning hope to an external activity to fuel their business. You can’t do that for that many quarters in a row without finding yourself out of this business. -Fred Weaver 

    Key Points  

    The danger of inconsistent discipline 
    In this industry, it’s really easy to be disciplined when you desperately need the next deal, but what happens when things start going well? We take our foot off the gas. We’re disciplined enough to go out and hustle for the next deal, but not in the long run. Many of us are undisciplined - a good month is based on deals happening and having money in the bank. We have peaks and valleys in our income because it’s a direct reflection of the inconsistency in our activity. When things are good, it’s easier to spend money, to say yes and to not hold standards. It’s really easy to lose discipline in the things that got us to where we were.

    Being overly optimistic 
    We have to accept that fact when the market’s good, our results are going to outpace our effort. Some of our great outcomes are just pure luck - we were at the right place at the right time. The problem is: if we believe that things will stay good, that easy deals will keep flowing in and that rates will stay low, we’ll miss market changes that are obvious. Assigning hope to an external activity to fuel your business isn’t sustainable. 

    This is a boredom management business 
    The truth about this business is boredom will creep in the longer you’re in it. If you’re not bored, you haven’t been in business long enough and/or you’re not consistent enough with your activities. The problem is boredom can sabotage our business because we fall into the trap of trying new things, creating chaos and taking our eye off the ball. This  ultimately crumbles results in our core business. 

    How to combat impatience 
    Impatience is lethal in business because there might be a bigger gap between our effort and results than we expect. So many business owners sabotage themselves because they start thinking whatever they are doing isn’t working. Successful people have mastered the art of outlasting the impatient people. 


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    • 20 min
    Real Estate Recruiting Machine: How to Double Your Agent Count in 1 Year w/Noah George

    Real Estate Recruiting Machine: How to Double Your Agent Count in 1 Year w/Noah George

    The secret to growing a real estate team can be summed up in 4 words: people move the money. If you’re a team leader or broker owner looking to add more transactions to your bottom line, you can’t avoid adding to your agent count. 

    You could pour more into the agents you do have and try to squeeze more production out of them, but if you’re relying on that for growth, you’re going to be disappointed. Of course, it’s critical to keep developing our people, but there’s only so much more we can get out of them. Even if we give them everything, people will inevitably hit a ceiling, so we have to get more people in if we want to increase our results.

    You may get out of production to grow your team, but that doesn’t mean you stop lead generating. Now your lead gen efforts need to be put toward building your agent pipeline, having recruiting conversations and treating agents like your new listings. 

    A business vs. a job 
    There are two types of people in real estate: agents who love selling houses and agents who want to build businesses. The ones who want to build businesses grow by bringing more agents on, instead of trying to increase their transactions. The reality is: we could go out tomorrow and start making listings and we’d probably make more money, but we don’t want a business that relies on our effort to grow. We want leverage through people.  

    Agents are your new listings 
    Team leaders or broker owners who want to grow their agent count may step out of selling homes, but they still have to lead generate. You have to channel the energy you put into real estate into recruiting people to your team. The activities are the same: you have to get on the phone, set appointments and convert those appointments into closings AKA an agent joining your team. 

    The good news about the proposed NAR settlement 
    If you’re a team leader looking to grow your agent count, this NAR settlement presents a huge opportunity. A lot of people aren’t prepared for the changes in the industry and their businesses are suffering. This is a perfect opportunity to step in, have an honest conversation and provide much-needed guidance by offering to bring them on your team. 

    8 million opportunities
    So many people in real estate believe there’s no opportunity in this market, but the numbers don’t lie. In 2023, 4 million homes sold, and that means there were 8 million opportunities. There’s still plenty of transactions to be had for the agents doing the right things. 

    Guest Info

    With a North Carolina Broker's License acquired in 2005, Noah embarked on a remarkable journey in real estate. Selling over 1400 properties and personally listing more than 100 homes in a single year, Noah's expertise became evident early on. Beginning his career with Keller Williams Realty in 2005, Noah took the bold step of founding George Real Estate Group in 2019, an independent brokerage serving Western North Carolina and Upstate South Carolina. Notably, Noah transitioned away from active sales, redirecting his focus towards building the business through training, mentoring, coaching, and recruiting. Starting with 12 agents in early 2023, the brokerage has flourished, growing to 25 agents by the onset of 2024. This expansion has notably propelled productivity even during a challenging real estate environment, boasting a 100% increase in production during the first quarter of 2024 compared to the same period last year, directly attributed to the emphasis on team development. To date, Noah's career at KW and the collective efforts of George Real Estate Group have facilitated over $346 million in real estate transactions. Connect with Noah on LinkedIn.


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    • 24 min
    Be Willing to Suck First: Why You Can’t Be Great Without Being Crappy w/Angela Gordon

    Be Willing to Suck First: Why You Can’t Be Great Without Being Crappy w/Angela Gordon

    When we look at someone making and posting great content, we tend to overlook one thing. They all had that first crappy post or clumsy video. It doesn’t become polished overnight - it goes through a ton of iterations until it looks amazing. You don’t see the 100 steps the content creator had to go through - the period of being bad at it first, figuring it out, learning new things and applying them. 

    Most people will never get to great because they aren’t willing to go through this part of the process. They are afraid of looking silly and afraid of the discomfort of looking like they don’t know what they’re doing. They don’t want to screw up in order to do it better next time. 

    The journey of getting better as a business owner, and a person for that matter, involves a lot of humbling moments, learning curves, curiosity and a ton of improvements. As soon as we become okay with that, we unlock our next level of growth. We’re ultimately in the self-improvement business disguised as a real estate business. How do we commit to constant growth and improvement? Today, fellow Phoenix agent, Angela Gordon talks about how she’s growing her business by improving herself. 

    Key Points  

    Give fear a seat at the table, not a vote
    One of the things that holds us back from taking action is the fear of not getting results or looking silly. Fear is a natural response to trying something new. We can still have the thoughts, but we don’t have to give them power by not taking action. Give fear and doubt a seat at the table, but you don’t have to give them a vote. 

    How to handle the results lag of real estate
    As agents whose business results often lag behind the action we take, we don’t have the benefit of instant gratification. If we let our emotions control the day-to-day of our business and what we do, we can easily get off track. We have to believe that as long as we’re doing the right things, business will be okay, even if we don’t see the results right away. 

    You’re not in the business of selling houses
    If you’re a business owner, you’re really in the self-development business especially if you’re working with the public and dealing with customers/clients. Working on yourself is your number 1 job because if you don’t overcome your BS, you’ll never get to where you want to go. 

    How to tap into your creativity 
    One of the most powerful things we can do is be more creative. It benefits us in so many aspects of our business. But how do we lean into creativity and get ourselves into a creative space? By getting out of our usual routines, taking a break from work and getting out of our element. Whatever our hamster wheel is, we have to step off it to get those creative juices flowing. 

    The power of curiosity 
    Curiosity and the ability to be uncomfortable are some of the most powerful qualities a person can possess. Most people aren’t willing to try something different, but even if you discover that the new hobby wasn’t for you, you still get to learn something about yourself, and that’s great if you want to keep growing. 

    Guest Info

    Angela is an investor and top 4% real estate agent in Arizona who focuses on the east valley cities. With an emphasis on cultivating community, connecting people and supporting local businesses. Angela is also committed to personal development, constant improvement and building a life on being your authentic self. Follow @angelagordon_ on Instagram. 


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    • 1 hr 9 min

Customer Reviews

4.9 out of 5
179 Ratings

179 Ratings

Efren! ,

Top Real Estate Podcast

Great podcast that provides a wealth of information for free. The guest are insightful and always provide great tips to grow your business.

Greg Gale ,

Must Listen for Real Life Startegies

You have to subscribe and listen to these podcasts. Solid nuggets to take and implement to take your business to the next level. To impact your life both at home and at work. I challenge you to pick 2 and listen and implement. You will love it!

Laura G2 ,

Valuable Info

Kevin has some of the best guests in the real estate industry on his podcast. If you miss an episode you miss a ton of value and things you can implement in your real estate business to take it to the next level!

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