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  1. 國際時事跟讀 Ep.K947: 薩爾瓦多提出大膽提議收容美國罪犯  Prison Diplomacy: El Salvador's Bold Bid to House US Criminals

    19 小時前

    國際時事跟讀 Ep.K947: 薩爾瓦多提出大膽提議收容美國罪犯 Prison Diplomacy: El Salvador's Bold Bid to House US Criminals

    全球AI商機蓄勢待發,2025如何投資更有效? 野村投信ETF「台美研發大聯盟」帶您一次掌握! 00935 獨家研發費用選股,鎖定台灣創新科技好股 00971 嚴選美國全產業研發龍頭,聚焦美股大廠爆發力 00935、00971 你投資世界的優質首選 https://fstry.pse.is/789wfj —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— ----------------------------------- 🎧 通勤學英語 VIP 專區 & 🚀 線上課程  ----------------------------------- 💡 想要更自然的提升英語力?加入VIP會員,獲得專屬內容與優惠! 立即加入VIP方案 →https://open.firstory.me/join/15minstodayVIP訂閱常見問題 →https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/5cjptb 🔥 社會人核心英語有聲書課程→https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/554esm ------------------------------- 🌎 15Mins.Today 相關連結 ------------------------------- 💬 你的想法很重要!留言分享 → 留言連結 Web:www.15mins.today YouTube:https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/3rhuuy 商業合作/贊助來信:15minstoday@gmail.com 意見回覆 : ask15mins@gmail.com -------------------------------------------- 📜 單集逐字稿 & 內容摘要(播放器字數有限,完整逐字稿請到官網查看) -------------------------------------------- 國際時事跟讀 Ep.K947: Prison Diplomacy: El Salvador's Bold Bid to House US Criminals Highlights 主題摘要: El Salvador has proposed an unprecedented agreement to house foreign criminals and US deportees in its mega-prison system, potentially changing international approaches to criminal detention.The deal includes housing convicted criminals of any nationality in El Salvador's 40,000-capacity prison facility, with El Salvador receiving payment in exchange for this service.While the proposal has garnered some support, it faces significant legal barriers as the US cannot deport its citizens, and raises serious humanitarian concerns about prison conditions.. In a groundbreaking development that has sparked international debate, El Salvador's President Nayib Bukele has offered to house foreign criminals and US deportees in the country's mega-prison system. This extraordinary proposal, announced during US Secretary of State Marco Rubio's recent visit to Central America, represents an unprecedented agreement in global migration policy that could reshape international approaches to criminal detention. 在一項引發國際爭議的突破性發展中,薩爾瓦多總統納伊布.布格磊提出願意在該國的超級監獄系統中收容外國罪犯和美國遣返人員。這項非同尋常的提議是在美國國務卿馬可.盧比歐最近訪問中美洲期間宣布的,代表著全球移民政策中前所未有的協議,可能重塑國際社會對刑事拘留的處理方式。 The centerpiece of this controversial arrangement is El Salvador's willingness to accept convicted criminals of any nationality who are currently in US custody, including members of notorious gangs like MS-13 and Tren de Aragua. President Bukele has even extended this offer to include American citizens, suggesting they could be housed in the country's Terrorism Confinement Center (CECOT), which has a capacity of 40,000 inmates. In exchange, El Salvador would receive a fee that Bukele describes as "relatively low for the US but significant for us." This financial arrangement would reportedly help sustain El Salvador's entire prison system while offering the United States a potential solution to its own overcrowded facilities. 這項具爭議性安排的核心在於薩爾瓦多願意接收目前在美國監管下任何國籍的定罪罪犯,包括臭名昭著的幫派組織如 MS-13 和阿拉瓜火車幫(Tren de Aragua)成員。布格磊總統甚至將這項提議擴大到包括美國公民,建議他們可以被關押在該國擁有 40,000 名囚犯容量的「反恐怖主義監禁中心(CECOT)」。作為交換條件,薩爾瓦多將收取布格磊形容為「對美國來說相對較低,但對我們來說意義重大」的費用。據報導,這項財務安排將有助於維持薩爾瓦多的整個監獄系統,同時為美國過度擁擠的監獄設施提供潛在解決方案。 However, this proposal has raised significant legal and humanitarian concerns among experts and advocacy groups. Legal experts, including UC Berkeley law professor Leti Volpp, have pointed out that the United States is constitutionally prohibited from deporting its own citizens, regardless of their criminal status. Human rights organizations have also expressed alarm about conditions in El Salvador's prison system, where overcrowding, inadequate sanitation, and limited access to legal resources have been documented. Since 2022, Bukele's administration has imprisoned more than 81,000 people as part of an aggressive anti-gang campaign, representing approximately 1.25% of the country's adult population. 然而,這項提議引起了專家和倡權團體對法律和人權的重大關切。包括加州大學柏克萊分校法學教授萊蒂.沃普在內的法律專家指出,美國憲法禁止驅逐本國公民,無論其犯罪狀態為何。人權組織也對薩爾瓦多監獄系統的狀況表示警惕,該系統存在擁擠、衛生設施不足以及法律資源有限等問題。自 2022 年以來,布格磊政府已在打擊幫派的強硬行動中監禁了超過 81,000 人,約佔該國成年人口的 1.25%。 Despite these concerns, the agreement has garnered support from some quarters, particularly those advocating for stricter immigration policies. The Trump administration has shown interest in the proposal, although officials acknowledge the legal complexities involved. This development comes amid a broader crackdown on immigration, with the US government intensifying efforts to detain undocumented immigrants and reduce protections for migrants already in the country. Critics argue that this agreement represents a troubling shift in international cooperation, potentially undermining human rights standards and established legal principles in both countries. Meanwhile, human rights organizations continue to document cases of arbitrary arrests, torture, and enforced disappearances within El Salvador's prison system, raising serious questions about the feasibility and ethics of such an international detention arrangement. 儘管存在這些疑慮,該協議仍獲得一些支持者的認同,特別是那些主張更嚴格移民政策的人士。川普政府對這項提議表示興趣,儘管官員們承認存在法律複雜性。這項發展正值美國政府加大力度拘留無證移民並減少對國內移民保護的整頓之際。批評者認為,這項協議代表著國際合作令人不安的一個轉變,可能破壞兩國的人權標準和既定法律原則。同時,人權組織持續記錄薩爾瓦多監獄系統中的任意逮捕、酷刑和強迫失蹤案件,對此類國際拘留安排的可行性和倫理性提出嚴重質疑。 Keyword Drills 關鍵字: Migration (Mi-gra-tion) [noun. the movement of people from one place to another]: The new global migration policy that could reshape international approaches to criminal detention.Nationality (Na-tion-al-i-ty) [noun. the status of belonging to a particular nation]: El Salvador's willingness to accept convicted criminals of any nationality who are currently in US custody.Overcrowded (O-ver-crowd-ed) [adjective. filled with too many people or things]: Human rights organizations have expressed alarm about conditions in El Salvador's overcrowded prison system.Humanitarian (Hu-man-i-tar-i-an) [adjective. concerned with reducing suffering and improving the conditions that people live in]: This proposal has raised significant humanitarian concerns among experts and advocacy groups.Sanitation (San-i-ta-tion) [noun. conditions relating to public health, especially the provision of clean drinking water and proper disposal of human waste]: The prison system faces issues with inadequate sanitation and limited access to legal resources. Reference article: 1. https://edition.cnn.com/2025/02/03/americas/el-salvador-migrant-deal-marco-rubio-intl-hnk/index.html 2. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2025/feb/04/el-salvador-deportees-incarcerated-us-citizens/

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  2. 回顧星期天LBS - 音樂相關時事趣聞 All about music

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    回顧星期天LBS - 音樂相關時事趣聞 All about music

    全球AI商機蓄勢待發,2025如何投資更有效? 野村投信ETF「台美研發大聯盟」帶您一次掌握! 00935 獨家研發費用選股,鎖定台灣創新科技好股 00971 嚴選美國全產業研發龍頭,聚焦美股大廠爆發力 00935、00971 你投資世界的優質首選 https://fstry.pse.is/789wfj —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— ----------------------------------- 🎧 通勤學英語 VIP 專區 & 🚀 線上課程  ----------------------------------- 💡 想要更自然的提升英語力?加入VIP會員,獲得專屬內容與優惠! 立即加入VIP方案 →https://open.firstory.me/join/15minstodayVIP訂閱常見問題 →https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/5cjptb 🔥 社會人核心英語有聲書課程→https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/554esm ------------------------------- 🌎 15Mins.Today 相關連結 ------------------------------- 💬 你的想法很重要!留言分享 → 留言連結 Web:www.15mins.today YouTube:https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/3rhuuy 商業合作/贊助來信:15minstoday@gmail.com 意見回覆 : ask15mins@gmail.com -------------------------------------------- 📜 單集逐字稿 & 內容摘要(播放器字數有限,完整逐字稿請到官網查看) -------------------------------------------- The Old Pop Music Is Over. Introducing a Playbook for Pop 2.0. What pop means changes depending on what angle you’re looking from. It can be a descriptor of audience size, indicating something that’s popular, or it can be a genre tag, specifying a sound. But for much of the past three decades, these two definitions have effectively been one and the same. 「流行音樂」一詞的定義取決於從什麼角度去看它。它可以是界定受眾多寡的符號,顯示某樣東西是否熱門,也可以是一張類型標籤,用來指特定的音樂類型。然而卅年來在頗長的時間裡,這兩個定義幾乎合為一體。 You know the sort: Katy Perry’s confetti cheer, Justin Timberlake’s feather-light chirps, Lady Gaga’s exorbitant theater, Taylor Swift’s guileless guile. Music that strives for gloss, pep, ecstasy, spectacle. Often an expression of whiteness, too. A one-size-fits-all solution. 你絕對熟悉那種音樂,凱蒂佩芮五彩碎紙般的奔放歡呼,賈斯汀輕如羽毛的滑音尖唱,女神卡卡隆重奢華的戲劇效果,和泰勒絲看似無邪的使壞。那種試圖營造光鮮亮麗、活力充沛、極度狂喜,和壯觀場面的樂曲。這種音樂往往也以白人為主要受眾。一體適用的解決之道。 For a time, in the 1980s, this kind of pop music — think of Michael Jackson and Madonna — was effectively monoculture, which is why the two meanings of pop have been so tightly tethered and so difficult to disentangle. 一九八○年代有段時間,這一種流行樂——想想麥可傑克森和瑪丹娜就好——基本上完全同質。這也是流行樂兩種意義緊密相連、難捨難分的原因。 But in the past couple of years, this framework has been almost completely dismantled, owing in large part to the widespread adoption of streaming. What were once regarded merely as pop subgenres — K-pop, Latin trap, melodic hip-hop and more — have become the center of the conversation. 然而在過去這幾年裡,這個框架幾乎完全被打破,這與串流音樂廣為普及大有關係。過往僅被視為次類型的南韓流行歌、拉丁曲風、旋律嘻哈等樂種,儼然成了舞台上的主角。 This is not an arbitrary agglomeration of styles. This is Pop 2.0 — music that comes from several different scenes but works with its own distinct set of rules. It is the first time in decades that the playbook for pop success has been updated, and it has profoundly reshaped the sound of America. 這可不是武斷的類別區分。這是全新一代的流行樂。音樂來自不同文化背景,卻自有一套清楚的運作規矩。這是數十年來流行音樂的致勝攻略首度更新,而這也大大重塑了美國樂壇。 Previously, when artists from hip-hop, country or hard rock were said to be going pop, that implied they were sacrificing something essential about themselves in exchange for something plastic and transitory. Pop was a softening. A compromise. 在過去,外界若說某一嘻哈、鄉村,或硬式搖滾樂手轉向流行樂風,往往暗指他們犧牲了自己的核心特質,換取更人工化而短暫的東西。流行樂過去是軟化、妥協的同義詞。 Now, thanks to the largely frictionless internet, and the evolution in how Billboard calculates its charts — accounting for streaming data in addition to sales and radio play — these styles top the charts in unfiltered fashion. Hip-hop almost completely dominates streaming. Latin trap and reggaeton thrive on YouTube. K-pop, the dominant sound of young South Korea, has become a live-concert blockbuster and outrageously popular online worldwide. 而現在,由於網路幾乎暢行無阻,告示牌也改變了排行榜的計算方式——除唱片銷售和電台點播數字外,也計入串流量。上述的幾種音樂直截了當地名列前茅。嘻哈樂幾乎獨霸串流樂。拉美和雷鬼音樂在Youtube上隨處可見。南韓流行樂——來自南韓新生代的主流聲音,不僅橫掃全球演唱會票房,在網路上更是紅到不行。 All of that has made for Billboard charts that look vastly different than they did a decade ago and sets the template for how all of pop music will sound moving forward. 凡此種種,都使現在的告示牌排行榜和十年前看來大不相同,也替整體流行樂的前行之路定好了調。 Source article: https://paper.udn.com/udnpaper/POH0067/335845/web/#2L-14007387L Next Article Australia wins AI ’Eurovision Song Contest’ Dutch broadcaster VPRO decided to organise an AI Song Contest after the country won the 2019 Eurovision Song Contest. The aim was to research the creative abilities of AI and the impact it has on us, as well as the influence it could have on the music industry, according to the official Eurovision website. 荷蘭廣播公司VPRO決定舉辦一場AI歌曲大賽,在這個國家贏得2019年歐洲歌唱大賽後。歐洲歌唱大賽官方網站指出,(比賽的)目標是研究AI的創意能力、對我們的衝擊,以及它對音樂產業的影響。 Thirteen teams entered the contest, with Australia beating out Sweden, Belgium, the UK, France, Germany, Switzerland and the Netherlands to take home the title, giving fans a taste of Eurovision after 2020 contest was cancelled due to COVID-19. 共有13組人馬參賽,最後由澳洲擊敗瑞典、比利時、英國、法國、德國、瑞士與荷蘭等對手,將冠軍頭銜帶回家,在2020年歐洲歌唱大賽因為2019冠狀病毒流行病(COVID-19)疫情取消後,讓歌迷一嚐大賽的滋味。 The winning song, titled Beautiful the World, includes audio samples of koalas, kookaburras and Tasmanian devils, and was made by music-tech collective Uncanny Valley as a response to the Black Summer bushfires. 獲勝曲的題目為「Beautiful the World」,含有無尾熊、笑翠鳥與袋獾的聲音樣本,由音樂技術團體「恐怖谷」製作,回應黑暗夏日的叢林大火。 Next Article Slow music: Chord change in Germany of 639-year organ piece Hundreds of fans attended a special kind of musical happening on Sept. 5 at a church in Germany: a chord change in an organ piece that is supposed to last for an entirety of 639 years. The performance of the ORGAN2/ASLSP, or As Slow As Possible, composition began in September 2001 at the St. Burchardi Church in the eastern town of Halberstadt and is supposed to end in 2640 if all goes well. 數百名樂迷在九月五日齊聚德國一間教堂,參加一場特別的音樂活動:預計持續演奏整整六百三十九年的一首管風琴作品,在當天改變了和弦。這首名為 《ORGAN2/ASLSP》,又名《愈慢愈好》的作品,從二○○一年九月開始在德國東部小鎮哈柏斯塔的聖布爾夏迪教堂演奏。如果一切順利,演奏將會於二六四○年結束。 The music piece by the American composer John Cage is played on a special organ inside the medieval church. The last sound has been the same one for the last six years and 11 months, and therefore the chord change on Saturday last week was a big event among fans of the John Cage Organ Project. 這首樂曲是由美國作曲家約翰‧凱吉所作,在這座中世紀教堂內由一台特製管風琴演奏。在過去六年又十一個月之間,這首樂曲一直持續著相同的聲音,也因此上週六轉換和弦,對「約翰‧凱吉管風琴計畫」的樂迷而言堪稱一大盛事。 A chord change means that the sound of the organ pipes changes either because new sounds are added or existing sounds end. On Sept. 5, two new organ pipes were added. Organizers say the performance is “one of the slowest realizations of an organ musical piece.” 轉換和弦意味著管風琴音管的聲音改變,變化來自於新聲音加入,或是原本持續的聲音停止。在九月五號當天,管風琴裝上了兩根新的音管。主辦單位則表示,這場演出是「實現一部最慢的管風琴音樂作品。」 A compressor in the basement creates energy to blow air into the organ to create a continuous sound. When a chord change happens, it’s done manually. On Sept. 5, soprano singer Johanna Vargas and organist Julian Lembke changed the chord. The new sound reminded some listeners of the metallic buzz inside a big ship’s engine room. 教堂地下室有一台壓縮機製造出動能,將氣體吹入管風琴,創造出持續不斷的聲音。當和弦改變時,這個任務則

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  3. 15Mins 名人正念語錄 Inspirations Ep.15 知名自我提升大師 Famous self-development gurus

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    15Mins 名人正念語錄 Inspirations Ep.15 知名自我提升大師 Famous self-development gurus

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Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy." 戴爾·卡內基(《人性的弱點》作者) 名言:「猶豫不決會滋生懷疑和恐懼。行動能建立自信和勇氣。如果你想克服恐懼,不要坐在家裡想東想西,出門去忙碌才是正道。」 Born in 1888 in Missouri, Dale Carnegie grew up in poverty on a farm. He began his career as a salesman but found his true calling in public speaking. In 1912, he rented a YMCA room to teach public speaking, developing what would become the Dale Carnegie Course. His breakthrough came in 1936 with "How to Win Friends and Influence People," which has sold over 30 million copies and been translated into 36 languages. What many don't know is that Carnegie changed his surname's spelling from "Carnagey" to match that of industrialist Andrew Carnegie, hoping to benefit from the association. His teaching method was revolutionary – instead of focusing on theory, he emphasized practical experience and learning from mistakes. He would have students speak about their failures and learn from them, creating a supportive environment for personal growth. The Dale Carnegie Training program has graduated over 8 million people worldwide. Despite his success in teaching confidence, Carnegie himself battled depression and self-doubt throughout his life, making his achievements even more remarkable. 戴爾·卡內基1888年生於密蘇里州一個貧困的農家。他最初當推銷員,後來發現自己在公眾演說方面的天賦。1912年,他租下基督教青年會的一間教室教授演說,這就是日後「戴爾·卡內基課程」的雛形。1936年出版的《人性的弱點》讓他一舉成名,該書至今銷量超過3000萬冊,翻譯成36種語言。鮮為人知的是,卡內基將姓氏拼法從「Carnagey」改成「Carnegie」,是為了讓人聯想到企業家安德魯·卡內基。他的教學方法很創新-不專注於理論,而是強調實務經驗和從錯誤中學習。他會讓學員分享自己的失敗經驗並從中學習,營造支持個人成長的環境。全球已有超過800萬人完成戴爾·卡內基訓練課程。儘管在教導他人建立自信方面很成功,卡內基一生都在與憂鬱症和自我懷疑抗爭,這使他的成就更顯難能可貴。 2. Stephen Covey (Author of "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People") Quote: "I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions." 史蒂芬·柯維(《與成功有約》作者) 名言:「我不是環境的產物,而是決定的產物。」 Stephen Covey was born in 1932 in Salt Lake City, Utah. Before becoming a management guru, he served as a Mormon missionary in England. He earned his MBA from Harvard and a doctorate from Brigham Young University. Covey spent years researching success literature from the past 200 years before writing "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" (1989), which has sold over 25 million copies in 40 languages. The book took him over 20 years to develop. Covey created the concept of "paradigm shift" in personal development and introduced the idea of "abundance mentality" versus "scarcity mentality." He suffered from a severe head injury from a bicycle accident in 2012, which led to his passing, but his work continues to influence millions. He was named one of Time magazine's 25 most influential Americans in 1996. Covey practiced what he preached – he would wake up at 5 AM daily to exercise and plan his day, demonstrating the "first things first" principle from his book. 史蒂芬·柯維1932年生於猶他州鹽湖城。在成為管理大師之前,他曾在英國擔任摩門教傳教士。他獲得哈佛大學MBA學位和楊百翰大學博士學位。在寫作《高效能人士的七個習慣》(1989年)之前,他花了多年研究過去200年的成功文獻,該書至今銷量超過2500萬冊,被翻譯成40種語言。這本書花了他20多年才完成。柯維在個人發展領域創造了「典範轉移」的概念,並提出「豐盛心態」對比「匱乏心態」的理念。2012年他因自行車事故導致嚴重頭部受傷而離世,但他的理念持續影響著數百萬人。1996年,《時代》雜誌將他評為美國25位最具影響力人物之一。柯維身體力行他所提倡的理念-每天清晨5點起床運動並規劃一天,展現了他書中「要事第一」的原則。 3. Tony Robbins (Author and Motivational Speaker) Quote: "The path to success is to take massive, determined action." 東尼·羅賓斯(作家與勵志演說家) 名言:「通往成功的道路就是採取大規模的、堅定的行動。」 Born Anthony J. Mahavoricin 1960, Tony Robbins grew up in a financially struggling family. He left home at 17 and worked as a janitor to support himself. His career began when he started promoting seminars for Jim Rohn, who became his mentor. Robbins developed his own methodology by studying Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) and various psychological approaches. His breakthrough came with "Unlimited Power" in 1986, but he's perhaps best known for his seminars, including the famous "firewalk" experience where participants walk across hot coals. What's less known is that Robbins has a condition called acromegaly, which caused his distinctive appearance and deep voice. He has coached notable figures including Bill Clinton, Serena Williams, and Hugh Jackman. Despite having no college degree, he's built a billion-dollar business empire. Robbins feeds millions through his partnership with Feeding America, having provided over 500 million meals to date. He attributes his success to his voracious reading habit, reportedly reading 700 words per minute and averaging one book per day in his early career. 東尼·羅賓斯原名安東尼·馬哈沃里克,1960年出生於一個經濟困難的家庭。17歲離家,靠當清潔工維生。他的職業生涯始於為吉姆·羅恩(後來成為他的導師)推廣研討會。羅賓斯研究神經語言程式學(NLP)和各種心理學方法,發展出自己的方法論。1986年出版的《無限的力量》讓他成名,但他最為人知的是他的研討會,包括著名的「走火」體驗,參與者要走過滾燙的煤炭。較少人知道的是,羅賓斯患有肢端肥大症,這造就了他獨特的外表和低沉的嗓音。他曾指導過許多名人,包括比爾·柯林頓、小威廉絲和休·傑克曼。儘管沒有大學學位,他建立了一個價值數十億美元的商業帝國。透過與慈善組織Feeding America的合作,他已提供超過5億份餐食。他將成功歸功於廣泛閱讀的習慣,據說他的閱讀速度每分鐘700字,在事業早期平均一天讀一本書。

    15 分鐘
  4. 精選詞彙單元 Vocab EP.015: 青少年直播主都如何在網上討生活 What school-age live streamers do (回顧)

    4 天前

    精選詞彙單元 Vocab EP.015: 青少年直播主都如何在網上討生活 What school-age live streamers do (回顧)

    「讀癮」線上廣播,千人熱愛收聽!由主持人Robert帶你探索閱讀、成長、職場、人際、財商等多元議題。精選故事與嘉賓分享,啟發思考、激發行動,打造屬於你的知識饗宴。無論尋找靈感或解答,這裡總有一集適合你!快搜尋「讀癮」FB、IG、Threads,與我們互動、五星推薦,加入眾多聽眾行列,共創生命價值! https://fstry.pse.is/786y2y —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— ------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP加值內容與線上課程 ------------------------------- 通勤學英語VIP訂閱方案:https://open.firstory.me/join/15minstoday VIP訂閱FAQ: https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/5cjptb 社會人核心英語有聲書課程連結:https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/554esm ------------------------------- 15Mins.Today 相關連結 ------------------------------- 歡迎留言你對這集的想法: 留言連結 官方網站:www.15mins.today Clubhouse直播室:https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/46hm8k 訂閱YouTube頻道:https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/3rhuuy 商業合作/贊助來信:15minstoday@gmail.com 意見回覆 : ask15mins@gmail.com ------------------------------- 以下是此單集逐字稿 (播放器有不同字數限制,完整文稿可到官網) ------------------------------- Summary: The article tells about the story of Byrce Xavier, a school-aged internet live streamer who, after a year of live streaming only Live.ly has become popular amongst teenage girls. After becoming popular, he now is homeschooled to accommodate his busy social media and entertainment work. He hosts a show called “A bite with Bryce” where he live streams his lunch as if he is having them with his fans. Full article: https://www.15mins.today/blog/564-the-teenage-life-streamed-live-and-for-profit Vocabulary and sample sentences: Push notification:   For all my news reads, I would always activate the push notification for the news channels that I subscribe to. Emoji Sometimes people get really lazy and they rely on emojis to convey their feelings.Live streaming – online broadcasting technology used by Twitch, Youtube Gaming, and Facebook Live   Internet handle / nickname / id : your username online

    21 分鐘
  5. 英語咖啡館 Ep.258: 爵士學英語 - 50年來不斷被翻唱提醒人類信念的名曲 Imagine by John Lennon

    5 天前

    英語咖啡館 Ep.258: 爵士學英語 - 50年來不斷被翻唱提醒人類信念的名曲 Imagine by John Lennon

    ----------------------------------- 🎧 通勤學英語 VIP 專區 & 🚀 線上課程  ----------------------------------- 💡 想要更自然的提升英語力?加入VIP會員,獲得專屬內容與優惠! 立即加入VIP方案 →https://open.firstory.me/join/15minstodayVIP訂閱常見問題 →https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/5cjptb 🔥 社會人核心英語有聲書課程→https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/554esm ------------------------------- 🌎 15Mins.Today 相關連結 ------------------------------- 💬 你的想法很重要!留言分享 → 留言連結 Web:www.15mins.today YouTube:https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/3rhuuy 商業合作/贊助來信:15minstoday@gmail.com 意見回覆 : ask15mins@gmail.com -------------------------------------------- 📜 單集逐字稿 & 內容摘要(播放器字數有限,完整逐字稿請到官網查看) -------------------------------------------- 又到了《英語咖啡館》的爵士學英語單元,過去我們聊過很多音樂史上的經典,而本週 John 老師和 Shimin 老師要帶來一首跨越半世紀、至今仍然觸動人心的歌曲:John Lennon 的《Imagine》。 這首在1971年發行的歌曲,不只是一首簡單的流行歌曲,更像是世界和平的共同語言。有趣的是,直到2017年,約翰藍儂的妻子小野洋子 Yoko Ono 才正式獲得這首歌的共同創作者身份!另外,這首歌的創作過程超乎想像的快速,John Lennon 和 Yoko 竟然只花了一個下午茶的時間就完成了!《Imagine》這首歌被 Rolling Stone 雜誌評選為史上500大最佳歌曲中的第三名,這樣的成就甚至超越了很多 Beatles 的作品。 Welcome back to the music appreciation episode of "English Café"! While we've discussed many classic moments in music history before, this week Shimin and I are going to introduce a song that has moved people for over 50 years: John Lennon's "Imagine." Released in 1971, "Imagine" is more than just a pop song - it has become a universal language for world peace. Here's an interesting fact: it wasn't until 2017 that John Lennon's wife, Yoko Ono, was officially recognized as the song's co-creator! Another surprising detail is how quickly the song was written - John Lennon and Yoko completed it in just one afternoon over tea! "Imagine" was ranked #3 on Rolling Stone magazine's list of the 500 Greatest Songs of All Time, achieving even higher recognition than many Beatles songs. What is your favorite part of this song? Send us a comment and we will give you a shout out in the next episode!

    23 分鐘
  6. 國際時事跟讀 Ep.K943: NBA 湖人與獨行俠的重磅震撼交易  NBA's Most Daring Trade: Inside the Lakers-Mavs Megadeal


    國際時事跟讀 Ep.K943: NBA 湖人與獨行俠的重磅震撼交易 NBA's Most Daring Trade: Inside the Lakers-Mavs Megadeal

    當金曲歌后徐佳瑩發現在 Uber Eats 上(應該)都點得到,居然狂點一波! 雖然點不到白馬和失落沙洲,但香水、辣椒或其他吃的用的都點得到~ 快上 Uber Eats 想要的都點點看⮕ https://fstry.pse.is/786xna —— 以上為 KKBOX 與 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— ----------------------------------- 🎧 通勤學英語 VIP 專區 & 🚀 線上課程  ----------------------------------- 💡 想要更快自然的提升英語?加入VIP會員,獲得專屬內容與優惠! 立即加入VIP方案 →https://open.firstory.me/join/15minstodayVIP訂閱常見問題 →https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/5cjptb 🔥 社會人核心英語有聲書課程→https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/554esm ------------------------------- 🌎 15Mins.Today 相關連結 ------------------------------- 💬 你的想法很重要!留言分享 → 留言連結 Web:www.15mins.today YouTube:https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/3rhuuy 商業合作/贊助來信:15minstoday@gmail.com 意見回覆 : ask15mins@gmail.com -------------------------------------------- 📜 單集逐字稿 & 內容摘要(播放器字數有限,完整逐字稿請到官網查看) -------------------------------------------- 國際時事跟讀 Ep.K943: NBA's Most Daring Trade: Inside the Lakers-Mavs Megadeal Highlights 主題摘要: The unprecedented trade between the Lakers and Mavericks was kept completely secret thanks to the strong relationship between team managers, showing how personal trust can enable major business deals.Despite Doncic's impressive statistics and achievements, the Mavericks decided to trade him due to concerns about his work habits and conditioning, highlighting how talent alone doesn't guarantee long-term success.LeBron James' quick acceptance of Doncic as his new teammate, despite initial shock, demonstrates how professional athletes must adapt to sudden changes and embrace new opportunities.. In an unprecedented move that stunned the basketball world, the Los Angeles Lakers and Dallas Mavericks orchestrated one of the most consequential trades in NBA history. The blockbuster deal sent 25-year-old phenomenon Luka Doncic to Los Angeles in exchange for All-NBA center Anthony Davis, fundamentally reshaping both franchises and the league's competitive landscape. 在一項震驚籃球界的空前行動中,洛杉磯湖人隊與達拉斯獨行俠隊促成了 NBA 史上最具影響力的交易之一。這筆重磅交易將 25 歲的天才球員盧卡.唐西奇送往洛杉磯,換來全明星中鋒安東尼.戴維斯,徹底重塑了兩支球隊的未來與聯盟的競爭格局。 The genesis of this transformative trade began in a Dallas coffee shop, where Mavericks general manager Nico Harrison and Lakers general manager Rob Pelinka engaged in highly confidential discussions. Their shared history, built through decades of working with the late Kobe Bryant, created a foundation of trust that proved essential in maintaining absolute secrecy throughout the negotiations. The trade's announcement caught everyone by surprise – from the players involved to executives across the league, with Doncic learning of his fate through a group text and Davis receiving the news while at home in Los Angeles. 這筆變革性交易的起源始於達拉斯的一間咖啡廳,獨行俠總經理尼科.哈里森與湖人總經理羅布.佩林卡在此進行高度機密的討論。他們與已故的柯比.布萊恩共事數十年所建立的情誼,為整個談判過程的絕對保密奠定了信任基礎。交易消息的公布令所有人震驚—從相關球員到聯盟高層皆是如此,唐西奇是透過群組簡訊得知自己的命運,而戴維斯則是在洛杉磯的家中收到這個消息。 For the Mavericks, this bold decision marked a dramatic pivot from their previous strategy of building around Doncic's extraordinary talents. Despite his remarkable achievements, including a career scoring average of 28.7 points per game – third in NBA history behind only Michael Jordan and Wilt Chamberlain – internal concerns had grown about his conditioning and work habits. The recent ownership transition from Mark Cuban to the Adelson family created an opportunity for the franchise to prioritize cultural transformation and financial flexibility, leading to this momentous decision. 對獨行俠而言,這個大膽的決定標誌著球隊策略的重大轉變,不再以唐西奇的非凡才華為核心。儘管他創下驚人的成就,包括場均得分 28.7 分——在 NBA 歷史上僅次於麥可.喬丹和威爾特.張伯倫——但球隊內部對他的體能狀況和工作習慣的擔憂與日俱增。隨著球隊所有權從馬克.庫班轉移至阿德爾森家族,為球隊提供了一個優先考慮文化轉型和財務靈活性的機會,最終促成了這個重大決定。 The Lakers' acquisition of Doncic represents a strategic masterstroke aimed at securing their franchise's future beyond the LeBron James era. James, who has consistently praised Doncic as his "favorite player" in the league, initially met the news with disbelief but quickly embraced the potential of their partnership. "I spent two days in disbelief," James revealed, "but when I finally saw Luka today, it hit me – this is real." The 40-year-old superstar has reaffirmed his commitment to the Lakers and expressed enthusiasm about mentoring Doncic in his transition. 湖人收購唐西奇是一個戰略性的高明之舉,旨在確保球隊在雷霸龍.詹姆斯時代之後的未來。詹姆斯一直稱讚唐西奇是他「最喜歡的球員」,起初對這個消息難以置信,但很快就接受了這個潛在的合作關係。「我花了兩天時間才接受這個事實,」詹姆斯透露:「但當我今天終於見到盧卡時,我才意識到——這是真的。」這位 40 歲的超級巨星重申了他對湖人的承諾,並表示很期待能在轉型期間指導唐西奇。 Despite concerns from some analysts about how two ball-dominant players will coexist, coaches and executives across the league have dismissed these worries. Lakers coach JJ Redick, who briefly played alongside Doncic in Dallas, emphasized their mutual respect and shared basketball vision. Clippers coach Tyronn Lue, drawing from his experience coaching James in Cleveland, confidently stated, "When you have LeBron James and Luka – who's a top-three, top-five player in the league – they'll figure out how to make it work." As both teams adjust to their new realities, this trade stands as a testament to the NBA's ever-evolving landscape, where bold decisions can instantly reshape the future of multiple franchises. 儘管一些分析師擔心兩位控球導向型球員如何共處,但聯盟中的教練和高層都對此不以為然。湖人隊教練 JJ.瑞迪克曾在達拉斯短暫地與唐西奇並肩作戰,他強調了兩人之間的相互尊重和共同的籃球理念。快艇隊教練泰倫.魯從他在克里夫蘭執教詹姆斯的經驗出發,自信地表示:「當你擁有雷霸龍.詹姆斯和盧卡——一個聯盟前三到前五的球員——他們一定能找到合作的方式。」隨著兩支球隊適應新的現實,這筆交易見證了 NBA 不斷演變的格局,這樣大膽的決定能夠瞬間重塑多支球隊的未來。 Keyword Drills 關鍵字: Orchestrated (Or-ches-trat-ed) [verb. to plan and organize something carefully]: The Los Angeles Lakers and Dallas Mavericks orchestrated one of the most consequential trades in NBA history.Consequential (Con-se-quen-tial) [adjective. very important; having big effects]: The Los Angeles Lakers and Dallas Mavericks orchestrated one of the most consequential trades in NBA history.Ownership (Own-er-ship) [noun. the state of owning something]: The recent ownership transition from Mark Cuban to the Adelson family created an opportunity for the franchise to prioritize cultural transformation.Masterstroke (Mas-ter-stroke) [noun. a very clever action that leads to success]: The Lakers' acquisition of Doncic represents a strategic masterstroke aimed at securing their franchise's future beyond the LeBron James era.Reaffirmed (Re-af-firmed) [verb. to state something as true again]: The 40-year-old superstar has reaffirmed his commitment to the Lakers and expressed enthusiasm about mentoring Doncic in his transition. Reference article: 1. https://www.espn.com/nba/story/_/id/43676830/how-stunning-luka-doncic-anthony-davis-trade-came-together-los-angeles-lakers-dallas-mavericks 2. https://www.nba.com/news/lebron-james-lakers-mavs-trade-reactionw

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  7. 回顧星期天LBS - 火車相關時事趣聞 All about trains


    回顧星期天LBS - 火車相關時事趣聞 All about trains

    史考特給自己的筆記,一個出生平凡的台灣人,在34歲那年,接觸到靈修和量子物理之後,在美國成為上市企業裡的最高業績團隊,同行業績全球冠軍,管理百人團隊,來聽聽看他是怎麼從平庸匱乏的日子走到幸福富足的生活 https://fstry.pse.is/786y8w —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— ----------------------------------- 🎧 通勤學英語 VIP 專區 & 🚀 線上課程  ----------------------------------- 💡 想要更自然的提升英語力?加入VIP會員,獲得專屬內容與優惠! 立即加入VIP方案 →https://open.firstory.me/join/15minstodayVIP訂閱常見問題 →https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/5cjptb想學哪些主題? →https://forms.gle/xyHoPydBr6LLFL9q8 🔥 社會人核心英語有聲書課程→https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/554esm ------------------------------- 🌎 15Mins.Today 相關連結 ------------------------------- 💬 你的想法很重要!留言分享 → 留言連結 Web:www.15mins.today YouTube:https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/3rhuuy 商業合作/贊助來信:15minstoday@gmail.com 意見回覆 : ask15mins@gmail.com -------------------------------------------- 📜 單集逐字稿 & 內容摘要(播放器字數有限,完整逐字稿請到官網查看) -------------------------------------------- Topic: Sightseeing train turns ’problem’ Kyoto line into talk of the town A railway here in Miyazu, Kyoto Prefecture once on the verge of being defunct has a new lease on life with its slow-moving sightseeing train featuring a cafe-like interior. (日本)京都府宮津一條曾瀕臨廢線的鐵路,憑藉內部裝潢有如咖啡館的觀光慢車,得以續命綿延。 The Tango Aka-Matsu is operated by Kyoto Tango Railway (Tantetsu), whose lines were famously dubbed the symbol of unprofitable train routes in the Heisei Era, which started in 1989. 京都丹後鐵道(簡稱丹鐵)負責營運的「丹後赤松號」觀光列車所行駛的路線,被稱為是始於1989年平成時代的知名不賺錢路線的象徵。 The train, which connects Nishi-Maizuru and Amanohashidate stations, runs at reduced speeds offering scenic views. 這列連接西舞鶴站與天橋立站的觀光列車,以較慢速度行駛,好讓乘客能夠欣賞美景。 Passengers let out cries of delight on a weekend in December as the fully occupied 33-seat train approached Yuragawa Kyoryo bridge over the Yuragawa river. 去年12月的某個週末,當33個座位都坐滿的觀光列車駛向跨越由良川的由良川橋時,車上乘客一陣驚呼。 "It’s amazing. It’s like we are on the sea," one passenger said. 「太棒了。我們好像在海上,」一名乘客如是說。 The 550-meter-long bridge is only a few meters above the river, making passengers feel as if the train is traveling on the water. 這座550公尺長的鐵道橋,只比河面高幾公尺,讓乘客覺得火車彷彿行駛在水面上。 Next Article Topic: Emergency bathroom run lands Japanese "bullet train" driver in hot water 煩 The famed high-speed "bullet train" in Japan got some unwanted attention from regulators last month after the driver briefly abandoned his controls to take a bathroom break — leaving the train and its 160 passengers to hurtle along the tracks at 93 miles-per-hour. 日本知名的高速「子彈列車」上月因一名司機員暫離駕駛室去上廁所而被監管人員盯上——(他)讓列車與車上160名乘客以93英里的時速奔馳於鐵軌上。 The train departed Tokyo Station at 7:33 a.m., bound for Shin-Osaka station. At 8:14, outside the city of Odawara southwest of Tokyo, the driver suffered a bout of abdominal distress. 這班前往新大阪站的列車在早上7時33分從東京站出發。8時14分來到東京西南方的小田原市外圍時,司機員感到一陣腹痛。 Instead of stopping the train to run to the bathroom, he called in the conductor to occupy the control room for three minutes, until he was able to scramble back to his post. 與其停車以便跑去上廁所,他反而找來車掌在駕駛室待3分鐘,直到他趕回與重返駕駛崗位。 "Many of our conductors are licensed to take the controls," Central Japan Railway public relations representative Ryumon Hashimoto said. "But this one wasn’t." 「我們的許多車掌有(列車)駕駛執照,」JR東海公關部的橋本龍門(譯音)說。「但這位沒有。」 Next Article Topic: Aesthetic makeover: TRA launches new tour train When the plans for the Taiwan Railway Administration’s (TRA) NT$79 million (US$2.6 million) 29 “Formosa Express” passenger tour carriages were revealed earlier this year, the designs were met with an avalanche of criticism. In response, TRA director Chang Cheng-yuan announced in April that the company would hold consultations on the design, and that the most vehement detractors would be invited to contribute. 台鐵局今年耗資新台幣七千九百萬元,打造二十九輛環島之星觀光列車,曝光後設計卻遭批評。台鐵局長張政源在今年四月宣布,成立台鐵美學設計諮詢審議小組,「把罵台鐵最凶的統統找來」。由設計師吳漢中為代表,齊聚各界專家,把二十九輛當中尚未施作完工的十三輛列車,邀請在國內外得過許多設計大獎的台灣設計團隊「柏成設計」,導入美學概念重新改造。 Headed by designer Han Wu, the team of consultants brought together experts from various fields, and the award-winning Taiwanese design firm J. C. Architecture was invited to undertake an aesthetic makeover, designing the 13 cars yet to be converted. Unveiled on Friday, the newly designed TRA Tour Train sports a black and orange exterior, imparting an air of gravitas to its new look. Redundant signs distracting from the minimalist interior design were removed, and soft lighting was introduced to create a comfortable, relaxing ambience, to give passengers the impression of being in a hotel. 新設計的台鐵觀光列車上週五亮相,外觀改用尊榮感十足的黑、橘色,內裝採減法設計,去掉多餘的指標,燈光使用溫和的色溫,讓旅客有如進到飯店的舒適氛圍。 The curtains in the carriages are based on the works of Yuma Taru, an aboriginal craftswoman, employing geometric shapes suggestive of mountains, while the upholstery utilizes blues and grays, a reference to Taiwan’s oceans, rocks and mountains. The overall effect goes beyond that of a simple means of transportation, and now has more of an emotional impact. 車廂中的窗簾,是參考原住民工藝家尤瑪.達陸的作品,以幾何圖形堆疊出山脈造型;座椅顏色為藍、灰色,象徵台灣的海洋、石頭與山,讓火車不再只是生硬的交通工具,同時也富有情感。 Commenting on why black and orange were chosen for the exterior, Nora Wang, co-founder of J. C. Architecture, says that black imparts a sense of mystery and sobriety, and that old photos of TRA train carriages show that black was widely used for train exteriors in the past. The orange, meanwhile, is a reference to the Chu Kuang Express train designs. The tour train’s black and orange theme is therefore a link to railway history, reinvented from and recombining older design elements. 列車外觀使用黑、橘二色,柏成設計合夥創辦人王菱檥表示,黑色具有神秘的尊榮感,尤其觀察過往台鐵車體照片時,發現有一段時期大量採用黑色設計,因此激盪出新的想法。經典橘色則是延續莒光號原有的橘,保有車輛的歷史,將舊元素重新組合,迸出新的設計火花。 Wang’s favorite design is the bar counter area, reminiscent of a hotel reception, featuring a small lamp on the dining table, giving boarding passengers the impression they are entering a hotel. Passengers get to experience the hotel-like service, too, reclining in the train’s parlor car accompanied by friends and family, leisurely sipping coffee. The windows offer magnificent ocean views to the east and vistas of rice paddies and mountains to the west. 有如飯店接待大廳的吧台區是王菱檥最喜愛的設計,餐桌台上放了一盞小燈,當旅客踏上這輛觀光列車時,感覺就像是踏進飯店一樣。跟親朋好友坐在客廳車,悠閒喝著咖啡,從觀景窗往外望,東邊有海岸線壯闊海景,西邊則有稻穗、山脈,帶給大家有如旅館式的服務體驗。 Wang says, “The TRA train is not just a means of transportation, it is a starting point for a journey.” She hopes that the TRA Tour Train will help promote rail travel in Taiwan. Tour trains in countries such as Japan and Italy attract visitors from all over the world every year, and Wang believes Taiwan has the potential to be like this. “Taiwan’s landscape is so beautiful,” she says, and “some scenery can only be seen from the train.” 王菱檥說:「台鐵不只是交通工具,而是旅遊的起始點。」她希望未來可帶動民眾搭乘火車在島內旅遊的風氣,放眼各國的觀光列車如日本、義大利等,每年吸引全球民眾到訪,「相信台灣有這方面的潛力,台灣景觀太美了,有些景色只有坐火車才看得到」。 Source article: http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/lang/archives/2019/12/17/2003727649/2 Next Article Topic: The hydrogen, or hydrail, train is set to run in Lower Saxony starting in December 2017. The train - called the "Coradia iLint" - has been developed over the past two years by French company Alstom. 這種火車稱為「柯納狄亞」,由法國「阿斯頓」公司耗時2年開發。 The hydrogen train operates using a hydrogen fuel tank, stored on the roof of the trai

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  8. 15Mins 名人正念語錄 Inspirations Ep.14 知名旅遊作家與節目主持人 Famous travel authors and TV show hosts


    15Mins 名人正念語錄 Inspirations Ep.14 知名旅遊作家與節目主持人 Famous travel authors and TV show hosts

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Rick Steves began his travel career in 1976, teaching pianoto fund his trips across Europe. He started his business by giving travel lectures in his hometown of Edmonds, Washington, and self-published his first guide book "Europe Through the Back Door" in 1980. What sets Steves apart is his philosophy of "temporary local" travel – encouraging travelers to experience destinations like locals rather than tourists. His PBS show "Rick Steves' Europe" has aired since 2000, but he actually started in public television by doing travel segments for his local PBS station while washing dishes in their cafeteria. Despite his success, he still leads tours several weeks each year to stay connected with travelers and maintain his expertise. He advocates for what he calls "thoughtful travel" – using travel as a tool for breaking down cultural barriers and promoting global understanding. Interestingly, Steves maintains a policy of featuring only places that regular travelers can realistically visit, refusing to showcase exclusive resorts or luxury experiences that are out of reach for average tourists. 1. 瑞克·史蒂夫斯(旅遊作家與電視節目主持人) 名言:「旅行充滿學習機會,最珍貴的紀念品就是更寬廣的視野。」 瑞克·史蒂夫斯1976年開始旅遊生涯,靠教鋼琴資助自己環遊歐洲。他在家鄉華盛頓州艾德蒙茲開始事業,舉辦旅遊講座,1980年自費出版第一本旅遊指南《歐洲後門之旅》。史蒂夫斯與眾不同之處在於他提倡「暫時成為當地人」的旅行哲學-鼓勵旅客像當地人而不是遊客般體驗目的地。他的PBS節目《瑞克·史蒂夫斯的歐洲》自2000年開播,但其實他是從在當地PBS電視台餐廳洗盤子時開始製作旅遊節目單元的。儘管事業有成,他每年仍親自帶團數週,以保持與旅客的連結和專業知識。他提倡「深思熟慮的旅行」-運用旅行作為打破文化隔閡和促進全球理解的工具。有趣的是,史蒂夫斯堅持只介紹一般旅客實際可以造訪的地方,拒絕展示一般人負擔不起的奢華度假村或豪華體驗。 2. Anthony Bourdain (Chef, Author, and Travel Documentarian) Quote: "If you're twenty-two, physically fit, hungry tolearn and be better, I urge you to travel – as far and as widely as possible. Sleep on floors if you have to. Find out how other people live and eat and cook. Learn from them – wherever you go." Anthony Bourdain began his journey not as a travel writerbut as a chef in New York City. His breakthrough came with his 2000 book "Kitchen Confidential," which led to his first TV show "A Cook's Tour." Bourdain was known for his unique approach to travel journalism, focusing on how food connects to larger cultural and political issues. He spoke French fluently and studied at Vassar College before dropping out to pursue cooking. During his career, he visited over 100 countries, often highlighting lesser-known destinations and local cuisine. What many don't know is that he wrote several crime novels before his food writing career took off. Bourdain insisted on paying for meals at restaurants featured in his shows to maintain journalistic integrity. He was also known for learning basic phrases in the local language of wherever he visited, believing it showed respect for the culture. His show "Parts Unknown" won multiple Emmy Awards and a Peabody Award for expanding viewers' cultural knowledge through food and travel. 2. 安東尼·波登(廚師、作家與旅遊紀錄片製作人) 名言:「如果你22歲,身體健康,渴望學習和進步,我強烈建議你去旅行-越遠越好,範圍越廣越好。必要時可以睡地板。去了解別人如何生活、吃什麼、怎麼煮飯。無論去哪裡都要向他們學習。」 安東尼·波登最初不是旅遊作家,而是紐約市的一名廚師。2000年出版的《廚房機密》讓他一舉成名,進而開始主持首個電視節目《廚師巡迴之旅》。波登以獨特的旅遊報導方式聞名,專注於食物如何連結更廣泛的文化和政治議題。他精通法語,曾就讀瓦薩學院但中途輟學去學廚藝。在他的職業生涯中,他造訪過100多個國家,經常報導鮮為人知的目的地和當地美食。許多人不知道他在投入美食寫作之前曾寫過幾本犯罪小說。波登堅持自掏腰包支付節目中餐廳的餐費,以維持新聞誠信。他也以在每個造訪地點學習基本當地用語聞名,認為這表示對文化的尊重。他的節目《未知之旅》獲得多項艾美獎和皮博迪獎,因為透過美食和旅行擴展了觀眾的文化知識。 3. Bill Bryson (Travel Author) Quote: "To my mind, the greatest reward and luxury oftravel is to be able to experience everyday things as if for the first time, to be in a position in which almost nothing is so familiar it is taken for granted." Bill Bryson was born in Des Moines, Iowa, but spent much ofhis adult life in Britain, giving him a unique perspective on both American and British culture. His travel writing career began almost accidentally during a backpacking trip across Europe in the 1970s. He started keeping detailed notes about his experiences, which later became his first travel book "The Lost Continent." Bryson is known for combining historical research, scientific facts, and humor in his travel writing. He has served as the chancellor of Durham University and was made an honorary Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) for his contributions to literature. What makes Bryson unique is his ability to find fascinating stories in seemingly ordinary places – his book "A Walk in the Woods" turned a hike on the Appalachian Trail into a bestseller. He's also known for his meticulous research; for his book "A Short History of Nearly Everything," he spent three years studying science to make complex topics accessible to general readers. 3. 比爾·布萊森(旅遊作家) 名言:「在我看來,旅行最大的回報和奢侈在於能夠像第一次般體驗日常事物,處在一個幾乎沒有什麼事物是理所當然的位置。」 比爾·布萊森生於愛荷華州德梅因,但成年後大部分時間都在英國生活,這讓他對美國和英國文化都有獨特的見解。他的旅遊寫作生涯幾乎是偶然開始的,源於1970年代的一次歐洲背包之旅。他開始詳細記錄自己的經歷,後來成為他的第一本旅遊書《失落的大陸》。布萊森以在旅遊寫作中結合歷史研究、科學事實和幽默聞名。他曾擔任杜倫大學校長,因對文學的貢獻獲頒大英帝國勳章(OBE)榮譽官佐勳章。布萊森的獨特之處在於他能在看似平凡的地方發掘迷人的故事-他的《林間散步》把阿帕拉契山徑的健行經歷寫成暢銷書。他也以認真研究聞名;為了寫《萬物簡史》,他花了三年時間研究科學,讓複雜的主題變得平易近人。

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