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英语对话口语听力训练 每期音频同步搭配文本 学习效率更高

    Vol16.口语听力训练Dragon Boat Festival(附文本)

    Vol16.口语听力训练Dragon Boat Festival(附文本)

    获取全部文本资料公众号搜索:yymaster888 直接回复:16
    Hello, I'm Emma. Welcome to Daily English Break. Today, we're exploring the colorful traditions of the Dragon Boat Festival. Improve your English listening skills and learn fascinating cultural stories with us. Are you ready to join the festivities and boost your language skills? Let's go!
    Listen carefully. Meet Alice, a curious UK student, and Ben, a Chinese student studying abroad. Over lunch in the cafeteria, Alice discovers a dragon-shaped ornament on Ben's backpack, sparking a conversation about the Dragon Boat Festival. Dive into their discussion about this ancient Chinese tradition, its history, and customs as they explore cultural connections and plan to experience the festival together. Join their journey of cultural discovery and friendship.
    Hey Ben, that's a pretty cool dragon ornament on your backpack. What's it for?
    Oh this? This is actually for the Dragon Boat Festival, or Duan Wu as we call it in Chinese. It's a traditional holiday in China.
    Dragon Boat Festival? That sounds fascinating. What's it all about?
    It's a festival that celebrates loyalty and filial piety. It has a history that dates back over 2,000 years. One of the main stories associated with it is about Qu Yuan, a loyal poet and minister who drowned himself in a river.
    That sounds tragic. Why would a festival celebrate that?
    Well, it's said that the local people admired him so much that they raced out in their boats to save him, or at least retrieve his body. That's why we have Dragon Boat races today. People also threw rice into the river to prevent fish from eating his body, which is why we eat Zongzi, or rice dumplings, during the festival.
    Zongzi? What exactly is that?

    • 15 min


    获取全部文本资料公众号搜索:yymaster888 直接回复:15
    Good morning, Visitara Travel Agency. How can I help you?
    Morning. I'd like to make a complaint about my holiday during your tour.
    I'm sorry you're having a difficult time. Could you tell me exactly what is the problem?
    The bus of your company taking us to the hotel didn't arrive on time. So we had to wait for over 30 minutes in the sweltering heat.
    I'm so sorry for the inconvenience. We're trying to fix that. Are there other things to your liking?
    Actually, a few people from our group had a stomachache and everyone thinks it was from the bad dinner that we ate. It was awful that I had to eat out all day despite having paid for meals in the price of my holiday.
    I do apologize for a bad experience. Our tour company takes pride in providing excellent tours. Please let me offer you a free city tour and lunch as an apology.
    Thanks for calling the Me Travel Agency. Have a nice day. What can I do for you?
    I'd like to discuss some problems that I'm having with this tour.
    What seems to be the problem? We're here to help you.
    I paid good money for this tour but our accommodations are not very pleasant.
    What's the problem with your room?
    The room smelled of smoke even though it was supposed to be a non-smoking room. The next room was so noisy that we couldn't sleep the whole night.
    I'm sorry to hear that. I'll complain to the hotel manager about that. Um, I took the high-quality tour but I felt I was not staying in the hotels recommended for the tour.
    I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience these issues may have caused you. I would like you to be my guest for a voucher for the next time as an apology.
    Marie, where should we go sightseeing today?
    Um, I think that I would like to go to the beach this morning. That would be a good place to start our sightseeing. We could walk around there. Look, Brighton Beach is three meters from us.
    That would be great. There's a famous restaurant and cafe there. So we could have breakfast there and watch the sun go up at that restaurant.
    How do we go to the sea?
    How about taking a train? The subway looks scary in the movies and on TV, so I'm planning to go on a bicycle around this city.
    That's okay. It's an environmentally friendly way to travel. I'll also need a subway map in case we get lost.
    What are some of the best things to see in England?
    If you want to go sightseeing, we have a tour that leaves from the hotel.
    I'd rather explore the city on my own.
    All right. Um, we could also soak up some culture at London museums or visit the Queen at Buckingham Palace. That sounds interesting.
    Yep, there are so many iconic places to go in London. You hit the nail on the head.
    What do you think about taking the perfect picture with Big Ben after that?
    That's great.

    • 20 min


    获取全部文本资料公众号搜索:yymaster888 直接回复:14
    Hey, Tom! I'm here.Good morning, Kale.Wow, you're so early today.Yeah, well, I'm not usually an early bird, but today is the first day of my probation period. I want to create a good impression.Cool. It's good to see how energetic you are. We have a few ground rules that you have to keep in mind. We have to show respect for our colleagues. Also, we should give constructive feedback so that everyone can improve. Is everything clear?Alright, noted.Oh, and there's one thing I want to warn you.What's wrong?You have to keep your eyes peeled for a guy named Scott.What do you mean?Nothing much, just a little reminder so that you can start working here happily and peacefully. Perhaps there is a conflict between Scott and the others.Okay, I got it.Thank you. Everyone, may I have your attention, please? This is Tom; he's in his probation period. He will work with us for a month. Tom, please introduce yourself to our team.Hi, everyone. Please call me Tom. I'm so happy to make your acquaintance on my first day. I'm the new copywriter. I'd worked as a freelancer for two years before deciding to join our company and carry on my work. If I can be of assistance in any way, please let me know. Nice to meet all you guys.We're so glad to have you on our team, Tom. Guys, I've talked to Tom before; he is very dedicated and creative.Thanks, Kale.Hi, Tom.Oh, hi. You're...Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Scott. Nice to meet you.Hi, Scott. Before you get off work, here are some documents that you may need. These are reports from last month. Yeah, you're a newcomer, so noting them will be very useful.Thank you so much, Scott.No worries. That's the thing I should do. By the way, wanna have dinner with me tonight? I know a Mexican restaurant near here. The food is top-notch, but the price is affordable.Definitely, let's go.Aha, you're so funny, Tom.Thanks. By the way, do you guys know where Scott is?Well, there's one thing you need to know, Tom. Do not trust him that much.But why? I thought he was a nice guy. He even gave me some resources yesterday.He hasn't shown his true colors yet. Soon, you'll see.Jenny's right. You should focus only on your work.Alright, alright. I think they're just overthinking. Shall we talk about our lunch?Do you have a moment, Tom?Yes, I'm here.I want to discuss the PR plan with you. Will that be okay?Sure thing.

    • 11 min


    获取全部文本资料公众号搜索:yymaster888 直接回复:13
    Alright son, I'm here. You told me you wanted to talk to me.
    Yes Dad, I'm sorry to bother you. I know you have to go to work.
    What are you talking about? You are my son. I will always have time for you. Now tell me, what do you want to talk about with me? I'm sure it's important.
    Well, nothing serious. In fact, I feel a little ashamed. I don't know whether to tell you.
    Oh come on, whatever it is, I want to hear it. Okay, just tell me.
    Well, um, thank you. Um, there is someone in the school. It is a girl, right? That's what you want to tell me. You want to tell me that you have a girlfriend?
    No, I mean not yet. There is a girl I like a lot, but she's not my girlfriend. She's my friend. Her name is Anna. She's so beautiful. I like her a lot.
    Oh, I see. Then what is the problem? Tell her that you like her. I know you're not a child anymore. You're a teenager. It is normal you like girls. If you're asking for my permission, you have my complete trust. Just bring her home when she's your girlfriend. I am sure your mother would like to know her and of course, me too.
    My son, that is the problem. I like her a lot and I want her to be my girlfriend, but I don't know. I don't know how to tell her that I like her. It's the first time I will do something like that. I don't know if she feels as I do. Maybe she doesn't like me. What can I do?
    Alright, I understand. Don't worry, I will help you, my son. Telling a girl you like her sounds simple, but actually doing it can be nerve-cracking. I will tell you a few ways you can express your emotions to see if she likes you back. Like to drop some hints, give her a few compliments. Yeah, give her a few compliments about her outfit or her nice laugh. It really works. Tell her about a pretty flower you saw that made you think of her at the park today. If you give enough hints as to how you're feeling, she'll be better prepared for when you tell her you like her. You can try saying something things like "I saw a gorgeous rose on my walk earlier today. It made me think of you." or "You have the best smile I've ever seen." Try to pay attention to how she reacts to these compliments.

    • 10 min


    获取全部文本资料公众号搜索:yymaster888 直接回复:12
    Hello, I've been standing there for quite some time. I couldn't help but notice something.
    Hello sir, I don't want to buy anything, please thank you.
    No, no, I am not selling anything. I was telling you I've been standing there. I couldn't help but see that something is wrong with you. Am I right?
    What? Who are you? Do you want to sell anything? I don't feel like buying anything, please.
    Again, I'm not a seller. I just want to talk to you. I come here every day to feed the birds.
    Yes, I know I am old. That's why I come here to feed the birds.
    Yeah, you look old. How old are you? 60? 70? I don't know.
    Believe it or not, I am 70 years old but I look younger, I know.
    Oh okay, and you come here every day? That's what you said. What do you want?
    Yes, I come here every day and I just want to talk to you. Maybe I can help you, don't you think?
    Help me? How could you help me? My life is a mess. There is nothing you can do to help me.
    Well, let's figure it out. Why don't you tell me what's going on and let's see if I can help you.
    It is a terrible day today. I'm supposed to be working now but I haven't gone to work today.
    I see, and why didn't you go to work? Did you have any problem?
    Problem? I have a lot of problems. My job is only one of the problems I have. I didn't go to work because I know I will be fired today. I'm totally sure of that.
    How do you know you will be fired? Did you do something wrong or what?
    I do everything wrong but believe it or not, I have worked really hard for years but that wasn't enough for them. They sold the company and there are new partners, new people are being hired and I am not part of their plans. That's what the secretary told me.
    Oh, I see. I'm really sorry. But that's not the end of the world, son. You could get another job. I'm sure you have a lot of abilities. You can get a better job.
    You don't understand, the problem is not the job. I don't care about that stupid job anymore. It's everything. My life is a mess. I can't do anything well. I'm a useless person. Do you know that I haven't had a girlfriend for several years? It's depressing.
    Really? Well, there is nothing wrong with being single. In fact, it has a lot of benefits.

    • 11 min


    获取全部文本资料公众号搜索:yymaster888 直接回复:11
    Dad, what time is it?
    Who knows what time that is for me.
    Boy, I have terrible jet lag. I can't keep my eyes open.
    Well, I'm not going to let you sleep in the middle of the afternoon. Let's take a walk and you can tell me about your trip.
    I'm sorry Daddy, but I'm too wiped out. I think I'll stretch out and take a little nap.
    Uh, no naps. You know if you go to sleep now, you're going to wake up in the middle of the night.
    Come on, let's take a little walk around the block. Maybe you'll get a second wind.
    I sure hope so. I missed you and Mom a lot. A year is a long time.
    We missed you too, honey. But we knew that studying in another country was good for you.
    Well, I sure had my ups and downs. Sometimes I even thought about coming home early. But I was determined to stick it out.
    And I'm glad you did. But you didn't tell us you were having problems. What was so hard for you over there?
    Oh, I don't think I can scratch the surface. There were times, especially in the winter, when I got really homesick. You know, it's hard to be away during holidays. But my friends were absolutely great, especially my roommate. Remember, she took me home to her family. That really helped.
    If we'd known how homesick you were, we would have hopped on a plane. Why didn't you let us know?
    Oh, I didn't want you to worry. And it would have been too expensive. Anyway, in the spring, I got much better. It finally hit home that I was lucky to be living in another culture. I stopped thinking so much about my problems and got out of my rut. I started going to more parties and concerts and things like that.
    And listen to this, after a while, I didn't realize it, but my fluency improved. Can you imagine that? There were times when I forgot I wasn't speaking English.
    Well, that's music to my ears. I knew you'd do it if you lived over there. And to top that off, people started to compliment my pronunciation. I want to lose all that, honey. Are there any conversation classes you can take here?
    Uh, dad, I wasn't going to broach the subject to later, but there's a chance that I can get a scholarship and go back next year.
    Go back? But you just got home. I know. Do you really want to go back?
    The truth is, I'm not sure. I need to sleep on it. Speaking of sleep, now can I take a little nap? I'm so sleepy.
    Mmm, this coffee is really strong. I like it that way. So do I. All during my last class, I was thinking about coming here and could almost taste the coffee.
    Sounds like it wasn't too exciting. I was bored to death. I'm in that class only because it's a requirement. So I have to stick it out. The problem is, the professor doesn't know how to spark our interest. She just walks in and lectures. There's no discussion.
    What a drag. Don't people ask questions?
    Oh, yeah. Once in a blue moon. But I always see an awful lot of people doodling. And I can tell their minds are wandering. Do you have any classes like that?
    I have only one big lecture class, world history. And the professor's the best. It's so interesting. I'm always on the edge of my seat. And when we have discussions, the room is filled with electricity.
    I'm jealous. Too bad I already took history. You know, one day it dawned on me that I was lucky to be in her class because I found myself thinking a lot about what she said. Did you ever have a teacher like that?
    I'd have to think about it. I don't know. You should come with me to class sometime, just to see what I mean.
    Sounds like you're in love with her, Steve.
    Very funny. She could be my grandmother. Anyway, I guess what it really comes down to is her enthusiasm for the subject. She just loves history. I remember at the beginning of the semester, I was fooling around a lot and not taking anything in school very seriously. I bombed the first history test. But then I buckled down because I started really enjoying school, especially her class.
    You've got me really curious about this

    • 8 min

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