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    第2224期:Uganda Targets Yellow Fever with Vaccination

    第2224期:Uganda Targets Yellow Fever with Vaccination

    The East African country of Uganda has begun a nationwide yellow fever vaccination campaign.
    The aim is for the country to protect its population against the viral disease. Yellow fever is spread by insects called mosquitoes.
    Dr. Michael Baganizi is an official in charge of immunization at the health ministry. By the end of April, Ugandan officials had vaccinated 12.2 of the 14 million people targeted, he said.
    Michael Baganizi博士是卫生部负责免疫接种的官员。他说,截至四月底,乌干达官员已为1400万人中的1220万人接种了疫苗。
    Baganizi added that Uganda will now require everyone traveling to and from the country to have a yellow fever vaccination card.
    Ugandan officials hope the requirement will push more people to get the yellow fever shot. Many people in Uganda have concerns about getting the vaccine. That worries health care providers.
    The vaccine involves one injection. It is available at no cost to Ugandans between the ages of one and 60. There are vaccination centers in the capital, Kampala. Places offering the vaccine include schools, universities, hospitals, and local government buildings.
    The Associated Press (AP) reports that, before the current campaign, Ugandans usually paid $27 to get the yellow fever vaccination at private health centers.
    Uganda has more than 45 million people. It is one of 27 countries in Africa that is considered at “high risk” for yellow fever outbreaks. The World Health Organization (WHO) says there are about 200,000 cases and 30,000 deaths around the world from the disease.
    Uganda’s most recent outbreak was reported earlier this year in the central areas of Buikwe and Buvuma.
    Yellow fever is caused by a virus spread by the bite of infected mosquitoes. Most infections do not have symptoms. The WHO says symptoms can include a high body temperature, muscle pain, head pain, loss of willingness to eat, upset stomach, and vomiting.
    Uganda’s vaccination program is part of a worldwide effort launched in 2017 to eliminate yellow fever by 2026. That goal was set by the WHO and its partners such as the U.N. children’s agency. The aim is to protect almost one billion people in Africa and in North and South America.
    Last year, a study said that 185 million people in high-risk African countries had been vaccinated by August 2022.

    • 4 min
    第2223期:Australian Seed Company Tests AI Gene Editing in Wheat

    第2223期:Australian Seed Company Tests AI Gene Editing in Wheat

    Agriculture companies are using new methods to change the genes of plants to produce more productive crops.
    The process of gene-editing is gaining attention from people interested in agriculture. It makes changes to the existing genes of a plant, such as wheat. That is different from genetic modification, which produces what are known as genetically modified organisms, or GMOs. That process introduces completely new DNA to a plant’s genetic information.
    Regulators and scientists believe gene-editing is less risky than genetic modification. They say it is closer to traditional methods of plant breeding. The process permits scientists to target several genes for editing.
    A state-run company in Australia is preparing for a major trial of gene-edited wheat. Australian seed breeder InterGrain recently imported thousands of wheat seeds created by the American agricultural technology company Inari.
    InterGrain chief Tress Walmsely said the wheat imports included hundreds of new genetic variations. Walmsley said the seeds are growing in a testing greenhouse in the state of Queensland. The plan is to create more seeds which can be planted across Australia in 2025.
    InterGrain的主管Tress Walmsely表示,这些进口的小麦包含数百种新的基因变异。Walmsley说,这些种子正在昆士兰州的一个测试温室中生长。计划是到2025年生产出更多可以在澳大利亚各地种植的种子。
    "Our job is to work out which gene combination gives the best results. Our goal is at least 10 percent yield improvement. These seeds have the potential to achieve that," she said.
    The company believes it could be selling seeds to Australian farmers starting in 2028.
    Inari uses artificial intelligence (AI) to consider a huge number of possible edits and then uses the CRISPR gene-editing tool to change more than one gene at a time.
    InterGrain and Inari believe the program could result in stronger wheat and bigger crops with a process 10 to 15 times faster than traditional plant breeding. Plant breeding happens when scientists mate two plants with desirable characteristics. It can take years for the best version of a plant to arrive.
    Some gene-edited crops already exist. Most of them offer small nutritional improvements or have an increased ability to resist disease. The new wheat plants in Australia will have many of those qualities.
    "We want to solve food security, climate change a

    • 4 min
    第2222期:Researchers Study Gentler Cancer Treatments

    第2222期:Researchers Study Gentler Cancer Treatments

    Reduced treatment for three kinds of cancer can make life easier for patients without hurting results, doctors reported recently at the world’s largest cancer conference.
    The findings are part of a long-term move toward studying whether doing less surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation can help patients live longer and feel better. The latest studies involved ovarian and esophageal cancer and Hodgkin lymphoma.
    Thirty years ago, cancer research was about doing more, not less. In one example, women with advanced breast cancer were pushed to the edge of death with large doses of chemotherapy and bone marrow transplants. The treatment did not work any better than chemotherapy and patients suffered.
    Now, in an effort to improve cancer care, researchers are asking: “Do we need all that treatment that we have used in the past?”
    It is a question, “that should be asked over and over again,” said Dr. Tatjana Kolevska of the Kaiser Permanente National Cancer Excellence Program. Kolevska was not involved in the new research.
    这是一个“应该一遍又一遍地问”的问题,凯撒永久国家癌症卓越项目的Tatjana Kolevska博士说。Kolevska并未参与新的研究。
    Often, doing less works because of improved drugs.
    Dr. William G. Nelson of Johns Hopkins School of Medicine was also not involved in the new research. He said, “The good news is that cancer treatment is not only becoming more effective, it’s becoming easier to tolerate and associated with less short-term and long-term complications.”
    约翰霍普金斯医学院的William G. Nelson博士也没有参与新的研究。他说:“好消息是,癌症治疗不仅变得更有效,而且更容易耐受,并且与更少的短期和长期并发症相关。”
    The term complications means to make a medical problem worse or to cause new medical problems to appear.
    Studies showing the effects of reduced treatments were discussed recently at an American Society of Clinical Oncology conference in Chicago.
    Here are a few key points:
    French researchers found that it is safe to avoid removing lymph nodes that appear healthy during surgery for advanced ovarian cancer. The study compared the results for 379 patients.
    Half had their lymph nodes removed and half did not. After nine years, there was no difference in how long the patients lived.
    Those with less-extreme surgery had fewer complications, such as the need for blood transfusions. The research was financed by the National Institute of Cancer in France.
    A German study looked at 438 people with a kind of cancer of the esophagus that can be treated with surge

    • 5 min
    第2222a期:New satellite to monitor solar storms

    第2222a期:New satellite to monitor solar storms

    The huge solar storm that hit Earth this month was described as the biggest in two decades. The Sun blasted intense radiation, billions of tonnes of matter and strong magnetic fields at our planet. 
    The coloured lights in the sky were spectacular, but the effects could've been much worse. Such storms can interrupt radio communications and even damage power grids, which is why the UK has been pushing its partners in the European Space Agency to build a new satellite to give earlier warnings.
    This spacecraft called 'Vigil' has now been ordered from Airbus UK. It'll be sent millions of miles away so it can see the side of the Sun that's about to rotate into view of the Earth. This'll give forecasters a further three to four days' notice of trouble that could be coming our way.
    这艘名为 “Vigil(警戒)” 的航天器现已由空中客车英国公司接单制造。它将被送往数百万英里之外,以便能够看到太阳即将旋转面对地球的那一面。这将使天文预报人员能提前三到四天预知可能要发生的麻烦。
    solar storm 太阳风暴blasted (爆炸)发射出radiation 辐射matter 物质magnetic fields 磁场interrupt 中断、干扰power grids 电网spacecraft 航天器rotate 旋转forecasters 预报人员

    • 49 sec
    第2221期:Britain’s April showers

    第2221期:Britain’s April showers

    "Take your brolly, it's chucking it down!" The UK is famous for its rainy weather, and Brits LOVE to complain about it – particularly when the arrival of spring teases us with warmth and light, but with them come the 'April showers', lovingly shared by Britain, Ireland and some of coastal northern Europe. What exactly are they, and why do they insist on coming every year?
    “拿起你的雨伞,它正在把它扔下来!” 英国以多雨的天气而闻名,英国人喜欢抱怨它——尤其是当春天的到来给我们带来温暖和光明的时候,但随之而来的是“四月阵雨”,英国、爱尔兰和一些沿海国家都喜欢分享这种天气。 北欧。 他们到底是什么人,为什么每年都坚持要来?
    Meteorologists differentiate between rain and showers. The UK's national weather service, the Met Office, says that rain is precipitation brought by a weather front, is usually long-lasting, and stretches over large areas, whereas showers fall from individual clouds and are characterised by intermittent patterns. So, it can be sunny one minute, and the next you're getting caught in a large downpour, but then ten minutes later, you can put away your waterproof jacket and get your sunnies out!
    气象学家区分雨和阵雨。 英国国家气象局英国气象局表示,降雨是锋面带来的降水,通常持续时间较长,覆盖大片区域,而阵雨则是从个别云层中落下,具有间歇性模式。 所以,可能前一分钟还是阳光明媚,下一分钟就下起了倾盆大雨,但十分钟后,你就可以收起你的防水外套,拿出你的太阳镜了!
    So, what's responsible? Rob Thompson, meteorologist at the University of Reading, says that as the hot air rises, it forms the cumulus clouds that produce showers. These are then driven by the jet stream – strong winds that move northwards during spring – creating rather unsettled and unpredictable weather. Besides the drizzle, we're just as likely to experience snow as we are to feel sun as strong as that in late August!
    那么,责任是什么? 雷丁大学气象学家罗布·汤普森表示,随着热空气上升,它会形成积云,从而产生阵雨。 然后,它们受到急流(春季期间向北移动的强风)的驱动,造成相当不稳定和不可预测的天气。 除了毛毛雨之外,我们也可能会遇到雪,就像八月底那样强烈的阳光一样!
    With all this in mind, would it surprise you to hear that April is actually one of the driest months of the whole year? In 2021, data company Statista recorded 137.6mm of rainfall in January, compared to just 20.1mm in April, with similar results for the last four years. That's because while there are lots of rainy days in April, the showers are scattered, and there aren't as many of the long downpours we see in the winter months. But, this is likely to change as the world warms up. Weather that causes flash floods is predicted to be four times as frequent in Britain by the 2070s, according to a study by Elizabeth Kendon and colleagues, published in Nature Communications.
    考虑到这一切,当您听到四月实际上是全年最干燥的月份之一时,您会感到惊讶吗? 2021 年,数据公司 Statista 记录的 1 月份降雨量为 137.6 毫米,而 4 月份仅为 20.1 毫米,过去四年的结果相似。 这是因为虽然四月有很多雨天,但阵雨分散,而且没有冬季那样多的长时间倾盆大雨。 但是,随着世界变暖,这种情况可能会发生变化。 根据伊丽莎白·肯登 (Elizabeth Kendon) 及其同事在《自然通讯》(Nature Communications) 上发表的一项研究,预计到 2070 年代,英国引发山洪的天气频率将增加四倍。
    There is a British proverb that goes "March winds and April showers bring forth May flowers". It is a reminder that, despite our complaints, April showers can be a symbol for renewal and new beginnin

    • 2 min
    第2220期:After Delays, Boeing Launches Astronauts into Orbit

    第2220期:After Delays, Boeing Launches Astronauts into Orbit

    Boeing launched astronauts into space with its delayed Starliner spacecraft for the first time Wednesday. 
    The launch marked the company’s entry into competition with SpaceX to provide service for the American space agency NASA. 
    NASA test pilots Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams lifted off in the Starliner spacecraft for the International Space Station (ISS) from Cape Canaveral in Florida. It was powered by an Atlas V rocket from the United Launch Alliance of Boeing and Lockheed Martin. 
    NASA测试飞行员Butch Wilmore和Suni Williams乘坐星际线飞船从佛罗里达州的卡纳维拉尔角起飞前往国际空间站(ISS)。该飞船由波音和洛克希德·马丁公司的联合发射联盟的Atlas V火箭提供动力。
    Boeing designed Starliner to fly without human assistance. But the astronauts can take control of the spacecraft if necessary. The test flight calls for Wilmore and Williams to take control of the vehicle on the way to the space station. The trip to the ISS is expected to last 25 hours, with arrival on Thursday. The two astronauts will spend just one week at the orbiting laboratory before heading back to Earth to land in the western United States on June 14. 
    Wilmore and Williams are former Navy pilots and long-time astronauts. The two have spent a combined 500 days in space over two ISS missions each. Both said repeatedly before the launch that they had full confidence in Boeing for this flight after so many delays. 
    The launch came two years after Starliner completed its first test flight to the ISS without astronauts on board. Last-minute problems had delayed the Starliner's first two launch attempts with humans. 
    NASA halted a planned May 6 launch two hours before liftoff because of a problem with a rocket. Another attempt last Saturday was halted less than four minutes before liftoff because of a problem with a launchpad computer. 
    “I know it’s been a long road to get here,” NASA’s commercial crew program leader Steve Stich said before the weekend delay. 
    “我知道到达这里的道路很漫长,”NASA商业载人计划负责人Steve Stich在周末推迟前说道。
    Boeing and SpaceX are both paid to carry NASA’s astronauts to and from the space station. The space agency wanted two competing U.S. companies after ending the space shuttle program. 
    In 2020, SpaceX became the first private business to launch astronauts into orbit. Only three countries, Russia, the U.S., and China have launched humans into space using their own systems. Since then, SpaceX has taken nine crews to the space station for NASA and three private groups for a Houston company. 

    • 4 min

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