C3 Connecting, Coaches, Cognition

Courtney Groskin and Violet Christensen
C3 Connecting, Coaches, Cognition

A podcast for the busy instructional coach

  1. Mentoring That Matters: Supporting & Retaining New Teachers: Leslie Ceballos

    MAR 6

    Mentoring That Matters: Supporting & Retaining New Teachers: Leslie Ceballos

    Episode Notes: -Served in a wealth of roles within education from teaching, coaching, to administration. -Contract work for curriculum companie and Senior Consultant for Learning Forward -Mentoring Program through Learning Forward- a learning cycle with three parts. 1. Diagnose 2. Coaching Support 3. Monitoring Progress and Reflect -The mentors only goal is to help the mentee grow professionally. You have to communicate effectively through  listening, paraphrasing, questioning, and giving quality feedback. -Work life balance and time management are two big factors that can be barriers for new teachers, as well as big behaviors.  -We can support and retain teachers through the use of a specifically assigned mentor. Also having a good, collaborative team can be a huge difference in morale and make you not feel alone in this difficult job.  -Monthly mentor/mentee check in meetings are also powerful in supporting our newest educators. -This job does not get easier, you just get better - because you have more tools and resources in your toolbox.  -Establish strong and trusting relationships. Develop partnership agreements to foster that strong relationship- sets the purpose of the relationship.  -We assign mentors as soon as is possible. We want to be proactive in building that relationship and that  they are part of a team and a culture.  -Mentor check ins - agenda - and tailor to strategic points in the year to ensure we are checking in and providing support. Your success is our success! -Observation and feedback are essential to growing as an educator. Utilize SMART goals between mentor and mentee. Make it timely and attainable, so the mentee can feel that success in a timely manner. -Coaching is a way to scale your impact, a way to impact more students through educators. Every educator needs a coach.  -If you could fix one thing about this situation, what would it be? If you could wave a magic wand and it would fix the hardest parts of this situation, what would it be? In a perfect world, what would this look like?   Connect with Leslie: -X: @ldhirsh -Learning Forward Consulting Services -Mentoring New Teachers: A Learning Cycle Approach go to LearningForward.org —> Bookstore

    35 min
  2. Students at the Center: Kyle Wagner

    FEB 6

    Students at the Center: Kyle Wagner

    Episode Notes:   -High Tech High- PBL Based Leader -International Educator to move from teacher focused to student focused learning. -Moving from  sage on the stage to the guide on the side. Where do you start? Look at the physical environment first. Eliminating the ‘front’ of the classroom and teacher desk, which changes the dynamics in the room. It makes any space in the room a learning space.  -Have students help in the redesign process around what their needs are, the environment dictates what the learning looks like. Shared decision making is pivotal.  -Giving voice and choice, involving the students within each portion of the learning process. -Lead with questions- student generated or open ended?  -Encouraging student independence - it does not come overnight, structures need to be put into place over time.  -Project Based Learning - student driven - foster that level of independence with critical thinking with support and then slowly take some of those supports away. -Make things highly visual in your classroom - even progression within learning. -Classroom culture that encourages students to ask questions, explore, and find inquiry within their own learning. -How do I set up an environment that fosters that type of inquiry? Work to gather and group questions together and gauge interest so you can structure accordingly. Start with the student at the center of the lesson. -Don't lead with content, lead with inquiry. What is an open ended challenge you can present? What is meaningful to them? How can you scaffold their learning by addressing that inquiry? -Rigor - having high expectations for student learning - have to teach them to not rely on us as much. It is not about jumping and checking boxes. It has to be led by wonder and inquiry. -Try to eliminate teacher time in the front of the room. How can you reach the same end without the teacher being the main focus? Have students present their learning or share out. It is a great formative assessment.  -How can they articulate their learning in a way that is meaningful to them?  -Coaching means reaching your own identified personalized goals. -A mentor or a coach will always be my saving grace in education. Reach out as you need someone to coach you through. Shift models are so important and have made a world of difference and have brought back the joy!  -Find your mentor or your coach. Every journey starts small, every journey starts with a single step. What will your first step be?   Connect with Kyle: -Website - https://transformschool.com/  - this has resources, links, scorecards, blogpost, training, and his podcast. -Email- kylewagner@transformschool.com -LinkedIn - Kyle Wagner - reach out

    31 min
  3. JAN 9

    Building Success: Thomas Guskey on Evaluating Professional Learning and Empowering Educators

    Episode Notes: -Thomas has had a wealth of experience teaching middle school and high school. Then he went to graduate school at the University of Chicago. He worked with Benjamin Bloom. He has had the amazing opportunity to learn from such remarkable minds as this.  -We have to give credit to those brilliant people who came before us. Tom worked with Chicago Public School as a Curriculum Evaluator and the Director of Research and Development. Then he moved into a university position at the University of Kentucky. -He realized he had not taught at the elementary level, so he took a leave from the university and went to go live that experience in her second grade classroom. It has had a profound influence on his work ever since.  -2024 Learning Forward Conference - Evaluating Professional Learning Experiences.  -Donald Kirkpatrick - Evaluating Programs in Business and Industry - 4 Levels of Learning Evaluation for Professional Learning in Business Industry Participants reaction Participants learning How it impacted practice How did it improve productivity? -Built off this model with a fifth level- All levels are important, but yet, all are different. -Organizational support and change - what is necessary to gain a high level of implementation? -Active ongoing sustained support from building leaders. -When you plan instructional learning, you have to start at level 5 - look at the evidence we have on student learning and find what improvements we want to make there.  -Begin with the end in mind - Covey -If you plan well, evaluation takes care of itself. -We need to recognize that there has never been significant improvement in education on any measure, in any level, in the absence of significant professional learning experiences offered to the educators you have involved. Not all professional learning is effective. But there has never been improvement with the absence of it.  -Need Surveys - Needs versus symptoms - analyze the situation well to address the true needs as opposed to symptoms. -If you manage learning well, you do not have to worry about managing your learners.  -What evidence do educators most want to gauge their effectiveness as educators? -Teacher Observation: Please don't watch me, watch my kids.  -Common Formative Assessment  -Bottom line - if my students didn't get it, it did not work, no matter how the educator ‘felt’ the lesson went. -Whether or not it works is not defined by what we do, it is defined by what our students are able to do.  What can I do differently? What else can I try? -Teachers are the most dedicated professionals that I know, across all professions. They are dedicated to making a positive influence on their students.  -Ralph Tyler - Before you can teach anyone anything there are two fundamental decisions to make. What do you want them to know and be able to do? And you must decide what evidence you accept to verify they learned it.  -Success is tied more to motivation than anything else. -Students persist at activities in which they can find success. (Think kids with video games). -It has everything to do with success.  Every time they play that video game. They have a chance to improve their score. They had another opportunity for success. They can be successful by following this process. If you show kids they can be successful, they will be. You have to build it in, really early. Build that success into everything we do! We all want success. -How fast can you see results from a  new approach, curriculum, or program? -Two weeks! If we do not see results in two weeks then teachers will be reluctant to continue and likely go back to what they know as tried or true from before. What can we see in two weeks? -Coaches hold the key to give these individual educators exactly what they want to be successful with their students.  -Experience shapes attitudes and beliefs, changing the experience. There are direct relations between changes in student learning and the shifts in attitude

    53 min
  4. Data Rules: Jim Knight and Michael Faggella-Luby


    Data Rules: Jim Knight and Michael Faggella-Luby

    Jim Knight is a founding senior partner of the Instructional Coaching Group (ICG) and a research associate at the University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning. He has spent more than two decades studying professional learning, effective teaching, and instructional coaching. Knight has written several books and his articles on instructional coaching have been included in publications such as The Journal of Staff Development, Principal Leadership, The School Administrator, and Teachers Teaching Teachers. He directs Pathways to Success, a comprehensive, district-wide school reform project in the Topeka, Kansas, School District and leads the Intensive Instructional Coaching Institutes and the Teaching Learning Coaching annual conference.   Michael Faggella-Luby, PhD, is a professor of special education and core faculty of the Alice Neeley Special Education Research and Service (ANSERS) Institute at Texas Christian University. He is also a past president of the Division for Learning Disabilities (DLD) of the Council for Exceptional Children and an associate editor for the Journal of Learning Disabilities. His primary research embeds cognitive learning strategies into subject-area courses to improve reading comprehension for all levels of learners. He has received two national awards for his research, has written 59 scholarly publications, and has presented 90 sessions at national or international conferences.   –Impact Cycle- Universal model for change- Identify- Learn - Improve - ten years of careful study.   -Identify stage- Where you are? Where do you want to get to? And how are you going to get there?   -Improvement - Try things out and figure out what does and does not work. Data makes the invisible visible. Data tells you if you are on track or off track, it is your GPS through the coaching cycle for their learning.   -Data is data, there is no good data or bad data. Data tells us about student learning. Is the data somehow tied to professional learning? Data that is collected and chosen by the teacher. It helps to create that collective dialogue.    -The objective data could be around engagement, teacher to student talk, levels of questioning, or so much more. More heads analyzing the data is better than one. Keep making adjustments and improvements. Collect and review data frequently. Think about engagement or achievement.    -The data helped her see every student. No child was left behind.    -Big data - standardized tests can tell us who is consistently benefiting over time. Big data has a big view. Small data is the sweet spot. Teachers identify the data they want to collect to have those micro influences on the small data which can lead to changes in the big data over time. Small data can make a big difference.   -Engagement: behavioral engagement, cognitive engagement, or emotional engagement. All data is imperfect. Match your assessment methodology to the kind and level of learning you are wanting to see.   -A.I. and the ability for it to remember such huge quantities of information. It is good for specific tasks. Audio files of their teaching. ChatGPT is constantly evolving. It will always give you an answer but it may or may not be what you are looking for. It has enormous potential but it does have limits. It will never replace the teacher or the coach.   -Coaching is helping others unleash their potential. Coaching is also about keeping kids first and doing what is best for kids. Having an unmistakable positive impact on the lives of kids.    -A coach is saying I am right there with you. Just asking some questions helps you to be the very best of what you can be.   Connect with Jim and Michael: -https://www.instructionalcoaching.com/ -@Jimknight99 -@strategicdoc -https://coe.tcu.edu/about/faculty-staff/view/michael-faggella-luby -jim@instructionalcoaching.com

    38 min
  5. Beyond One-Size-Fits-All: Carol Tomlinson


    Beyond One-Size-Fits-All: Carol Tomlinson

    Carol Ann Tomlinson is William Clay Parrish, Jr. Professor Emeritus at the University of Virginia’s Curry School of Education and Human Development. Prior to joining the faculty at UVa, she was a public school teacher for 21 years. During that time, she taught students in high school, preschool, and middle school, and administered district programs for struggling and advanced learners. She was Virginia’s Teacher of the Year in 1974. Carol was named Outstanding Professor at Curry in 2004 and received an All-University Teaching Award in 2008. In 2023, she was #16 on in the Education Week Edu-Scholar Public Presence Rankings of all university-based academics who are contributing most substantially to public debates about schools and schooling. In that same list, she was ranked as the #4 most influential voice in Curriculum & Instruction. Carol is author of over 300 books, book chapters, articles, and other educational materials including: (from ASCD) How to Differentiate Instruction in Academically Diverse Classrooms (3rd Ed.), The Differentiated Classroom: Responding to the Needs of All Learners (2nd Edition), and (with David Sousa) Differentiation and the Brain: How Neuroscience Supports the Learner- Friendly Classroom. Her most recent books are: So Each May Soar: The Principles and Practices of Learner-Centered Classrooms (ASCD, 2021) and Everybody’s Classroom: Differentiating for the Shared and Unique Needs of Diverse Learners (Teachers College Press, 2022). Her books on differentiation are available in 15 languages. Carol works throughout the United States and internationally with educators who seek to create classrooms that are more equitable and effective for academically diverse students. -Never intended to be a teacher, but ended up a middle school educator. Traveled and commuted with a friend who became her learning partner. She had a diverse range of needs within her classroom of 40. -If we taught the whole class we were doomed, we needed to  try something new. -We wanted our students as our partners. They told us how to help them more, what they liked, what they disliked, and what we could tweak to make learning better. She remained in that school for 21 years. -Differentiation -is a teaching model and it has to do with everything we do within a classroom and within schools.It can give us guidance to be better in every aspect of how we teach. -Resistance is human. Our job is not to wallow in it but to circumvent it. Our job is to make this classroom better for whoever walks through the door that day. -Coaching should not be a revolving door schedule. There is more opportunity when coaches deeply understand differentiation first and let go of their, “yes, buts…” -Help a teacher move forward confidently and competently-Teaching is complex. A good leader needs to be a little ahead of the game. -Aspire to get better in all elements of teaching- one element at a time. -Voice and choice are important in their learning, they have things they can teach us. Use time and space and materials flexibility. We can reach out to  connect children's experience, their experience and their knowledge.  -Show us that you know this, understand this and then can you show this, and can make a choice in how you show me. Make your choice in how you can show what you know.  -There are many ways to be able to reach out to kids. Putting students at the center of their learning and teaching. What about these students? It is helping them to take charge from there. Scaffolding is so vital to so many learners.  -Grace, the bottom line is grace, everyone in education needs to give themselves and each other grace every single day.   Connect with Carol: Twitter-@cat3y LinkedIn-Carol Ann Tomlinson ASCD - Carol Ann Tomlinson So Each May Soar: The Principles and Practices of Student Centered Instruction or Everybody’s Classroom

    45 min
  6. 10/03/2024

    Coaching with Urgency: Building Skills, Trust, and Transformation: Michael Sonbert

    Coaching is intentionally building skills, showing and modeling best practices, and intentionally training people to be better.    -His work has been in some of the most difficult zip codes to work in. They see coaching in more of a model practice. They define clear directions.   -Sky Rocket Your Teacher Coaching (Skyrocket Education and Rebel Culture)   -Intentionally building the relationship, and finding out about them as a person, realizing there is an amazing human here. Their perceived resistance from this person was actually just them wanting to know how to get better and not liking conversations that felt cloudy, they liked straight talk. Knowing what works for people and what doesn't is needed. It is powerful being able to connect with people and have them trust you.   -Relationships are at the heart of our model.   -Expertise is something that builds relationships. When someone can put their trust in you. No teacher wants to waste their time. Relationships are built when one person feels like they are in very safe care with the other.    -Accountability, a promise that we make to each other, it is important, like any relationship. I can count on you and you can count on me. Shared expectations for success can be pivotal. Set those expectations to be able to hold each other accountable.   -We think of schools as high reliability organizations, like airlines or hospitals, when adults make mistakes people get hurt - short term or long term. To hold people accountable, we have to do that on the front end. Let's discuss what we previously agreed to.   -Shared accountability to maximize time.   -We need to commit to doing these things together, and then we can hold each other accountable. It can be the kindest thing you can do for someone.    -It is never too late to set shared expectations in a coaching cycle. What do you need from me to be successful? Or just start this in the next cycle.   -AI and coaching   -Coaching vs. support   -What is the problem you are trying to solve right now?   Connect with Michael: -Skyrocketed.org or Rebelculture.com -michael@skyrocketed.org or michael@rebelculture.com -Instagram @michael.sonbert -LinkedIn - Michael Sonbert

    35 min
  7. Arise: Elena Aguilar


    Arise: Elena Aguilar

    There is nothing more powerful that we can do, than knowing our own selves. When we know ourselves, we know how our past affects our present, and forms our vision for the future, and we are so much more empowered!   -Lonely and isolated, she entered into the profession feeling unsure of what she was doing. Belonging and acceptance was the core, as well as building community. That commitment continued in coaching, as a leader, and now as a facilitator of learning spaces. It is one continuous thread as a result of my experiences as a kid.    -I value that commitment to creating community as well as belonging and a sense of acceptance.   -I work from a way, the actions take help to build to reflect  and the connection or community.    -I am aware of the fundamental need for psychological and social safety and connection.   -My commitment and vision in my work is to help  people thrive. The core needs are belonging and connection.   -I have created a community in my life. Classroom community is everything. Feeling valued is everything.    -Knowing and  Doing Gap - We know we want this but not sure how to make this a reality.   -Arise Book- Tell people exactly how to say this and what we do. We need granular instruction.    -We are humans, we get activated, we have emotions. My work comes in when we have to get very specific with people. Try this, say this, do that, shift these beliefs, explore this way of being that you may be acting from.   -Transformational Coaching Rubric: The rubric and model differs from traditional models as it is way more holistic. It encomapasses what it means to be a full range of what it means to be human working in schools both personally and professionally. The new rubric reflects the expansiveness of the model. It is intended to be a guide to cultivate their own growth and development. The rubric names what is most important.    -Cultivate your own responsiveness within the model.   -Emotional Intelligence?- Explore your why!   -Window of presence - indicators of emotional intelligence.   -How do we bring our past into our presence?   -How do we schedule ourselves? Physical movement between coaching sessions.   -Build trust and relationships as a coach.   -Resistance is fear.   -Empathy and compassion - activate   -Be appreciative and curious - build resilience!   -With resistance- build resilience and your perception of others. Let's find a place in ourse;lves where we feel compassionate!    -Let's be human with each other…   -What is possible? We can have conversations.. We can have real connections…   -Resistant vs. showing up defensively, because they are afraid.   -Let’s get curious. Empathy. Humility. Curiosity. Be Open.   -Cultivate awareness of yourself. Say things like “Am I getting this right? Can you help me to understand? I am appreciative of that!   -Strategies of resisting trust - always at stake- true honesty and courage. Repair trust . -Cultivate awareness of yourself, be compassionate and aware!    -Naming can be powerful.   -Be appreciative, curious and most importantly listening.   -Build resilience when the well seems low !- Let's start with your perceptions of others. Recognize resistance is fear and can we find a place in ourselves that is compassionate? Feelings of fear are the worst!    -Can we be human with each other?   -We need educational transactions, where there are partners and curiosity and compassionate.Let’s reflect on how we interact with one another. Let’s consider these possibilities   -What’s possible here  and who cares? Who do I partner with? What is possible?   -Learning Library consists of skill sessions.    -Connect with Elena: Twitter: @brightmorningtm Podcast: BrightMorningPodcast Website: https://brightmorningteam.com/

    37 min
  8. Curating Conversations: The Art and Science of Coaching: Dr. Moon


    Curating Conversations: The Art and Science of Coaching: Dr. Moon

    -Coaching is seeing a person who is carrying the weight of life,  and finding their way. This model is so respectful. It is about people making progress and positive changes.   -Every industry needs coaching.    -An expert is the person who experimented and failed the most. Seeing people as the experts in their lives.   -Dialogic Orientation Quadrant ( DOQ) - organizes the content you are listening to. Its function is to map the conversation. Utilizing a time line and a preference line to map what you hear. Preferred future, resourceful past, troubled past, and dreaded future are the quadrants. Which quadrant do you want to grow?   -Coaching A to Zed - Extraordinary Use of Ordinary Words We use many of these words every single day to create that extraordinary shift.   -Rest as resistance    -Suppose that did change, what difference would that make for you? What do you want instead? Better to approach what we want, than avoid what we don't want. Let’s suppose instead of impose. Keeping the conversation anchored in reality.   -You don’t know. You don’t know, yet. What do you think would be useful to know? What can you do about it?   -Supposing and scaling questions. Ask how you get up to that number. It helps them to see their progress of how they have gotten to this number. How do we honor their existing progress while not pressing on for more?    -Coaching is curating, not narrating, but curating and co-authoring the preferred stories of our client's purpose, possibilities, and progress.    -What did I just hear the person say that they want?   Connect with Dr. Moon- LinkedIn -Haesun Moon  https://www.briefcoaching.ca/hsm

    42 min
    out of 5
    19 Ratings


    A podcast for the busy instructional coach

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