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Christian podcast messages on dating, relationships, finances and marriage and life brought to you by Oasis- Singles.com Our mission at Oasis Christian Singles is to be a resource hub that provides loving and practical support for Christian Singles of all stripes We are partnering with hundreds of Christian singles ministries, pastors, counselors and singles like yourself to bring you practical stuff you can use.

Christian Advice for Single Christians Podcast David Butler @ Oasis-Church-NJ.com

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Christian podcast messages on dating, relationships, finances and marriage and life brought to you by Oasis- Singles.com Our mission at Oasis Christian Singles is to be a resource hub that provides loving and practical support for Christian Singles of all stripes We are partnering with hundreds of Christian singles ministries, pastors, counselors and singles like yourself to bring you practical stuff you can use.

    Christian Dating Tips for Men and Women

    Christian Dating Tips for Men and Women

    Are you looking for Christian dating tips for men or women? Dating tips are welcomed by most Christian singles, whether they are new to the dating scene, or just looking to find additional dating advice and assistance. After all, how many of us are dating tips experts with no need for learning anything more about the opposite sex and dating?

    Although there are tons of dating tips and articles out there, we sifted through the most relevant from a single Christian perspective. The following is sort of a Christian dating tip checklist you may want to consider before going blindly into dating others.

    Top Pre-Dating Tips for Single Christians

    Surrender Your Dating Aspirations To God

    It’s scary, I know. But being in the Lord’s will for your life means you will be more satisfied and happier, including in your dating relationships. Don’t worry, He knows what you need, even before you ask Him. And remember: “Unless the Lord builds the house, they who labor do so in vain.” (Psalms 127:1)

    Understand the Purpose Of Dating and Why You Are Trying It

    Many single Christians date just because everyone else is doing it. Before delving headfirst into dating other singles, consider what your goals are. Do you seek a husband or a wife? Are you just doing it for fun? Do you understand the differences between Christian dating and courtship? Here is a great dating tip: Once you understand why you want to date, you can better plan for it.

    Think About the Kind of Person You Desire

    Make a fun list of the qualities you find appealing in a single girl or guy. In order to further gather your thoughts, you may wish to read articles on what Christian single girls want in a guy, or say, what Christian guys need in a wife.

    Get Your Own Stuff Together

    You know the old saying:”Before you can attract the right man or woman to date, you have to be the right person.” What have you learned from your previous relationships that you can apply to a future one? Is there any area of your life God wants you to change before dating again?

    Know Your Dating Options

    This dating tip is essential because many Christian singles are uncertain where or how Christians meet each other. If you want to try online dating services, we recommend you diversify your efforts by trying several Christian dating services that offer free trial memberships, like the ones on this site.

    Face Your Fears

    Sadly, some women and men remain single because they allow fears to keep them from meeting that special soul mate. The best way to conquer your fears is to recognize them for what they are and seek help to overcome them.

    Overall, if you follow the above dating tips,

    • 29 min
    Single Parents and Prodigals

    Single Parents and Prodigals

    We already mentioned how difficult it is to be a Christian single parent.

    Being a single parent of a prodigal son or daughter is even more difficult. Our following single parenting podcast takes a biblical look on how parents should deal wit their prodigal kids.


    Other Singles Podcast:

    Christian Singles  Relationship Advice

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    5 Signs He Is Not the Man God Has for You

    5 Signs He Is Not the Man God Has for You

    In the world of Christian dating, discerning whether someone is the right partner is a crucial task. As a Christian singles minister, I understand that finding a life partner who aligns with your faith and values is paramount. While it’s important to give people a chance, it’s equally vital to recognize signs that may indicate someone is not the man God has in store for you. In this article, we will explore five significant signs that should raise red flags in your search for a godly and compatible life partner.

    5 Signs a Guy Is Not the man God has for you

    * Lack of Shared Faith and Values

    One of the most critical aspects of a Christian relationship is the foundation of shared faith and values. If you find that the man you’re dating does not prioritize his faith or has beliefs that significantly differ from yours, it may be a sign that he is not the right partner. God calls us to be “equally yoked” with our partners (2 Corinthians 6:14, ESV), meaning that our faith should be in harmony with our partners. A relationship built on different spiritual foundations can lead to conflict and challenges down the road.

    * Disrespect for Boundaries

    Healthy relationships are built on mutual respect and understanding. If you notice that the person you’re dating consistently disregards your boundaries or pressures you into compromising your values, it’s a clear sign that he may not be the man God intends for you. God calls us to honor our bodies and maintain purity in our relationships (1 Corinthians 6:18-20, ESV). A partner who doesn’t respect these boundaries may not be aligned with God’s plan for your life.

    * Lack of Accountability

    Accountability is a crucial aspect of a Christian relationship. When someone is the right partner chosen by God, they will encourage and support your spiritual growth and journey. If the man you’re dating does not show an interest in your spiritual well-being or is not open to being held accountable for his own actions and faith, it may indicate that he is not the one God has intended for you. Proverbs 27:17 (ESV) reminds us, “Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.”

    * Unresolved Character Issues

    Character matters greatly in a potential life partner. Pay attention to the man’s character and how he handles challenges, conflicts, and relationships with others. If you notice persistent character flaws, such as dishonesty, lack of integrity, anger issues, or a tendency to mistreat others, it’s a strong sign that he may not be in line with God’s plan for your life. God desires us to choose partners who reflect His character and values.

    * Lack of Vision for the Future

    In a Christian relationship, it’s important to have a shared vision for the future that includes God at the center. If the man you’re dating does not demonstrate a clear sense of purpose, a commitment to growing together in faith, or a vision for a future that aligns with God’s plan, it may be an indication that he is not the one God has prepared for you. Proverbs 29:18 (ESV) reminds us, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.”

    Conclusion on why he is not

    As a Christian singles minister, my goal is to guide and support you in your journey towards finding a life partner who aligns with your faith and values. Recognizing signs that someone may not be the man God has in store for you is an essential part of this process. Remember that God’s plan for your life includes a partner who will walk beside you on your spiritual journey, respect your boundaries, and share your vision for a Christ-centered future.

    While these signs can serve as valuable indicators, it’s essential to approach this discernment process with prayer,

    • 40 min
    Abusive Relationships-Are You Dating an Abuser?

    Abusive Relationships-Are You Dating an Abuser?

    Are you a single Christian in an abusive dating relationship? In 2023, Christian abusive dating relationships are not uncommon among dating single Christians. Some singles have been in an abusive relationship, and know the pain that goes with it. Sadly, other single Christians reading this article right now are presently in an abusive relationship, but may not realize it or be in denial over it. While in the rest of this article, we will designate the victim as a “she”, over 10% of the relationships consist of women against men. Abusive relationships come in all sizes and shapes, which at times could make it difficult to realize you or one of your friends are actually in one. Would you know it if you were dating an abuser?

    As we delve into this sensitive topic, it is crucial to remember that abuse is never justified and goes against the core principles of Christianity, which emphasize love, compassion, and care for one another. In this article, we will explore the signs of an abusive Christian dating relationship, aiming to create awareness and foster healthier connections.

    Abusive Dating Relationships Are About Power and Control


    The victim may suffer one or more of the following forms of abuse:

    Abusive Relationships and Isolation

    The abuser is obsessively possessive and jealous. He has tight reigns on what the victim does, where she goes, or who she talks to on the cell phone

    Abusive Relationships and Financial Control

    In certain abusive Christian dating relationships, one partner may exert financial control, restricting the other person’s access to money or using finances to assert dominance. This manipulation can lead to dependency and make it challenging for the abused partner to leave the relationship.

    Abusive Relationships and Emotional Attacks

    The abusive dating partner, often a narcissist, will often make the other party feel inept, stupid, or crazy. He accomplishes this through manipulative words or actions. He may accomplish this through putdowns about her appearance or intelligence. He may also inexplicably withdraw affection, using it as a weapon. All of this wreaks havoc on the abused’s self esteem.

    Abusive Relationships and Intimidation

    In this scenario, there are often subtle forms of intimidation through the use of body language (facial expressions, gestures, etc). An escalation in this area would also include yelling, ranting, and smashing items precious to the victim. This a bad scene all around.

    Abusive Relationships and Threats

    If the perpetrator in an abusive relationship is not getting his way, he may resort to making threats of physical violence against the other person, their children, or even themselves: “If you leave me I will kill you and myself.”

    Abusive Relationships and Physical Violence

    In this most dangerous stage of abuse, physical violence could very well include beatings and/or sexual abuse. The abuser will often apologize afterward through tears and promises, and the victim will usually forgive them or be afraid to report the incidents, even to the local church leaders. At this point, you really need to end the abusive dating relationship.  The National Domestic Violence Hotline number is  737-225-3150 Need help on how to end a dating relationship?

    Proactive Steps to Take in an

    • 9 min
    How to Prepare for Marriage: Christian Dating Tips

    How to Prepare for Marriage: Christian Dating Tips

    As a Single Christian man or woman, are you curious about how to prepare for marriage? The process of preparing for marriage can be a mix of excitement and nervousness. As someone who’s been in your shoes, I totally get it! In this article, we’ll explore some practical tips to help you get ready for the adventure of a lifetime.

    How to get prepared for marriage Steps

    * Know Your Identity 

    Before you can share your life with someone else, it’s essential to know yourself first.  If you are a single Christian, that means getting in touch with your true identity in Christ. ( Ephesians 1) Your value as a person is NOT in what you think about yourself, or what others think about yourself. Take some time to reflect on your values, goals, and priorities. What makes you tick? What are your dreams and aspirations? Understanding yourself better will not only make you a better partner but also help you find the right match.

    * Strengthen Your Faith

    As a single Christian, your faith is the foundation of your life. Strengthen your relationship with God through prayer, reading the Bible, and engaging with your church community. A strong spiritual foundation will guide you through challenges and enrich your future marriage.

    * Embrace Your Singleness

    Being single doesn’t mean you’re incomplete. Embrace this season and use it to grow personally, spiritually, and emotionally. Pursue your passions, travel, and build meaningful friendships. Remember, your singleness with contentment is a gift, not a waiting room.

    * Learn From Past Relationships

    If you’ve had previous relationships, maybe even some trauma from past relationships, take the time to learn from them. What worked? What didn’t? Were you in a toxic relationship? Reflect on the lessons you’ve gained, and let them shape your future decisions. Every relationship is a stepping stone to finding the right person.

    * Seek Wise Counsel

    Proverbs 15:22 says, “Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers, they succeed.” Talk to trusted friends, family members, or your pastor about your desire for marriage. Their insights and experiences can be invaluable in guiding your path.

    * Set Realistic Expectations

    Marriage is beautiful, but it’s also hard work. Don’t expect your partner to be perfect or your marriage to be a fairytale. There will be arguments and fights.  So be prepared for ups and downs and commit to working through challenges together. Realistic expectations pave the way for a stronger bond.

    * Identify Deal Breakers and Must-Haves

    Know your deal breakers and non-negotiables. While nobody is perfect, it’s crucial to establish core values you won’t compromise on. This clarity will help you avoid settling for someone who doesn’t align with your values. In this area, you should know the red flags of a dating relationship.

    * Grow Your Communication Skills

    Open and honest communication is the lifeline of any successful marriage. Practice active listening and expressing your feelings constructively. a href="https://christian-dating-service-plus.

    • 1 hr 1 min
    Christian Single Parents Advice For Every Single Christian Parent

    Christian Single Parents Advice For Every Single Christian Parent

    Christian single parents carry significant responsibilities and often face loneliness. Think about it. It can feel overwhelming to manage all the chores, attend to your children’s needs, and find time for personal well-being.

    In today’s world, single parenthood has become increasingly common, and the journey is seldom smooth. For Christian single parents, the task becomes even more significant as they seek to instill spiritual values while managing life’s challenges singlehandedly. This article will offer essential advice and strategies for Christian single parents to raise their children with faith, hope, and love, drawing inspiration from Biblical principles.

    Christian Single Parents stress

    Leaving dating aside, being a Christian single parent can be extremely stressful, both emotionally and physically. The number of single-parent households has surged in recent years, and this includes many single Christian parents. In fact, according to Pew Research, over 40% of US families are single-parent-led households. And many of these folks are single Christian parents.

    One of my friends who is a single parent dad to two minor children was discussing the possibilities of using an online Christian dating service. He stated, “Who has time for dating, and how would the kids handle that? No, with all my daily responsibilities I barely have time to use the bathroom! What I really need are some single parent stress reducers.”

     the Needs of Single Christian Parents

    Single Christian parents have overwhelming spiritual, emotional, and physical needs. Yet, polls also show they are one of the least likely groups to attend church. Why is this? Well, money-saving worries have led some single parents to work several jobs in order to make ends meet, and they simply do not have the time. Many others, however, feel excluded or stigmatized by the church, and so stay at home. In a nutshell, single parenting is stressful. Period.

    It is essential for churches to embrace and support single parents, demonstrating the love of Jesus through practical care. When the Scripture states that believers should care for the poor, the widows and the defenseless,  single parents are not too far removed. Churches and single-parent ministries have a great opportunity to show the love of Jesus in this area.

    Christian Single Parents Action Steps

    In the meantime, if you are a single Christian parent, and struggling with the burdens of life. let me remind you of  the following steps Christian single parents can take to help lessen the load of parenting:

    * Stop feeling guilty! You cannot do it all, no matter what that single-parent prayer says. So take a bow (you deserve it!) for the job you are doing and rest in the One who can do it all, and who wants to help you bear the load (Psalms 55:22, Psalms 91, 1 Peter 5:7).

    * Maintain Consistency: Being consistent helps create a stable environment for your children. This includes consistent discipline, routine, and values. Consistency isn’t synonymous with rigidity; it’s about providing a predictable environment where children feel secure. Ecclesiastes 3:1 says, “There is a time for everything and a season for ev...

    • 6 min

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