66 episodes

In the MS-Perspektive Podcast, I present my view of multiple sclerosis and show you how you can make the best of the diagnosis. Because a beautiful and fulfilling life is also possible with multiple sclerosis.

Here you will find information and strategies on how you can actively influence your course. In addition, I publish solo articles with my experiences, interview experts and on various topics related to living with MS as well as other affected people. In addition, there are a few episodes that serve the relaxation, positive attitude and stimulation.

MS-Perspektive - The Multiple Sclerosis Podcast Nele Handwerker

    • Health & Fitness

In the MS-Perspektive Podcast, I present my view of multiple sclerosis and show you how you can make the best of the diagnosis. Because a beautiful and fulfilling life is also possible with multiple sclerosis.

Here you will find information and strategies on how you can actively influence your course. In addition, I publish solo articles with my experiences, interview experts and on various topics related to living with MS as well as other affected people. In addition, there are a few episodes that serve the relaxation, positive attitude and stimulation.

    Glatiramer Acetate (Copaxone, Brabio) for relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis

    Glatiramer Acetate (Copaxone, Brabio) for relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis

    Glatiramer Acetate, brand names Copaxone and Brabio, belongs to the oldest immunotherapies for relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis.
    You can find the written version of this episode on my blog: https://ms-perspektive.com/065-glatiramer-acetate

    This time I am presenting glatiramer acetate, which is known as Copaxone or Brabio and is one of the approved disease-modifying drugs for relapsing forms of MS. It was one of the first drugs to be approved as a preventive therapy for MS patients and was an accidental discovery. Originally intended to induce MS in mice for research purposes, it was suddenly discovered to have a protective effect.
    Like the fumarates already presented, it has a more broad-based mechanism of action. I will try to give a good overview below without going into absolute depth. And as always, please seek specific advice from MS specialists who know your individual situation, wishes, fears and overall state of health.

    "},"minimize_box":"yes","minimized_on":"tablet","hierarchical_view":"yes","min_height":{"unit":"px","size":"","sizes":[]},"min_height_tablet":{"unit":"px","size":"","sizes":[]},"min_height_mobile":{"unit":"px","size":"","sizes":[]}}" data-widget_type="table-of-contents.default"> Table of Contents
    General Information
    How is glatiramer acetate (Copaxone, Brabio) classified in immunotherapies?
    What is glatiramer acetate (Copaxone, Brabio) approved for?
    What is the situation for special patient groups?
    Who should avoid glatiramer acetate (Copaxone, Brabio)?
    How does glatiramer acetate (Copaxone, Brabio) work?
    How is it taken?
    How effective is glatiramer acetate (Copaxone, Brabio)?
    Risks and side effects of glatiramer acetate (Copaxone, Brabio)
    Final note

    I used the following sources to create the content:
    Lecture on glatiramer acetate (Copaxone and generics) by Prof. Tjalf Ziemssen as part of the Multiple Sclerosis Management master program Quality manual of the KKNMS on glatiramer acetate MS-Selfie Infocards by Prof. Dr. Gavin Giovannoni  German Multiple Sclerosis and Fertility Registry (DMSKW)  Information from the German interview with Prof. Dr. Barbara Kornek on pediatric MS 

    Final note

    Please remember, there is no one great medication that helps everyone, but it must always be weighed up what suits a particular person best. Other illnesses, personal goals and preferences must also be taken into account. Your neurologist and MS nurse are the right persons to talk to and can make individual recommendations. This article is for information purposes only and does not constitute a recommendation. What helps one person may not help another.
    I hope that, together with your neurologist and MS nurse, you will quickly find the right immunotherapy for you. And that you can lead a fulfilled, happy and self-determined life with MS, supported by a healthy lifestyle and a dose of fortune.


    See you soon and try to make the best out of your life,
    For more information and positive thoughts, subscribe to my newsletter for free.
    Click here for an overview of all podcast episodes published so far.

    • 18 min
    Navigating MS Treatment in Turkey with Neurologist and Associate Professor Meral Seferoglu

    Navigating MS Treatment in Turkey with Neurologist and Associate Professor Meral Seferoglu

    Dr. Meral Seferoglu gives an insight into the treatment of MS in Turkey and how she uses her expertise to support patients.
    You can read all questions and answers on my blog: https://ms-perspektive.com/64-meral-seferoglu

    This time I have Dr. Meral Seferoglu as an interview guest on the show and we talk about MS treatment in Turkey.
    It’s always interesting to hear about other countries and how they deal with this chronic disease. I am really impressed by the number of rehabilitation days per year that a person with MS can access in Turkey. Rehab is so important to overcome the challenges of multiple sclerosis and live the best life possible. Learn more and enjoy the interview with Dr. Meral Seferoglu from Bursa, Turkey.

    "},"minimize_box":"yes","minimized_on":"tablet","hierarchical_view":"yes","min_height":{"unit":"px","size":"","sizes":[]},"min_height_tablet":{"unit":"px","size":"","sizes":[]},"min_height_mobile":{"unit":"px","size":"","sizes":[]}}" data-widget_type="table-of-contents.default"> Table of Contents
    Introduction – Who is Associate Professor Dr. Meral Seferoglu?
    Prevalence and Awareness of MS in Turkey
    Quality of Life for MS Patients in Turkey
    Access to Treatment and Support Services
    Social Support and Coping Mechanisms
    Multiple Sclerosis Management Master program
    Quickfire Q&A Session

    Introduction – Who is Associate Professor Dr. Meral Seferoglu?

    Hi thank you for your invitation. I always like to listen podcast on spotify during my way to work. While I saw your LinkedIn profile also start to listen your podcast series. Congratulations for this podcast series. I think it touches many lives far from Germany. It is my pleasure to be here. I am a neurologist focusing on demiyelinating disorders. Married and have two children and a cat. I like reading books, walking, swimming and painting.

    Finally, what message of hope or encouragement would you like to share with the listeners?

    „Dear MS patients, I wish for you to spend each day with hope and strength. MS may present challenges but remember that your resilience and determination are greater. Together, in solidarity, we can overcome every difficulty. Look to the future with hope, because science and support are advancing every day. You are strong, you are valuable”

    How and where can interested people follow your research activities?

    I have an Instagram and linked-in account on my name, also with our MS hospital team we have an Instagram page for MS patients: MSYolculugum


    Thank you for all your efforts for MS patients and for giving us an insight into the treatment of multiple sclerosis in Turkey.
    See you soon and try to make the best out of your life,
    For more information and positive thoughts, subscribe to my newsletter for free.
    Click here for an overview of all podcast episodes published so far.

    • 28 min
    Finding Joy Again. Navigating MS-Related Sexual Dysfunction

    Finding Joy Again. Navigating MS-Related Sexual Dysfunction

    Sexual dysfunction is common in multiple sclerosis. However, there are many ways to overcome them and enjoy intimacy again.
    You can find the written version of the episode on my blog: https://ms-perspektive.com/63-sexual-dysfunction

    Sex can be one of the best things in life and sexual dysfunction can therefore cause a lot of frustration. In this article, you will learn about the background and manifestations, what you can do about it and what role your personal attitude towards the topic plays.
    First of all, when it comes to sexual disorders – talking is key. And of course, it’s not just MS patients who have difficulties with this, but the majority of people. Which is a shame, because fears, desires, feelings and fantasies should not be taboo. And open communication can expand the playing field of possibilities and pleasures immensely.
    If a woman tells her husband that she no longer has the energy for sex in the evenings due to fatigue, there may be times at the weekend or in the morning when it is possible and it is no longer the supposed lack of interest that is unspoken, but a concrete problem for which solutions can be found together.
    The same applies to men with MS who suffer from erectile dysfunction. Once it is clear that both sides want to continue having affection and that the only thing standing in the way is the fear of not being able to function, possible solutions immediately appear on the scene, from oral sex and mutual masturbation to sex toys. So much is possible and everything can be solved if you talk about it.

    "},"minimize_box":"yes","minimized_on":"tablet","hierarchical_view":"yes","min_height":{"unit":"px","size":"","sizes":[]},"min_height_tablet":{"unit":"px","size":"","sizes":[]},"min_height_mobile":{"unit":"px","size":"","sizes":[]}}" data-widget_type="table-of-contents.default"> Table of Cotents
    How often do sexual disorders occur?
    What types of sexual disorders exist?
    Which doctors can help you?
    What can you do yourself if you have sexual disorders?
    Why time and tenderness are so important.
    What medication and aids are available to treat sexual disorders?
    What is the best prevention against sexual disorders?
    Food for thought
    Question for you

    A preliminary note

    I’m always referring to couples in the classic sense here. But of course there are also other constellations for having sex. And my formulations are in no way judgmental. The same applies to gender. Diversity and equality are wonderful and all genders are always explicitly meant, even if not formulated.

    Question for you

    Do you talk openly with your partner about your fears, wishes, worries and what you like? Or do you find this difficult? And if you find it difficult, how could you change it and what would be a first step in this direction?


    Thank you for listening. I hope it wasn’t unpleasant for you. Because I think it’s important to talk clearly about love and lust so that your quality of life remains high, and for most people intimacy is part of that. And if I had used a lot of paraphrases, my message would have been difficult to understand. So be aware that there is a solution for pretty much everything as long as you talk about it.
    See you soon and try to make the best out of your life,
    For more information and positive thoughts, subscribe to my newsletter for free.
    Click here for an overview of all podcast episodes published so far.

    • 17 min
    Dimethyl fumarate (Tecfidera) and Diroximel fumarate (Vumerity) for relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis

    Dimethyl fumarate (Tecfidera) and Diroximel fumarate (Vumerity) for relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis

    Tecfidera and Vumerity, the fumarates kick-off the informative series about immunotherapy for multiple sclerosis.
    You can find the full article to read on my blog: https://ms-perspektive.com/62-fumarates

    Tecfidera and Vumerity, the fumarates, kick off the series on the approved disease-modifying therapies for MS. I am trying to give a good overview, but it does not claim to be complete information. The order is simple. It starts with a rather broad mechanism of action, which works for a good proportion of those affected, through to the increasingly specific mechanisms of action, which work for the majority of all MS patients. Detailed advice can only be given by MS specialists and cannot be provided by me.

    "},"minimize_box":"yes","minimized_on":"tablet","hierarchical_view":"yes","min_height":{"unit":"px","size":"","sizes":[]},"min_height_tablet":{"unit":"px","size":"","sizes":[]},"min_height_mobile":{"unit":"px","size":"","sizes":[]}}" data-widget_type="table-of-contents.default"> Table of Contents
    General Information
    How are dimethyl fumarate (Tecfidera) and diroximel fumarate (Vumerity) classified in immunotherapies?
    What are dimethyl fumarate (Tecfidera) and diroximel fumarate (Vumerity) approved for?
    What is the situation for special patient groups?
    Who should avoid dimethyl fumarate (Tecfidera and generics) and diroximel fumarate (Vumerity)?
    How do dimethyl fumarate (Tecfidera and generics) and diroximel fumarate (Vumerity) work?
    How is it taken?
    How effective are dimethyl fumarate (Tecfidera and generics) and diroximel fumarate (Vumerity)?
    Risks and side effects of dimethyl fumarate (Tecfidera and generics) and diroximel fumarate (Vumerity)
    What is different about diroximel fumarate (Vumerity)?
    Final note

    I used the following sources to create the content:
    Lecture on dimethyl fumarate (Tecfidera and generics) and diroximel fumarate (Vumerity) by Prof. Mathias Mäurer as part of the Multiple Sclerosis Management master program Quality manual of the KKNMS on dimethyl fumarate  MS-Selfie Infocards by Prof. Dr. Gavin Giovannoni  German Multiple Sclerosis and Fertility Registry (DMSKW)  Information from the German interview with Prof. Dr. Barbara Kornek on pediatric MS 

    Final note

    Please remember, there is no one great medication that helps everyone, but it must always be weighed up what suits a particular person best. Other illnesses, personal goals and preferences must also be taken into account. Your neurologist and MS nurse are the right persons to talk to and can make individual recommendations. This article is for information purposes only and does not constitute a recommendation. What helps one person may not help another.
    I hope that, together with your neurologist and MS nurse, you will quickly find the right immunotherapy for you. And that you can lead a fulfilled, happy and self-determined life with MS, supported by a healthy lifestyle and a dose of fortune.


    See you soon and try to make the best out of your life,
    For more information and positive thoughts, subscribe to my newsletter for free.
    Click here for an overview of all podcast episodes published so far.

    • 19 min
    How to recognize bladder disorders in MS with the help of a simple questionnaire

    How to recognize bladder disorders in MS with the help of a simple questionnaire

    Bladder disorders in MS are common and remain untreated in half of those affected. Nine simple questions are designed to help treat this symptom earlier.
    You can find the full article to read on my blog: https://ms-perspektive.com/61-bladder-check

    Today I would like to introduce the „MS Bladder Check Tool“, which was developed by a team of neurologists, urologists and rehabilitation specialists. It is designed to enable rapid management of bladder dysfunction caused by multiple sclerosis.
    Bladder symptoms occur in a high percentage of MS patients, although the figures vary in different scientific sources. For many MS patients, problems begin within the first five years. However, until now, the symptoms of around half of people suffering from bladder disorders have not been treated. This is why the international team of experts from nine different countries has developed a simple questionnaire that patients can fill out while waiting for their appointment with a neurologist or MS nurse. The aim is to treat bladder disorders as quickly as possible, preferably when they occur, so that quality of life remains at a high level.

    "},"minimize_box":"yes","minimized_on":"tablet","hierarchical_view":"yes","min_height":{"unit":"px","size":"","sizes":[]},"min_height_tablet":{"unit":"px","size":"","sizes":[]},"min_height_mobile":{"unit":"px","size":"","sizes":[]}}" data-widget_type="table-of-contents.default"> Table of Contents
    The bladder disorder questionnaire
    What I like about the questionnaire
    Why is the treatment of bladder disorders so important?
    Status of the MS bladder check tool
    Full paper

    MS bladder check tool: Development and validation of a patient awareness tool to facilitate timely management of lower urinary tract dysfunction due to multiple sclerosis, by Peter Flachenecker et al, 2024
    Full paper

    If you are interested in the full paper, you can find it on PubMed: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38194894/
    MS bladder check tool: Development and validation of a patient awareness tool to facilitate timely management of lower urinary tract dysfunction due to multiple sclerosis
    Peter Flachenecker, Bertil Blok, Giampaolo Brichetto, Jalesh N. Panicker, Véronique Phé, Kim Bundvig Barken

    If you have bladder problems that are negatively affecting your life, please speak to your neurologist or MS nurse. Bladder disorders can be treated very well and there are a variety of drug and non-medication supports available.

    See you soon and try to make the best out of your life,
    For more information and positive thoughts, subscribe to my newsletter for free.
    Click here for an overview of all podcast episodes published so far.

    • 8 min
    #060: Overcoming MS Sleep Challenges for Restful Nights and Brighter Days.

    #060: Overcoming MS Sleep Challenges for Restful Nights and Brighter Days.

    Sleep disorders in multiple sclerosis can have a negative impact on many symptoms, which is why they should definitely be treated.
    You can find the transcript of the interview on my blog: https://ms-perspektive.com/60-sleep-challenges

    This episode is about sleep disorders caused by multiple sclerosis and how they can be treated. Almost three quarters of all people with MS suffer from sleep disorders, which reduce their quality of life to a greater or lesser extent.
    Essentially, a sleep disorder means that your deep sleep phase is too short. This often worsens other MS symptoms, especially fatigue. Cognitive disorders and depressive moods also increase. All typical triggers for sleep disorders are quite treatable once they have been clearly diagnosed. You can even counteract minor sleep problems yourself by changing your behavior.

    "},"minimize_box":"yes","minimized_on":"tablet","hierarchical_view":"yes","min_height":{"unit":"px","size":"","sizes":[]},"min_height_tablet":{"unit":"px","size":"","sizes":[]},"min_height_mobile":{"unit":"px","size":"","sizes":[]}}" data-widget_type="table-of-contents.default"> Table of Contents
    How do sleep disorders manifest themselves?
    What types of sleep disorders occur?
    How are sleep disorders diagnosed?
    Which behavioral adjustments help with sleep disorders?
    What aids and medication are available for sleep disorders?
    What can you do in acute phases?
    And if sleep disorders occur permanently?
    What is the best prevention against sleep disorders?
    Food for thought
    Question to you
    What is the best prevention against sleep disorders?

    Exercise in the fresh air. Good sleep hygiene. A healthy diet. Normal weight. Abstaining from nicotine. A stable psyche with the ability to deal with difficult situations. Loving people around you who make you happy. Little alcohol. A comfortable bed. And a functioning disease-modifying therapy for all symptoms triggered by MS, so that the disease comes to a standstill or is slowed down as much as possible.

    Food for thought

    For minor sleep problems – read a book in the evening or try progressive muscle relaxation according to Jacobsen.
    For more serious sleep problems – talk to your neurologist about whether it would be useful to have an examination in a sleep laboratory. With the help of a detailed sleep analysis, you can get to the bottom of the cause and then treat it.

    Question to you

    Do you suffer from sleep disorders?


    See you soon and try to make the best out of your life,
    For more information and positive thoughts, subscribe to my newsletter for free.
    Click here for an overview of all podcast episodes published so far.

    • 10 min

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