285 episodes

Are you ready to supercharge your Serbian listening comprehension? Our podcast, Fluent Fiction - Serbian, is the perfect tool for you.

Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing. That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Serbian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Serbian and English.

This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension.

But we don't stop there. Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

And our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who want to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Belgrade, Novi Sad, or Niš? Maybe you want to speak Serbian with your relatives or friends from Serbia? Our podcast will give you the cultural and linguistic background to fully immerse in the regions of Serbia.

Fluent Fiction - Serbian is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics, psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Serbian listening comprehension. Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself.

Poboljšajte svoje razumijevanje srpskog jezika uz naše priče danas!

Fluent Fiction - Serbian Fluent Fiction Network

    • Education
    • 3.0 • 2 Ratings

Are you ready to supercharge your Serbian listening comprehension? Our podcast, Fluent Fiction - Serbian, is the perfect tool for you.

Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing. That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Serbian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Serbian and English.

This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension.

But we don't stop there. Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

And our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who want to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Belgrade, Novi Sad, or Niš? Maybe you want to speak Serbian with your relatives or friends from Serbia? Our podcast will give you the cultural and linguistic background to fully immerse in the regions of Serbia.

Fluent Fiction - Serbian is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics, psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Serbian listening comprehension. Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself.

Poboljšajte svoje razumijevanje srpskog jezika uz naše priče danas!

    Finding Confidence: Miloš' First Day Journey at Kalemegdan

    Finding Confidence: Miloš' First Day Journey at Kalemegdan

    Fluent Fiction - Serbian: Finding Confidence: Miloš' First Day Journey at Kalemegdan
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Sr: Miloš stoji ispred ulaza u Kalemegdan.
    En: Miloš stands in front of the entrance to Kalemegdan.

    Sr: Vetar nosi miris reke.
    En: The wind carries the scent of the river.

    Sr: To je prvi dan njegove srednje škole.
    En: It is the first day of his high school.

    Sr: Sunce se polako diže iznad Beograda.
    En: The sun is slowly rising above Belgrade.

    Sr: Miloš oseća blagu tremu.
    En: Miloš feels a slight nervousness.

    Sr: Srednja škola je nešto novo.
    En: High school is something new.

    Sr: Ipak, Kalemegdan je uvek tu, star i postojan.
    En: Yet, Kalemegdan is always there, old and steadfast.

    Sr: Setio se svojih prošlih poseta.
    En: He recalls his past visits.

    Sr: Sa roditeljima, sa prijateljima.
    En: With his parents, with friends.

    Sr: Danas je ovde sam.
    En: Today, he is here alone.

    Sr: Miloš korača prema unutrašnjosti tvrđave.
    En: Miloš walks towards the interior of the fortress.

    Sr: Prolazi pored velikih zidina.
    En: He passes by large walls.

    Sr: "Sve će biti u redu," misli.
    En: "Everything will be alright," he thinks.

    Sr: Učeći prošlih dana, usavršio je matematiku, istoriju, engleski.
    En: Studying in recent days, he perfected his math, history, and English.

    Sr: Ali danas, drugačiji izazov čeka.
    En: But today, a different challenge awaits.

    Sr: Kalemegdan je prelep.
    En: Kalemegdan is beautiful.

    Sr: Drveće šapuće na vetru.
    En: The trees whisper in the wind.

    Sr: Golubovi lete iznad kula.
    En: Pigeons fly above the towers.

    Sr: Miloš se zaustavlja kod velike česme.
    En: Miloš stops by the large fountain.

    Sr: Voda tiho žubori.
    En: The water quietly gurgles.

    Sr: Pruža mu mir.
    En: It brings him peace.

    Sr: Susedna klupa izgleda pozivajuće.
    En: A nearby bench looks inviting.

    Sr: Seda i otvara ranac.
    En: He sits and opens his backpack.

    Sr: Unutra je mapa Beograda.
    En: Inside is a map of Belgrade.

    Sr: Baba mu je dala.
    En: His grandmother gave it to him.

    Sr: Uzima je i smešta u džep jakne.
    En: He takes it and places it in his jacket pocket.

    Sr: Na putu do škole, sreće nekoliko poznatih lica.
    En: On the way to school, he meets a few familiar faces.

    Sr: Svi izgledaju podjednako nervozni.
    En: Everyone looks equally nervous.

    Sr: "Hej, Miloše!" viče neko s leve strane.
    En: "Hey, Miloš!" someone shouts from the left side.

    Sr: To je Marko, njegov stari drugar.
    En: It’s Marko, his old friend.

    Sr: "Kako si?" pita Marko.
    En: "How are you?" Marko asks.

    Sr: "Dobro, malo nervozan," odgovara Miloš.
    En: "Good, a bit nervous," replies Miloš.

    Sr: Obojica se smeškaju i prelaze ulicu zajedno.
    En: Both smile and cross the street together.

    Sr: Škola je velika i bela zgrada.
    En: The school is a big and white building.

    Sr: Dvorište prepuno učenika.
    En: The yard is full of students.

    Sr: Miloš ulazi kroz glavna vrata.
    En: Miloš enters through the main door.

    Sr: Unutra matično je, novi svet.
    En: Inside is bustling, a new world.

    Sr: Hodnici šareni, zidovi prekriveni crtežima i posterima.
    En: The hallways are colorful, the walls covered with drawings and posters.

    • 16 min
    From Hunger to Hero: A Day of Surprises at Kalemegdan

    From Hunger to Hero: A Day of Surprises at Kalemegdan

    Fluent Fiction - Serbian: From Hunger to Hero: A Day of Surprises at Kalemegdan
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Sr: Kalemegdan je bio pun ljudi.
    En: Kalemegdan was full of people.

    Sr: Miloš i Jelena su šetali po sunčanom danu.
    En: Miloš and Jelena were walking on a sunny day.

    Sr: Miloš je bio gladan.
    En: Miloš was hungry.

    Sr: “Hajdemo da nađemo hranu,” reče Miloš.
    En: "Let's find some food," said Miloš.

    Sr: Ugleda grupu ljudi u starinskoj odeći.
    En: He saw a group of people in old-fashioned clothing.

    Sr: Miris hrane dolazio je odatle.
    En: The smell of food was coming from there.

    Sr: Miloš se obradova.
    En: Miloš was delighted.

    Sr: “Pogledaj, Jelena!
    En: "Look, Jelena!

    Sr: Tamo sigurno dele hranu,” reče Miloš i krenu prema grupi.
    En: They must be giving away food over there," said Miloš and headed toward the group.

    Sr: Kada je stigao, čovek u srednjovekovnom oklopu ga pozdravi i pruži mu kacigu.
    En: When he arrived, a man in medieval armor greeted him and handed him a helmet.

    Sr: Miloš je mislio da se mora obući da bi dobio hranu.
    En: Miloš thought he had to dress up to get some food.

    Sr: “Pa, u redu,” reče Miloš i stavi kacigu.
    En: "Well, okay," said Miloš and put on the helmet.

    Sr: Grupa je nastavila sa pripremama.
    En: The group continued with their preparations.

    Sr: Jelena ga je gledala zbunjeno.
    En: Jelena watched him, puzzled.

    Sr: “Miloše, šta to radiš?
    En: "Miloš, what are you doing?"

    Sr: ” pitala je.
    En: she asked.

    Sr: Miloš odgovori: “Samo želim te besplatne uzorke hrane!
    En: Miloš replied, "I just want those free food samples!"

    Sr: ”U međuvremenu, vođa grupe je viknuo: “Spremni za bitku!
    En: Meanwhile, the leader of the group shouted, "Ready for battle!"

    Sr: ” Miloš nije očekivao borbu.
    En: Miloš wasn't expecting a fight.

    Sr: Počeo je da udara mačem, ali nije bio vičan tome.
    En: He began swinging his sword but wasn't skilled at it.

    Sr: Jelena je pokušavala da mu objasni da ovo nije za hranu, ali je bilo prekasno.
    En: Jelena was trying to explain to him that this wasn't about food, but it was too late.

    Sr: Svi su trčali prema zamisljenom neprijatelju.
    En: Everyone was running toward the imaginary enemy.

    Sr: Miloš nije mogao da prati tempo i sapleo se, pao u travu.
    En: Miloš couldn't keep up and tripped, falling onto the grass.

    Sr: Kad je bitka završila, prišao mu je jedan čovek iz grupe.
    En: When the battle ended, a man from the group approached him.

    Sr: “Dobar posao, druže!
    En: "Good job, buddy!"

    Sr: ” rekao je uz osmeh.
    En: he said with a smile.

    Sr: Miloš je zbunjeno pogledao.
    En: Miloš looked confused.

    Sr: “Hvala, ali ja sam samo hteo da jedemo.
    En: "Thanks, but I just wanted to eat."

    Sr: ”Vođa grupe se nasmejao.
    En: The group leader laughed.

    Sr: “Dobrodošao, uvek trebamo ovako hrabrog viteza!
    En: "Welcome, we always need brave knights like you!"

    Sr: ”Miloš je skinuo kacigu.
    En: Miloš took off the helmet.

    Sr: “Mislim da je došlo do nesporazuma.
    En: "I think there's been a misunderstanding.

    Sr: Ja nisam tu zbog viteštva.
    En: I'm not here for knighthood."

    Sr: ”“Šta?
    En: "What?

    Sr: Zašto si onda ovde?
    En: Then why are you here?"

    Sr: ”“Hrana,” odgovori Miloš...

    • 15 min
    Sunset Salvation: Friendship & Compassion at Kalemegdan

    Sunset Salvation: Friendship & Compassion at Kalemegdan

    Fluent Fiction - Serbian: Sunset Salvation: Friendship & Compassion at Kalemegdan
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Sr: Sunce je polako zalazilo iza zidina Kalemegdana, a vetar je nežno šumio kroz drveće.
    En: The sun was slowly setting behind the walls of Kalemegdan, and the wind gently rustled through the trees.

    Sr: Milica i Aleksandar su hodali po kamenitim stazama stare tvrđave.
    En: Milica and Aleksandar were walking along the cobblestone paths of the old fortress.

    Sr: Ispred njih su bile moćne zidine koje su vekovima čuvale Beograd.
    En: In front of them were the mighty walls that had guarded Belgrade for centuries.

    Sr: "Izvanredno je ovde," rekla je Milica sa osmehom.
    En: "It's amazing here," said Milica with a smile.

    Sr: "Da, Kalemegdan je prelep," odgovori Aleksandar, dok su šetali prema jednoj od kula.
    En: "Yes, Kalemegdan is beautiful," replied Aleksandar as they walked towards one of the towers.

    Sr: Aleksandar je uživao u razgledanju starih zidina.
    En: Aleksandar was enjoying the sight of the old walls.

    Sr: Sagnuo se da bolje pogleda neki kamen sa čudnim natpisima.
    En: He bent down to take a closer look at a stone with strange inscriptions.

    Sr: Dok se vraćao u uspravan položaj, stao je na kamen.
    En: As he straightened up, he stepped on a stone.

    Sr: Iznenada, osetio je jak bol u nozi.
    En: Suddenly, he felt a sharp pain in his leg.

    Sr: "Ah!
    En: "Ah!"

    Sr: " kriknuo je Aleksandar, dok je padao na koleno.
    En: cried Aleksandar, falling to his knee.

    Sr: Milica je potrčala prema njemu.
    En: Milica ran towards him.

    Sr: "Šta se desilo?
    En: "What happened?"

    Sr: " upitala je zabrinuto, gledajući njegovo iskrivljeno lice.
    En: she asked worriedly, looking at his contorted face.

    Sr: "Mislim da sam izvrnuo zglob," rekao je Aleksandar, grčeći se od bola.
    En: "I think I twisted my ankle," said Aleksandar, grimacing in pain.

    Sr: "Moramo te odvesti do klupe," rekla je Milica i pažljivo mu pomogla da se osovi na jednu nogu.
    En: "We need to get you to a bench," Milica said and carefully helped him to stand on one leg.

    Sr: Polako su se uputili prema najbližoj klupi.
    En: Slowly, they made their way to the nearest bench.

    Sr: Milica je rukom pozvala jednog prolaznika.
    En: Milica waved her hand to get the attention of a passerby.

    Sr: "Izvinite, možete li nam pomoći?
    En: "Excuse me, can you help us?"

    Sr: " pitala je.
    En: she asked.

    Sr: Prolaznik, jedan stariji čovek sa šejrom i osmehom, odmah je prišao.
    En: The passerby, an elderly man with a cane and a smile, immediately approached.

    Sr: Zajedno su pomogli Aleksandru da sedne.
    En: Together, they helped Aleksandar to sit down.

    Sr: "Treba ti led i zavoj," rekao je starac.
    En: "You need ice and a bandage," said the old man.

    Sr: "Znam, ali ovde nemamo ništa," odgovorila je Milica.
    En: "I know, but we don't have anything here," replied Milica.

    Sr: "Srećom, ja živim blizu.
    En: "Fortunately, I live nearby.

    Sr: Mogu doneti," rekao je starac i nestao brzo iza jednog ugla.
    En: I can bring some," said the old man and quickly disappeared around a corner.

    Sr: Milica je pokušavala da uteši Aleksandra dok su čekali.
    En: Milica tried to comfort Aleksandar while they waited.

    Sr: Starac se brzo vratio sa ledom i zavojem.
    En: The old man soon returned with ice and a bandage.br...

    • 16 min
    Miloš' Perfect Souvenir Hunt: A Day in Belgrade's Heart

    Miloš' Perfect Souvenir Hunt: A Day in Belgrade's Heart

    Fluent Fiction - Serbian: Miloš' Perfect Souvenir Hunt: A Day in Belgrade's Heart
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Sr: U jednoj sunčanoj suboti, Miloš je hodao Knez Mihailovom ulicom u Beogradu.
    En: On a sunny Saturday, Miloš was walking along Knez Mihailova Street in Belgrade.

    Sr: Dok je gledao oko sebe, video je mnoge prodavnice.
    En: As he looked around, he saw many shops.

    Sr: Ljudi su prolazili, pričali i smejali se.
    En: People were passing by, talking and laughing.

    Sr: Miloš je želeo da kupi tradicionalne suvenire za svoje prijatelje.
    En: Miloš wanted to buy traditional souvenirs for his friends.

    Sr: Ugledao je prodavnicu sa natpisom "Ručni rad.
    En: He spotted a shop with a sign saying "Handmade Crafts."

    Sr: " Ulazio je sa osmehom.
    En: He entered with a smile.

    Sr: Unutra je bilo puno boja.
    En: Inside, there were many colors.

    Sr: Videli su se šalovi, keramičke šolje, ručno rađeni tanjiri i drvene igračke.
    En: Scarves, ceramic mugs, handmade plates, and wooden toys could be seen.

    Sr: Miloš je tražio nešto posebno.
    En: Miloš was looking for something special.

    Sr: Želeo je da nađe nešto jedinstveno.
    En: He wanted to find something unique.

    Sr: Prišao mu je prodavac.
    En: A shopkeeper approached him.

    Sr: "Kako vam mogu pomoći?
    En: "How can I help you?"

    Sr: " pitao je sa osmehom.
    En: he asked with a smile.

    Sr: "Meni treba suvenir za prijatelje," rekao je Miloš.
    En: "I need a souvenir for my friends," Miloš said.

    Sr: "Želim nešto tradicionalno i lepo.
    En: "I want something traditional and beautiful."

    Sr: "Prodavac je klimnuo glavom i pokazao na policu.
    En: The shopkeeper nodded and pointed to a shelf.

    Sr: "Ovo su naši najlepši predmeti," rekao je.
    En: "These are our finest items," he said.

    Sr: "Ove šolje su ručno oslikane.
    En: "These mugs are hand-painted.

    Sr: Ove drvene igračke prave majstori iz manjih sela.
    En: These wooden toys are made by craftsmen from small villages."

    Sr: "Miloš je uzeo jednu šolju u ruku.
    En: Miloš picked up one of the mugs.

    Sr: Bila je plava, sa belim šarama koje su pričale priču.
    En: It was blue, with white patterns that told a story.

    Sr: Osetio je toplinu u srcu.
    En: He felt a warmth in his heart.

    Sr: "Ova je savršena," rekao je.
    En: "This one is perfect," he said.

    Sr: Prodavac se nasmejao.
    En: The shopkeeper smiled.

    Sr: "Izabrali ste dobro.
    En: "You've chosen well.

    Sr: Ovo je rad starog majstora iz Zlatibora.
    En: This is the work of an old master from Zlatibor."

    Sr: "Miloš je platio šolju i zahvalio se prodavcu.
    En: Miloš paid for the mug and thanked the shopkeeper.

    Sr: Izašao je iz prodavnice sa osećajem zadovoljstva.
    En: He left the shop feeling satisfied.

    Sr: Prošetao je dalje Knez Mihailovom ulicom, uživajući u danu i mislima o prijateljima koji će se obradovati lepom poklonu.
    En: He continued walking along Knez Mihailova Street, enjoying the day and thinking about the friends who would be delighted by the beautiful gift.

    Sr: Kako je sunce zalazilo, umesto da se vraća kući odmah, Miloš je seo na klupu i uživao u pogledu na ljude i grad.
    En: As the sun was setting, instead of heading home right away, Miloš sat on a bench and enjoyed the view of the people and the city.

    Sr: Bio je zadovoljan svojim izborom.
    En: He was...

    • 13 min
    Nikola's Winter: Kindness in the Snow-Covered Mountains

    Nikola's Winter: Kindness in the Snow-Covered Mountains

    Fluent Fiction - Serbian: Nikola's Winter: Kindness in the Snow-Covered Mountains
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Sr: Zima je stigla, i planine Kopaonika su prekrivene belim snegom.
    En: Winter has arrived, and the mountains of Kopaonik are covered in white snow.

    Sr: U malom selu pod planinom, Nikola je imao porodičnu radnju za iznajmljivanje ski opreme.
    En: In a small village beneath the mountain, Nikola owned a family shop for renting ski equipment.

    Sr: Radnja je bila smeštena u staroj, drvenoj kući koja je mirisala na borovinu.
    En: The shop was located in an old wooden house that smelled of pine.

    Sr: Jednog hladnog jutra, Nikola je otvorio kapke i pogledao planinu.
    En: One cold morning, Nikola opened the shutters and looked at the mountain.

    Sr: Sunce je polako izlazilo, obasjavajući sneg kristalnim sjajem.
    En: The sun was slowly rising, illuminating the snow with a crystal shine.

    Sr: Jesen je bila dobra, ali sada je vreme za zimu i više posetilaca.
    En: Fall was good, but now it was time for winter and more visitors.

    Sr: Nikola je zauzet poslom.
    En: Nikola was busy with work.

    Sr: On iznajmljuje skije, štapove i kacige turistima.
    En: He rented skis, poles, and helmets to tourists.

    Sr: Ponekad, posetioci traže i savet o stazama.
    En: Sometimes visitors asked for advice about the trails.

    Sr: Nikola ih uvek rado posluži.
    En: Nikola was always happy to help them.

    Sr: Bio je srećan jer je voleo taj posao.
    En: He was happy because he loved his job.

    Sr: Jednog dana, došlo je mnogo turista.
    En: One day, many tourists came.

    Sr: Radnja je bila puna.
    En: The shop was full.

    Sr: Nikola: "Dobrodošli!
    En: Nikola said, "Welcome!

    Sr: Koja skijaška oprema vam treba?
    En: What ski equipment do you need?"

    Sr: "Turista: "Dva para skija i tri kacige, molim vas.
    En: Tourist: "Two pairs of skis and three helmets, please."

    Sr: "Nikola brzo pripremi opremu.
    En: Nikola quickly prepared the equipment.

    Sr: Radnja vrvi od posla.
    En: The shop was bustling with activity.

    Sr: No, negde posle podneva, u radnju dođe žena sa detetom.
    En: However, around noon, a woman with a child entered the shop.

    Sr: Dečak je imao oko osam godina, ali je bio tužan.
    En: The boy was about eight years old, but he looked sad.

    Sr: Nikola: "Kako mogu da vam pomognem?
    En: Nikola: "How can I help you?"

    Sr: "Žena: "Moj sin želi da skija, ali mi nemamo mnogo novca.
    En: Woman: "My son wants to ski, but we don’t have much money."

    Sr: "Nikola se zagonetno nasmeje.
    En: Nikola smiled mysteriously.

    Sr: On ode do zadnjeg dela radnje i vrati se sa starim parom skija.
    En: He went to the back of the shop and returned with an old pair of skis.

    Sr: Nikola: "Ove skije su stare, ali su dobre.
    En: Nikola: "These skis are old, but they are good.

    Sr: Možete ih koristiti besplatno.
    En: You can use them for free."

    Sr: "Dečakovo lice zasvetli od radosti.
    En: The boy's face lit up with joy.

    Sr: Žena, zahvalna, zahvali se Nikoli sa suzama u očima.
    En: The woman, grateful, thanked Nikola with tears in her eyes.

    Sr: Nikola ih isprati do izlaza i mahnu im.
    En: Nikola walked them to the door and waved goodbye.

    Sr: Posle toga, Nikola se vrati poslu.
    En: After that, Nikola returned to work.

    Sr: Do kraja dana, posetilaca je bilo sve...

    • 14 min
    A Day at Kalemegdan: An Unforeseen Journey of Resilience and Care

    A Day at Kalemegdan: An Unforeseen Journey of Resilience and Care

    Fluent Fiction - Serbian: A Day at Kalemegdan: An Unforeseen Journey of Resilience and Care
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Sr: U proleće, vetar je lagano dodirivao stara zdanja Kalemegdanske tvrđave, dok su Miloš i Jelena uživali u istraživanju znamenitosti.
    En: In the spring, the wind lightly touched the ancient structures of the Kalemegdan Fortress as Miloš and Jelena enjoyed exploring the landmarks.

    Sr: Nebo je bilo vedro, a ptice su pevale sa visokih zidina.
    En: The sky was clear, and the birds sang from the tall walls.

    Sr: Miloš je pokazivao na različite tačke tvrđave, objašnjavajući njihovu istoriju.
    En: Miloš pointed to different spots of the fortress, explaining their history.

    Sr: Jelena je pažljivo slušala, diveći se njegovom znanju.
    En: Jelena listened attentively, admiring his knowledge.

    Sr: Njihova šetnja je bila opuštajuća, dok sunce polako promaljalo iza oblaka.
    En: Their walk was relaxing, as the sun slowly peeked out from behind the clouds.

    Sr: Odjednom, Jelena je sporije hodala i Miloš je primetio da nešto nije u redu.
    En: Suddenly, Jelena slowed her pace, and Miloš noticed that something was wrong.

    Sr: Njeno lice je pobledelo, a ona je teško disala.
    En: Her face had paled, and she was breathing heavily.

    Sr: "Jelena, jesi li dobro?
    En: "Jelena, are you alright?"

    Sr: " zabrinuto je upitao Miloš.
    En: Miloš asked worriedly.

    Sr: Jelena je uhvatila ruku Miloša, držeći se čvrsto.
    En: Jelena grabbed Miloš's hand, holding on tightly.

    Sr: "Ne osećam se dobro.
    En: "I don't feel well.

    Sr: Mislim da me hvata vrtoglavica," rekla je tiho.
    En: I think I'm getting dizzy," she said quietly.

    Sr: Miloš je brzo reagovao.
    En: Miloš quickly reacted.

    Sr: "Sedi ovde," rekao je, pokazujući na obližnju klupu.
    En: "Sit here," he said, pointing to a nearby bench.

    Sr: Jelena je sela, a on je izvadio vodu iz ruksaka.
    En: Jelena sat down, and he took out some water from his backpack.

    Sr: "Pij malo vode i odmaraj se.
    En: "Drink some water and rest."

    Sr: "Jelena je uzela flašicu i polako pijuckala.
    En: Jelena took the bottle and sipped slowly.

    Sr: Osetila je da joj se stanje blago poboljšava.
    En: She felt her condition slightly improve.

    Sr: Miloš je seo pored nje, stavljajući ruku preko njenih ramena.
    En: Miloš sat next to her, placing his arm around her shoulders.

    Sr: "Budi mirna, ostani ovde dok ne budeš bolje.
    En: "Stay calm, stay here until you feel better."

    Sr: "Kratko su sedeli u tišini, dok su Miloš i Jelena osluškivali zvukove ljudi u prolazu i prirode oko sebe.
    En: They sat briefly in silence, listening to the sounds of people passing by and the nature around them.

    Sr: Vetar je i dalje nežno duvao, dajući im malo osveženja.
    En: The wind still gently blew, giving them a bit of refreshment.

    Sr: Nakon nekoliko minuta, Jelena je konačno progovorila.
    En: After a few minutes, Jelena finally spoke.

    Sr: "Hvala ti, Miloše.
    En: "Thank you, Miloš.

    Sr: Mislim da mi je bolje.
    En: I think I feel better.

    Sr: Samo mi je odjednom pozlilo.
    En: I just suddenly felt sick."

    Sr: "Miloš se osmehnuo i pomogao joj da ustane.
    En: Miloš smiled and helped her up.

    Sr: "Važno je da se sada osećaš bolje.
    En: "The important thing is that you feel better now.

    Sr: Možemo li nastaviti šetnju, ili...

    • 16 min

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2 Ratings

can i get a no ,


This podcast uses a computer generated voice that DOES NOT use correct Serbian pronunciation. They should be ashamed to produce this podcast.

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