Where is your business at for 2022? Have you reached your goals? What changes are necessary to hit a grand slam for 2022? Dr. Deb inspires you to look at your goals, reset them or pivot to cross the finish line strong. Do not miss these highlights: 01:02 We are halfway through 2022, this is a great time for you to be evaluating your success in your business. 03:27 Figuring out how to reach your goals. 07:50 Add additional services and have some team members that want to expand into a different market area. 11:12Make sure that you’re implementing what you’re doing, and you’re training your entire team. So they're successful with what we're doing as well. 11:50 Assess your practice, and figure out where you are and what you want to accomplish for 2022. 14:13 Think about creative ways that you can help your clients out during these difficult times. Resources Mentioned Join Us in the FMBI Mastermind Group on Facebook. You can find the Group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/5461914567153276/ Transcript of Episode #35: 0:01You're listening to the Functional Medicine Business podcast featuring Dr. Deb, one of the most creative functional medicine business practitioners in her industry. She shares the wisdom and knowledge that she has gained over 25 years of functional medicine, a pioneer in functional medicine, scheduling, leadership and Practice Management. Dr. Devin has a wealth of knowledge, and he's eager to share to help functional medicine become more productive. And for the practitioners and patients to live better lives. Our podcast shares the good and the bad of our industry. Because Dr. Deb knows the pain you live every day building a functional medicine practice with practical tools of how to manage money, taxes and patient care. She will discuss it all with you. 0:54Welcome back to the show. I'm Dr. Deb. Hey, everybody, It is halftime. And what do I mean by that? You know, it's been a tremendous year, but we are halfway through 2022. And this is a great time for you to be evaluating your success in your business. Are you at a place in your business that you thought you would be at by the middle of 2022? If not, let's assess what's happened, what's gotten in the way, what's preventing you from moving forward, or maybe you are killing it. And 2022 is your year, like this has been the best year your business is growing, it's busy, you're making connections with people, doors are opening clients are flooding to you. And if that's the case, you rock to you guys, you guys are awesome. But if you're struggling a little bit, and you're halfway through the year, and 2022 just isn't quite what you wanted it to be. This is a great time to reassess your business and say, Okay, this is where I had hoped I would be by the end of June 2022. But I'm not. So what have I done in the first half of 2022? That's been successful? What have I done that's gotten in the way of me not reaching my goals for 2022? 2:29And then we want to sit back and we want to say, Okay, if something has gotten in the way, what is that? And how do I change it? This isn't a time where you just sit back and you say, Okay, I didn't meet the goal that I wanted to, you know, I thought I'd be billing or collecting a half a million dollars a year so far. And I'm only doing 250 or 175. So now I'm gonna adjust and I'm on track for a different figure by the time the end of 2022 comes. No, we're not in that game space anymore. We are looking at that goal and saying if our goal is to make half a million dollars a year, and you're only a quarter of the way there by the end of June,