Future Chi

Leon Fitzpatrick & Jost Sauer
Future Chi

A daoist and a designer explore design, technology, health and wellbeing, and the future of everything. Join Jost Sauer (author, rebel therapist, daoist and expert in traditional Chinese medicine) and Leon Fitzpatrick (industrial and experience designer, educator and futurist), as they discuss health, daoism, design, cars, martial arts, the search for purpose, and the meaning of life. Unplanned, off the cuff, and spontaneous. Welcome to the Future Chi podcast!

  1. 4 DAYS AGO

    Ep 63: Zero Point - Yang Rising, Unlimited Energy, Wormholes, Sleeper Souls, and The Party of Tao

    As our world experiences dramatic shifts, a lot of us are finding ourselves caught up in a whirlwind of mental overload, and with excess mental energy comes a desperate to understand everything that’s going on and get to the bottom of it all; who’s right, who’s wrong, and who’s in control. Without a way to come back down, relax, and centre the mind, it becomes hard to get a grip on life and the urge to try and understand increases further. This downward spiral of attempting to solve mental problems in the mind doesn’t work, so what are the alternatives? The answer is energy. Instead of trying to think our way out, we need to feel our way forward. In this episode Jost and Leon get into all things energetic, from an internal experience of chi to the accessing the inexhaustible energy aether and what this means for humanity in the very near future. Jost gets into the need to have a foundational, concrete experience of chi to orient your day instead of starting in the mind, the symptoms associated with rising mental energy and the role of the Blood in traditional Chinese medicine. Jost also talks about  the cost of living crisis, how to combat the overwhelmingly heavy energy of mundanity, and how to bring the mind back down to zero through practice. Of course the unavoidable subject of recent political insanity comes up, and Leon and Jost chat about crazy campaigns, censorship and the rise in debunkers. Leon talks about his recent rabbit hole with disappearing airliners, wormholes, plasma orbs, and the phenomenon of Zero Point Energy (ZPE). He also talks about facing the future instead of lamenting for the past, and Nikola Tesla’s dream of ‘annihilating distance’. Jost connects zero point energy to chi and talks about being on the cusp of major breakthroughs in understanding energy and human potential on a mass scale.  Jost and Leon also talk about sleeper souls - those with dormant knowledge that upon activation will trigger a quantum leap in technology, and how quickly the world will change as a result. They also talk about leading physicist Nassim Haramein, how energy isn’t generated but accessed, and how understanding there is more to life than what we see in front of us is how we get creative and get busy building the new. Time to move forward by getting back to zero!

    1h 21m
  2. SEP 18

    Ep 61: The God Force - Soul Variants, Dark Disruptors, Inner Starlight and the Path of the 5 Organs

    If we take a look at the world through the lens of the mundane media, and political propaganda it appears that there is more darkness than light in the world…that there is more chaos, conflict and ill will than there is balance, peace and optimism. But what if a large amount of the mayhem is being caused by only a small percentage of dark disruptors who are here to profit from the pain? This apparent imbalance is by design. Their numbers may be small but their influence is broad, and we must resist falling into cloudiness, confusion and anxiety and instead maintain our connection to our own power, and our own internal guidance system.  In this episode Jost and Leon take a tour down the rocky road of religion and atheism, discuss the true meaning of God, dogma and doctrine, and how our perception of good and evil comes down to our soul individuality and our varying degrees of difference. Jost gets into modern science’s discovery of prayer’s impact on heart and brain function, and how this is a result of not praying to an external source but going within. He also talks about the intelligence of the 5 Organs (Heart, Kidneys, Spleen, Liver, Lungs) and how nourishing them in concert is the key to resisting building health, resisting brainwashing, creating light and forging the path forward. Leon talks about the origins of religious iconography, the architecture of dystopian consumerism (which is a lot more entertaining than it sounds), his strategy for getting out of IKEA alive, and how to get out of a mall, and out of life, without having accumulated too much unnecessary crap.  Jost and Leon also reflect on kangaroo Tai Chi, problem-solving parrots, Vikings, constellations, financial crises, and the the struggle of living for your dreams and values instead of pursuing safety, security and predictability.  The takeaway tip, look to the brightness of the stars within you, and illuminate your own path forward instead of being trapped in other people’s dark version of reality. Light up the darkness. For more about Jost: https://jostsauer.com/ For more about Leon: https://futurethingy.com/

    1h 13m
  3. SEP 3

    Ep 60: The Age of Practice - Syntax, Dual Realities, Speaking from the Heart, and Cultivating Consciousness in a Divided World

    Are we entering into a completely different reality, peeling off from the old and stepping into the new? Or are we experiencing a split in reality that we can’t yet fully perceive, but that is nonetheless causing it’s fair share of disruptions, disagreements and weirdness? The answer to is yes, to both. If you’ve been experiencing conversations stoppers, aggressive lash outs, ideological rants, and wondering why people can’t seem to see what’s obvious to you, then this is an indication of a true bifurcation in progress. No matter when the inflection point occurred, we’re well on the way down differing paths, but this is by choice. We can choose to be a part of the machine world, driven by conformity, political views, ideologies and opinions, or we can choose to be driven by - and speak from - the Heart. In this episode, Jost and Leon talk about our divided world, and how to go about choosing which direction to head in. Jost gets into the journey of Federico Faggin, from inventing the touchscreen to having a spiritual awakening and pursuing consciousness and quantum physics. He also talks about the quantum field of probabilities versus measured reality, what happens when we dwell on words and not meaning, how to move from the unawakened to the awakened ego, the importance of rising for cultivation, and how a true spiritual journey brings that which triggers us into our environment. Leon talks about non verbal communication with cats, the mind numbing experience of discussing mainstream topics, and how starting a sentence without knowing how it ends lets us explore ideas and change our minds, instead of reading from a mental teleprompter. Jost and Leon also discuss Bashar, Lemuria, galactic contact and voting for aliens, how to offend a master (hint: if they are susceptible to the former they aren’t the latter), and the European salons (no not for hair) where art, ideas and philosophy were openly and spiritedly debated.  The age of choice we find ourselves in is really the age of practice, because if we build, cultivate, and do our practice, we’ll make choices automatically and live for meaning, instead of being perpetually entangled in talking points. For more about Jost: https://jostsauer.com/ For more about Leon: https://futurethingy.com/

    1h 17m
  4. AUG 20

    Ep 59: Soul Accelerator - Cosmic Firewalls, Excessive Mental Energy, Entering the Alternate, and Going Viral

    What’s your job? Maybe you don’t know yet, maybe you chose something at an early age and stuck with it, or maybe you’ve have had multiple career changes over the course of your life. But you may also feel you have a different job here on earth that goes beyond the constraints of a purely professional existence. The Taoists would say our primary job is to align with the forces of the universe, giving our Heart dominion over our Mind. But since this isn’t a job post you’ll find on LinkedIn, how would you even go about applying? In this episode, Jost and Leon get into the connection between heart and mind, and how social media, manipulative entities and dark forces can invert this connection and send us down a spiral of analysis, fear, anger and anxiety. The conversation kicks off with a discussion about the right time to drink coffee, and quickly goes down a road of viruses, portals to alternate realities (which we may have already entered), monkeys, chickens, and giraffes (oh my!), and the ever increasing importance of situational awareness. Jost shares insights on how he aligns his daily routine with the Chi Cycle, and the importance of starting the day with practices that cultivate the Heart’s energy before engaging with the digital world. He also talks about how quickly social media can become toxic (within minutes), and the necessity of building an internal firewall to safeguard our spiritual health. Leon talks about technological warfare, how both sides of an issue can leave us feeling alone and isolated, and how we’re trained to blame nature for our problems. He also talks about the heavy focus on negativity, and the ideas, inspiration and innovation that we need now more than ever.  Jost and Leon also continue their conversation from the previous episode about the world’s largest particle accelerator, the Large Hadron Collider, and what it may have brought into existence in 2012. They also talk about how to ‘zap’ viruses with cosmic energy, transform negativity, and embrace nature instead of fearing it. Now is the time act from the Heart and not the Mind and in doing so accelerate our souls.  For more about Jost: https://jostsauer.com/ For more about Leon: https://futurethingy.com/

    1h 19m
  5. AUG 6

    Ep 58: The Source - Brainwashing, Grace, Spacetime, the Agents of Perception and Turning Poison into Nectar.

    It’s yin and yang to the maximum lately… a moment in time where we can see the endlessly profound and the infinitely ridiculous existing side by side. We can choose between channels that probe the nature of reality, deliver new insights and ideas and reveal fascinating discoveries, or we can tune into (and consume) the absurdity of the media and the outside world. This divergence between being illuminated or dimmed has been a long time in the making. Now is the time to decide if we’re going to be prisoners of the past or pioneers of the future, but in order to do so we have to make sure we have a clear connection to the source. In this episode Jost and Leon discuss how we got to this point and the invisible precursors to these truly wild times. But instead of attempting to make sense (why even bother) of this through the physical and mundane worlds, they instead take a peek outside of the measurements of time and space. Jost gets into the glaringly obvious signals that are telling us to look inwards, the snowball effect of our tech rich, nutrient deficient lifestyles that are interfering with the development of our souls, and the gradual severing of our crucial connection to the cosmic which leaves us open to manipulation and control. This corrosion of connectivity to the source makes it impossible to access anything other than the world we see in front of us - and we therefore become susceptible to its influences. Jost also talks about how this ‘brainwashing’ has nothing to do with our brains but in fact our perceiving agents - our 12 energy Organs - which we have to cultivate at all costs. Leon wonders how many people think the news is real or how many simply tune in for entertainment, what happens when you follow the masses (because sometimes the ‘m’ is silent), and Buckminster Fuller’s invisibly integrating trends. He also talks about existential crises in malls, the reaction cycle, inanimate vs animate objects and why it might be time to flip the board over and play by a different set of rules. Jost and Leon also discuss relativity and Einstein’s unknown variable (and wonder whether or not he would have been cancelled on social media), the awakening of the tao in modern times, the glory days of the 80’s, yogis, martial arts masters, and an idea for a silent podcast. They also talk time traveling dinosaurs, interdimensional beings, the grace of the animal kingdom, how to turn poison into nectar, and wonder if the Large Hadron Collider has been messing with our reality.  Instead of looking for answers, blaming external factors for what’s happening in the world or trying to pick sides, we need to instead get on our own side and plug back into the source. Time for a little DIY (dao it yourself)!  For more about Jost: https://jostsauer.com/ For more about Leon: https://futurethingy.com/

    1h 23m
  6. JUL 22

    Ep 57: Surreal Estate - Polarity, Dimension Hopping, Future Pyramids, Transmigration and the Spectrum of Reality

    The broader the spectrum of reality and the wider open the channels of interaction we have with one another, the more difficult it becomes to find people on the same wavelength that we can talk to, trust, and be ourselves around. Like scrolling through radio stations, the more frequencies we have to choose from the harder it becomes to find the right song, at the right time. In this week’s episode Jost and Leon turn on, tune in, but definitely don’t drop out as they discuss how to get past the static, polarity, and confusion of current times and bring into focus a brighter future. Jost gets into the surprising alignment between the meridians in Chinese medicine, the pyramids of ancient Egypt, chakras, the pineal gland and the zodiac (yep there is one), and how - like the the pyramids - we need to build ourselves on strong foundations if we’re going to be able to handle the relentless intensity of thoughtforms, EMFs, and invasive energies that constantly bombard us. He also talks about the criticality of connecting with the Metal element by rising early, how to establish forcefields, and how nomads and travellers are creating a new future by departing from traditional real estate and instead tapping into the energetics of the land. Leon talks about time slippage, sacred geometry, how the simplicity of creativity is a gateway to the profound, the artificial orchestration of culture in corporations and institutions, and wonders how many times you need to reincarnate in order to finally pay off your mortgage.  Jost and Leon also discuss what would happen if they met Bill Gates in an elevator, the importance of people you disagree with, the idea of the ‘rave estate’, unified fields, high-rise living, the importance of getting grounded, and the race towards the new. The disconnection we’re currently feeling is one of many signs that this is not the way forward. The arcane systems we find ourselves tethered to keep us disconnected from one another and yet centrally controlled, and these centralised networks are showning signs of fragility and volatility. The answer is to build a new internalised network - our own energetic intranet - get connected to the earth, and get connected to truly likeminded people who are ready to set out in search of new frontiers. Saddle up! For more about Jost: https://jostsauer.com/ For more about Leon: https://futurethingy.com/

    1h 18m
  7. JUL 7

    Ep 56: Stirring It Up - Inflammation, Building Your Own Lifeboat, the Emotionality of Destruction and the Phoenix Rising

    Respectful discourses, nuanced conversations, and the ability to explore and express ideas that challenge mainstream thinking seems to be a thing of the past. These days it’s hard to have a conversation without fear of judgement or the feeling that someone is picking a side for you (even if you haven’t picked one for yourself). Ideas have been replaced by ideologies, and as a result extremism, tribalism and the need to constantly fight for the ‘right’ side of an issue keeps us divided and angry at one another. Inflammatory thoughts, words, actions however don’t come out of the blue, and once again we need look no further than within to figure out what’s going on.  In this episode Jost and Leon turn up the heat and get into the role that inflammation plays in how we perceive the world and the reality we create as a result. Like forging steel, accomplishing something worth doing requires heat and stress, but also a cooling and repairing process in order for it to achieve it’s full strength and potential. Burning the old in order to create the new means that we must experience inflammation - but if we remain in that phase of the process without a path forward, things take a turn for the worse. Jost talks about his early experiences with Marxism and how it’s become so unrecognisable that it may as well be called something else (which leads to a brainstorming session). Jost also gets into the process of inflammation from a health, bodybuilding, and traditional Chinese medicine perspective and how to treat this naturally by focusing on Blood production, building new tissues and choosing the right foods and herbs. He also discusses the madness of the dying world and the need to access portals to our higher selves, the importance of transcending emotionality, and how to avoid being entangled in the mundane and negative aspects of life and instead focus on community, sharing, and awakening. Leon talks about the learned-not-felt nature of ideology, the insanity of spray painting Stone Henge to express an ‘environmental’ message, the pointlessness of anarchy without vision, what Darth Vader and the outgoing elites have in common, and what Wim Hoff would have done if he was on the Titanic.  The focus on doom, gloom and the inevitability of the apocalypse takes us closer to that reality, but these are the trappings of the dying world that would rather have us rearrange the chairs on the Titanic instead of being captains of our own ship. If we’re to approach the future with trust, sympathy and understanding then we must be prepared to burn ourselves in our own flame first - to build and temper ourselves - so that we can be a force for good. Don’t ponder the past, or get bogged down by negative people in the present. Our job is to keep cool, and keep going. For more about Jost: https://jostsauer.com/ For more about Leon: https://futurethingy.com/

    1h 2m


A daoist and a designer explore design, technology, health and wellbeing, and the future of everything. Join Jost Sauer (author, rebel therapist, daoist and expert in traditional Chinese medicine) and Leon Fitzpatrick (industrial and experience designer, educator and futurist), as they discuss health, daoism, design, cars, martial arts, the search for purpose, and the meaning of life. Unplanned, off the cuff, and spontaneous. Welcome to the Future Chi podcast!

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