100 episodes

Discover the TRUTH about losing weight, burning fat, getting rid of that stubborn lower belly fat, and building muscle naturally. You'll find weight loss motivation, six pack abs workouts, and fat loss meal prep. Hear enough of my weight loss and muscle building tips and you'll figure out the best way to lose weight for yourself. After all you're a unique individual. If you're looking to get lean, ripped, jacked, swole, shredded, cut, and totally swoltastic NATURALLY then you will benefit from this podcast. Most of the content is about burning fat and gaining muscle mass fast and efficiently. There are also intermittent fasting, ketogenic, and all types of other meal prep plans. Entire weight loss diet plans done for you for free. Also if you're a skinny guy trying to bulk up, build muscle, and gain mass naturally my audios can help.


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Gravity Fitness Transformation Max Posternak

    • Health & Fitness

Discover the TRUTH about losing weight, burning fat, getting rid of that stubborn lower belly fat, and building muscle naturally. You'll find weight loss motivation, six pack abs workouts, and fat loss meal prep. Hear enough of my weight loss and muscle building tips and you'll figure out the best way to lose weight for yourself. After all you're a unique individual. If you're looking to get lean, ripped, jacked, swole, shredded, cut, and totally swoltastic NATURALLY then you will benefit from this podcast. Most of the content is about burning fat and gaining muscle mass fast and efficiently. There are also intermittent fasting, ketogenic, and all types of other meal prep plans. Entire weight loss diet plans done for you for free. Also if you're a skinny guy trying to bulk up, build muscle, and gain mass naturally my audios can help.


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    99 - Should I take CREATINE, Which is BEST, & is it BAD for You?

    99 - Should I take CREATINE, Which is BEST, & is it BAD for You?

    If you're wondering if you should take creatine or which form of creatine is best then check out this video. You'll learn what creatine is good for you and which is bad.

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    📲 Fat Loss Calculator: http://bit.ly/2x4JtRS

    Today I'm going to go over if you should be taking creatine and which creatine is best for your particular goals. First let's start by acknowledging the fact that you do not NEED creatine. You don't really need any kind of supplements to get results but creatine is one of the few supplements that can actually help. It is also one of the most widely researched supplements available on the market with one of the highest proven success rates. So what are some reasons for you to take creatine? If you're trying to bulk up your muscles and you want to help your muscles grow faster then that's a good time to take creatine. If you're trying to increase your strength and set some new PRS then that's a good time to take creatine as well. If you want to increase your energy to perform higher intensity workouts, again that's a good time to take creatine. There is also even some evidence that creatine can help reduce inflammation after a workout which can help speed up your recovery. Some studies also report that creatine has neuroprotective functions, and it can Enhance bone regeneration... so if you break any bones you know what supplement to turn to. Now if you're cutting or trying to look like you have really defined muscles then you may want to be careful with what creatine you take because certain types of creatine can increase your water weight and make you look bloated, which will take away a lot of that definition that your striving for. Creatine monohydrate is a type of creatine that actually is known to have that bloating effect. Even though it does have this side effect, I usually recommend creatine monohydrate because it is the type of creatine used in the majority of the creatine research and studies. Also even though there are many new types of creatine.. monohydrate is still the most widely used. Regardless it is still worth it to take a look at the other types available on the market. Micronized creatine is probably the second most popular form. The only difference is that the creatine molecules have been cut up or divided. This makes it easier and faster for your body to absorb and also reduces any kind of stomach discomfort. Next we got creatine phosphate which is supposed to give you more energy than regular monohydrate. The reality is that creatine phosphate has never been shown in studies to be more effective than monohydrate and it's much more expensive. Another form of creatine is creatine citrate and this is supposed to be one of the more absorbable forms of creatine. If you have a lot of stomach discomfort when taking creatine give this one a shot. As you can see there's a whole bunch of different types of creatine and we're not even close to done yet. Creatine ethyl Ester is a form of creatine that is supposed to be ten times as absorbable as monohydrate. Unfortunately there are no studies to back this claim up. However many do claim that you don't need as much of a dose, it's easier to absorb, and you don't get that bloated look when taking it. Next is kre alkalyn which is supposed to be the most absorbable form of creatine. Reported benefits include a faster absorption rate, no loading phase, no creatine bloat, and immediate results. Another form of creatine is creatine serum which is reported to have mixed results. Some people say it works and some people say it doesn't work at all. This creatine has been dissolved in water and usually has added vitamins and amino acids. Then we got Creatine hydrochloride which is creatine bound with hydrochloric acid. It's turned into a basic creatine molecule in your stomach and while it may be more water soluble than creatine monohydrate, no research has yet proven it to be any more effectiv

    • 7 min
    98 - How Many SETS & REPS per MUSCLE Group to BUILD MUSCLE ➟ Week Workout for mass strength growth size

    98 - How Many SETS & REPS per MUSCLE Group to BUILD MUSCLE ➟ Week Workout for mass strength growth size

    Ever wonder how many sets and reps you should do per muscle group, per workout, and per week to build muscle? Learn how you can have muscle mass & strength growth through periodization.

    🔥 FREE 6 Week Shred: https://GravityTransformation.com

    📲 Fat Loss Calculator: http://bit.ly/2CFSdnD

    A very common question that many people have is how many sets and reps are you supposed to do for each muscle group to build the maximum amount muscle? In today's video I'm going to dive deep into answering this question and really the fact is that, there is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to sets and Reps. In case you're an absolute beginner let me start by clarifying what a set is. A set is a group of consecutive repetitions. So what that means is that if you do 10 reps of let's say a shoulder press and then you put the weight down that's considered a set. Now the reason why I can't just be like just do 6 sets or 9 sets or 20 sets is because building muscle is not simply dependent on the number of sets. Building muscle is a function of total training volume. And volume is your sets times your reps times intensity. At this point you already know what sets and Reps are. Intensity in regard to building muscle is usually defined by how much weight you're using during that set. So you could generally view volume as sets X reps X your weight load. For the most part the more volume you do the more your muscles will grow. So your goal has to be to increase your volume overtime if you want to gain some muscle mass. Something else that you should know is that different people have different ratios of muscle fiber types in their body. We have slow twitch muscle fibers which are mostly used for longer duration activities such as running at a steady pace and performing exercises at higher rep ranges. And we also have fast twitch muscle fibers which you would use when you're going really heavy with lower reps and when you're doing something explosive such as sprinting. The percentages of slow and fast-twitch muscle fibers is highly dependent on your genetics. One isn't necessarily better than the other however each requires a different approach to stimulate growth. Fast twitch require less sets less reps and heavier weight, while slow-twitch will require the opposite, more sets more reps and lighter weight. When I say lighter weight I still mean you should go heavy. You should be going heavy enough to where you're still failing at the end of your set. All I mean by lighter weight is that you're obviously not going to be able to lift the same weight for 15 reps that you could lift for 6 reps. But again if you have mostly slow twitch muscle fibers that doesn't mean that you pick a weight that you could easily do for those 15 reps it should still be heavy and you should be failing by the 14th or 15th rep for sure. You may be wondering what type of muscle fibers you have. And really it's not that important what type you have. THE REASON FOR THat is because you have both, so the important thing is to understand that you have two different types and you should train both types of muscle fibers. You can do this by doing periodization. A simple way to define periodization would be to mix up your rep ranges. So for 3 weeks you would do three reps then for 3 weeks you would do 6 to 8 reps and then for 3 weeks you would do 10-15 reps. This will guarantee that you stimulate both of your muscle fiber types. when choosing how many sets to do, generally the heavier the weight that you lift and the less reps... believe it or not you'll usually have to do less sets because you're getting a lot more volume from the higher intensity. And the opposite is true for when you go for the higher rep ranges and the lower intensities... you're going to have to do more sets. With periodization the reps, sets, and the length of time for which you do it for is not set in stone. For example a different popular approach is to do 2 days of higher reps and sets like 8 to 1

    • 7 min
    97 - How Much Weight Can You Lose in a MONTH? Week? Or Day? ➠ How FAST can I Burn Belly Fat / OVERNIGHT

    97 - How Much Weight Can You Lose in a MONTH? Week? Or Day? ➠ How FAST can I Burn Belly Fat / OVERNIGHT

    How much weight can you lose in a month? How about a week? Or a Day? How fast can you burn the belly fat? Find out in this video!

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    📲 Fat Loss Calculator: http://bit.ly/2x1DT2F

    How much weight can you lose in a month? How about a week? What about a day? These are all questions and I'm going to answer in today's video and believe it or not these questions aren't as straightforward as they seem. For example you could lose a ton of weight in a month but are you going to be able to keep that large amount of weight that you lost off? After all what's the use of losing weight if we gain it all back again? Generally speaking its believed that the more weight you lose in a shorter period of time the more likely you'll gain that weight back. So many trainers and fitness professionals recommend that you take a slower approach to fat loss. The accepted Norm for healthy sustainable fat loss is 1-2 pounds a week. For those of you looking to drop 30 pounds in a month I'm sure this isn't great news. But if you are looking to lose more weight than that, I wouldn't exit out of this video just yet because I have a lot more information for you. At 1 to 2 pounds a week this means that since we have a little over 4 weeks every month, on average we'll be able to lose 5 to 10 pounds a month and keep it off. After working as a trainer for a long time when I hear numbers like this I get pretty excited. A 5 - 10 pound weight loss in a month is considered an excellent result in my book. However some of you may still want to lose weight faster. And you might have clicked on this video to find out what's actually possible beyond the 1-2 pounds a week. Well luckily we have crazy TV shows like The Biggest Loser to show us what's truly possible when we kick Health to the curb. On this reality TV show one contestant lost 100 pounds in 7 weeks. That's a ridiculous amount of weight to lose in such a short time frame. Another contestant lost 34 pounds in a week. Again absolutely absurd. But there you have it faster weight loss is technically possible. The reason why I say technically and the reason why I call this absurd is because losing so much weight so fast is not only dangerous but chances of weight regain are huge. And if you don't believe me just take a look at the percentage of people that regain their weight after the Biggest Loser is over. On top of that for the premiere of season 8 two patients were hospitalized after collapsing during a 1-mile run.

    So even though it is possible to lose a hundred pounds in 7 weeks and it is possible to lose over 30 pounds in one week it usually isn't applicable to regular people in the real world. And allow me to explain why. First of all most of the contestants on the Show start off extremely heavy. one contestant was even 526 pounds. Most of you are not starting off at such a high weight. Without getting too in-depth into the reasons why, all you gotta know is that the higher your starting weight the faster you'll be able to lose a larger amount of weight. But even with the higher starting weight aside, these contestants are forced to work out 5 to 6 hours a day while eating strictly supervised diets. That's what gets them losing double-digits every week. I've been training for a long time and sometimes I would do double sessions in one day. Which would mean I would do a workout and then come back later to work out again. Maybe at the most I worked out three and a half or four hours in 1 day. And I would never do that back to back for consecutive days. Also my body was already in great shape to handle that kind of stress. But working out that much would still absolutely kill me. How in the world these people on this show are able to work out that much without straight up dying is beyond me. But something that you can be sure of is that the average person is not going to be able to maintain that kind of pace. Even the advance person will not be ab

    • 6 min
    96 - How Much Muscle Can You Build Naturally ★FOR REAL★ Steroids vs Natural | Kinobody Bodybuilders who?

    96 - How Much Muscle Can You Build Naturally ★FOR REAL★ Steroids vs Natural | Kinobody Bodybuilders who?

    How much muscle can you build naturally? Who's on steroids and who is natural? Kinobody? Athleanx? Simeon Panda? Kali Muscle? Kai Greene? Ulisses Jr? Which of these bodybuilders are natural?

    🔥 FREE 6 Week Shred: https://GravityTransformation.com

    📲 Fat Loss Calculator: http://bit.ly/2wZYQet

    Even after lifting weights for a while and already laying down a solid foundation of muscle it can still be pretty challenging to get an accurate idea of what to expect as a natural. What's actually possible? For beginners forget about it you're navigating through a sea of infinite b******t that makes it almost impossible to be able to tell how much muscle you can build as a natural lifter. In the public View when a bodybuilder or someone that's trying to build muscle takes steroids they lose points for effort. Even though any unnatural bodybuilder might have worked very hard to get to where they're at, steroids are still looked at as cheating by the general public. For that reason in an effort to look more credible to the public you have a bunch of bodybuilders that are on steroids that swear that they are steroid free and achieved their physique naturally.

    Unfortunately there's no 100% accurate way to be able to determine who achieved their physique naturally and who achieve their physique with steroids. Or is there? I mean with some bodybuilders it's clearly obvious no matter how much they claim that they never took steroids you could tell these people were on steroids at least at some point. But with many people you just can't tell and I think that this is a very important thing for you to determine cause it's the only way that you're going to be able to set realistic goals and expectations in regard to building muscle mass. If we're setting goals and expectations that can only be achieved with drugs and we're not taking those drugs then we're going to end up being disappointed because our measurement of success is flawed. Well luckily there is a way that we can figure out what's possible while being a hundred percent natural and the only real way to do that is by going back in the past. To be sure that we're looking at a physique that was built naturally we have to look back to a point in time in which steroids weren't even around. Steroids weren't developed until a little under a hundred years ago. It wasn't until the late nineteen-thirties that steroids were developed, so we have to assume that any bodybuilder that we have records of before the 1930s had a natural physique. Eugene Sandow was one of these bodybuilders. He was born in 1867 and became known as the first natural bodybuilder and is now known as the father of modern bodybuilding. At only 5 feet and 9 inches tall Sandow weighed over 200lbs, had a 48" chest only a 30" waist and had 18 1/2" biceps. That's impressive for someone that you know had no possible access to steroids. Edward aston was another strongman of the 1920's and he had a one arm clean and press of 243lbs and had an excellent physique with clear visible blocky abs. Another strongman and boxer of the time was Charles Atlas. He was 5'10" weighed 180 pounds and had 17 inch biceps. And the last Iron man of this age that I'm going to mention today is George Hackenschmidt. This guy looked a lot like modern day bodybuilders and he did it all naturally. Measurements of his upper arm where estimated to be anywhere between 18 to 19 and a half inches. Those are some big arms for a natural bodybuilder.

    So all these guys achieved some pretty amazing results for being completely natural. This was also during a Time in which not much was known about bodybuilding. These people didn't know how to set up a bulking program they didn't know how to set up their Macros, they probably didn't even know about macros. They didn't have access to the abundance and variety of food that we have access to today. They grew up in a time where very little was known about nutrition and fat was demonized and believed to be the c

    • 10 min
    95 - How to do Cardio for Fat Loss ➟ Best Cardio Workout to Burn BELLY FAT Form of Cardio for Weight Loss

    95 - How to do Cardio for Fat Loss ➟ Best Cardio Workout to Burn BELLY FAT Form of Cardio for Weight Loss

    Learn how to do cardio for fat loss. In today's video I talk about if there really is a best cardio workout to burn belly fat and for weight loss.

    🔥 FREE 6 Week Shred: https://GravityTransformation.com

    📲 Fat Loss Calculator: http://bit.ly/2wZYYKZ

    When most people think of burning fat through exercise the first form of exercise that always comes to mind is cardio. It's almost naturally assumed that a cardio workout will be the most efficient way to burn more fat. So is cardio really the best form of exercise for fat loss? What is the best form of cardio for fat loss? And how often should we be doing those cardio exercises for the most amount of fat loss? I'm going to answer all these questions in today's video and I think you're going to be really surprised with some of these answers. Let's start first with if cardio is the most effective way to burn fat. Cardio believe it or not is not in any way shape or form directly linked to burning fat. What I mean by this is that when you hop on the treadmill and do half an hour 45 minutes an hour or even an hour and a half of cardio it doesn't at all guarantee that you're going to burn any fat. In reality cardio is linked to burning extra calories. Just because you're burning calories doesn't mean that you're burning fat. As I always say we need to create a calorie deficit to burn fat. Even after burning 500 600 or even lets say a thousand calories during a cardio session we can easily eat way more calories later in the day and completely negate the effect of cardio. So to answer the question about whether cardio is the best form of exercise for fat loss the answer is it depends. If you add cardio to your workout and you continue keeping your diet clean and low in calories then doing that cardio could definitely speed up your fat loss results. On the other hand if you run for half an hour burn 400 calories and then get really hungry after and eat like a ravenous animal you'll probably end up taking those 400 calories right back in if not more. In this situation it would probably be better for you to just not do cardio and to skip out on all those extra calories. Another example is if you do 30 minutes of running and you compare it to 30 minute weight training circuits. The 30 minutes of running might even burn more calories then a slow-paced weight training circuit however lifting weights has shown to continue burning calories long after you're done. As you can see when comparing these two once again it depends which one will burn more overall calories. Realistically it doesn't matter at all which one burns the most calories during the workout.

    What really matters and determines if you burn fat is if your able to create an overall calorie deficit or not. Cardio can be a tool to help create a larger calorie deficit however cardio workout itself will never directly burn fat without that deficit. It's all about our total daily energy expenditure versus our total daily caloric intake. To decide which form of cardio is best 4 our fat loss there are a lot of things to consider. For example does the cardio just burn calories during the workout or does it continue burning calories afterwards. Does that form of cardio stimulate your hunger response and make you eat like crazy afterwards or does it give you a chance to burn some extra calories without taking them right back in. How long are you able to do that specific cardio exercise before throwing in the towel and going home? How long do you want to be doing cardio for? Short sessions? Long sessions? How intense of a cardio workout can you handle. Let me give you some examples to help drive home my point. Running will burn roughly 300 calories per half-hour while walking will burn 300 to 400 calories an hour. If you hate running to the point where you can't stand doing it for longer than half an hour you might be better off just going out for an hour long walk especially if you enjoy it. Take your dog for a brisk walk it c

    • 8 min
    94 - ★TOP 5 Worst Workout Mistakes (You Can Easily Avoid) ➟ Biggest Common gym myths & Nutrition fails

    94 - ★TOP 5 Worst Workout Mistakes (You Can Easily Avoid) ➟ Biggest Common gym myths & Nutrition fails

    Learn what the worst workout and nutrition mistakes people especially beginners are making at the gym. Don't make these yourself. Avoid these gym exercise and workout myths.

    🔥 FREE 6 Week Shred: https://GravityTransformation.com

    📲 Fat Loss Calculator: http://bit.ly/2CHjXIF

    High Reps 0:31
    Foregoing results for comfort 1:30
    Not hitting failure 3:32
    Anabolic window 5:15
    Not using cheat reps 6:22

    We all know that everybody makes mistakes and mistakes happen in the gym just as often as anywhere else. I've made many of these mistakes before myself. Most of these mistakes come from believing in exercise myths that are completely untrue. what's really great is that today you can learn from someone elses mistakes to make sure you're not making the same mistakes in your workouts.

    The first mistake is using High Reps to build toned and defined muscles. Many people especially women are afraid of going heavy because they think that going heavier will build bulkier muscles. This is definitely far from the truth going heavy will not build bulkier muscles especially for women because your testosterone levels are much lower then for men. Bulking up is influenced a lot more by how you eat and your hormones then by your rep range. Saying that High Reps can do a better job at building Defined muscles is completely false and isn't backed by any kind of scientific or logical evidence. To get more defined muscles we simply have to lose body fat. And going for High Reps with lighter weight will not help us burn any more fat then going with lower reps with heavier weight. The way that you get defined muscles is by focusing on your nutrition not your rep range.

    The second mistake is one in which we forgo results for comfort. You see the truth is that there are only a handful of exercises that truly determine if you'll see results from your workout program. Whether your goals are to build big massive muscles or to burn more body fat the exercises that are most effective are oftentimes the hardest to do. These exercises put the biggest strain on our muscles, our nervous system, and our will, which leads us straight to making mistake number two and that is substituting these proven effective challenging exercises with ineffective useless exercises. The handful of exercises that will truly make a difference are exercises like pull ups barbell squats, bent-over rows, deadlifts, bench presses, overhead military presses, lat pull-downs, clean and presses, snatches, and lunges. There are a bunch of other great free motion free weight exercises that I didn't mention Like barbell curls and Skull Crushers that can really help get you the results you're looking for out of your workouts. The key is to stick to barbells dumbbells and cables with a free range of motion and to stick 2 proven old school basic lifts. The exercises that we want to avoid and maybe only supplement a workout program with are all of those selectorizer machines and Hammer Strength machines that are locked into a range of motion at the gym. You see people that want to get in and get out of the gym sit on one machine then move to the next then the next then the next and then come back the next week and do the same thing again and again and they never get any visible results. Point is stop choosing the easy exercises over the ones that count. Stop doing squats on a Smith machine or leg presses and get under a barbell and do some real squats. It might hurt more but it will yield way more as well.

    The third and probably one of the biggest mistakes that I see people making in their workouts is not hitting failure.

    🔥 FREE 6 Week Shred: https://GravityTransformation.com

    • 7 min

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