1,259 episodes

Start your mornings off right with a mini meditation retreat to feel better, get more done, and live this life confidently, energetically, and abundantly. Each day I'll share quick and easy access doors to help you find Peace in chaos, Love in fear, Silence in noise, and Light in darkness. You’ll start recognizing the GoOD in everything, including yourself. Listen anywhere you get your podcasts, and please subscribe, rate, and review GoOD Mornings on Apple Podcasts if you enjoy it! And be sure to share these guided meditations and practical spirituality tips with a friend that needs it! Catch new episodes of ‘GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki’ 5 days a week, each morning, before 7am ET.
*10% of revenue generated from this podcast will be donated to "Showering Love" a non-profit organization that restores good mornings, dignity, hope and health to people experiencing homelessness by providing showers and other supportive services.

GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki Nikki Walton

    • Religion & Spirituality
    • 5.0 • 2.4K Ratings

Start your mornings off right with a mini meditation retreat to feel better, get more done, and live this life confidently, energetically, and abundantly. Each day I'll share quick and easy access doors to help you find Peace in chaos, Love in fear, Silence in noise, and Light in darkness. You’ll start recognizing the GoOD in everything, including yourself. Listen anywhere you get your podcasts, and please subscribe, rate, and review GoOD Mornings on Apple Podcasts if you enjoy it! And be sure to share these guided meditations and practical spirituality tips with a friend that needs it! Catch new episodes of ‘GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki’ 5 days a week, each morning, before 7am ET.
*10% of revenue generated from this podcast will be donated to "Showering Love" a non-profit organization that restores good mornings, dignity, hope and health to people experiencing homelessness by providing showers and other supportive services.

    How I Breathe to Feel God Constantly

    How I Breathe to Feel God Constantly

    Allowing one breath to pour into the other,
    hold the breath at the top of the inhale, 
    and feel the body. 
    Notice what's (t)here to notice. 
    Exhale down into the body, 
    dancing Silence. 
    I'm calm right now because you're calm.
    I feel Love right now because you're feeling Love.
    You're hearing thoughts that say, "I'm not feeling It", or "this can't be It".
    But those thoughts aren't true.
    None of them are.
    Not even the one that says, 'I am feeling Love'.
    You see through that one, too, 
     you breathe through that one, too.
    You can even say, 'hypnotism',
    or 'only Love', 
    not 'Love' and a 'me' feeling It,
    The truth is that only the fullness of Love is here,
    the fullness of Joy. 
    Say those words inside- 
    "fullness of Joy". 
    And let those words open up, 
    until you can feel what they're pointing to on your palms,
    in your heart, 
    in your feet, 
    riding on every breath,
    God is. 
    I Love You!
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    Passages from the Radiance Sutras- 
    "Rivers of power flowing everywhere.
    Fields of magnetism relating everything.
    This is your origin. This is your lineage.
    The current of creation is right here, Coursing through subtle channels,
    Animating this very form.
    Follow the gentle touch of life, Soft as the footprint of an ant,
    As tiny sensations open to vastness.
    Power sings as it flows,
    Electrifies the organs of sensing,
    Becomes liquid light,
    Nourishes your entire being.
    Celebrate the boundary
    Where streams join the sea, Where body meets infinity."
    "In a moment of great awe or delight, you may spontaneously take a deep breath and hold it. This is a portal into ecstasy. Savor the experience. Shimmering energy permeates everywhere within the skull and expands outward to dissolve into space. In such a moment the world looks illuminated. You may have a sense of stillness, of time being suspended.
    You can bring a sense of delight into normal breathing by lingering for a moment at the end of an inhalation and enjoying the sensation of being filled to overflowing.
    "Breathing is the flow of the divine,
    Where the rhythms of life turn into each other-
    The eternal exchange.
    Pour one breath into the other,
    Outbreath into the inbreath
    Into the outbreath."
    Awaken to equanimity,
    At peace in the play of opposites.
    Be conscious of this unconscious prayer (of your breath),
    For She is the most holy place of pilgrimage.
    She wishes for you to enter this temple,
    Where each breath is adoration
    Of the infinite for the incarnate form.
    VERSE 154

    • 9 min
    Take refuge in God, His power will flow into you.

    Take refuge in God, His power will flow into you.

    Who's getting on your nerves lately? What was your last interaction with them like? Feel back into your body posture. How were you standing? How were you sitting? Where were you clenching? What emotion were you holding, tightly? I know it felt like that emotion had a hold on you, but it's always the other way around. Just as these thoughts that are not yours are always flowing through, and you're grasping at them, holding them, believing them, claiming them as who and what you are-- that emotion was just flowing through too.  With much practice, I found that I'm able to wake up in those moments of tightness, and just feel, just be with the tightness, without labeling it, without judging it, without giving it a cause, or trying to remedy it, trying to quell it. Sometimes I close my eyes on the interaction for a second, just to be with the feeling. The interaction is only happening so that you may feel that feeling finally and ask, "Is Love here, too? And feel That. Feel what's just beyond that strong, seemingly negative emotion. I feel My refuge. Feel It with me. 
    I Love You
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    "Take refuge in the Guru, His power will flow into you."
    - Amma
    "Take safe refuge in the all-loving Lord!"- Alan Jacobs 
    "Then you have to jump back into yourself and take refuge in your self. When you take refuge in your self you become happy. When you take refuge in your self you have peace. When you take refuge in your self you have harmony, you have joy. It's a mystery to me why people would take refuge in the outside world, in person, place or thing, when you know the outside world is subject to the law of change, and is never the same continuously. So whatever you take refuge in becomes a disappointment, whether it's a person, place or thing." -Robert Adams
    "What I am finding is that when I settle back into emptiness, tension in the physical and emotional body decreases, and that this can be done in the middle of a tense personal interaction. That is, when I find myself getting upset or uptight, the unpleasantness of that becomes a sort of Pavlovian trigger reminding me of the dimension of inwardness. I'm not sure I even have a choice at that moment. I just find myself back here. The disagreement may continue, but I am not nearly as compelled to defend or assert "my" side of it. Realize I'm talking about very mild forms of disharmony. There are obviously nightmares that won't be dissipated by a shift of perspective. But being empty may still be the sanest and safest (because fearless) stance to take in such a situation. Some time ago I read about the experience of a Tibetan monk who was tortured horrendously over a period of years in a Chinese jail. He said that he survived psychologically by taking refuge in the Void and praying for the salvation of all sentient beings. J. via Headless.org

    • 8 min
    In His sweet Name lies the power which can cure all our ills.

    In His sweet Name lies the power which can cure all our ills.

    Love is seeing you.
    It's saying, 'it won't be long now. Things are going to happen so fast your head will swim, one thing fast on the heels of the other. You won't be able to keep up. Everything will be happening at once—and everywhere you look, blessings! -Amos 9:13-15 The Message (MSG)
    You just keep remembering where those things are coming from.
    You give thanks deeply,
    because you know Who they're coming from. 
    Like Rumi says, 'Do you want the sweetness of food or the sweetness of the one who put sweetness and food?
    The one who brought you here is still here.
    Give up fear.
    Give up this idea of lack,
    how can you lack when He's here?
    How can you hunger when He's here?
    How can you be lonely when He's here?
    That's all hypnotism.
    Everything that would have you believe He's not here,
    is hypnotism. 
    (everything that would have you believe that He is here, is also hypnotism, but we'll save that for another seeming day!) 
    I Love you
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    "Meditate and become absorbed so that people will sense the 'ras' (Divine sweetness) in you, then you will have success."
    - Anandamayi Ma
    "As the heavenly water begins to surge from the spring deep inside us, it spreads and expands our whole inner being and gives rise to ineffable blessings. The soul herself cannot even understand what is unfolding here. She senses a certain fragrance, we could say, as if within the depths of her being there were burning coals sprinkled with sweet perfumes. We cannot see the light or locate the source of the fire, but the sweet-smelling warmth permeates the whole of the soul and maybe even spreads into the body. Try to understand what I'm saying. We don't actually feel heat or smell an aroma. The experience is far more delicate than that. Even if you have not gone through these things yourself, you must know that they really do happen. The soul perceives and understands this more clearly than my mere words could ever express. No matter how intensely we may crave spiritual delight, we cannot acquire it through our own efforts. It is not forged of the same metal that we are but is made from the purest gold of divine wisdom." - St. Teresa of Avila
    "Divine God and Guru, Give me the patience
    To wait quietly
    For spiritual sweetness." - Isha Das
    "To the degree that love for the Lord warms the human heart, one finds in the Name of Jesus a sweetness that is the source of abiding peace." - St. Seraphim of Sarov
    "You must learn to repeat the blessed Name of Rama with sweetness and such devotion that the birds and beasts will pause for a moment to listen to you; the very trees will bend their leaves towards you, stirred by the divine melody of that Name. And when you are able to do this, I tell you, I will come all the way on foot from Bombay as on a pilgrimage to hear you. In His sweet Name lies a power which can cure all our ills." - Sivananda 
    "...Then silence, and now more silence
    A mouth is not for talking.
    A mouth is for tasting this sweetness..."- Rumi
    "Do you want the sweetness of food
    or the sweetness of the one who put sweetness in foods..." - Rumi 

    • 6 min
    ‘Home’ and ‘You’ Are the Same Thing #GMweekends

    ‘Home’ and ‘You’ Are the Same Thing #GMweekends

    Today's Practice:
    Every time you find that place inside that is forever still, you are Home. You are in Heaven.  You can turn any moment into heaven by, 'going into your heart cave' as Ram Dass would say.  Go into your heart cave before you go into your office tomorrow.  Don't leave your heart cave.  Realize you ARE the heart cave, itself.
    I Love you and I'm with you, 
    “Rumi says, ‘The one who brought me here must take me home.’ Who is the one who brought you here? That Grace is calling you home. Where is home, which direction is home? You and home are the same thing.”
    "It is foolish to think that we will enter heaven without entering into ourselves."
    -St. Teresa of Avila
    "Having never left the house you are looking for the way home."
    -Nisargadatta Maharj
    "Be a lamp, or a lifeboat, or a ladder.  Help someone's soul heal.  Walk out of your house like a shepherd."
    "We are called into the inner room, and then out again to serve others."
    -Carl McColman
    “Your homework is to stay home inside your heart.”
    - Mooji 
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    • 8 min
    The Only Realization Needed: 'Thank you, Father, I Already Am.' #GMweekend

    The Only Realization Needed: 'Thank you, Father, I Already Am.' #GMweekend

    Today, every time you notice a thought about something desired, something missing... something needed, inwardly repeat- 'thank you Father, I already Am.' And then feel the shoulders relax, the face smile, the whole being relax, and melt. This 'pulls the chair out from beneath the mind' and you fall into Loving Remembrance, Joyful Realization.  You already, always have been That.  Keep feeling It, and you'll see It.  
    I Love you,
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    "The only realization needed: 'thank you, Father, I already Am."
    -Joel Goldsmith
    "Pulling out the chair
    Beneath the mind
    And watching you fall upon God--
    "What else is there
    for Hafiz to do
    That is any fun in this world. "
    -Hafiz translated by Daniel Ladinsky
    "The object of our love is Love Itself."
    -Ram Dass
    "The greatest work there is for you to do, My Beloved, is to do nothing. Only let the Glory of God shine through the human vessel. Learn to let the spirit flow through all you do and say. Why need you be tense, or eager, or anxious as to how you can serve? Why should you ever watch for opportunity to serve Me? If you will relax, at all times, if you will dwell in the Center of your being, and rest in the consciousness of the Divine Presence you shall make no false moves nor mistakes. How sweet should be this thought to you, that you need take no active part aside from the still knowing that your Father has control over all situations and where ever you are at this moment, and where you shall go and what you shall do through the day is all controlled by the Father under the law of Divine love. So rest, relax, be very still, that you may have the surety of this guidance through all the hours of the day before you."
    -Eva Bell Werber. Voice of the Master

    • 9 min
    Joy is holding you open for everything that's meant for you.

    Joy is holding you open for everything that's meant for you.

    It may not look like much right now,
    but It feels like much,
    doesn't it?
    You have to trust (t)His Feeling beyond feelings, this Primal Feeling.
    You are re-familiarizing yourself with this Peace that you thought was impossible until your prayer was answered.
    You keep closing your heart and looking,
    waiting for a reason to open your heart,
     or to keep it open.
    But the reasons come after you open. 
    The answered prayer comes after you open.
    And you will close back up a million times today.
    But each time is an opportunity to notice and open again,
    knowing that, 'When I'm open, I am That. It is here. It is done, already'.
    This is the Way.
    Can you remain open while holding this Joy,
    allowing this Joy to hold you open?
    Let those words go past your mind.
    Let them go past 'you',
    as Joy is holding you open for everything that's meant for you. 
    I Love you,
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    "This was a sacred moment during which they strove to commune with the soul of the text and of wisdom. They let themselves be imbued, and passed through by this soul. They captured its energy in order to keep it inside themselves, and learn to carry it in life. They used this energy to heal the sick. The Virgin was particularly gifted at making this energy descend into her abdomen, and at keeping it for a very long time. She would say,
    "What is essential is not finding the Light, but being in the Light, and keeping it within.
    The technique also consisted in calling upon the Angel of joy, drawing joy inside oneself, and, finally, transmitting it in purity." - Mary, the Essene Virgin
    What is essential is not finding the Light but being in the Light and keeping It within. 
    "From the Place of Light I came forth, from you, Bright Habitation.
    I come to touch hearts, to measure and try all minds, to see in whose heart I dwell.
    Whoever thinks of me, of him I think; whoever calls my Name, his name I will call.
    Whosoever prays my prayer from the earth, his prayer I will offer from the Place of Light." - The Canonical Prayer Book of the Mandeans 

    • 6 min

Customer Reviews

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Mncxzafhjkkkgdsoetoo ,

Good Morning, God Morning to you

Wow, what a beautiful way to start a conversation. This podcasts and your voice has been very healing to my soul. Thank you for the time and effort put into this show! God Bless ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ recommend

Mya_S_H ,

Life Changing

This meditation podcast is everything! It has helped me so much on my spiritual journey. Most days, it is exactly what I needed to hear. I love it, and I have recommended it to family and friends

Terri. S. ,

Thank you!

You have helped me this morning as I have been feeling out of sorts. But you gave me the will to keep pushing. No one and nothing can dim my light. It is within and God is too!!
Peace and Blessings!

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