Power Producers Podcast

David Carothers
Power Producers Podcast Podcast

We are refining and redefining the sales game. A place where sales professionals can come to learn from other sales professionals and thought leaders who have mastered their craft. Real sales professionals. Real stories. Real results. Are you ready to feel the power?

  1. 4 DAYS AGO

    The Power of In-Person

    In this episode of Power Producers Shop Talk, David Carothers dives deep into the topic of marketing drops and how they remain an effective sales strategy in today’s saturated digital landscape. He emphasizes the importance of in-person marketing drops to cut through the noise, create personalized connections, and distinguish oneself from the competition. David shares key insights on preparation, execution, and follow-up strategies for successful marketing drops. He also offers practical tips for building rapport, researching prospects, and timing interactions based on the industry. The episode also highlights the critical role of the gatekeeper and strategies to ensure a lasting impression on decision-makers. Key Points Personalization is Key: Tailor marketing materials to the prospect by including their name, company info, and relevant challenges. Deep research, including checking the lobby, shows you care about their business. Timing Matters: Visit prospects at the right time. For service contractors, early morning (7–8 a.m.) works best. For restaurants, go in mid-afternoon (1:30–2:00 p.m.) to avoid busy periods. Gatekeepers are Important: Build rapport with gatekeepers. They’re often the first decision-makers. Knowing personal details about them can help you get through to the decision-maker. Ask Open-Ended Questions: Engage prospects with questions and listen more than you talk. Use phrases like "It sounds like..." to show you’re listening and build trust. Memorable Marketing Materials: Leave behind something tangible and unique, like a stainless-steel business card or personalized company gift, to stand out and be remembered. Follow-Up is Crucial: Use a structured follow-up strategy (email, call, in-person) to keep prospects engaged. Track and measure your conversion rates and timeline. Handle Objections Gracefully: Acknowledge objections with soft labeling like "It sounds like..." to encourage further conversation and address concerns. Track Your Success: Use a CRM or spreadsheet to track drops, follow-ups, and conversion rates. Data helps refine your process. Connect with: David Carothers LinkedIn Kyle Houck LinkedIn Visit Websites: Power Producer Base Camp Killing Commercial Crushing Content Power Producers Podcast Policytee The Dirty 130 The Extra 2 Minutes

    22 min
  2. 6 DAYS AGO

    Paying it Forward with Aron Robertson

    In this episode of the Power Producers Podcast, David Carothers and Aron Robertson discuss their experiences in the insurance industry, with a focus on production and agency growth. Aron shares his journey from selling insurance out of his house to starting multiple agencies and acquiring two more in the next 60 days. He emphasizes the importance of transparency, accountability, and continuous learning. David highlights the significance of setting goals and celebrating milestones, sharing his own experiences with buying a Rolex and a Cartier watch. They also discuss the challenges of networking, the impact of reinsurance on rates, and the importance of being genuine and transparent with clients. Key Points: Personal Growth & Transition: Aron transitioned from the Marine Corps to the insurance industry, facing early struggles but persisted by learning from industry leaders and focusing on self-improvement. Building Trust & Relationships: Success came from consistently communicating, being reliable, and transparent with clients. Connecting with decision-makers and building trust helped him win over clients from competitors. Taking Calculated Risks: Aron emphasizes the importance of taking risks to grow, including an acquisition strategy that helped expand his agency. He focused on the potential outcomes rather than the fear of failure. Authenticity Matters: Aron and David agree that being yourself in client interactions is crucial. Authenticity helps build stronger relationships and makes producers stand out in the market. Learning & Celebrating Wins: Tracking progress and celebrating milestones is key to staying motivated and recognizing how far you've come. Strategic Networking: Approach networking with clear goals. Focus on key connections and ensure meaningful follow-up to turn introductions into relationships. Mentorship & Paying It Forward: Aron encourages reaching out for mentorship and paying it forward by helping others, highlighting the value of guidance from industry veterans. Connect with: David Carothers LinkedIn Aron Robertson LinkedIn Kyle Houck LinkedIn Visit Websites: Power Producer Base Camp Killing Commercial Crushing Content Power Producers Podcast Policytee The Dirty 130 The Extra 2 Minutes

    55 min
  3. SEP 13

    Overcoming Call Reluctance

    In this episode of the Power Producers Shoptalk, David Carothers addresses the pervasive issue of call reluctance among commercial insurance producers. He explores the psychological, environmental, and personal factors contributing to this hesitation and provides actionable strategies to overcome it. David emphasizes the importance of maintaining confidence, avoiding perfectionism, and adopting a proactive mindset to improve sales performance. He also highlights the role of visualization, self-assessment, and stress management techniques in building resilience and effectiveness in cold calling.  David encourages producers to create supportive work environments and utilize tools like CRMs and call recordings to refine their approach. He stresses the importance of setting realistic goals, following structured routines, and continuously reflecting on and improving their techniques. Throughout the episode, David underscores that addressing call reluctance is crucial for long-term success in the industry.  Key Points: Call Reluctance Defined: An irrational fear or hesitation to make sales calls, often rooted in psychological, environmental, and personal factors. Fear of Rejection: Producers often avoid calls due to fear of being told "no." Reframing questions to get a "no" response can empower the prospect and keep the conversation going. Lack of Confidence: Confidence issues can be perceived by prospects, especially gatekeepers. Sounding self-assured improves chances of getting through. Perfectionism: Trying to be perfect before making calls leads to procrastination. It's better to act and improve with each call than to over-prepare. Reflection and Feedback: Regularly review call recordings to analyze performance, and seek feedback from peers or supervisors for improvement. Stress Management: Managing stress and maintaining work-life balance is key to avoiding burnout and giving your best to clients. Practical Tips: Use visualization, set specific call goals, schedule dedicated call times, and leverage CRM tools for tracking and improving performance. Take Action: Address call reluctance by diagnosing the issue, setting goals, and using supportive systems like coaching and role-playing. Connect with: David Carothers LinkedIn Kyle Houck LinkedIn Visit Websites: Power Producer Base Camp Killing Commercial Crushing Content Power Producers Podcast Policytee The Dirty 130 The Extra 2 Minutes

    24 min
  4. SEP 11

    Staying Grounded with Zack Gould

    In this episode of the Power Producers Podcast, David Carothers interviews Zach Gould, a seasoned entrepreneur and insurance professional. The discussion delves into Zach's journey in the insurance industry, highlighting his early days with G&N Insurance, his partnership with Matt Namoli, and the transition after selling their agency. Zach shares insights on personal growth, the importance of personalized outreach in business, and the significance of maintaining authenticity in interactions. The conversation also explores the challenges and rewards of entrepreneurship, the value of being grounded, and the importance of reflection and connection in both personal and professional life.  Key Points: Personalized Approach: Zach emphasizes the importance of personal connections, reaching out with genuine, thoughtful messages to 2-5 people daily. This practice has helped him form valuable relationships and opened unexpected doors in business. Mentorship & Accountability: Both Zach and David stress the importance of external accountability, mentorship, and receiving unbiased feedback. They believe that external perspectives, whether from mentors or peers, can help entrepreneurs and producers grow beyond their current capabilities. Family & Business Legacy: David shares how he integrated his son into the family business, teaching him through experience and hard work, and Zach reflects on the significance of building a legacy that supports family and leaves a lasting impact. The Power of Communication: Zach underscores that business leaders need to communicate wins and goals clearly to their team. By doing so, they can discover hidden resources within the organization and unlock further potential for business growth. Reflection & Staying Grounded: Both discuss the importance of staying grounded and remembering where you came from, highlighting how reflecting on past experiences helps maintain humility and drive future success. Connect with: David Carothers LinkedIn Kyle Houck LinkedIn Zach Gould LinkedIn Visit Websites: Power Producer Base Camp ZG Group Crushing Content Killing Commercial Power Producers Podcast Policytee The Dirty 130 The Extra 2 Minutes

    53 min
  5. SEP 6

    The Power of External Accountability

    In this episode of Power Producers Shoptalk, David Carothers delves into the crucial topic of accountability in the commercial insurance industry, focusing on both internal and external aspects. He emphasizes the importance of accountability in shaping a producer's career and ensuring long-term success. David discusses the challenges producers face when relying solely on internal accountability due to organizational politics, biases, and limited perspectives. He advocates for the integration of external accountability through mentors, coaches, and peer groups, which can provide unbiased feedback, broaden perspectives, and foster continuous personal and professional growth. David also touches on the significance of self-awareness, the development of a growth mindset, and the role of external accountability in enhancing a producer’s confidence and self-assurance. He encourages producers to seek out communities and resources that align with their personal and professional goals, highlighting his own resources at Killing Commercial and Power Producer Base Camp, as well as recommending other industry experts like Charles Specht, Randy Schwantz, and Scott Addis. Key Points: Introduction to Accountability: Accountability is vital for producers and agency staff to ensure they stay on track and achieve long-term success. Internal accountability can be difficult, especially when team dynamics and internal politics come into play. External accountability from a mentor, coach, or peer group can provide unbiased feedback and drive personal and professional development. Internal vs. External Accountability: Internal Accountability often focuses on short-term results and can be influenced by internal politics or company culture. External Accountability allows for more objective feedback, free from biases and internal influences, helping producers gain a broader industry perspective. Impact on Career Development: Accountability goes beyond meeting targets; it influences decision-making, career trajectory, and the delivery of services to clients. By holding oneself accountable, producers can ensure they are delivering on promises made to clients, maintaining trust and long-term relationships. Continuous Improvement & Growth Mindset: David stresses the importance of continuous learning, including continuing education and professional designations, to stay competitive. Developing a growth mindset is crucial for producers, allowing them to embrace challenges, persist through setbacks, and continuously seek self-improvement. Building Confidence Through Accountability: Regular external accountability can build confidence, enabling producers to make bold decisions and tackle complex client relationships. This confidence extends not just to client interactions but also to internal negotiations, such as gaining approvals from underwriters or securing internal resources. The Role of Technology: Tools like Plaud, an AI recorder, allow producers to record and analyze their meetings, offering valuable insights for self-improvement and content creation. Community & Support: David highlights the benefits of joining accountability communities like Power Producer Base Camp or Killing Commercial to gain continuous feedback, access training, and share experiences with peers. Connect with: David Carothers LinkedIn Kyle Houck LinkedIn Visit Websites: Power Producer Base Camp Killing Commercial Power Producers Podcast Policytee The Dirty 130 The Extra 2 Minutes

    31 min
  6. SEP 4

    Crushing the Content Game with Chris Greene

    In this engaging episode of the Power Producers Podcast, David Carothers sits down with Chris Greene for a candid conversation on content creation. While many might expect the discussion to center on flood insurance, Chris and David instead delve into the lessons they've learned from their content creation journeys. They share insights on the pitfalls and triumphs they've experienced, offering valuable takeaways for anyone looking to build an online presence. David also takes the opportunity to promote his family-run business, Crushing Content—a done-for-you content service operated by his sons. The service is designed to enhance your online footprint, increase brand awareness, and drive website traffic, ultimately leading to conversions. Key Points: Content Creation Lessons: Chris and David discuss the importance of learning from mistakes in content creation. They emphasize the significance of storytelling and targeted messaging in reaching niche audiences. Crushing Content Promotion: David highlights Crushing Content, a service run by his sons that focuses on building online footprints, increasing brand awareness, and driving conversions. The service is fully transparent about offerings and pricing. Strategic Use of AI Tools: Chris shares how AI tools like ChatGPT have enhanced his content creation process. He discusses using AI to optimize SEO, create outlines, and generate content that aligns with his brand voice. Targeted Content Strategy: Chris emphasizes the importance of knowing your audience and tailoring content to specific demographics. He shares examples of creating content for first-time homebuyers in Savannah, Georgia, and how this focused approach increases conversions. Video and B-Roll Utilization: The discussion includes the strategic use of video content and B-roll to enhance storytelling. They highlight how incorporating B-roll effectively can improve engagement in platforms like YouTube and Instagram. SEO and Platform-Specific Strategies: The conversation covers the need to understand SEO beyond just Google, including platforms like Facebook and YouTube. David and Chris stress the importance of tailoring content to the nuances of each platform for maximum impact. Connect with: David Carothers LinkedIn Chris Greene LinkedIn Kyle Houck LinkedIn Visit Websites: Power Producer Base Camp The Flood Insurance Guru Killing Commercial Power Producers Podcast Crushing Content Policytee The Dirty 130 The Extra 2 Minutes

    41 min
  7. AUG 30

    Levelling the Playing Field

    In this episode of Power Producers Shoptalk, David Carothers dives deep into the strategies and tools independent insurance agencies can use to level the playing field against their larger national counterparts. He emphasizes the critical importance of conducting baseline risk assessments, leveraging tools like YellowBird for expert evaluations, and utilizing mod software for thorough experience modification factor analysis. David also highlights the game-changing benefits of Zenjuries for managing workers’ comp claims and the value of producer game plans for structured client engagement. With a strategic approach, he suggests budgeting 20% of revenue in the first year for risk management services and advocates for using video submissions to showcase the agency’s capabilities to underwriters. To round out the conversation, David promotes the Power Producer Base Camp as a vital resource for additional support and guidance. Key Points: Smart Tools for Competition David Carothers introduces tools like YellowBird for outsourcing risk assessments, helping independent agencies compete with larger firms by offering expert services. Investing in Risk Management David suggests allocating 20% of revenue in the first year to risk management services, essential for delivering on promises and establishing strong client relationships. Mod Software and Claims Management He highlights the use of Mod Advisor for experience mod analysis and Zenjuries for efficient workers' comp claims management, both crucial for agency success. Structured Producer Training David advocates for producer game plans and structured training programs to ensure consistent and effective client engagement. Demonstrating Capabilities to Underwriters He emphasizes the importance of using video submissions to showcase the agency’s capabilities, making a stronger impact on underwriters. Power Producer Base Camp David promotes the Power Producer Base Camp, a resource offering business planning, prospecting education, and peer support for producers. Connect with: David Carothers LinkedIn Kyle Houck LinkedIn Visit Websites: Power Producer Base Camp Killing Commercial Power Producers Podcast Policytee The Dirty 130 The Extra 2 Minutes

    27 min
  8. AUG 28

    A Captivating Conversation with Stephen Sedlak

    In this episode of the Power Producers Podcast, host David Carothers chats with Stephen Sedlak, an experienced insurance producer, about the evolving market dynamics in the insurance industry and his niche focus on the pallet manufacturing sector. They discuss the challenges and opportunities presented by the hardening market, particularly in the property and casualty segments, and how this has influenced their approach to clients and risk management strategies.  Stephen shares his journey of discovering the underserved pallet manufacturing industry and how he has leveraged this niche to build a successful book of business. They delve into the complexities of working with captives, particularly how Stephen has utilized them for his larger clients to manage risks more effectively. The conversation covers the intricacies of captives, including the financial commitments, risk management benefits, and the role of reinsurance.  Throughout the podcast, both David and Stephen emphasize the importance of finding opportunities in less competitive niches and building expertise in those areas. They also touch on the importance of client education, especially when it comes to understanding the value of risk management in a hard market.  Key Points: Niching Down for Success Stephen Sedlak discusses the strategic shift from broad workers' comp engagements to focusing on the niche market of pallet manufacturing. By honing in on this underserved industry, Stephen has been able to position himself as a go-to expert, leveraging his knowledge to secure high-value accounts and establish long-term relationships. Captives and Risk Management One of the highlights of the discussion is Stephen's experience with captives. As someone who doesn't typically work in this area, Stephen provides a unique look at how he navigated the process, from selecting the right captive to understanding the risk and reward dynamics involved. His insights are invaluable for producers considering captives as an option for their clients, especially in complex industries like manufacturing. The Power Producer Base Camp David and Stephen also touch on the Power Producer Base Camp, a newly revamped resource designed for producers who may not have access to Killing Commercial due to financial or geographic constraints. With deep dives into specific topics and a town hall for real-time advice, this platform offers a supportive community for producers to grow their skills and knowledge. Market Trends and Strategic Adjustments The conversation also explores current market trends, particularly the softening of the property market in Florida, contrasted with the tightening GL and auto markets. Stephen and David share their observations and strategies for navigating these shifts, providing practical advice for staying ahead in an unpredictable market. Connect with: David Carothers LinkedIn Stephen Sedlak LinkedIn Kyle Houck LinkedIn Visit Websites: Power Producer Base Camp Workcompology Killing Commercial Power Producers Podcast Policytee The Dirty 130 The Extra 2 Minutes

    51 min
out of 5
115 Ratings


We are refining and redefining the sales game. A place where sales professionals can come to learn from other sales professionals and thought leaders who have mastered their craft. Real sales professionals. Real stories. Real results. Are you ready to feel the power?

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