21 episodes

You want optimal health and wellness. To live longer. To slow or reverse aging. To reduce future disease risk, and to detect health issues early.

Healthcare isn’t meeting these needs. They'll be met by an emerging new sector.

Bimonthly, Lee S Dryburgh hosts a pioneer for an in-depth discussion.

Expect to hear about the latest products, services and technologies.

For more information see https://contestra.com/podcast/

SUBSCRIBE for new episodes every two weeks.

Quantified Health, Wellness & Aging Hyper Wellbeing Innovation Labs, Inc.

    • Health & Fitness
    • 5.0 • 3 Ratings

You want optimal health and wellness. To live longer. To slow or reverse aging. To reduce future disease risk, and to detect health issues early.

Healthcare isn’t meeting these needs. They'll be met by an emerging new sector.

Bimonthly, Lee S Dryburgh hosts a pioneer for an in-depth discussion.

Expect to hear about the latest products, services and technologies.

For more information see https://contestra.com/podcast/

SUBSCRIBE for new episodes every two weeks.

    NR vs NMN is Dated, Boosting NAD+ to New Levels – EP21: Nichola Conlon (Nuchido)

    NR vs NMN is Dated, Boosting NAD+ to New Levels – EP21: Nichola Conlon (Nuchido)

    In this twenty-first episode, Nichola Conlon provides a scientific background, introducing sirtuins and NAD. She then explains why popular NAD+ boosters, NR and NMN, are first-gen products.

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    She details how Nuchido formulated the first second-gen product by taking a novel whole systems approach. Lots of NAD, anti-aging, and nutraceutical discussion along the way.

    Topics we discussed in this episode

    Recent personal experience with COVID-19

    Her molecular biology PhD focus

    Systems pharmacology

    Help from Aubrey de Gray

    Disillusioned with drug development

    Founding Nuchido

    What are Sirtuins? What is NAD?

    Importance of NAD. Why Boost NAD Levels?

    Inefficiency of First-Gen NAD Supplements: NR and NMN

    Three ingredients to boost NAD

    Pure NAD limitations

    Nicotinamide Riboside (NR)

    Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN)

    60% increase in NAD "only"

    Second-gen, demonstrated it can be done much better if you take a whole systems approach

    Importance of NAD salvage pathway

    PARP enzymes

    Inability to power sustained high-levels because of salvage pathway deterioration

    First-gen may not be great for epigenetics

    Increases expression of the enzymes in the salvage pathway that are known to decline with age

    Ingredients that reduce the expression of other processes that are actually wasting NAD

    Enzyme called CD38

    Inflammatory levels - CD38 just chews up NAD

    Multiple things that you can do to fix the cell before you even need to put precursors in.

    NAD decreases with age

    Do we Need NAD Supplements?

    Sirtuins and mitochondrial biogenesis

    Boosting your NAD levels, improves mitochondrial function.

    Multiple reasons that are causing the NAD to decline, boosting as with first-gen only the amount of raw material that your cell has is quite naïve

    Second-gen helps fixe your body's natural ability to make and recycle its own NAD

    Nuchido TIME+ boosts NAD on average by 242%, four times more than the 60% widely cited for first-gen

    ChromaDex vs Elyisum Health

    Terms B3, niacin, nicotinamide, nicotinic acid, NR

    Abram Hoffer and orthomolecular medicine

    Nicotinamide is not likely to be a sirtuin inhibitor,

    How to measure NAD levels

    Nuchido TIME+ ingredients

    Alpha lipoic acid (ALA) and effects on AMPK

    Conversion of NADH to NAD+

    Drift more towards having more NADH in your cell with age

    Pathway called NQO1, converts NADH back to NAD+

    ALA is a really powerful antioxidant, activates NRF2

    ALA vs ALA-R

    Sophora Japonica Extract Rutin, senolytic


    Aging is an inflicted cascade disorder

    Show links

    Nuchido (Company Website)

    ChromaDex (Company Website)

    Elysium Health (Company Website)

    Elysium Health, Inc. Loses Appeal of Patent Challenge Decision (Press Release)

    Orthomolecular Medicine (Wikipedia Entry)

    Abram Hoffer (Wikipedia Entry)

    Niacin: The Real Story: Learn about the Wonderful Healing Properties of Niacin (Amazon, Book)

    Orthomolecular Medicine for Everyone (Amazon, Book)

    GlycanAge (Company Website)

    • 1 hr 21 min
    Deep Biomarkers of Aging and Longevity – EP20: Polina Mamoshina (Deep Longevity)

    Deep Biomarkers of Aging and Longevity – EP20: Polina Mamoshina (Deep Longevity)

    In this twentieth episode, Polina Mamoshina introduces recently launched Deep Longevity, and its app (young.ai).

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    Biomarkers of aging are introduced. She explains that they have taken a superior approach by using deep learning instead of machine learning. Aging clocks in general are covered. Finally, she shares her view that transcriptomic and proteonomic clocks are the likely future.

    Topics we discussed in this episode

    Personal background: Moscow State University, Oxford University, Insilico Medicine hackathon

    Bringing Deep Longevity out of stealth, Young.ai companion app

    Deep Longevity introduction including company aims

    Description of Young.AI app

    Biomarkers of aging as the accelerant of market for aging interventions

    Introduction to aging clocks: Horvath, Hannum

    Taking a novel and superior technological approach to aging clocks, using deep neural networks, instead of shallow machine learning

    Limitations of shallow machine learning models

    Ability of neural networks to capture highly non linear dependencies and what that matters for biological age determination

    Investing in anticipated payoff from deep learning over the long-term, even if machine learning may be good enough in many cases now

    Biological age prediction with Aging.ai

    Two approaches to designing aging clocks

    Machine learned PhenoAge biological age score

    Introducing mortality, with the GrimAge score

    Longevity clinics and life insurance as market

    Biological age scoring as onboarding tool for life insurance markets

    Training datasets

    Common blood analytes used in PhenoAge vs Aging.ai

    Optimized blood analyte levels for a given individual to get younger

    Orthodox medicine uses blood analyte levels that are not specific to the individual and not optimized ranges; designed to detect only late-stage pathologies

    Cheapness of regular blood analytes

    Emerging market is likely to age score bodily subsystems rather than provide an overall singular biological age score

    Goal is to find the fastest ticking clock in your body

    Biological age test using a selfie

    Providing a library of biological age scores, from free to expensive, so users can upgrade, find out more about themselves

    Belief that proteomic and transcriptomic clocks will outperform epigenetic clocks in terms of being actionable with interventions

    Epigenetics and aging

    Acceleration of the aging rate may show up "late" in terms of being able to intervene, on the epigenome

    Youthful blood plasma exchanges and age quantification

    Transcriptomic, proteomic, and glycomic clocks

    Anticipated rise of longevity clinics

    Show links

    Deep Longevity (Company Website)

    Insilico Medicine (Company Website)

    Human Longevity, Inc. (Company Website)

    Regent Pacific Group (Company Website)

    Young.AI (App from Deep Longevity)

    Aging.AI (Biological Age Prediction)

    'DNA Methylation Age of Human Tissues and Cell Types' (Paper)

    'Assessment of Epigenetic Clocks as Biomarkers of Aging in Basic and Population Research' (Paper)

    Steve Horvath (WikiPedia Entry)

    'Genome-wide Methylation Profiles Reveal Quantitative Views of Human Aging Rates' (Paper)

    Gregory Hannum (LinkedIn)

    Morgan Levine (LinkedIn)

    'An epigenetic biomarker of aging for lifespan and healthspan' (Paper)

    Elysium Health (Company Website)

    'DNA Methylation GrimAge Strongly Predicts Lifespan and Healthspan' (Paper)

    FOXO BioScience (Company Website)


    AgeoTypes (Stanford Article)

    GlycanAge (Company Website)

    GENOS (Company Website)

    • 1 hr 30 min
    You Should Measure the Length of Your Critically-Short Telomeres – EP19: Stephen Matlin (Life Length)

    You Should Measure the Length of Your Critically-Short Telomeres – EP19: Stephen Matlin (Life Length)

    In this nineteenth episode, Stephen Matlin introduces telomere biology. He details how testing services typically use Q-PCR which provides an average telomere length and why that doesn't really mean anything.

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    Instead the percentage of critically-short, measured using Q-FISH, does. Finally he chats about supplements - telomerase inducers - for growth.

    Topics we discussed in this episode

    Introduction to telomere biology

    Hayflick limit, senescent cells, apoptosis

    Telomeres and the hallmarks of aging

    Quantitative PCR derived average telomere length vs shortest telomeres

    Coefficient of variation of lab samples

    Role of supplements in supporting our telomeres and overall biological function

    Declining nutrition in even vegetables

    Telomerase inducers TA-65 and TAM-818

    Telomerase enzyme

    Henrietta Lacks cells, cancer and the Hayflick limit

    Telomerase supplements and cancer

    Telomerase inducer Telomere Benefits™

    Providing biological age scores using telomere measurements

    Telomere length and correlation with healthspan

    Improving upon biomarker Prostate Specific Antigen with Prostate Telomere Associate Variance

    Show links

    LifeLength.com (Company Website)

    T.A. Sciences TA-65 (UK/Europe)

    T.A. Sciences TA-65 (Amazon.com)

    Hayflick, His Limit, and Cellular Ageing (Paper)

    The Hayflick Limit (Embryo Project Encyclopedia)

    The End-Replication Problem (Paper)

    Leucocyte Telomere Length And Risk Of Cardiovascular Disease: Systematic Review And Meta-analysis (Paper)

    Association Between Leucocyte Telomere Length And Cardiovascular Disease In A Large General Population In The United States (Paper)

    The Hallmarks of Aging (Paper)

    Coefficient of Variation (Wikipedia Entry)

    A Natural Product Telomerase Activator Lengthens Telomeres in Humans: A Randomized, Double Blind, and Placebo Controlled Study (Paper)

    The Telomerase Activator Ta-65 Elongates Short Telomeres And Increases Health Span Of Adult/old Mice Without Increasing Cancer Incidence (Paper)

    Discovery Of Potent Telomerase Activators: Unfolding New Therapeutic And Anti-aging Perspectives (Paper)

    The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2009 (Website)

    Defy Time (Website)

    Telomere Benefits™ (Product Link)

    Mathematical Connection Between Short Telomere Induced Senescence Calculation And Mortality Rate Data (Paper)

    Comparison Of Telomere Length Measurement Methods (Paper)

    Beyond Average: Potential For Measurement Of Short Telomeres (Paper)

    • 1 hr 13 min
    Start Tracking Your Health Using Basic Blood Testing – EP18: Alexis Shields (Naturopathic Doctor)

    Start Tracking Your Health Using Basic Blood Testing – EP18: Alexis Shields (Naturopathic Doctor)

    In this eighteenth episode, Alexis Shields explains that blood biomarkers may be obtained directly and the results used to reduce chance of future disease occurrence, as well as remedy any subclinical symptoms.

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    She provides a tour of some of the common biomarkers. Along the way she describes her virtual functional medicine practice.

    Topics we discussed in this episode

    Terms naturopathic, homeopathic, allopathic and functional medicine

    Urine biomarkers, DUTCH test

    Triglyceride to HDL ratio correlates with cardiovascular disease, heart disease, and diabetes

    Thyroid testing and Reverse T3

    Thyroid and low mineral status

    Hashimoto's disease and hypothyroidism

    Hematology testing

    Machine learning tool for looking at blood work

    Iron vs ferritin

    Iron levels

    Cholesterol testing

    High-resolution lipid analysis

    LDL, nor total cholesterol has much predictive power

    Apolipoprotein B (ApoB) and Lipoprotein(a)

    Cholesterol and immunity

    Adrenal testing

    Sodium and potassium levels and adrenal dysfunction

    Cortisol testing

    Urine testing of pH is really tricky

    Dietary cholesterol has minimal impact on blood cholesterol levels

    Electrolytes and diet

    Body acidity and disease

    Insulin resistance

    Physiological insulin resistance

    Glucose and melatonin

    Blood tests and supplements with COVID-19 in mind

    Show links

    DrAlexisShields.com (Website)

    Stop Flushing Terabytes of Data Down the Toilet – (EP11: Daniel Maggs, bisu)

    Nordic Labs (Website)

    TG:HDL – Heart Disease Risk Calculator (Online Tool)

    KSM-66 Ashwagandha Extract (Website)

    Rhodiola Rosea (Website)

    Hormesis (Wikipedia Entry)

    Lymphocytes Definition (Article)

    Leukocytes Definition (Article)

    Neutrophils Definition (Article)

    BloodSmart.ai (Website)

    C-Reactive Protein (Article)

    LIPOPRINT LDL Subfractions Test (Website)

    NMR Lipid Profile (Article)

    DUTCH Test (Website)

    Anion Gap (Wikipedia Entry)

    HOMA-IR Calculator (Web Page)

    • 1 hr 17 min
    Measure Glycans to Know How Much Healthy Life You’ve Already Consumed – EP17: Gordan Lauc (Genos)

    Measure Glycans to Know How Much Healthy Life You’ve Already Consumed – EP17: Gordan Lauc (Genos)

    In this seventeenth episode, Gordon Lauc introduces glycobiology. He details GlycanAge®, the world’s first direct-to-consumer glycan-based product.

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    He explains that it can quantify how well interventions (e.g. supplements) work for you as an individual, and how much healthy life you’ve got left. Finally he details a potential COVID-19 glycan biomarker to accurately assess your risk.

    Topics we discussed in this episode

    [coming soon]

    Show links

    [more links coming soon]

    GlycanAge (Website)

    Genos (Website)

    • 1 hr 32 min
    Coronavirus Lockdowns Were a Mistake. The Media is Continuing to Mislead – EP16: Knut Wittkowski (ASDERA)

    Coronavirus Lockdowns Were a Mistake. The Media is Continuing to Mislead – EP16: Knut Wittkowski (ASDERA)

    In this sixteenth episode, Knut Wittkowski shares his expert view that lockdowns were not necessary. That he can’t figure out a single justification for extending them. That there is no “second wave”. That there is no viable option other than herd immunity, and that by prolonging the pandemic, we are putting the vulnerable at greater risk.

    • 1 hr 13 min

Customer Reviews

5.0 out of 5
3 Ratings

3 Ratings

biohacker_89 ,

Highly researched and applicative!

The host Lee Dryburgh offers a highly prepared insights into health & wellness industry's players, carefully selected aspiring and innovative startups and their CEOs, building up around what I think he calls "Quantitative Health, Wellness & Aging" paradigm shifting from standard "sick-care". I was impressed he jumped on the wagon when COVID-19 hit, and shone some light onto the unheard voices. In this confusing times, where fact-checking seems optional, Lee tries to bring research back into science and broadcasting. 5 Stars.

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