8 episodes

A podcast for healers, facilitators, energy workers, therapists, coaches and practitioners on deepening themselves, their practice and their client experience.

The Deeper Practitioner Podcast Julie Tenner

    • Health & Fitness

A podcast for healers, facilitators, energy workers, therapists, coaches and practitioners on deepening themselves, their practice and their client experience.

    When you thrive in business, everything that you touch gets to thrive with Bridget Wood

    When you thrive in business, everything that you touch gets to thrive with Bridget Wood

    Bridget is a FTSAM of three who’s built a successful events business, dissolved it and started another successful online business. Bridget walks a path of living in deep integrity with her values, consciously marrying her devotion to parenting, personal growth and business growth! This episode invites you to sink deeply into trusting yourself, your capacity and what you’re here to do and contribute on this earth.

    In this episode we discuss:
    • The leap from corporate to entrepreneur
    • Finding what you love by virtue of seeing how important it is for your kids to do what they love
    • Asking yourself :“what do I want to serve with?”
    • Asking yourself: How do I create magic for me and magic for my clients?
    • Creating the side hustle that allows you to leap
    • Infertility as a why big enough to turn her pain into purpose
    • The message came first, creating a sustainable business came from there
    • Being an energetic match to “selling” or attracting clients
    • Knowing ‘the better I feel, the better others feel’, ‘the more inspired I am, the more life others feel’
    • Not pushing what people don’t want to receive and staying in integrity
    • The balance between serving others and serving self
    • Being all consumed by an idea that won’t let you sleep
    • Our own growth on the path of conscious otherhood
    • Removing the lens of judgement to find the meaning
    • Learning self by witnessing others as a gift of coaching
    • Safety as a window of tolerance that constantly shifts, recognising bandwidth as changeable
    • Borrowing each other’s nervous systems to regulate
    • Building a practice of holding your nervous system capacity and training it to hold more
    • We attract the clients we CAN serve
    • Our role is to remind our clients of their own power, not be the source of their power and ‘fix them’
    • Pivoting and changing the business models and dreams
    • Business as your biggest spiritual journey
    • Creating something from nothing
    • Stretching your vision beyond what’s comfortable
    • Risk taking as part of the business journey and building the nervous system that backs yourself
    • Finding the love when things don’t work or go to plan
    • When you thrive in business, everything that you touch gets to thrive as well
    • You can’t appreciate and compare yourself at the same time
    • Be of service, make a difference as a panacea to imposter syndrome
    • Trust your own capacity but also be humble enough to further your growth
    • Be the student and the teacher

    Bridget Wood is a mentor for whole, embodied living and loving. A masterful facilitator, Bridget creates spaces and conversations designed to raise collective consciousness.

    Embodying authentic leadership, activism and empowered motherhood, Bridget’s work will revolutionise the way you approach your life and your beliefs.

    Her powerful transformative online programs and long-running Nourishing The Mother podcast are sought out by women across the globe.

    An avid researcher, Bridget deeply understands human relational dynamics, our neurological biases, and our innate need for connection. With a Bachelor of Communications focused in media, journalism and sociology, Bridget is a captivating speaker and facilitator who compels audiences and coaching clients to open their minds and challenge their ‘status quo’.

    Connect with Bridget here:


    • 1 hr 2 min
    The secret to manifesting your dream life and business with Gabrielle Floriani

    The secret to manifesting your dream life and business with Gabrielle Floriani

    Gabrielle is a Chiropractor and mum to 5, who’s built an empire alongside her husband that includes a thriving Chiropractic clinic and the southern hemispheres largest Chiropractic summit! Doing business with kids in tow is just part of a much larger vision Gabrielle holds for the wellbeing of the community she serves and the next generation she’s raising.

    In this episode we discuss:

    • Doing life and business aligned
    • Knowing how you want your life to look and creating a business that matches that
    • A learning path that looks like a baptism by fire, over and over again!
    • Starting all over again
    • Knowing how you want your clients to feel and what you want them to experience
    • Continuing to receive value as a client
    • Build relationship with people so they can build relationship with themselves
    • Helping people recognise the power they already have within them
    • Helping clients stay accountable for their own wellbeing
    • Holding a health philosophy
    • Creating goals you revisit with clients every 12 months
    • Creating systems that map over a client lifetime the stats you need as a practitioner as well as what’s important to the client
    • Doing it simply while you build a business
    • Investing your money where it matters
    • Intertwining business and motherhood
    • Constantly re-evaluating your roles in business and parenting
    • IN8 intelligence, energy and philosophy
    • Offering a rich and deep history to the next generation
    • Feeling deeply the ripples your care creates
    • Miracles and facts, crossing the divide of looking after yourself with wonder
    • Building a business with community and relationship central
    • Constantly examining your own practice and how you want to show up
    • Writing down all the things you’ve done to combat imposter syndrome
    • Public speaking mastery with deep trust in the story your heart has to tell
    • Discovering your own genius as you go
    Chiropractor, business owner, birth educator, international speaker, event coordinator and mother are simply some of the titles that all stem from Dr Gabriel Floreani’s passion to play her part in shifting the consciousness of the world toward Vitalistic health care and ways of life. As a practitioner and educator, her true passion lies in inspiring people to marvel at their own innate potential and harness that magic so as to fulfil their own deepest calling in life.

    Teaching and embodying the principles of vitalism creep in to every aspect of her life. Gabriel has 5 children the first two born at home in Italy, a country where home births are less than .04%, and the next 3 born at home in Australia. Her experiences which range from the most difficult decisions and torturous pain - to ecstasy in birth, called her to her passion work a s birth educator. Exploring and enjoying ways to eat well, learn and thrive together keeps this little (BIG) family busy and inspired from day to day. These experiences have deepened her connection to self and trusting her own inner wisdom and strength, paving the way for her devoted teachings in all arenas of her work.

    You can connect with her in the following ways:

    For Chiropractic: thein8life.com.au
    For Chiropractic Conferences and Professional Development: thein8summit.com.au
    For Birth education and Birth Mentoring: innate birth.com.au

    On Insta: drgab_innatebirth
    To book or enquire: drgab@thein8life.com

    • 1 hr 41 min
    Power vs force in attracting clients with Tanya Cross

    Power vs force in attracting clients with Tanya Cross

    Tanya Cross is a single mother who has built a multiple 6-figure business – she’s also my Demartini method coach! Tanya holds within her a wealth of wisdom, combined with an exceptional talent to go beyond limiting beliefs, glass ceilings and cultural taboos. She discusses her deepest grief setting her on a path of incredible alignment and inspiration and taking hold of the power you have to create your life.

    In this episode we discuss:

    • Helping people at a deep level
    • Busting limiting beliefs on healing, grief and life path
    • Hear what the client is saying, but find the problem under the problem
    • Working on self to deepen your practice
    • Facing your business growth, including your ceilings and struggles
    • Empowering clients to not need you long-term
    • Moving from solving problems to inspiration, expansion and levelling up
    • Making leaps into self-employed
    • Beginning business from other careers and employment
    • The success of your business if built on what you say ‘no’ to
    • Knowing what lights you up, so you’re a more powerful coach
    • Holding a big vision, making choices in alignment with that
    • Being a “be-er” in business rather than a “do-er”
    • Power vs force in attracting clients by being the fullest version of you
    • You Vision Board; becoming it and then taking action steps
    • Taking hold of the power you have to create your life
    • Everything you’ve ever been through has purpose and will be what helps others
    • Dissolving growth-ceilings and facing imposter syndrome
    • Loving the next-version of you
    • Being grounded with a beginners mindset
    • Being a while self vs putting forward specific aspects or exaggerating aspects, which creates pride and then the equilibrating shame
    • Slack lining as a meditation and a metaphor for living life

    Tanya Cross is a business mindset coach whose in-depth knowledge of human behaviour has helped tens of thousands of people live a meaningful life.

    She has a love for understanding the workings of the mind, how your inner world is influencing your outer world and how to continually grow yourself to achieve sustained business success. The combination of her knowledge in human behaviour, leadership, relationships and in health has lead her to her mission of empowering and educating business leaders to gain clarity and conviction in their vision and the certainty to overcome any obstacle or challenge in its execution.

    After intense study and training, Tanya is the first Master Certified Demartini Method Facilitator in Australia and 7th in the world.

    She spoke for Adult Shop's Passion and Pleasure program alongside well-known relationship counsellor, Dr. John Gray.

    She has presented a follow up program of the Breakthrough Experience, led the Demartini Method Facilitators in Australia and globally and ran events throughout Australia. She believes exemplification is the best way to lead.

    Connect with Tanya here:

    Maximum Growth - https://maximumgrowth.co/
    Tanya Cross - https://www.tanyacross.com/
    FB - https://www.facebook.com/tanyax
    IG - https://www.instagram.com/_tanyacross_/
    LI - https://www.linkedin.com/in/tanyacross/

    • 1 hr
    Trusting the path that lights you up with Rhea Dempsey

    Trusting the path that lights you up with Rhea Dempsey

    Seriously, what’s not to love about Rhea?! A pioneer and matriarch of our Australian birthing and birth education culture, this one’s a history lesson as much as permission to let yourself love whatever business and pivots you take, children in tow! Rhea is the living embodiment of holding the essence of a feminine leader, with palpable integrity, where people can’t help but feel a level of devotion and desire to be part of a bigger movement. So if that sings to your heart, you’ll love this episode!

    In this episode we discuss:

    • What the f**k is this system?
    • Organically learning birth
    • Attuning to the emotional and psychological aspects of woman and birth
    • The power of women sitting together discussing everyday experiences
    • The value of community work
    • Being the activist who wants to change a system, business second
    • The evolution of ‘doula’ as a business
    • Thinking sustainably and charging for your service
    • The culture and history of Australian birth as it is paralleled by Rhea’s personal story
    • Consciousness raising women’s circles
    • Cultivating a beginners mindset
    • Working with birth trauma
    • Having a spiritual practice which serves both your life and your business
    • Trusting the path that lights you up
    • The journey of meeting your demons
    • Being a seeker of truth and depth
    • The grief you live with being an activist
    • The calling to be a teacher and speak to the many
    • Having a plan and being open to guidance
    • Preparing for public speaking and trusting your craft and passion
    • Early starter and pressure-prompted personality styles and how she’s worked with them
    • Building parameters that support your creativity

    2021 BIOGRAPHY:
    Rhea is an Independent Birth Educator, Doula, Trainer, Counsellor and Author.
    Her understanding of birth has been gained over four decades
    She has presented nationally and internationally. She is recognized as an insightful commentator on the difficulties women, who have a yearning for normal physiological birth, face in navigating present birth culture.
    Her book Birth with Confidence: savvy choices for normal birth, explores the issue of physiological pain and the importance of experienced support. While Beyond the Birth Plan: getting real about pain and power explores the deeper emotional and psychological dynamics impacting birthing potential.
    Rhea is the mother of three adult daughters, and five delicious home born grandchildren. Her mothering included the key tenets of attachment parenting—long-term breastfeeding, co-sleeping and baby wearing. She delights in witnessing this generational pattern continuing with her grandchildren.
    To find out more about Rhea’s books and work, visit her website www.rheadempsey.com.au

    You can connect with Rhea here:


    • 1 hr 46 min
    You’re not stuck, your thinking is with Lisa Corduff

    You’re not stuck, your thinking is with Lisa Corduff

    Lisa Corduff is a single mother of three, who has built a 7-figure business, through deep tragedy and healing. What I find inspiring, is throughout it all she’s managed to maintain openness, groundedness and a sense of humour – which is exactly what you’ll get from this podcast full of business (and life) wisdom! If you’re as fascinated by your subconscious blocks as I am, then you’re going to LOVE this episode!

    In this episode we discuss:

    • You can’t fast track trust
    • Having so much fun while you change peoples lives
    • Business as a path to self growth
    • Deeply uncomfortable meeting of edges
    • Being obsessed with your ideal clients
    • Letting go of old beliefs and limiting identity
    • Being aware you’re operating from sub-conscious beliefs
    • You’re not stuck, your thinking is
    • Getting the results or learning the lessons to get the results you want
    • Being unprepared to do things that don’t feel good and you can’t get behind
    • Living off the belief it will work
    • Giving yourself grace and accepting support
    • Not having a problem making money – noticing where it flows easily and where it doesn’t
    • Storytelling and connection making as a path to building trust and relationship
    • Trust being front and centre with clients
    • Being prepared to suck
    • Removing co-dependence in work and feedback
    • I can only receive from my business what I’m open and willing to receive
    • Sovereignty, co-dependency and receiving
    • Taking seriously the role rest has in business and life
    • Embrace systems and hold through the winters
    • Taking personal responsibility and choice in your life as a self-nourishing pillar
    • Making choices that don’t serve you
    • There is no magical time, stop waiting for circumstances to happen to you

    Lisa Corduff helps women upgrade their mindset, get unstuck, and change the stuff that’s not working in their life. A solo mum of 3, she’s all about skipping straight to the hacks and techniques that actually work, while avoiding the perfectionism and overwhelm that can so easily keep us trapped. Check out her website and podcast, or come say hello on Instagram and Facebook for more.
    Connect with her here:

    Website: https://lisacorduff.com/
    The Change Room: https://enterthechangeroom.com/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lisacorduff/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LisaCorduff1/
    Podcast: Conversations with Lisa - https://lisacorduff.com/podcast/

    • 1 hr 34 min
    Beyond Business models that create burnout with Amy Taylor Kabbaz

    Beyond Business models that create burnout with Amy Taylor Kabbaz

    Amy Taylor Kabbaz is a single mother of three who has built a multi 6-figure business from an intense passion to shift our cultures perception and experience of a mother’s transition through matrescence. She carries both the heart of an activist and the wisdom of a warrior, which is a core feature of this episode – building business built on a big why and showing up full of integrity.

    In this episode we discuss:

    • Feeling the burnt that there’s something to be done
    • Fascinated by powerful women who overcame adversity
    • Crash-landing into motherhood, feeling unprepared for the change-agent motherhood was and is
    • Being driven to find answers to 2 questions
    1) What happens to a woman when she becomes a mother?
    2) Why can’t I slow down?
    • Pausing before moving on, instead of skipping to get to the end and asking ‘what else is here?’
    • Mixing skills with a strong why when breaking self-sabotage
    • Following the rules and learning to break them
    • Allowing freedom and permission to be self-guided in doing it your way for yourself and your clients
    • Business models that create burnout
    • Being afraid to let go of identity
    • You always have choices, there’s always something there to support you
    • Being a fierce advocate in your own life
    • Being successful with less work, the work IS me
    • Seeing your learning time as work time
    • Being a magnet and paying attention to what you want to be a magnet for
    • Activating the unapologetic leader
    • Instead of defining success as have, do, be ~ shift it to who do you need to be, what do you need to do from here to have what you want
    • We don’t have to make it commercial if there’s integrity and purpose
    • Why does this story need to be told? – focusing on the why that’s moving
    • Keep going, don’t worry about what anyone else
    • Its safe for you to step forward, but it won’t’ all be on your shoulders
    • Judgement of the downward spiral and how to begin loving it
    • Activating the spaces of your passion to move your business forward
    • Being called into the bigger problem and the bigger solution, you want to be part of

    Amy Taylor-Kabbaz is a Best-Selling Author, Speaker, Journalist, Matrescence Activist and Mama of three. After more than a decade covering breaking news and current affairs for the ABC around the country, her 'traditional' career took an unexpected turn when she found herself lost, overwhelmed and diagnosed with a thyroid condition after the birth of her first daughter.

    14 years - and two more babies - later, she is now the best-selling Hay House author of Mama Rising, the host of the ‘The Happy Mama Movement’ podcast (with more than 400,000 downloads), an internationally awarded Life Coach, runs numerous online programs for mothers all over the world, expert contributor to media outlets around the globe, and the creator of the #1 itunes meditations for children with more than 18 million downloads ‘Bedtime Explorers’.

    In 2019, she launched her world first Matrescence Facilitator Training - Mama Rising - sharing her unique formula of coaching and support into mother’s transition through matrescence. In 2022, Mama Rising was recognised by the ICF and currently has more than 180 accredited Mama Rising coaches globally.

    You can connect with Amy here:

    Website - www.amytaylorkabbaz.com
    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/amytaylorkabbaz/
    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/amytaylorkabbaz/

    • 1 hr 14 min

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