The Flipping 50 Show

Debra Atkinson
The Flipping 50 Show

The podcast for women in menopause and beyond who want to change the way they age. Fitness, wellness, and health research put into practical tips you can use today. You still got it, girl!

  1. 3 DAYS AGO

    It’s Not Too Late to Overcome Gut Issues in Midlife

    To overcome gut issues in midlife, start with understanding how your gut health impacts every part of your well-being. Conditions like SIBO, or Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth, can feel overwhelming, but they don’t have to define your quality of life. If you’ve ever wondered how to overcome gut issues and feel your best, this episode holds the answers. My Guest: Shivan Sarna is the author of the Amazon Bestseller Healing SIBO, a TV host, and the creator of the SIBO SOS® Summits and Community, the Digestion SOS™ documentary series, the Gut & Microbiome Rescue Summit, the Liver and Gallbladder Rescue Summit, the Lymphatic Rescue Summit, the Dental Health Connection Summit, the Fascia and Chronic Pain Rescue Summit, and Chronic Condition Research. After a lifetime of struggling with health issues, Shivan made it her mission to share information with others who are struggling. Her personal mantra is “SOS: Save Our Selves.” And that's what she has helped thousands of people do! Questions We Answer in This Episode: Tell me about your health journey and what brought you to where you are today. [00:04:46] What exactly is SIBO and why is it important to recognize, diagnose correctly and treat correctly? [00:10:14] What are some of the root causes of SIBO and how do you address this? [00:24:28] What suggestions do you have to help people’s mindsets overcome chronic conditions? [00:30:07] Connect withShivan: Join the Summit: On Social: Facebook: Instagram: Other Episodes You Might Like: Personalized Gut Health: Resolve Menopause Gut Issues: Lose Weight, Gain Energy and Eliminate Pain with a Gut Cleanse: Dr Vincent M. Pedre: Resources: Flipping 50 Membership: Flipping 50 STRONGER 12-week program: Events or Affiliate partnership we're promoting in this episode: Menopause summit - Will provide affiliate URL directly. (Message from Shivan) Resources: Our Bodies Ourselves (book)

    40 min
  2. 6 DAYS AGO

    Is Coffee Good or Bad for Midlife Woman’s Gut and Metabolism?

    Are you drinking coffee and wondering if coffee is good or bad for midlife? Coffee drinkers, pay attention. In this episode, America’s happy gut doctor shares the pros and cons of coffee. Know the benefits without sabotaging your gut health or adrenals. Do not miss this to know if coffee is good or bad for midlife? My Guest: Dr. Vincent Pedre, Medical Director of Pedre Integrative Health, Founder of Dr. Pedre Wellness, and CEO of Happy Gut Life. He is a Functional Medicine-Certified Practitioner with a NYC-based concierge practice and bestselling author of two gut-health books. His latest, The GutSMART Protocol, includes a 14-day personalized gut-healing plan. His newest offering, Happy Gut Coffee, is a clean, toxin-free coffee that you can trust to keep your gut happy. Questions We Answer in This Episode: Is coffee good or bad for the midlife woman’s gut? What are the pros and cons? 00:08:35 What are microplastics, and how do they enter the human body, particularly the gut? 00:10:45 How do you prefer your coffee? What’s your prep? 00:12:05 How do you doctor your coffee up? 00:17:25 What is the difference between caffeinated vs decaf coffee? 00:27:45 How much coffee does it take to get benefits vs how much is too much? 00:34:05 Connect with Dr. Vincent: On Social: Facebook: Instagram: LinkedIN: TikTok: Other Episodes You Might Like: Lose Weight, Gain Energy and Eliminate Pain with a Gut Cleanse: Dr Vincent M. Pedre: Personalized Gut Health: Resolve Menopause Gut Issues: Midlife Gut Solutions from Bloat to Colitis and Crohn’s: Resources: Debra’s Favorite Matcha: Debra’s Favorite CGM:

    49 min
  3. JAN 12

    Do You Have a Dominant Side? Joint Pain Solutions I’m Using Right Now

    If you do a single search for your knee or hip pain, you’ll be served dozens of joint pain solutions in your social media and Google searches. Are they any good? I’m smiling to think of my step dad who after retirement took it upon himself to order things he’d see on TV or find strolling through Osco. Similarly, you can start looking on Amazon and wala, here come a dizzying array of joint pain solutions for you.  I’ve been sent or gifted no less than 3 in the last two months. The odds or Gods are with me: two out of three are working amazingly well. This is the first of episodes sharing them because I know that the science behind them working is something you need to hear. This first new tool I’ve  been using is revolutionizing the way people move, recover, and perform. It isn't just about temporary pain relief; it’s about restoring alignment and enhancing strength for a long term change in the way movement feels.  Today, we’ll explore how this innovative approach works and how it’s transforming lives. Today we discover the power of Protonics for biomechanical balance! My Guest: Frank Joutras is Founder and President of Protonics G3 Sport LLC, and is the leader for the Protonics G3 Development Project. Frank who is co-inventor of the Protonics system with Physical Therapist, Ron Hruska, holds several patents on exoskeleton and robotics design. Frank, has over 30 years of technical and development experience in biomechanics, exoskeletons, fitness equipment, virtual environments and robotic system, and holds several patents in this area, including patents held by Facebook, Inc. Questions We Answer in This Episode: How does Protonics help improve overall fitness and health? What is unique about Protonics? It looks like a knee brace; explain why it is not a knee brace or acts like one? Why is the system only put on the left leg? Talk about Protonics now being available without a prescription and your new market through influencers. Discuss some of the world-renowned clinicians and fitness trainers involved with Protonics. What research has been done in the past?   You heard it here first. You are not balanced.   Connect with Frank & Try Protonics: Use this link when availing Protonics to get $100 off and a 30-Day money back guarantee On Social: Facebook: Instagram: YouTube:    Other Episodes You Might Like: Community Member SpotLight: Rotator Cuff Injury Solutions: The Chronic Pain Solution for Complete Resolution:    Resources: Menopause Makeover 2.0: Flipping 50 STRONGER 12-week program:  Discovery Call with Debra:

    40 min
  4. JAN 10

    Circadian Rhythm Hacks for Muscle in Menopause

    What if we could give you Circadian Rhythm hacks to improve your sleep ang energy throughout the day? Tune in to this episode to know what are these Circadian Rhythm hacks I’m talking about. Definition of Circadian Rhythm: Circadian rhythm is your body’s internal clock, a 24-hour cycle, regulating your sleep-wake patterns, hormone levels, and other vital bodily functions. What can affect your circadian rhythm? Light exposure Food intake. Stress. Physical activity. Temperature. Travel Sleep habits, including overnight or off-hour work shifts Health conditions, including medications So it makes sense we can create circadian rhythm hacks or havoc during menopause that will … accelerate aging or reverse it. Overview of Menopause and Circadian Disruption: Menopause can disrupt circadian rhythms due to hormonal fluctuations, leading to sleep disturbances and metabolic changes. Circadian Rhythm: The Body's Internal Clock Mechanisms of Circadian Rhythm: Regulated by the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) in the hypothalamus, circadian rhythms synchronize with environmental cues Impact of Menopause on Circadian Rhythm: Hormonal changes can alter sleep patterns and circadian timing, affecting overall health. Sleep and Menopause: The Gap Sleep Challenges During Menopause: Insomnia, night sweats, and frequent awakenings, often due to hormonal fluctuations. Consequences of Poor Sleep: Disrupted sleep can elevate cortisol levels, impair glucose metabolism, and increase fat storage. Strategies for Optimizing Sleep: Consistent Sleep Schedule: Maintaining regular sleep and wake times Evening Routines: Limiting blue light exposure and engaging in calming activities before bed Nutritional Considerations: Consuming a balanced diet and avoiding stimulants close to bedtime Circadian Rhythm Hacks: Resetting Your Body To reset your circadian rhythm, your body needs to follow a healthy 24-hour schedule. Use the following tips to stay on track: Stick to a daily routine. Get morning light. Stay active with daily physical activity. Create a sleep sanctuary. Avoid evening stimulants. Limit your screen time. Skip late naps. Exercise and Hormone Balance: Syncing with Your Rhythm Timing of Exercise: Morning vs. Evening Workouts: The timing of exercise can influence circadian rhythms and sleep quality. Hormonal Effects of Exercise: Workouts affect cortisol, melatonin, and body temperature, playing a role in circadian regulation and sleep quality. Evening and High-Intensity Exercise: This does not have a significant negative effect on sleep quality but physiological circadian rhythm tends to alter. Long-Term Morning Exercise: This decreases cortisol concentrations after awakening and improves sleep quality. Overtraining: A long-term longitudinal study reported significantly higher morning cortisol levels and reduced sleep quality after overtraining in the postseason compared to the preseason in female soccer players Impact of Exercise on Cortisol and Circadian Rhythm: Cortisol Response: Exercise induced cortisol release, varying based on intensity and timing. Circadian Alignment: Regular physical activity regulates circadian rhythms, improving sleep and metabolic health. Recommendations: Morning Exercise: Moderate-intensity workouts in the morning may enhance alertness and align with natural cortisol peaks. Evening Exercise: Low-intensity activities like yoga in the evening can promote relaxation without disrupting sleep. Nutrition: Eating with the Clock Meal Timing and Circadian Rhythm: Impact on Metabolism: Aligning meal times with circadian rhythms can improve glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity. Evening Eating: Consuming large meals late in the evening may disrupt sleep and circadian alignment. Nutritional Strategies for Hormone Balance: Balanced Diet: Incorporate lean proteins, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates to support hormonal health. Specific Nutrients: Ensure adequate intake of magnesium and omega-3 fatty acids, which play roles in sleep regulation and inflammation reduction. Lifestyle Circadian Rhythm Hacks Daily sunlight exposure. Evening light management. Stress management techniques, like meditation and deep breathing. Consistent meal times. Listener Q&A or Case Study Addressing Common Concerns: Sleep Struggles: Try managing insomnia during menopause. Sleep Yourself Skinny Exercise Timing: Explore how adjusting workout schedules can enhance energy levels and sleep quality. Nutritional Adjustments: Do meal planning to support hormonal balance. Success Story: Share a real-life example of a client who improved her health by aligning her lifestyle with her circadian rhythm. Other Episodes You Might Like: Natural Solutions to Restorative Sleep in Menopause: Exercise Timing Improves Exercise Benefits in Menopause: Why I Meditate and My Recent Weeklong Meditation Experience: Resources: Flipping 50 Membership: Sleep Yourself Skinny: References:

    58 min
  5. JAN 7

    Address the Root Cause for Metabolic Health and Optimal Aging

    Knowing the root cause for metabolic health is the key to thriving through midlife and beyond. In this episode we’ll help more clearly understand the connection between metabolic health, weight, disease risk, and the power of daily habits. Discover how addressing the Root Cause for Metabolic Health transforms aging. My Guest: Dr. Reena Singh is a Naturopathic Doctor who specializes in metabolic health, weight loss and women's health. She overcame her own chronic illness diagnosis in her early 20s which is what led her into naturopathic medicine. Her goal is to always address the root cause. Creator of the Metabolic Hormone Reset Program. Questions We Answer in This Episode: What does it mean to "address the root cause"? 05:10 What is metabolic health? 10:30 Why is metabolic health so important and how is it connected to our weight and risk for disease? 12:40 Why is it important to get proper blood work done? What should we be looking for? 18:30 How do our daily lifestyle habits impact our weight and health goals? 27:20 Connect with Dr. Reena at the Midlife Makeover Summit: On Social: Facebook group: Instagram: Other Episodes You Might Like: The ABCs of Metabolic Mastery for Midlife Women: The Hidden Reason for Belly Bloat: Mastering Midlife Metabolism: The Key to Fat Loss After 45: Resources: Power Plate (Use Code: FLIPPING50 for 20% off) Stealth Core Trainer:

    38 min
  6. JAN 3

    Changing Habits for 2025 Health Optimization

    It’s the New Year and many of us are interested in changing habits. Or we think we are… Changing habits can be hard. The question might be, should we be interested in creating habits? We have 60-70,000 thoughts a day. Unfortunately, 90% of them are the same as yesterday. We seek habits, Atomic Habits the book by James Clear, has been at the top of the charts for over five years. Yet, Dr Ellen Langer, author of CounterClockwise and Mother of Mindfulness, a professor at Harvard, says habits might be the worst thing we do. We’re no longer aware of our surroundings. She isn’t talking about yoga and meditation. She was talking about being aware. By consciously focusing on noticing. What did you notice today if you drove to work? What did you notice on your walk? We’re not mindful at all. I’m guilty. I used to preach to university students, no ipods during class. I’d send them out on a walk or run or have them do their mile fitness test without it. Most thought that was awful. Now I often catch up on a podcast or training. When I received an ipod as a gift downloaded with hundreds of my favorite artists and began using it, I was hooked. Shortly after I realized that I was in the middle of a 6 mile run and the battery died. I stopped dead in my tracks and wondered how I’d make it home. Twenty-five years of running with nothing but my thoughts and then I can’t move without it. Questions We Answer in this Episode: How changing habits is hard- [00:21:05] What your personality really is - [00:21:40] What is association vs dissociation - [00:11:40] Who do you need to become to have the results you want - [00:38:41] Changing Habits is Hard Thanks to Personality Actions start with thoughts. Our thoughts produce feelings. If we think that exercise has to be hard, then exercise becomes torture, eating differently is deprivation, or going to bed earlier is missing out. It’s those thoughts that create feelings, feelings motivate actions. Keep saying “that’s just me” then you’ll keep being the way you are now. That gets you the results you’ve been getting. Vs Adapt to the things that will get you what you want. You won’t be able to keep doing and thinking the same thing. Take a woman who wants to lose belly fat, sleep better, and build stronger bones. If she’s accustomed to nightly cocktails, those drinks may feel like a part of her personality. Even knowing the health benefits of cutting back, she may struggle to stop because her environment and habits reinforce her behavior. The same goes for habits like avoiding exercise, attending muscle-wasting bootcamps, or clinging to diets that give short-term wins but long-term setbacks. These habits feel safe because they’re familiar, even when they don’t work. But you might not be motivated about changing habits because they’ve become your personality. If it feels safe, It’s what you know. Changing feels unsafe because it disrupts comfort zones. Internal resistance arises when automatic habits take over, like reaching for coffee without thinking or defaulting to social norms. External resistance shows up when family or friends resist your changes, making it easier to stick to old patterns. Thoughts create feelings. Feelings drive actions. And familiar—even if it’s struggle—feels safe. Recognizing internal and external triggers is the first step to breaking free and creating the habits that align with your goals. Change starts in your mind. The Path to Changing Habits May Not Be the One You Think I want to leave you with two thoughts. First, maybe changing habits isn’t the goal. Reaching goals means not repeating what’s gotten the same results. Who do you need to be to have what you want? What messages are you telling yourself? What would someone where you want to be say? Second, maybe it’s time to upgrade your system, like a phone or laptop. What if you’re operating on comments from years ago—told you’re not smart, must work harder, or it’s safer to stay quiet? What if you still believe things must be hard to earn what you want? Decades later, you say, “I’ll just work harder” instead of considering “different.” Asking, “What if it were easy?” changes everything. What if you spoke up for what you need, skipped what doesn’t serve you, and said no unapologetically? Just consider what you likely already know to be true about yourself. There’s a juggling act between changing habits and having a true awareness, a mindfulness in every day. What haven’t you even dreamed that could be true of this coming year for you? Other Episodes You Might Like: Your Best 2023 | A Free Workshop for Women: From Mindless to Mindful (and Younger in Weeks): Resources: FREE 5 Day Start: 8 Simple High Protein Recipes: C60: Episode Sponsor:

    44 min
  7. 12/31/2024

    Why You Can’t Break Those Behavior Patterns that Keep You Stuck

    It’s not your motivation or discipline, it’s behavior patterns that keep you stuck. Whether it’s sugar, binge eating, nightly glass of wine, picking a fight, overreacting, staying up too late… what breaks these habits and disrupts our reactions to triggers? Today, we’re diving into eating patterns labeled “good” or “bad” and cycles of consistent exercise followed by complete inactivity. Let’s break the behavior patterns that keep you stuck! My Guest: Amber Romaniuk, an Emotional Eating, Digestive, and Hormone Expert, has 11 years’ experience helping high-achieving women build body confidence and health by overcoming self-sabotage. Her podcast, The No Sugarcoating Podcast, has 500 episodes, 1.9 million downloads, and reaches 88 countries, guiding listeners toward Body Freedom™ and confidence. Questions We Answer in This Episode: Does emotional eating amplify menopause symptoms or vice versa? - 00:05:35 How does emotional eating affect perimenopause or menopause symptoms? - 00:10:45 Why is blood sugar regulation key for emotional eating and menopause? - 00:15:25 How do low progesterone and estrogen affect mood and serotonin/dopamine? - 00:22:45 Common hormone issues in perimenopause and menopause triggering emotional eating? - 00:23:35 How to tell if emotional eating or hormones are driving symptoms. - 00:21:45 Common behavior patterns that keep you stuck—examples? - 00:29:35 How emotional eating causes weight-loss and metabolism issues. - 00:11:45 What are the links to perimenopause and menopause? - 00:25:45 Connect with Amber: On Social: Instagram: Podcast: Other Episodes You Might Like: How Emotional Eating Can Be the Hidden Reason for Weight Gain: End Diets, Food Rules, and Emotional Eating: Why your food struggles can be a blessing in disguise: Resources: Emotional Eating Quiz: Schedule a Complimentary Body Freedom Session: Free Emotional Eating Workshop Replay:

    41 min
  8. 12/27/2024

    Top 10 Flipping 50 Podcasts for 2024 | Menopause Fitness

    In one of my favorite episodes of the year, I share the top 10 Flipping 50 Podcasts for 2024. We had a virtual tie so we kick this off with a tie for the #10th most popular Flipping 50 podcast of 2024. #10 2 Big Obstacles to Gaining Lean Muscle and Fat Loss After 40 [00:04:44] Fat loss after 40 and building lean muscle can feel frustratingly out of reach. In this episode, Debra dives into the two biggest obstacles— anabolic and catabolic hormones—and how they impact your progress. September 27 #10 My Post Menopause Workout Week Experiment | What I’m Doing [00:05:40] Debra shares her personal workout experiment, balancing intensity, recovery, and volume to build lean muscle and maintain strength. Get a behind-the-scenes look at how she integrates total body workouts, split routines, and active recovery to achieve optimal results. 8 #9 5 Non-Exercise Ways to Boost Fat Burn [00:06:42] Boost fat burn during menopause with five simple strategies. Debra shares tips on hydration, protein, sleep, and smarter movement to enhance metabolism and results—no extra gym time required. August 30 #8 Muscle Protein Synthesis in Menopause: How to Plan Pre and Post Workout [00:08:12] Menopause challenges muscle maintenance, but understanding muscle protein synthesis transforms results. Debra explains hormonal impacts, the role of protein, and meal timing for fat loss, strength, and optimal muscle tone. 22 #7 Lean Muscle in Menopause: 7 Supplements I Use [00:09:41] Building lean muscle in menopause takes more than exercise. Debra shares seven daily supplements that boost muscle strength, recovery, and vitality, offering targeted strategies for better health and results. 12 #6 20 Menopause Fitness Changes You’ll Be Glad You Made [00:11:36] Discover 20 fitness changes that support your body through menopause and beyond. Debra outlines practical, science-backed strategies to optimize strength, energy, and resilience. 17 Now, for the top 5 of the Top 10 Flipping 50 Podcasts of 2024  #5 Mastering Midlife Metabolism: The Key to Fat Loss After 45 [00:15:05] Struggling with weight gain during menopause? In this episode, learn how hormonal changes during menopause affect metabolism and discover exercise routines to boost fat loss. 24 #4 Less Belly Fat: Muscle Loss is Fat Gain in Menopause [00:16:12] This episode highlights how weight training can reduce belly fat during menopause by increasing muscle mass. Know the details on effective strength training routines to improve total body fat and lean muscle resulting in re-composition. 29 #3 Unlocking the Secrets to Skin Longevity | A Solution for Crepey Skin [00:17:35] With the guest episode Dr. Alessandra from OneSkin, we explore how scientific breakthroughs can enhance skin longevity and discover practical tips to maintain youthful, healthy skin post-menopause. 26 #2 Lose Weight in Menopause Faster and Easier Than You Ever Thought Possible [00:19:29] This episode features Stu Schaefer sharing effective weight loss strategies for women in menopause. Learn how to overcome metabolic challenges and discover the best supplements and tips to lose weight more easily during this stage of life. 16 And the #1 of the Top 10 Flipping 50 Podcasts of 2024 is…. #1 I Gained Muscle After 50: How I Lost Fat [00:23:30] In this episode, I share how I lost fat and gained muscle after 50, significantly improving my body composition. How I’ve added 4 lbs of lean muscle, lost 4% body fat from 50 to 60. Through prioritizing nutrition and protein intake, I focused on eating enough rather than less. Weight training, walking, and consciously cycling my workouts became key components of my routine. Recovery strategies, such as proper hydration, sleep, and gut health, were crucial in maintaining my progress. I share the exercise & lifestyle changes that happened in this last decade. Also know what I use to enhance recovery and boost performance like Epsom salt baths, a Sunlighten Sauna, and a Power Plate. 5 And that’s a wrap for the year 2024. Thank you for listening and maybe re-listen to the Top 10 Flipping 50 podcasts of 2024. See you in 2025! Resources: Flipping 50 Membership: Flipping 50 STRONGER 12-week program: Discovery Call with Debra: Other Episodes You Might Like: Flipping 50 Top 10 Podcasts of 2023: Top 10 Podcasts 2022 | Flipping 50 Podcast: Top 10 Podcasts for Menopause Health & Fitness in 2021:

    31 min
out of 5
393 Ratings


The podcast for women in menopause and beyond who want to change the way they age. Fitness, wellness, and health research put into practical tips you can use today. You still got it, girl!

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