86 episodes

Welcome to The Prompt, where we explore the cutting edge of content creation and technology.

Jim Carter introduces a groundbreaking shift in podcasting and content production, delving deep into the world of AI. He shares how AI is not just a tool but a creative collaborator reshaping the landscape of content creation. Jim discusses the limitless possibilities AI brings to the table, from generating diverse and engaging content to pushing the boundaries of creativity.

The Prompt is an exciting, new type of podcast that is fully generated by AI - a vision executed from inside of Jim's mind. Shows are 100% authentic and use Artificial Intelligence to support the rapid distribution and growth of this new technology channel.

Join Jim as he kicks off this new concept and discover the future of content creation powered by AI, one prompt at a time, with him.

The Prompt The Prompt ft. Jim Carter

    • Technology
    • 5.0 • 31 Ratings

Welcome to The Prompt, where we explore the cutting edge of content creation and technology.

Jim Carter introduces a groundbreaking shift in podcasting and content production, delving deep into the world of AI. He shares how AI is not just a tool but a creative collaborator reshaping the landscape of content creation. Jim discusses the limitless possibilities AI brings to the table, from generating diverse and engaging content to pushing the boundaries of creativity.

The Prompt is an exciting, new type of podcast that is fully generated by AI - a vision executed from inside of Jim's mind. Shows are 100% authentic and use Artificial Intelligence to support the rapid distribution and growth of this new technology channel.

Join Jim as he kicks off this new concept and discover the future of content creation powered by AI, one prompt at a time, with him.

    ChatGPT, Gemini, Claude or Perplexity? Here's what you should use.

    ChatGPT, Gemini, Claude or Perplexity? Here's what you should use.

    ChatGPT, Gemini, Claude, or Perplexity? Which AI should you be using?
    This is the burning question Jim Carter tackles in this episode of The Prompt. With AI evolving faster than ever, Jim dives into the unique strengths of these four leading language models, giving you the lowdown on which one might be your new go-to tool.
    First up, ChatGPT. It's not just a chat tool; it's like having a research assistant, junior programmer, and data scientist all rolled into one. Imagine uploading a 45-page PDF and having ChatGPT break it down for you like you're five. Or tossing in a massive CSV file and getting clear, concise charts in return. It's a game-changer, especially with its code interpreter feature.
    Then there's Google's Gemini. This powerhouse is connected to the world's best database of websites, thanks to Google Search. Need to whip up some code for a landing page? Gemini's got you covered. Plus, it integrates seamlessly with Google Workspace, making it a go-to for heavy research and coding tasks.

    Claude, the rising star from Anthropic, is next on the list. Its latest release, Sonnet version 3.5, is turning heads with its speed and unique "artifacts" feature, which lets you refine your chat in real-time. Jim uses Claude for this very podcast, dictating his thoughts and having Claude turn them into polished episodes. It's a time-saver and a testament to Claude's nuanced understanding of writing styles.

    Lastly, there's Perplexity. This service blends models like GPT and Claude to give you comprehensive, real-time answers. It's like having an answer engine at your fingertips, perfect for on-the-go research.

    Jim's key takeaway? Experiment with all four. Each has its strengths, and finding the right one for your needs can revolutionize how you work with AI. And if you're looking for a custom AI solution, Jim's team at Bara Agency is launching Bara.AI, a first-of-its-kind service built for businesses. Check out bara.ai for more info and get on the waitlist for demos.

    So, what are you waiting for? Dive into this episode, explore these AI tools, and start shaping the future with Jim.

    And as always, let's keep pushing the boundaries, one prompt at a time!

    • 4 min
    Why I Turned OFF the Internet for a Week - And You Should Too

    Why I Turned OFF the Internet for a Week - And You Should Too

    Jim just returned from a week-long cruise to Mexico with his family, where he did the unthinkable: he disconnected from the internet. No emails, no social media, no work. And guess what? It was life-giving.
    Jim takes us through his journey of digital detox, sharing how he prepared for the trip by turning off notifications, reorganizing his phone, and setting up systems to ensure he could truly unplug. He even bought an expensive internet package for the ship but used it sparingly, only for essentials like checking in on their dog back home. The result? A newfound sense of freedom and mental clarity.

    One of the key insights Jim offers is the importance of preparation. He spent weeks getting his affairs in order, from recording video overviews for his team to writing down emergency contacts for the house sitter. This meticulous planning allowed him to fully immerse himself in the vacation without the nagging feeling of unfinished business.

    Jim also highlights the benefits of automation and delegation. By optimizing his processes and leveraging AI, he was able to step away from his business without it falling apart. This episode is a must-listen for entrepreneurs who feel tethered to their devices and are looking for ways to reclaim their time and mental space.

    So, if you're feeling overwhelmed by the constant digital noise, this episode is your wake-up call. Take a page from Jim's book and start planning your own digital detox. Trust us, your future self will thank you. And if you're ready to take it a step further, reach out to Jim's team at https://Bara.ai to see how AI can help you automate your business and give you the freedom to disconnect.

    Tune in, get inspired, and start your journey towards a more balanced, relaxed life. Catch you in the next episode of The Prompt!

    • 9 min
    The UNEXPECTED Gift That Saved My Business & Sanity

    The UNEXPECTED Gift That Saved My Business & Sanity

    Grace is not earned or deserved, but rather, the freely given love of God. Boom! That's the mic drop moment Jim Carter shares in this heartfelt episode of The Prompt.
    Jim takes us on a journey through his transformative year, celebrating the one-year anniversary of his weekly AI newsletter. But this episode is more than just a milestone; it's a deep dive into the power of grace, resilience, and the joy of consistent effort.

    Jim opens up about his life a year ago—running a digital marketing agency, feeling burnt out, and grappling with financial stress. He was in a tough spot, not being the husband and father he wanted to be. Something had to change. And change it did, but not in the way you might expect. Instead of diving into more work, Jim gave himself something intangible: grace. Inspired by a sermon from his pastor, Jim embraced the idea that grace is an unmerited favor and love from God, a gift freely given. This realization allowed him to pause, quit what no longer served him, and focus on what truly mattered.

    On May 23rd, 2023, Jim sent out the first edition of his AI newsletter, committing to cover topics he loves every week. Fast forward to today, and he's delivered 52 editions with unwavering consistency. Jim reflects on the highs and lows of this journey—weeks where he scrambled to write, weeks he wanted to ignore it, and weeks he had to remind himself to keep it fun and evolving. Yet, through it all, he showed up, delivering value and reconnecting with the joy of the process.

    Key takeaways? Embrace grace in your life, allow yourself to pause and reflect, and find joy in consistent effort. Jim's story is a testament to the power of showing up, even when it's tough. And the results speak for themselves—50-60% open rates and loyal readers who find value in every edition.

    Feeling inspired? Jim invites you to celebrate this milestone with him. If something from his newsletter added value to your life, hit him up on Instagram @causehacker and share your story.

    Here's to issue 100 and beyond! Let's keep pushing the boundaries of what's possible with AI and human connection, one prompt at a time.

    • 4 min
    How to Future Proof Your Career in the Age of AI (The Brutal Truth)

    How to Future Proof Your Career in the Age of AI (The Brutal Truth)

    "Are we creating more value than tech can replace?" That's the burning question Jim Carter tackles in this episode of The Prompt.
    Buckle up, because we're diving headfirst into the hotly debated topic of AI and job replacement. Jim kicks things off with a jaw-dropping example: a tech company slashed its content marketing team from 60 writers and editors to just one editor, thanks to ChatGPT. Ouch. A tweet responding to this story hits hard, suggesting that if AI can replace your job, maybe it wasn't that valuable to begin with. Harsh, but is there truth to it?

    Jim doesn't shy away from the tough questions. He challenges us to rethink the value we bring to our jobs, especially if they're mundane and repetitive. Remember when phone operators manually connected calls? Or when icemen delivered blocks of ice to keep food cold? Those jobs vanished with technological advancements, just like many will with AI. But AI won't just eliminate jobs; it'll create new ones. Think of it as the next evolution, like washing machines replacing manual laundry labor.

    The key takeaway? Future-proof your career by creating more value than tech can replace. Jim passionately argues that those who innovate and add unique value won't fear AI—they'll thrive alongside it. He invites listeners to join his Fast Foundations Slack community, where he shares advanced AI tools and strategies, and offers live office hours for personalized guidance.

    Notable quotes from the episode include: "If ChatGPT can take your content marketing job, you didn't really have a job to begin with," and "CREATE MORE VALUE than tech can replace - THAT is how you future-proof your career in the age of AI."

    Ready to dive deeper and stay ahead of the curve? Join Jim and other forward-thinkers in the Fast Foundations Slack community. Head over to fastfoundations.com/slack and get on the waitlist. Let's keep pushing the boundaries of what's possible, one prompt at a time. Catch you in the next episode!

    • 3 min
    Tech, Money & AI Legacy with Mel Abraham

    Tech, Money & AI Legacy with Mel Abraham

    "Your financial future got dumped in your lap." That's how Jim kicks off this episode with financial expert Mel Abraham.
    If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed by managing your money, this episode is your new best friend. Jim and Mel dive deep into the world of personal finance, but don't worry—this isn't your typical snooze-fest financial talk. Mel’s new book, "Your Money Machine," is the star of the show, and it’s all about making money management simple, actionable, and, dare we say, fun?
    Mel shares some eye-opening stats: the median savings for retirement is just $89,000, while you need $1.46 million to retire comfortably. Yikes! But fear not, Mel’s here to guide you through the chaos. He emphasizes the importance of having conversations about money and making it less taboo. His mantra? "Earnings are your seeds. Live off of the crop, not the seeds." Powerful, right?
    Jim and Mel also explore the tech side of things. Mel’s approach to his book launch is a masterclass in leveraging technology without losing the human touch. From automations that streamline his workflow to AI tools that help with content creation, Mel’s got it all figured out. He even talks about using AI to create a digital clone of himself for educational purposes. Imagine having a conversation with Mel anytime you want!
    One of the most touching moments is when Mel discusses the legacy he wants to leave for his grandkids. He’s using technology to ensure that his wisdom and voice are preserved for future generations. It’s a poignant reminder of the power of tech when used with heart and integrity.
    Key takeaways? Start having those money conversations now, leverage technology to free up your time, and always think about the legacy you’re leaving behind. Mel’s approach is all about making complex financial concepts accessible and actionable.
    "Earnings are your seeds. Live off of the crop, not the seeds." Is one of our favorite quotes of the epiosode.
    Grab Mel’s book at yourmoneymachinebook.com and start building your money machine today & approaching tech like the big players.
    Follow Mel on Instagram @MelAbraham9 and subscribe to his YouTube channel for more invaluable insights. Don’t just read the book—do the book. Your future self will thank you.

    • 45 min
    Apple AI: Your Ultimate Personal Assistant

    Apple AI: Your Ultimate Personal Assistant

    Today, we're talking about the latest buzz in the tech world: Apple's personalized AI. This technology is designed to simplify tasks and enable seamless actions across apps, all while keeping your privacy and data control front and center.
    Apple Intelligence: The Future of AI
    Apple's new AI can generate images, summarize text, and create custom emojis within native apps. Available for free on devices with an M1 chip or later, including the iPhone 15 Pro, iPad Pro, and the entire Mac lineup.

    Siri Gets a Major Upgrade
    Siri is becoming more natural, relevant, and personal. It will cross-reference information and respond to conversational language, making it feel like you’re chatting with a super-smart friend.

    Writing and App Control
    The AI offers proofreading, rewriting, and summarizing features to help you craft the perfect message. It can also control apps, allowing you to ask Siri to pull up specific files or photos.

    Privacy and Security: A Top Priority
    Most AI models are processed on-device, with 'Private Cloud Compute' as a backup. Apple’s partnership with OpenAI allows users to write text using ChatGPT, but only with your permission.

    The Controversy: Elon Musk's Concerns
    Elon Musk has criticized the partnership, citing privacy and security concerns. He’s even threatened to ban Apple devices from his companies if Apple integrates OpenAI's technology at the operating system level.

    The Bigger Picture
    This conflict highlights broader concerns about user privacy and data security in AI, as well as competitive tensions between major tech companies.

    • 4 min

Customer Reviews

5.0 out of 5
31 Ratings

31 Ratings

dorothyholla ,

A must listen to stay on the cutting edge

Jim is a true leader in the field of AI, showing by example what is possible. Lots of people are talking about the more exciting frontiers of AI capabilities when it comes to content creation, but Jim is actually putting these new tools into action and bringing us along for the ride in real time. He is my go-to expert to understand how to use AI to push my business forward with content.

_Jayay ,

Thanks for sharing the knowledge!

As a web developer for over two decades, I’ve built and contributed to countless website projects. I expected Ep 7 of the Fast Foundations Podcast would mostly cover subjects I already know all about and I considered skipping this episode altogether, but boy am I glad I didn’t!

There are a ton of helpful resources and recommendations that I would have completely missed out on!

Not only does Jim walk you through the basics and explain the various options for selecting web hosting and setting up an e-commerce platform, but he drops the knowledge with super useful insider tips for quick ways to improve efficiency, get blazing fast web page speeds, and simplify the customer journey - all with minimal effort and no coding required.

It seems that the principles behind Fast Foundations the Mastermind hold true here - that we don’t know what we don’t know, and one of the best ways to succeed and grow is to share what we DO know with others.

So, thanks for sharing the knowledge Jim & R.T! While I wait for more episodes I’m gonna go install NitroPack on all my client’s sites!

Keith B24 ,

Love the Fast Foundation Mastermind

FFM has had a huge impact on my life. Love the new Podcast and can’t wait to hear many more stories from past attendees!

Jess, RT and Jim rock! I have learned so much from them and can’t wait to learn more from the future podcast episodes!

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