The Resilience Podcast

Resilience Institute
The Resilience Podcast

A podcast by the Resilience Institute, hosted by Brad Hook. Dedicated to resilience insights, interviews and practical tips. Find out how we measure and build resilience skills in the workplace at

  1. 2 DAYS AGO

    Mindful Leadership in Action: How Taking a Pause Builds Resilience | Nicola Bentley

    This episode is brought to you by the Resilience Assessment and hosted by Brad Hook. Order your copy of Brad's new book, Start With Values, now! The Guest: Nicola Bentley is a mindful leadership coach who works with leaders to cultivate resilience through mindfulness practices. Her background in marketing, yoga, and mindfulness informs her approach to helping leaders align focus, flow, and fulfillment. Nicola has developed a program called Pillars of Resilience that empowers leaders to navigate life’s challenges with clarity and purpose. Connect with Nicola on LinkedIn Visit her website: Get ⁠Resilience Assessment⁠ for yourself or your team Episode Overview: In this episode, Nicola Bentley discusses the intersection of mindfulness and leadership, emphasizing how leaders can cultivate resilience to navigate challenges with clarity and balance. She explores the spectrum of resilience, from everyday setbacks to life-altering adversity, and shares practical strategies for mindful leadership. Nicola also highlights the importance of intention-setting and mindful pauses to enhance decision-making and overall well-being in high-pressure environments. Key Takeaways: Resilience is More Than Bouncing Back: Resilience is the ability to navigate life’s challenges with clarity and grace, moving beyond setbacks and learning from adversity. Mindfulness Cultivates Leadership and Resilience: Mindful awareness helps leaders make better decisions, stay present, and enhance their self-awareness, allowing them to lead with intention and calm. Intentional Pauses Improve Decision-Making: Taking mindful pauses before reacting or making decisions creates space for reflection, leading to more thoughtful and effective leadership. Quotes: "Mindful leadership helps us move from a place of being overwhelmed to being aligned with focus, flow, and fulfillment." "Resilience is about navigating life with clarity, agency, equanimity, and grace." "Taking a pause creates space for skillfulness." "We can be in the driver’s seat of our lives and align who we are with who we want to be."

    46 min
  2. OCT 18

    High Performance Series: Leading with Passion, Vulnerability, and Purpose | Deon MacMillan

    This episode is brought to you by the Resilience Assessment and hosted by Brad Hook. Order your copy of Brad's new book, Start With Values, now! The guest: Deon is the Global Chief People Officer at PAX8. With a diverse background that includes growing up in Alaska and a career spanning HR, leadership, and consulting, Deon is passionate about cultivating high-performance teams and fostering cultures of empathy and candor. Connect Deon on LinkedIn Get ⁠Resilience Assessment⁠ for yourself or your team In this episode, Deon discusses her journey from Alaska to becoming a global leader in HR. She explores key leadership values, the complexities of building high-performance teams, and how vulnerability and compassion play central roles in driving sustainable performance. Deon shares insights on leadership, emotional intelligence, and why understanding people deeply is critical to success in today’s fast-paced business world. Key Takeaways: Vulnerability is Strength: Great leadership embraces vulnerability. When leaders are open about challenges and mistakes, it creates a space for learning and resilience. Emotional Intelligence is Crucial: Leaders who develop self-awareness and empathy can better navigate team dynamics, especially in remote or global environments. Building Resilience through Stressors: Just like muscles grow through stress, professional resilience grows when individuals are given challenging tasks that push them out of their comfort zones. Personal Connection Fuels Performance: Understanding what motivates your team on a personal level (affirmation, feedback, or support) can significantly increase discretionary effort and long-term engagement. Quotes: "There is no one-size-fits-all. You have to meet the individuals where they are and understand what makes them tick." "Passion drives discretionary effort—the extra mile that defines high performance." "Compassionate candor can be tough, but it's crucial for creating environments of growth and learning." "Great leaders have failed—it's those who’ve been knocked down and got back up who make the most impactful leaders." "Resilience is built when you apply pressure, face challenges, and allow for mistakes." Tune in to the full conversation for an in-depth exploration of these themes and stay connected for more transformative content in upcoming episodes.

    53 min
  3. OCT 11

    High Performance Series: Redefining Success | Michelle Moore

    This episode is brought to you by the Resilience Assessment and hosted by Brad Hook. Order your copy of Brad's new book, Start With Values, now! The guest: Michelle Moore is an award-winning leadership coach, speaker, and author of the book Real Wins. With a background as a former athlete and a twenty-year career in senior leadership roles across sport, government and education her pioneering advocacy work and coaching and leadership programmes have transformed the lives of professionals, young people, athletes, and the culture of many organisations. Voted as one of the UK’s 50 Most 'Influential Women in Sport’ Michelle’s work supports individuals to transform themselves to positively impact their communities. Her work spans across various industries, with a core emphasis on resilience, equity, and social justice. Michelle uses her platform to advocate for change and helps individuals unlock their potential through leadership coaching and conscious self-awareness. Connect Michelle on LinkedIn Check out her book, Real Wins Get ⁠Resilience Assessment⁠ for yourself or your team In this episode, Michelle Moore dives into the importance of resilience, mindset, and leadership in personal and professional growth. Drawing from her own journey as an athlete and leader, Michelle shares how resilience is cultivated over time and how conscious leadership can create transformative change. She also explores how redefining success on your own terms can help overcome self-doubt and limiting beliefs. Key Takeaways: Resilience is Lifelong: Building resilience is a continuous process, not a one-time achievement. It’s about filling your “kit bag” with tools and strategies that allow you to navigate challenges over the course of life. Redefining Success: Success isn’t just about achieving a specific goal but about learning from the journey and owning your unique path. Conscious Leadership: Leaders must develop self-awareness, empathy, and adaptability to effectively lead others, especially in challenging environments. Self-Care as Resistance: Particularly for marginalized individuals, self-care is not just a wellness trend—it’s an act of resistance and a necessity for maintaining resilience. Mindset is Everything: Visualizing success and reframing negative thoughts are key to unlocking your full potential. Tune in to hear more about how Michelle uses her life experiences, expertise and mindset to help others embrace resilience and find their own path to success. Stay tuned for more episodes packed with insights on high performance, leadership, and personal growth.

    52 min
  4. OCT 4

    High Performance Series: Building Resilient Leadership for Crisis Situations | Claudia Van Den Heuvel

    This episode is brought to you by the Resilience Assessment and hosted by Brad Hook. Order your copy of Brad's new book, Start With Values, now! The guest: Claudia Van Den Heuvel is the Director at PwC in the Crisis and Resilience team, where she helps organizations prepare for, respond to, and recover from crises. With a background in psychology, including two master’s degrees and a PhD, Claudia specializes in crisis leadership and building resilient leadership teams. She also runs the Crisis Leadership Center, where she designs developmental training programs for leaders to elevate their resilience baseline and navigate high-pressure situations effectively. Connect with Claudia on LinkedIn Get ⁠Resilience Assessment⁠ for yourself or your team In this episode, Claudia Van Den Heuvel discusses how to build high-performing crisis leadership teams. She highlights the importance of resilience at both the individual and collective levels, and how it directly impacts decision-making, communication, and leadership during high-pressure situations. Claudia also shares her insights on crisis preparedness, the role of psychology in leadership, and how teams can maintain performance over the long haul during a crisis. Key Takeaways: Resilience as the Foundation for Performance: Resilience is crucial for high performance during a crisis, impacting decision-making, communication, and the ability to maintain energy levels under pressure. Crisis Leadership Behaviors: High-performing crisis teams are able to think strategically, make timely decisions, and communicate effectively even under extreme pressure. Collective Effervescence: Teams that share a strong identity and purpose are more resilient and perform better during crises. Collective resilience is as important as individual resilience in navigating complex challenges. The Two Sides of Resilience: Resilience requires both grit and recovery. Leaders need to focus not only on perseverance but also on rest and support to sustain performance and avoid burnout. Quotes: "Resilience is the foundation of performance in crisis situations." "Crises bring people together and can accelerate change if we have the courage to see them as opportunities." "You need to spend equal time on both sides of the resilience coin—grit and recovery." "A shared identity and purpose increase team performance and resilience under pressure." Tune in to the full conversation for an in-depth exploration of these themes and stay connected for more transformative content in upcoming episodes.

    25 min
  5. SEP 27

    High Performance Series: Balancing Structure and Flexibility for Team Success | Nicolai Tillisch

    This episode is brought to you by the Resilience Assessment and hosted by Brad Hook. Order your copy of Brad's new book, Start With Values, now! The guest: Nicolai Tillisch is a leadership coach working with leaders in Europe, North America, and the Middle East. As a partner at Cultivating Leadership, Nicolai focuses on helping leadership teams navigate complex challenges and achieve sustainable high performance. He is also the author of Return on Ambition and is currently working on his next book, The Flower and the Cogwheel, which explores balancing structured and organic approaches to leadership. Connect with Nicolai on LinkedIn Nicolai's book Get ⁠⁠Resilience Assessment⁠⁠ for yourself or your team Key Takeaways: Balance Between Structure and Flexibility: High-performing teams require both structured processes (the cogwheel) and an organic, experimental approach (the flower) to navigate complexity and change. Curiosity, Courage, and Connection: To nurture innovation and resilience, leaders must cultivate curiosity, step into uncertainty with courage, and foster strong connections within their teams. Sustainable High Performance: High performance is not constant—it’s the result of effective practice and favorable conditions. Well-being and growth are key components that fuel sustained success. Purpose and Context Matter: A team's purpose defines the type of leadership and approach needed. Leaders should continuously assess the team's current state, the challenges they face, and adapt their leadership accordingly. Quotes: "You can't just lead a team, you need to create space for them to interact, experiment, and grow." "High performance is a result of practice and conditions—it can't be forced or guaranteed." "To nurture a thriving team, you need curiosity, courage, and connection." "Achievement, growth, and well-being reinforce each other and are essential for sustained success." Tune in to the full conversation for an in-depth exploration of these themes and stay connected for more transformative content in upcoming episodes.

    32 min
  6. SEP 20

    High Performance Series: Aligning Fulfillment with Values | Alex James

    This episode is brought to you by the Resilience Assessment and hosted by Brad Hook. Order your copy of Brad's new book, Start With Values, now! The guest: Alex James is an executive coach who specializes in working with founder CEOs, consultants, and C-suite leaders around the world. With a strong background in leadership from a young age, Alex transitioned from a corporate career to starting her own coaching business nearly six years ago. Her work focuses on helping high performers align their personal and professional lives with their values. Alex is passionate about fulfillment, mind mobility, and emotional literacy, integrating these concepts into her coaching practice to help her clients lead more fulfilling, resilient lives. Connect with Alex on LinkedIn Get ⁠Resilience Assessment⁠ for yourself or your team In this episode, Alex shares her journey from sales leadership to executive coaching, emphasizing the importance of aligning with one’s values for a fulfilling life. She discusses the role of discipline, rest, and recovery in achieving high performance, and how practicing mind mobility can help individuals manage their emotional states and shift their mindset during high-pressure situations. Alex also highlights the importance of integrity, humility, and responsibility in cultivating resilience and living a purpose-driven life. Key Takeaways: Fulfillment over Happiness: Alex challenges the traditional pursuit of happiness, emphasizing the importance of aligning your life with your values and finding fulfillment instead of chasing fleeting moments of joy. Mind Mobility: Developing emotional agility and the ability to shift your mindset under pressure is a powerful skill that leads to greater self-awareness and freedom. Rest and Recovery: High performers must prioritize rest and physical health, understanding that pushing past your limits without adequate recovery is unsustainable in the long term. Integrity and Humility: Living with integrity—staying true to your values—and embracing humility are key components of resilience. Taking responsibility for your life and actions creates a foundation for long-term growth and peace. Quotes: "Happiness is an elusive piece, but fulfillment is sustainable." "Rest and recovery are just as important as discipline in achieving high performance." "Integrity gives you peace, knowing you did your best, regardless of the outcome." "Mind mobility allows you to shift your own experience and gives you freedom." Tune in to the full conversation for an in-depth exploration of these themes and stay connected for more transformative content in upcoming episodes.

    51 min
  7. SEP 13

    High Performance Series: The Leadership Shift | Stuart Andrews

    This episode is brought to you by the Resilience Assessment and hosted by Brad Hook. Order your copy of Brad's new book, Start With Values, now! The guest: Stuart Andrews is an executive leadership consultant and coach with over 20 years of experience. He specializes in empowering business leaders to unleash their full potential and cultivate high-performing teams. Stuart has held leadership roles in global companies, including Fortune 500 firms, and is the author of "The Leadership Shift." His expertise lies in business analysis, project management, and fostering high-performing cultures. Connect with Stuart on ⁠LinkedIn⁠ ⁠Stuart's⁠ website Get ⁠Resilience Assessment⁠ for yourself or your team In this engaging episode, Stuart emphasizes the importance of trust and psychological safety as foundational elements for high-performing teams. Leaders must exemplify the organization's values and provide real-time feedback to nurture a culture of fearlessness and innovation. He outlines practical strategies for creating a psychologically safe workplace, such as demonstrating vulnerability and openness within leadership teams. The conversation also delves into the challenges of differing opinions and the role of leadership in resolving conflicts to ensure alignment and unity. Key takeaways: Trust and Psychological Safety: Key elements in building high-performing teams are trust and psychological safety, allowing team members to express their opinions freely and authentically. Leadership's Role: Effective leadership is fundamental in setting the culture and values of an organization. Leaders must walk the talk to foster trust and engagement. Real-Time Feedback: Gone are the days of annual performance reviews. Continuous, real-time feedback is critical for employee development and organizational growth. Conflict Resolution: Addressing conflicts through structured debates and open communication is essential for maintaining high performance and team cohesion. Values in Action: Organizations must live their values every day, not just display them on a website. This commitment to values directly impacts employee engagement and business success. "Leadership behaviors need to be demonstrated and exemplified in every aspect of the organization." "If those values that they've signed up to are lived and breathed every single day, they're not odds." "Psychological safety starts with the leadership team being able to sit down with their teams and be vulnerable."

    19 min
  8. SEP 6

    High Performance Series: Why High Recovery is Essential | Michka Guerrier

    This episode is brought to you by the Resilience Assessment and hosted by Brad Hook. Order your copy of Brad's new book, Start With Values, now! The guest: Michka Guerrier is a director at PwC and the founder of High Realities. With over 16 years of global experience, Michka integrates elite sports methodologies into the business world to help individuals and teams reach their full potential. Aside from his professional career in business consulting and IT consulting, Michka has a rich background in sports, having competed in tennis, Thai boxing, MMA, and free grappling. He is also pursuing international mountain guide certification. Connect with Michka on LinkedIn High Realities website Get Resilience Assessment for yourself or your team The conversation delves deep into practical strategies for fostering high performance, resilience, and dealing with setbacks in a team environment. Michka emphasizes the value of empowerment, purpose, and role modeling in leadership while discussing the misconceptions around burnout and the importance of a balanced life. Highlighting the lessons learned from elite sports, Michka shares his insights on urgency, consistency, and the holistic approach to performance, advocating for leaders to create environments where team members can thrive. Key Takeaways: Growth Addiction: Human beings are inherently driven by the desire to grow and acquire new skills. High performance is deeply linked to continuous growth and development. Role Modeling Recovery: Leaders need to model proper recovery and stress management. High performance is achieved through a balance of pushing boundaries and adequate recovery. Purpose Over Financial Reward: Purpose and growth drive high performers more than financial incentives. A fulfilling work environment where individuals can grow is paramount. 1. "A high-performance team is a team where growth is happening." 2. "If you want high performance, you need high recovery." 3. "In my view, first of all, nobody is to blame [for burnout], but there is one person responsible, and that’s you." 4. "Inspirational leadership starts with leading yourself. People will notice whether you are living a healthy, balanced life." Tune in to the full conversation for an in-depth exploration of these themes and stay connected for more transformative content in upcoming episodes.

    1h 5m

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A podcast by the Resilience Institute, hosted by Brad Hook. Dedicated to resilience insights, interviews and practical tips. Find out how we measure and build resilience skills in the workplace at

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