76 episodes

Welcome to The Sovereign Collective Podcast where we provide you with Real, Raw Truth, for your self-empowerment. In this show, I, Sascha Kalivoda, explore all aspects of life that contribute to making a healthy, robust and well-adjusted human being. My mission is to bring wisdom back into the kitchen and in the home, and I believe this takes each of us being willing to question everything we know, and unlearn most of it. I never censor here as I believe you are strong enough to hear both sides of a story and make up your own mind. In a time of censorship and dangerous government overreach, I challenge you to reconsider what you think know and open your mind to the fact that much of what you have learned in life may not actually be true. Thank you for joining me and I hope you enjoy learning from my guests as much as I do. For more about me, check out Episode 0.

The Sovereign Collective Sascha Kalivoda

    • Health & Fitness
    • 4.8 • 13 Ratings

Welcome to The Sovereign Collective Podcast where we provide you with Real, Raw Truth, for your self-empowerment. In this show, I, Sascha Kalivoda, explore all aspects of life that contribute to making a healthy, robust and well-adjusted human being. My mission is to bring wisdom back into the kitchen and in the home, and I believe this takes each of us being willing to question everything we know, and unlearn most of it. I never censor here as I believe you are strong enough to hear both sides of a story and make up your own mind. In a time of censorship and dangerous government overreach, I challenge you to reconsider what you think know and open your mind to the fact that much of what you have learned in life may not actually be true. Thank you for joining me and I hope you enjoy learning from my guests as much as I do. For more about me, check out Episode 0.

    075 - Where Have All the Men Gone? with Tymothy Roy

    075 - Where Have All the Men Gone? with Tymothy Roy

    In an inverted world where we can keep on track by pretty much doing exactly the opposite of what the so-called 'experts' recommend, the resilience of the population depends on actualized men and women dancing and working together to keep the ball rolling forward.
    When we allow the lines of masculine and feminine energies to be blurred, when we agree to pretend that masculine and feminine roles don't matter, then we agree to our own demise.
    It's time to turn this nonsense on its head. It's time to stop calling masculinity toxic and pretending that women don't need men. Sure, maybe we can get by, but will be fulfilled? Will we be able to express our true divine feminine without that intimate dance with the strong masculine?
    And who will we call when the pipes back up? When the car breaks down? When something heavy needs to be moved?
    I for one wouldn't exchange my relationship for anything. I've always appreciated my man and all he does for me... and he does A LOT. One of his goals is to make my life better, and for that I am deeply grateful and never take him for granted.
    Tymothy Roy, or Tym, knows relationship... with self or another. He coaches men, women and couples to find the truth of who they are. He sees his clients' strength before they are ready to embody it themselves and he won't let them off the hook because he knows what they are capable of.
    In this interview Tym talks about the healthy masculine, the psy-op of de-masculating the man, the healthy feminine, and how women can support the blossoming of our men. His insights are so powerful, yet practical and he definitely inspires each of us to find the truth within so that we can fully embody and walk the path we came to walk.
    In this interview Tym tells us about:
    How the destruction of the male is part of a larger agendaA document call "Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars" and how it spells out how to dismantle the familyHow the power of the feminine can destroy the masculineHow the masculine thrivesHow Tym regained his backboneHow some women are 'frog farmers'How the current agenda has been planned for aa very long timeHow Tym learned much of psychology in his study of marketingHow the 'idiot' husband is often portrayed in televisionHow respect is a man's version of appreciationHow Tym relates a maxim in equity (for those of you studying law) to the masculine and feminine energiesTym's view of the feminine being 'water'How the masculine gives form to the feminine as the banks do to a riverHow the river/the feminine can erode the masculineHow being taken for granted will erode the masculine faster than anything elseTym's explanation of the 'game' between Wesley and Princess Buttercup in "The Princess Bride"Tym's 5 Tenets of Embodying the MasculineHow men can/should be 'mind readers'The male provider roleHealthy male traitsWhat toxic masculinity really isHow the masculine rechargesHow a conscious woman can draw the man out of the boyThe importance of taking radical personal responsibilityHow the conscious feminine can surrender to the masculine to foster his conscious masculineTym''s principle: Nothing has happened until it is feltand more!
    I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I did. This is a conversation that needs to be front and centre in my opinion... knowing who we are and owning it will lead to empowering the people, creating a freer and ultimately more fulfilling life, and bring forth healthy, well adjusted future generations.
    Right now we seem to be on a crash course to nowhere, but we can change that with a simple willingness to look within and find what is true and to turn off anything and anyone that is not in alignment with your highest good.
    Together we will rise above, so please reach out and comment if you enjoyed this show. It always touches me deeply to hear from you.
    To find Tym:
    Are you concerned about the future of our children?
    The world needs more consc

    • 1 hr 20 min
    074 - C@ncer, What is it Really? with Danny Carroll

    074 - C@ncer, What is it Really? with Danny Carroll

    In a world where pretty much everyone knows someone or is themselves dealing with cancer, it's time to shed some light on a whole different perspective of why the body forms tumors and goes into what we term 'cancer'.
    My guest today, Danny Carroll, went on a mission to learn how to heal cancer after he lost his good friend to cancer treatment some years ago.
    Years into his quest, he came across the work of Dr. Hamer, and after 12 years of study he has never looked back.
    Now Danny is on a mission to write a simple, easy to digest book on pretty much every 'disease' within his lifetime, to inform humanity in lay terms why they have their symptoms and how to really get at the solution.
    And not only does Danny's expertise in GNM make him someone worth listening to, his own experiences with FIVE different cancers really give him insight as to how this body really works.
    It's time to take the fear out of our bodies and insert wonder and curiosity for the wisdom and innate capacity to heal that we all have.
    If you haven't listened to episode #64 with Tanya Verquin, I highly recommend that you do before listening to this one. I know it's a lot of your time, but I promise you that it is worth it!
    Please listen to this interview in its entirely, there are insights and new perspectives to be gained all along the way.
    And to be clear, this is NOT medical advice... you decide what you do with your body, I'm just sharing someone's story.
    In this interview we learn about:
    Danny's book writing missionThe cancers Danny has had and the one he currently hasThe real reason for melanomaThe tragic story of the loss of Danny's friend and his resultant life path changeDanny's story of how an ongoing problem in his muscles disappeared overnightHis discovery of Dr. Hamer's workThe persecution of Dr. Hamer and his persistenceThe Iron Rule of CancerDanny's thoughts on 'turbo' cancersDr. Hamer's testicular cancer and its biological significanceHow we are able to turn cancer off like a light switchDanny's jaw cancer - it's a doozyHow Danny controlled the pain with no pain killers after reconstructive jaw surgeryDanny's melanoma story - the one he healed and the ones he is leaving beTurning symptoms off when you don't know the original causeHow Danny healed his recent bout of deep depression after the death of his motherHis physical healing symptom of a 'charlie horse' in his kideny for one month afterwardHow GNM wants a 'biological' solutionHow tracks/reminders turn the program onHow Danny's rheumatoid arthritis in his shoulder was triggeredHow we can learn to manage tracks and triggers if we don't biologically solve the problemHow prophylactic removal of an organ will not solve or prevent a problem (e.g. breast removal to avoid breast cancer)Why we can't solve problems by addressing symptoms onlyHow the organ is just a vessel for the symptom, it is not where the issue originatesWhy dairy farmers are very familiar with breast cancerThe flawed and theoretical concept of metastasisWhat actually has happened when someone is riddled with cancerExample causes of lung, liver and lymphatic cancerWhen Danny believes that cutting out a tumor is necessaryDanny's plan to leave the melanomas on his back and their purposeWhat microbes really doHow your capacity to heal is impacted if you've lived a sterile life or have take a lot of antibioticsWhat to expect when healing occurs and its relation to the intensity and duration of the conflictHow to downgrade intensity of conflictsWhy most people don't actually experience their healing symptomsDanny's book writing goal expected to span the rest of his lifeThe importance of learning GNM BEFORE you get sickand more!
    Enjoy this highly insightful and empowering interview and please share with anyone who may benefit...it's time to take back our power and learn to understand the wonders of the human body.
    Get in contact with Danny:
    Website: https://danny-carroll.com/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/danny.carroll.9041

    • 1 hr 59 min
    073 - The VITAL Importance of Healthy Fascia for Whole Mind/Body Health with Anna Rahe

    073 - The VITAL Importance of Healthy Fascia for Whole Mind/Body Health with Anna Rahe

    Sometimes I struggle with giving a title to my podcasts... I try to figure out how I can hook people in so that they will listen to something that I find so freaking fascinating and I try to implore how crazy important the topic is.
    The subject of fascia BLOWS my mind, and I want everyone to listen to this!!
    Fascia is finally become a more widely discussed area of health and wellness, but it still does not receive the attention it deserves in my opinion.
    It literally impacts EVERYTHING to do with our mind-body system, something that Anna Rahe of GST Body has known for decades.
    Anna developed a method of movement years ago when she was trying to heal and understand the root of her chronic pain and digestive and lung problems, despite being a yoga and pilates instructor.
    She decided that spending 2 to 3 hours per night to undo her pain ignited during the day just wasn't going to fit into her life forever.
    From this pain, introspection and great curiosity, GST Body was born, and through her methods and tools, she has helped many find ease and vitality in their bodies.
    This is the first of hopefully several conversations... I have many more questions and don't even know yet the full potential of where this topic can go, but I want to find out!
    In this interview, Anna tells us about:
    Her pain that started intensely at 18 years old after releasing emotional traumaHow all her certifications as a trainer, yoga and pilates instructor did not help her and in fact exacerbated her problemsHer revelation that fascia was the thing she was missingHow she learned how to get the results she was seeking via movement rather than with the tools she was usingJunk movement = junk fasciaHow focusing on movement brings permanence to positive changeFascia being our 'energetic' system and is a 'distributive' systemHow unhealthy fascia is an electrical block to the body as plugged arteries are a block to the circulatory systemNot all fascia changes yield the same resultsHow fascia has the greatest sensory network of all tissueHow the 5 different mechanical receptors require different inputsHow the fascial net is wired to the nervous system netThe need for many types of movementHow the body remodels according to its influencesHow frequently we need short movement breaksThe fact that most people have over-contracted fasciaHow fascia likes wide ranges of motion and the three types of action it requiresThe three elements that fascia requiresHow rolling doesn't move the pump of fasciaThe need for a variety of movementIf muscle is over-contracting, fascia is under-animatingMy story of releasing my SI joint after days of it being stuckThe need to contract muscles in a certain sequence in order for fascia to flowHow our biomechanics are no longer naturalIf tissue is not gliding, adrenals are held captive3 tips for what you can start incorporating dailyThe reflex of fascia that initiates the desire to moveHow your anxiety and pain are alarms for you to move your fasciaPoints for healing bad hipsNew understanding fo the brain-body relationshipand SO much more!
    This is the tip of the iceberg and I can't wait to get into more. I love this topic so much as it invites us to get curious and know ourselves at a deeper level; when we own it, it is totally empowering and up to us.
    That is powerful!
    We depend far too much on outside influences. It's time to take it ALL back... and knowing your fascia, I believe, is a path to knowing your SELF.
    Please share all around and please check out my store at: https://www.sovereigncollective.org/shop/
    To find out more about Anna and her offerings:
    Website: https://gstbody.com/
    Website: https://www.annarahe.com/
    You Tube: https://www.youtube.com/@TheGSTBody
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/annaraheofgst/
    If you like what you heard here then please share! This podcast is being censored so it depends on people like you to spread the word.
    Also, please like and subscribe wherever you listen... it all helps and I appreciate it w

    • 1 hr 13 min
    072 - Human Design and Finding Your Purpose and Success in Business with Ros Isbel

    072 - Human Design and Finding Your Purpose and Success in Business with Ros Isbel

    Ros is back for another episode on Human Design. If you missed the first one, then be sure to listen to episode #46 to get a basic understand of HD and how we can raise healthy, well-adjusted kids and support their unique nature rather than trying to force behaviours and qualities that innately are not theirs.
    In this episode, we get into HD and business, finding your purpose and how to form strong partnerships. There are many fascinating tidbits that come up in this interview, so be sure to listen to the whole thing!
    Before listening to this episode, go to https://mybodygraph.com/ , enter your particulars, and follow along with your chart in front of you. You will learn some fascinating insights!
    In this episode, Ros shares with us:
    How HD allows you to see on paper who you came here to beHow HD is a snapshot of where we were at the time of our birth and the imprint of the celestial objects based on where they were at the timeThe 5 'types' in HDThe strategy for GeneratorsHow Manifestors are the only type that is meant to get an idea and go with itHow Projectors are meant to be invited to have their knowledge invited out of themHow Reflectors reflect back to us what is going on for usThe Reflector strategy... hint, don't rush a Reflector when it comes to major decisions!How knowing the design of your children leads to a whole new understanding of how to relate to themTactics for idea generation for Generators who need to respond to something outside of themselvesHow it is extremely important for Generator types to do something that lights them upThe importance of why Projectors need to be constantly working on their vibeA word on Reflectors (1% of the population)The not-self theme of the ReflectorHow Reflectors can be used as a 'barometer'What 'emotionally defined' means and how those are defined this way need to ride out their 'emotional wave' before making bigger decisionsHow partnerships can be optimizedHow your HD chart can give you insight as to your life's purposeHow your Neptune numbers show you what you are here to do to serve humanity and get compensated for itHow often Projectors struggle working for someone elseA quick review of strategies and authourities for each typeMore on authourities (see video link below for a broader explanation)What it means when your 'will centre' is undefined (white) and how it affects how you price your offeringsWhy doing what many of the highly successful entrepreneurs are telling you to do for your business growth may not be workingSome specific gates and what they mean if defined or undefined (super interesting!)The other charts involved in HDThe Solar Return chart - how it tells you what energy is coming at you for the coming yearHow to find Ros and all her offerings, free and paidRos's last word on the power of understanding who you are from the perspective of HDand more of course!
    Check out my store page for discounts on various products at: https://www.sovereigncollective.org/shop/
    How to find Ros:
    Website: https://findyournaturalgroove.com/
    You Tube: https://www.youtube.com/@RosIsbelHumanDesign
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/findyournaturalgroove/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FindYourNaturalGroove
    Ros's video on Authourities: https://youtu.be/boWzz8cf-Cw?si=QGnQ1KcZAYz8vQng
    Get your free chart here: https://mybodygraph.com/
    If you like what you heard here then please share! This podcast is being censored so it depends on people like you to spread the word.
    Are you concerned about the future of our children?
    The world needs more conscious parents. Stop raising children who need to recover from their childhoods! Get your online program chock full of interviews with world renowned experts here:
    Email me: sascha at sovereigncollective dot org

    • 1 hr 34 min
    071 - The Fundamental Importance of Lymph Flow to Heal and Change Your Terrain with Kelly Kennedy

    071 - The Fundamental Importance of Lymph Flow to Heal and Change Your Terrain with Kelly Kennedy

    Finally I'm talking lymph and a bit of fascia. This is a topic I've been wanting to cover for a long time, and who better to do this with other than Kelly Kennedy, the 'Lymph Queen'?
    In the western world, we often don't hear of the lymph being addressed, but this system, which is larger than the blood circulation system, is key to our good health.
    Not only does the lymphatic system deliver nutrients, but it is literally our sewer system, and if it isn't flowing, our sewer backs up, stagnation occurs, and we no longer can access our divine, innate healer within.
    After a receiving a biology degree from Cornell and realizing that the topic of health is vast, Kelly began to pursue her own education in classical alternative therapies culminating with a two year intensive in European Bio-Regulatory Medicine. Since then, she has also received her massage license, certification in Cranial Fascia Technique, and is currently studying to become a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner.  
    Kelly is the go-to for all things lymph and this is what we get into for our first interview. One hour wasn't nearly enough time, so stay tuned for the second interview!
    Kelly's story of being raised with a sick father, her severe car accident, the epigenetic patterning of her familyHow after searching for 3 years, her pain was released in one session of emotional releasing and energy workHow fascia is where the autonomic NS fibres areFascia being the frequency fabric of the bodyHow to be free of burdens of the physical bodyHow if you don't know how the body works, you will never be freeThe gifts Kelly has gained from recently breaking her elbowHow when being honest with how we feel we don't hold onto our burdensThe importance of allowing our bodies to expressThe need to align and integrate with our bodiesHow the cells are being signalledThe need for the space to drain for cells to clean outThe fact that we have 3x lymphatic fluid than bloodWe can change signalling by cleaning debris that is causing mis-signallingThe fact that we have 600 to 1000 lymph nodesThe need to move differently and oftenThe vast amount of lymphatic tissue in the body...it's way more than you think!Functions of lymphatic systemHow we can't live for 1 second without a lymph systemThe intricate relationship between lymph and fasciathe whole picture of healing through breath, trust, frequency and resonanceHow fascia doesn't like iceHow our 'puffs' indicate that our filters are cloggedHow draining and moving the lymph changes your terrainThe need to address dental work and scarsImportance of opening the nodesMasterclass on scars (see link below)Symptoms often the inability to filterThe difference between North America and Europe in how they address the big "C" with respect to lymphHow you need to be true to yourself for you health path and work with an advocateHow to connect with Kellyand more!
    Check out my store page for discounts on various products at: https://www.sovereigncollective.org/shop/
    Connect with Kelly:
    Website: www.thetruewellnesscenter.com
    Instagram: @truewellnesssglobal
    Podcast: FLOWE: Lymphatic Wisdom- Open Your Heart and Optimize Wellness
    Scar Masterclass: https://www.flowintohealth.com/conquer-your-scar-energy-blocks 
    Get Your Lymph Flowing with the FlowVibrate: https://www.flowintohealth.com/flow_vibe-1680
    Access Her Free Guide on Manual Lymphatic Drainage:  https://www.flowintohealth.com/lymph-manual-pdf-optin-page
    3 Week Lymphatic Mini C.U.R.E. Course: https://www.flowintohealth.com/3-week-mini-cure

    If you like what you heard here then please share! This podcast is being censored so it depends on people like you to spread the word.
    Are you concerned about the future of our children?
    The world needs more conscious parents. Stop raising children who need to recover from their childhoods! Get your online program chock full of interviews with world renowned experts here:

    • 1 hr 7 min
    070 - How to Win in Court - It's Easier than You Think with Dr. Frederick Graves

    070 - How to Win in Court - It's Easier than You Think with Dr. Frederick Graves

    Ok folks, in a time when we are encouraged to (and often do so) give our power over to the educators, the doctors, the 'scientists' and the lawyers because we think we aren't qualified, this interview is timely and very important.
    How many of you know of people who have spent 10's, maybe 100's of thousands of dollars on lawyer fees with no resolution and only more headaches?
    Why are so many lawyers so willing to take their clients' money without providing them with full remedy?
    It's time to take it ALL back... our parenting, the education of our children, our health and also our LEGAL matters! It's not as hard as you think, and Dr. Graves wants to teach you just how easy it is. He is tired of seeing innocent, good people getting screwed by the system.
    Dr. Graves, lawyer and former teacher, has always had a strong sense of justice and caught on very early in his career as a lawyer that there are some very basics tenets of law and justice, which led to an excellent track record for successful resolution for his clients.
    Dr. Graves has a course, at a very reasonable price that he offers so you too can be successful in court with confidence. His ultimate goal is to get this information to the children so that they can grow up understand the basics of the system to empower their lives and to avoid unnecessary harm in the court system in their adults lives.
    He's got a lot to share, and it's accessible to everyone!
    In this interview Dr. Graves shares with us:
    His background and how his late entry into law school came aboutHow all case law is simply based on storiesHow litigation is really not rocket science and how it has basic rules that anyone can learnHow you can learn the basic rules of law through is his concise courseWhy we, the people, need to take control of the judiciaryHow learning the key elements of any particular case is all you need to be successful in courtHow the Dean of the largest law school in Florida has stated that legal education is failing in the USHow Dr. Graves's unique earlier years led to his strong sense of justice and how he has always been a campaigner for the innocentThe fact that waiting for people in high places to do the right thing is an act of futilityWhy Dr. Graves looks to pre-WWI books for his legal sourcesWhy the primary principles of American justice are worth fighting for, yet most people, and even lawyers, don't know what they areIs it ever too late for recourse if a lawyer did not do his job effectively while defending you?How lawyers often don't do their jobs out of fear of offending the judgeThe fact that what he teaches in his course is not taught in law schoolWhat contempt of court is, and what it isn'tHow the law schools are no longer teaching primary principlesHow it is up to the people to learn these principlesHow to access his course (we'd appreciate if you used our affiliate link!) and leave a legacy for future generations with this basic yet profound knowledgeand more!
    If you know of anyone that is in a legal battle, or is about to enter the courts, then they need to know this information! Please pass this on so that more of us can gain greater control of our lives. It's time we keep our money in our pockets and avoid the opportunistic litigators who simply escalate the controversy to keep themselves on your payroll.
    Check out my store page for discounts on various products at: https://www.sovereigncollective.org/shop/
    Buy Dr. Graves's Course:
    If you like what you heard here then please share! This podcast is being censored so it depends on people like you to spread the word.
    Are you concerned about the future of our children?
    The world needs more conscious parents. Stop raising children who need to recover from their childhoods! Get your online program chock full of interviews with world renowned experts here:
    Email me: sascha at sovereigncollective dot org

    • 1 hr 26 min

Customer Reviews

4.8 out of 5
13 Ratings

13 Ratings

Bodjfrfhhabjgv ,

How to win in court

Over an hour of talking about why we should learn how to win in court as opposed to actually how to win in court…

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