Women's Leadership Success

Sabrina Braham MA MFT PPC
Women's Leadership Success Podcast

Since 1989, Women Business Leadership Skills and Career Development Executive Coaching Advice. Interviews with Successful Women CEOs, Managers and Entrepreneurs to Help You Influence People, Improve Performance, Get Promoted, Increase Earnings and Enhance Your Job/Life Balance

  1. AUG 20

    Microaggressions Workplace Strategies: Turning Awareness into Action & Respect

    Did you know that microaggressions in the workplace, often subtle and unintentional, can cost the U.S. workforce $450 to $550 billion in lost productivity yearly, according to Gallup? These small, seemingly insignificant actions or comments can have significant negative impacts on individuals and organizations, leading to lost productivity, low morale, and claims of a hostile work environment. The Impact of Microaggressions on the Workplace Implementing effective **Microaggressions Workplace Strategies** is crucial for mitigating these behaviors' adverse effects on individuals and organizations. Here are some key impacts to consider: Lost Productivity: Microaggressions can accumulate over time, decreasing employee engagement and productivity. When employees feel undervalued or discriminated against, their motivation and performance suffer, ultimately affecting the organization's bottom line. Low Morale: Repeated microaggressions create a toxic work environment where employees feel uncomfortable, isolated, or marginalized. This environment can result in high turnover rates as employees seek healthier, more inclusive workplaces. Claims of a Hostile Work Environment: While microaggressions may seem minor in isolation, they can contribute to a pattern of behavior that creates a hostile work environment. Over time, these incidents can become the basis for employment discrimination lawsuits, leading to financial and reputational damage. These impacts underline the importance of developing and implementing **Microaggressions Workplace Strategies** to foster a more inclusive and productive work environment.

    37 min
  2. JUL 30

    Striving for Excellence: How to Build Natural Leadership Strengths with Paralympic Gold Medalist Patricia Walsh

    This month, we revisited the inspiring journey of Patricia Walsh, a Paralympic gold medalist and accomplished tech engineer who has overcome significant challenges and achieved remarkable success. Patricia's story is a testament to the power of resilience, focus, and determination. Here are the key leadership takeaways from my conversation with Patricia, optimized to help you build natural leadership strengths. Embracing Challenges to Foster Resilience Patricia faced the profound challenge of becoming blind at the age of 14. Instead of letting her disability define her, she embraced it as part of her identity and pushed herself to achieve what many thought was impossible. This relentless pursuit of excellence has been a hallmark of her journey. Key Takeaway: Striving for excellence means embracing challenges and using them as stepping stones to reach your full potential. This mindset is crucial for anyone looking to build natural leadership strengths. Overcoming Adversity & Power Beyond Limiting Beliefs Patricia's journey is filled with instances of overcoming adversity. From completing over 20 marathons and two Ironman competitions to transitioning from a role at Facebook to a senior engineering manager position at the Lego Group, Patricia has continuously pushed the boundaries of what is possible. Key Takeaway: Overcoming adversity requires resilience, determination, and the courage to push beyond limiting beliefs. These qualities are essential for developing natural leadership strengths. Building Natural Leadership Strengths in Tech and Beyond Patricia has held significant roles in the tech industry, including her recent position at the Lego Group, where she oversaw several departments. Her leadership extends beyond managing teams; it involves creating an inclusive and supportive environment that values everyone's contributions. Key Takeaway: Effective leadership is more than just overseeing tasks; it's about fostering an environment where everyone can thrive and contribute their best. This approach is vital to build natural leadership strengths in any setting. Achieving the Impossible Patricia's sports and professional achievements highlight her ability to achieve what many thought was impossible. She holds the world record in the Ironman Triathlon and has represented Team USA as a five-time national champion and seven-time international gold medalist. Key Takeaway: Setting and achieving ambitious goals can inspire others and demonstrate that determination can make the impossible possible. This ambition is a core component of natural leadership strengths. Focusing on Leadership Strengths and Talents A significant piece of advice Patricia shares, which resonates with my coaching philosophy, is to: "focus on your strengths and talents rather than weaknesses or handicaps." This mindset has been pivotal in Patricia's success both in her athletic and professional endeavors. Key Takeaway: To have the best life and career possible, focus on leveraging your strengths and talents instead of dwelling on your limitations. This focus is fundamental to build natural leadership strengths. The Importance of Asking for and Offering Help Patricia shared insights about the importance of knowing when to ask for help and not making assumptions about others' needs. She emphasized the value of clear communication and respecting personal autonomy, which is crucial in personal and professional interactions. Sabrina's Insight: "Effective support involves asking how to help and respecting the auto...

    23 min
  3. JUL 1

    Self-Leadership Strategies for Impact and Influence

    Today, let's talk about self-leadership strategies. Do you or someone you know have these leadership issues? * How often do you make decisions based on incomplete or biased information? * Have you ever considered that your words and actions might be causing misunderstandings, confusion, or even conflict within your team? * Are you perceived as out of touch or insensitive to people's needs and concerns? * Not sure what leadership soft skill areas you need to improve? (find out below) If so, meet Richard. He graduated from an Ivy League school with many awards and patents. Richard was known for his brilliance, innovation, and ability to accomplish things, so he was on a fast track to promotion. However, Richard was about to face a challenge he had never seen coming. The Challenge Richard's boss informed him that his team was unhappy with him, perceiving him as cold and insensitive to their needs and concerns. The team was not functioning well, with a lot of conflict, and Richard was identified as part of the problem. At first, Richard was angry, believing the team had the problem, not him. He didn't understand how his behavior contributed to the team's tensions until he saw the results of a 360-degree feedback report completed by his team, peers, and boss. The report revealed that his words and actions were causing misunderstandings, confusion, and conflict. Additionally, they felt he was out of touch with or insensitive to their needs and concerns. Richard's Realization and Transformation Richard's story is not unique; many executive leaders face similar issues. Do you, or someone you know, face these challenges? This is a promotion killer! According to a 2023 report by McKinsey and Company, which surveyed 2,500 leaders, only 25% are engaged, passionate, and inspiring. People desire leaders who build respect and consider the ethical consequences of their decisions. They want leaders who inspire and develop others. Harvard Business Review found that while 95% of people believe they are self-aware, tests showed only 10% are truly self-aware. Consequences of Low Self-Awareness A leader with low self-awareness can face numerous challenges that significantly impact their effectiveness and the organization's overall health: 1. Ineffective Communication: Leaders may not realize how their actions affect others, leading to misunderstandings, confusion, and conflict within the team. 2. Limited Personal and Professional Growth: This prevents leaders from recognizing areas where they need to improve. 3. Poor Conflict Resolution: Without understanding their role in conflicts or how their behavior contributes to tensions, leaders struggle to manage and resolve issues, leading to a toxic work environment. 4. Diminished Credibility and Trust: Employees and stakeholders are less likely to trust and respect leaders who lack self-awareness, viewing them as inconsistent, hypocritical, or disconnected, which erodes credibility and authority. Self-Leadership Strategies for Building Self-Awareness How Do You Score? Find Out Below Self-awareness means understanding how we affect those around us, developing a transparent view of our strengths and shortcomings, and recognizing and controlling our emotional responses. Here are some Self-Leadership Strategies to help build self-awareness: 1. Seeking Feedback: Actively schedule meetings to seek feedback from peers, subordinates, and mentors. Ask them to rate you in different areas.

  4. MAY 7

    Effective Leadership Productivity Strategies | WLS 132 – Road to Leadership Success Series

    Welcome to the Road to Leadership Success, a resource for people who want effective leadership productivity strategies to learn faster and accomplish more. I'm Sabrina Braham, your Leadership coach. As your coach, I'm constantly looking for shortcuts to help you succeed in your life and career. If you take 10 minutes to listen to these simple and easy mind hacks, I will share, it could double your productivity. In this episode, I am going to give you two leadership essential tips: * How to overcome procrastination, distractions, and interruptions. * A scientifically proven method to increase your productivity and innovation. How often do you find yourself procrastinating on tasks or projects? How do interruptions impact your productivity daily? Are you feeling swamped by your tasks? Do you need help to keep up despite your efforts? Well, you're not alone. According to new research conducted in the US by Zippia, the average employee is productive for 2 hours and 53 minutes daily. That’s only 31% of the average 8-hour workday. Most employees feel unproductive because they spend the majority of their workday distracted. * Atlassian has discovered that the average employee is interrupted from work around 56 times a day and spends 2 hours recovering from these distractions. * How long do you think it takes to recover from a single distraction? * According to the research, Refocusing after a distraction takes an average of 23 minutes and 15 seconds. Do you have something you want to do or know you need to do but can’t figure out how to fit it into your schedule or avoid being distracted? Or Your challenge is that you are procrastinating. How much more could you get done if you weren't procrastinating, weren't interrupted, and could you stay focused?  A lot, right? Are you ready to move your productivity AND career to the next level? I've got a proven strategy for you that will enable you to seize opportunities without procrastination, interruptions, or lack of focus. The good news is that I will give you my “Improved Pomodoro Technique” today. This is a proven method for increasing focus, productivity, and creativity. Top Tech Leader Struggles With Productivity & Being Overwhelmed But first, let me tell you a story about Ava, a director in a large company who came to me for executive coaching. She was working long hours and was overwhelmed by all her projects. She was very talented, and one of her coaching goals was to increase exposure to senior management to build a brand and enhance her career. Her senior VP had been brainstorming with her to develop a new product. The meetings were exciting and productive.    Then, they took an unexpected turn. In the last month,  Brad, the director of another department, had begun collaborating with the senior VP on the same project. Now, he was talking to Brad and not to her. Her question to me was: “How can I get the senior VP  to speak and brainstorm with me again? She wanted to know how.

    14 min
  5. MAR 25

    Develop Leadership Influence: Overcoming Barriers and Cultivating Impact | Women’s Leadership 131

    Championing Gender Equality: Insights from Two Women Leaders In today's competitive business landscape, women, especially women of color, often face unique challenges on their path to develop leadership influence. Drawing from profound discussions, we delve into actionable strategies for breaking through barriers and nurturing influential leadership.   Overcoming Biases and Building Leadership Influence Join us for an insightful continuation of our interview with renowned author Shelmina Abji. Discover how to combat biases in the corporate world and leverage influence and persuasion within your organization to propel your career forward.   Shelmina Babai Abji: A Trailblazer in Leadership and Gender Equality Shelmina Babai Abji, a former IBM VP and esteemed author, is a vocal advocate for gender equality in leadership. Rising from humble beginnings in Tanzania, she shattered barriers to become one of IBM's highest-ranking women of color. With a track record of delivering over $1 billion in annual revenues, she now inspires and mentors women globally while serving on the advisory board of Girl Up. Armed with computer science and mathematics degrees, Shelmina's expertise is sought after worldwide.   Shelmina Babai AbjiTEDx speaker | Former IBM Vice President | Angel Investor | Author of Show Your Worth Overcoming Internal and External Challenges to Develop Leadership Influence (1:42) Many women face internal barriers from a lack of representation in leadership roles, leading to self-doubt and fear of failure. Additionally, biases from senior leaders can hinder opportunities for advancement. However, recognizing and confronting these challenges is the first step towards overcoming them and learning how to develop leadership influence.   Proactive Relationship Building: Nurturing Connections for Leadership Growth (3:16) Waiting for recognition isn't enough. You must proactively engage with supervisors and stakeholders, showcase your value, and initiate conversations about your achievements. Taking the lead in these interactions ensures that your contributions are acknowledged and valued, nurturing connections for leadership growth and influence.   Advocating for Yourself: Asserting Your Value in the Workplace (4:57) Acknowledging your accomplishments isn't boasting; it's necessary for career advancement. During performance reviews, confidently share your achievements to ensure they're recognized and appreciated. Don't hesitate to advocate for yourself and your contributions; this is vital in asserting your value and fostering leadership growth and influence.   Embracing Growth and Learning: Steppingstones to Leadership Development (7:00) Failure isn't the end; it's an opportunity for growth. Stepping outside your comfort zone and taking on challenges, even if you encounter setbacks, contributes to your long-term development. Embrace these experiences as valuable learning opportunities to enhance your leadership development influence, skills and impact   Tools for Impact: Strategies for Leadership Development Influence (8:23) Adopting an adventurous mindset in tackling challenges is crucial for growth. Stepping outside your comfort zone builds competence and confidence, essential qualities for effective leadership. Explore intentional growth strategies and embrace opportunities for learning and development to foster leadership growth and influence.   Personal Testimony and Empowerment: Inspiring Others to Lead (10:45) Personal stories of resilience and perseverance are potent reminders of our potential for growth and success. By sharing our experiences and insights,

    37 min
  6. MAR 4

    Overcome Leadership Self Doubt: A Tech Engineers Story to Inspire Inclusion

    How did a woman of color who grew up in poverty in Tanzania overcome leadership self-doubt and go on to become a tech leader and Vice President at IBM, even though she was a single mother and battled imposter syndrome? She changed her mindset and found her voice. When Shelmina Abji started her career, she struggled with negative mental chatter and fear of speaking up due to self-doubt. She learned to recognize this as the "voice of fear" and to amplify her "voice of courage.” This gave her empowering reasons to overcome leadership self-doubt and take action. If you want to build your skills and competencies to advance your leadership and career, but you have negative mental chatter, fear of speaking up, and want to overcome leadership self-doubt. You will love this compelling interview. Join me and Shelmina today in one of my most important and impactful interviews. You will get actionable tips for any leader to advance, especially if you are in tech, are a person of color, or have negative self-talk.  Shelmina Babai Abji TEDx speaker | Former IBM Vice President | Angel Investor | Author of Show Your Worth Shelmina Babai Abji: A Journey of Empowerment Shelmina is a renowned speaker, author, and former IBM VP who has dedicated her life to fostering gender equality in leadership. From humble beginnings in Tanzania, she embarked on a journey to break barriers and create opportunities for herself and others. Starting her career as an underrepresented woman in the male-dominated tech industry, Shelmina rose through the ranks, becoming one of the highest-ranking women of color at IBM. Her leadership transformed teams and businesses, delivering over $1 billion in annual revenues and fostering high client satisfaction and team morale. Driven by her passion for gender equality, Shelmina now speaks at global platforms, including TEDx, and mentors women to achieve their full potential. She serves on the advisory board of Girl Up, a global initiative empowering girls to lead the charge for gender equality. With computer science and mathematics degrees, Shelmina is a product of extensive leadership training at IBM and Harvard, positioning her as a sought-after expert in leadership and empowerment. Women’s Leadership Success #130 Summary: How to Overcome Leadership Self-Doubt * Overcoming poverty and pursuing education.12:07 * Shelmina shares her inspiring journey from humble beginnings in Tanzania to becoming a successful author and leader. * Determined to lift her family from poverty, she led them to pursue higher education in India and the US despite financial challenges. * Overcome leadership self-doubt and fear of speaking up in the workplace.16:42 * Shelmina shares her story of overcoming mental chatter and imposter syndrome to pursue a career in...

    25 min
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Since 1989, Women Business Leadership Skills and Career Development Executive Coaching Advice. Interviews with Successful Women CEOs, Managers and Entrepreneurs to Help You Influence People, Improve Performance, Get Promoted, Increase Earnings and Enhance Your Job/Life Balance

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